What are you playing today?

What are you playing today?

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With my dick.

just like yesterday

Smash Ultimate and NiGHTS into Dreams.

>a deal is a deal user

Deal or No Deal

I like it when anime girls make those faces.

I completed Blaster Master Zero 2

You know the bargain.

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cant find shit with this cropped bullshit

Was it funner than the first? I keep starting the first Zero and end up dropping it half way through

Ace Attorney Dual Destinies, seems okay so far, really hope they stop showing me the culprit right at the beggining of the case after the second case. Speaking of which I kinda prefer the slideshow case introductions of the ds games, these animated ones are okay but dont feel as stylised-

Your ass, OP.


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I think it's better on pretty much every level

>Dissida NT(Free)

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I wanna fuck BB

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Skin too dark, lighter would be better



>forgetting the females with fair skin
It is you who is the homos.



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>not liking both