What are you playing this weekend?
What games are you looking forward to?
>Parasite Eve
>Ion Maiden, Wrath
What are you playing this weekend?
What games are you looking forward to?
>Parasite Eve
>Ion Maiden, Wrath
olde meme
I feel sick and have a migraine, I'm dying user.
>he plays unfinished games
DMC5, trying to clear Hell and Hell, after that it's Sekiro time.
What a great year this has been for vidya.
Grim Dawn, Hollow Knight and Synthetik.
I should get around to finishing my play of Darkest Dungeon too, but eh.
I look forward to nothing; hope is the first step on the long road to disappointment.
Grim Dawn is getting an expansion soon, though.
>What are you playing this weekend?
the guild, caesar 3, civ 4
>What games are you looking forward to?
the sweet release of death
>FFXIV, Octopath, Apex Legends, Overwatch, Borderlands: TPS
>Code Vein, Daemon x Machina
played about 10 hours of sekiro but I'm starting to get bored. thinking about going back to dmc. feeling empty inside. I just want bannerlord to come out so I can finally pass on
Ace Combat 7
I only have 2 other games installed and both are unfortunately dead
Populous: The Beginning, fuck you it's been years and I want to sink some landmasses into the ocean again.
Started playing DmC: Devil May Cry because I got a key from a key thread awhile back and haven't played anything in the franchise. Pretty fun, but the story is absolute ass and so is Dante. Not a big fan of BLUE KILL BLUE and RED KILL RED, but hopefully the rest of the franchise isn't that way.
Excited for The Outer Worlds, looks bretty fun
I also suffer from empty feeling when playing games.
>playing video games
Nigger I have a paper due for monday but because I'm going to meet a couple friedns tomorrow I need to finish that shit today.
Only reason I'm here is because of the VTMB2 announcement of yesterday.
fuck videogames, who has time?
>Nigger I have a paper due for monday
nigga this is the 25+ thread I don't care if you fell for the "go back to college" meme take this schoolboy shit to the 22- thread
Played through fragile dreams and it was really good. Atmosphere is amazing.
Waiting for sekiro torrent to finish, currently playing Obscure 2 and the godfather on the wii. Obscure 2 is kinda shit but still okay enough to play through just for some of the locations and godfather is okay I suppose, I like the lock on aiming but not really into gta clones 2bh.
Shit game but it keeps me in touch with my friends, some of them i’ve known for 10+ years.
>play dota
>meet friends
>they invite me to come over
>meet their friends
>one of them is a grill
>she is a 6/10 but has big tits
>we fuck
>tfw dota indirectly made me score
I'm in my final year of uni though.
>What are you playing this weekend?
Well I beat DMC5 already so not that. I just tried out Mega Man 11 again but dropped it because it wasn't fun. Maybe I'll but in klanoa, kameo or doom next. 'm pretty depress because I was just about to start my first day at my waygee job today and got a call from my boss telling me that their has been a freeze on hires so not to come in.
>What games are you looking forward to?
Shenmue 3 i guess
>ut hopefully the rest of the franchise isn't that way
it's not. You're playing a failed attempt at a reboot of the series. The main canon is much better. it doesn't have the color coated enemy shit
Im scared of losing my health insurance once i turn 26
Testing around my own if that counts
take advantage of it while you have it, get a thorough exam, both body and dental, so it'll tide you over until you get a job and can pay for your own. best advice i can give you.
None, my mate fucked my wasd hand while we were on the piss last night.
>can't decide whether to play some Hotel Dusk or watch Eureka Seven
Played some Endless Legend MP earlier today, will continue tomorrow. That game is really as good or better as the mainline Civilization series, it's almost a crime that it's a relatively unknown title. Also while waiting to continue it I'll probably read/watch/play more of Steins;Gate ELITE.
>Dragon Quest 11
unemployed for a year, no degree, 34, got a couple certificates to get hired but too anxious to deal with interviews. Afraid I'll get a job and fuck it up in 2 months.
Playing DMC1 on Steam. Looking forward to SMT5 hopefully hear more about it soon.
Going through NG on DS3. Realised I had to do Grand Archives again and suddenly lost all motivation.
Gonna see how bad Far Cry 5 runs on my system, got that super cheap in the latest sale.
Play Hotel Dusk
And you're old
Trying to git gud in XCOM 2. Maybe I'll try out Into The Breach or Hollow Knight.
I'm really tempted to pick up Diablo 1 from GOG, just for the nostalgia trip.
WoW nigger faggots
I tried to play it again year ago. Game is still good but the grinding is not for me anymore.
Ya got me user.
How's Last Window? Worth playing? Hotel Dusk is surprisingly great.
DMC5, Overlord, thinking about jumping back into FF14
looking forward to MK11
Feels really similar to Hotel Dusk but I loved it, I played it years after Hotel Dusk though so I don't know how it compares when you play them back-to-back. Def try it though
You should also play Trace Memory
30 here. So far this year I played Remake2 and Onimusha remaster which were great and Metro Exodus which was OK but felt pretty... meh. I don't know why but modern games always turn into a chore to beat. There's basically nothing I'm looking forward to other than CP2077.
I'm actually emulating PS2 games right now and they're good fun. I'm playing SMT Nocturne right now and while it's hard and there are things that annoy me about it because of limitations at the time, it's still really compelling and interesting to play through. it's hard to explain why but there's a charm to it that shines through in the world design and game play. It feels like it accomplishes what it was designed to do, and feels like it was made by people who really poured their heart and soul into it, I love games like that. I just don't get this feeling from the majority of modern games which is depressing.
huur duur
26. Playin' some Mech Warrior Online with some giant, stompy robots.