What's the best controller for PC?

What's the best controller for PC?

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I've been using a DualShock 4 since selling my ps4 in 2016 and I've gotta say it's the best controller I've ever used. With ds4windows you can do macros too so those are pretty handy in some games.

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Dualshock 4

I kinda want to buy a steam controller for shooters but idk

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xbox 360 controller (rip)

the wired wii u pro controllers are pretty good also ive heard

The Bone. At first it feels kinda cheap but as you play for longer sessions you can appreciate how ergonomic it is. Analog sticks are improved since the 360 iteration and allow for finer movements. And most new games auto configure with it anyway.


DS4 is the best universal controller for PC use. Stick position allows to dpad usage for 2D games and emulating old vidya, and the stick is in an acceptable position for using for 3D games

Xbone and DS4 are both extremely comfortable to use. Xboner controller has overall more compatibility with games though.

has to be the xbone

doesnt hurt that it just werks

>Stick position allows to dpad usage for 2D games and emulating old vidya
I meant dpad position

she looks like she fucks black guys

switch pro controller

I broke the RT on the controller in the middle of AC7 campaign. And now I think to buy a 360 controller.

wired xbox 360 controller is kino

I'd use the xbox 360 controller for most applications and a wii classic controller for retro games

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For most PC games: Xbone controller
For emulated/2d games: Wii U Pro controller

Forgot to add though, the easiest way to get a Wii U Pro controller up and running on PC is with a 3rd party wireless USB adapter. This shows the Pro Controller as an Xbox controller to the PC.

My nigga

This controller is outdated beyond belief.

It has those crappy PS2 analog sticks, which aren't even good and have a weird layout.

Xbone controller is objectively the best

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The 360's sticks suck ass compared to DS4. I had to use one for Sekiro for a couple hours before I got my DS4 working and the difference was like night and day.
Maybe Xbone controller is better but I haven't tried it

Xbone. I would say Switch Pro but I could never get it to work via bluetooth.

This. I use my DS4 with emulators as well as newer games, and it perform really well.

>With ds4windows you can do macros too so those are pretty handy in some games.
curious, name some please

has anyone used these? are they any good or just a meme? sounds pretty good on paper desu

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Is it normal for f310's D-pad to rotate slightly? Its my first non-keyboard controller, so I'm not sure if it's some ergonomic "feature" or a manufacturing flaw. Doesn't feel very useful.

xbone by far

Real talk, but how do people play on a keyboard? How would you be able to reach 1-5 without lifting your hand off WASD?

Real talk, but how do people play on a controller? How would you be able to reach B without lifting your thumb off A?

This beautiful bastard

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On controller you can press 6 buttons while manipulating the sticks, and lift your thumbs off the sticks to access 8 additional buttons, 4 on each side.
On keyboard you can only press 2 buttons while pressing WASD and 2-4 buttons on mouse while aiming with it, but you get like 80 extra buttons you can press when you let go of WASD for a second.
Mouse you can aim much more precisely but controller you can move 360 degrees and slow-move by pushing the stick down only partway. Also triggers can be pushed down only partway.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both

Won't that one second get you killed in multiplayer/competitive games on a keyboard?

I use a wireless 360 controller for everything

Xbox 360 wire it in

>2 buttons while pressing wasd

Your index finger can easily hit 4, 5, r, t, f, g, v, and b while you're still on wasd. Probably c as well if you really want. 8-9 buttons without even considering mouse buttons is kind of a lot.

No, I exaggerate, it's not that long. Also if you are playing a shooter on controller against other people who're using a mouse you are automatically at a big disadvantage. The best solution would be like a nunchuck with a clickable stick + 4 shoulder buttons (one maybe two triggers) for movement and a mouse for aiming

DS4 absolutely if you can deal with fucking about with compatibility issues that may or may not happen
If that stuff is too much for you to handle then Xbox controllers

What if you want to strafe right and do it at the same time though? You need 3 fingers to fully manipulate WASD at any given time. Like you would never have your ring finger on W and your middle finger on D while you used your index finger for some other button

And I listed the 8-9 buttons easily pressed at any time without ever removing your other 3 fingers from wasd.

The dualshock hurts my hands after a few hours, otherwise it's perfect. The chubby 360 controller never did. I'd say go for xbone one if you don't want gyro. Don't get DS4 if you're not using wired all the time, the shitty touchpad could drain a car battery in minutes.

I know. I'm just saying you can only press two of them at a time because you only have two digits left unoccupied by WASD

or I can just use the Razer naga and get 12 additional buttons that I can customize to any other key on the keyboard.

It also depends on the game, fuck I still use my logitech extreame pro joystick that I bought from circuit city to play ace combat 7. Keyboard and mouse is more natural for Skyrim, but playing Witcher and or Dark Souls is right at home with an xbox controler.

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A good trackball is about as good as a mouse. The best option would be a trackball controller

for light gun games I use my super scope

the only competitive games kb/m arent better for are fighting games and sports games if those even count

realistically youll use wasd and every key 2-3 keys away from it
youre not gonna reach for the l key in combat

these would be fine if they made OEM ones still

Steam Controller

I used a Logitech F710 for six years. I just got an Xbone controller a week ago very cheap and now I'm gonna sell the Logitech. Its honestly the best controller I've ever hekd, better than 360, any DualShock, or Switch Pro.

Can you compete in shooters with the thumb trackpad vs people using a mouse?

I have an afterglow i got at gamestop for $20 and its actually held up really well, as good as my OEM ones except the vibration is a bit more aggressive i think

arcade stick
iidx cab

Interesting, but wouldn’t just using the right joycon’s gyro for aiming be more comfortable?
Or better yet, just a fucking M+K?

Better than any other controller IMO. Steam controller has a very weird break in period per-game, but being able to customize the feedback pretty much whenever you want for whatever you want on the controller is fucking amazing. I think out of all the controller options it's the closest that comes to using KB/M.

keyboards are not meant for gaming desu

As an former Xbox owner I went with the DS4 and never looked back. Sticks are more precise, d-pad is much better, touch screen is cool, can even use it to control my mouse when I’m afk. The face buttons on the 360 controller are too hard to push down for faster action games that require precision inputs. The 360 controller was made for halo; they put the analog stick in the wrong place so shooters would be easier. However on pc, you have mouse and keyboard, you dont need some Frankenstein controller anymore, just get the one that’s actually optimized for games that are meant for a controller and then you just use the mouse and keyboard for shooters anyway.

You can but because you and the people you play against have used kbm for a long time it will also take some time for you to get on their level.

ps4 with xbox elite back buttons

Not the other user but DS4windows (especially the currently updated fork) has quite a lot of options you can play with in regards to macros and the touchpad (or even the gyro). I've personally not messed with it as I have no need but pic related is one of the options screens from the software.

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I had an old one like that with orange trim and a D-pad and I never used it. The buttons felt like shit. Maybe it was just that old model though

Back when I was a kid/teen I played everything with a keyboard, even zsnes or early ps1/n64 emulators. Gamepads for PC sucked until the "360 controller for Windows" came out.

Pic related. You need an adapter to connect it to USB but it's so fucking worth it.

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Is there a way to macro keys on a keyboard? Like I want to macro X+D on the A key for Resident Evil 4?

Extend your ring or index fingers. It's mostly muscle memory so you get a lot faster at it.

Lmao you can’t find a use for macros? Ever played gta5? You know those long phone menues that take forever to get through. Know why I had a 10 K/D and always had steroids in a fight that I could activate instantly? Remember that phone call to get the cops to go away? Remember the food? What if you could instantly eat enough food to fill your health with a single press of a button? Macros, my friend. Macros make any game with a shitty UI massively more manageable. Being able to drop health instantly and instantly drop steroids to use makes gta5 almost unfair for the rest of the plebs.
So yeah, macros are useful.

If you're playing the only good fighting game out right now ( Tekken 7 ) then a hitbox.
Anything else, mouse and keyboard. If a game doesn't support them try a different game.

ps4 controller is better for my thin fingers and i'm more accustomed to it so ya DS4.

i do like the xbox one controller but it's a bit of a boat in my palms but the triggers make me wet like a samoan canoe instructor

>only good fighting game out right now ( Tekken 7 )


Go on I'm listening.

> Ever played gta5?
I only play good games, so my experience with GTA5 is limited.

Everyone who posted c*nsole controllers can fuck right off.

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I thought Razer products were terrible?

Why, prey tell, should they fuck off?

Well gta isn’t the only game with a shitty UI. Any game that has actual features hidden behind an unreasonable amount of actions can be simplified with macros. RTS games with convoluted building menus, fighting games with those stupid LEFT RIGHT LEFT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT LEFT X TO PERFOMR A DROPKICK, now you just press one button.

Because all c*nsole controllers (aside from PS2) are absolute trash.

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You don't.

They're not terrible, just often overpriced for what they are. They're sort of the Apple of the "gayman" world. As are Alienware.

Holy shit I've used this before or something that looked just like it over 10 years ago. I never expected to see it again.

Objectively wrong. Just because you haven't owned a console controller ever since the DS2 doesn't make them all trash. Next.

yes google it, it’s as easy as opening a .bat file and literally typing out the sequence of events you want. You’ll find a quick tutorial on how to write a simple macro and then you’ll be able to make them yourself

Okay hear me out here, this is important. You use mouse and keyboard for FPS, RTS, etc., a playstation controller for shmups, puzzle games and fighting games if you can't afford a stick and an XBox or whatever controller for 3D adventure type of games and platformers. How does that sound?

Mice can have 14 keys on them.

Shut up.

>DS4W can do macros
holy shit, thanks for the heads-up, mate

The DS4 is better for those adventure games IMO. D-pad gets more use in 3rd person games

the rules are, if it's got shooting in it, you use a mouse, if it's in third person, you use a stick, if it's got both you stay the fuck away

I still use mine after 10+ years.

I gave the Xcucks360 controller a try and my hands were hurting after 30 minutes of using it. Returned that shit the next day.
Hands were hurting with the Xbone controller as well (albeit after more than an hour) when I tried it out at my friend's place.

>that horrible decision you have to make on adventure games with shooting mechanics when deciding whether or not to use the keyboard or the controller
Dark souls especially. Eventually went with the controller but I saw the merit in using a mouse to troll with the greatbow

>dark souls
at least you can easily go without it there
try dragon's dogma with a yellow vocation

or you just use a wii pro controller for everything but FPS and RTS

>I tried two Xbox controllers and disliked them
>therefore, all console controllers are trash

lmao ok

Playstation shitters are the fucking worst, no one likes symmetrical sticks, no one.

>I gave the Xcucks360 controller a try and my hands were hurting after 30 minutes of using it. Returned that shit the next day.
>Hands were hurting with the Xbone controller as well (albeit after more than an hour) when I tried it out at my friend's place.
you sound like a huge faggot.

asymmetrical sticks means you have a garbage dpad. a good dpad for emulation is half the reason you'd want a controller in the first place.

>symmetrical sticks
you're a retard.

I like them.

>asymmetrical sticks means you have a garbage dpad.
most people don't really need dpads m8, even if your trying to emulate something, the reality is asymmetrical sticks are simply more enjoyable for any game that needs sticks. :)
>I like them
that's co

the only advantage of asymmetrical sticks is in shooting games, which is an obsolete advantage on PC. every Xbox shooter is better with a mouse and keyboard so there’s no need for a jack of all trades. The DS4 is objectively better for adventure games and action games which is all you need it for on PC

Every 7th gen controller and beyond (excluding PS3) has been made too flat to be comfortable. Unfortunately, ALL c*nsoles continue this trend.

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>I have pathetic hands

Steam Controller>WiiU Pro>DS4>Xbone

i would use my dualshock 3 in in my left hand and mouse in right hand for games that support it
I believe far cry 2 did but far cry 3 did not
some games dont have on the fly switching
I kept a controller at the ready for the driving sections in GTA V


Compelling argument, user. Allow me to retort.


I have one of those, it's shit. try a real controller

>most people don't really need dpads m8
most 3d games play better with m+kb than with sticks
and most 2d games play better with a dpad
asymmetric sticks cater to no niche

Or that, it's not like there's a lack of options.

I've been trying something like this for years.
The advantages of a mouse for shooters and the advantages of a controller for sitting on the TV without a bulky keyboard.
Where you really able to connect it to a PC ?

There are these transformer controllers that allow both configurations.

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expensive, yes, but it's fantastic

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>those marks around the d-pad

Wouldn't that make more sense around the stick? Looks like they wanted to make symmetrical sticks but then changed their mind last second.

Is that the one with backflaps?

now the only problem is those obese face buttons that take a damn sledgehammer to push down consistently


works fine on my machine

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Guys how do I get my switch pro controller to work on PC?

Funny you should ask. I literally yesterday got an Xbone controller. I used it last night for a bunch of games, and holy shit. The controller is fuckin' great. The D-pad clicks on each of the four cardinal directions, which is great for some, but a turn off for others, so, take that for what you will. I think it's great. The sticks are concave which I like, and the triggers are shaped really comfy. The whole controller fits in your hands very well. The back of the controller is textured, and physically feels really good. Has a good weight as well.

I probably sound like I'm shilling, but honest to goodness, this is my favorite controller of all time.

It might also just be the honeymoon phase and I might think it's awful two months from now. I don't know.

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Google it retard

I did but I'm retarded.

>On keyboard you can only press 2 buttons while
pressing WASD
This is retarded, due to the nature of keyboard, having to press a large combination of keys would be counter-intuitive to its benefits, why use a combination when a large number of things can be easily and instantly accessible with its many keys, a lot of pc games were designed with that in mind too, it is better to have a larger number of keys easily accessible than relying on redundant combinations on m+kb.

t. seething Xfag

open the computercase
put it inside the computer
The computer should get familiar with it after a couple of days, if it doesn't work try splashing some water inside so they get moist and comfy


This, too bad you guys arent obsessive fanboys enough to actually try hard to shill the answer like the ponies are.

My buttons on my xbox one controller started sticking after 60 hours. Shit sucks.

what were you using before?
I've been using my ps3 controller for ages and I thought it was perfectly fine, guess I'm just used to it
worried about it shitting the bed and having to track down another one not worn to shit
was looking at the xbone controller but might wait to see what the new consoles bring

Good job homunculus

The only weird thing about Logitech Rumblepad 2 is that it has sqaure thumbstick holes, they feel kinda weird. Oh, also it's an older pad, so it doesn't have Xinput

Man I had a 360 controller for 10 years, I must have dropped it 150 times.
just now said goodnight, it stayed strong until the end. him was a fighter, and a patriot.

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Enjoy your shitty face buttons sticking after a few months, enjoy having games like DMC be impossible to play well because the fucking face buttons cannot be pressed in a fast and efficient way. DS4 face buttons are fucking perfection, just fucking choice. Easily pressed down, last for years, switching between style, melee, and gun attacks has never been easier. I dropped xbone controller for good after trying to play DMC4 with one. It’s only in games that really require you to push your dexterity to the limits that you realize how fucking awful those Xbox face buttons are

The dpad itself is the only part I don't like about DS4. It points to diagonals too easily.

Too bad there's no Dualshock pad with PS Vita style dpad, that shit is mechanical.

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In my experience the dpads in logitech gamepads have always had this problem.

I will never understand why manufacturers are STILL not making the d-pad individual buttons. Can someone please explain this shit to me?

Switch does that and everyone hates it. Dpad works because you rock a single button into different directions, and you're unable to press opposing directions at the same time.
When properly designed, dpad will never cause accidental strays into wrong direction.

You can go diagonal more easily if the pieces are linked together

>STILL not making the d-pad individual buttons

What do you mean? Why would you want that? Typically a D-pad is 4 switches with a cross on top. Why would you want them to be individual buttons like the switch? That shit sucks.

the ds1 dpad is not individual buttons. What on earth.

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>making the d-pad individual buttons.

Everyone fucking hates the Joycon 'dpad'

But what games would be best for this?

How is it? I want one if it's good

I went through two nagas before getting a g600 and never looking back. the worst was having to re calibrate it all the time. never had to do that with the g600.

Maybe it's because I never use the d-pad for movement, especially if I need diagonal movement, but I hate the d-pad being a single piece. This is what the analog stick was made for IMO. I only use the d-pad for secondary controls like cycling items or going through menus.

>what is reading comprehension

>>what is reading comprehension

So what did you mean? You asked why arent manufacturers making D-pads separate buttons. When have they EVER made them perpetrate buttons besides the switch?

Not nearly enough buttons. Pic related, though.

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wii u pro controller is best by far

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>Maybe it's because I never use the d-pad for movement


Don't think it's released yet, I'm also awaiting reviews before buying.

The fact that I want manufacturers to change their d-pad design does not imply that I believe they used to make them separate pieces before. Are you mentally challenged?

>Maybe it's because I never use the d-pad for movement,
>Feels that his opinion on the dpad is worth shit

>uses d-pad for movement next to an analog stick
>thinks his opinion on literally anything is worth shit

Should I get the switch pro controller

The xbox 360 pad is garbage, don't @ me

>Analog stick
>For movement on a 2D plane

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Why is it better than the switch pro?

if you're on linux, i use the ps4 controller as it just werks

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I like the Xbox 360 and One controllers, personally.

Switch Pro if you have the extra 10 bucks


le 8bitdo pro

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>playing 2d games

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>8th generation of consoles
>2D plane

Yeah man the d-pad should be fucked up for that 1 2D game that came out this entire generation because you can't comprehend that an analog stick is better at movement regardless of the game's dimensionality.

analog sticks on this are garbage

Steam Controller if you're not a brainlet

I’ve never used it sorry.

What's the point of gaming on Linux

>that 1 2D game that came out this entire generation
Hollow Knight was the only 2D game to come out this gen? Weird I remember playing at least 15 more

Hello woolie


Razer makes great stuff except headphones.
Never go near their headphones.
I'd buy their Xbone controller if it wasn't twice as expensive as getting a custom one from Microsoft.


is that your girlfriend’s knife lmao


So you can't comprehend that an analog stick is better at movement regardless of the game's dimensionality?


do you think Sony will ever update the DS4 again to have a better battery life?

>RE4-esque QTE happens

Try playing a fighting game that requires precision input to perform advanced moves

>Lock-blade knife that you can't close with one hand


Console peasants really do have brain damage.

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it's actually better than windows these days

>an analog stick is better at movement regardless of the game's dimensionality?
Much easier to make quick and accurate directional changes with a dpad

steam controller since you can remap any button you want with simple or complex macros, and the touch pads in joystick mode are better than stix by a mile

Attached: steam controller.jpg (269x187, 6K)

>he thinks it is natural and egomaniac to lift your fingers off the movement keys to hit far away keys such as backspace, enter, F keys, 6-0

Not everyone is mentally ill like you. Some people want to play comfortable and not develop fingers and hand problems such as tendonies and carpal tunnel syndrome.

I thought this thing was just a meme

>those face buttons
you building a Tower of Babel or do you plan on actually pressing those huge face buttons? Why on earth people design face buttons in a massive bubble shape is beyond my comprehension, everyone should have copied the ps2 controller and never looked back.

>Not everyone is mentally ill like you.
says the person that can't fathom how you use a keyboard.

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>ps2 guitars in 20fucking19
get with the times gramps, wiitar+raphnet is the future

Yea man, I can't fathom it either since a keyboard is meant for typing not gaming.

Does anyone feel like a DS4 has a tighter feel when using the thunbsticks? Even when using my Xbone controller on PC with the same deadzone as the DS4, it doesn't feel tight.

>such as backspace, enter, F keys, 6-0
What games use those buttons in standard gameplay? Not counting WASD for movement you have 23 buttons easily accessible for use

I thought so too until I got used to it. the touch pad in "mouse" mode is definitely a meme and I've never got used to it, but in joystick mode you have more fine grain control than an actual joystick. plus is use a lot of macros for souls and witcher. the back paddles can mode switch too which swaps the keymap of anything else on the controller to anything you want while the back paddle is being held.

Sounds bretty good. I wish console makers would try to innovate more when it comes to controllers, it's been the same basic design for almost 25 years now and it took Steam of all companies to try and change something when it comes to controllers.

The DS4 analog sticks are just extremely precise. You can check out the visualization in the DS4windows screen and see for yourself just how ridiculously precise they are. The slightest movement humanely imaginable is picked up with perfect precision

>have three
>RB on the first stopped working
>where the wire connects to the top is loose and keeps flickering between plugged in and not on the second
>RB on the third is getting finicky now, and the LB is starting to go too

I can't keep buying these things and I don't like the DS4. Should I just get the bobe elite? I'm worried it won't work with older games that auto-detect the 360. Assassin's Creed 2 didn't work with third party controllers because it reads the triggers as an axis for some bullshit reason

OP checking back.

I see some of you guys saying Xbone, but the problem I have with getting a Xbone controller is that Microjew makes you keep having to buy AA Batteries or buy their charge kit.

Dual Shock 4 has built in rechargable battery + touchpad. The only thing Xbone has over DS4 is the Windows compatibility without having to use 3rd party programs to run it for non-steam games.

So yeah, then again I'm not looking to pay $30-$40 bucks for wither Xbone or DS4 because I'm a cheapo.

I was looking at this Wii U Pro controller. It has bluetooth, it recharges when plugged in with built in batteries. I'm thinking about just buying this in pic.

Attached: Wii U pro controller.png (1114x634, 485K)

steam has its own automatic controller support, there’s a list of setups for each game and you choose the one you like.

this pad is authentically terrible and i feel bad for people who actually think it's good. Horrible Dpad, horrible analogue sticks, all buttons mushy.

>have a razor naga chroma
>does this bullshit where if I bump it the mouse freezes for fifteen seconds

My 15$ logitech is the best mouse I've ever owned.

Best selling controller of all time. Cope.

>being this retarded
just play on a keyboard and you'll see or watch someone play SC2 or something like that you fuck

It has a strange layout imo but some people swear by it. I prefer the Xbone controller simply because it has the best bluetooth compatibility. I prefer switch pro on the same layout but it's a pain in the ass to get it to connect wirelessly and the different button prompts are really fucking annoying.

Yeah I got this, solid and reliable, good dpad, they got the spring strength of the joysticks perfect too, not too loose, not too tight

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>no rumble
It is inferior.

Agree with the RB stuff, that is a HUGE flaw. The clicking shit only makes it have a low time spam, since unlike the others, it can't be fixed as easily as changing a rubber.

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Autohotkey can do that and a ton of other shit.

KB/M is the objectively superior input system assuming you're equally experienced with both for must competitive games.

Yeah I know, I hate it because I can't disable it and it keeps intercepting my button presses to take screenshots

Legitimate question, why use a hitbox when you can accomplish the exact same thing using a keyboard?

>asd = left down right
>Space = up
>,./ = bottom row
>kl; = top row

it's a shame that its so hit or miss whether they work without a second though when playing almost any game. xbone controller is flawless in regard. ds4, even with ds4windows or inputmapper, is some bullshit. connecting the controller only to have the camera spinning around a bunch is sooo frustrating that I'm just like fuck it and switch back to Xbox controller.

>bought a snes-shaped usb controller
>pc reads the d-pad as a joystick axis

what can I do about this shit, why the hell would it set up that way

I can't stand this controller. I bought it for the D-Pad but it's so stiff it fucking hurts my thumb. I never had a SNES growing up though, I'm used to Sega's god-tier D-Pads which feel fantastic.

using flydigi apex. it's preddi gud.

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What's a good usb cable for xbone ? None of the ones I could get on amazon ladted, and the official one didn't last very long either
I'm using my ps3 controller now when I need one on PC but I'd like to have a separate controller for both
Should I just get a bluetooth thingy so I can use the xbone controller wireless?

>nobody makes a portrait version or 360 version of a cradle to play ds games on phone
Phonejoy had it going but they went out of business.

>playing games that require sticks
What a faggot

symmetrical or asymmetrical joysticks?

I had both Xbox 360 and PS3 back in the day, do it doesn't matter to me. I just want to play emulatots and pirated games.

>being this fucking dumb

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Thats different for different games, like dark souls and so games want wii u pro controller, shooters wants steam controller and so on.

I was super interested in this until I found out its not a fully analog stick

>HK fags in charge of not being homosexual redditors

witcher 3 is way better with kb/m than a controller

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Either one. I like the DS4 because you can plug and charge it, but the symmetrical sticks are kinda shit. Get whichever one you can find cheaper.

Attached: stadia-controller-2.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

>Bumpers are starting to die on my three year old XBone controller
>Right as Sekiro comes out
>Only other controller I have is

Attached: FUCK.png (250x235, 88K)

Mouse and keyboard or xbox360, depending on game. Some games like GTAV work best with both.

Attached: noir.png (1024x682, 373K)


That d-pad looks somehow worse than a 360 dpad. I'm not even sure how the fuck they managed this. Unless its built incredibly well I feel bad for anyone who gets this shit for their first gaming console.

Keep seething.

Attached: 461375-h1.jpg (1920x1080, 472K)


DS4 all the way. Even better than the DS2. Wii/Wii U Pro Controller is right up there, tho.

>Even better than the DS2
>worse dpad
>worse sticks
>huge touchpad in the middle

where's your gun, fag

never been able to get this to work, joycons connected to pc isn't compatible with any game I've tried without having a pair of them connected together which I also haven't been able to make work either.

>have ds3 and ds4, had xbox 360 wireless
>sold 360, it wasn't bad, it felt nice and sturdy, but i saw no reason to use it over ds3
>got ds4, ds4 is great and it surely improves from ds3 design
>mostly using ds3 now because ds4 driver requires removing device in windows bluetooth settings whenever i restart pc

all of the gamepads are fine for me. if i'd have to pick one 'objectively best' gamepad specifically for pc, i'd consider either xbone for flawless driver support or ds4 for overall feel.