Imagine spending thousands of hours in a video games literally no one cares except pinoys and russians.
A game so stupidly unfair in its very core you'll maybe get considered good after 2000hrs and 3 years of experience.
A game that was slaughtered by valve stupid decisions while crack addicts (sorry, dotards) will still defend it because they can get nice numbers on their Dota+ monthly subscription and also p2w queue
A game dead in the west, dead for casuals except for auto chessers who will jump into the standalone version so dota will plumet at 400k peak again.
Imagine spending thousands of hours in a video games literally no one cares except pinoys and russians
Imaging liking a game
>t. Invoker mid spammer
Git gud, lmao
I don't have to imagine I spent collectively 7000 hours play time on this piece of shit. I have nothing but shame.
>A game dead in the west
Кoмy нe пoхyй?
Let me guess you play league, the greatest videogame of all time
why is this game so fucking slow
t. HotS pro
There's no way this game not gonna be a new StarCraft 2
I played 50hrs of League, then started dota around 2015, spent 3k hours on it
>7.xx dota
the game is a retarded HOTS tier hero brawler nowadays. nothing but team fights post 10 minutes and the game ending within 20 minutes.
the movements are slow as fuck because of the turn rates
projectiles are slow as fuck too
>started dota around 2015
What a newfag.
Turn rates are to balance ranged heroes.
Imagine spending those 7000hours in any other lucrative or creative activity.
Boy it hurts
This post was eye opening to me. Guess it's time for a change.
What should I play next, Yea Forums?
HoN was better but sadly FB studios are retarded
Pre-official release dota 2 was kino. The visuals are great, there's so much effort put into all the characters who are all memorable and likable and most importantly the game was FUN. It was the last good valve game, and easily one of the best ganes ever made period. I wish I could relive those golden years 2011-2013 RIP dota 2
Imagine if I had've spent those 7000 hours just watching TV or just being content instead. Even that would've been a more productive use of my time.
Avoid all competitive esports meme games from now on. They're all fucking garbage and attract literally the most braindead autistic people on earth. Play basically anything else.
tbl xyn
Balance them in a different way then, like melee heroes having mobility skills. There's no excuse to have turn rates these days.
If I had've known what this game was going to turn into I would have never started it.
Comfy sp games
Like factorio, kenshi
Or getting gud in a fightan like smash or MK if you still want MP
what's a pinoy
DOTA is more heavily geared towards itemisation. There's items that handle the issue of mobility.
People will meme you but 7.00 was a fucking knife to the guts
t. NA dota
A phillipino. Actually the only country on earth where dota is the #1 mp game somehow
The saddest part of all is that you can tell just how many of the decent veteran players have left this game. The game is full of fucking idiots now. It was NEVER this bad years ago.
>waaah SEAmonkeys and russians are so bad!!
>gets buttblasted by aforementioned retards
that makes you lower then them, OP
ayy lmao
EUW is worse. We get autistic canadians, americans, chinks, african and middle eastern niggers, white nigger gypsy slavs
what sort of monkey logic is this
>4k hrs in game
>virtually no solo queue, only full stacks of friends
>none of those friends talk to me anymore
heh, yeah i- guess it was just a waste of time...
Where did I said sea and russia were bad?
>A game so stupidly unfair in its very core you'll maybe get considered good
Git gud.
>A game dead in the west, dead for casuals
That's a good thing.
They are bad though. Literally subhuman monkeys who need to get al-noor'd
>>A game dead in the west, dead for casuals
>That's a good thing.
Nice job reading half his sentence you literally brain damaged retard.
Red day today user?
>Win 20 out of 22 games
>Those 2 losses were enough to zap my interest because of just how frustrating and drawn out the losses were
It's like the game is actually designed to make you hate it.
>git gud!
>oh by the way every game below 4k is a diceroll between who gonna get the feeding mid/carry
>so better learn meepo/huskar or enjoy spending 6 months to climb hay
Fuck off I know how MM works
you seem emotionally fragile
Literally the american sheltered kid options.
I am but that doesn't change the following
>get dived under a tower for literally 25 seconds
>juke like a mad man around trees zipping in and out using my quelling blade while being dove by 3 people
>not one TP despite me calling it over mic and pinging a few times
>everyone had full mana and TPs available, just didn't bother
>those games where you get dived behind your barracks by reckless retards and literally all it takes is one tp to claim a free triple kill
>no one tps
>6k MMR games
Does it ever get better? No.
I totally agree idiotic decisions by valve flushed the game down the shitter and that its dead in the western world, but I don't understand whats unfair about it. The most unfair thing is that teams queing for ranked roles can matchmake with teams who don't have it, but if they couldnt, queues would go from 15 mins to 25.
I unironically got into dota after fucking a flip tranny and seeing it on his desktop
I just can't get over how fucking boring this shit is
the strongest race on earth
>people are enjoying the game
>some autist on Yea Forums REEEEEE
If you're enjoying a game enough to spend +3000 hours of your life on it, then there might be some thing wrong.
maybe the game is simply good?
Enjoyig a game when even positive reviews on steam talks about "I NO LONGER HAVE A LIFE LOL bye grades and friends kek!!1"
> game is so unfair
That's what everyone says when they suck at a game.
>expecting help from pubs
roflamo i bet you're a supportcuck too
literally nothing wrong with turn rates retard.
So explain why even day9 is stuck at 3k mmr despite being coached by literally Purge
because hes not good at the game?
3k is filled with account sellers/buyers
You need to be 5k to climb it
>why this kid cannot go pro despite being coached by literally this ex-pro footballer
gee i dunno, maybe he's just talentless
>2011, never was into dota in WCIII but wanted to give it a try
>Team up with friends from high school
>We start playing every day
>We all eventually find the heroes we're best with
>Personally I loved Storm Spirit, Weaver, Undying
>Winning more games than losing
>We were all having a genuinely good time with this game for about 2-3 years
>Friends start doing other things, having other obligations
>Never really find the time to get everyone together anymore
>Try getting back into the game some time later, they changed a lot of shit
>Playing with randos who can't speak english against coordinated team of russians
>Builds that used to work for me are now outdated
>Be first to pick, pick carry, rest of the team picks carry
>People just rush early game teamfights
>Get bitched at from team for their fuck ups
>Lose every game
>gg 2 ez
Its funny how you post this today OP, because it sounds just like a Sekiro thread.
Yea Forums is just 50% sekiro, 50% smash.
Yeah let's just end like in LoL where it's either you can't touch the adc because he has 5 items that give him movespeed or "warriors" that jump on them and instakill them.
objectively best competitive game on the market ;)
You mispelled SC2
i just want to go back to dota from 2014 is there any mod on workshop or something? i didnt run this shit on my pc since 2016
There's still an old dota 2 build from 3013 to download from thepirategay but that's the only "old dota" you can get.
*2013 sorry not 3013
Maybe. But still, so much time on a single game, single map, with the same rules over and over again?
I bet there something off about people who engage in a game this much and see no problem with it.
You just porbably lost to a pinoy PUTANGINA SUKA BLYAT
>p2w queue
>Role queue is a p2w.
Most of Dota 2 paid thing are in the border of pay 2 lose
there is more depth in a single dota/league/cs/starcraft patch than in 10 single player games
since you play vs real humans and not dumb bots every match is different
>game ending within 20 minutes.
Reminder that the gulag,reddit and most(vocal) pros wanted this.
God forbid that you can't solo carry your pubs from lane advantage alone and the other team can exploit the weaker member of the team am I right juiceshitter
Except the long queue time, how having a team with everyone on his primary role put against "putang me mid or feed" + dusa and mars offlane a bad thing?
>games ending in 20 minutes
Maybe, if you get fucking shitstomped. Most of my games last around 40-45 minutes.
It's because 3k is sadly filled with niggers who are account buyers/boosters, or smurf faggots. I would know, because I've been unable to get out of 3k since ranked became a thing, and they've been part of the reason why.
>can exploit
can't exploit*
Literal cretin.
>This what riot dev unironically believe
because purge is actually trash at the game