I seriously hope none of you picked any other option than destroy
Mass Effect
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I shot the kid by accident
No one blames you
Suffer not the AI to live.
I never finished the third game. My Shepherd died during the suicide mission of ME2. Hope her sacrifice was worth it and Cerberus saved humanity.
IQ: 200
In the original endings before Bioware rewrote everything the destroy ending would have meant the death of the human race. It was destroying ALL advanced technology and leaving all the superior aliens on Earth to overpopulate and enslave us. You want the entire Krogan military stranded on Earth with nothing to do?
Control was the only option
As tragic as that would be.
>I never signed up to a truce with the reapers. I said I would end them... no matter the cost.
The Indoctrination Theory is true.
Luckily, shepard isn't a complete retard, jmlike the player (you).
> It was destroying ALL advanced technology and leaving all the superior aliens on Earth to overpopulate and enslave us.
What would cause the Krogan populations to outnumber humanity? Aren't most of them still under the effects of the genophage?
Most of the other aliens, if stripped of tech, wouldn't be too terribly overpowered compared to humanity. Granted they have their advantages, Asari with their mind rape powers, Salarians with their brains, and Turians with their... discipline and martial prowess? But you are forgetting that Humans are hyper-ambitious, exploitative assholes that bent the galactic community over their knee in like, less than a century. HFY is strong in Mass effect and I love that.
Cerberus ended up being used by the Reapers, because the Illusive Man believed he was too smart to be indoctrinated, just like Saren.
/meg/ is feeling lonely!
>No cost too great
Damn it
The fact that ME3's ending is... contentious is well known.
However, if you got the chance to go back in time and were given complete creative freedom to redesign the ending, what would you do?
I feel like you would have to change more than just the ending. Hell, maybe even have to rewrite ME3 completely since they backed themselves into a corner with the Crucible.
Believing in the indoctrination theory made the ending 1000x better in my eyes
Destroy ending is literally racism. It's like destroying Muslims coming into your country, we don't do that sort of fucking shit.
>7 years later
>still in the denial stage
It's time to let go, user.
You can't just redesign the ending, you have to rewrite the whole story of the third game. Everyone is bitching about the ending, but to me most of the story is garbage, like the very fact that they are designing a weapon that they don't even know what it does, or that the geth became a generic Pinocchio-conflict which we have seen thousands of times, instead of the original hive-mind stuff which wasn't original but at least it was unique in a way.
I don't know what ending should had been, I think the original endings would had been mostly fine with SETUP. So it doesn't come out of nowhere, but the whole game is about the control-synthesis-destroy conflict, and in the end you get to make a choice. The geth conflicts kinda sets this up, but its too short and only small part of the story.
I have absolutely no pity for bioware in the state they are in after they pulled this shit. Bricking PS4's and shit they are long past the point where they should have just been shit down already idk why EA keeps that shitmaster SJW excuse for a developer open
From what I remember of ME3, the entire game was just a bunch of spectacle and flashy setpieces, with loosely linked together by a pale shadow of a plot. So, you're probably right.
Regardless, in vague terms, how would you rewrite ME3?
1000×.004/10 is still 4/10
It's hard, but obviously reflection makes it easier. I'd have the Earth mission, but maybe not last, it doesn't really make sense. Obviously no star kid. No crucible, but maybe another hive thing, like ME2 or a cheesy movie like Independence Day. It would be cheesy as fuck, but cheesy is better than a cockpull like what ME3 had.
It's unfortunate ME2 already had a suicide mission, that should have been saved for ME3.
It's not just the ending though, a lot of interesting threads that people were waiting for literal years to see a cool conclusion to went off like a wet fart (the Rachni Queen off the top of my head)
I picked the destroy ending and got told I was evil as fuck for it, despite it being the driving force of 3 games until bioware decided to shit the bed with 'MUH COLOR WHEEL'. still pretty ass blasted about it.
The Krogan depends on whether you cured the genophage or not. If you didn't then the krogans stranded on earth are nothing more than a pest that are really difficult to kill, like the japanese navy in WWII, if you did cure the genophage though? those bastards fuck like rabbits and we're fucked.
Casey refered to himself as 'pick-a-color' in a recent apology letter about Anthem. I mean this is just so fucking sad and pitiful there are indie nobodies making amazing games people enjoy and this shit eating grinning cockmaster keeps putting out crap only the most hardcore biodromes give a fuck about despite being objectively shit
The more I think about it, I don't know how I would tie in all the different choices from the previous games. I would like to have a "fail state" ending similar to how a no loyalty run suicide mission plays out, and a "good" end in the same vein as to how you can get the Geth and Quarians to work together.
Elaborate on the fucking dark matter plotline instead of dropping it.
Make a happy ending possible.
>no krogan romance
Is expanded galaxy And it's addons any good?
K_____ c___, s_, g___.
I shot the kid.
Krogan corn, sí, gracias.
It adds stuff that can be overwhelming and poorly explained.
Sure lets just make 3 bad endings and no good ones. Its not only bad writing it also reeks of contempt, espcially when they patched in that fuck you bonus ending
Synthesis is what Saren thought he'd accomplished. Fuck Illusive Man and fuck Saren but especially fuck the Reapers
>10 years later and indoctrinationfags are still pushing their shit
It was a bad game, let go
Curing it is smart in the sense that the galaxy has great use of Krogan soldiers in the war for everybody's survival. I really don't see the big threat of Krogans taking over the galaxy. Galactic wars area won with fleets, not ground troop. How are the even going to leave Aralakh when the Turian navy can obliterate them the same day the declare war?
And the whole point with Wrex's story in the trilogy is that Krogans don't have to be as retarded as they currently are. Obviously their violent nature is a part of it, but their biggest problem is that they've been living in a Mad Max world for centuries.
And why would it even be hard to deploy a new genophage against them if they chimp out?
>no Doctor Chakwas lesbian romance
Why is this?
Yes, it's great.
Like what?
As others have said, rewriting the entire game is needed. Regardless of how it's done, here's a few things I wanted to see.
>Choices where one outcome literally changes things completely.
Like the Virmire choice in ME1 where you have to leave someone to die, only in a much more global scale. They came close with the whole Quarian and Geth conflict finally coming to a head, but still chickened out when they gave you a way out. More parts of the game should have been like this as well. Just imagine a game where Thessia falling to the reapers is an outcome you can choose instead of a cutscene.
>Ad some adversity to Le pure angel paragons and Le meme devil renegades.
Basically give paragons some tasks where they have to do the evil thing, and renegades a part where they have to be Mr. goddy two shoes. And if you try to do it your way (Paladin paragon of light gotta paladin, or racist sheppard is racist) you get to fail, not a game over fail, but you fuck up and people die, or resources get destroyed, etc. Kinda like that fallout 3 quest where you have to do a ton of shit to get a bunch of people and ghouls living together if you're the nice guy, but then the ghouls just kill everyone.
>Curing it is smart in the sense that the galaxy has great use of Krogan soldiers in the war for everybody's survival.
Why do we need ground troops, specifically krogan ones, in a space war? It's stupid and makes no sense. The turians, asari, and salarians have multiple colony worlds with populations in the billions. The krogan have fuck-all and they have no infrastructure with which to support a military effort. It makes no sense at all that the krogan would be important in ME3 and the only reason they are is that the writers felt they needed to give them a final send-off and so wrote them into the main plot even though it makes no sense.
>I really don't see the big threat of Krogans taking over the galaxy
>I don't see the problem in psychic super strong space lizards who reproduce fast and are inherently combative and volatile
>Kinda like that fallout 3 quest where you have to do a ton of shit to get a bunch of people and ghouls living together if you're the nice guy, but then the ghouls just kill everyone.
I agree. Walking the high road is meaningless when there is never any cost for it.
This. They should have gone off the rails with 3 and gone someplace unexpected.
Honestly I would have had Shepherd and co stuck in another galaxy. Making your decisions relevant would have been challenging but I think with enough creativity it would have been doable.
>Why do we need ground troops, specifically krogan ones, in a space war?
Because somebody needs to fight all the zombies?
> It makes no sense at all that the krogan would be important in ME3 and the only reason they are is that the writers felt they needed to give them a final send-off and so wrote them into the main plot even though it makes no sense
Sure, this is obviously true to some extent. It would've been strange to not give them a somewhat large role in ME3 after all the talk and storylines surrounding them.
They got BTFO before when they were much stronger, the Turians were weaker and humanity hadn't joined the galactic community yet. They'd attack a few colonies, get destroyed by superior fleets and genophage'd again.
>Not choosing synthesis
>Not choosing the best chance to be a immortal, all knowing, collective conciousness with no fleshy prison to limit you so you can finally leave the milky way and explore the infinite universe and uncover its secrets and over time accumulate so much knowledge you transcend to becoming God itself.
I did that too, started flailing my mouse randomly and shooting around
Had a big fucking laugh when it turned out to be an option
I actually liked that ending too
Morality systems are just poor attempts at adding complexity to a game.
Take the krogans for example, as people in the thread have demonstrated, there are arguments for and against neutering them.
>"They're basically 40k Orks! If you let them breed out of control they'll eventually fuck everything up!"
>"Yeah, but the Reapers are a more pressing issue. We need as many meat-shields as possible, and pre-genophage Krogans are the punchiest meat-shields in the setting"
>"The war against the reapers is predominately a space battle man! Even when they do come into the atmosphere, they usually just float around and shoot lasers. Krogans have no tech, no infrastructure, and their only advantages are numbers, aggression and toughness. They can't face tank death beams and orbital strikes and they can't retaliate effectively."
>"Well they could still do damage control, holding back the legions husks that are assaulting invaded planets."
>"And what happens when the krogans start taking casualties and we find ourselves up to our nipples in Krogan husks?!"
How the fuck are you going to slap good boy and naughty boy points onto something so nuanced without coming off as reductionist and arbitrary?
>Curing the Genophage
Everyone who did, deserved to be destroyed.
Why is this cunt on my ship? I thought her identity was supposed to be secret.
Better example is the Legion loyalty mission in ME2
Why not? And it's not like her being the daughter of Saren's right hand woman was a secret.
Honestly, it was a problem in ME1, too. Paragon and Renegade always boiled down to good boy and bad boy points, even in that game.
What it should have been was Law vs Lawless, and I imagine that's how it should have been intended. Paragons uphold and follow laws, Renegades discard them. But Bioware couldn't help themselves so you get stuff like paragons disobeying orders to give the muslim man his wife's corpse when it was being used for research.
The interrupts were a great mechanic for it. Being able to shoot a guy mid conversation to solve a crisis would feel renegade as fuck.
Shoot the kid, let the Reapers win.
Maybe in another 50,000 years, somebody will think of a better ending.
I'd choose synthesis just so I can get Tali pregnant
>Paragon and Renegade always boiled down to good boy and bad boy points, even in that game.
Bring Down the Sky was done well.
So were Zaeed, Tali, Legion, and Mordin's loyalty mission.
Overlord was a good choice.
The Collector Base choice was also done nicely.
Iirc most of the 3rd world countries on earth still worked mostly on pre-space tech, i doubt ak-47s would stop working because of space magic
The Paragon - Renegade system was basically just "don't think about choices, just always choose the blue/red option". It was not needed, the game would had been fine without attached morality. I can genocide the krogan AND help a muslim fella get his wife's corpse back, etc.
>hurr missions where both options suck are good
"Many choices lay ahead, none of them easy."
Why have choices at all if you don't want to deliberate on them? That's no debate to be had if one choice is clearly superior to the other. That would be pretty boring.
I think that the biggest flaw in the choices is that you never have to live with the consequences of making difficult ones. There is always a way out that nixes whatever you sacrificed. You can rob Zaeed of his revenge... but get his loyalty anyway. You can get Tali exonerated AND cover up her father's crimes. You can let Balak go and he becomes an ALLY later. Collector base doesn't matter in the end. Overlord does nothing. I suppose the Legion/Mordin choices do have some pay-off though.
Whiteout changing too much of the games:
Made it so Sheppard was revived using reaper tech, giving him the ability to connect his mind with the reapers, the crucible is pretty much an ftl antenna so that the catalyst, shepard, can hack into all the reapers at once
At the end you can fight the illusive man or let him try to do the hack
If you do it you get a rather long mission in which you are helped or attacked by the characters of the games depending on your actions towards them in the previous games, the fina boss is the reaper collective mind which you can either fight into submission and control them, kill them, talk them into suicide, argue for some sort of agreement or trick them into thinking they already kill everyone so they leave to wait for another cycle, among others, what options are available depends on some sort of mental fortitude stat based on how consistent were your actions during the games, how complete was the crucible and how much damage you took on this final mission
>Made it so Sheppard was revived using reaper tech
That's a damn good idea,
Yeah, and if you weren't sucking cocks, you wouldn't be a faggot. But that's not how things went in the end, so it's irrelevant. The endings, as flawed as they are, are as we know it.
I tell you waht niggers.
There is nothing wong with this endiong, because
Good. You opened this message.
This isn't actually asari military command.
They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought.
But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me.
Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win.
The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written.
I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. -KL
A better ending is to make Tali a giantess and she'll crush the Reapers
Mass Effect would have been ten times better without the Reapers. If you wanted to keep Sovereign in ME1 he should have been a unique living ship capable of indoctrination. But having the Reapers as a threat allowed for all the stupid shit in this trilogy. It would have been better as a galactic political thriller.
Prove me wrong.
I can't prove you wrong. I agree with you. The conflicts between the different species and factions are a lot more interesting than the Reapers.
I've heard that in the movie industry, when a script is good but the suits don't think a new IP would be successful they just adapt the script into an existing franchise, i think something like that happened with mass effect
It really feels like bioware designed the universe first and then adapted different game concepts into it to form a franchise
ME1 was a police/detective thriller game
ME2 was an open world heist game
ME3 feels more souless than them because it's just a regular 3rd person shooter
Yeah. I'm inclined to agree.
The Reapers never really lived up to the heights which Sovereign hyped them up as. They just came across as your garden variety, omnicidal antagonists.
The interesting thing about the Reapers is the stakes they pose, but I'd prefer stories with stakes that aren't as high with villains that are inherently interesting and conflicts that don't have clear badguys and goodguys.
First game; Saren is a spectre and turian nationalist, with the support of his allies in the Turian Hierarchy he attempts to engineer a crisis that will permit the Hierarchy to take military control over the galaxy through emergency powers. A coup.
Second game: batarian slaving and terror attacks are on the rise, enslaving whole colonies and leaving other garden worlds trashed. A military response int the Terminus is still too risky and the Council too weak after the events of the first game. So Shepard is sent in and discovers the Hegemony is trying to expand but has overreached and is collapsing in on itself. Shepard winds up helping one side or the other emerge the victory in a Terminus-wide civil war.
Third game; the quarians have developed a new weapon that will allow them to destroy or control the geth. Shepard takes part in their war with his mission being to prevent the extinction of either species, and to ensure that the resolution of the conflict won't drastically reshape the balance of power in the Milky Way.
Fourth game; a rogue human separatist group finds and repairs the Klendagon gun. They use it to lay waste to core alien-Council worlds. They want to weaken aliens to humanity can rise ascendant, but are holding the galaxy hostage to do so, coercing others into doing their bidding and eliminating any threat. Shepard needs to nullify their super-weapon and also prevent an a massive alien counter-attack that could see humanity knocked back into the stone age.
Well why not? Just give it a try. You might like it.
Did this while 360 spinning then chose the superior option of synthesis.
If the indoctrination theory is true, then why wasn't the Catalyst alarmed at an indoctrinated presence until Kai Leng showed up? And afterwards when you talk to him for the final time he doesn't detect that you're indoctrinated?
While interesting, it's dead in the water because the galactic civilization is already past the period of war and more in the European Union stage where they're all pretty "meh" about each other.
Set it on a time where The Council as it is doesn't exist and alien races act more as countries, with commerce deals and diplomatic envoys with each other, but still looking after their own interests, which in turn causes friction between alien races and this would work perfectly.
The indoctrination theory is not true. Hudson and Walters are not that clever.
>While interesting, it's dead in the water because the galactic civilization is already past the period of war and more in the European Union stage where they're all pretty "meh" about each other.
I disagree.
>Because somebody needs to fight all the zombies?
If you are in a position to land grand troops to fight the zombies then you are in a position to bomb them from the air or from orbit. If you really need people on the ground, why can't your own people do it? Krogan are not good enough soldiers to justify the expense and risk in curing them and then transporting them to your world.
It's shit writing.
What ending does Andromeda go with?
who cares its fucking garbage
None of them.
I know it's not true, user
a rimjob and big dicks everywhere flopping in the main character's face
Good, we are in agreement then.
Andromeda goes with "We're sending a colony ship to the Adromeda galaxy because The Reapers are comming" sidestepping the ending issue entirely by making them fuck off right before the war happens.
Reapers were all right, they just shouldn't have been brought back for sequels. Sovereign was stopped, so Reapers are trapped sleeping between the galaxies, think of something else for the sequels. That's how it should have been
I found the Mass Effect games to be shallow and pedantic
To have more bodies to throw at the zombies? And it's not like others can't handle the logistics for them.
But the biggest reason is that the Turians are demanding it for their support, so you should really be asking Primarch Victus.
>If you are in a position to land grand troops to fight the zombies then you are in a position to bomb them from the air or from orbit
Because then you might as well not do anything at all, considering the sacrifices this would entail.
> If you really need people on the ground, why can't your own people do it?
They're already doing it, but more is better in this case. Not to mention that the Krogans are the hardiest soldiers in the galaxy when it comes to simple and direct engagements.
>Krogan are not good enough soldiers to justify the expense and risk in curing them and then transporting them to your world.
I don't know about the costs, but the Turian Hierarchy obviously thinks it's worth it, and that's all we really have to go on.
I agree, shallow and pedantic.