>see this new samurai game
>pirate the FitGirl TM repack from r/crackwatch
>play game
>get killed a lot on the ogre boss
>realize i can't savescum on this game because it was made by some retards who hate fun
>search "sekiro trainer" on google and download it
>enable infinite health and unaffected trait
>just slash my way through the weak ass enemies
>smoke some weed and just enjoy the aesthetics of the game
>defeat the horse boss and the lightning nigger
>come on Yea Forums board
>everybody is salty and seething
>its like you guys try not to have fun
See this new samurai game
Other urls found in this thread:
>be frogposter
>be bad
>lol u mad
That frog image isn't from Yea Forums!
Is it from reddit?
It's from /twg/ actually.
yes i found it on r/pepe
Based greed frog poster.
Did the same thing with the souls series. People spent months on single game, trying to finish it, wasting their time. I did it in a couple of long sessions and got the full experience.
I pity those who cannot see past the tedious development decisions that are being take on these games.
based user
now i can shitpost on /v and pretend all the bosses were easy
just have "fun"
I like a challenge. It's personally not fun for me if something is too easy.
based primitive needs poster
Don't worry user I did see how you purposely mistyped the board both times, I know you want the attention.
thanks for the (you) then fren
>game is too hard so he needs to cheat to "fully" enjoy it
Games are easier than ever nowadays. Are you some kind of a queer? You actually save reddit frogs on your drive so you must be.
seething and cope
Who's the cute girl?
mfw OP is not being sarcastic
dang bro. rare pepe
He enjoys things that are hard
>bought game
>looks nice
>gameplay is ass
>enemies are just health sponges
>realize I don't want to waste my time on it not even having fun
>refund and watch a twitch streamer play it instead
>buying games
based Frogposter threads
These are the best threads on this onions board
>being poor
Based retard. I got bitches to fuck and no time to be running from shrine to boss for an hour.
Why not spend your time working out picking up babes, user?
I don't like using cheats, but your general point about playing games your own way to have the most fun is valid.
>killing the industry
third worlders should kill themselves
>Being a cuck
I already work out and have a girlfriend and job. Not sure what else to do really.
shame that this board can't just have fun without screeching and nitpicking on every game that comes out
What do you have against onions, laddie?
Nigger, I earn more than enough money.
Why the fuck would I pay for something I can get for free without consequences?
The only games you buy are indie games worth a shit with actual passion behind them.
If you support this rooty tooty point n shooty lazy as shit "industry" then jokes on you I guess.
Spoken like a poor person.
>inb4 "you don't make money by spending it"
Do you have a boat?
spotted the welfare nigger
No, and after seeing my friend who does I would never want to own one. Boats are literal hell to manage unless it's absolutely your passion (or your livelihood). Fuck boats.
You gave us internet access. Cope.
Kraut piratefags, I've got a question. I a staying for a couple months in your caliphate and have heard that torrenting will usually get you a fine. Is there a way to bypass this? I've got access to a VPN but it connects to my university's network
>Play with cheats on
>Got full experience
I mean you didn't but ok.
No. Euroniggers can get fucked.
>Its killing the industry because people who cant buy the game are getting it for free
T. retard
OP never said anything about the "full experience",he just said about having fun
just because some incel in japan says the game should be hard to be fun doesn't mean it has to be
I thought this was a Total War Shogun thread until I saw the word Ogre
>just because i can't afford a car its morally ok to steal a car
>I mean you didn't but ok.
You passive aggressive faggots are the worse people on the face of the earth, fucking die.
Grow a fucking backbone and call this man out instead of going "Well... I mean you didn't...." fucking faggot. How hard is it to say "Bullshit you got the full experience you fucking cheater"
Fucking die beta faggot
Italian Yea Forums poster and fan of Lakers team
i don't think she posts anymore
>lightning nigger
based testosterone poster
absolute based thinking user
Looks like someones a little mad.
You didn't get shit. You got a piss easy experience while the rest of us liked it fo what it was. You bought the game, couldn't get passed the the first boss so you cheated like the pussbag that you are.
can't you savescum with the trainer??
atleast thats better than cheats
Damn, so THIS is the power of the PC "master race"?
Throw a few bucks into a good VPN, be sure that it stays on (!) and you should be fine. Or stream.
>letting the game play itself
>like it for what it was
An unfun game?
You should know since you like unfun memes, you cuck.
i don't see whats wrong with OP's post
he basically got stoned and played a supernatural ninja in medieval japan.
if it means cheating in a single player game to enjoy it, so be it
the entire point of video games is to have fun
y'all are just salty because your perceived "gamer code" is preventing you from letting people enjoy things
>hating pepe
wow ,you really don't know what fun is
You argument isnt morallity you total inbred, its about killing the industry.
>Stealing a car is same as downloading a digital copy
dude weed lmao
We're not upset at how he played the game user. Its his game, he can play it however he wants. The real issue here is that he's a disgusting memelord frogshitter that needs to be crushed between my toes. No sympathy for anyone who uses pepe unironically OR ironically.
people who cant afford to pay don't deserve the work of better men who actually achieved something
brown people were a mistake
>Looool i smoked weed haahah
If by fun you mean unfunny, gross, stale shit then no, I dont like fun.
>its like you guys try not to have fun
It's more like anons here have fun but would rather have conversations on the board that lead to chaos. And the sooner you point out their hypocrisy the sooner they insult you or deny it.
They're so far up their own ass that rather then let the community fluxuate with positivity and negativity they simply filter all positivity save for the positivity with tits and ass then proceed to splurge nonsensical negativity until they're comfortable again.
They're trapped in a cycle of their design and refuse to break it over selfish reasons in which they never really grow as people.
y-your t-toes?
>Im better because i was born in a rich country
T. white trash from moms basement
zoomer detected, opinion discarded
based enlightened poster
white people made games, its beacuse of you poorfag third worlders we have drm and individual clients.
if the industry was limited to western countries and japan, pc gaming would be way better off
>tfw cant wait for the Yea Forums nendo
On a side note , where exactly do you even discuss weed and other drugs
Weak and bluepilled
based frogposters
Explain further.
Pic unrelated.
Clients are means of digital distribution you total fucking retard and drm does nothing in terms of sales
>if the industry was limited to western countries and japan, pc gaming would be way better off
How so?
I want to ride this boat
Boats are a huge waste of money and time. Require constant maintenance even when you're not using them, require you to purchase a club membership or a lot where you can moor them at, require a huge investment to acquire the necessary licensing and whatnot to even pilot one. And the value of the boat itself depreciates like crazy to a point where you can't even resell it to recoup the money invested originally if you change your mind.
If you're into boats, go ahead. If you just want to pick it up as a hobby or because you got some extra money to spend here and there, don't do it. It's gonna make your life a huge pain in the ass.
well for starters there would be no non english speakers ingame other than russians
>doesnt know japanese
>posts on a japenese origami forum
Jokes on you, I do know Japanese
>some fucker is selling bikes with square wheels
>buy one bike and change the wheels to regular ones
you people are hilarious
Imagine being so dumb that you look like this and you still do nothing to fix that malocclusion
>expecting logic and reason on Yea Forums
imagine being this insecure
How would there be russians if its limited to western countries you mongoloid. Try again, lets see what your amerimut brain can think of.
Why don't you just try getting a gf then? Should be the most fun of all possible activities for a fag like you.
Cheating is now acceptable on Yea Forums
you fucking normies disgust me
russians aren't west
keep deluding yourselves "caucasians"
Too bad you can't cheat IRL like in-game and you'll always be a complete loser.
the only time I used trainer in souls was NG+3 Gael. Faggot has so much HP it's ridiculous. When I died when he was at 10% left I straight up alt+tab shit and downloaded trainer.
Then I had some fun in pvp with infinite hp
>you can't play sekiro well, so you'll be a loser in real life
So all these chads can do no hit playthroughs on their first try?
Pirating and cheating is the only way to game in le current year.
Anybody who says otherwise is undoubtedly either a shill or works in the industry in some capacity and is butthurt smart people are bypassing their atrocious game design and coding.
but muh hardcore game for autists user! you shouldnt have fun!
shut it down
The goyim know
Not that user but that was rude and uncalled for >:(
No I'm very secure that person has a malocclusion.
I agree but only for games with insane amounts of grinding and/or microtransactions
I agree. FUCK boats.
It's about overcoming challenges within the constraints of the options given to you. There is no comparison to cheating in-game the same way it is irl and that's why most people who cheat never learn to overcome their issues or any challenges.
have a fun weekend lads!
its not even cheating if its single player
its basically customizing the experience based on personal tastes
>Not playing by your own rules
"Cheating" is the same as doing a nuzlocke run
>B-b-b-but it's supposed to be hard!!!
Wow ok incel, what crawled up your ass, huh!?
Such a failure in life that you need to do a deprived no hit run to feel better about yourself? If you think that kind of thing matters then walk up to a random stranger and tell them about your video game accomplishments, they won't take you seriously!
No, it’s the twitch frog.
So sad people think it’s from Yea Forums PepeHands
They only go after popular music and movies as far as I know.
They don´t give a shit about vidya and animu
You're supposed to kill them by filling their posture, retard. The huge hp pools wasn't obvious enough for you?
>tfw consolecuck
>would unironically give myself like +5 attack power with chest engine if I could
Ill probably do this too.
why don't people upload games to mega anymore? I don't want to use a gotdang torrent
because theres google drive
___ ___
>sekiro trainer
Fucking casul
As long as you have fun, I don't care what you do in a soloplayer, but I think you should play Musou games. You sound like you could enjoy it
That made me smile
I also turn on one hit kills for bosses when their fights become boring.
based based ______ poster
It's fine if you want to cheat but understand that this makes your opinion on games where the difficulty is part of the design worthless since you're basically bypassing content (the challenging gameplay).
You also made this thread and are a frogposter which makes you a moron deserving of contempt.
OP is the manifestation of le ebin weed lmao doomer
Absolutley based, there are too many games out there to waste time, its like with arcade games but instead of coins you pay with time
>hate symbols on MY Yea Forums!?
>Yea Forums is now okay with cheating
This place has really gone to the deep end
Is this so they can stay contrarian or something?
>square wheels
you're not changing the wheels from square to round, you're adding training wheels cause you cant ride a bike you faggot.
All games need to have cheat codes. It's ableist to think everyone wants to spend hours banging their head against a wall until they get lucky and beat an unfair boss. Zoomers these days don't even know what a cheat code even is!
yeah no fuck off lil faggot.
Pffft, of course I know what cheat code is, its those console commands
Why do pirates act like vegans? These just can't resist telling you what they are.
>Piratefags are also cheat enginefags
It’s a coping mechanism when they realize that they 99% of the time are the Faggot like in this pic
Bro...did you...get high off weed bro? Smoke weed?
Everyone here is a fag except me and the user below this post.
Yay I’m not homosexual
Do a physical activity instead of being a beta loser male glued to a screen trying to kill sponge enemies? What's so challenging in pressing a bunch of buttons
Its appearently so challenging that faggots like you literally need a cheat engine.
>not killing the industry
Pack it up you greedy kike, this industry deserves to die and have everyone working in it starve/get raped by mudshits to death when they go homeless because nobody outside the entertainment industry wants to hire sack of shit retards just because they're fat faggot women.
It's because Redditors are just that casual, nobody was exaggerating when they said Reddit is solely populated by 0 IQ normalfag retards.