What's your vidya related wish Yea Forums?
What's your vidya related wish Yea Forums?
i wish for square enix and for all squaretards to die
I wish to be with Reisen!
I wish for all developers to never include post-sale monetization services in any video game ever again!
For there to be a good amount of easy to find games of good quality both in themselves and how they are offered and sold to me and everyone else along with the services provided afterwards
>i wish for square enix and for all squaretards to die
Square Enix is purchased by Epic games. The name is no more but the IPs become insanely popular when it becomes introduced to Fortnite.
>I wish to be with Reisen!
You are trapped inanimate alongside Reisen in a low resolution jpg image.
>I wish for all developers to never include post-sale monetization services in any video game ever again!
Post-sale monetization is replaced by pre-sale monetization. If you didn't purchase a feature with the game it can't be added later and the game must be bought again along with all features.
>For there to be a good amount of easy to find games of good quality both in themselves and how they are offered and sold to me and everyone else along with the services provided afterwards
The amount of good games increases but you become so jaded you can't enjoy them.
Surely you must want something... We can do so much together user.
That all the hacks who only "write" for videogames because they couldn't make it in Hollywood turn to stone.
You get everything. So much you don't know what to do with it all.
>The amount of good games increases but you become so jaded you can't enjoy them.
Only me? Then at least I can take comfort in giving my fellow men a lot of games to enjoy.
Physiologically accurate/realistic Toribash-game
I wish I could enjoy video games again.
>That all the hacks who only "write" for videogames because they couldn't make it in Hollywood turn to stone.
They are immortalized by way of glorious marble statues to memorize their work in the AAA industry. They have successful careers in Hollywood making the worst vidya movie adaptations imaginable.
no, no! NOOO!
A perpetual border patrol, drug smuggling, human trafficking simulator. Half the gameplay is surveillance and canvasing locals. The other half is vehicular combat and light infantry maneuvers.
Unrealistic wish: Bannerlord
I want Epic games to die
I just want dubs, O'Dimm.
I want my wife
A new add-on for Dawn of War 2 with Skitarii and additional lords for every existing faction.
cyberpunk 2077 coming out in 2019, i just want to see weeb tears when it wins GOTY
Witcher 4
I wish VR was good.
Discworld RPG game done in W3 engine.
For all games to be 10/10s until the end of time
My nigga. God damn that would be good.
I wish for all of the microtransaction paying zoomers to die out.