Imagine your party arriving here after a long and arduous journey...

Imagine your party arriving here after a long and arduous journey, the smell of freshly baked bread lingering in the air and promises of tankards of ale within.

Attached: 1551282085581.jpg (2871x1914, 747K)

Window-to-wall ratio is far too high and uncomfy, would not linger/10.

Look at all of those fucking candle bro, that's a fire hazard

Not even for freshly baked bread and tankards of ale?

I would be too scared of knocking over a candle and setting the entire cottage ablaze. There's only one entrance/exit

what about all the windows though

Alright fine give me your strongest bread and softest ale

>no stone pathway
Enjoy your dirty house, looser

But man, where are the titty character and the whinny Emofag protagonist?

Boots off at the door.
Have some respect.

"Ah I shure felt good at that last battle against the murderogre, what about about you Forn ?"
"Eh, 'll feel better when me nose hits tha lingerin smell o' freshly made bread in tha air and me lips touch tha promised tankards of whale withn' this shed"
"Well that seems oddly specific"
"Dwarves have needs too, Carl"

Based as fuck.

Hit me up on discord if you like doing little fantasy stories user, I need to draw something

games with this feel?

What's the comfiest vidya inn of all time, bros?

yes please

Elder scrolls with foliage mod & enb

...and as soon as you enter the cottage you see this... what do?

Attached: Lucien_Lachance_Corpse.png (1634x1048, 3.09M)

Enjoy the freshly baked bread and promised tankards of ale while watching the show.

we make the housewife our sexual slave for the day and when we're bored of her we set everything on fire and leave while taking all the bread

Attached: 1552812426233.png (850x1487, 808K)

Games for this feel?


Is this in the vanilla game?

Medieval trannny sex reassignment surgery?