What the fuck? Why would Atlus make such a stupid and short-sighted decision?
Other urls found in this thread:
Porting is hard
why would you want it on switch when you can have it on ps4?
imagine double-dipping on the same fucking console.
its okay tho, i like mainline better
I know, right?
Fucking "Royal(e)" when the market is littered with that sick fucking word.
because consoles tethered to your home/tv are boring now
I wanna be cozy in bed playing handheld
why would you want it on ps4 if you already have it on ps4
I don't want to play P5 at all but it's pissing me off that Joker is going to be playable in Smash yet his game isn't even on Switch
What a dumb decision for a character
>MFW when Nintendies will NEVER EVER get Persona 5 The Royal
How does it feel Smashfags? Sakurai just gave advertising to a Playstation game.
That's the logo they went with? it looks kinda shit desu
>what is remote play with vita?
No. Not just that. They won't get ANY persona. just a shitty dlc for their shitty mugen piece of shit
>The game i already played but on the same console and with another "I'M TOTALLY CANON GUYS, ARE YOU STILL IMMERSED" Marie OC
Yeah nah i'm good! Next!
Fuck off sonyroach.
Feels like a waste of a DLC slot
What's next, fucking Kratos? Kat from Gravity Rush? Parappa the Rapper? FUCK
>They won't get ANY persona.
Q and Q2 exist though.
persona is a casual pleb dating sim
play a real SMT game like nocturne or IV
Mainline isn't exempt from this, Nocturne was released 3 times on thr PS2 in Japan
Joker could easily have been added to promote the new SMT. That's it.
>tfw tried playing nocturne but stopped because got bored of alternating between getting fucked by bosses and grinding
i kinda meant those as seperate statements. double dipping on the same system is pointless, but i'm not mad because we're still getting smtV
See how easy it is? If you want PS games on a screen in your hands get a vita.
So much anger. Someone hurt you?
>imagine double-dipping on the same fucking console.
yeah, that's the textbook description of Nintendicklet Switchlets with their 99% Wii U ports library.
>not casual as fuck the second you get into Tokyo
I'm pretty sure he made it clear he wasn't calling the shots for the DLC characters. Nintendo themselves are hand picking the characters now.
In a way. Sakurai picked the DLC characters from a master list provided by Nintendo.
>not vita exclusive
what the fuck?
>PS4 only
Not so fast
Reminder that Catherine FB official site is also show only PS4 logo while the game is already port to Vita and original version port to PC
are you also mad that Solid Snake is in Smash even tough there are no MGS games on switch?
hahahaha you fucking retard
they'd add an SMT rep and not a PERSONA rep if that was the case
>wii u
>same console
And? Vita version is not coming to the west and FB is not really the same game released in PC.
stop making extra threads you fucking worthless buttblasted falseflagging sonypone
Persona is still SMT and Joker is the most popular character
its the same deal as with Cloud, its about brand representation
Parappa would be pretty based
It's mean Vita version of P5R haven't been deconfirmed yet. They still show PS logo instead PS4 logo in tralier so it can still happening. Also original version of P5 still can port to PC or Switch
>joker is the most popular
>Still absolutely fuck all news on P5S
It could be nothing at all and just them taking the domain so someone didn't fake a Switch port, but for now, there's no reason to completely rule out some sort of Switch version. It won't be R though.
>please buy the same game on the same console again
Thanks fatlus
Ulta input lag shit is what it is
yes he is
Persona 5 was the most succesfull release in the world
what do you think? someone like Demifiend will never generate the same hype
>tfw worried that Sony new policies might affect the game
2017 was a better year
Consolewar faggots deserve to be removed from this site
Not a mgsfag but there were a lot of MGS gsmes on nintendo consoles, including 3DS, GC, and GBC
>you'll never see it on swiiiiitch
Snake got included in 2008 when MGS4 was popular yet the Wii didnt get a MGS game
Persona is already on Nintendo and so is SMT, Joker is just the perfect character to represent both
>The same shit but exclusively for the same console on the next gen
I fucking despite Atlus some times
get used to it, nobody is complaining this hard that SMTV isnt on PS4
It's true, who else? Jack Frost? We aren't in the 90's anymore.
Imagine not believing this.
oh no input lag on a turn based slant eyed rpg
you're on zoomer Yea Forums, the cool thing to say now is remote play on an iphone (just came out recently)
This kek
Nips are fast
>get used to it, nobody is complaining this hard that SMTV isnt on PS4
You must not have been around for the SMTV reveal.
Sakurai added Snake because Kojimbo asked him to. Corporate Nintendo are the ones who chose Joker for DLC.
>sells incredible numbers for this series
R is for PS4
S is for Switch
There, solved the issue
thats because you casual fags can't handle SMT and only care about muh cute anomes
I love bait threads
isn't that just Anna? is it Tokyo Mirage Session #FE2?
>nobody is complaining
that's some low effort bait
thats some grade A cope you got there
just buy a ps4 you fag
SMTV PS4 posting died pretty fast
people are now complaining for years that P5 isnt on Nintendo
i borrowed one from a friend to play bloodborne already, i dont have any reason to until death stranding
>tfw idort
Just buy a pc faggot. When will all of you stop falling for bait and if it isn't entertaining a console warrior isn't exactly great.
What even is the point of this fucking game? It's not a remaster, it's not a port, why didn't they make the additional shit a DLC? Fuck that, when are they actually gonna pretend to care about mainline again?
M is for moving goal posts
It died pretty fast because there has been no information at all for months.
Wait until the next Trailer drops.
i already have a good PC, PS4 and Switch
im just laughing at nintendo only fags that cant accept reality
>sonybros buying literally the same game twice
Shame that it isn't on the switch though, now I'll have to wait 1~2 years for the hackerfags to release the new PS4 exploits
Imagine being this bad at video games
>said the switchfag who buys port of 10 years old games
When will Fatlus admit that SMTV is cancelled?
ports of classics you havent played yet >>>> endless expanse >>>> the same fucking game with one new character
>this poster will buy both versions of Pokemon and the 3rd version later on
Playing games on a small shitty screen instead of a big 4k TV?
Jesus I just don't understand young people anymore.
Who is speaking to the girl in the teaser?
I could see it getting announced for switch later. I enjoyed it on PS4, and I'll pick it up on PS4 if it's an exclusive, but having it on switch would be nice since I can pick away at it on my lunch break or when I'm travelling.
>buying two devices in a vain attempt to poorly replicate what one can do
Does someone have the transliterated text from the teaser? Like, written in Japanese and stuff
doesn't count
Back in my day, we played on a shitty screen in 360p and it was just as if not more enjoyable than playing at 4k 22fps with 400ms latency.
>young people
>when he has never had a gameboy and needs everything in MUH 4K I JUST GOT IT YESTERDAY BUT NOW EVERYTHING MUST BE 4K OR IT'S SHIT
No, user. YOU are the young people.
>he fell for the 4K meme
stop falseflagging
Man it was a fucking joy when it didn’t say switch
It made my day
Yes it does.
>4 clearly different games and an expansion pack for one of them
What a pointless post.
Sure about that? Common was 240p/320p/480i.
>not Hifumi
>just another Marie
I don't even like persona. my PS4 is a fifamachine
I just looooooooooooooooooooooove when games don't come out on switch lol
It’s coming to switch it says so in inspect element on the website
better than fell for 'muh on the go'
>young people
Only a "young person" would give half a shit about resolution. Since you didn't know, we all played games in less than 480p for most of our fucking lives, and the games were mostly better then.
Joker is in Persona Q2 which is coming out on 3DS
Now shut the fuck up you stupid ass faggot
>better than fell for
ESL goblin begone.
>A shitty spin off should count
Fucking queer
Yes, everyone totally bought the Wii U and then we bought the Switch, the same console to play our supposedly bought Wii U library.
I don't hate the PS4, the Nintendo Switch, or the PC but I fucking hate Atlus' "platform loyalty" to death.
no not really
So is this a brand new story or an expansion. I never got around to P5 should I wait?
yeah fatlus, pc when
And now sonyfags are doing the exact same shit.
Persona 5 royale should have been just DLC on the PS4, prove me wrong fags
I don't even own a switch, but I refuse to buy PS4 games now that my PS4 is on the hackeable 5.05 firmware
P5R is clearly a different game, because different things happen.
remember kids: full price enhanced ports are ok when they're not on nintendo!
If it's anything like Golden for P4 it'll just be the same game with some new content/slight changes to balance. Just hope the new character this time around won't be complete ass like in Golden
post proof
>Jesus I just don't understand young people anymore.
Ah yes, I remember when I played on my 55" 4K TV back in the 90s. Can't believe kids want to go back to the 1930's these days.
I'm an idort, so not gonna lie I'm pissed it's on PS4. I already played the base game on PS4 and I'd have enjoyed the option of playing this during my commute.
The annoying thing is, I'll probably still buy it. Maybe I'll use this as an opportunity to play it in Jap this time.
might as well, no point buying the old version now unless it's just treated as DLC
Everyone shut up and post cunny
We don't know.
Never ever nintenc*ck.
>people never bought big TVs or wanted the best quality ever before
Lmao you lying sacks of shit
Who gives a shit, this is just going to be the same game with one new social link that doesn't have any bearing on the base game. I'm content having the PS3 version
They sure love watching people bitching about it
I'll shove that goalpost up your ass, dont talk to me bitchnigga.
post haru fat butt
It's to be expected. Atlus is weird about these things. Might end up having to buy a PS4 after all.
New events, new social link or two, some quality of life and balance changes, if we're going off of what FES and Golden had. Since it's on the same console I'd expect there to be a pretty good chunk of content, like how FES had The Answer.
stupid people did, you're right.
It'll happen when Sega sees if Catherine sold like fucking hot cakes or not.
I hate port test beds.
Wait, previous announcement has ps logo too
Why trolls make a big deal from it this time?
For you NIGGER
needs a persona edit
Why would you want a port on a shit console with no value?
Seethe. People moving to small screens is the most zoomer thing.
They're a company full of old fucks in suits, what do you expect?
>has small bit of extra content like P4: Golden
>that'll be $60 please
really Atlus?
What the fuck are you talking about? 720p is fucking pathetic and looks awful in 2019. We have been gaming in 720p since fucking 2007 you fucking moron, do switchlets have no standards?
>re-releasing a full priced game on the same console
>releasing a japanese game in a console that is currently getting getting every game censored to hell and back
Good job sonyfags
Hope that this shit flops and that the female playable character is actually just Marie 2.0 in disguise
At least Sega has the final say in it, not Atlus. Even if it were to be a crapshoot Sega could pull a Sega and port them all anyway.
Catherine's definitely niche though so they probably had a sane estimate of sales.
Yakuza 0, and possibly to a lesser extent Kiwami, are examples of what their bigger, yet still niche, titles can do. And I think it was already confirmed 0 did alright by them?
Persona 5 recently hit "Greatest Hits" status with a price drop to $20, the same thing which happened to Yakuza 0 before landing on PC. Maybe it's time?
>the royal
1 extra palace its casino royale and james bond makes a cameo.
Nah it's just a Battle Royale with 100 shitty adults!
This is probably the dumbest snoyboy post I've seen in months. Thanks dude, glad I'm not as dumb as you.
At least it isn't on a console that no one owns this time.
For golden it was the game price + a vita/pstv
this thinking is why we have shit indie games all in a 8-bit pixellated artstyle
at any rate I don't think Sega is going to port a full price game any time soon after VC4
You seem upset
>Maybe it's time?
Since yesterday.
He’s tired of the begging
I understand him
If us PC gamers want to rise up we'll have to swallow full price games (without a launch delay, of course).
Actually yes really, Switch is uncomfortable as fuck in handheld.
Portbegging and my UNCLE WORKS AT NINTENDO have followed Persona 5 for just about a decade. Asinine bullshiters both of them.
who has screencaps of all the switchfags portbegging? id like all of us to laugh at their delusions and faggotry
It will come out on PC too, switchlets can forget it though
Actually not really, it's very good both handheld and in tabletop mode.
zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer boomer
I can only speak in memes
>Persona 5 R is PS4 exclus-
>Not being an idort
Atlus can't multiplatform.
At this point I want the game to be ported just to witness the butthurt of the never ever shitposters and the backpdalling
>l-lol enjoy this shit game tendies. weebshit for manchildren. lol have sex nincels.
I don't even care about persona
This post reads like reddit.
>maybe it's time?
Go to China and use an escalator
well fuck i hope this has to be something completely new. i fucking got it on release day and i dont want to buy and platinum the game again.
Found the seething port begger.
Mind broken switchlet, kek
I don't understand why do people care if it's ported or not. If it is then more people can play it, nothing wrong. I just hope it isn't a FeMC but more in line with FES or golden
At least the poor lambs had a reason to be excited (the MC in Smash), the most delusional ones are those begging for a Gravity Rush port.
>get used to it, nobody is complaining this hard that SMTV isnt on PS4
i can't prove you wrong there
but are we sure it isn't sold as dlc?
>all those twitter "leaks"
>all this smug shitposting
it's fucking 2013 all over again
More people can also play it if they buy a PS4, works both ways friend.
I'm an idort and still getting fucked if this holds up though.
>Xbone (Got it for free)
What a zoomer post
Persona 5 is a good game.
>we played at best resolutions available back then
>stop wanting the best now, don't you remember when we had shitty resolutions?
Was that a FeMC in the trailer?
I get p5 and you don't. No seething here.
This is kinda retarded even if you have a PS4.
I have a Ps4.
But id rather buy the game again on something else like the PC or switch.
Instead of being forced to buy the same game again on the same system.
At lest if they made the Royal edition a DLC upgrade.
Feels like the original game was just early accesses.
So, shitposting aside, the new girl has a ponytail
Does this confirm the "Jack" and "Jill" rumours for smash?
But they would have to buy a new console for that. Honestly I hope this is ported to switch so I can get SmtV for my ps4
Your fault for supporting Nintendo over sony. Reminder switch has a full running emulator
Look at this animal
Just fucking look hahahahaha!
I intend to play SMTV on PC, just like I did for IV.
Based emulators.
How different was P4 Golden? I never played that version.
Bed is for sleeping, just like how PC/internet is for porn and consoles are for gaming.
How many 3DS do you have?
You are witnessing butthurt and backpedaling over it never coming to switch, butthurt fag
What it confirms is Smash Ultimate rumors mongers and Persona 5 Switch rumors mongers need to be smacked in the face.
What if this is not a P5 remaster? Ever thought about that? People are assuming too much, we know nothing so far. Don't forget SMT4 Final
Wait there's a switch emulator already?
Cope harder
>small shitty screen
Read a bit about how screen sizes and resolutions work depending on how far away from the screen you are, idiot.
Yes. It's a slow burn right now, but that's not an issue until V comes out.
Some games already run better than others.
Its obviously P5-2 but people are retarded.
>Your fault for supporting Nintendo over sony
But I bought a second PS3 recently and a shitload of PS2 games...
>Joker announced at TGAs
>later that month
>P5R announcement
>literal PS logo to lead the video
>Royal (again lead with a PS logo)
Will it have an upgrade option for people who bought the base game? because fuck buing the game again at full price just for some new social links and a model swap.
new content, new graphics and social links and the game was overall rebalanced
I'd expect something like they've upgraded the engine for 4K Pro support and not looking like an upscaled PS3 game, added Akechi and Sae as a social link, male romances as the FemC, hopefully rewrote some of the later parts to be less rushed, added some kind of completely new content and rebalanced difficulty to be more challenging on hard and easier on easy
this is what I'm talking about
how would you react if they announced the Switch version? serious question
True, unlike ps4 games, switch games only look good on a 6 inch screen
Reminder that the KLK game was first revealed for PS4 only but it's also coming for Switch. Just saying.
It does look okay on bigger screens, but yes, it works best graphics-wise as a portable, how is that bad?
Is this the next rabbit hole we're going down, switchbro?
What are details about it?
You are funny
None. See you in April
Literally all we've got is a PlayStation Logo, Name Reveal, and a hint at a redhaired girl who may or may not be FemC
And months of shitposting ahead no matter what gets announced
Literally nothing except there is some new girl who we don't know if she's a FeMC or just a new character.
Spicy new shitposting material.
try years
main-series persona games have always been sony exclusive.
likewise, mainline smt has been nintendo exclusive for years now.
the sooner port-beggars and console-war shitposters accept these facts and get over it, the better.
It is. You buy hardware for software, not hardware out of loyalty to a brand notorious for no games, then beg for ports due to lack of games. Yea Forums would be a better place if everyone was forced to buy a ps4 and people would actually play games instead of shitposting all day out of boredom.
so you're saying smtv is pretty much confirmed for ps4, then?
But they didn't so it's not a serious question. Keep coping.
>see trailer last year
>trailer shows that more info will be released in March
>new trailer comes out in March
>trailer shows that more info will be released in April
>putting an enhanced version of a game on the same console is retarded
I didnt hear complaints when Atlus put P3 and P3FES on PS2
>Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal on the Switch
>Shin Megami Tensei 5 on PS4
>all of the above on PC
Atlus is based.
pokemon has been doing this with their "third versions" since the '90s and nintendo fans are okay with that.
I wouldn't say it's out the question. There is still next month so there is still a chance it could be revealed maybe along side with the release date for Joker in Smash. Would be nice but I have both consoles anyway so I'll just get it on whichever.
Why should any system get third party exclusives in this day and age? Companies like Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft should also be barred from paying development costs to get exclusivity as well. The only thing that should be exclusive is first party games and nothing else.
Anyone who talks about how playing the Switch in handheld mode is "comfy" is a shit eating literal retard. I've only ever used mine in handheld mode for TWEWY remix because of the control scheme, otherwise it's always docked and I can still play games in my bed like I always do.
For the actual game, the new girl looks to have a problem with how they go about forcefully emotionally castrating people, seeing as you can't really change how society thinks that way. Hopefully she'll be an interesting foil and they'll handle those ideas well and it won't just turn into awful C-tier anime philosophy writing complete with a stupid idealistic and naive resolution.
Final Fantasy used to be Nintendo exclusive too but we all know how that worked out.
That's different Nintendo does it with style and panache.
Seething becauase they know begging won't fix the fact Persona 5 is a PS4 and PS3 exclusive and that Persone 5 R is a PS4 exclusive. SEETHE more, let it all out for believing rumor lying cunts. ;_;
In the age of digital distribution it's getting more retarded unless it's a full on sequel, online games regularly release full on reworks, new seasons and modes but for single player we're expected to doubledip
PS2? No network, game updates require a new disc
3DS? Storage limitations keep updates from being anything huge
PS4? Double dipping faggots releasing a GOTY edition to outdate your Premium Pre-Order edition
why not? third parties' increasing focus on multiplat development has arguably made the games worse by forcing them to homogenize everything and appeal to the lowest common denominator. if anything, we need more third party exclusives, not less.
>I’ll just insult them! My strategy in arguments is impossible to beat!
TL: its ok because we sold away our brain cells to Nintendo years ago
>and the retconned version to PC
Final Fantasy was a Nintendo exclusive franchise.
Then N64 happened and Square jumped ship to Playstation.
Then PS3 happened and Square just gave up and started making their games for all of the consoles and PC.
yeah, nintendo released a console that literally could not run the games square wanted to make, so they left. atlus doesn't have that problem with sony.
>>all of the above on PC
cringe and stupidpilled
>suporting DLC cancer
>may or may not be FemC
>has tons of dialog
>isn't part of the PT and talks about them as an outsider after they've clearly already been doing their thing for a while
Are you retarded?
>all this shitposting over a sub-minute teaser
Portbegging and BTFOposting are a scourge
Thank you.
It wouldn't have gotten this far if portbegging got the cancerous instant ban it deserves. IT's been nearly a decade of Persona 5 portbegging. A fucking decade of it.
PS2 looks like shit on 1k TVs. I'm not even going to mention older consoles.
Joker confirmed to be worst newcomer in Smash
Answer the question.
Could be a second story.
We literally know fucking nothing.
It seems to be more discussion about if the girl is a FeMC or not than portbegging.
>ps2 looks like shit
So is it a female joker or what?
Lets get down to the only important thing: CAN WE FINALLY BANG SAE?
wowee, you sure gave a good response and didn't pander to buzzwords
>lol u fag you wanna play your game at 4K instead of on a small switch screen? What a loser am I right guys?
>antagonist or deuteragonist to the main party who literally is not part of the PT for at least a large chunk of the story
She might be a playable character at some point, but to say she might be the FemC is fucking retarded.
this is your mind on sony
This or Monter Hunter World, which one made Nincels seethe harder?
Better yet, can we bang Sae as the FeMC?
>t. sonygro journalist who cant code shit
you mean which created more falseflagging? I'd say MHW. keep it up though, you might prove m wrong.
post the full lyrics my man
>There’s literally no source that has said this
They said more info on the 24th of April. No platforms announced.
Besides, it’s the exact same thing P4G was:
>Tsundere girl who doesn’t really care about phantom thieves but finds Joker hot
>Ends up being god
If it's Shadow Sae then I'm down.
I don't think they're going to change Joker and this new girl, if she is a MC, is meant to co-exist with him.
The FeMC's name is Nanako
Post yfw switchcucks get btfo for the nth time
Sae is for FeMC only.
It's a battle royal game
answer me, domon!
Would actually be kino
So Nintenbros and PCbros have been begging for a Persona 5 port since 2009?
>Implying it’s not another dumbass tsundere addon like Marie was
>lol everyone played on big ass tvs
>older consoles look like shit on those big ass tvs
Nobody seriously used big ass TVs before ps3/xbox360/wii gen and you can't change that in your lifetime. Only remember a handful of games like MKA even had HDMI tv support, usually they were just stretched as fuck and looked bad.
>This character will be the FemC
>FemC is a female lead and we had one in P3P
>Okay, well she'll just be a side character or rival but that's basically the same thing
Are you just pretending to be retarded or do you really not know what a FemC is?
>if she is a MC, is meant to co-exist with him.
I'm expecting a side story running parallel with her (like Akechi but not insane and evil) and then maybe an extra dungeon or two at the end in late game.
>Switchtards thought they would actually get it
The Shitch couldn’t even run it
Sorry, you have to buy poster : Royale edition to get that answer
Base poster game doesn't cover this part of your story
Rule 63 Yaldabaoth?
whens the switch port
that reminds me: tick tock, makotofags, it's only a matter of time until your hag is forgotten once best girl sae becomes a romance option!
that's the spirit!
*buys poster: royale*
And that game was so shit it killed /mhg/.
>No platforms announced.
Are we going to ignore the giant Sony logo in both teasers and the PS4 logo on P5R website?
P5 will get a Switch port in the year 4444.
Does Atlus even get paid for all these exclusivity deals? If not, are they literally too retarded to port their shit?
Probably the same reason Street Fighter V isn't on the Switch.
How do you buy a game that's not out yet?
Nah. You can cope and play your hypotheticals with someone else.
>got the ps3 version of the original
>need a ps4 for this
what's new on this edition?
can we waifu Sae now?
You're probably talking to that dipshit Mystic "leaker" on Twitter whose ass is more full of shit than a prisoner at a gulag.
im the joker, after all
Maybe don't be poor next time
>crash team racing
>other platforms announced on twitter immediately after the trailer aired
>persona 5 royal
>STILL only showing the playstation logo after months of rumors, "leaks" and begging
when will you guys stop forcing this terrible comparison?
I only hope the "switch port" is only the base game (+base DLC like Disgaea 5), like Catherine.
>Nioh "Only on playstation" game cases
I don't understand why this is a problem...
Just buy and play the game.
Its alright if you want to play on a small shitty screen and enjoy it I'm happy for you. At least its not a smartphone gacha game.
i love how mystic went on twitter and said some stupid shit like ya boy called it after months of delusional tweets about it coming to switch.
It’s coming to the Switch you retards. They’re going to coincide its announcement along with Joker’s DLC in Smash. After they show Joker and say “available after this direct” then we will get the Persona 5 Switch trailer.
If Sakurai isn’t the one picking DLC and it’s Nintendo they wouldn’t just advertise a PlayStation game especially after their good will bonding with Microsoft.
Based retards and hypocrisy.
>No platforms announced.
holy shit, the level of delusion here is actually getting scary.
This is Atlus, if they announce a switch version it might not even be until months after the PS4 version
This whole P5R thing is a Gold Experience for Persona fans like me.
sakurai made the list though and nintendo choose out if that list. sakurai is a giant persona fan.
If they put SMTV on PS4 it'd be censored for sure.
Hello millennial. Smash Brothers Brawl announced Snake at E3 in 2006. Not a single Metal Gear Solid game was ported to the Wii or even the Wii U. I know you're underage too, stupid fucking portbegging cunt. Choke on the air.
>persona 5 runs at 30 fps on a ps4
>let's port is to a much, much weaker console!!!!
why are nint*ndr*nes so silly?
>it’s Nintendo they wouldn’t just advertise a PlayStation game
Why not? Nintendo has been the cuck in the relationship for years now
Other way around
Aw sounds like you'd be very angry and sad if it happened. Why is that though?
Wouldn't it be great if both PS4 and Switch got SMT5 AND P5? The fact that I wouldn't have to listen to people piss and moan about exclusives and port begging would be worth it.
I don't think Detroit really counts if you are losing it to a store that will be dead in 2 years.
i don’t think they will censor the more gory Atlus game.
>it'd be censored for sure.
So like SMT4?
Censored like Catherine was :^)
lmfao the idiot reactivated his twitter again
coping snoyboys
>stsrts projecting
Oh user.
last i checked, atlus isn't koei tecmo. main-series persona games really have been "only on playstation" since 1996.
if you want to play persona, get a playstation, it's as simple as that. no different than having to buy a nintendo console to play smt.
4k's a total fucking meme, I'll take 60fps 1080p over 30fps 4k any day. Either way, I'll pick up Persona 5 R on whatever and probably play it on my 4k tv, but portability is a relevant feature for me.
Now he's going on about Persona 5 Sovereign Switch and whatnot. Treat him as troll, it's gotta be trolling. He's not alright in the head.
I guess I was wrong my bad. So you'd be happy if it got a Switch version? Cool.
won't stop anything from pirating it
actually no one would pirate detroit so anyone pretending to care about it being ported is either baiting or hoping for other actual games to get that treatment
>they wouldn’t just advertise a PlayStation game
good thing they aren't, then.
I'll wait for the superior Switch version, thanks.
>nincel tranny attempting to troll
>stupid and short-sighted decision?
Wut? Persona sold great on PS4.
I’ll jusr screenshot my posts and yours. Keep an eye out on the catalog mid/end of April
Is this like a FEZ edition or a sequel to 5?
>Gaystation pride parades
>720p and screen tearing
No, thank you
How does PQ work? Does the P3MC just come back to life?
They outright admitted to self censorship to avoid god rays.
Because Atlus knows their fans are retarded enough to buy millions of more copies for the exact same game.
>Nintendo pride parades
Also im not talking about that but the usual nincel
Sony wins again baby
>But nintendo
Literally just NoA employees. Meanwhile Sony made floats.
it's set before the end of the game.
at the end of PQ, everyone gets amnesia and forgets the experience
I played it on PS3. Was fine. Was also fine for the pirates who played Persona 5 PS3. 720p is the native res for Switch games like Travis Strikes Back BTW, a lot of Switch games have that 720p or dynamic res in docked mode. ;) Stay Yikes at complaining about Persona 5 PS3 being at 720p while the Switch itself has many 720p and under games (Doom, Wolfenstein).
Whatever helps you cope at night
on the other hand: this is atlus. they still haven't even ported persona 4 golden to the ps4, let alone other platforms, when it would be easy money for them. likewise, there haven't even been rumors of a tokyo mirage sessions switch port. they take exclusivity seriously, even if it means their games are trapped on dead consoles that nobody bought.
>Keep an eye out on the catalog mid/end of April
Where did i hear this before?
>Keep an eye out on the catalog mid/end of March
>Keep an eye out on the catalog with the next direct
>Keep an eye out on the catalog after the P5 initial announcement
>guys Godny didn't censor anything because Atlus did all the work for them!
Saying P5R is going to Switch is like saying SMTV will be going to PS4.
It's the same as every other expanded version of an atlus game. Throws in a new waifu character with a bit of extra story revolving around them that feels completely out of place.
Point where is the catherine port for the switch idiot.
never said that.
if it's anything like the first one, they pull a bunch of timeline shenanigans to line it up so it takes place before the ending of all three games.
It's just a simple question, user.
>NoA isnt part of Nintendo
>Nintendo wasnt so blatant so its ok
Nintendofag defending degeneracy, im so shocked
It really isn't. NoA has no real say in what NoJ does.
But we both know with all that censorship that SIE, based out of California, is calling all the shots for any playstation game.
That's not what I said at all...
Notice how I specifically put "deals" in plural to refer to both the Switch exclusivity of SMTV and the PS4 exclusivity of P5.
With how stupidly easy it is to port between PS4/Xbone/PC and somewhat switch(for less demanding games) the only reason not to go multiplat is if you're being paid. In which case, yeah, it makes perfect sense to just take the guaranteed money.
what is DLC
it was an inferior version because of inferior resolution and screen tearing problems. Don't know why should I play a worse version.
>the people in charge of translating Nintendo 1st party games among other things have no relationship with Nintendo
This is next level coping
Downloadable Content.
Both should happen
Exclusives a shit
>but nintendo
yes that is a normal snoyboy coping mechanism
correct, you'll recieve a pat on the head
>Guys but what if switch though?
Never ever.
>defend Nintendo
As someone who has a base PS4 as well as a Switch and a PC with a 1080ti, the PS4 feels laughably outdated and limiting to play on at this point, and I only use it to watch movies or if something's exclusive. It's an entirely selfish reason, but I'd rather be able to either play games in handheld or on a machine that doesn't take 30 seconds to load shit at 1080p 30fps.
Just the knowledge that it's PS4 only turned this from something I'm definitely interested in into "they'd better show something really impressive to make me buy it again."
Rent free.
>tfw internet too shit for remote play
Reminder that Chihaya isn't going to get any new lines. 3 playthroughs and she was the only one I entered a romantic relationship with every time
Well unlike most people on this board at least you’re using PS4 for something rather than never using the console at all.
More importantly, will Shiho be romancable?
Yes Sony lives in your head rent free, good tranny
sound good :0
Yes, the trailer TOTALLY CONFURMD DAT, mai boi
Fuck yes, I always wanted to care for her.
>Wanting kamoshida's sloppy seconds
Sloppy seconds
Nintenbabies are seething
No one ever thinks about Sony. Hell, the ratio of nintendo to sony shitpost threads is probably 20:1.
>Not wanting to rehabilitate her and make her feel good again
Plebs, the lot of you.
>this pc nigger getting this buttblasted
>implying your microd will help
A dirty mind is a dirty kind. Stop thinking its about sex all the time.
Snake had mainline games on Nintendo consoles and he was the main character in them. This is fucked, just admit it dude.
Rise up Shinmegamitenchads
desu this would be the best outcome
the consolewar shitposting and portbegging is destroying all discussion
NES Metal gear was a bad port and Snakes Revenge isnt even canon
Twin Snakes was a terrible remake
Nintendo didnt get another mainline MGS game until the wattered down 3DS port in 2011
Similar stuff except shittier pc. The switch always felt outdated to me. It feels more like ds successor than anything else. Either pc or home console for me. And if I ever wanted portable walk around my house experience I'd just use my phone to emulate something. And considering the good record of the persona 3/4 updated games, if the royal is that, I'll get it day one.
She won't forget the better d
Ok, real deal here, I don't know everything but I ser some things:
Switch and Steam port is happening, but is the original game
Xbox is not getting it
>I don't know anything
>Here's what I know
I hope the update makes it as comfy as P4G.
Does someone know what is new in R? More places? More party members? More confidants?
More items? No "Lets not do that today.
They could always recast her voice with the anime seiyuu. But I don't think side characters will get anything new and that hurts my soul since Kawakami is my girl
Why have it on PS4 when you could have it on PC?
Get the fuck out idiots. PCfags enjoy your butchered emulation, Switchfags enjoy nothing. PS4chads we got this.
The only way you're getting it on PC is if SEGA strong-arms Atlus into porting it.
Or you could just emulate it if you have a very powerful CPU.
Only good post in this thread
This basically
Look at how long it took them to make P4G and that was for hardware that Sony likely Helped them get acquainted with
Atlus probably only has the one Switch hardware team and they’d be working on SMTV
Someone explain to me why ever since 2014 nintendo fanboys are so attached to this game that every single fucking time news are announced about it we have to deal with portbegging. It started with people actually believing it will be a 3DS exclusive, then people getting access to the atlus website changing the release platforms and after all those years it still hasn't died down. Why?
Your turn
Imagine not being an idort in the year of our lord 2019
They'll never strongarm Atlus into porting anything to PC because Atlus has no experience with doing PC games. They'll just take the source code and outsource it like all their ports. Lab42 ports Yakuza and The Eccentric Ape did Catherine.
If I had to take a guess, it’s a couple of things
>Persona rose in popularity in general with 5
>Persona seemingly went to Sony while SMTV went to Nintendo and that seems like a backwards combination to most people
>TMS x FE made people hopeful for a Persona experience on Nintendo but they never got it
>Genera port begging
I almost fell for her. Her JP voice was cute, Hell she was cute in general. RIP
Shut up
Would cum inside Haru and marry her.
But my tv is in my bedroom.
>Persona seemingly went to Sony
persona's been with sony since p1.
4chanX is not updating. I don't know whats up with it
>Not a Persona 5 fighter or other spin-off
>No Persona 3 remake since the fucking PSP one
>Decide to remake a game that hasn't even left its generation instead
>Not even multiplat to give it some purpose outside "Marie 2 Bonus Content"
If you at least said "bored because it's 99% wandering around doing battles and 1% a story that's not particularly interesting or engaging", you'd have something.
Have they even told us what The Royal is gonna be? Is it the FES/Golden version of the game or something different?
4chanX has been acting funny since the last update.
It has a Marie tied to it, it's The Golden but for P5.
>p3, p4, p5: sell a second time edition
So lazy.
oh no no ono nno Yea Forums and cucksetera is seething into oblivion
The New Mario Bros series grossed over 6 Billion dollars which is more then any Sony game Franchise has managed to earn in 25 years. So clearly people would rather play Mario rehashes then Piece of shit movie games
Catherine has 20k .. 50k on steam. I decided to play free version too because its not fb.
Bayonetta had 150k after one month.
My ps4 ehat the bed and dont think I'll buy another my switch still works and it ain't on PC sooo
>No Persona 3 remake since the fucking PSP one
p3 had three different versions in a four-year span, it's been milked more than enough already.
p1 and p2 both need to get full remakes long before p3 ever gets revisited again.
>Persona 5: censoRed
SMT 5 is on Switch and SMT is almost exclusively Nintendo with the exception of III. Persona Q is on 3DS and Joker is the star of Persona Q2. Atlus deserves a rep and if it wasn't going to be Jack Frost, it certainly wouldn't have been Nanashi or Aleph.
you must be confused. this is persona 5, not tokyo mirage censors.
>no price
>no content
>not a single detail on what the fuck any of this is
>all these user still shitposting about price or it being the same game
You guys are why we can't have nice things
P1 and P2 had remakes on PSP too, user. They and P3 have gone about as long without new revisions, the difference here is that P3 has new 3D models now due to the dancing game.
All you had to do was grab the other corners though.
Can I buy the extra content or I have to pay for a all new game ?
I have P5 on PS4 but never played it
>What is Persona 4 The Golden
>What is SMT Strange Journey Redux
>What is Catherine Full Body
>But you don't know what it is despite it sharing the naming structure of Persona 4's remake
>But you don't know what'll be in it despite Atlus having fallen into a pattern
Next you'll say "It's definitely coming to Switch too, the PS logo is just because it's the PS trailer"
>mfw mjoker is removed and you can only play as femjoke in atlus yuri simulator and /u/ will be laughing at us again
What happened bros? You guys were all set to dab on us, just like with DQXI!
Why are you so confrontational, it's like you're frustrated about life and your only outlet is being a retard on the internet
>P1 and P2 had remakes on PSP too, user.
those were enhanced ports, not remakes, and they didn't address the issues that make a lot of fans skip over them and pretend the series started with 3. also, the psp version of eternal punishment didn't even get released in the west.
p2 in particular is one of my favorite games ever and has the best story and characters in the series, but the actual gameplay is an outdated slog. unlike p3, it could actually benefit from a true remake.
Then why the fuck would you enter this thread, you titanic retard
>"Fuck you guys for not licking Atlus's balls and waiting patiently to get every single new plot element before judging it!"
>Show the very obvious pattern Atlus has had with remakes and call out the fact that "reserving judgement" is fucking retarded when you already know what it is based on very obvious tells
Sorry user, I just have eyes and more than 2 brain cells in my head is all.
user, it'd be nice but I also need to be semi-realistic.
They already have some HD Persona 3 assets and P3P was extremely lacking due to PSP's limitations. They could theoretically stitch P3P and FES together to make a definitive version for the new generation of players.
Persona 1 and 2 should get remakes too but I doubt they'd do it before they do 3.
I just don't understand how Nintendo "fans" co u demand so much from a development team that has interest in Switch yet demand so little from Nintendo themselves. You niggets are so complacent when it comes to Nintendo's lackluster line up the past 3 years yet feel entitled to one of Sony's longest running third party exclusive franchises. It seems like you got what you deserved
feels good to be masterrace
I'm not upset by that, I'm upset that it has no reason to exist. It's not on Switch, it's not on PC, it's not even for a new gen of consoles. It's a remake of a PS4 game exclusively on PS4.
Not him, but this has happened many times in the past. MGS2 & MGS3 had updated versions on the same console at their times (PS2). Street Fighter 2 had updated versions on the same system (SNES). Persona 3 had an updated version on the same console with FES. This isn't new.
>"It's not new, it just hasn't happened in two console generations. You shouldn't complain because it happened before, that makes it ok."
I feel like the Switch version of a Persona is gonna get announced alongside the Joker's release date. It seems inevitable.
I'm sure it's happened every console generation at least once. If you feel Royal with whatever it ends up being isn't worth the money or value, or whatever, then I just move on. If you feel you do want it, then just wait till it gets real cheap or is on sale or something.
it happens every console generation.
Imagine owning a Switch. Don't get me wrong, I have a nu-3DS in my closet, but what the fuck were you thinking if you actually bought that ""console"".
Owning a PS4 and PC will allow you to play everything worth playing except Mario and Smash.
>If you think MH would work on a console, then you don't know anything about MH
>MH won't sell on a console
Oh man, these posts did not age well did they?
You guys spent too much time, she wanted to go to the bathroom.