Game has hidden mechanics

>Game has hidden mechanics
You literally cannot defend this. Hiding moves/systems from the player and still designing enemy encounters around them should be punishable by exile to the colonies.

Attached: 89xNY.jpg (500x259, 113K)

>he didn't know how to use the 3 shells
Stay mad, faggot.

For example?

It's amazing how an off hand joke from a 90s movie that would have been considered average schlock has still so firmly embedded itself into the cultural zeitgeist 25 years later

Attached: Schneider.jpg (320x240, 13K)

someone is mad because they suck at video games

>Mechanics make no sense

Attached: Trying to figure out game mechanics.webm (720x720, 1.05M)

Attached: zoom zoom.png (1600x1269, 492K)

>Mechanic is pointless but awesome

Attached: can slap.webm (830x720, 546K)

>Mechanics actually help and improve the experience

Attached: walking ladder.webm (560x720, 716K)

The joke of the 3 seashells is that Islam has taken over and you just wipe with you hand.

>Mechanics don't work

Attached: hitboxes.webm (1280x720, 1.06M)

>you have to use the guide to figure out mechanics

Attached: jRawzMt.png (300x439, 97K)

Why are they making you do it?

So 3 new shells have to be replaced every single time someone shits? That's a full time job. Who does that?

Most of a game is discovering said mechanics or having them slowly revealed as you play to ramp up the complexity of the gameplay.
Knowing everything from the start means you have basically already finished the game.
There is nothing left to discover or learn. All the cards are on the table, and everything is boring and predictable.
If a game is "competitive" or has some drivel like online pvp, then I can understand your frustration. The easiest solution is to not play multiplayer trash skinnerboxes and to have some sex so you can realize that a victory in a videogame is not the end goal of a videogame.

fuck you buddy, demo man is kino

Attached: 960.jpg (670x377, 23K)

>beginning of a game gives you all the mechanics unlocked and you're at full strength before stripping you completely

what if you got the runny shits

Then you use the conch shell

Your mom is an average schlock

OP, why did you start a new thread when the old one is still up?

EGWF in the Tekken games.
>mfw kept seeing Kazuya go "DORYA" and had no idea what the fuck that was
What's the point of having a command list if you're gonna hide moves anyway

Attached: 1529221845143.jpg (641x589, 66K)

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This is the future of transportation.

This joke is older than the movie. There are 3 buttons, one for water jet to clean your ass, one to dry and the last is a tampon remover but you must not press it if you're a dude.

>game has all the content in place; tons of weapons, tons of unique magical attack, various enemy designs with wildy different shapes and sizes, could easily have types with weaknesses like undead to holy, armored to maces etc.
>the mechanics are dogshit and don't take advantage of all that effort

Attached: Drakengard_US_Cover_art.png (220x311, 132K)

>Game mechanic requires multiple players

Attached: 8rBGNL.gif (400x300, 1.26M)

What is this?

A cat

Every fighting game ever.

Droplets under stoboscopic light.

It's ok to be designed for multiplayer, as long as a fallback path exists.

E.g, Magicka. The difficulty is the same whether one person is playing or four, but is completely beatable given a solid grasp of the game mechanics.