Who do I Start with first claire or leon?
Should I start with Normal or Hardcore difficulty?
Leon. Hardcore difficulty.
I don't have the game but if the highest difficulty in a game is unlocked without having to clear the game or anything, it means that normal is too easy and the devs know it.
The general commentary here is also that hardcore is the best experience.
It's also usually the case that the higher difficulties, when well balanced and implemented (not like in bethesda games), are the most fun.
If you want a Survival Horror experience with limited resources and high tension then go for Hardcore. If you want a fun action game similar to RE4 then go for standard. Personally I prefer Hardcore but I think both modes could do with some minor tweaks. Like I think Zombies do too much damage in Hardcore since they send you straight to danger in one hit. However in Standard the boss battles are super easy and you'll beat them all first time.
Hardcore forces you into the proper survival horror mindset of planning ahead while minimizing damage and resources used, so you should play on that difficulty.
Leon gets more reliable but less fun weapons, so you should do his route first.
aka fpbp
In the original game Leon was disc 1 and Claire was disc 2, but the better scenarios were the opposite of that, Claire A, Leon B, so you played disc 2 first.
What character is considered the first here?
>Like I think Zombies do too much damage in Hardcore since they send you straight to danger in one hit
Shit, i'm surely a filthy casual but that sounds hard as fuck as a first-time player
There's nothing wrong with playing standard your first time. Hardcore is really fucking hard, one of the hardest of all RE games. The zombies all double-lunge like this
First time? Standard. People act like hardcore is like the essential experience, but after spending so much time with the game I think it’s clear this Resident Evil wasn’t designed with Ink Ribbons in mind.
Play hardcore don't be a pussy. Normal is baby mode nowadays. Games need to be challenging, if not, what's the point?
>double lunge
shit son
The A/B scenarios were thrown in last minute in the remake, and it shows. I wouldn’t say there’s any canon way to play, but Leon’s campaign actually addresses more Umbrella shit in his storyline.
Does standard get decently challenging later on? I've never played an RE game before and I've played about two hours in and I've made decent progress without taking any damage or being in serious danger. I was considering switching to hardcore now so I don't have to redo more stuff if I switch later on, but I don't know if I'm in the easy part of the game still.
Leon is clearly intended to be played first like in the original.
Unlike the original, there is very little exclusive to A or B. B scenario is closer to how Madhouse was in RE7 where lots of things are either moved around or made more dangerous without messing with the plot. The only thing I can remember is Marvin only only having lines in A, and he has a better dynamic with Leon than Claire so I'd still say Leon 1st.
I'd only played RE7 before and I had very few issues playing Hardcore. I had to revert a few saves early on when I learned just how stingy i had to be with health, but you make that progress back in a fraction of the time.
If you're 2 hours in and have taken no damage you sound good enough that you should probably just play it on Hardcore
Restart and play hardcore.
The RPD is actually the hard part of the game since it’s enclosed corridors with zombies. If you’re not being challenged then I wouldn’t feel too bad about switching to hardcore.
It sounds bad but all it means is that you actually have to use your herbs and first aid sprays. In Standard mode you will have way more health items than you will ever use and by the end your item box will be full of them. In hardcore you will probably only ever have a couple of them in storage because you need to keep using them. The game is balanced so that you always have enough to get through the area though and honestly the added tension it creates is great.
What's the point of baiting lunges like that. Even in hardcore you'll be basically drowning in ammo by the time you reach the halfway point.
Normal is baby mode confirmed.
it gets easier, most resident evils do
There's no real point to that first bait + dodge, it's super dangerous to do that over just stunning them and running past. The second two dodges were fine
Recently showed this game to a friend and they couldn't get through the East hallway to Elliot without getting lost, confused, and turned around for about 10 minutes straight. So even though I'd argue that Hardcore's the best way to play this game, I'm aware that there are people for whom Assisted is too hard, and anybody who needs to make a thread asking how to start a game probably belongs in that category.
Here is a tip for you. I've heard lots of beginners confused by why there are so many of the blue herbs which cure poison when not many enemies poison you. Mixing a blue herb with a red herb gives you a buff so you take less damage from enemies. Mixing a green herb, red herb and blue herb gives you full health and the defence buff as well. This is explained in a document in the game but for some reason lots of people still think all blue herbs do is cure poison.
Hey what’d you guys think of Ghost Survivors? It totally kicked my ass until I realized kneecapping was much more efficient then trying to get headshots every time.
If I had realized you could mix 3 different herbs together instead of just 2 I would have used more blues.
>Should I start with Normal or Hardcore difficulty?
I'm going to be the odd one out and say standard first. But you should give yourself a personal rule that, if you die, you reload your latest manual save, not an auto save. Doing this more closely matches the challenge of the classic games than hardcore does in my opinion. For a first time play through, the game feels more balanced around the extra unlockable inventory slots, so you can grab weapon upgrades and explore. In hardcore, the focus is more on dodging enemies than fighting them, which actually removes a lot of tension for me.
And I say this as someone who has exhausted the game, S+ ranking all hardcore scenarios, all extra game modes, unlocked cat ears, etc., so I wouldn't call myself a casual.
Alright, thanks! I'll switch to hardcore tonight. I'm ready to get wrecked.
after the first G adult grabbed me in the chess pieces section i used the 3mix with blue, got grabbed several times until i got the ammo and reached the end, and due to Blue was not poisoned as it got covered by the buff
Claire hardcore
I wanna do Claire hardcore
my first time returning from the halfofficer i turned right at the end of the hall
it was then and there i learned to use the fucking map
goad your friends into it more
Do Leon A + Claire B