You own games on Steam

You own games on Steam.

You won't own shit on Stadia.

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this is great news

You don't really own games even you have them on CDs from the 90s

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Go away, Billy.

It's basically Netflix for games, it would be a surprise only for brainlets

Not like I was planning to use a fucking game streaming service, especially one called STD

>stadia, open game library
>I am sorry, user, our records show you used swear words on the internet and your account has been banned

>You own games on Steam.

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>You own games on Steam.

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>quotation mark starts
>quotation mark starts again
>quotation mark only ends once
I hate journalists

you don't own shit on Steam either faggot
Stadia will flop just like every other attempt at streaming games but they will never stop trying because rent-seeking like charging you monthly to access your non-transferable license to an interactive streamed video of a game is the endgame of all capitalism

Which Madcatz controller is that?

Seeth harder tranny.

Well you de facto own them not de jure yes. Activision Blizzard kill squads aren't going to confiscate your Starcraft CD.

Instead of insulate, I'd love if they could just put you in a toxic queue.

What I wouldn't give to just play with other people and joke around like in the 90's and call each other faggots and tell kids I want to fuck their mom. I wish I could just queue with other toxic dudes and actually fuck around than getting reported for saying "gg ez".

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At the rate they're going, it's only a matter of time.

if I don't own games on Steam then how come I can't play every Steam game except the ones I have purchased?

> You own

Lol. You own nothing. Your government owns everything, and the idea you own anything more than the moment you're currently experiencing is a fallacy. I don't care where you live, you are a peasant larping as a noble.

>you own games on Steam
You don't own shit. If Steam goes out of business all your games will be gone.

And I doubt you're going to want to "own" Stadia games anyway.

I hope this bombs so SO hard.

Stop shilling your shitty tabloid, Billy.

You don't own games on Steam, but you do own games on Epic Store. The choice is clear, read up on it, faggots.

You think Steam doesn't fuck with toxic players? Wew.

>If Steam goes out of business all your games will be gone.
prove it

>how come I can't play games I haven't rented???!!!

>Literally thought policing
I wish devs would fuck off already.

>The left needs parental controls

rent [noun]
1. A payment made by a tenant at intervals in order to occupy a property.
2. A similar payment for the use of equipment or a service.

Hmm. I don't remember periodically paying for my games.

You joke but this will become the norm in the near future
Social credit will be implemented and you won't have access to jack shit if you're not an obedient citizen. Don't even think about rebelling either, because you will have nowhere to organize or speak that isn't monitored or easily tracked.

If Valve is ever in enough trouble that Steam is at risk of ending service, they aren't going to have the time, money, or manpower, to ensure people still have access to their rented games. Your shit is going to be gone and you will have no recourse.

It's never going to stop. It's never been about protecting people, it's been about eradicating thought and speech they don't like. It will only stop when their destructive ideology is unmasked for the communist bullshit it really is, or they're all dead. Hopefully the latter.

Console gamers don't understand the concept of not having to pay a monthly fee to play games.

Did you not even read the second definition, you literal fucking mongoloid

>If Valve is ever in enough trouble that Steam is at risk of ending service, they aren't going to have the time, money, or manpower, to ensure people still have access to their rented games. Your shit is going to be gone and you will have no recourse.
I will just run the .exe without having Steam. I still don't understand how Steam going under would get rid of /all/ of my games.

>You own games on Steam.

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Did you?

The easiest way to know if you own a game you got from steam is by clicking on the exe. in the game's files and see if it forces steam to start up. If it doesn't, then you own it completely, if it does then the game uses at least one steam related feature.

Can't you just use whatever steam pirates use if it's on steamworks?

Stop being retarded.
Steam is a service, it's defined as such in the ToS. You don't buy anything on steam, you pay for access.
You own the license to use the software on the CDs. You can give it away, sell it or trade it.
You literally don't own anything you pay money for on steam.

What does it fall under if it runs and works without steam being online, user? What's this grey area?

Remember, you can run any steam game offline if you've ran it online at least once; if steam goes down the download servers obviously go down with it, so there's not much point in caring about games you don't already have downloaded.

>not same

Did you?

>responsible for early days PS3
>then early days Xbox One
>now early days Stadia
Who keeps hiring this absolute retard?

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You know, the headline. in literal terms, is a good idea. I think the smartest way to handle """""toxicity""""" is to just group people who act the same way with one another. That way there's no censorship, you keep playing, and, as a bonus, you get to talk all the shit you want.

>"periodic" is similar to "once"
are you pretending to be retarded?
because you are doing a damn good job

Mods wont be possible on stadia, so for hobby gamers steam will still have a place. But for those 70 gig new releases stadia seems like a good option.

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>the word being referred to was "periodic"

And I'm the retard, lmao. Learn how to reading comprehension.

This. The banter in online games was a lot of fun and added to the social aspect of it

until a game you want to play is a Stadia exclusive. then you won't have a choice because there's no way to pirate a video stream and like hell anyone's getting their hands on the game files

That prospect of being completely 150% impossible to pirate is going to be very enticing to some publishers. In some respects, it's a good thing America has such shit internet nationwide because otherwise Stadia would actually be viable and that would be the end of gaming for many, many people who don't tolerate being treated like gormless cattle.

>using google analytical data to build up profiles of customers and isolate "problematic" ones before they even do anything
Yiss future crimes department now!

>If Valve is ever in enough trouble that Steam is at risk of ending service, they aren't going to have the time, money, or manpower, to ensure people still have access to their rented games. Your shit is going to be gone and you will have no recourse
There's practically nothing short of their building being destroyed that could cause. It's not the type of business that could fail overnight, so there would be an obvious period of decline where you can download and save everything. You wouldn't have access to servers after that obviously, but the games would still be usable if they don't require it.

>it's a good thing America has such shit internet nationwide
Streaming games is a worldwide problem. Most people don't pay for optimal internet even in countries with great infrastructure and then if they do you still can't guarantee direct access to the router, good signal or other people on the same network.

shill your blog somewhere else, lardass

>If Valve is ever in enough trouble that Steam is at risk of ending service
Good luck with that. People act like valve dosent have enough money to sustain themselves through pretty much anything

They don't save that money. It's not like they have a vault where they store all profit. A bad year can lead to investors pulling funds and any company can collapse if the investors get spooked.

>they dont save that money
Unless you are a higher-up-employee at valve, you dont know shit about that. Stop pretending to.

My dad is one of the senior executives and he told me.

Oh yeah well mine works for mojang and he said hed ban you and delete your account since i traced your ip and found your username

Your dad works for my dad and he said you're adopted

You don't own the games on steam, but you can always pirate them

You know you can open games outside the steam launcher, right?

That is accepted grammar for long quoted paragraphs. Read a book dude

Which will open the steam launcher before the game launches

Yeah well at least im not a gaywad

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All copies of games are just licenses

Offline mode

Read the terms and condition faggot.

You only have the right to download the games from their service as long as it still runs. They have the right to stop their services and stop providing downloads whenever they want.

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Ah yes, now players can live in their own sheltered little bubbles, growing weaker and more dependable.

Lemme tell you how stupid your argument is.

-You can give ownership of your physical games to somewhere else, were something to happen to you
-You can play that game in the middle of bumfuck nowhere as long as you have certain equipment.
-You can sell it and give it a decent value if you take good care of it.
-No matter how you think or behave, you still get access to it, the only limit is physical access
-Your old good working game doesn't get replaced by something that has been ruined by incompetent devs with an update
-"B-but the convenience of having the game instantly available over streaming" how's that more convenient than having that game in your hands and just putting that thing in?

Yeah you technically don't "really own" anything. But at least my bed won't disappear next day because someone somewhere else across the globe had an issue.

if they use algorithms then cucks will be flagged as toxic and put with the people who say heil hitler

Someone else*

But yeah, you can also donate those. You can't even donate digital shit. Think of the children, right? Fucking moralist hacks not even thinking about these things.

>Which will open the steam launcher before the game launches
Which still works even if I don't have connection to the net. If Valve disappears with no trace tomorrow, my offline machine wouldn't know and everything will still work exactly the same.