Complete newfag question from an oldfag-- which Skyrim game is best to start with??

I have a very decent setup with a 2080ti, an i-9, 64 gigs Ram, good water cooler, Rift and Vive VR, etc.. etc... BUT, since I was working like a nigger in the fields first to get into a good UG as a WHITE pre-med, then to get into Med school, I kept away from Skyrim as if from Kyponite since eI fucking KNOW it will suck me in in and lead me to many, many hours playing.
so anyway, now I have acceptance to the Med school I want with enough of an academic scholarship/financial aid that I'm 995 sure I can pay for it. Thus, making the decision to jump into the Franchise have always wanted to, skyrim.
I know, I already know the type of responses I'm going to get from the underage egelords and various assortment of 400lb douchebags who can even see their own prick in a mirror and who even a thai transvestite hooker won't touch. You type, you can stick your tongue up in my fucking ass.
I've been on this board since Goymer Gate, and have always assiduously avoided Skyrim despite getting into Witcher 3, Dark Should, Fallout, etc.. bc I know this one is going to be a major fucking time killer. But, from here out, my UG grades don't matter a fuck, have my acceptance, so in all earnestness, where does a motherfucker start as a first step to getting into Skyrim for the PC? Thanks lads.

Attached: skyrim.png (1236x728, 1.12M)

Other urls found in this thread:`

Nuce backstory, faggot. Nobody cares.

start with skyrim new vegas

Please, no underage assholes or would-be tough guys trying to sound cool. I've been here a very long fucking time--I'd wager longer than the vast majority posting now-- and I PURPOSELY decided to avoid the franchise until I made completed my goal of being "a fucking white male" accepted into Med School. Now that I have that, and my grades for the rest of the semester don't mean fuck all and I also have the summer, I want to fucking dive into the franchise I avoided all this time for fear it would eat up too much of my time when I needed it to fuckign study.
So, in complete serious, for my first purchase elated to the Skyrim franchise, ideas on which game or games I ought to purchase, since I've saved up a few hundred shekels just for this occasion if I to into my school choice???

Is this brand new or copypasta? I can't tell.

lol faggot

>skyrim new vegas
I have played Fallout, dumb fuck. Why do assholes have to think thy are being clever and snarky, why can't people on Yea Forums, in all the fucking years Ive been here ever, ever just help someone else out? Like it's taking shekels from your fucking pocket? All the time I've been here, Yea Forums users are by far the most miserable motherfuckers here.

>med school
>types and sounds like an edgy underaged retard
You’re gonna do great, kid.

I recommend Skyrim Switch

Skyrim: Morrowind
is the best tbph

No one cares about your boring life holy shit. What is even your question? Where to start getting into Skyrim? Gee I don't know, try installing the game and playing it, retard. For someone with a fancy medical education you sure ask stupid questions.

>lol faggot
YEah. the same fucking faggot who, if hr saw me in the street, would avery his eyes and fucking run home. all you motherfuckers are badasses behind a screen, but not one of you would ever get into a genuine fistfight.
It wasn't always like this her until gooier gate encouraged every scumbag from everywhere on the internet to come here. and then, o course, the edgy retards trying to keep up with /pol/.

Go away, kid.

Don't fight me!
I..I take it all back

>You’re gonna do great, kid.
Based on my MCAT, I actually am. I've yet to see any studies that examine the accuracy of typing at ~8am EST after a night out with success in medical school, bu tif you have one, please forward on. Was it in the latest AMJ? Lancet? Please, share with me your vast knowledge....

He's asking WHICH Skyrim game to play, retard. lrn2read

>Skyrim franchise
Sometimes I can't tell if It's bait or you guys are genuinely autistic.

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Go away, kid.

Oh right, well in that case I recommend Skyrim 3: Cliffracer With A Vengeance

>I..I take it all back
The irony is, you try to play it as a joke, but you absolutely fucking would. I've encountered enough of your type IRL. Very tough , until I stand up/take off my jacket and they realize I could todd them through a fucking wall. You
d be no fucking different.
Why this sort of thread always has to descend into edgy retards, i have no idea, when I cam to a VIDYA GAME DISCUSSION board using a VIDYA QUESTION. God, do I miss pre-Gamer Goy Yea Forums...

That's my favorite one too, go for it OP

Attached: Sop1Aya.png (283x367, 15K)

Skyrim 3 is where the whole franchise went to shit. I’d stick with Skyrim 2 for the WiiU.

>Go away, kid.
LMAO, please do tell me your ag and accomplishments to justify calling someone else "kid?" Other than sitting on your fat ass, faking an illness, and collecting neetbux?


>That's my favorite one too, go for it OP
Maybe. What do you think about the game Skyrim-- hunt down and disembwel edgy faggots who hide behind computer screens, yet couldn't fight their way out of a pair bag IRL?" How is that one?

35, MPH degree, work for one of the top 20 pharmaceutical research companies in the world.

>he couldn't get in top 10

Attached: dunce-cap.jpg (446x336, 29K)

Why did the thread I started as an edgy retard get full of edgy retards?

Skyrim R2: Dancing all Night for the DS is my favorite
Yeah sure the others are masterpieces, but I think they were a little too serious
R2 was just a fun little side-game with so much detail

>being an internet tough guy
>current year
Get a load of this hothead.

>Yea Forumsirgins LARPing as successful people


Go away, kid.

Neck yourself.

>Skyrim rhythm game
Fuck, I haven’t touched my DS in ages. I forgot all about this. I played it to death when it came out. Managed to 5-star every single song on Expert difficulty.

Zoe Quinn and Anita Sakiieian should REALLY both be drawn and quested, because prior to their bullshit, this place was not full of edgy, wanna-be, hard-ons who considered themselves above everyone else, despite the fact tat they've accomplished fuck-all in their own lives. But, since /pol/ now gets all the attention, trather than just focus on the Video (i.e., as was pre-2014) it's just more and more edgy assholes and less of ANYTING to do with Video.....It's all so tiresome ...

Attached: tiresome.png (500x380, 96K)

>when you perfect that fus roh dah on the last level
Absolute kino.

Go away, kid.

>35, MPH d
LMAO, "masters of public health?" correct me if I'm wrong, but you'll be then coming to my office eventually trying t push drug samples on me? Og fuck, that's the funniest thing have heard all day...

LITERALLY kino, my nigga

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I actually manage study start-up activities for clinical trials (regulatory, IRB, CTA, etc), but I wouldn’t expect a LARPer to understand.

>Fuck, I haven’t touched my DS in ages. I forgot all about this. I played it to death when it came out. Managed to 5-star every single song on Expert difficulty.
Oh, you're so edgy, and you're so clearly me! And how angry you are making me, with your clever tricks on an animus cambodian worm-farming forum! I just may start throwing things!
Nope, place is no different than once it changed after Goymergate. Still the edge lord hard-ons who think they can keep up with /pol/. Whereas everyone here used to discuss Video and actually be willing to help ANYONe out on any topic so long as it was Vifya related, no look at it.
Congrats. You fuckers have managed to 100% destroy what had been a cool community when I was young. ell, fuck yous. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."

Go away, kid.

>I actually manage study start-up activities for clinical trials
YEah. when you come to my office, instead of the usual shit they use to sell drugs where i'm interning, can you bing me Thai food? The drug rep NEVER brings Thai there I
m interning and it pisses me off, so could you take care of that for me thanks, best...

You obviously have no idea how anything in this industry works. Do your research before trying to LARP next time.

breathe in and out
count to 8 slowly while breathing in, hold your breath for 3 seconds then slowly breathe out

>Go away, kid.
so, thus far you've tried it..5 or 6 times? What's the script you're expecting? that i get "angry and thrown out of balance? Asshole, I can find 10,000 sites that will give me all he info I need re: skyrim and be off and running. I'll have it downloaded before your mother blows her next john. But you'll be a hard==on for the rest of your fucking life, who managed to ruin what was once a cool vidya community. Consider that.

then please go away to those sites
thank you

>You obviously have no idea how anything in this industry works
Of course. And can you also indue extra penny sauce wit the thai food? I don't know quite what it's called. And if you can, don't go to that fucking thai place on the East side right across from 2nd ave. Go t one a couple blocks down, toward alaphet city, so when you ge two the office it will still be hot, but not from that same place on 18th and 2nd since they haven
t been up to par lately. Ah, SATAY sauce! That's what i want. Extra Satay, and MAYBE I'll consider prescribing extra of the shit your bring. but it BETTER be fucking hot.

Kid? Go away.

>then please go away to those sites
You know what? After my warm welcome, I've decided to park my fucking ass RIGHT HERE. I was here LOOOONG before 99% of you motherfuckers in this thread, who came either from the goyer gate PR or, I suspect, far MORE now YOU are presuming to tell ME what to do...n a community I helped build from fucking scratch? Nah, sorry, not how it works in life fucko...

Remember I will always love you kid, and I'm so proud of you
But kid, go away

>Skyrim: Morrowind
This is the new Mod coming out? I want to get sort of focused before I start fucking with Mods, though I have boded a bunch of different games myself, always , as already stated, tried to avoid all variations of "Skyrim" for fear of being sucked into a morass. I at least wanted my Med School letter of acceptance first.
So, as far as going to the beginning-- either I get in on Steam or torrent it-- for the few earnest people here not thinking they are edge lords or dickheads, which game would you all get?

I like whats going on in this thread

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>Remember I will always love you kid, sound like a man of experience. almost like you've sent that exact phrase to a LOT of young boys before, correct? amazing that there are open pesos on Yea Forums now...

young chappo
I need you to go and put on the tea for me, earl gey with milk, no sugar
after that you can leave

>open pesos
PEDOS, of course. But, funny enough, "egos" and "egos" pretty closely related, since almost every female treated in a NYC area hospital with severe anal wounds was inflicted b her mexican father. At least 2 or 3 a day at the hospital where I intern. So you being a mexican AND pedi would make sense... :)

Don't believe everything you read on the internet, folks.

>young chappo
Have you ever had anal intercourse with any of your younger female relatives like just about all Mexicans? you don't need to be shy, I see it in the hospital daily. Ever think about turning yourself in for this criminal behavior, so you won't have to liv wit the guilt? You know, it's not too late to seek forgiveness, but the first step is going to the law. So will you turn yourself in?

>Don't believe everything you read on the internet,
In re to what fucko? Mexicans and anal intercurse with their daughters? Tell you what, check a NY family court on a SUNDAY, you'll find the court and all proceedings are SEALED for the entire day. Do you know why? Wed, all over NYC, is the day reserved for for the mexicans who anally rape their daughters, though they close the court and seal EVERYTHING, and the press of course completely accommodates them.
Ask anyone who works in the Er of a NYC hospital, or a NYC court, and see for yourself if it's true that the majority of mexican fathers anally rape their daughters.

>court on a SUNDAY,
CORRECTION-- WEDNESDAY, obviously. Wed in NYC family court is the day where all the mexican incest rapes are processed. Check around the net, there must be something on it...Everyone in the Med and Law community in NYC knows it...

Another addendum m to this since you motherfucks have ruined what was meant to be a perfectly innocent thread about a fucking GAME-- many of these mexican girls have their anuses torn up so badly they need to have an "artificial anus" put in. now, if you think any of these fuckers are paying for this with their own cash or through their own insurance, think again. Who is paying for the surgery that results for this obscenity? Why, YOU ARE, of course, Mr. White tax payer! Though given the tenure of this thread and how the board has changed of late, very much doubt anyone in here is White.
There isa reason the US can no longer fly the space shuttle and FranceUK can no longer fly concorde. you bring in low IQ vermin, you ge the results you'd expect FROM low IQ vermin. Add to that feminism and "moment need x percentage f jobs," and, mark my work, pretty soon threads like these on Video games won't matter since the West will not have the capability to maintain such machines, even if chinks build them.
That is all.

Vete, niño.

I dunno but skyrim for N64 was pretty good

Good point. It was low-poly as fuck but I’m still blown away by how much content they managed to squeeze onto the cart.

Oh, and lastly-- ig any of you big , bad tough guys talking shit live near NYC, would be happy to meet ANY OF YOU near tompkins square park, and we can go deeper into alphabet city where there are no cops, have a fair fight, (if you have someone to video, please bring along, I will) and we can see if any of you who like to talk tough can fight.
And yes, I am 1000% serous and if you let me know in this thread, will set up a proton mail and can met at pretty much any time today or tomm and nice you seem to think you're bad asses, well, why not put it to the test? After all, I MUST be a 5 foot 1, 410lb, mulattoo who has never trained in fighting, certainly does not lift weights 6 days week and SURELY cannot fight. So, what's the risk for you? You can "Beat up" a short, fat, weak" person like me, right o camera and have it go sup on YT, and look like a hero. You all repeatedly expressed your belief that there's no way I can fight anyone who ants it the chance. Come one, come all...

Go away, kid.

I'll be wearing a red jacket and black hat, see you there in an hour if you're such a tough guy.

>I dunno but skyrim for N64 was pretty good
>they managed to squeeze onto the cart.

Brilliant!! (insert onions face here!) I get the joke! He will think..he will think that there's a skyrim for n-64, but WE are so very coo l smart, that WE know better! In spite of his rig costing more than either of us make in a year, in spite of him having a scholarship to medical school, we can mask our deep feelings of inferiority by pretending we have a "deep knowledge" of video since ;he, he, he will NEVER know that Nintendo dhas never released ANY game having to do with sky Rim!"
Fuck face, just ONE of Titan GPUs cost almost 4k. I'm not only smarter and wealthier than both of you combined, I'm better than you on EVERY metric. EVERY.
Here's my setup, not even show the 3rd monitor or the VR stuff. Show your's.

Attached: augrig1.jpg (1080x810, 64K)

Go away, kid.

If you are in NYC, give me a prtonmail, and then can exchange numbers. If you send me proof you are in NYC today, I will meet you. Just name the time.

Your bait is slipping

Dont forget trolling cant be forced it must flow genuinely

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Play Morrowind, it's an upgraded version of Skyrim.

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Its bait,you bit it.

>but not one of you would ever get into a genuine fistfight.
I remember getting in a lot of fistfights back in my days in the kindergartner. I stopped after that because I realized it was retarded.

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>mfw this is the best thread on Yea Forums

This is fun as fuck, don’t try and stop me.

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Skyrim for wii u and 3ds isnt as good as that and skyrim:soul gold and heart silver

Notice the flight simulator, since I'm training for my pilot's license, whips WHY I don't have any idea re: skyrim? I was depressed this morning, but realizing how much better I am compared to the fucking losers here, it really has made me feel a fuck of a lot better. You're such, such pathetic losers, the only thing you can...sort of try to take "pride" in is know a lot more about skyrim than I, which I conceded in the very first post so..what has been the point?
You far, subhuman, 56%er scum, you really are walking abortions that your mother made a HUGE mistake not aborting. And it's a shame since now ALL OF US pay the price for her decision not to abort you. People like you, you need to be sterilized. end of. full stop.

It's better than a mod, it's like a whole new game. It even has it's own expansions.

>best thread on Yea Forums
its Yea Forums tier dogshit and has better content

Should’ve listened to This isn’t even entertaining anymore. Trying WAY too hard.

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>I remember getting in a lot of fistfights back in my days in the kindergartner.
the last fistfight I got in was on rider's island, the day they brought in a new warden, and 4 lexicons got their throats slashed in the library. I was only in for a memorial weekend for a DUI, and you know what? Have it it expunged, so med school, even after background check, has no fucking idea, nor will they...

Yeah, but I don’t care about Sekiro, so right now this is the best thread on Yea Forums.

What's the problem with kites ?

The last I got in I was when I was 9, I kicked some poor guy in the face. Fucker didn't deserve it. I was retarded at the time.

>>mfw this is the best thread on Yea Forums
Irony here being, most apparently think the the "the joke is on me, when, in direct contrast, the fucking joke on you fuckers. I thought my life sucks and after you finally reach a goal you've had a long time, like getting into the med school you wanted, it all feels a bit empty. But look at some of you motherfuckers.
The big, funny joke is thinking I won't know that there''s no version of anything related to skyrim for nintendo, when you fuckers are talking to someone whose GPU SLI costs more than most of your fucking cars.

>thinking I won't know that there''s no version of anything related to skyrim for nintendo
Huh ?

Attached: Skyrim-Switch.jpg (760x428, 56K)

Glad we could help. Now fuck off.

I've been doing battle with ~ 20 of you fuckers, all alone, and I've more than held my own. but anyway, my offer still stands. Anyone thinks they're a good fighter and you're near NY, set up a proton mail, send a pic marked with writing of some kind proving you are in NYC. Can meet at thompkins square park, go deeper into alphabet city where the cops don't go and residents don't give a fuck, and just fight until someone passes out or dies. I'm deadly fucking serious. Leave a proton mail, I will get someone to bring a camera to film, you can do the same. Since you're all such "tough guys," I'm sure after you "kick my ass," you'lll just be being for the footage to go up right? Can put it here with a link from alpahbet city. And yes, I'm deadly serious.
To think, this started over a bunch of fuckos who thought they were hard men. Then, like 95% of the time, when you call them on it, they run an hide like the weeping cunts they are. I'm done here. Cake-assed fucking faggots, know they'd get their teeth knocked out.

Nigger. You big dumb nigger.

>Now fuck off.
LMAO, another big fucking thought guy...from behind a screen. Isn't that right , Herschel? Another who wouldn't dare make eye contact and, at might, would cross the fucking road if he saw me walking down. Not bc I'm a nigger, but because people like this see a guy built like a brick shithouse and they run like a girl with her first period and blood linking from her twat. all the fucking same. All faggots here.

ITT : oldfag mad at newfags.
Nothing new, keep on scrolling.

Attached: Shhh, kid.jpg (514x796, 126K)

Go away, kid.

I suggest you get the version of Skyrim on the Switch. Being able to take it with you and just play portable Skyrim wherever you go is comfy as hell.

Stop shitting up the thread, fagmo.

What are you talking about? You wanted a suggestion for which version of Skyrim to get. I suggest the Switch version.`

Please someone screencap this thread, OP is a glorious winged faggot

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>I've been here a very long fucking time--I'd wager longer than the vast majority posting now
Nigga you're a literal baby, saying that you've
"been here since gamergate" just makes you a colossal newfag

Nah, this was amusing enough for a while but it’s not so epic as to deserve preservation.

Please forgive my son behavior. He will not get skyrim until christmas

my sincere apologies

I can't find the videogame under all this exposition.

Just get Skyrim 2

>Med school
You faggots ruined my gen chem and organic classes. Fuck you.

>You faggots ruined my gen chem and organic classes
NO, the Indians, chinks, and womenz ruin those classes. And I did my gen chem one summer at harvard, where it was actually a lot easier thsn a normal chem class would have been since everyone was drinkig and there was a far better selection of snatch since they come from all over the world just bc they think it's a "prestige" thing.
I had 2 siblings who are current students up there doing their thesis so I got free rent sleeping on their couch and that course and physics wasn't expensive at all, esp without any room and board. If you have the shekels, do as many pre-med courses as possible at an "ivy league school" during the summer, since it's fucking easy put doesn't look on your transcript like as much of a fucking pushover as doing them at a community college.
Will no cunt here give me a list of the Skyrim and Elder Scrolls games most worth guying in a list???

>Just get Skyrim 2
I really wish just ONE FUCKER would list for me the Elder Scrolls and Skyrims games I would be best off buying in order of precedence. This way I can send a month playing until next internship begins, and then have really nothing to wait for until Cyberpunk 2077 which the Poles BETTER not fuck up by making it full of kangz or I'm gonna snap.

I'm sorry to contact you like this, I can't find you anywhere else. there's a large, muscular negro saying you "owe him for 2 8 balls of cocaine" and that the blowjobs you have him and his 5 HIV infected buddies weren't enough. He said to stop fucking around playing on the internet and playing games and get down here, or your fat mulatto son (I think he means Jerome) is going to have hic prick cut off and stuffed down his throat.
I told him "how dare you talk about my wife's son like that!" but he just hit me. So PLEASE stop playing around on the computer, pretending to be someone else and give this negro the shine he says you owe him?

I have no interest in the pathetic pursuits of inferior manchildren attempting to be alpha males in an electronic environment. You try take that attitude with me in the real world? See how far it gets you, kid. If you were stood in front of me right now, you wouldn't even be able to comprehend the moves I'd make and the force with which my punches would land. That's right, you'd be on the floor already, and you'd still be in the middle of processing just how fast and skilled I actually am. Your facial bone structure would repeatedly be altered with every vicious blow and you wanna know the scary thing? I wouldn't even be trying. My advice to you? Go read a book or twenty, learn to do the simple things, learn to value what is truly important and maybe then you might have what it takes to be the last man standing in real life. Til then? Watch your mouth, bitch.

>I suggest you get the version of Skyrim on the Switch. Being able to take it with you and just play portable Skyrim wherever you go is comfy as hell.
I just looked into it mate. In theory, it sounds cool but I think owning a "Switch" automatically would qualify me for bugman. Plus, the shekels I made on Bitcoin and selling JUST at the right time to have 2 processors combined with SLI worth $5,500 along with 3 monitors over 33" makes me want to do EVERYTHINg on the fucking PC now, since buying the parts and building it took fucking long enough and I got lucky as fuck, sold off my Bitcoin literally 2 days before the big crash.
I'd post more pics here, but I have a ton of shit bought with bitcoin shekels from right before the thing collapssed, including a $2.5k SSD Samsung Drive that's about the size of a lighter but holds 6 or 7 TBs.

>worried about not having time to do stuff
>3 hours posting inane shit in this thread

>attempting to be alpha males in an electronic environment.
Dumb fuck, I've LITERALLY TOLD YOU or any one else, if you want to talk shit, I'm happy to meet you in Tomplkins square park, walk deeper into alphabet city where there will be no cops, and settle it with my fists. I've been slashed on my face, had my nose broken numerous ties, which inspired me to really learn how to fight.
I'm the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you are talking about. I'm all for talking shit in fun on the net or anywher eelse, but if motherfucker s want to get serious and genuinely think they can fight, I'm all for that too. Just waiting for anyone to take m eup on it. You're free to take me up on it too. Just a proton mail address, prove to me you are in NYC, and I will be there.
Just me, and will bring one friend to film, and you can do the same. But the unwritten rule on both side is that if the "friend" tries to jump in on either side, then any sort of weapon becomes permissible. Those are Rikers Island rules for fights.

You'll probably want to give Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V a go.

>>worried about not having time to do stuff
'''YEP, and I was up all night celebrating getting into one of the t-5 med schools in the country according to Us news and world report, and my heart is still throbbing and can't sleep. Having never accomplished a fucking thing in your life, would not expect you to know that feeling. Correct?'''

>You'll probably want to give Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V a go.
thanks man. going to write it down and look it up now... appreciate it, actually a recommendation without being a dick. Cheers.

I think it's new. I certainly won't be copying it.

>Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V a go.
Cool, thanks mate. $40 on Steam, don't feel like trying to torrent, going to get it now. Cheers...

>I certainly won't be copying it.
I bet you sure as shit won't be. 85% of you fuckers live in such an isolated world surrounded by fellow losers and dickheads, that it must be quite jarring indeed for someone to come along who has never taken shit from anyone--verbally or physically--- and to, in essence, tell an entire thread of ~3- people to all go fuck themselves, and move over come out the victor.
Yeah, I can bet you "won't be saving it."

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Go away, kid.

Skyrim -3 was better in my opinion


But Skyrim 2 wasn't on the virtual boy

>huge interesting world
>tons of role playing choices
>best combat in franchise history
>the only colors are black and red
It’s a special kind of pain.

Please, if you were a REAL oldfag you’d remember the Skyrim Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books by Scholastic.

Nigger, OF COURSE I remember those, but we’re strictly talking vidya here.

Skyrim 6 boys where we at?
I thought the kinect integration was stupid but it ended up being pretty nice
I still dont understand why they added that obvious just dance clone to dance to the bard songs

Skyrim 8 did the dancing better

What the fuck is wrong with this kid?

Eish...let me teach some of you retards a lesson that goes beyound even vidya. I have no idea how many of you are actually "virgins" or how many of you get pussy regularly. I am an obsessive gym fag, 2 hours a day strength and 45 mins a day cardio, but even still I wouldn't say I'm "exceptionally god looking." Some of my friends often wonder why I so often pull what are considered to be the best looking girls at a school, hospital, whatever...
This board is a microcosm, but what 95% of you motherfuckers are doing in here-- just piling on someone because you think, through a screen, they are weaker, you have the numbers, and even if they are stronger they are far away-- NOTHING will turn a girl off more quickly that that. Nothing.
Even in a gym when I'm pressed for time, in a confused newb comes up to me and wants to know "how do I make the muscles behind my shoulders [traps] look like yours?" no matter how pressed for time, I will explain to him dumbell and barbell shrugs, lunges, deadlifts, etc..
There's an evolutionary reason for this-- if a girl sees you have so little character as to pile onto someone you perceive as weak, in her reptile brain she's wondering: "how would this fucker treat me when I'm pregnant, or if there was a food shortage and it was between me and the kids and him?"
I'm far--VERY far-- from a perfect person, but one thing you'll NEVER catch me doing i piling on people weaker than I am, in reality or perception. Sure, at the gym i might NICELY try to show someone how to do lat pulldowns with correct form, but even on the /fit/ board, you will NEVER catch me "piling on" some motherfucker, no matter what he asks or has done. It shows a lack of confidence in yourself and that you have no real fucking independent character.

Attached: iceland-perfect-10.png (526x524, 445K)

In term, you'll learn. And it's not really about fuckin vidya. it's about others seeing what sort of human being you actually are. And you can laugh now, but mark my words. This kind of things will make or break you in the long run.

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Go away, kid.

Skyrim is literally on Nintendo’s newest console, you absolutely beautiful autistic beast

Some of you, actually most of you, should screecap this and print it out, since it's the best advice anyone is ever going to give you for a very long time, and you just got it for free. Whether you are in high school, Uni, grad school, LS or Med school, NO DECENT GIRL wants to date the motherfucker who helps pile on to pick on...the short, fat kid with the lazy arm in a wheel chair. Or the few who will, those are sure as shit not marriage material.
I dated a Jap girl for several years, a very cute one from a good family (which is rare, jap girls from good families don't date foreigners). Why was she attracted to me? I was on an amazon cruise up the River, and it was Christmas time so it was full of pushy Jews. there was one, 9 year old autistic kid who kept getting screamed at by the older Jews for making noises, getting in their shots, etc...
So, I calmed the kid down by talking to him about cartoons, and he sat still rest of the trip. I know: "Hurr, no one wants to hear your blog posts!" But what impressed the jap girl on that boat to where she wanted to know me and invited me to the cherry Blossom the following year? the fact that instead of piling on and complaining to management like other fuckers were doing, instead I showed the kid, who ws a total stranger, empathy and acted interested in is cartoons.
If you genuinely can't get laid, reflect on that, and reflct on what faults in your own character lead you to just "pile on" and insult someone--who admitted from the outset he lacked any real knowledge of the topic in question, and was searching for help-- and rather than help, you pilled on insults, sarcasm, ridicule, etc.. which, of course, as banter, as what this place does, is fun. But when it's 30 v 1 and it goes on for hours, perhaps some of you who can't get laid might want to examine what's wrong with your own characters.

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so your gpu sli costs more than our cars but you're still a dumb turbonigger

And you can laugh it off, mock it, use the same usual cynicism, etc.. but for some reading this, they know there is a truth here that is hitting home, and no w that they've read it, they can never "unread it."
Forget me and game and this fucking thread, the larger purpose of me letting this go on for so long was to to see how many would break from the groupthink;" and 2 or 3 did, and congrats to them. But the rest, hammered away at some fucker they never met for hours and hours, and for what crime? for asking for help understand the structure of a game he wasn't familiar with. Ask yourself, if this was taking place in...a bar, at a wedding, whatever, what conclusion do you think any attractive and semi-decent girl observing would come to about you? Would you be someone, in the back of her head, she would think of as a father for children? I'm going to guess "no."

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Go away, kid.

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

>but you're still a dumb turbonigger
amazing. I'd ike to guess you are a chink and thus without a soul, but maybe not. Maybe that's how far down this race has come. In 2.5 posts, I JUST EXPLAIINED the entire purpose of why I let this go on for hours and hours, waiting to see how many would keep joining the pile on for some poor bastard who simply asked for direction re: a fucking GAME.
You will neber, ever fucking "get it." What the DSM- IV would have called "incorrigible" (not sure what the new pussified DSM-V says, though of my "mentors" helped right it in Pittsburgh every weekend where they met and aid it's trash).
i'll leave you to contemplate yourself now user. You need it.

Morrowind. It takes a long time to get into, but that's the point and what makes it interesting.

thanks user, will write that one too as one to put on my list and buy.

Holy shit you are absolutely delusional. This is fucking amazing. You have the vocabulary of a seven year old and your only merit is being around since Gamer Gate (which happened relatively recently). You are not winning any fights in these threads, and I hate to break it to you but there aren’t even fights happening. We are all simply egging you on so that you keep running that fat lip of yours while we laugh at how pathetic a human being can be. But of course you’re too much of a troglodyte to comprehend that, so you’ll just respond with the same “come fight me then,” bullshit and we will continue to laugh.

Play Oblivion.

Go away, kid.

Buddy, their's like two versions of the same game. Shouldn't you med school fags be good at research?

this nigga just dropped 20+ copypastas

He’s a LARPer. Why would you expect him to know anything about medicine or medical research?

I didn't read the thread before posting lol.

>He’s a LARPer
lmao, how funny is it that I nailed you EXACTLY as the fucking drug rep you are, in that cheap fucking suit, in a female profession (but where none fo the girls will look at you), and inflicted such an injury to you with the truth that you've wasted you're entire morning trying to...I guess insult me (?) because I nailed you just from a few sentences!
Oh and yes, it's one big LARP. My physics, Bio Calculus, Organic and Inorganic Chem, all my labs, the MCAT course, MCAT itself, the interviews...that was all a fun joke.
protip- just becuse you weren't clever enogh to make it into Med School and are, essentially, a drug delivery boy in a cheap suit, doesn't mean everyone is the same. And the fact that the truth cut so deeply you've been sitting here for ~ 3 hrs imagining that somehow typing over and over a variation of "go away, kid" (or set a bot to do it) is going to wound me... hopefully you deliver Zyprexa or some other anti-psychotic bc you need one.

Go away, kid.

>actually went and played Skyrim for awhile after bailing at the beginning of this thread
>these two retards are still bickering

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>I didn't read the thread
So you HAVE read the thread now then, that's what you're saying? And you were able to sit through the best advice you will ever receive about character, and about how, for women, nothing is more repulsive than a guy with no will of his own, who will sit from from where (he thinks) he is safe (and ONLY from safety) and sling arrows of falsehood, and yet any attempt at "meeting" ad "settling accounts" with anyone who might have a real problem, that of course no one is interested in.
This is used to be such a cool fucking board with cool people when I was in high school. Gaze on it now. And if anyone here really thinks I care what a bunch of fat, sweaty, jealous, mean-spirited people on a Tibetan cave spelunking forum say about me, well...for yourself READ what you've typed, ask yourself why, and ask if ANY GIRL would ever, EVER want you even as a date, forget as the father of her children. And, with that, I'm off to play with my VR.
I made more money last Dec with fucking bitcoin and then dumped than most of you will make in 5 years. But, maybe this photo isa LARP too, and those boxes were always empty. I got them from a dumpster maybe? Have a good day. : )

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I could barely get through your comments bud. You sound like a schizo and I'm too exhausted to process what you're saying.

Here are my 3 "big monitors," the small one to keep an eye on stocks, and included in there is my Mac Pro, my Yoke controller, my Vive and Rift should be there so, for the asshole who doubted it...yes, my setup with all peripherals really DOES cost more than the avg car of the avg asshole on here. Have a great day lads, esp that one cunt...

P.S.- this is all from one shitty investment in bitcoin and pulling out at the time. Give me time to REALLY get started!

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>d. You sound like a schizo

Translation: "I'm jealous and angry and in shock that, just as you told me, your setup is indeed worth more than my car....BUT, if I call you a Shizo (since your photos have, in fact, torn to shit my thesis that you were a LARPer) I can try to salvage a bit of self-esteem after I was just fucking humiliated."
Does that about sum it up? I was a double-major BTW, and wrote a thesis in the psychology department too. :)

People are still taking his bait anyway

I'm terrified you got accepted to a medical school with that trash English

>open pesos
Ay carumba!

>You sound like a schizo and I'm too exhausted to process what you're saying.
It never, ever fucking fails. You trap a rat in a corner after you've been accused of....let's see "LARPing about your Med acceptance, about the money you made off bitcoin and your rig "being worth more than the avg car.." that when you hit them with proof, all they can run for is "muh mental illness!"
As far as the clarity of my writing, I have 2 national awards for college journalism and 1 national award for college fiction writing (2 first place finishes, one third) so I'm going to trust those impartial judges over you. I called every motherfucker out in here with pinpoint accuracy, and all their hopes loomed on the one, tenuous string-- he's LARPing. No that this string has disappeared, watch them free all and screech like rats taking a long into a pit below....

Annnd, what would you know? All Quiet on the Western Front. Suddenly, the rats have left. I'm considering posting my Med School Acceptance Letter and Scholarship award money letter, maybe a few of the rats would even kill themselves over it...

Yea Forums has become sentient

Everybody in this thread needs to go read Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou. It's really good.

>with that trash English
Keep reaching, and reaching, like a rat grasping for that final fucking tree branch before the big'll surely find something!! (FYI, my SAT verbal score- 780 SATII Literature- 770. SAT II Writing- 800 (perfect) AP English- 5)

Hmm..any more good ones? This pic is just the Titan, which I've since put into another computer and now use to 2080ti/ But still fun to show the fuckers who said it was a "LARP." Oh, and I'll remind you, i still have a third case waiting for me to build my 3rd computer, have all the supplies.
Care to argue again "my rig is worth more than you car?" I'm off to play VR. To the 2 or 3 ppl early on who DID actually try to help me, thank you, you are good fucking guys. The others... you can not change character, and it WILL catch up with you. Trust me.

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Play Skryim: Prey Edition

Special Edition. Most Oldrim mods can be ported by opening the ESP up in the creation kit and clicking save.

You don't write like a college major. You write like a schizo's manifesto.
Don't shoot anyone user.

imagine being this mentally ill

>Blame it on /pol/

>this whole thread

Hey OP, you ugly retard, why don't you address the fact that you were too stupid to know that the series is Elder Scrolls and not Skyrim? Skyrim is just one game you fat ugly freak. Fuck you.

Id stay away from oblivion and morrowind. They are seminal works in the rpg genre but are just too outdated. Skyrim is about as intensive as witcher 3 or fallout. You can put more than 100 hours into them

kill this thread already janny

op is an underage retard

everyone shut the fuck up and just post waifus

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boo hoo janny save me janny JANNY
shut up ya fag

Do they have to be vidya?

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i found a picture of you underage

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this is the one of the strangest threads i've seen in a while, just pure unsettling


Damn, are you still here?

OP is a legitimate schizo psychopath. He'll probably end up killing someone or himself at some point.


I just finished Skyrim and aaburswdh anischedal agwz vavalava aagfswgdatgededycswjzdaaá raxggrsAag YOU DON'T SEEM TO UNDERSTAND hahahaha I GET IT WOWO

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>tfw kids won’t go away


>All that irrelevant context
Just say you didn't play it at the time because you were too busy studying, you don't need multiple fucking paragraphs.

The best Skyrim is not Skyrim at all but rather oblivion, the game is unsalvagably bad.

No one asked for your life's story faggot, I raelly hope no one helps you

He means should he get special edition.

>which Skyrim game is the best to start with
Original with 3 dlcs intalled on pc.

I never got into a fistfight but back when I was about 9 me and this other kid took down a kid trying to stab somebody with a broken bottle.

Actually wait I lie, some fat retard tried to pick a fight with me when I was about 14 but he couldn't do shit to me despite my being unhealthily underweight.

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There's fucking two variations of Skyrim just download the fucking game you disgusting autist

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This bread is tasty

>You write like a schizo's manifesto.
Really? you know, as a psych major, I'd REALLY have to disagree. Also as someone admitted to the Columbia MFA program (which I'm turning down), I'd further disagree. Can you please listen your qualifications? I.e., cite the DSM V criteria for Schizophrenia pr Schizotypal Personality Disorder?. The way you mostly readily can tell a schizophrenic's writing is through something called "clang associations" (I'm sure an expert like you is aware, of course). Can you point them out in my writing? thanks!

>Hey OP, you ugly retard, why don't you address the fact that you were too stupid to know that the series is Elder Scrolls and not Skyrim?
Well, shit. You really have me on this one. Christ, what if the year I graduate, they decide to base the Neurology Boards on "The Difference between Elder Scrolls and Skyrim?" Maybe I REALLY AM uglt and retarded, and should pack it in. Itz ober. Feels bad man. :(

>op is an underage retard
If I'm underage, what on god's earth must that make you? My IQ, correlated with my LSAT Score, is 138. You can
t even use basic punctuation properly or capitalize to indicate the start of a new sen>

>OP is a legitimate schizo psychopath. He'll probably end up killing someone
Translation- "This guy not only is making me feel like the retard I am by defying every stereotype I've ever believe in, but NO ISULT impacts him! At all! Oy vey, SHUT.HIM. DOWN!"

>No one asked for your life's story faggot
Consider it an early Christmas gift. :)

My God, this is like a fucking turkey shoot. Any old fags recall when this place was fun, creative, and interesting rather than full of rabid animals shouting in chorus: "Shut him down!"



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Dude assuming you’re not trolling, you’re in no way capable of working with any patient. T. a pharmacist

lol based psychobro

>T. a pharmacist
to quote my mentor, head of one of the most prestigious neurology hospitals on the East Coast talking to a a pharmacist who called to question his prescribing habits: "There's a reason I went to medical school and you did not. Now just just your mouth and fill the prescriptions as directed."
t. a soon-to-be doctor

Go away, kid.

Alright I respect your clinical decision, too bad I’m not filling your order. Find another pharmacist to do it. Yes we can deny a physician’s order. Physicians are retarded on what they should actually be prescribing. Diagnose and leave the drug decisions to us.

You're mother is probably worried about you user. Give her a call.

LMAO, can you fucking imagine how the arrow must have gone RIGHT TO THE HEART and just how correct I was about EVERYTHING??? The cheap suit, the all-female profession, the door-to-door drug peddler like vacuum salesmen from 70 years ago. You KNOW you've hit the exact truth when a motherfucker is willing to spend 4 hours (!!!) sitting and just typing the same thing in the mistaken belief it annoys you-- all it does is make me laugh and realize just how close to the mark I am!!

Go away, kid.