The Division 2 is pretty kino
The Division 2 is pretty kino
>looter shooter
mmm no
the division 2 is a braindead looter shooter ubishit game
I got it for free and I feel ripped off. the game looks great but its boring as shit
Imagine becoming jaded and having lost your ability to enjoy objectively fun videogames
not all "fun" things are good for you, this trash is literally braindead mind poison
>loot autism
yeah ok
this is the worst trend in video games ever, shit even ruined nioh
Nice shilling, Ubifag.
>walk to area and shoot braindead ai
>loot slightly higher numbers
yeah its very fun
imagine liking bad videogames
I like how people calling it trash haven't even played the game
OP, I'm having a ton of fun. Pleasently surprised, only looter I've played is BL1.
The music in this game is kino.
When 2 came out, I started the first Division, and honestly, I had tons of fun. It was a solo experience, kind of repetitive, looty-shooty bullshit, but damn if I didn't like it.
And the fucking ambiance in the ensnowed city is amazing.
what do you enjoy about the game? I've got 4 hours in and I'm bored as hell
all looter shooter are inherently trash and are harmful to your mind
>ubisoft open world
>looter shooter
It's trash. Dying in 2 hits from hitscan weapons and enemies being bulletsponges endgame isn't real difficulty. Half the stats are broken too, accuracy only works on lmgs and stability only on rifles, some of the skillpower requirements on mods are literally unreachable even if you stack full skillpower also lol 1shot sniper meta in PvP
I've finished the main story.
>the ai ranges from dumb and just walking past you and dying in two seconds, to elite veteran soldiers shouting orders to flank you and murdering your whole squad in 2 seconds
>enemy types vary a lot with things like turrets, melee, ranged, suicide bombers, bosses, snipers, grenadiers, goons, borderlands-esque psychos, robots, drones and more
>the music is fucking top tier with many hotline miami vibes
>the cover system works great and moving to and from positions is fluid
>the graphics are great except for a couple of player- and npc faces
>the loot is vastly varied and customizable
>the missions and events are varied and fun
>leveling and progressing is fun and rewarding, and you unlock even more customizations of talents, builds and specializations by 30
>the menus are annoying to move through even 30+ hours later
>climbing around is a bit slow and clunky
>there are some graphical bugs like individual players in a group sometimes running into invisible walls while others can go through just fine, and getting stuck in the environment and having to exit if you can't grenade yourself
>some oneshots have felt unfair and frustrating
>at 30 and after main story, top quality loot becomes common drops and loses the impact a little; but do come in large varieties of stats, attributes, mods, attachments, talents etc
>most female player models look bad and with armor on you can't even tell if it's male or female, but pic
No, it isn't. Stop trying to make this thread.
Imagine having no friends and playing a co-op game alone.
Imagine quoting someone on your side in a negative shoutout
Non of the posts I quoted are positive towards the game you friendless Volvodrone
>b-but it's fun with friends!
Anything is fun with friends, that's the point. Also most people didn't even bring up they are playing solo
This is , you turd
>it's fun with friends!
So are a lot of other things. What makes Division 2 so special?
ask for a better script next time, obvious shill
i hope you are not stationed in india
Not at all
looks shit. The first was a turd.
>Anything is fun with friends
No it's not but it's not like you'd know that