Tales thread

Tales of Festival is coming in June and it has been strongly suggested that the upcoming Tales game will be unveilled there.

Who's hoping that it'll be a new Tales game set in an entirely new timeline and universe and not a continuation of Berseria and Zestiria?

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>Who's hoping that it'll be a new Tales game set in an entirely new timeline and universe and not a continuation of Berseria and Zestiria?

There's enough plotlines left over from both games that we WILL see a sequel eventually.

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>Continuation of Berseria and Zestiria
It would be the nail in the coffin for Tales. Both of them very terrible games. They either need to return to their roots and make good Tales games again or try something completely new.

It's going to be another game set in Aselia

I dont care where its set, I just want a new art style, engine and a departure from the more recent battle mechanics/style.

I just want some fun gameplay with some great content and cute boys and girls

I hope it's not on Switch

But Velvet has finally found her everlasting peace inside her eternal dream and Sorey has finally returned from his sleep and met Mikelo. Thus, I don't see any reason to continue the storyline.

FFXV or Star Ocean art style?

It's going to be: siliconera.com/2018/12/27/tales-of-vesperia-definitive-edition-producer-talked-about-overseas-demand-steam-sales-and-more

>Tomizawa stated that one of the big goals of this game is to help the series go fully multiplatform.

Also, fuck off.

I don't see any.

Just like a third game following up on Innocence and Hearts, right?

Zestiria itself needs a full remake, it's literally half a game.

I want an M-rated Tales game with profanity being on the same level as Bulletstorm and gore being on the same level as Dead Space.

How does it make you so sure about that?

Velvet got shit ending that's why I know we'll get 2

Velvet Crowe is sealed away for eternity and Sorey has successfully purified Maotelus.
End of story.

By that logic, both innocence and hearts were follow ups to tempest

How is that shit ending when Velvet experiences a happy dream where her sister and brother are both alive and well and she gets to go on an adventure with Laphi?

Tales of Goria

Tales of Xillia needs to be ported to PC.

>bittersweet ending
Fixed that for you.

Fuck port beggars. Everyone who wanted to play Xillia did so half a decade ago. Even if it got a port if would be the same shitty game but in higher resolution. The only Tales games that would be acceptable to port are the ones that were never translated and made it to the west.

New game is a remake of Phantasia in 3D and will feature a Dhaos campaign.
Trust me, my dad works at Namco.


>Everyone who wanted to play Xillia did so half a decade ago.
Different user but I did play it way back in PS3, what if I want to replay it? PC pretty much gives immortality to games, no matter how many years go by they'll always be available for all generations
>Even if it got a port if would be the same shitty game but in higher resolution.
>The only Tales games that would be acceptable to port are the ones that were never translated and made it to the west.
>Fugg you I want my favourite game of all time Abyss in 4K on PC for prosperity

Remove Sakuraba

Bring back Go Shiina and invite Keiki Kobayashi

I don't give a shit about Tales anymore if they keep using the same battle system and that hideous glossy art style that started with Xillia

I'd love that as long as they made the first half of the game up to the war sequence more lively, not much happened in it.

With Hideo Baba out of the game, I'm quite certain that any future Tales games will be good.

We need Tales of Witcheria

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tfw no magilou gf

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Estelle is so fucking cute

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All I care about is Velvet. Or you know, Phantasia R

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No more hallway dungeons or hallway "fields"
Bring back a world map
High ass momentum in battle without being button mashy. I hate having to defend for long periods of time though to start using combos again
Give me something interesting to do with my "junk" items when I get back into town like Dualizing
On that same note am I the only one that liked the way Graces did the noticeboard quests? You get bonuses for shit that you were going to do anyway, they're completely ignorable if you don't like quests of that nature, and there's normal sidequests on top of that.

Too bad she is sealed away forever.

More like Vesperia or Symphonia.
Otherwise the series can die for all I care

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Estelle looks good in anything!

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You can put as much gay shit in it as you want, just PLEASE give me Xillia 2 style combat again.

Tales would probably experience a huge upsurge in popularity if they toned down the dumb character designed and increased the old school fantasy elements.

Like, make a genuine effort to catch the atmosphere of Tales of Phantasia in a modern packaging. Start off by making Hidari the lead design or something.

Also either make it a proper action ARPG or make the random battles 2d again. This pseudo 3d bullshit needs to end, it just creates janky unfun controls.

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Maybe not, I hope she's not anyway. I want Velvet to be happy!. :(

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Waste of a great design.

Would Zelos get along with other Tales members? Would he just mack on all the girls if this is post ToS Zelos?

I’ve only played Symphonia and its sequal and I’ve Vesperia sitting on my Desktop.
Thinking of playing it but how different is the combat and such? Also how long is the game?
ToS1 is my expectation for other JRPGs to be as long as.

But she is happy in her dreams.

Best girl is here

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Her underwear doesn't look like that in the game.

Two best girls.

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I want to squeeze Eleanor's thick butt.

I heard this last year too and fuck all got announced.
I used to love the series but I think I'm just done with it as I reckon it'll never fix what I fucking hate about it now.

I'm sick of
>Large ugly empty areas
>The boring linear corridor dungeons
>The same sounding Sakuraba music
>The lack of a world map with secret shit hidden in it
>Loads of costumes and attachments
>The fact that they blatantly don't add costumes and attachments so they can sell it as DLC

Okay, level with me here.
I'm on my 6th run through Vesperia and I just finished the Erealumen Crystallands; on my last run, after beating Gusios, there was a green warp back to the beginning that I'd never seen before, so I assumed it'd just been added in the last update. This time, the green warp was gone again. What the fuck is this? Is there some completely superfluous, cockamamie sequence of actions I need to take beforehand just to have this one warp show up?

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Berseria introduced the fact that everytime the world gets closer to achieving peace the heavenly seraphim come in and screw shit up because they have a hate boner for humans, and are mad at the seraphim who decided to stay in the human realm because they actually believe that humans and seraphim should co-exist. And most importantly the earthen relam seraphim were proving the heavenly seraphim wrong and he heavenly seraphim are salty about that.

After Zestiria Maotelus is sick of the heavenly seraphim's shit and tells Sorey that the whole of Zestiria was his plan to make him better understand how malevolence works and to ensure the birth of Sorey. Then he tells Sorey the truth about the heavenly seraphim.

I'm sure Edna, Lailah, and Mikleofags would love that.

But alas it would take too long.

Funny thing is the series has probably gotten a lot more popular after Zestiria, despite the memes.

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didnt mean to quote

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>alisha's not in this ant sized picture
they really don't like her

>everyone shits on him for confessing his love for nan
>he doesn't even win the contest, clint just gives him the prize because he doesn't need it
It's not fair

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>Yuri & Estelle

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Alisha's fans are very rabid.

Yes, nuTales games even sell well. But the overall quality of the games has declining drastically.

Alisha faggotry was the least of Zestiria's problems. Remember they changed the anime to appeal to Alishafags and no one liked that

Tales honestly was never that great a series.

Haven't played Vesperia yet. The ps3+patch version vs the ps4 version, what are the differences?

Just give the battle gameplay side to the Destiny guys, that was the one thing Graces did right. Story...well that doesn't matter, it'll be shit anyway.

It's actually kinda sad her "fans" don't even really like her, they just like their headcanon of her.


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>she says elements instead of elementia

Has Tales always been a low-budget franchise?

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AA franchise
Lots of budget goes to the VAs



cute flat

I wish

Am I the only one who couldn't stomach her character? Maybe it's because I was playing with the dub...

>AA budget
>graphics are shit
>music is subpar
>acting like having big name VA isn't par for the cour for nip video games.

at first i was iffy but she grew on me through my playthrough
patty on the other hand is garbage throughout

Nah, I remember finding her annoying.




So this game... Vesperia... New Game on Hard... it's, ah, really something isn't it? Really something... I didn't expect *that*, I gotta say. Very unique experience. Expectations: Subverted.... Just, nothing to say really...



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Ratatosk is best boy

When Velvet was locked up in her cell for three years, where did she poop, piss, and bathe herself?

She probably didn't have to do any of that as the only stuff she was "eating" were daemons.

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Velvet didn't have a physical body to do it.


What about before she was transformed into a therion?