I cant decide which one to play
are there any genderlocked outfits?
whats the best outfit for either character?
I cant decide which one to play
Kassandra because cute girls are the only reason to play video games.
Yup! She is very pretty too.
No reason to play Odyssey then.
Don’t pretend you wouldn’t rub your dick on her nose bridge given the chance
You sound like you are possessed by the big gay.
Flip coin
Heads for man
Tails for woman
I want to pull on Kassandra's ponytail ha ha
can you imagine having her feet resting on your head
haha that would be crazy haha
imagine being a degenerate foot faggot
This, please end yourselves. You are just as bad as the NTR retards.
I played with Both I choose Alexios the underdog. He is actually better than Kassandra. His outfits are better. The helmets look way better on him. Kassandra is also good but Alexios fits the time period better.
yeah, i found that discovering a secret magical precursor society that gives me a fantasy weapon to single handedly reshape history in an entire region of the world, as a woman, to be too unbelievable.
You can play Alexios as a gigachad.
Play as Alexios.
I started as Alex, got to underwater cave saw his balls floating and restarted with Kassandra.
Also didn't help that made his personality as interesting as a doorknob
But Kassandra is a better villain
>that mediocre piece of ubiturd
acquire taste
holy shit. it looks like a 16 year old boy in makeup. who o.k.'d this?
you look like a 16 year old boy without make up. who ok'd you?
your mother
Alexios, Kassandra gets knocked up by the ugliest man while Alexios fucks the hottest semen demon in the DLC.
The girls look fucked in that game so not even the yuri is good, you should have just been able to play as Sapho in lesbos desu~
kassandra is canon
Of course the guy who likes the horrendous dyke is also a fucking footfag.