>Set in the Cold War
>has a female soldier literally called The Mother of Special Forces and the Legendary Soldier
>regularly bodied Snake
>took down a 6'7 giant with ease in seconds
>literally gave birth in the middle of the battlefield, with bullets whizzing by
>nobody cares

>set in WW2
>briefly shows a woman in a 2 minute trailer
>this is unrealistic, muh womyn power, this is disrespectful to WW2, etc

>Wolfenstein 2
>Set in a fictional alternate 60s America
>shows your pregnant gf killing Nazis
>this is too unrealistic, muh womyn power, etc.


Attached: boss.jpg (223x226, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's exactly the point. MGS 3 didn't feel like it was shoving anything down your throat

I'm in love with The Boss.

She was basically everyone's mommy gf in mgs3 so it was thematically appropriate for her to spank everyone. Also she goes down in history as worse than Hitler.

The reason for this is because it's ok when j

kek fucked that one up lel

The Boss wasn't a prop. She was a character used to pass her legacy on, metaphorically, as a mother, and realistically as a teacher. MGS3 dealt with the dicohomety of a mother/son relationship and the betrayals you can feel.


MGS3 was taking the piss out of these kinds of cheesy tropes in a fun and humorous way. That's the difference.
Plus, it's ok when j

First off, realism in the Metal Gear series went out the window when all nukes in the world were disarmed in MG2. The psychics, world-controlling AIs and ghosts in future games were just icing on the cake.

Second, the Boss is way cooler than all those other characters.

Kojima likes to put over the top fiction when dealing with realistic themes

SJWs just want to rewrite history

>literally gave birth in the middle of the battlefield, with bullets whizzing by
we're only told this, we never see it
makes a huge difference

>set in universe with ESP powers, giant robots, cyborgs, clearly nip military sci-fi
>prease enjoy gaijin-sama

>lets be progressive goys
>lets shit all over a historical conflict for brownie points
>what's that you don't like it? Fucking incel virgin, we don't want you buying it anyway

Clear differences. The thing is MGS did have a political point to make perhaps but it was to provoke thought not beat the players head with the devs own ideology like bfv did.

>doesn't feel like it was shoving anything down your throat
How did the BFV trailer come off as that? All it did was show a female soldier, she wasn't a badass who took on a 6'7 and literally invented CQC

I dunno mean. It's subtle, but it's there.

BFV claimed to be realistic to the point it can replace history lessons.
But it failed doing that task.
Cant talk about Wolfenstein never tried the newer ones.
And MGS 3 was partly about what this user said this made the Boss a interesting antagonist.

>in BFV
>in Battlefield in general
This is the same game where you literally jump across the map by firing a bazooka at your feet, can jump out of a jet mid-flight headshot someone with a pistol then land back in the jet, can flip the jet over mid-flight, bazooka another jet, etc.

And what about Wolfenstein 2? That game literally has your head get chopped off by the Nazis, saved in a jar, then put in a robot body. But it's the pregnant gf scene that goes too far????

>invents CQC
>beats the shit out of the male protagonist regularly
>takes down a 6'7 giant
>is regularly called a fucking badass by everyone
>nope no shoving an women empowerment down your throat

>literally just shows a female soldier for less than 2 minutes


MGS never took itself seriously. but then again neither does wolfenstein so only a retard would get butthurt by it
>/pol/ retards claim wolfensten is SJW
>the only black characters in it are all stereotypes
>stereotypical sassy afro black woman gets chocked by stereotypical fat nazi woman
>commie character gets verbally abused by a drunk BJ

It's almost like MGS3 is an actually good game and the story wasn't written by Stockholm SJWs who mockingly showed off BFV to show off how progressive they were.

MGS3 was made to be good, BFV was made to make money and to shill an agenda.

Attached: mgs.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

Goes to show how shit westerntrash devs are that they can't even get female characters right. Literally one job.

>The Boss
>gets completely and utterly btfo by some half blind autistic dude who eats gerbils

They both have entirely different narratives they have established.

Like I would be annoyed if Harry Potter suddenly became about robots. But I guess you would say "well it's all made up anyway!".

Pretty easy to grasp if you aren't a dishonest retard.

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goes to show how mentally ill weebs are and how they all just parrot what each other say online

Yet MGS never claimed to be realistic but Battlefield did.
Wolfenstein is just about shooting Nazis like Cotton Hill but it failed making that the main focus of the game.

> MGS3 is a Well written masterpiece that would be near flawless if the Gameplay wasn’t complete shit
> BFV is a piece of shit with no redeeming value that ruined the franchise by pandering to subhuman trannies while masquerade itself as realistic
> Restera cucks are shocked when BFV flops & everyone continues to Circlejerk the shit out of MGS3
Why are Leftists so fucking retarded?

>b-but mental illness
Don't be mad at MGS3 that your trashy westerntrash flopped harder than Titanic. Try to make a good game next time, ok sweetie?

>implying anyone who complained about BFV actually played it
You all whined over a 2 minute trailer, don't lie


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Cope more Tranny, there hasn’t been a single Western AAA with well written female characters since the original Mass Effect

Next time, don't advertise BF as if it was a Michael Bay Fortnite movie. Ok?

>One had a good story and the other didn't!
But you complained the moment they dropped a 2 minute trailer. And most of you niggers didn't even play the game.

good character vs shit characters , MGS3 is a great example of strong female character done right . if the woke devs had a brain they would watch characters like her and learn a little . but nop they gotta use their characters to push agendas and get those bluecheck marks retweet .

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It's all about intent

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MGS3 is a spy movie set in a universe where the superhuman, science-fiction and supernatural were long established. Nobody expects realism from it.
Glorifying the idea of pregnant women in combat is generally bizarre and distasteful. Including it as some female empowerment fantasy makes it doubly so. The Boss's case is nothing like that; it both displays her extreme devotion to her cause and humanizes her by scarring her body with the proof that she was literally a mother even as she serves as Snake's surrogate mother figure, which makes her betrayal and their inevitable clash that much more painful.

How can you know she's a good character or not over a 2 minute trailer? Everyone mostly chimped out over that

MGS3's trailers were kino. The story and setting looked intriguing from the very first frame KojiPro showed off. Meanwhile at DICE


Attached: mgs3.jpg (1024x576, 119K)

Because the MGS3 trailers were also good? Why is it so hard for you to get that female character =/= female character?

>MGS3 is a spy movie set in a universe where the superhuman, science-fiction and supernatural were long established. Nobody expects realism from it.
Wolfenstein 2 is literally set in an alternate universe in 60s America where the Nazis won with advanced technology

It literally has a scene where BJ gets decapitated by the Nazis, then as his head rolls off it gets caught and placed in a jar, where it's preserved so it can be put in a robot body

>Glorifying the idea of pregnant women in combat is distasteful
The Boss LITERALLY gave birth in the middle of the battlefield, wtf are you talking about?

>Woman giving birth in battle is an event that scars her both physically and mentally and shows how monstrous the Philosophers are and how little they care for their soldiers when they send a heavily pregnant woman into an intense firefight.
>A pregnant woman fighting is brave and empowering.

Yep, exactly the same.

You're onto something about Kojima's ham fisted political statements being ignored, but in the context of the time it wasn't as abrasive.
>MGS never took itself seriously
Yeah, it did. MGS is what Kojima thinks is quality writing.

So you magically knew the Boss was a good character entirely based off the MGS3 trailer aloine, and you knew that the female soldier in BFV was a bad character entirely based off of the 2 minute trailer alone.

Stop bullshitting, just admit that your biased towards Japanese games and move on

The Boss was barely shown off in trailers you fucking DICE tranny. And even if she was, yeah I have more faith in them than some liberal arts brats who have embarrassed themselves for near a decade straight now.

>this is authentic world war 2
MGS is over-the-top fantasy. Theres the difference.

>The reason for this is because it's ok when j

It is ok when Japan does it. Western devs went o Western universities where they were indoctrinated with Critical Race Theory, Feminist Theory and ideas about Social Justice(which is not justice) and Political Correctness(which is not correct). What they do is polemic and is intended to subvert culture.

When Japan does it there is no agenda. It is for entertainment. Context matters, dumbass.

>The Boss was barely shown off in trailers you fucking DICE tranny.
That's why your argument is retarded, dipshit.
>hurr but MGS3 has a good story!
>but you got upset entirely over a 2 minute trailer because a female soldier simply existed so that logic doesn't follow

you really can't comprehend what a story that doesn't take itself seriously? it can have good writing and still take the piss. wtf dude, not everything has to be tryhard

People didn't talk about The Boss until after they finished the game. In the trailers, she was only hinted at as a mentor. The trailers focused almost entirely on Snake.

But it says something when the so-called problematic and conservative Japs are so much better at depicting females than the ever so progressive western devs.

Yeah she did, and it wasn't glorified at all



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You're not making sense anymore DICE tranny. The Boss was barely shown off in trailers. People liked her after finishing the game.

BFV was shown off as a Fortnite wannabe with the same tired female character designs shoved in like every other western game.

If you can't understand the difference between the two, I suggest you just end it now instead of continuing the HRT.

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>>invents CQC
>>beats the shit out of the male protagonist regularly
>>takes down a 6'7 giant
>>is regularly called a fucking badass by everyone
>>nope no shoving an women empowerment down your throat

It is mythical. She is a mother/warrior archetype. She birthed warriors like Snake into the world through mentoring and another warrior into the world naturally. Who else would produce the greatest soldier to live than a woman who was great soldier? It's not a statement about what woman can or can't or shouldn't do. There is so much more to it. Ancient elements of storytelling that no "progressive" story could ever hope to invoke. Elements that no "progressive" could even comprehend. It is mythical, unlike any story written by some pink haired faggot who believes in "social justice."

>half blind autistic dude who eats gerbils

They taste better than tarantulas.


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Exactly this. You'd know any western writer would absolutely ruin The Boss because they'd be obsessed with her having a pussy and making sure she lets everyone around her know it. The irony of this is when Japs who don't even give a shit about the progressive meme are so better at it than liberal arts brats who are obsessed with it.

Here, let me dumb it down for you, my little monkey

>good character vs shit characters , MGS3 is a great example of strong female character done right .

This. But people don't even realize why she is good. She is like Ripley or Sarah Conners. It's not the "strong" that makes them good or is done right. It's the "female." They fulfill archetypical roles of the mother, and maiden for Conners in Terminator(1). Terminator is the story of her transition from maiden to mother.

MGS3 was actually cool though. Western devs a shit.

The tranny is unironically having a mental breakdown upon getting BTFO.

Kojima takes it very seriously.

yes, and mgs3 has a guy who controls bees and a fucking ghost
mgs3 is not trying to be realistic

I meant that she birthed a son physically as well as an adopted son through mentoring. It's meant not to spoil anything.

He's explained this like five times you retard, learn to read.


My point for realism was against the BFV example, which while having "video gamey" elements is much more down-to-earth than the other two series and was explicitly marketed to trend more toward realism, which makes using a female soldier with a prosthetic arm in a nonstandard uniform as the focal point of their marketing that much more jarring.

I'm not criticizing the Woflenstein example for being unrealistic, I'm saying that playing out the power fantasy that pregnant women are not/should not be in any way inhibited by their pregnancy to the extent that they're willingly fighting in a war while pregnant is fucking twisted.
And I plainly stated how The Boss's case is very clearly not an example of that in the rest of my post which you cut off and ignored to ask for the explanation you didn't read. The Boss being relied on to fight in a war while 8 months pregnant demonstrates that war is fucking hell, which is what Metal Gear is all about.

The most important difference:

Metal Gear Solid 3 was actually good while BFV is mediocre, almost Hardline levels.

Where's the guy who controls bees in Battlefield?

>Well you're required to finish the game first, then you can judge the female character
>You're allowed to judge the female character by the trailer alone, you don't need to actually finish the story or beat the game


>Exactly this. You'd know any western writer would absolutely ruin The Boss because they'd be obsessed with her having a pussy and making sure she lets everyone around her know it.

The whole point of "strong female" character is not the "strong" part but the "female" part. Everyone should be aware that she has a pussy. It's part of the female. The problem is that they always distort the female into a pseudo-male and that is grotesque. They take away the female altogether and try to make a strong pseudo-male.

Are you old enough to remember how Metal Gear Solid 2's trailers represented that game?

Yeah because the BFV trailers looked like absolute shit whereas MGS3 trailers were magnificient. I wanted Battlefield but instead got fucking Fortnite with the same standard obnoxious female character designs shoved in. BRAVO DICE TRANNIES!

All according to keikakku or something.

Are you trying to sell copies of the game? There's a lot more to actually judge in the BFV trailer than the MGS3 one so of course people are going to judge you moron.

MGS universe have magic and shit, it wasn't trying to be realistic

Or how they misunderstand "strong" as physically strong. Western devs will never understand they're the biggest misogynists. Or maybe they know all along and revel in the thought of women becoming men.

>Or how they misunderstand "strong" as physically strong

Good point.

But no one complained because the trailer looked like shit, everyone was complaining that there was just a female soldier

This is the hypocrisy, if everyone went
>well I don't like the trailer but let's wait until the game comes out then judge if it's a well-written female character or not
Then that would be consistent. But instead it's
>Oh well the Boss is okay because i beat the game and liked her but the soldier in BFV is bad and forced female empowerment because I didn't like the 2 minute trailer I saw of the soldier

iirc didnt ww2 have like an all-women unit or something?

you shouldn't use BFV for your example .... that game shits on the memory of soldiers that got killed trying to protect your right to write that kind of shit .

Japan does not have leftist indoctrination like the west does, if they put a woman there thats because they think it is a cool idea for the game. A western developer would do it to push their agenda and make a political statement, so yes, it is ok when japan does it. Stop twisting the facts and trying to force align them with your sickening narrative.

And give me my (you) back, retard.

BFV is over the top fantasy lmao
what are you smoking, retard

Yeah and MGS3, the game that pretends that the Cold War had people with super powers in it somehow doesn't disrespect them

The fact that you're playing a game based on war that people fought and died for for entertainment is already a middle finger to begin with


Some people need advanced AI to curate context for them.

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Yes I am allowed to do that, this is because I've played MGS3 and not BFV. I dont give shit about battlefields progressive #everyonesbattlefield "interpretation" of WW2 so go home marketer.

>battlefield did
>battlefield, which had a jetpack in it's very first game
do you think WWII jetpacks are realistic?

MGS3 also has this so you can't say there's any kind of feminist agenda there.

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Because MGS is never realistic.

EVA was a big part of how i realised im gay as hell

OP might be exceptionally dumb

AKA you're a hypocrite who hold people to different standards for completely arbitrary reasons

Actually it did, The Boss was a horrible retcon as a contrived motivation for Big Boss. Literally ruined the overarching story of the series. She's mary sue and fucking stupid.

You're a... woman?

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>series built entirely around examining how war has damaged society and destroys & devalues soldiers' lives is disrespectful
>unga bunga shoot Nazi simulator is exactly the same

Attached: mgs where.jpg (700x525, 231K)

you are comparing MGS a fantasy world with BF which was known for their historical accuracy , and the missions featured in BFV are based on real historical events and see what they did .

>BFV announcement

>She's mary sue and fucking stupid.

A mary sue has to be a protagonist.



The games were absurd. The story was absurd everything about MGS is absurd. It is not trying to accurately be realistic. While Battlefield tries to be. And wolfenstein has always been a masculine shooter for men. Their entire fanbase was men shooting nazis and monsters. Totally not for girls. So its a bad taste to totally ignore your fanbase and piss in their mouths. Fuck that

>know for historical accuracy
Those jetpacks sure were realistic huh

because BFV and Wolfensten II are just obnoxiously "forced" and cringe-worthy muh SJW shit to show how progressive etc they are. Totally different "feel" in the way they are portrayed and included in the game. Battlefield also is also supposed to be a somewhat historical game (even if the gameplay mechanics are non-realistic, its still supposed to take place in real events with authentic weapons etc), which is why the forced shit in that game riles people up, but not in say, Tracer etc in Overwatch.

One might compare the MGS3 vs BFV/WS2 with "soul vs soulless" :)

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I was confused because there are no women on the internet.


Not at all you have no idea what mary sue means.

>MGS3 announcement
Harro! Animashta! I make videro gamu like James Bond firum because can't make movie. Pls buy. Arso, gene, meme, sceneru.

No they don't, though if they're not they'll tend to take story focus away from the designated protagonist/viewpoint character.

>one person within a fictional black ops conflict
>half the WW1 battlefield being women/POC

How is it not "forced" in MGS3? There weren't any female soldiers during the Cold War that did anywhere near the ridiculous bullshit that the Boss did. Why did the Boss have to be a woman?


Look Jack. Just tell me what day it is, ok? Ok?

Misread and made comparison to BF1. I haven't played BFV but I assume it's largely the same.

Not always, but they inevitably replace the protagonist, for example Chris Chan in Sonichu.

The difference is that MGS never had any consistent tone and literally had supernatural enemies like Psycho Mantis whereas EA has literally said that battlefield is meant to make a statement

>We literally never knew what made BB become the way he did
>Getting a reason for the first time is a retcon
Are you mentally damaged?

And it was before the SJW cultus erupted in the west. Back then it was just an oddity which MGS games were full of.

The Boss was a character first, a platform for stronk wimmin second. She was written to facilitate the plot, not jerk off about how progressive the game is.
This isn't complicated.

>There weren't any female soldiers during the Cold War that did anywhere near the ridiculous bullshit that the Boss did.
There weren't any men during the Cold War that did anywhere near the ridiculous bullshit that Snake did either you fucking smoothbrain. What part of FANTASY do you not understand?

>There weren't any female soldiers during the Cold War that did anywhere near the ridiculous bullshit that the Boss did. Why did the Boss have to be a woman?

Because she is a mother archetype. If she was a woman she couldn't birth sons on the battlefield, figuratively and literally, and bring forth the greatest soldier in the world.

because it fits the story and makes sense within the MGS universe. it feels very natural in MGS3 and not forced at all.

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Kojima didn't virtue signal on twitter nor have game journalists sycophants insult anyone who had any issue with it.


>The Boss was a character first, a platform for stronk wimmin second. She was written to facilitate the plot, not jerk off about how progressive the game is.
>This isn't complicated.

She's actually a woman first, strong second. She's not a good female character because she is a character. She is a good female character because her womanhood is central to her character. This makes her different from other female characters who are pseudo-male.

The difference is that MGS isn't really supposed to be taken seriously so when wacky shit happens it's nothing new. BF is based on events that happened and is about honoring the soldiers and families who gave unto the cause. So yes, when you call a joke-series unrealistic nobody cares because that's the point, when you call a realistic series unrealistic because it has robot trans women or whatever, it makes sense.

I base my opinions on things I have seen and experienced, and I have no intention of experiencing BFV because of the direction it seems to have gone. I will think BFV female characters are shit and do not fit into the battlefield series until I am proven wrong

that was in 2007, it's been 12 years

>mgs3 announcement
>cool, based, sequel to one of the best series ever
>it's about a prominent character
>lol hope you enjoy please expect soon!

Wow fuck japs what hacks how dare they not stir controversy for sales and have it backfire


The Boss did NOT want a world without borders or a world without war or a world without soldiers
She wanted an end to WMDs which unnaturally tipped the favor toward a handful of superpowers who then gained the ability to decide the fates of other sovereign nations
She loved her country enough to die in shame for it, and she wanted everyone in the world to be free to die for their own countries and causes rather than being manipulated into proxy wars

She believed some people were born to be soldiers, including herself and Snake, and that those people should be able fight in wars that meant something to them, because war was the only life they would ever know

There also weren't any psychic Russian orphans or cyborg ninjas trying to hijack a bipedal nuclear weapons platform in the late 90s.
It's an allegory, not a history novel. The Boss is a woman because she's both Snake's mentor and mother figure, literally described as the legendary "mother" of the Armed Forces. Her character absolutely would not work as a man, neither her role in the greater narrative of the series nor her relationship with Snake.

Having all of his motivations fall on one magical super soldier christ figure is retarded. Suddenly, after all Snake uncovered in MG1/2 and MGS1/2, suddenly this mysterious figure is the central figure to the story ?

Fuck that you're an idiot. We didn't even need to know BB"s motivations and backstory. This focus on him now is like how George Lucas trying to recontextualize star wars as Darth Vader's story when it wasn't.

"game woldn't be shit if it weren't such shit" Woah really?

Where has the time gone?

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How? It is extremely unlikely for there to be a women in the military, let alone the front lines. That sounds unnatural and forced to me

>BF is based on events that happened
>WWII is not an event that happened, except when it happened in BF

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That's all your entirely irrelevant opinion and most importantly none of it is a retcon so go fuck yourself

Furthermore, the game released in 2004 which was a decade before gamergate. That was the point when an anti political/sjw movement begin in gaming. Men didn't mind womyn stronk in games before that because it didn't feel like it was being shoved down their throats for being patriarchal biggots.

I want to fuck the boss

This is obvious to anyone who's not a retard, she wanted a world where countries worked together like how they did in WW2 but not a world with no countries.

Sure didn't have this thread 5000 times before

So she wanted the EU? Boss confirmed for anti-Brexit

Metal Gear Solid 3 was a great game with great writing and it's political message was that soldiers have to have something to fight for so you better make sure it's for something worthwhile.

BFV was a shit game, with shit writing and it's political message was "YAS QUEEN SLAY".

Are you really this austistic, can you also not tell the difference between Saving Private Ryan and James Bond?

Who are you quoting? Don't put words in my mouth or i'll put my dick in your mouth. Lurk moar.

No you buffoon. The Boss recontextualizes Solid’s life story as being the realization of her real goals. Where Big Boss misunderstood and went against her ideals, Solid embodied them and brought them to life. He dedicated his entire life to the destruction of the most powerful weapon of war ever created. It adds weight to his entire arc.

When people want MGS, they expect and want stuff like Metal Gear, Raiden, Psycho Mantis, Revolver Ocelot, The Boss, Otacon etc etc. Boss fits right in and nobody would complain about that Boss or Fortune (Black Woman) etc feels forced

When people want BF they want a historic military shooter with period fitting guns/maps/vehicles. Some people were already a bit miffed with the prototype/experimental weapons in BF1, and ofcourse the forced niggers. (no, the german army did not use niggers in europe, and the countries that did did not have that many, but this is beside the point.) In BFV it was extra ridicolous to then get this with women with prosthetic arms, niggers with blue face paint and katanas etc etc etc

Wolfenstein II could definitely have included women or whatever in the campy "magic/robot Nazi" vibe they have. Such as pic related (although that kind of style probably wouldnt fly today). But they did it in a very forced way with ugly niggers complaining about FUCKING WHITE MALES and cucky communists being the good guys (and incuding a fat blonde being fucked by a nigger) + bad comments from developers online relating to trump.

>Notice how nothing here mentioned the gameplay, so "omg u cant shoot bazooka while jumping from plane or carry 5 weapons IRL!!!" doesnt apply. Its not about the accuarcy of the gameplay people are refering to.

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Except the EU eventually plans to become a single country and is mostly focused on exploiting Eastern European labour for the benefit of Western Europe and not actually helping those countries.

the boss was a war hero in WWII
she gave birth in the middle of WWII
yes that WWII

No, not at all. Because the EU's plan is to remove these nations and countries and replace them with federal provinces that cross old national borders in a large federal state where there is no democratic choice of the executive.

It is literally the opposite of what the Boss wanted.

Attached: EU-interregmap-1-725x1024.jpg (725x1024, 130K)

wrong pic lol

Attached: MB2.jpg (432x521, 163K)

Having one (1) exceptional woman who embodies the very concept of a soldier in a specialized black ops unit comprised entirely of her comrades should hardly take you out of a story built entirely around the main character's unique relationship with her, user.
It's contrived because it's a story that require exceptional circumstances to be worth telling.

It’s okay when Kojima does it

What's your point?


How do you know what people want? You’re not a mind reader. When I think Battlefield I think people launching themselves in the air with a bazooka

Furthermore this is being done against the democratic will of the people of Europe (see the huge defeats of the EU Constitution, which was then just introduced as the Lisbon Treaty.

Reminder that by 2025, the EU will require all member states to have transferred all major financial powers to the EU and adopt the Euro.

that saying "rewriting history is bad in BFV but ok in MGS3" is retarded

its ok when the devs don't attack the fanbase and the game is set in a fantasy world .

It shouldn't have marketed itself as such, then.

Could The Boss fuck Captain America up?

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You're missing the point, faggot. They ignore people like The Boss when they cry muh reprentayshun. Do we really need to start a fucking list of female protags beause the 8 and 16 bit era has tons of them. the only reason people are sick of it now is because the crybabies are ignoring game history because they're not gamers. They don't know about all the great male and female sexuization and representation that's been around for a long time.

Having her be a woman comes off as forced because it’s extremely unlikely for there to be women in the military and women in general are physically inferior to men

So yes it comes off as forced when the Legendary Soldier is a woman, it would be far more likely that it’s a man

>still wanted countries and war
>some countries git so gud at war their threats and nukes are enough to deter all wars
>"wow wtf how come they can do what they want omg so unfair"
Kojima may be an excellent cinematographer, but he's still a pompous hack faggot.

Since you seem to be incapable of reading, I'll highlight the important part.
>claimed to be

mary sues dont die

fuck off

Attached: hope lost.png (500x644, 185K)

why dont you /wrists and see if you can respawn, sweaty

The Boss could make Captain America fucking defect. She practically IS the MGS version of Captain America.

Okay, but that bazooka launching is the gameplay, not the setting and so on. The setting of the game is a historical shooter including historical maps/factions/weapons etc. You could do crazy gameplay stuff in HALO too, but wouldnt include aliens and spaceships in a historical WW2-period shooter since that is obviously not fitting. If could be a alternate-reality "aliens invade in WW2" game, but then it wouldnt be a historical game and people wouldnt not care if a female soldiers was in a game with such a setting.

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>claimed to be
But the devs said they prioritize fun over authenticity

It was a different time

The character Mary Sue where the term "Mary Sue" comes from literally dies in the story.

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Unga Bunga indeed

but you are talking about a game that is not that kind of realistic military simulator. this is a setting as described in . This is like complaining superman has powers because IRL people dont have. In the setting people have superpowers in Marvel or whatever. Do you complain that villians wouldnt be able to hide large bases like they do in James Bond too? Its part of the Spy-Fi setting

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>"Mary Sue" today has changed from its original meaning and now carries a generalized, although not universal, connotation of wish-fulfillment

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BF is (supposed to be) about honoring our past and soldiers. MGS is about a lot of shit but not really about honoring the past. It's about context, nigga.

One of them was an actual character the other was a caricature joke

one game was good the othe was a stinking pile of goatshit

>he thinks nukes deterred wars
Holy fucking lol
Do you know anything about the Cold War
Have you heard of Vietnam

The US and Russia fought petty piss battles in other countries and destroyed countless lives in the process
Don’t try to apply meritocracy to fucking nuclear weapons dumbass
We created nukes, fucking dropped them to terrify the world, then made it illegal for anyone else to ever create nukes so we’d be the only ones with that power

MGS3 fucking mentions SALT outright

>Watch Indiana Jones
>There's a medieval knight who lived for thousands of years in it
>Watch Hacksaw Ridge
>No medieval knights
Wtf bros? They're both WW2 movies I don't get it?

But it didn’t include 100% historical items either. There were weapons in the Battlefield games that were experimental, barely saw any use or were just concepts. BF1 had the hellriegel which never went past the prototype stage, SMGs that were never used, etc. There were also weird experimental shit like jet packs

Except you're completely wrong.

>BF is (supposed to be) about honoring our past and soldiers
says who

Except the death WAS wish fulfilment. She died because she was too pure for the sinful world and everyone mourned her like she was Jesus.

How is BF about honoring our past? It had shit like jet packs, guns that were never actually used, etc. And also people jumping across the map with a bazooka

but the game isnt trying to represent that. If they did that (or colonial campaigns etc with niggers) people wouldnt complain. But they take other battles (such as in Netherlands 1940) and replace it with female niggers and other retarded shit in the British and German army with some kind of pseudo-historical equipment (like air-craft sights being used as some kind of made up "proto-red dot sight")

Yes, and many people complained that BF1 didnt feel like WW1 because of those weapons. The jetpack from the BF1942 expansion pack however can get some leeway since it was part of a "alt-reality" "secret weapons of WW2" with many wacky stuff in it

Explain how

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>somebody makes a totally pointless comparison with characters that are completely different
>Yea Forums tards spam the thread with posts until the thread dies in 2 seconds flat

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I saw you write about that on resetera, you literally think you btfo Yea Forums and feel so proud of yourself lol

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This honestly. The character was written from ground up to be this way instead of taking a cardboard cutout and slapping "is female and STRONG" onto it

Post screenshot

Nukes deter other nations from fighting nations with nukes, retard.
>"wahhh i was born a soldier but can't fight now what do i do :("
Get a job, nig, or kill shit anyways.

BF 1942 wasn’t historically accurate either. The Soviets didn’t use MP28s

You're calling it "forced" because it's unrealistic but there's no reason at all to single that out among the various other superhuman and outright supernatural things that happen in the same game and previous installments in the series.
The Boss does not represent the US military or society in general treating men and women equally in the 50s and earlier, she's a unique member of their best black ops unit through her own proven merit.
The Boss's physical strength is irrelevant to her character. She taught Snake how to fight because she had decades of experience over him. She's a legendary figure because she inspires people and embodies the ideal soldier in her beliefs and actions.
More important than all of that, she is a woman because the story works better if Snake's mentor is a woman in the context of the narrative that plays out. Complaining that it's "forced" or unrealistic is just as pedantic as complaining about any other contrived cornerstone of storytelling. Things are set up and play out that way because this is a story being told, not a comprehensive cause-and-effect analysis of probabilities and risk.

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Waiting for a minute to respawn and planes physics straight out of N64 flight sim, no thanks

oh look another SJW thread, probably made by a tranny

>it's mythicaaaal duuuude
Holy fucking lol

BF series isn't about bees smgs, telekinesis, space nazi and giant robots.

How did Japan do it?
The Boss isn't even cute.

The Mother is actually David Bowie

that doesnt matter, its still somewhat fitting in the WW2 feel. People didnt complain that you could use any weapon as either side in the create-a-class in CoD:WaW either (except the people who missed the faction-accurate weapons of older CoD's). It still fits within the WW2 setting, since its ww2 weapons in ww2 factions in ww2 setting. Not "progressively" forced ugly nigger women in the British army etc etc (or made up attachment to weapons to just mimic modern stuff, like red-dot sights etc) which looses the WW2 feel the game advertises.

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How was the female soldier written like that? She just shows up, lol

>nukes deter other nations

>this thing we invented is super dangerous and may get into the hands of dangerous people!
>good thing we invented them, so we can stop them from using any!
Fucking 70 IQ shit here, cuckservative.

>these historical inaccuracies are fine
>but these historical inaccuracies aren’t

what are you even saying? Her role and inclusion the story. not the way she is literally first seen within the game? Are you legit stupid?

Yes you retard it's all about context like everyone has been saying since post one.

How is it mythical if we literally see her take down the 6’7 Russian giant in seconds

MGS2 is probably above your reading level, nevermind Jung's actual writings, so go look up Monsoon's speech on memes from MGR and your braincells might get a spark of what he's saying.

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i still don't understand what that pokemon is saying

How? It seems completely arbitrary to find these historical inaccuracies wrong but ignore these historical inaccuracies

Im not arguing wether I think they are fine or not. I personally think its quite lazy that they just gave MP28 to the Soviets for example.
But that is not "enough" to cause an outrage of the BF fans. But the very forced inclusion of tons of obviously ill-fitting stuff in BFV obviously is since that is not part of the WW2 game people except in such a game-series. You dont see people complain that you can use StG44 on your custom class on the allied side or in the wrong year that map takes place, for example. That still "fits" in the WW2 setting/feel of the game.

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Please be sarcasm.

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Then why did everyone get mad at her for just showing up in the trailer?

I hate her english VA.

Yes, it's SEEMS arbitrary but if you read what other people are saying and actually fucking THINK about it you'll realise it's not.

Hahahaha did you even watch the trailer?

They are talking about The Boss

>misplaced or anachronistic guns that non-/k/fags couldn't identify is exactly as jarring as black female Nazis and Psycho Mantis

It's alway easy to spot college freshmen who read a few books and think they're hot shit. Bait harder and keep reading. Eventually you'll see that i'm right.

But there actually were women in WW2, they were just uncommon. But BF has guns that were basically never used. That seems far worse of an inaccuracy to me

>women were basically never used
>guns were also basically never used
>for some reason the guns are worse

>When people want x
You aren't all people
>no black axis soldiers

>people on Yea Forums will try to argue literary analysis when they don't even understand the concept of an archetype

But it is. An inaccuracy is an inaccuracy regardless

Resorting to adhom and nonarguments now are we? Tisk tisk. You were so close. You know nothing and will die knowing nothing.

It's called "suspension of disbelief", you can stretch a rubber band pretty far but past a certain point it breaks.

But women have at least existed in WW2 they were just uncommon. Battlefield has included guns that flat out never existed. How is the former worse than the latter?

So you can suspend your disbelief for guns that never existed but can’t suspend your disbelief for some female soldiers? Why?

But MGS3 has guns that never existed in it and you don't seem to mind that? Why is ok for one and not the other?

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One of these is not like the others

Because some guns in the Battlefield series never existed, like the helriegel or the jet pack while women have existed but they were uncommon

>it's okay when Japan does it

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Because the guns are there to make the game more fun and the women are there to...???

and monkeys

Make the game more fun, since it adds customization and more options for characters to play as

Name one woman who fought as infantry for the allies in France from real life.

>teehee I'm a lesbian girl on the internet, you can't have me silly boys
Fuck off you thot.

>>literally gave birth in the middle of the battlefield, with bullets whizzing by
that's fucking retarded tho

have you even read the interview of the developer where he talked about his daughter and female characters in video games?`

That's the difference

So the guns and the women are exactly the same. Why do you only have a problem with the gun?

I don’t have a problem, they’re both unrealistic.

MGS3 is cancer too, thanks for noticing.

Then why bring it up because it's clearly not relevant.

and like other people said: MGS was never about accurate representation about past events

>You aren't all people
People except historical (or modern tech) shooters from battlefield since that is what the series is known for and what made it popular. and which is why people got angry when it wasnt like that. an obvious "alt-reality" BF game that is obvisously marketed as a non-historical alt-reality/fantasy game would not have gotten bad reaction with women in it.

Because MGS is a campy spy-fy which fits such weapons and gadgets much more than a historical war game. Just like how people dont mind electro-guns in Wolfenstein.

Those women in the USSR and foreign volunteers to Germany are not represented in the game. They dont show or include them in the game, so why are you bring them up? They are instead pushing in obviously unfitting black women in the regular british army and other very ugly obviously unhistorical stuff which is why people became unhappy.

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>240 replies to a deluded DICE tranny

I don’t only have a problem with either, because Battlefield is historically inaccurate.

>everyone is talking about me always
lol get over yourself

>Because MGS is a campy spy-fy
that's my point, I was showing how retarded that anons argument is but thanks for ruining it.


Because everyone was trying to argue that BF was historically accurate when it isn’t

>This is the same game where you literally jump across the map by firing a bazooka at your feet
Good to know that you have literally never played a battlefield game yet still shitpost about them

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>Cheesy spy game from crazy man Kojima with "deep" political/philosophical tones

>Regular ass shooter, with campaing told to be "untold stories" ending up being just historical revisionism

>Wolfenstein 2
>Sequel worse to the original, with embedded identity politics and political promotional material

sorry, brah

BF is historically inaccurate, so why claim that it’s historically accurate? If it’s historically inaccurate, why is it okay for the Boss to take down a 6’7 giant but not okay for BF to have female soldiers?

Then why doesn't it have guys shooting bullet bees at people?

MGS3 has no pretext of being historical or realistic in any way
BF attempts to present itself as such despite flagrantly not being so

If there both equally accurate why doesn't BFV have women taking down 6'7" giants?
And why do you keep forgetting to mention that the giant also CONTROLS FUCKING LIGHTNING?

this this this this
When they orginally talked about "untold stories" for BF1. I really thought it would be some more "obscure" parts of WW1 (such as africa or balkans or eastern front), but it was just the western front again, but with niggers in german uniform, lmao... (until they sold the eastern front as DLC)

Same with BFV (although I didnt expect anything actually cool by that time), it was just the western front again, now with even more shoehorned retarded shit in. No actually "untold stories" in more forgotten fronts (which also include non-whites naturally in many cases).

But we’ve already accepted that Battlefield is historically inaccurate because it had weapons that are historically inaccurate. Why are those inaccuracies okay but having women not okay?

Who says women can't be operators?

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But it doesn’t, because we’ve already established that Battlefield has a history of including guns that don’t even exist

>When Japan does it there is no agenda
imagine believing this. nip universities are every bit as cucked as the glorious western ones.

anime is a feminist attack vector.

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But it fucking does.

>look this one blade of grass is out of place so you can't say it's historically accurate

We grew up.

because the weapons fit the WW2 setting still. (Except the super inaccurate weapons, but people DID actually complain about that a lot in BF1, since it ruined the WW1 feel)

But in WW2 games such as BFV or CoD:WaW, the weapon on the wrong side still at least fits the WW2 setting, unlike niggers women in the British army in 1940, again as an example, since that totally ruins the WW2 feeling of the WW2 setting with its ridiculousness.

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I dunno, because the writers didn’t feel like it? Ask them

Weapons aren’t blades of grass. Including a prototype that no one used and pretending it was common is an inaccuracy just as bad as having tons of women

>BFV claimed to be realistic to the point it can replace history lessons.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that never happened.

>This entire post
Your really shattering the glass ceiling by demonstrating that big woman brain of yours.

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Why not have space aliens and zombies if you think the gameplay conventions create free pass to change everything?

Funny how "everything is political" according to the left and representation is all critical. Until something is changed to push their agenda, then people on the right are crazy to talk about it.

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Why not? It's the same game according to you, so why are they different?

We established that BF is not accurate. I am agreeing with that point.
What I stated was that BF presents itself as accurate despite not being accurate. It is marketed and contextualized as being grounded in history far more than Metal Gear has ever been. That is the difference.

It's not about content, it's about context.

You're not actually providing an argument here, you're just coming up with new ways to restate that one thing is okay but the other isn't because you don't like it.

MGS3 wasn't doing it as a form of activism. Boss was actually an interesting and compelling character.

>Why not have space aliens and zombies if you think the gameplay conventions create free pass to change everything?
I dunno, because I don’t feel like it? There are military shooters with zombies already

thank you for the attention bby

No, it is political, but your opposition to it is also political.

How? The developers have said they prioritize fun over authenticity

>Weapons aren’t blades of grass
and women aren't men.

>It is marketed and contextualized as being grounded in history far more than Metal Gear has ever been. That is the difference.
MGS3 opens with a history lesson and goes to painstaking lengths to make sure weapons, uniforms, and equipment are all authentic to the time period.

This. No one is supposed to take MGS seriously, but the intentions of SJWs are that their opinions should be taken seriously.

There are military shooters with women already, isn't that your whole point.

Pic related

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>goes to painstaking lengths to make sure weapons, uniforms, and equipment are all authentic to the time period
especially the hovercrafts

How did all of you faggots fall for this bait. Op isn’t a tranny they’re a retard mining yous. Jesus Yea Forums has fallen, I remember when you fucks actually chatted about videogames but now it’s bait thread after bait thread and shitpost after shitpost. The only goid shit on Yea Forums anymore is when some dude posts porn or the lolichads post shit to fuck with the Jannies.

>why does Yea Forums like a good game but not like a bad game?
Fuck this thread.

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No, that is the reason why people werent as outraged with all weapons for all side for CoD:WaW (or indeed in BFV), but got upset at the niggers and women in CoD:WW2 and BFV. People dont care about female characters or unhistorical shit such as laser guns in Nazi Zombies mode since that is obviously a fantasy mode and not historical mode such as the rest of the game in CoD. Had the laster gun been in the normal CoD:WAW, people would have gotten upset and weirded out.

You can also see in more historically accurate games (such as Red orchestra) people are much more critical with regards to accuracy with weapons and such too, since they except more from that game rather vs CoD/BF. But even the obviously retarded shit in BFV (and not just guns most people dont really notice or care that much if its in the wrong year of whatever) got people upset for its unhistorical inclusion.

That is the Cold War setting of the campy spy-fy, even though it uses period accurate uniforms of the cold war setting, its still obviously a campy story with super-powered villians that doesnt pretend to be real history.

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My politics are that intentional historical revisionism to push bogus ideas of gender equality is stupid. It's really simple why people are annoyed with your bullshit.

Yeah, based on actual Cold War era prototypes. No different than Battlefield in that regard.

The devs didn’t include space zombies because they don’t feel like it, I dunno why you’re asking me

>I remember when you fucks actually chatted about videogames
when was that?

>No, that is the reason why people werent as outraged with all weapons for all side for CoD:WaW (or indeed in BFV), but got upset at the niggers and women in CoD:WW2 and BFV.
What is? You're not providing any other than "because".
>This inaccuracy is fine, because it's acceptable, so it's accepted. But this other one is not, because it's unacceptable! I mean, just look at them! One is way worse!

Also, i am quote annoyed at the stupid weapons (even that the non-stupid weapons are on the wrong side), but I realize most people are fine with that and dont care. So im not doing what you say I am and trying to restate because im okay with one thing and not the other.

But BFV doesnt market itself as an alternate reality game to warrant the inclusion of such things.

>based retard

The Boss is based because shes basically your mom

Because the previous BF's all tried to be somewhat realistic and respectful of history

when has MGS ever been that?

>What is?
this is:But I can tell you with certainty that that IS in fact the reason. But if you dont believe me you can sit and wonder and wonder why people got so upset at BFV's women and niggers but not the guns if you dont belive me.
Stupid bitch lmao

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"Historical revisionism" isn't a relevant complaint here, no one claimed the customisation options were meant to reflect actual history, they wanted their modern day game to give players the options. Inaccuracy isn't the same as revisionism, even if it's intentional. In addition, there are still other intentional inaccuracies you're willing to overlook, so really the only relevant part of your answer is this:
>to push bogus ideas of gender equality
That is your actual problem. Purely political opposition. You have no moral high ground.

A better comparison is the black bitch from uncharted 3. She was shown very few times in the trailers and was only fully understood and hated by fans after they played through the games. Let’s look at the process the devs went through to decide if the character should be a women.

The boss
>we need to make a mentor character for BB, any ideas
>why not make them a women?
Because we can use that to express themes of motherhood and give her a strong mother son relationship with young BB. I think it will really work well since this is the first game in the series chronologically so she could be the “mother” of BB, and SS as well because he is a clone, and mother of the series.
>that sounds like a good idea, let’s work with that more and add in themes of betrayal and female sacrifice during times of war. It should really make her a sympathetic antagonist.
>everyone write up some notes on this new mother of BB direction and we can discuss it more after lunch

Black bitch
>for this seen we need to have a big pmc special forces type come in and kick Nate’s ass. Really frustrate the player and make them feel helpless.
>oh, that’s good! Make them feel helpless so that they feel really triumphant later when we give them a real, non-scripted, fight against them and they win.
>what if they were a girl?
>why not? We need more badass women in this game and having Nate get beat by a women would be really cool because it would show how badass she is. Also let’s make her black because we need more people of color in our game.
>great! we can even add a fight where Nate and his brother both get thier asses kicked fighting her at the same time to really show just how unstoppable she is.
>let’s have her realize that the treasure hunt is stupid and that she is above it all at the last minute. This will show that she is better than the greedy white guys.
>also we let’s cut the fight where Nate wins. Women of color have been beaten down enough already.

>But BFV doesnt market itself as an alternate reality game to warrant the inclusion of such things.
Tell me, what did MGS do to market itself as an alternate reality game?

In a series where it's a big theme on how the legends and myths gets out of hand quickly.

>this is
But that doesn't say anything. Like I already told you. When I replied to it the first time. Which is the only reason you're replying to me now. You're not even pretending to add anything to your argument now, you're literally just repeating yourself.

Why is one worse than the other? "One fits and the other doesn't" isn't an explanation, it's just a way of rephrasing "one is worse than the other".

Well, the whole series is a made up setting with action-heroes beating super-powered villians and giant robots

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No they haven’t, they’ve had inaccurate guns + guns that never existed

Okay, so you're saying it didn't have to, because people notice the discrepancies with reality and are able to conclude based on those discrepancies that it's not supposed to reflect reality, and hence, in a circular fashion, that justifies it not reflecting reality?

Dude, fucking bipedal robots and psychics in the cold war era, not like you need a neon banner to get that

Cuz Yea Forums are incels

But apparently you do need a neon banner for female cyborg ninjas in WWII.

because BFV marketed itself as a historical WW2 shooter in a series of historical shooters. So people except WW2 weapons, which they get and the detail that the gun can be used in the wrong year (the map takes place) or wrong side as part of the create-a-class system doesnt bother most people since its still all WW2 setting with WW2 weapons in their WW2 shooter. However, nigger women and other retarded shit doesnt fit the WW2 shooter that people wanted from a WW2 shooter.

People did also get upset and the historical inaccuracy of the weapons in BF1, since it runied the WW1 setting and feel of their promised historical WW1 shooter, but I guess most people had accepted that somewhat for BFV, since I havent seen such a big reaction towards that (although i have seen ppl complain about that for BFV too, i guess its mostly overshadowed by the more retarded shit)

see above response. The game is supposed to take place in real-life WW2 with period fitting weapons and maps etc, but then didnt, with the niggers and women. Unlike MGS where people expects it. This is why people got mad at one but not the other.

If you (two?) stupid niggers dont get it after this explanation, then you literally will just have to accept that you are too stupid to understand the answer to the original question of why one was accepted but not the other. Because as people have repeated many times now, this is the reason why.

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There's a difference between a powerful motherly figure and the revisionist gender war bullshit they did with BFV


Name another Battlefield game that has that.

>However, nigger women and other retarded shit doesnt fit the WW2 shooter that people wanted from a WW2 shooter.
Because they weren't around then? Or what? You're still just saying "one is acceptable to me and the other isn't" for no reason.

There is no self-awareness or grace in the way Wolfenstein 2 handles its themes or presents its characters, it's complete self-parody and deserves to be mocked.

Why? We're talking about just the one.

It's also a horrible cutscene filled mess when wolfenstein is supposed to be about the gameplay with the nazis just being an excuse for shooting people.

>nigger brain still LITERALLY doesnt understand why a historical WW2 shooterwith WW2 weapons (albeit on the wrong side) is more "accepted" as a WW2 shooter than a historical WW2 shooter with made up nigger women in the WW2 armies.

Onions overdose?

Someone post BFV marketing campaign pictures.

Why are those inaccuracies okay but inaccuracies involving women is not okay?

>than a historical WW2 shooter with made up nigger women in the WW2 armies.
still pushed as a historical ww2 shooter, i might add

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Because the other games provide the context for that one, that's why people.are saying Battlefield tries to be more historically accurate than MGS. It's the same with MGS because they already had Sniper Wolf and Fortune so the Boss being female was no surprise.

>game with an exceptional out of the norm character
>game tries to make you believe womyn are a common occurrence during those times (and even today)

because its much more noticeably and extreme of an inaccuracy. Very much more unfitting of a WW2 game and offputting to the WW2 shooter fans its marketed for. If you dont believe me. Just look at the reaction to this by the BF-fans

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read the thread.

but this game wasnt marketed as a fantasy game compared to the other historical games people excepted, why is why people were upset at the glaring inaccuracies compared to what they excepted from previous games.

How is it more extreme? Battlefield has included weapons that never existed while women in the military have existed, it’s just uncommon

All the white men in the game are also made up, hth


But that fits the WW2 setting :)

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I think you meant uncharted 4

the historical events they reference had historical people in them they could have easily used. but they made up cucks, women, and soibois to fill the places instead. why would that be?

The game doesn't try to make a message on the real world other than timeless subjects war, control and power.

Major female characters simply exist in MGS to make them exceptional; that purpose alone serves to boost and give the characters in MGS reason for their stories.

If you use actual historical details, people will rake you over the coals for getting things wrong. If you just make something up "based on historical events" you're free to make it more compelling and no one can complain.

Well, except a bunch of politics-obsessed reactionary gamers, I guess.

The weapons have existed, show me one that hasnt. They still have existed even if they were on the wrong side, but its still all part of the WW2 setting, since its WW2 era guns. Even prototypes etc is still part of the setting (although to a much lesser extent, which is why they are complained about) as WW2 era prototype guns.

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Play peace walker and you'll see what a horrible mary sue she really ends up being

>"Historical revisionism" isn't a relevant complaint here
Lmao yes it is
>no one claimed the customisation options were meant to reflect actual history
Yes they did. But the "we're showing the unknown fighters" claim disappears when pressed on it. It's just a game then! You simultaneously think you're both a social revolutionary and the obvious status quo that nobody could ever object to.
>they wanted their modern day game to give players the options.
Then they would let players create their own avatar. Also, the writing is bullshit
>Inaccuracy isn't the same as revisionism
No kidding. That isn't what we're talking about here
>In addition, there are still other intentional inaccuracies you're willing to overlook
Your entire argument revolves around massive equivocation to defend the intentional political revisionism because you like it
>Purely political opposition. You have no moral high ground.
But everything is politics, lol! Also men and women are biologically different, you're fighting nature itself. But I like you think you win an argument by declaring what the moral high ground is. Typical left winger, no real argument or understand

too bad they didnt do that and marketed it as a historical game instead of obviously marketing it as a "alt-reality" which is "loosely based on WW2", then nobody would have complained or expected a historical WW2 shooter.

>The game doesn't try to make a message on the real world other than timeless subjects war, control and power.
Yeah except when the series is about nuclear proliferation or how information technology impacts our lives or about how war has changed...

That's what I was saying, idiot. Nuclear proliferation (war), control as in information technology (which can also lead to war), and war.

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But apparently you need to fix your fucking eyeballs, because they promoted it as historically accurate/authentic, so they fucked up that chance of "dont worry guys, this is and alternate version of ww2"

>Yes they did. But the "we're showing the unknown fighters" claim disappears when pressed on it. It's just a game then! You simultaneously think you're both a social revolutionary and the obvious status quo that nobody could ever object to.
Look, I'm not going to defend statements you just made up.
>But everything is politics, lol!
Yeah, so? I don't think you understand the issue here. You were pretending to have some politically neutral concern for historical accuracy, but actually that is only a pretext for your real issue, you don't like left-wing politics because they clash with yours. Which puts you on equal standing with theirs and all you can do is impotently bitch about how you would've liked it better if they'd done it differently.

It's okay when Japanese do it, for reasons.

What do you think they were doing with their marketing? Should they have marketed their marketing first so people wouldn't think it was marketing for a more historically accurate game?

>What do you think they were doing with their marketing?
Marketing their game as a historical WW2 shooter, then including niggers and women as if it were a alt-reality game, but still kept claiming it was a historical WW2 shooter, which caused fans to get pissed.

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Yeah, so the point is that the way MGS handles these topics is deeply embedded in modern society. You can reduce everything to universally applicable common denominators. Wolfenstein II is about the timeless topics of freedom and war. Mafia III is about the timeless topic of revenge. etc.

The very reveal trailer already got people pissed off.

but wolftenstein II is about dev whining on twitter about how their game mirrors the "struggle against drumpf" and features ugly niggers complaining about MUH WHITE MALES and communists basedcucks as the heroes team.
Mafia III was also not very well received when its trailer dropped since it was about an ugly nigger and more MUH RACISM, instead of the italian mafia type story people expect and want from the Mafia series.

Yep, right at the presentation of the where they showed it as a historical WW2 shooter (and even if you didnt see the presentation, you would expect a historical WW2 shooter since the series is historical shooters) AND they kept saying it was a historical WW2 shooter after, until even today :)

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Well, you can't deny that it is a historical WW2 shooter. Just as MGS3 is a historical cold war stealth game.

Not the same though. As MGS is a series of campy spy-fi stuff and not marketed as a game about real historical events, which BFV is (while including totally retarded non-historical shit, which is why people got mad at BFV and not MGS)

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>Good written character vs bad written characters.
It's really that simple OP you gigantic faggot.

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In my recollection BFV was marketed as a game that lets you play a disabled black woman fighting for the Brits in WWII with a katana, but okay.

Indeed, while claiming it was a historical WW2 shooter. Quite retarded! I can see why people hated it and the trailers

It's really not and up until you no one was even pretending it was

>while claiming it was a historical WW2 shooter
It is, yes. It takes place during WWII. It has authentic weaponry, uniforms, and equipment. Again, just as MGS3, which also strove for authenticity in this regard.

Old Yea Forums would've made a clan of black lesbian cyborgs on release day and trolled the fuck out of pearl-clutching reactionaries who pretend to give a shit about "historical accuracy".

>Metal Gear
>the result of a weird autistic Japanese man locking himself in his room for 20 years watching nothing but 80s action flicks and anime while reading Poli Sci 101 books

>designed by committee and has a track record of making scenarios grounded in realism

Man I dunno I'm at a fucking loss too.

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The comparison of OP should be the female models in Unreal Tournament vs the ones in Battlefield. Since The Boss is a real character and thats why people like her. The "characters" in BFV are just player models which doesnt fit at all, which is why people get pissed but are okay with the female player models in online shooters where it fits, such as Unreal or Overwatch.

The comparsion between those forced female models vs a real character such as the boss is false and the comparison should be to fitting female models instead.

it does indeed take place in WW2 and has WW2 weapons and equipment, which is why its so glaring and stupid when the nigger women are the ones using them, and which is why people didnt like it. It supposed to take place in real events, but has giant ridiculous inaccurasies that people didnt like, like niggers and women.
Not at all like MGS, however, which people expected to be a campy story not depicting real events.

Whats sad is that you will repeat yourself again, even though this is the definitive answer to your question. This is the answer to the original question and you have to accept it even if you dont agree. This is simply the reason why people are fine with one and not the other

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>it does indeed take place in WW2 and has WW2 weapons and equipment, which is why its so glaring and stupid when the nigger women are the ones using them
But a game that takes place during the Cold War with authentic Cold War equipment isn't glaring and stupid when a bisexual X-Man with lightning powers uses them?

And now again you're going to repeat how it's different for MGS3 because it's established as an unrealistic game because it has weird shit in it but it's not okay for BFV because it has weird shit in it and that's unrealistic

>But a game that takes place during the Cold War with authentic Cold War equipment isn't glaring and stupid when a bisexual X-Man with lightning powers uses them?
>And now again you're going to repeat how it's different for MGS3 because it's established as an unrealistic game because it has weird shit in it but it's not okay for BFV because it has weird shit in it and that's unrealistic
Yep, because MGS3 is a campy spy-fi game and not a historical game, even though it takes place in a time its not depicting real events. Its not marketed or shown of as such, unlike BFV which is marketed and shown of as a historical games. You will say "but it has katana niggers in it, thats not historical". Yes, and thats why people got upset about a katana nigger in BFV but not MGS, since BF was still marketed and shown as a historical game while including such things.

Literal nigger brain, god damn. I hope youre just trolling now and doesnt actually wonder why MGS and BF were treated differently in regards to things like this.

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>Yep, because MGS3 is a campy spy-fi game and not a historical game, even though it takes place in a time its not depicting real events.
Kinda like a certain Battlefield game I can think of.
>Its not marketed or shown of as such, unlike BFV which is marketed and shown of as a historical games.
Well, except the one you choose to be upset over.
>You will say "but it has katana niggers in it, thats not historical".
Because it's a valid argument you have no response to.
>Yes, and thats why people got upset about a katana nigger in BFV but not MGS, since BF was still marketed and shown as a historical game while including such things.
That's a contradiction. It was marketed as containing those things. You say those things are unrealistic and also that it was marketed as realistic.

>Kinda like a certain Battlefield game I can think of.
certainly not BFV, since that is marketed even today as a historical game, not a campy spy-fi game or "alt-reality" game>That's a contradiction. It was marketed as containing those things. You say those things are unrealistic and also that it was marketed as realistic.
It was marketed as historical DESPITE containing such things

>It was marketed as historical DESPITE containing such things
Yes. Obviously with regards to all the other things which are historically authentic. Again just as with MGS3 which also made an effort to be authentic.

BFV is offensive. It's a bunch of cucked Swedes changing the proud WW2 moments of other countries for girl power and diversity. Sweden doesn't have any history they are proud of because it's too problematic. The only storyline they treated with any respect is the one about Africans. Because that's all that matters to a Swede, pleasing Africans

the devs literally tell people its a historical game and market is as such, basedhead. Im not just talking about what you see in the trailer. Thats why people get pissed, they are told its a historical game, yet the trailer featured what it did.

>the devs literally tell people its a historical game and market is as such
Except when it comes to multiplayer customisation, which is an obvious concession for gameplay purposes and has been stated as such. You're literally upset over nothing.

im not upset over it, I dont care about or play AAA EA-shit. But the question is why other gamers get upset over one and not the other. There is also no gameplay difference with such an inclusion. Just forced pandering, which is why people get upset.

>But the question is why other gamers get upset over one and not the other.
Because they're gullible morons who will get upset at anything /pol/ points them at
>There is also no gameplay difference with such an inclusion. Just forced pandering, which is why people get upset.
Why, if there's no gameplay difference?

>Because they're gullible morons who will get upset at anything /pol/ points them at
So why did people not get upset about MGS or the females in Overwatch?
>Why, if there's no gameplay difference?
Because it ruints the WW2 setting

retarded tranny

>So why did people not get upset about MGS
It's okay when Japan does it
>or the females in Overwatch?
They did

Except we're not talking about Piss Walker here

nobody got upset at Tracer, Widowmaker, Symmetra or whoever. Because it felt perfectly natural and not forced in that game and setting. UNLIKE BFV.

Then why is Yea Forums still bitching that there aren't enough straight white men in the game?

Because Kojima never said or pretended that MGS is "a realistic depiction of a real war" which is what BF5 did. Don't say it's "realistic" when it fucking isn't

>a series that stays true to historic warfare and events
>a series that butchers any realism by having giant mechs, people who can shoot lightning from their body, vampires, telekinetic psychopaths, beehive men and more

what more is there to understand that one isn't supposed to be realistic and the other is?

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people are complaining about the sudden and force, cringy reveal of S76 being gay and stuff (which you will probably shift the subject to now). There are straight white mails in Overwatch, nobody says there are not. This is also irrelevant to the point of how people are accepting the female characters in OW.

>people are complaining about the sudden and force, cringy reveal of S76 being gay and stuff
They were complaining before that. They were complaining about Zarya before release and they've complained about each new character since.

Because The Boss is an actually good character that serves a purpose in the game.
Snake essentially kills his mother and that's extremely important.
The game wouldn't work as well if The Boss was a man.

A mary sue is a character injected into an existing universe who takes all the spotlight away from the actual protagonist(s). That is exactly what The Boss did, she was there to diminish the presence of Big Boss before he became Big Boss, and everything she did was spectacular, a "first" and something daring in the face of the powers that be trying to stop her, ending in her heroic sacrifice that has the protagonists remember her forever.

The Boss is beat for beat a replication of the original "Mary Sue" Star Trek fanfiction, and her mary sue-ness continued into Peace Walker where characters continued to talk her and her accomplishments up.

Big Boss killed her though.

>based stroke poster

mgs3 wasn't pretending to be anything other than entertaining fiction while bf5 is literally trying to rewrite history and pretends to be surprised when called out for their bullshit

Attached: dr who history.webm (854x480, 1.71M)

>literally trying to rewrite history
You say that like there is an actual chance that historians might base their consensus on WWII by jumping into a BFV multiplayer match.

The difference here is that the Metal Gear series never claimed or even tried to be historically accurate. Giving you Wolfenstein though

>BFV claimed to be realistic to the point it can replace history lessons.

You can't compare an individual character in alt-history fiction (and MGS of all things) to a mainstream depiction of WW2 that flagrantly replaces the real white men who fought the Axis with women and minorities who were never there. Every woman or chink storming Normandy beach is like EA strolling through Arlington, picking out random graves, and saying "you weren't there that day, SHE was :)"

This is only the start, guy. It starts with the fictitious depictions

idiots dont read history though. throw enough of this bullshit in pop culture and youll have the public believing that england wasnt historically white

Then, once again, how can you possibly defend MGS? You'll have the children thinking people really shot bees from their asshole in the Cold War.

You've been at it for 5 hours now. Maybe it's time to take those psychosis pills already.

it's indoctrination. they do it bit by bit generation by generation.

Attached: typical european ad.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Did I imagine this whole stupid thread with your circular contradictory arguments, then?

MGS is not a historical series, the first two games were set in the future of a fictional universe. 3 was a prequel that happened to take place in the 60s of that same FICTIONAL universe as a result.

give it a couple more years, they're gonna start saying that whites are genetic freaks of nature

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Haha those right wing death squads are coming any day now, r-right?

You sure did a nice job imagining boogeymen in your schizo head. Take a break and take those pills.

She is respected because she's not just a pair of tits thrown in for the sake of diversity.
She is competent and has earned her place by way of merit in a setting full of units' with powerful paranormal abilities.
She's called The Boss for a reason.

Ok fag
>Yas queen pregnant soldier
>Faggotry in the game
>Killing enemy bad
>Nukes bad
>Le unite the world goy

The Cuban missile crisis was real fictional yeah

How do they get away with this? Swedes are letting some shitskin cultural minister melt down their viking artifacts too

Are you legitimately a child? I'm not going to bother explaining how that's not an argument

>Literally every MGS thread has this faggot
You are almost as bad as autistic frog

It turns out directing and execution is king, you know the obvious thing. Same reason Donte is complained about but Nero from V does it right, or how two directors and actors can take the same script and have completely different outcomes in delivery or quality, or how the 90s was filled with women heroes, Latin or Black leads and no one gave a shit and it was probably the most progressive era America ever hit while also being the least censoring and worrying about feelings or a grander political agenda.

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Based redpill poster

Gen Z was a mistake
>But le based generation zyklon

>>Le unite the world goy
BB's dying words in mgs4 is literally "boss you were right it's not about changing the world, it's about doing your best to leave the world they way it is."
Quite literally the opposite of uniting the world.

Ban all electioniggers

Yes goy let the Muslim savages kill white Christian
Just leave them be while they kill your family

Sweden pretty much a lost cause at this point, with Germany and France hot on its heels. france and the UK might still have a chance but apparently Corbyn is the favorite to win for PM so they're fucked if he does

Attached: German brainwashing.webm (842x474, 2.99M)

You're a retard. There shouldn't be muslims in christian places to begin with - and vice versa

>Just let them be savages pn their on twratory

The Boss was against globalization.
If you completed the game and still don't realize this, you are 100% stupid.

Yes, pretty much.

If you say this and complain about other examples like OP posted youre a fucking hypocrite

She was for globalism in the sense of global peace

Nice take retard.

Post nosenwith timestamp chapofag


The crippled girl is the best looking one

>Nukes are good

Attached: 1547825457019.jpg (480x601, 91K)

Fun fact: In the event of Leukemia, mixed race children aren't close enough genetically to either parent to receive bone marrow from them

>thinking brown hordes will stop being savages because some white person tells them to
Fuck off and let them stew in their own filth in their countries, just get the out of white places. You know, "leave the world the way it is".

Nature truly culls the weak.

>MGS3 plays bad
Zoomer detected

You're right. I did not play BFV. Why would I financially support a game with such a disgusting message

>briefly shows a woman in a 2 minute trailer
This is not the only thing that annoyed people about that game's marketing and you know it. Stop being disingenuous for replies.

>if the Gameplay wasn’t complete shit
what a fucking idiot you are.

To be fair on EVA she was a Honeypot that was supposed to help Snake, seduce him and take the legacy off of him. She only refrained from killing him due to the Boss's influence on both of them.

good design vs bad design

Correct. Nukes protect us from people with smaller nukes.

>Rewrite history
Leave your bedroom dumb dumb

>nothing but exist
>outruns tank by sliding on back
>kills with a cricket bat?
>operates bolt action with hook hand
>fights in 'historical' representation of war not animu bullshit

I played it and it's pretty bad.
It's pretty funny when it can be hard to tell whether a person is bleeding out or just prone on their backs.
Not to mention the flopping around people do like going from stomach to back to feet first to head first in less than a frame.


wew lad

>sequel to one of the best series ever
kek, I see what you did there.

would you rather the cripple or the fatty?


Toppest keks that of all those women, the one who literally sits all day every day is not the fatty.

You don't like blondie horseface?