Wow, who do we have to thank for this, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread: discord.swf

Is that because the playerbase is down 40%???

the dwindling playerbase obviously

The dying playerbase. You can't have toxic players without players.

>people leave the game because is boring shit/sjw
>less toxicity

Meanwhile, player count is down 60%

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So 40% of players quit? Not something you should brag about.

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The toxicity of Heroes of the Storm dropped even more because players dropped it

junkrat is fucking huge when hes actually standing

It's based on a % of interactions, not raw numbers, so playercount is irrelevant in this case

>Nathan Grayson

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I'm glad Blizzard is getting toxicity down instead of improving the game. This is will help in the long run.


I´d say it´s way more

>pretty much no one plays Overwatch anymore
>toxicity is down 40 %
So now pretty much 100 % of the Overwatch community is toxic

those numbers dont mean jackshit unless we know exactly what they include

>remove or restrict every single way for people to communicate
>toxicity is only down 40% instead of gone outright

How do you quantify toxicity exactly and know it’s going down?

Its not hard to reduce toxicity when your game is dying

>It's based on a % of interactions
Didn't people stop communicating due to it?

so you dont think that the decreased player base might have left only dedicated players?
and that those more dedicated players would troll less?

the playerbase is down more than 60% tho

How do they determine some arbitrary percentage on something that's inconstant and indeterminable?


The ancient art of faking it

based and serjpilled

By counting the number of crybaby Reports and number of bans.
Everyone stupid enough to still be playing Overwatch now is like some sort of sweatshop worker afraid to say a word for fear of getting the whip. Who needs interaction in a team game? Just keep doing your job in the assembly line.

As population dwindles though that percentage increases far easier.

"Toxicity" might be down 40% but it's way easier to make that change in a playerbase of 10,000 than it is with 600,000.

Without numbers percentages don't mean that much.

>and that those more dedicated players would troll less?
Have you ever played a popular online competitive shooter before?

It's the dedicated players (or rather, the ones that think they are) that are the saltiest motherfuckers. The ones that are tryhards but not successful with it.

The casual players don't care enough to get heated and shit talk people.

># of interactions not a result of # of players
you fucking retard

overwatch has maybe 15-20k players concurrent at peak time, which barely puts it into steams top 20

nobody plays that trash game anymore, so not surprised here that "toxicity went down"

so 40% stopped saying gg ez?

>durr how do % work

i literally reported everyone who talked in Yea Forums lingo/memes :)

Most of the cancer left to games like apex and fortnite, whatever has the curent hype train has the shittiest players on it.

And yet the actual content hasn’t gone up by much in the last 3 fucking years.
Good prioritizing Blizzard

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>gg ez
Fuck overwatch and fuck its community.

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>overwatch has maybe 15-20k players concurrent at peak time
citation required

Me. I did it. I'm gonna say 60% of the N word.

it takes about 10minutes to find a quickplay match on pc

it's basic math retard

playerbase is also down by a larger margin,

i would imagine interaction would go down when just about anything you say could get you reported for toxicity

how does one calculate toxicity?

and player base by 90%

math based on what?

holy shit you guys are retarded
math is based on numbers

>10minutes to find a quickplay match on pc
That's fucking awful. Isn't 15-20k players an optimistic guess?

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Fuck that mentally ill tranny who ever start using 'toxicity' word applicable to gaming.

You're a fucking retard.

I call people nigger and faggots all the time and no ban yet

How do you objectivly quantify that?

tf2 has 50k and you can find match in less than 10 seconds, 15-20k is VERY optimistic

not for me
beside that, how do you get to the numbers of players?

Write down the calculus you made. I'm intrigued


>Too many messages! Please wait a few seconds...

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I'm guesting reports for toxicity, which would be a fairly good gauge

show me your calculations boys

Toxic doesn't mean anything, retards. It's the same shit as "problematic"

saying "kys" is toxic

as long as devs continue to ignore the cause of toxicity, they'll never beat it, and the funny thing is they're the ones who caused it

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>which I won't show you
>just listen and believe

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It means being a wanker

This is missing some key information, like what the fuck toxicity is and how they measure it. I also wouldn't be surprised if this has come at the cost of player interaction, I'm curious if they measured this as well.


Im 100% sure its based purely on reports received
So the only conclusion you can come to the player base has dropped around 40% seeing as overwatch has one of the most insufferable playerbases ever, on par with dota2

And we only had to shed 60% of it's player base. Well done

Kill yourself maybe

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Has there been a good online game where the playerbase is mostly toxic fucks? Dota 2 is, but you fucks hate that game.

You guys just love bringing games down huh? You freaks are just as worse as SJWs. And no I'm not from reddit or resetera or whateverthefuck you'll falseflag me for, but you idiots need to be called out for your demonic behaviors.

>toxicity down 40%
Just like playerbase

>weebs making shit up
who could have guessed

>what are percentages

>Dota 2
>good game

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Well its the best dota-game on the market so yeah, if youre into that genre it objectively is good.

playerbase down 90%

those who are left dont care about the game theyre playing

>reports received
That's not a good metric since it's not 100% honest plus it has the same problem with "toxicity" in general in that it is never properly defined. One persons toxic could be someone spamming STUPID NIGGER and another persons toxic could be not picking the correct character. Both of these things are obviously not the same and going on a crusade against "toxicity" is not an inherently good thing for the community or the game. It's always strange seeing companies boast about this shit.

It's ironic, you wouldn't understand....

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l4d 1 and 2
make one mistake and you get votekicked instantly

So what went wrong Yea Forums. Why is ow dead.

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Match-making also killed server communities
I fucking hate modern gaming

Didnt say it was a good metric, just telling you what I think its based off of. Unless somebody has a better theory

>Our branch on the planet jupiter is up 8000%

I can't think of a more meaningless sentence

ironic weeb? thats even worse, own up to your pedophilia instead of skirting around it

so is blizzard and overwatch

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just a coincidence you toxic male shitlord!

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That's a great metric. How users perceive toxicity is a constant across time. if you get fewer reports (in percentages) relative to the number of games played (or reports sent) then you've good a view on things.

Paladins is a better game

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Their push to make OW an esport turned out to be a gigantic money-sink so they decided to cut their losses and left the playerbase to rot under horrific moderation


youre a faggot

i miss dedicated servers
i would join the same server on CS 1.6 every day and meet same people it was like a small community i built friendships rivalries memories, it was truly an amazing time
now with matchmaking everyone might as well be NPC because ill never play with them again

Damn this image is incredible accurate. I'd say there are a few more 'types', but devs definitely created the toxic environment themselves by removing choice.

On top of that it takes less than 0 seconds to join to community server, some ancient technology Blizzard forgot about.

>implying dedicated servers dont exist anymore
uhh sweaty, maybe play something other than AAA games for once??

I don't think that's toxic, desu

>quantifying sentiment
>result is in line with their agenda
yeah ok fags

Being toxic is one of the most enjoyable parts of multiplayer games. Why did sensitive faggots have to start playing games?

what would you recommend?

it's way buggier and less pretty but it's surprisingly balanced and the dev cycle it's one of the fastest i know.
they introduce OP shit all the time but they stomp that down pretty quickly
that gold refund for OB64 was also insane, now i have enough gold to buy any gameplay related thing for all eternity

What is Dev obsession with pushing match making over server choice in big budget games now?

It's an understandable system for ranked, i can't personally think of a better way. But for everything else server choice makes everyone so much happier.

Somehow every character in paladins feels op so in the end i guess no one is op. Makes every character fun to play with at least.

Reminds me of Quake Champions and Doom on the switch, there are so few people playing that everyone becomes ultra nice.

I find it funny how Doom at some points become dance parties when someone in your friendliest recognizes you.

Pretty much. Most of the players remaining are the "don't give a fuck" type, just lemme fucking shoot.

I saw Lucio-ohs at Target and also some Genji Cheez-its at the convenience store. So there must be a fairly large playerbase being marketed towards, right?

except pip and old 6shooter buck
pip damage is laughable and his heals suck, especially compared to stuff like seris
old buck damage was completely non-existent and was only fun for roughly 2 weeks where he could doublejump with the talent.

>company says product is better

Bitch, I just played a Radiance cold snap invoker rush.

Your argument is surprisingly good, DotA is a game about being a complete asshole to everyone and somehow win under those conditions, it's beautiful.
Bitch, it's a great game if you want to ruin someone else's day and find other four fuckers trying to do the same to you. Pitted against 5 fuckers doing it to each other and trying to get you to win.

How can you not love it?

we could get jeff fired but we can only dream

It's a mix of laziness and infantilizing the user base

OW has both though, most people just like the convenience of having it done automatically.

>most people stopped giving a fuck due to meta fuck ups and barely any new content coming out
>all the most dedicated ended up being banned for the shittiest 'offenses'
>what's left are 12yo console players
no shit, most of them don't even know how to use a mic

That's the smaller problem here, the biggest is these people will never EVER improve.

Before tranny-era:
>I suck at the game and I hate I'm being reminded about it. This makes me want to be a better player since I'm constantly called out, or approach the game more casually on another server, or simply quit.

After tranny-era:
>I suck at the game and I hate I'm being reminded about it. I'll bitch about toxic players who want to win, and they'll get banned by based devs. I'm not going to improve whatsoever because I don't need to, the game itself protects me and gives me a safe space, it is made by a way to protect me so I don't get any kind of stimuli to get better and I'll forever play with another bad players while I delude myself into being good up until a toxic troll tells me I suck but he'll be banned anyway.

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I don’t understand things: The post

I like finding other's to say voice lines with.

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>make a game
>focus on nothing but esports
>wow why is my game dying?

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he's right, you know.

if only

>still hasn't been hired to cover something heavier than the bottom-of-the-barrel vidya shit
how is that even possible?

It's simple. We must delete /pol/

Umberto Eco was right

>muh goobergate

fucking fpbp
and probably even more..

And then having them spillover on my hobbies? Fuck you /pol/ is a containment board, don't open the autism floodgates.

That guy who wrote it looks like he is a söy based life form.

or you yourself

Containment boards never, ever worked.


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>Ban everyone who is 'toxic'
>Everyone who is 'toxic' quits because its boring
>The only people who remain are the blizzdrone circlejerks who think overwatch is somehow fun

The people have no self-awareness.

So why am I not seeing constant LoL generals, MLP and Pokemon threads on Yea Forums? Dumb newfag you have no idea what you're talking about.

Because the toxic players are the ones who most zealously play the game, the people who enjoy the game the most.
And now that they're leaving, OW is pretty much dead.

Oh but they did and still do. Wonder why Yea Forums wasn't pure Pokemans when Sword and Shield got announced?


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user, the people who are salty and get angry are the dedicated players.
"toxic" doesn't mean "trolling" it means playing to win.

Dead game, retard
Dead show, retard
Not Yea Forums but /trash/, retard
Also, there are constant pokegirl pedoshitthreads on Yea Forums

Here's a hint: Before you started browsing Yea Forums and grew pubes those things weren't dead and there was a reason their containments boards were made, and they worked. You dumb fuck.

>i-i-it worked in the past! you just weren't there!
Sure thing, electiontard

Literally first thing that comes to mind

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/pol/ is the containment board of the fucking internet. Close it and see this fucker spill their autism everywhere.
As someone that worked in a suicide line let me tell you that it is higher than 40.
Money was a sick bastard and his degeneracy ruined a lot of people's lives.

But apparently it isn't PC to talk about how much money the tranny industry makes out of poor people that are often bad at socializing or try to find a quick way to love themselves, as a society we failed them.

Toxic this bigot that, I'm so fucking sick of sjw snowflake niggers and their buzzwords
I hope a fucking giant asteroid blow up this shithole because fuck this gay earth

Why even bother to continue arguing when you clearly don't have a leg to stand on? Pathetic.

>Close it and see this fucker spill their autism everywhere.
For a tiny moment, then it would congregate away from Yea Forums and plague other shitholes.
/pol/ was the biggest mistake of Yea Forums.

>classify 8276 new forms of toxicity in your big book of rules
>suddenly see toxicity everywhere!
>ban everyone
>toxity down!
fuckin great job blizz truly wonderful how did you do it

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LMAO that projection and hypocrisy

An overflow for an existing board is different from a new board altogether. Without /pol/ or /new/ there might be a few more offtopic current event threads on other boards but you can guarantee the majority would flee to cripplechan

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Or stay here to spite shits like you

Literally this

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Not that user, but anything older with a dedicated community.

These people are mentally ill.

>For a tiny moment, then it would congregate away from Yea Forums and plague other shitholes.
I don't think you understand how that place works, it's a hurtbox.
They crave that rush of making everything go full retard, give them time and they start to make others think like them and the other places become a hurtbox as well.
>/pol/ was the biggest mistake of Yea Forums.
I think that shit kinda saved other boards from becoming full miasma cesspools, if I'm honest /pol/ was the biggest issue when experiencing the /can/ effect in wich discussing a topic offboard always yields good results, without /pol/ as a container those board jumping attempts always ended in pure degeneracy.

>everyone might as well be NPC because ill never play with them again
There you go, one of the reasons why these companies do this.
The other one is giving players 0 info on how many servers and people are currently playing,

There is no "overflow", just because the whole board isn't full of leftists doesn't mean /pol/ is invading you constantly, it means that people on Yea Forums have different political opinions. Stop trying to make Yea Forums your hugbox you pathetic baby.

And L'oreal says their shampoo will make your hair 96% stronger.
Fake percentages with no reference point are marketing 101.


cause everyone quit

yeah, i remember all those days when i played TF2 and all those people wanted my contact info so they could send me neonazi pamphlets

Reminder that Blizzard doesn't reveal player count for a reason.

But also
>google trends for overxatch is taking anose dive
>twitch numbers lower than ever
>takes longer and longer to find a match

Yes, overwatch is dead, or at least, dying the painful death it deserves.

>I think that shit kinda saved other boards from becoming full miasma cesspools
No evidence for this claim. So far we have:
>before /pol/, the level of /pol/tardation was lower and it was mostly ironic
>/pol/ was actually psyop'd by stormfront
>during 8gag exodus, moronic /pol/tardation on all boards dropped - especially on /pol/ itself
>furries, which were /pol/ before /pol/ was a thing, somehow didn't infest every single board when their requests for a containment board were denied
So far everything points in the direction of "/pol/ doesn't contain, it's just a pile of shit that attracts flies to nearby area".

>No evidence for this claim.
>but here's my claims with no evidence, which are obviously true, because i made them
i'll go with yikes on this one, bro

>the aussie manlet virgin
>the alpha Cop Chad

>Of course I'm not saying video games cause real world violence.
>But video games do cause people to become neonazis.
Fuck me, did a video game kill his family or something?

Cope harder

>le -50 face

This is one of the stupidest posts I've read on Yea Forums in a while, congratulations.

>oh shit my dumb argument got exposed, deflect!


>yfw you are the Holocoaster-Tycoon

>you can't have toxic players if you have no players
200IQ strategy here

Your anxious finger-wringing butthurt and lack of arguments is the best proof that I'm right you could offer.

I'm probably not making my point very well. I'm suggesting that removing /pol/ and /new/ would create a small increase in the number of OT politic threads on Yea Forums and other high traffic boards, but reduce the overall population of nazi larpers on Yea Forums. Which is to say that more boards might result in less off topic but also invite more people that otherwise wouldn't post on Yea Forums, to post on Yea Forums

>Enter 2Fort
>Say "Hey guys" as I spray an explicit hentai poster of a guy fucking a house cat down in front of the spawn point.
>"Hey xXx_Weedslayer420_xXx, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Hitler?"

Those were the days.

>your arguments are without proof
>so here's my arguments without proof
>so your arguments have no proof, that's dumb
>that proves i'm right!

>would create a small increase in the number of OT politic threads
>might result in less off topic
do what? also
> invite more people that otherwise wouldn't post on Yea Forums, to post on Yea Forums
why dont' they post on Yea Forums now? are they afraid some people might disagree with them?

>Let me just start up my Sega Genocidis

>but also invite more people that otherwise wouldn't post on Yea Forums, to post on Yea Forums

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If you're anti-/pol/ you don't belong on Yea Forums.

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Dude, you just went full retard.

Furties always embraced liberal ideas since fucking funny animals was a thing.

The only reason you think furries were /pol/ is that they were arguing with proto pol right wing retards.
Now you have a bias towards right wing ideologies but your hate of furries still burns bright, hence why you associate them.

Furries are liberals by default.
The only reason Nazi larpers exist is because you feed them attention.

>tfw experienced almost zero toxicity from my hundreds of hours in comp between bronze to plat

If anything I was the negative on a few occasions but I almost never ran into people being actually "toxic". Sure maybe some ggez's here or there or some ribbing to each other but I don't know. Nothing ever took me aback.

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>Furries are liberals by default.
Let's see:
>ruin everything they touch
>go everywhere they aren't wanted
>kicking them out is a lot of effort
>allowing few of them in always results in the entire horde aggroing
So far all of this describes both furries and /pol/.

Furries are /pol/, /pol/ is furries.

"Toxic" is a buzzword that mean absolutely anything and has no value when describing someones behavior.

>queen of spades tattoo

God he is ridiculously short isn't he. Fucking manlets.

Good description of liberals there, but it has nothing to do with /pol/.

People you don't like are Nazis.

Spoken like a true libtard.


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>>But apparently it isn't PC to talk about how much money the tranny industry makes out of poor people
I'm out of the loop, elaborate.

if you think this isn't true, how come gamergate did radicalize a large number of young impressionable people?

>Overwatch toxicity is down 40%
And so is the playerbase.

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B8 And b&

You can't blame gamergate for what their opponents became.

i wish OW porrn is up by 40%
i need more symmetra and ana

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[Cope intensifies]

>eating seed

The medicine and surgery that trannies get costs a lot of money. 20K burgerbucks easily.

Their opponents?
What did they become and why is this relevant?
You need to keep in mind that the people publicly supporting gamergate who had a platform were largely the "skeptics", Breitbart and friends. Obviously the people who are invested in this garbage will flock to them and they will use this to radicalize people to ensure their continued patronage. It's just good old social capitalism at work here.

>maybe some ggez's here
come the fuck on

Makes sense, no idea why I couldn't think of that.

>invite more people that otherwise wouldn't post on Yea Forums, to post on Yea Forums
The entire problem you are describing are the people who otherwise wouldn't post on Yea Forums posting on Yea Forums. The 2016 election and gamergate are responsible for this, they brought droves of impressionable people from god knows where here, who then took all the blatant propaganda to heart and start shitting up everything.

Certain pharmaceutical groups actually lobby on this shit and get payment from insurance companies on quite a big scale.

They are profiting on the transexual fad and hiding the damage it does to young adults.
Look at furry history, they are liberals.
You are quite a weak individual to not realize how fucked up your ideas are and how much of s joke you are to the entire world.

Can't have "toxicity" if you don't have players.

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>n-no, don't delete /pol/ i need my safe space AAAAAHHHHHHHH

So the toxic players left?

liberalism is incompatible with criticizing capitalism.

>Certain pharmaceutical groups actually lobby on this shit and get payment from insurance companies on quite a big scale.
I'm stupid, how does insurance companies factor into this?

Forcibly removed

You know, how a large number of journalists who opposed them turned out to be sex fiends and corrupt. Seems really strange how that keeps happening and happening. Almost like they had some kind of reason to oppose gamergate, like how honest journalism would lead to them getting exposed sooner.
But, you seem to have a lot of evidence that gamergate somehow radicalised young people. I'm sure you have something to back it all up. It's not like you mindlessly listened to what the newspapers, journalists and media said without doing some research for yourself. If someone is being criticised for being corrupt and lying, you should take them and their friends opinions about it at face value.

>i-it's not a safe space! we have nu-nazis, nationalist socialists, national traditionalists, traditionalist nationalists, national nationalists and pedophiles! there's plenty of disagreement!

But capitalism at it's core is based upon the market, which inherently encourages criticism because it creates demand for competition. Wouldn't that mean Liberalism isn't actually supporting capitalism healthy and just ruining it?

>delete /pol/
asking for it.

>You are quite a weak individual to not realize how fucked up your ideas are and how much of s joke you are to the entire world.
the fucking irony of this post

How is saying "be a tranny for all I care" bad for the market, you need to explain this. I'd it's good for the free market, because new products become viable to sell.

Still can't believe we live in a world that thinks Nazis are actually around outside of the 0.00001% fringe nut bars that barely do anything ever

Read the post I quoted.

>he wants the same shitstorm happen again discord.swf

>I'd it's good for the free market, because new products become viable to sell.
ahy are new products good for a free market? you can have a free market without anything being new.

came here wanting to post this

You might want to do research on banking and debt, but let's say this insurance haven is very lucrative for the pharmaceutical industry and is often paid by a welfare state.

Let's not forget that most hormones were banned in cattle recently and how a new line of production was assembled for human consumption almost as fast as the movement started.

This is disgusting mate, they are literally selling a placebo to the people and misdiagnosed most of the people to put them on treatment with high cost on the final operation and little chances of it backfiring given that most suicide by the fourth year without getting legal action.

Heck the few that seeked legal action were accused of being mentally ill and thus unable to fight back the machine. I'm not silencing you, nor discrediting you. You are the fascist in this situation.
When everyone is a Nazi no one is.

if you sell 2 different products to five people you make less money than when you sell 3 different products to the same 5 people.
More products means more money for you.

>because new products become viable to sell.
Who the fuck will buy that crap you absolute imbecile, the guy who would buy it already left because it was kicked in the balls, and these people who bitch about this are not even planning on buying.

>Toxicity is down 40%
In our city?

I guess those 40% were before maximilianmus got banned
oh yeah yeah

>Nathan Grayson

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>I'm not silencing you, nor discrediting you. You are the fascist in this situation.
I'm a fascist for simply asking a question? I just couldn't keep up with you so I asked, aren't you a tad bit too paranoid right now?

I thought the player base of ow went down over 90%

No one (relatively) is a nazi you delusional leftist

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Cope, bitch.

Imagine having Overwatch as your most played game

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>You are the fascist in this situation.

>liberals call people who disagree with them "nazis"
>poltards call people who disagree with them "fascists"
you are right user, you are completely different from each other

don't post that faggot kthxbai


>remove a bunch of useless e-sports people
>game suddenly starts to improve

Attached: redshirtguy.jpg (1335x1060, 123K)

How can you measure toxicity??
Posts per hour on /pol/ or what??

Yes, but how is this relevant?
Games "journalism" always was a fucking joke, it never existed. It's just often unpaid advertising, don't you realize this?
Yes, these people are probably not worth trusting, but I don't need any manufactured outrage to tell me that and neither should anyone else.

>you seem to have a lot of evidence that gamergate somehow radicalised young people
Okay, explain the shift in discourse around the time it happened. I am willing to concede that it wasn't just gamergate alone, but that the events shortly after also played a part in it. Keep in mind that I told you that these "news outlets" cultivated an audience, based on the impression of a shared identity as gamers. Through this cultivated parasocial relationship they fed them lots and lots of propaganda, you know what they wanted to hear. You know stuff like "SJW bad", "woman bad" and all that.
Then the next thing happened and the missionaries went out and did their thing.

And now we have a bunch of fucking morons shitting up the site.

These sorts of things are hard to prove, but I suppose you can infer most of it, by watching through youtube catalogues and reading articles from that time period.

And yes, sites like Breitbart cultivating such an audience is at least highly likely. You have a very hard time inferring the motivations of people in the past, but you can piece together a narrative that makes sense.
You know who Steve Bannon is? He's of the founders of Breitbart and he's quite aware of video games. He endorsed investment into a gold selling company in 2006, eventually became CEO of that company. The company fell shortly after due to outrage from the gamers. This makes it very likely, at least, that Breitbard had an idea when they were courting to the gamergate audience.
Of course this is speculation, but it sure has the trappings of something that may actually have happened.

I don't give a shit about the video game "journalists", those are scum and we all know

Diamond and above is where the real toxicity is. Not the "ggez" the telling people to fucking kill themselves because they wiffed an ult or they're daring to play widowmaker.
Masters is basically unbearable if you dont have a group to play with. You have no idea how many people Ive seen get into shouting matches and then leave before the fucking gates open.

prolly reports


Faggot nigger kike.

Shush that does not fit my narrative.

You are new here ,aren't you? Lurk moar before posting.

Attached: brendychan.png (788x614, 437K)

>mfw working in esports

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>Too many messages! Please wait a few seconds...
>tf_max_voice_speak_delay 0.1

Attached: MEEEEEEEEEEEEDIIIIIIIIIIIC.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

no, it's based on the number of incidents reported you faggot

>killed enemy with random crits
>*hit schadenfreude taunt

he's a sex offender btw

Post proof so people can save it.

They all decided to play Stalker instead

why is he contradicting himself

When the unironic nazi party is planning to do marches or manifestations over here the whole msm and leftist machine goes apeshit and pretend it's the 1930's and democracy is about to fall. Then 100 nazis show up waving some flags for an hour and 2000 antifa and their twittercomrades from all over europoor riot and cause millions in damages and beat up random people for the rest of the day. The same larp every time.

You gracefully sweep everything under a generalizing term while proclaiming to be aware of the issue, this is hilarious to read.
Rarely do I see posts using so many words to say so little.

What is even your point?

>you fat bald bastard
>spy making fun of demo for being a cripple, an alcoholic AND being dead
>scout's shaderfraude


My point is that the events around the whole lack of integrity in video game reviews, especially around the whole depression quest thing and the (unverified) claims made by some guy led to people engaging more with fringe "news" media, because they appeared to be on their side. This relationship led to them being more open for the other views these outlets peddled. Giving us the radicalization of young men through their engagement in gamergate.

Is that so hard to understand?

>toxicity in tf2
>no one cares, "lmao this guy is actually triggered"
>even the devs put in jokes to mock players who suck

>toxicity in overwatch
>say someone is doing bad on the team
>get muted for 1 year
>devs take anything as toxicity and will ban you / mute you

hiters 2fort server. it was great. rip.

The number of players is irrelevant sure, but but the context around it is not. Cause the only players that are still playing OW after blizzard made sure to make it as unfun as possible for everyone else are the brain dead blizzard drones to begin with.

When you consider how many dog bites happen annually, the breed of the dog is irrelevant.

>People being exposed to a broader selection of views causes radicalization
No I don't follow.

omg im so glad to see another sane person on Yea Forums. I also recently transitioned (m to f) and I've been having a really hard time with it since Yea Forums is so full of toxic masculinity but it makes me really happy to see there are other people just like me.

Attached: TOXIC CHANNEL.png (1500x1015, 1.25M)

can't you be any more triggered?

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I get where you're comin' from but you gotta understand. Even the newer folk to Yea Forums know how to proxy. I'm not sure how long it'd last but if /pol/ was shutdown, you'd see waves of bullshit for, i'd say, maybe 2 months. That's being gracious.
I'm almost certain some jannies would high tail it outta here.

In the long run, i think /pol/ is still beneficial for Yea Forums in terms of profit. Everyone knows Hiro doesn't care much unless it fucks with his money.
In addition, why would the CIA/FBI get rid of such a wonderful honeypot?

please don't post paladin girls, I'm on nofap

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>Make game that steadily caters more and more to people who can't deal with confrontation or conflicting opinions
>People that don't like censorship leave
>omg we're winning even though we lost most of our player base

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How do you even measure something as vague as that?

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Are you saying that if there's only 1 player left then it'd still have toxicity % above 0 if they gauge it by interactions?

No, but people being exposed to propaganda does.

>everyone against gamergate showed the same exact rhetoric and same exact dismissal tactic
>suddenly people recognize these behaviors and go against them
>people who go against them are considered bigots, nazis, and just alt-right in general
>suddenly "alt-right people spawn out of nowhere in defense of muh vidya"

maybe the userbase is down by 40%?

Like they were with "gaming journalism"?

Based and Saved

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what journalism? video game journalism is just advertising.

>"they called me a nazi, I'll become a real nazi that'll show em"

Like they were with all mainstream journalism for the past decade and then some as well as fringe journalism such as gaming journalism.

Walk to your cars in pairs tonight - rape's up 8%

So in essence it's just a complaint about not having monopoly on propaganda now.

Hey Yea Forums, wanna hear a joke?

Competitive Overwatch

Attached: laughing elfman.jpg (384x391, 25K)

you cant be fucking serious lmao. somebody really sat down and drew this

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Playercount being down certainly contributes to having lower interaction and that directly translates to having less "toxic", whatever that means, players.
Anyone who argues differently is either dumb or pretending to be. It's the same type who argues that "gamers" are toxic but when the darling virtue signalling corporate product is in danger, numbers of "toxic gamers" suddenly don't matter anymore.

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who said anything about actually becoming a nazi?
Most of them had common and reasonable complaints about unethical behavior in video game journalism. Everyone disliked Zoe quinn fucking those guys to get her game to being number 1 ahead of papers please.

the reason they were called nazis, alt-right, bigots, or whatever is because they believed they stood for progression and saw any fight against them as some form of alt-right backed group attack.

>but anything older with a dedicated community.
Isn't that the whole issue though? If you have to play an older game to play on a dedicated server then it just proves the point that modern games no longer have dedicated servers.

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Came here to say this.

Are you retarded?

I can vouch for this. Last time i was playing Overwatch people were talking about how the holocaust never happened in chat.


Maybe maybe not, I'm simply trying to figure out what your point is.

It’s actuslly down 80

I refuse to call Overwatch an FPS. There's so many shields stuns, CCs, and other dumb bullshit that shooting is hardly even part of it. What the hell is it? A MOBA without any form of strategy?

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There are three types of lies.
Damned lies
And statistics

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There's 3 types of people that play video games
Smart people
Good people
Overwatch players

To be fair I have no problems with the "It's okay to ban things that hurt my feelings" crowd sticking together.
I just want to know why they bothered trying to attract a wider audience in the first place if all they wanted was /ATVI/transcirclejerk/


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>I'm simply trying to figure out what your point is.
I thought it was pretty clear. My point is that far leftists control nearly all forms of media including media like Fox News which is actually just controlled opposition.

I think that even a retarded person could agree that having all forms of mainstream media follow the same agenda is propaganda.

>(((quantifying toxicity)))

No need to kick a dead horse, user

I miss the 90s and 00's dedicated server-centered multiplayer fps scene so much. I don't even bother with it these days, matchmaking is cancerous.

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