I'm sure glad I've spent my youth staying inside my room and playing video games instead of traveling and experiencing life, love and adventure...
I'm sure glad I've spent my youth staying inside my room and playing video games instead of traveling and experiencing...
>implying i ever had a chance of experiencing those things
How do you think i ended up here?
Did we not enjoy those things because of videogames? Or did we take refuge in videogames because we had nothing else?
>go out on an adventure
>get robbed
im a poorfag i cant experience anything
but i already did all that and I still stay inside my room playing videogames?
I'm 29 and its the biggest regret of my life that I spent my teens and early 20s playing games all the time instead of partying and drinking and socialising and travelling. I'm trying to make up for it somewhat now by going out drinking and partying at my age just isnt fun because everyone else is so much younger.
With what money nigger? Are you gonna support me while I experience all of those?
Besides I don't like drinking or partying and traveling usually is overrated.
Most people spend most of their free time not really doing anything productive.
Playing video games is at least less self destructive than drinking and partying than most people do, a lot cheaper too.
At this point most other people my age walk around looking like shit and complaining about how much their body hurts while downing energy drinks and complaining they are broke until their next payday.
I haven't even felt any aging yet and own my own house, all I really do is work out and play games.
my parents were poor working class, I never got to travel anywhere
>tfw 29 and now have enough money to do all of that
No idea why people put emphasis on partying though. Getting hammered with strangers sounds fucking stupid. I'd rather travel and have stories to bring back.
> traveling and experiencing life, love and adventure...
Only normalfags enjoy that.
>experiencing life
You do that everyday (if you work)
Doesn't exist
Real life is not a fairy tale.
Hah look at this guy, he's really "living the life". What a load of crap right fellas?
Geez I don't get why he doesn't just have sex, its pretty easy. Especially when a roofie is involved!
Giggity giggity goo!
Time... to die...
*shuts eyes*
woah this dude just died haha
I'm planning a big hike for later in the year - it's not possible for most people to "go on an adventure" when they have work the next day. Video games are actually the closest thing, it's no better or worse than scrolling through social media constantly or binge watching netflix.
Your post gave me hope for 5 seconds until I remembered I chose music as a career and ruined my life before it even started
Life is trash no matter how you look at it
>muh love
>muh partying
>muh adventure
>muh traveling
>muh vidya
Nothing but coping mechanisms.
>With what money nigger?
I'm going to explain this as simply as possible.
First job I fucking had just stocking supermarket shelves I was making $200-$250 bucks a week part time.
I bought my first car with a months worth of savings.
By the time I was 18 I had over 30k in the bank from just working in a super market after school/on the weekends and that's on top of having to pay board to live at home.
Stop being lazy cunts and enjoy your games along with everything else, it doesn't have to be one or the other.
What else is there to do in this fucked up world
why not both? You can both be a video game nerd AND go to parties, have a social life and all of that good jazz. Granted some have a harder time than others depending on the community where they live, but if I managed to do both while being a socially awkward autists in a bumfuck small town in Serbia, I'm willing to bet most of you fucks can do the same.
what's the point, the final destination is death anyway and all of your experiences will fade into nothingness
>go on an adventure in the UK
>get stabbed by a chav and bleed to death
really makes you think
What does it mean if I went to a lot of parties and get really exhausted like 2 hours in? Is it still something I should force myself to do even if I don't feel like I enjoy and have to force conversation?
It's my time, not yours. I do what I want, bitch.
physical or mental fatigue? If it's physical, then you have to get in better shape, yo. If it's mental fatigue, you need to find another group of people to hang out with, someone that doesn't drain your energy as fast.
At least you got to experience some British culture before the new Caliphate.
How will you make npc friends who hollowly validate your existence with that attitude user?
life is a meme
Regret is for retards.
and give my hard earned money to some jewish travel agency so i can get robbed by a nigger? FUCK YOU!
>go out partying in UK
>get to watch degenerates puke and lie on the floor
>get to watch fat roasties getting their folds rubbed in clubs
>get to be around drugged up dickheads
Truly an enriching experience
That's because you're a dumbass normalfag that didn't have your priorities right. The average Yea Forums user is too autistic to socialize. They never had anything else to do but lock themselves in their room and play video games.
I'm a failed normalfag though. I'm not as full blown autistic as all of you but I'm also not a full normalfag.
Being on Yea Forums and seeing oneself as not autistic is often the sign of a delusional mind
Stop trying to pretend that the average person can afford to travel. I can, but most everybody I know is either drowning in debt or just scraping by. And most of the time that’s because they spend their time partying
>traveling and experiencing life, love and adventure
Ironically that you actually think real life is like a video game.
You can be autistic without being “full blown”
>Your post gave me hope for 5 seconds until I remembered I chose music as a career and ruined my life before it even started
Pretty much this. You could have gotten herpes or hepatitis or some other cootie.You could have gotten a women pregnant accidentally .We all waste time just not in the same way.
What's the distinction between a v autistic and a full blown v autistic?
Being able to pretend to get along with people irl and act normal but secretly still being autistic internally
That's all 'normal' people then. Part of being a normal person is having flaws that are acceptable to others.
Full blown would be someone low functioning, diagnosed autistic. Whereas, people like me (I’d wager most of Yea Forums feel like me) are high functioning and most likely undiagnosed because it’s neigh impossible for anyone but myself to see
Travelling is OK
Experiencing life doesn't really have a meaning
Experiencing love could work for some people I think, I'm both not interested and too autistic for this
Experiencing adventure is retarded, it's taking risks for no reason
Tldr fuck off. Life's meaning is given to her by yourself, it's not because everybody is doing it that you should too.
adventure gets you raped and killed im ok with that in my video games not IRL
Nobody wants to rape ugly men
eeyyyy open the VODKA we gonna get drunk xD
10 shots my dude right now, time to get shitfaced looool
I hate parties