
What the fuck?

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shit game, fuck off

adsing at door ways and crouching in corners simulator is terrible anyway

>having shit internet in 2019
Commit suicide my third worlder friend

it's only 10€ on Steam right now, figured I might give it a try since it's the only AAA non-battle royale game around (with Overwatch)

incompetent developers

Enjoy paying for a shit game with f2p model retard

I can also refund it you dumbass nigger

And then getting banned for being "toxic". Better not say faggot "accidentally".

This game is made for pussies, you'll probably love it.

Halo 5 was fucking 90GB before patches!!

>playing Siege at all after operation skull rain when it went down hill.

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>buy this game
>play it for 4 hours
>every single round is some ritalin addled sperg shooting into our spawn point or peeking for a fraction of a second
why did they put me up against level 200 faggots when i just got the game man, uninstalled that shit. the most fun i had with it was doing situations.

Attached: WHAT IN THE GODDAMN.png (216x216, 90K)

Halo 5 is currently sat on my HDD at 110GB.

Siege is small time.

Compelling argument

Git gud u fucking shit lmao

Your mom is a compelling argument lol


Dont listen to these retards it's one of the best fps games ever made. Played every Rainbow 6 game online.

>just got out of spawn
>actually on a team that uses voice chat
>talking about where to enter
>some guy kills two of us from a window
>they both leave
>no one else takes their spots
>the rest of the game is just miserable
it's like this game doesn't want me to have fun.

Why would you blame the game and not the shitters that rage quit?

Game gets really fun and gets your adrenaljne pumping when you git gud

I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just stating my opinion that quite frequently does it feel like the game is not trying to be an enjoyable experience (for me) but rather a frustrating one which sucks all the enjoyment I could've had out of it by some of the design decisions that actually made it into the game, you fucking faggot.

Mad cuz bad