The madman did it again
The madman did it again
I'm not watching it, please give me a summary.
>The famous folks who made the games of our childhood, such as the Legend of Zelda series, were inspired by their own life experiences, rather than referencing previously created games.
If you want to design games you have to draw inspiration from real life not just other games
Did the narrator hit puberty yet
Basically video designers should not be inspired (copy) by other video games and instead go outside and use there experiences to make new games
If you make game but you play other game that is like yours then you'll subconsciously do the same things it does including mistakes and bad design decisions
How dare this faggot draw the SuFami logo on his avatar's stupid hat. Pic related would probably open the eyes of a budding game designer more than this shit video ever would.
Thank you. That seems like a reasonable point to make, if you make videogames you shouldn't take inspiration from just videogames. It's the same with any creative endeavour.
I hope you don't mean that unironically.
They essentially say that playing a lot of games can colour your view when creating games, and make you have assumptions on design and presentation, so it's good to broaden your horizons in other ways too.
That's not quite what it is. They outright say taking design inspiration from other games is fine, they're not saying to stop that. They're saying to recognise the importance of taking inspiration from a variety of sources rather than designing from the perspective purely of someone who plays a shit ton of games.
I didn't say they said stop taking inspiration from other games.
That is, unironically, a good lesson. If everyone just copied past games, things would get stale much faster than they did. Looking at older games is also important, so you don't repeat the mistakes of the past.
That's deep
It really makes me think
remember when they defended EA
I do, and you're retarded. Only a gullible faggot would think that you need to reinvent the wheel just because, that something trying its hardest to be unique makes it good, or even that it's possible in the modern media age to be wholly unique. Good media will mix its inspirations well and wear them on its sleeve instead of damning itself to the graveyard of "unique" indie games that break themselves over backwards trying to stand out to the detriment of the gameplay. Which is the only thing ironic here.
How can this channel still be alive, how can so many people be so fucking retarded that they can't see what pretentious idiots they are watching weekly?
>and you're retarded
Mad already.
Not an argument
what was EC thinking with this episode?
My argument is that your precious image you saved is a piss poor retarded attempt at fostering creativity and any intention you had at insulting the video was wasted when you posted it.
You argument is backed by nothing but insults and your own subjective viewpoint of what creativity is, to the point that I'm somewhat convinced you're a member of EC that shills videos here. Looks like I made a mistake ever replying to you, brainlet-kun. You got nothing to offer
He was thinking he'd redpill the masses
>Not defending EA
Only NPCs hate papa EA, they have the best refund policy and the most comfiest customer service
As opposed to your objective view? Also good job being predictable in saying I'm defending EC, tribalist ape brain. I'm not, I'm just saying your image is overly simple shit and you're retarded for unironically thinking it's good.
anymore i agree with you
>I'm not, I'm just saying your image is overly simple shit
Because you're a fucking peon who can't be bothered to think for 10 seconds about its possible applications being that YOU are not creative, dense chimp. I guess that's where we should have started in this thread, let it be known that before you jump on the youtube lectures or the image diagrams you need a fucking brain before you can foster creativity.
I fucking love wwatching human history movie so much. There's just so much fucking bullshit crammed into it. I know its not the EC guy but I like to imagine that it is because it just makes it funnier.