Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2

So, /pol/tard shit aside (Muh SJWs, muh white genocide, muh forced agendas), what are our thoughts about this game? Please keep it non-political.

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Other urls found in this thread: from Pompeii.htm


They won't have my money, but I'll pirate it if it's fun.

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The developers haven't made a particularly good game and there's no Boyarsky. I'm not interested.

It'll be kino.

>Please keep it non-political
>game goes out of the way to include political themes

> Forced 1st person POV to hide the lackluster character customization & forced MUH REALISM bullshit
It will be fucking garbage just like the original

um everything is political sweeties

There aren't very many thoughts to be had. I'm glad it's happening but we don't have much to go off of other than a practically gameplay-less trailer.

I'm more excited for The Outer Worlds

can someone give me a quick rundown? what is SJW about the game

I have a feeling it just tries to ride of the name of it's predecessors without putting any actual effort into itself.

Let's see what the writing is like and then we'll talk

sjw shit

How can you discuss WoD without politics? Game will be full of radical left-wing shit and it's fine if devs have at least a bit of self-irony.

Avellone hasn't delivered on good writing in forever.

Go check one of the other billion threads about the game. Every single one of them goes into detail.

I cant wait to see what this ideological extremist writes for our sidequest

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Nothing. Yea Forums autism is at it again.

>Avellone hasn't delivered on good writing in forever.
I liked Durance

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>sjw create a game
>literally everything in the game will be invested with shit writing and shit gameplay because of fake diversity hiring
>l-let's just i-ignore the sjw and talk about the game

It's like asking about only talking about your food and ignoring the trash someone has thrown onto it. Your food is ruined. It doesn't matter how good it was before the sjw trash ruined it.

they dont

>/pol/ isn't a proble-
Who thought that these guys can create Bloodlines 2?

Give up talking about the game mate. The fact that the politics shit has caused such a shit storm and there's not a word about the announcement of a season pass and the implication of multiple season passes shows the state of this place

I'm sure her glowing praise for Anita sarkeesian and her hypocritical prudish ways will do us good

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Not much to think, we got a cinematic trailer and a bunch of red flags with all that pol shit. So if we ignore that pol shit like you suggested, it's just a name at this point.

We also know some of the leading devs, and the list seems pretty damn promising. I'm cautiosly hyped.

>comfy vtmb threads never ever again

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You mean the writers? Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone are good, sure, but they don't make a game. Also, Avellone wasn't even involved on the first one.

I'm intrigued, honestly never played the first but now I'm going to. I live near Seattle and enjoy most not terrible rpg's, so this could be my perfect storm if it's as cool as they make it sound when vaguely describing the gameplay.

A once safe game from all nu-chan and /pol/ shit is now retroactively ruined

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>You're not allowed to reference how retarded the devs are because Yea Forums will get annoyed that they can't discuss their shitty game in peace


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I will be here for the "oh no no no" threads

>no gameplay
Oh god is going to be Bannerlord 2 again isnt it?
I cant wait to play a complete different version of what we saw in the trailer 10 years from now.

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I hope it's good, but even before its announcement I already thought a sequel would never live up. Seeing some of the devs say they don't like how VtMB did multiple things doesn't seem like a good sign, along with all the DLC and $90 deluxe edition. But it has more potential than any other game that's been announced lately, so we'll see.


>what is SJW about the game
"muh pronouns" and shit.

>Go check one of the other billion threads about the game. Every single one of them goes into detail.

Nobody gives any explanation. anyways

if the new game is good then shit will die down. people are just hyper critical because there are a lot of red flags. even if you ignore political shit, the fact that it's a year away and they showed not in game footage is a massive red flag

Damn it feels good.

Sawyer isn't even involved in the game mate what the fuck are you on about

The blame is all on yourselves you fucking retards
>Okay we will. We will also fill it with leftist propaganda and politics

The character creator has more options than people here are comfortable with

/pol/ are a plague of scrum on this board and ruin every single thread they participate in.

They are far more whiny and insecure than any "SJW" they ever complain about.

I know, but it's a good example of why you shouldn't allow devs to get away with being retarded

I mean Cliffy B could come back and make a decent game for once, but him being a faggot on Twitter will be eternal

I wouldn't mind it as much as long as they were consistent in their criticism.
If you hate modern SJW shit being in games then by all rights you should hate older SJW shit that was in video games. Its not like game companies pandering to a wider audience is a new fucking phenomenon. Shit has been happening since fucking Mrs Pac-Man.
Or they just flat out ignore the sjw shit in the games they do enjoy playing. Never hear anything about the SJW shit in fucking Red Dead, even though it is everywhere in the game, but they ignore it because its Rockstar and for some reason them and CDPR get a pass. But every time EA does it, they get torn a new asshole.

Then again ideological consistency is for people who actually have a legitimate interest in refining their beliefs.

you're out of your fucking mind if you think this is true. just look at any of the thousands of resetera witch hunt threads and say what you just said with a straight face

>Avellone hasn't delivered on good writing in forever.
t. mong

If you weren't as bad, you'd let us have this one god damn thread in peace.

Hit a nerve snowflake? Or did I stop you from shitting up this thread some more

>Posts that say the game is SJW shit.
Pick one.
If even one of them wrote out a good argument as to why certain elements of the game are "sjw shit", and why the inclusion negatively effects the quality of the game outside of setting off your culture war radar reflex, then it would be an argument.

Why? Has Sawyer channeled his anti-Kavanaugh views into a video game recently? I really want to know how this twitter screenshot is relevant to a discussion about a game he isn't working on

Oh, don't worry, Cyberpunk 2077 isn't free from /pol/ screeching

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How can this woman even get a job after Dishonored 2 fiasko?


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>So no bloodlines style game ever again

she to WOKE to keep down

I'm looking forward to killing the white male npcs with red hats.

Yeah, I don't know why devs do this shit to themselves. Instead of talking up some juicy stuff about gameplay or story, they talk about politics, which means people will argue about it for the next year. Why do they put themselves through this?

Why does she feel the need to point out her own obvious gender? If you were a tranny and its hard to tell what the fuck you are, yeah sure.

They did talk about the gameplay and the story too. They went into details over how the character creation stuff works, for example. Stop blaming the developers for /pol/tard's autistic chimp outs that basically always fucking happen.

I love people still don't realize that /pol/ is the effect no the cause

>Why does she feel the need to point out her own obvious gender?
Virtue signal. To make believe that pointing out your pronouns is something "normal".

>Only the left is allowed to be political in gaming
Fuck off

/pol/ is the effect of the chink being a horrible administrator for this website that doesn't moderate the chaff like he should

Just as the devs planned it.

>Bitching about side-cut hairstyles, tattoos, and piercings in a fucking cyberpunk setting.
What the fuck?
Its... fucking... cyberpunk.
By the very definition of the aesthetic it is going to have that shit.
This shit is getting out of control.

they literally said they are making a political statement with the game so stop crying aboutpol it's on topic thanks to the devs

>open the game
>pick a male body type
>pick male pronouns

They went too far into the politics imo. Just write the game how you want and stay quiet until release. Then people can judge what is in the game. Talking about it now is pointless for both the devs and the audience.

>This shit is getting out of control.
No shit. Just look at this thread.

I just don't get it, why don't you go to resetera with your people? It has plenty of censorship to filter the things you don't want to read.

Wow, "chink" is a slur and I'm glad bigots like you don't decide what gets to happen with this site.

They said they're making a political statement about art vs consumerism and technology vs tradition. I really wish one of you would read that fucking quotation in context


I don't like ResetEra.

>First person with contextual third-person actions -
>Brian Mitsoda is lead writer alongside Avellone and Cara Ellison (who in particular wrote a chunk of the side quests)
>Rik Schaffer the original composer is back (confirmed via e-mail)
>Game has modding support, available Day 1
>Takes place 15 years after Bloodlines
>Direct sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines with in-game references to the events of Bloodlines
>Fan-favourite characters from Bloodlines returning (Smiling jack and Beckett are canonically dead)
>Deb of Night type feature will make an appearance as confirmed by Mitsoda
>Set in Seattle with seamless hub worlds
>Player is a thin-blood at first, choose a Clan later on
>Huge emphasis on character creation. You can choose your background, gender pronoun, employment history, body type and fashion
>Game starts off with a Mass Embrace where the player is among the new vampires born from the event, you're captured and brought to a court of prominent vampires like the first game to recount the events of the mass embrace before being sentenced to death, court is firebombed and you escape, thrust into Seattle to find out who's responsible
>Main side-questline involves hunting down and finding all the other thin-blood created from the Mass Embrace, each will have their own story about entering into their new life
>NPCs can react to you depending on what background you chose for your character in character creation, for example you can be a cop, a coroner, or a barista for a more neutral and blank slate background
>The humanity system returns, so killing innocents brings you closer to the inner beast
>If your humanity is low enough it will have implications with your dialogue choices
>Way more dialogue than Bloodlines

could someone explain what's 'sjw' about it?

>get subjected to writing from this woman throughout the game

God I just wish we had something to discuss other than the politics

>You can use telekenesis, turn into mist to go through vents and glide
>Blood resonance from VtM 5th edition will appear in this game. Using your enhanced vampire senses, you can see when NPCs are experiencing an intense emotion like fear, desire, pain, joy and anger. Drinking a person with a strong resonance will give you an immediate bonus to things like melee power or seduction. If you drink a particular resonance constantly, you will acquire a taste for it and this will give you permanent buffs called "merits".
>No quest markers, natural exploration just like the original
>You can scale buildings, there's an emphasis on verticality
>Level design is reminiscent of the original Deus Ex, you're offered many different pathways to approach a particular scenario
>Lots of secrets and hidden pathways to find
>Emphasis on fluid combat, using vampiric speed to slide in and out of melee range and slash people and execute them with melee weapons. You can get special cinematic finishers in combat when you execute people a la Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Counters are in. Guns exist and are treated as temporary opportunities, you pick em up, use it, then discard it and move on.
>Seattle as a hub world is described as "very active", crowds gather outside clubs and muggers prey on victims in side allies
>It’s still called the Masquerade, so if you eat someone in public or turn into a bat in front of a bar you’ll get in trouble not only with the police, but also some beefier supernatural watchdogs
>Your actions dynamically effect the npc environment i.e If you continuously suck on people's blood in full view of the public, they'll be less wary of going to those areas and you'll see less citizens wandering the streets

>when newfags literally pretend like this isn't Yea Forums
Where were you when r*dditors pretended they were cool 8^)

I stopped using this site as much a couple years ago because the posting quality is in such a fucking shitrut.
Its seems that was a good choice.

>Way more dialogue than Bloodlines
Speaking of, is it all gonna be voice acted?

anti-sjws don't play actually games

They were asked about politics, dipshit. Were you expecting them to answer, "fuck the retards"?

this is good, it's been 15 years. SJW is not a problem, people who have strong opinions against those things are the problem. Fuck you frogboys.

Setting will be adapted to modern standards
>“It was very of its time,” Ellison said of the first game. “It approached certain topics differently. How we look at stuff has matured since then.”
>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
>“We talk about these issues constantly,” Ellison added. “Because we care about including people, we want them to feel powerful and sexy, and we don’t want them to feel like it’s not for them.”

Keeping a low profile is not something you can find in the SJW book. They invented the outrage culture after all.

Why? It seems more like your speed than this website

>I'm being called out for ruining threads site-wide, better act like a picked-upon victim

They mentioned that there's a lot of dialogue and gave praise to all their voice actors. No idea if PC will be voiced, probably not since it involves quiet a bit of customization

I don't know how I feel about the wall running, is that something all vampires can normally do?

what a retard lmao

>Cinematic takedowns ala Deus Ex
CRINGE, I fucking hate that shit
If you're gonna do takedowns, do them like Dishonored did. Much better.

>what are our thoughts about this game?
What's to think about? This and Cyberpunk 2077 are on everybody's pre-order list.
>Please keep it non-political
Too late bro, /pol/ will fight this 24/7 until 2020.

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>we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”


defend this shit you idiots

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Cyberpunk is an odd case due to it being split into multiple subgenres. Many people prefer post-Cyberpunk stuff like Blade Runner or Deus Ex.

It is adorable when sjws pretend politics in a game are not a problem when it suits them, but they go absolutely apeshit when some game set in eastern europe in 1400 has no blacks in it.

>When newfags who think they are oldfags call oldfags newfags because the oldfags call out the newfags for being newfags.
Why can't I hold all these limes?

Sorry, but as good as the combat sounds in those blurbs, there's absolutely no way they will deliver. It's gonna be a janky mess at best and unplayable at worst.

eh, that's a bit of a retarded statement to make. most of the muh sjw whining is over the top. it's a game, who the fuck cares if it lets you play as a masculine man or a feminine woman. choosing your pronouns is silly, but it's minor.
the fact that they mentioned it's closely tied to v5 is a legitimate concern though. that shit's cancerous

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Well Thin Bloods, from my understanding, shouldn't be to far ahead of human strength, so it would be possible to perform parkour feats.

it doesn't need to be defended, it should be self obvious to anyone that has a shred of empathy.

It's almost like SJWs and /pol/tards are the exact same kind of faggotry.

This sounds like woke garbage

That goes both ways
You guys attacked them for that yet here you are bitching about something completely meaningless
Furthermore, there's more than just "people who hate on bloodlines for a non issue and sjws"
it's possible to think both nontroversies were absolutely autistic

Terrible quality bait

No, motherfucker, no, red flags my fucking ass. Yea Forums will go turbo-retard and shit on games that have no flags of any kind, how difficult has it been to have Sekiro threads? How difficult is it to talk about anything on PS4 or Switch? People on Yea Forums are hyper-critical, whether it's pol bitching or not, and it makes this board difficult to use most of the time and absolutely does not deserve you trying to mentally justify it. There are too many people here who don't even like video games, and rather than talk about how a game could be good, are here specifically to shit on anyone who would dare do such a thing.

It's not an interrogation, it's an interview. Why don't they dodge the question like any rational person would? Seems like a dumb move by the devs. Also, you seem very hostile for no reason.

Bingo. That's what the pol fucks and the leftypol fucks, don't quite grasp. Of course dipshits like the dude who's simultaneously posting hitler and complaining about pol, clearly are here for the shitflinging.
v5 vampire the masquerade ALREADY has super far leftists diablerizing other super far leftists over insane political shit. How much of this spills over into the video game version has yet to be seen.
When you ask "how bad could it get?" I'm inclined to think about the Beast the Primodial debacle.

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They are degenerate and I don't want to fuck degenerate girls cuz I'm no basedboy

It's not bait
The only thing anti sjws do is whine about how a game is "sjw"

How do you go from a shitty journo to a senior writer and editor?

Is the rumor true about the devs of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 hating on gamers like us?

I highly doubt they will make it unplayable. The combat shouldn't be the main emphasis of the game, as you're a thin blood. They somewhat alluded to the fact that the decision making process i.e. not combat decisions make up a big part of conflict resolutions. It still involves melee and gunfights but think Skyrim melee

Can we stop for a second and talk about the obvious elephant in the room?

These posts have pre-made pictures and they are obvious organized. Just look at how they come with this in so little time.

This is /pol/, and it will not stop. I say fuck them, the game better no matter the critics.

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>Please keep it non-political (but our shit leftist policies and agenda like gay muslim YASSS QWEEN SLAY vampire) doesn't count!

Doesn't work like that, bud.

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they seem to dislike the first game as they called it
a problematic male power fantasy

Just like SJW who pretend to be anti-SJW since no else falls for it anymore.

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weaponized right wing autism

To be fair making Bloodlines 2 was explicitly a matter of getting Activision to relinquish rights or allow it.


I think it's PR mumbo jumbo to deflect from previous SJW esque rhetoric out of white wolf. My impression from Paradox and the studio devs is that it will stay true to the original themes and will inevitably trigger SJWs regardless.

>we have the same threads 30 times a day
>people save images from previous threads and repost them when appropriate
>fucking coordinated attack from the discord tra-I mean /pol/

There's nothing to imply they don't like the original their only comments on it have essentially been "it was a different time"

>the first game is a male power fantasy
>but at the same time leftists as fuck like it's always been
It's almost as if they have no idea what they're even talking about. You could start to think that they never even played the first 5 fucking minutes of it.

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Holy shit, how did this escalate so badly? Last time I checked they were delaying printing and Anarch as well as Camarilla book, but that was it.

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>M-muh false flag

Yeah you're right, Brian Mitsoda probably didn't play the first five minutes of VtMB.

>noo please don't criticize the game you right wing death squads im gonna dilate now to relax a bit

Do you even know what was going on with White Wolf THey've gone full woke to the point where the writers had to be blacklisted from the industry by paradox who themselves are more on the woke sidew then they were 10 years ago.

look i dont care if they get political but if it goes too far one way or the other that's never a good thing and gets boring real fast

i just want a fun game, i dont care who is making it. but if they start shoving in propaganda in my face at every turn im out


>will be

Seriously, everyone in this thread - READ the 5E corebook. It's all already there and exactly what you fear.

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Is obvious you dont like it so why dont you just fuck off

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If I play a Malkavian does that give me immunity to damage since killing the insane would be "problematic"?

Did you even read the interview and who was talking in it?

they called parts of the game problematic and some others a male power fantasy those were their words

>game promotes blatantly radical leftist agenda
Um, sorry no.

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I agree, leftists are seething

Tumblr fucking loved the first game

You are just going to give up on having a big titty goth gf because some ancient ass website's politics board memed you?
Good. You don't deserve one.
You don't deserve to know what it feels like to lay on the hood of your Pontiac Catalina, drinking Port Wine, and smoking cigarettes after fucking each others brains out in carnal , hair pulling, neck biting, angry ecstasy.

>gets called out

>criticize a game that was just announced with no gameplay trailer or anything
I couldn't care less about the leftist sjw trash, but you're trash too because shitposting for the sake of it and most likely because you don't agree with their beliefs, let alone care about the game at all

nope but prepare for boring malk dialog

>Why don't they dodge the question like any rational person would?
You're a fucking idiot. A rational person understands that when you're trying to sell something, you don't go pissing people off. Dodging the question would be obvious. Far smarter is to answer the question while ticking off every box the interviewer is looking for so the thing doesn't blow up in your face. You starting to understand this, kiddo?

>you seem very hostile for no reason.
I am hostile toward retards. I thought that's what you wanted.

Yeah I did and the male power fantasy comment came from a RPS journalist who won't be working on the game. Fuck off.

>UM can we LIKE...stop
lmao fucking faggot

Stop being phobic, correct word is "reality challenged" you fucking bigot.

There is a good outraged headline in that

>/pol/ doesnt like a game contrary to his ideology is this popular

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>RPS journalist

you mean like the on that is working on the game?

Jesus fucking Christ.

And into the trash it goes.

>tranny can't read let alone comprehend the written word
Just as expected.

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Thats pretty much it

>Force fed
Whose forcing you to buy the game?
And clearly /pol/ bitching isn't working because we're they seem to be doing it more often now

Hitler drank water and breathed oxygen.

Fuck that degeneracy, I'm waiting for when I get married to a traditional virgin white female

Look at the end of the day it's all speculation and probably bad for discussion since we're working off inherently skewed information. I admit it's a cause for concern that they don't heavily push political agendas, which I don't think they will since they've got original team guys there but i think asking for a political free game is ridiculous. If you look at Bloodlines it's still heavily political. At worst I expect a main story line that is current socio-political commentary heavily favoring left wing revisionists. Honestly I can separate video game dev agendas from reality and not get in a autistic flurry like most of you fucks seem to be.

pssssssssssst, no facts, only hurt feefees are allowe in here. Otherwise the tranny might seeth too much and forget to dialete later on.

All they've done is cause arguments over the game though. That doesn't seem smart at all. If they wanted to avoid controversy and just promote the game, they've done a poor job. Also, you should be hostile at the devs if you want to be angry at retards.

>contrary to ideology
You don't fucking understand. Communism is not "contrary to ideology". Libertarianism is contrary to my ideology, I don't hate libertarians but I will mock their shitty beliefs. Communism and all its forms are nothing but pure evil that should be eradicated by force, legally or not.

I didn't think /pol/ and Stephanie Meyer fans were so closely in agreement.
>This is a Christian counter culture board.

I hope the game is heavy on politics like the original was so I can spite the poltards

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>If you look at Bloodlines it's still heavily political.

It's not, though. Not to mention there's a difference between having elements and actively preaching whether they're good or bad to the audience.

>Whose forcing you to buy the game?
No one, that's why I'll pirate. It sucks it'll be shit though.

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>Leftits are seething
>Non-stop threads bitching about "MUH SJWS" isn't bitching

No. Not that one.

Show me the direct quotation mate, it doesn't exist.

Did you just use a racial slur?

My point being that essaydoublejews were perfectly fine with it

>If you look at Bloodlines it's still heavily political
Why do you fucks still pretend that you played it when you clearly didin't.

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>I'll gargle that corporate cock even harder!
>That'll show /pol/ who's the real man here

We have literally no idea how political the game will be.
Communism/Socialism themes were in Bloodlines.

Did YOU play it?

Read the interview tough we both know that you won't since it would prove you wrong.

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>having themes or a character that's not traditional or avant-garde means you now have to put in gommunism and SJW shit, which is somehow "against mainstream" despite being shilled in media 24/7

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I hope you realize how autistic this line of logic is

>are obvious organized
LMAO. Tranny projecting his raiding attempts via discord on random Yea Forums posters, who dare to express dissatisfaction that their long awaited game will be pozzed with sjw-bullshit. Majority of this board hates identity politics affecting their games and it's been like this since everybody started seeing their negative impact

Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?

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That you think you matter in this discussion is adorable. They answered the question in a manner that prevents the people who actually can impact a game's success from having a reason to do so. Some alt right retard on an anonymous website has absolutely no impact whatsoever on anything they do. Why you're finding this so difficult to comprehend, I've no fucking idea.

if anybody who talks about politics in the game are /pol/ does that mean the devs who made the game political are /pol/ as well?

Sorry sweetheart, but get that desert kike shit OUT OF HERE!

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Are you people fucking insane? White Wolf games were always D&D for emotionally fragile lefty pussies, ESPECIALLY vampire. Right wing nerds played warhammer, left wing nerds played VTM.

It's a fucking vampire role playing game.

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>This thread
Mayocide when

I've read it lad. There's a paraphrasing by the journalists in order to fit in a link to an older article she did about what she thinks about the original's male power fantasy.

>people literally hating on additional content in video games

>Communism/Socialism themes were in Bloodlines.
Yeah, propagated by anarchs aka. big fucking shitheads who are constantly outed as retarded.

Yes it was, the game was the definition of political intrigue. Just because it was fictitious doesn't make it any less so. They made references to fringe ideas at the time, just like you'd expect at that time. I expect similar ideas to be present, and whether or not it is the main focus or not no one can say yet.

Right, but the devs invited this discussion by entertaining the question. Not a smart move. I personally think the game will be fine, politics and all, but it was a PR misstep by them.

Read the fucking article for once and stop shitting up the thread.

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>Communism and all its forms are nothing but pure evil that should be eradicated By Force

>legally or not.
What are you waiting for?

Go back to discord and dilate your hole before it heals with your leftypol buddies.

I know that you just definitely didn't if you really think that it was some leftist political shitshow that is the equal to WoDv5.

>he thinks we wont buy the game
>he thinks we wont buy the game for his political side

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>people itt arguing about political beliefs and couldn't give a shit about the game
I guess talking about the vtmb is no longer an option

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>you're wrong
>but I agree with you
Every fucking time.

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Who are "we"? You are here alone

Bumped up the Day of the Rope list by a couple thousand spots there, bub.

Will intimidation and seduction not be worthless this time?

>we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”

holy shit they sound like some woke idiots on twitter

It's a phase we'll have to go through, unfortunately.

>make the game extremely political and give no gameplay video

There's no quotation from the developers about this masculine power fantasy.

You weren't in /tg/ when the 5th edition was relesed. WoD is dead unless you play one of the older ones.

>this shitpost is going to last until game release

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I don't think that it was the devs intentions to push an ideology. It should have been clarified but it's probably adding fuel to the fire. I think you can take it both ways, so why worry yet?
Are you crazy, it hardly takes a role in the game, it's a characterization of a revolutionary. It's probably an accurate representation of a hotheaded youth. Seriously you need to do a more honest analysis of the themes and the game.

seeing cara ellison in the dev panel and then watching her talk the most pretentious shit with her limited vocabulary pretty much spells doom for this game.

I give a shit about VtMB that's why I'm mad. I don't want it to be filled with SJW trash that's detrimental to the game. It's like someone made a fucking monkey paw wish.

I think they answered the question poorly. If you think discussion is limited to this site only, I think you should broaden your horizons. The internet is a very large place. Discussion on other sites regarding their answer is contentious just like on Yea Forums. Also, I think you do matter. You shouldn't put yourself down like that. We're all important.

>devs:we are taking a stance on political beliefs
>wtf? why are people arguing about political beliefs

Nii-san, you are alone.

>until game release

since this game will be filled with WOKE bullshit the release is just the beginning

Please read that quotation in context before spouting it.

if it's okay for devs to use their games to make a political statement, we are entitled to talk about this shit.

sorry we're don't all enjoy the privilege of being an apolitical bimbo, you fucking prole.

Sorry bud, but you can't backtrack your sorry little ass out of this one anymore. Better luck in the next thread you will inenvitably shit up.

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>it's a characterization of a revolutionary. It's probably an accurate representation of a hotheaded youth
aka. shitheads who don't know anything.

I am well aware of the themes in VtMB and none of them come across as forced.


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>WoD is dead unless you play one of the older ones.
This is sadly the truth and it kinda went out with a whimper.

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With Celerity power, yes.

they're taking a stance on political beliefs period

kill yourself retard.

Let's be realistic.

VtMB: Bloodlines was lightning in a bottle. The game does atmosphere better than nearly any other game I've played and it captures this 90s gorh aesthetic so flawlessly while building an intriguing world and interesting characters.

Even if you go every single writer and developer from the original game and gave them unlimited funding and time there's still no guarantee that they're going to capture the same sort of magic as before.

It's not just about who makes a game, there's an element of luck and timing to it. I'm just not very optimistic this game is going to be worthy of it's predecessor. Even if they remade the first game I'd be skeptical that they wouldn't ruin most of what made it good.

>using "male power fantasy" in a sentence without it being ironic
Nigger there is no context in the world that would make this fucking fine.

looks like nigger-loving SJW faggotry
tell the devs to keep it non-political you wet fart

I'm just trying to figure out why you feel communism needs to be purged if it isn't actually contrary to your beliefs.

I never pre ordered a game in my life but i think i'll have to do it bros. Even thinking about the expensive one that include the Season Pass, which from what i understand, will include 2 dlc and 1 expansion which add Werewolves to the game. So it's safe to assume there will be no werewolves in the base game story.

I don't remember Paradox ever making a bad game. It's average at worst case scenario. And just the fact they decided to make this game is already a victory.

My point never changed mate, I said from the start there wasn't a direct quotation about it and she's used the words 'masculine power fantasy' in numerous articles about VtMB in order to excuse a hyperlink to her old article about it.

The fundamental themes of the game and of VTM to begin with are about the injustice of established power structures and traditional authority. Every villainous element in the game is a fuck-you-got-mine entrenched elite manipulating younger vampires to preserve their own power and privilege.

Just fucking imagine how neo-Yea Forums would react to a character like fucking Damsel appearing in a modern game in ANY context.

>Communism would work for vampires!

Like holy shit your fucking heads would explode if that line appeared in a Bioware game.

>goth and punk aesthetics, pro-nouns, and lgbt sexuality are communist and inherently sjw.
Sure buckaroo.
You know if you actually got out into the world and met real people you would realize your cookie cutter worldview is laughable.
The fact that you even mention communism as if it has anything to do with this just goes to show how far down the culture war rabbit hole you are.
Its a video game. Inclusiveness is nothing new in video games. The same shit you are bitching about now has been in video games since arcades were still on the up and up. You only give a shit now because you want to tie it into your politics buttfrustration.

I don't think they are trying to push ideology either. I'm not worried about the content of the game. I just find it strange that devs don't know how to sidestep touchy issues. Politicians themselves do it all the time. I do think quality of discussion of the game would improve if they hadn't answered the questions the way they did. Maybe they should have a media consultant on hand?

There is absolutely no way you can draw the conclusion that their will be forced political agendas from anything that's been said or released. It's all just politically neutral statements. That is, it takes no politically objective side in a political discussion.

>Posts that say the game is SJW shit.
What do you think SJW means? Using Social Justice as a tool for your own selfish means. Doing things for the sake of getting dopamine high. Getting social credit from strangers for being more Woke.

This game is raising red flags for being just that.

what is sjw about bloodlines 2

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>nigger-loving SJW faggotry

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Fucking /pol/ devs shitting up the game with political bullshit

I'm on about the quotation about the political stance in which they said they were taking a stance on art, consumerism, technology and tradition.

Is there any reason why cannibalism, pedophilia and murder shouldn't be legal?

Because it's objective evil you fucking moral relativitist cunt. I hope you're aware you either pick a side these days or you're enemy to both. Stop being a fence sitting retard.

Yes, let's not forget here the game was broken at launch. I bought it for PC and still have my CD's here. The game was a rough diamond.

5th edition is literally the best it has ever been mechanically.
Also the second Inquisition is a good story element and people who disagree miss the entire point why the Masquerade exists

they're just publishing it though, and they've published some terrible games mate
never preorder a game you moron

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Yeah it did. Tough I'm not suprised that you didn't notice it yourself seeing how you disagree, then agree with me and then move the goalpost like the retard that you are. Thank for the laugh I guess.

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>It's all just politically neutral statements
Then no one would be screaming about it here you fucking idiot. "Male power fantasy" is not neutral. RPS roastie being a writer is not neutral.

This debate is so unecessary and periferic.
I want nu Yea Forums to leave.

the writers

>implying Yea Forums cares about anything that isn't in bing bing videogame form

Is RPG Codex the only place to discuss rpgs without unnecessary politics?


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>Warhammer for right wing
Wonder what let them see the adeptas sororitas without burning down their custom built playfield then.

>I think they answered the question poorly
Again, you don't matter. Continuing to post about how flustered you are about something a game dev said has no bearing whatsoever on whether what that game dev said was the appropriate response.

>I think you do matter
Again, I can't believe you are seriously this fucking retarded. Absolutely nothing about this discussion matters. Nothing I say matters, nothing you say matters. That's why developers aren't catering to either of our ultra specific needs. They are correctly responding to the press because that does matter, and poor responses have a far, far greater range and impact. This is trivial.

Yep, you really didn't polay the game. No need to pretend anymore. Strawmanning again doesn't help you by the way, it just makes you look a little more patheitc then you would otherwise appear.

I don't think anything they said would be considered anything more than neutral outside of Yea Forums that is. It's easy to see things very decisively on here being exposed to every nitpick of a game as being political. I agree its unfortunately opened the discussion but without clarification it's a pointless dichotomy to speculate on. I'm much more interested in discussing lore based decisions and how the things they alluded to can be implemented, but that's just me.

It's your choice - either respond to /pol/clowns, or ignore them and have a legitimate vidya discussion with the rest of us.

>and tradition
yikes, that can be good

>Fucking /leftypol/ devs shitting up the game with political bullshit
Fixed, you're welcome.

I find it interesting that you leave the door open for the possibility of "legitimate" social justice, but I never see Yea Forums acknowledge this. You always assume an ulterior motive.

I never experienced a bad Paradox game, published or not. And like i said you idiot. i never pre-ordered. This game is just something different.

Even if it's bad it's okay for me. The original was also very broken.

Your lack of reading comprehension isn't my problem, have a good one though.

What happened to keeping politics out of video games morons. Right wing politicization is just as bad as left wing judging by the /pol/ infestation in here.

Same old whiny shit

No. It must go on and you stay here. Don't start anything you are not willing to finish.

I probably played it years before you'd ever heard of it.

i dont want a debate i want a fucking explanation because i dont get it

having a boner

>Your lack of reading comprehension
Really going all out now are we.

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Right wing nerds played 40k, specifically.

Yeah, I wonder how tradition can be important to a society that live for centuries

>What happened to keeping politics out of video games morons

the devs didn't listen

I will withold any judgement until we get an actual vertical slice gameplay video/demo or something. It's way too early to speculate on a CGI trailer and drip fed info from devs.

>sorry we're don't all enjoy the privilege of being an apolitical bimbo, you fucking prole.

>Fuming over the political stance of a video game makes you smart

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>“’I often look at like, how would someone feel sexy in this situation?’ she explained, and said that there are definitely characters in there that will be shipped like mad. ‘Everyone in the studio is like ‘Yeah I would definitely go for that one. He’s my bae,’ kind of stuff. They’re often very unusual choices.’

>“She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.”

That's the quote. Broaden the game. I'm inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt

There's nothing to get. Yea Forums is focusing on something someone wrote or said instead of discussing a goddamn sequel to Bloodlines.

>gotta get the last word!
Just go mate

>Then no one would be screaming about it here

>is [heavily censored shithole] the only place to discuss [controversial topic] without [element that hurts feefees]?
I don't know.

So you became far worse and than left wing complaining and ruined all game discussions.

Great job idiots.

Besides the mentally ill pronouns, not muchm they even included a fapbait in the trailer

Now you know how MGS fags felt after Sept. 1st, 2015

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And yet you still keep on spouting absolute bullshit about the game. Funny how that works...

inb4 they break the "tradition" of tranny being classified as mentally ill and there only being 2 genders

I'm just surprised devs invite controversy over their remarks then try to claim they don't want controversy. Are they ignorant of the effects of their remarks? Are they being coy about their true motives? It makes me curious, so I'm going to talk about it.
If you think you don't matter, that's cool with me, but I do matter as an individual, so I will continue to discuss these issues as I see fit.

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there is no right wing politicisation of video games - what the fuck are you talking about? anything that even hints at conservatism is banished and blacklisted by the San Francisco dev/reviewer clique.

this doesn't mean i'm going to start teaming up with jordan peterson and go spout white genocide bullshit but holy fuck - get some perspective.

the video game industry is running rampart with these bottom feeding scumbags who are using my favourite hobby as an extension of their shitty tumblr and twitter posts.

this is the only smart post in this thread

>hurr who cares if there's propaganda in hollywood
>hurr who cares if there's propaganda in video games
>hurr who cares if there's propaganda in education
>hurr who cares if there's media-promoted propaganda
>what do you mean you don't agree with party politics you fucking nazi bigot?

That's because Yea Forums has been overrun by reactionaries so they are deeply suspicious of anything new. Optimism cannot exist in this environment.

if the devs make a game political the discussion about that game will also be political there's no way around that

>god you fucking faggots if you had just ignored all the shit it would have magically gone away. what the fuck is wrong with you. ugh you've ruined my fun

Feels kinda good, I start to see why all the lefty dumbasses have been doing this for years.

>Using the word "bae"
>with a straight face to boot

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>>gotta get the last word!
Doesn't kicking yourself in your nonexistant balls bore you at some point?

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She cute.

How two people view what SJW means is going to be different based on their already held views.
People who are right wing already are going to think they are rainbow haired college kids who want the US to turn into the USSR.
People who are left wing already are going to think they are people who advocate for social equality.

The best thing to do to support actual real discussion is to take it on a case by case basis, weigh the merits of any given action, and decide if those actions are something they agree with.

you're a braindead ape.

Why is this thread still up? Its obviously bait. OP knows that with mentioning /pol/ and "keeping it non-political" the /pol/ posters will do the exact opposite.

cute, what are [-]'s pronouns?

We had comfy Demon's Souls threads.
We had comfy Dark Souls threads.
We had comfy Metal Gear threads.
We had comfy VTM:B threads.

Hello darkness my old friend...

Get a different hobby.

>supports capitalism
>complains about the resulting cultural degeneracy

Can't make this shit up.

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oh so its one of those "dev has personal political views on twitter" is it? thats great, its not like sjws engage in that same kind of behaviour
but remember horseshoe is just a meme!

>I'm just surprised devs invite controversy over their remarks
They didn't. They avoided controversy. You are literally upset precisely because they didn't say something that was controversial. If they had said, "fuck you, we'll do whatever we want," you'd be fucking applauding them. But because they took a diplomatic stance you've decided you need to bitch endlessly about it online.

>All they've done is cause arguments over the game though
Only over here

He surely would not dare!

They're millennial normalfags, what do you expect, really?

World of Darkness is a leftist setting, Vampire the Masquarade bloodlines was a leftist game.
Whitewolf was liberal lefty cuckland, and became even more lefty because leftyness breeds more leftyness.
The setting was literally never meant to be anything but that.

That's fair. I'm looking forward to more details regarding the game. I enjoyed the atmosphere of the original the most. The game managed to feel creepy despite your character lacking the helplessness that is usually present in the horror genre. If they can replicate that in this game, I'll be happy.


you bring up an argument, you get all sides of the argument
you don't get to make a political stance and then complain when other sides are putting their two cents in

Yes there is.

Talk about gameplay.

I'm a fascist, I'm furthest you could get from supporting degenerate capitalism.

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i would but the gov't already banned hunting and shooting muslims

>being this wrong about literally everything

Fair enough.

>Talk about gameplay.
>of which there isn't any

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in an action game maybe
but this is an RPG, where dialogue is 50% of the gameplay

If they didn't say anything controversial, we wouldn't see this discussion being mirrored across multiple sites. Sorry, but reality simply doesn't agree with your assessment.

I wonder how the discipline's tree is going to look. I mean, is going to appear at some point right?

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you mean the thing we saw none of and we just have to take the devs just talked about? there's fucking nothing backing up anything they've said. yes, I'm sure we're going to be able to climb that mountain and all these npcs will have dynamic daily routines just like a real person. I sure wish I could see these things you were talking about though todd

At least somebody has their priorities in order.

there's not much to talk about, retard. scaling buildings like dracula and turning into mist sounds cool though.

you like tranny titties?

>You: *Throws trash on ground*
>Me: You gonna pick that up?
>You: What are you? A Trashman!?
>You: Ugh! Fucking Trashman telling me what I identify as trashcan. Why don't you Trashman never shut the fuck up about trash?

The shitposting is only gonna calm down a year after release or so. Then we'll be able to have comfy threads again. The /pol/tards will have moved on to discuss whatever other new woke game riled their attention at that point.

there better be a milk jugs slider

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I liked the original was based on the actual sheet from the rpg.
I doubt they'll go this way nowadays.

I'm almost sure that's a tranny

Then don't fucking talk about it. But don't pretend you're forced to discuss politics. You want to discuss politics. Not the same thing.

WoD was always a left wing setting I don't know how much plainer this can be put.

I think some normie picked up on the fact that it was a cult hit. I think they aimed to make it political. I believe the devs are confident about polarizing their buyers. I believe identity politics are cancerous to everything it touches. I hope this game eats shit because I can see that it has no soul from here.

look at division 2's devs
their game is inherently political, but they didn't take a stance, so they avoided all this bullshit

I agree, and if they championed the qualities that made the first game great, like the atmosphere, writing, characters, etc then it almost can survive on it's on right if it's heavily political. Because at the end of the day it is fiction.

I'm interested in how the events of Bloodlines influence the story or if they take a more peripheral stance. As well as Deb or a deb like addition, those little things that made the game so much more fleshed out.

I'm stuck, lads. How do I get to the Ocean whatever hotel?

Smart non-/pol/tard post detected.
This is correct. Cain and Boyarsky talk about this a lot and how basically all of their best games were always lightning in a bottle in some way or another.

I'm still more excited for The Outer Worlds than this.

Since it's a video game, it can be anything you want including a vampire futa. And not a gross mentally ill faggot with shriveled cock and silicon tits.

There was a console command for a global breast size multiplier in the previous game. I can only hope for a slider.

>don't discuss this thing relevant to the game and it's dev/writing
shut the fuck up you stupid little shit.

Do you just mash through dialogue? Don't you check the quest log?

Just like you can have comfy battletech threads now? Oh wait

This WoD history is left leaning. It's an alt universe that is way grimmer and edgier than current world.

>I'm a fascist
At least pick an ideology remotely possible to implement.
Be a libertarian if you want to pick an edgy ideological fort to be different in.

I second that. It was legit impressive tech at the time and what brought me into it. All those choices man.

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>devs: hey look at these political statements, but don't discuss it tee hee

The taxi. If the taxi is not there you need to do some other shit in meanwhile. Don't open it.

>narrative designer
Why is it always a woman?

Literally just addressed this in the post you responded to. Try to progress the discussion rather than simply repeating the stupid shit you've already said.

Did you get the key from Jeanette? If so, access is in the sewers through a caged off ladder.

I guess this is the new angle now? Claminig that WoD was always WOKE as fuck?

Its going to look like a hammer and sickle because these god damn sjw KEKS are going to brainwash us all with their biggy titty goth gf propaganda.

Consider this. If Tom fucking Clancy’s team rainbow turned into whatever the hell you call clash and gridlock, think of what this is likely to be.

You both are fucking retards and keep spamming the same fucking replies.
World of Darkness is full pozzed now, but that is only natural because it was on that fucking trajectory from fucking start. It was leftie fucking punk emo shit setting from the beginning, all of it's devs were fucking Democratic voter liberals. I personally know Mark Rein Hagen, I can post photo with him to prove it.
Every single developer of White Wolf was a leftist of his time.

I thought Tyranny was horrendous and I loved PoE 1 and 2.


>At least pick an ideology remotely possible to implement.
Nothing impossible about it. The biggest hurdle is keeping it from destruction.

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Exactly. Stop being cucked out of your mind.

Is it true that the taxi driver is Cain himself? For the things he says I mean.

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They were.

fascism has objectively been less worse than communism, yet no one derides college kids and game devs when they call themselves communists/marxists

you can't refute any of it because it's the truth and you're in denial.

>the most sympathetic faction in the game are a bunch of literal communists, but that doesn't count as the game having left wing sympathies, because I say so.
>also they're vaguely incompetent, so obviously that means they can't be sympathetic. the developers actually want you to side with the guy who brainwashes you into serving him, the evil wizard, or the chinese lady who hates vampires and betrays you

what's facism

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Not my thing but his dick disagrees.

It's ridiculous they have 3 episode DLC on day one.

Maybe. Game files refer to him as Caine but nothing is set in stone and it would be weird of him to refer to himself in 3rd person.

social justice warrior

but what it do?

WoD wasn't always woke as fuck you fucking retard, WoD was always leftist, but now it got infested with the current leftists.
Listen to what people are saying, that current WoD is the consequence of WoD always being a left leaning setting. It's like someone complaining about Comedy Central being pozzed, then someone says
>Comedy Central was always leftist
and you say
That's because full on woke didn't fucking exist, right wingers of past were also different from current ones.
tl;dr White wolf was always leftist and it's not surprising in any way that they are full woke now

And round and round we go...

Very big no-no, don't look it up or you'll do sick things like care about your physical and mental self and dedicate yourself to your people.

They weren't. Unless of course you think that lefitsm of 15 yeas ago is even remotly comparable to that of today. is the perfect example tough I'm not suprised you don't know about it, since it runs contray to your little narrative you try to push now.

>I liked the original was based on the actual sheet from the rpg.
The disciplines in Bloodlines had next to nothing to do with the pen and paper


>Game files refer to him as Caine
Thanks for the tip

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It's clearly controversial if it's creating this much discussion though. I can understand that you want it to be uncontroversial, and I wish it was too.

Socialims of any form will always remain completely and utterly unsustainable until post scarcity society no matter what any side claims.

hate people based on immutable characteristics such as sex or ethnicity, and silence political dissenters with violence if necessary

They took a stance when they included female playable characters.
There are no elite female soldiers. The idea that a woman can function in an apocalyptic style setting is laughable.
>Look at this mother who is secretly a special forces operator and takes off a moments notice to go spend months in NYC lawless, see women can be hardcore too!

It's funny because the social justice fucks hijack things and continuously drive them into the ground. Everything their agenda touches turns to shit.

>their game is inherently political, but they didn't take a stance
That's not possible, and hence
>they avoided all this bullshit
This also isn't true

Every fucking time you have to go off script...

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The example you're giving me happened within the last few months. I'm on about White Wolf from the nineties like every other person.

when did vampires go from classy nobles to street rat trannies

I liked Tyranny.
But that like dislike is subjective. What i meant is all Paradox games have some quality to it. I never experienced something broke, or mechanically awfull. I don't like Hearts of Iron or some of those King Arthur games but they're still good games for whatever person that enjoy the gameplay they offer.
I just mean i don't expect BLOODLINES 2 to be shipped in some messed up state like some other publishers do sometimes.

ethno communism with boner for tribalist virtues that are impossible to hold up in said ethno communist society, but they still claim they can hold them up because they are too scared to actually live like ancient vikings and need big government to "protect our race".

Fascism is not socialism. Entire history of fascism was fucking up gommies. The only reason why it was called ND*S*AP was because socialism was a hot thing back in the day.

>main writer is responsible for banning Hotline Miami 2 in Australia

>ethno communism
what's that?
specifically the ethno part, english isn't my first language, sorry

I meant the menu where you pick them. It's clearly based to feel like the paper sheet.
It would be too basic to replicate it nowadays. They probably add fluff to the tree menu.

wow, great way to destroy your narrative in one single post

not either of those guys and I'm not trying to shit fling, but this reminded me of a shitpost image that's come about through all this arguing. it's a collection of all the anti-bush/republican comments from bloodlines and it highlights the real issue. it's not politics because no one has a problem with political stories in games. it's a severity issue. to put it in Yea Forums terms, bloodlines 1 having anti-bush/republican dialogue options is like everyone on 2007 Yea Forums saying nigger and faggot and kike, while v5 being the shitshow it is (we don't know enough about bloodlines 2 so I won't bother) is like Yea Forums now basically being stormfront 2.0. the "politics in games" shit is the exact same problem as the "/pol/ infesting the site" shit


Leftists are still leftists, m8, I don't know what's so hard about this

Oh right I guess your ass went hard right and you managed to delude yourself into thinking it's just the overton window that shifted around you as you're literally talking about white genocide and the global Zionists

>Nothing impossible about implementing Fascism in liberal democracies.
You really took all that shit to heart didn't you?
Nice defense of fascism you have there.
How about this: We don't either of them.

Very likely its shit, since its an RPG written by SJWs. I rather play space explore game done by flat-earthers, than social commentary by SJW. And I mean dead serious game by flat-earthers, not some parody.

Please tell everybody what has changed from trying to prove that White Wolf were always lefty as fuck and this is why VtM is the way that it is in the current climate. That was the point from the start

It's not confirmed and can be interpreted as to being Caine

He's a fucking retard with absolutely no knowledge about anything.

Tl;dr fascism is just extreme nationalism with ethical focus. If you don't know what ethnical is then google it up on a dictionary nigger.

you weren't a maniac screaming bloody murder about SJWs 15 years ago. people change. most of the leftists of 15 years ago are now the leftists of today. it's not remarkable

>I'm on about White Wolf from the nineties like every other person.
And had you read and understood my whole post you would see that I adressed that as well. So thanks for confirming that you're a retard who only see what he wants to see I guess.

At the very least he's a vampire, if you use auspex around him his aura is purple.

Somewhere in the 80s, I think?

Oh yeah the stat cheet was based on the pnp

I'm comfused, which one is it?

>Nothing impossible about implementing Fascism in liberal democracies.
Pray tell what Weimar Germany was?

>moves the goalpost
>gets called out
>moves it again

Around 14th/15th gen

You 'aight cougar.

You can keep saying whatever the fuck you want.
I've played with literal developers of original World of Darkness games in person, I actually know them.
They are Hillary voting lefties.

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Ethnical, I fucked up.
Google up words you don't understand nigger, how do you think I learned English?

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Are you trying to derange the thread so it eventually gets deleted? That's so low of you /pol/.

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I don't think you know what that means...

>Its not like game companies pandering to a wider audience is a new fucking phenomenon

But the thing is that "SJW shit" is is not a wide audience, people making noise about ridiculous social justice issues are not a very large group. Have you ever heard the phrase "Get woke, go broke"? It means when a company ignores their core audience and starts pandering to this incredibly small audience of feminists and whateverist activists, and then their product fails because SJW's are a very small audience. It's like watching someone commit a suicide behind glass and you can't do anything to stop them.

And one must not forget that just because a game has social justice themes doesn't mean it's "SJW". Many games have simple social justice themes such as societal inequalities, but it doesn't mean the game is SJW. Beloved games such as Deus Ex, Morrowind, Witcher, and Fallout all deal with deep social issues in way or another, but tthey're well written and organic parts of the game. When something is considered SJW it means the message is rubbed on your face and you feel like you're being preached at. People want to play games for fun adventures, not to get preached with some twitter blue checkmark tier retarded bullshit. It's condescending and annoying. It's like when lazy writers take every chance to remind you, the player, that the woman in the game is a STRONK FEMALE WHO NEED NO MAN HURF HURF HURR instead of writing her as interesting and likeable strong person.

Yeah, that's the whole fucking point. Do you retards even read what you're responding to or just hope to hit the right post with whatever mental vomit you can come up at the spot?

What? That comment was sincere.

It is communism because it has strong government that is supposed to manage the resources for the nation.
Anything with a strong government is communism and any government at all is actually only a stepping stone for future communism.
Governments should not exist.

>resetera trannies acting like they've ever played VTMB
lol. saying VTMB pushed any agenda confirms you've never played it.

Twilight. If you want explanation for why vampires fell, just remember Twilight.

I fail to see how my post is so remarkable as to be singled out in this ocean of piss

That doesn't disprove anything from my original argument, but okay I guess.

Lurk moar faggot.

>What was Weimar Germany.
Nothing like the modern world?
If the strongest example you can draw is from 80+ years ago, you are probably arguing a bad position.

this thread is moving at 5 posts a second

Based 50 IQ ancap poster.

>Have you ever heard the phrase "Get woke, go broke"? It means when a company ignores their core audience and starts pandering to this incredibly small audience of feminists and whateverist activists, and then their product fails because SJW's are a very small audience.
lol you condescending cunt

Technically it pushes two conflicting agendas, that of the Camarilla and of the Anarchs

People are just mad cus they think the pp games have become more and more sjw throughout the years. But they don't realise they've always been leftist af from the start, it's only that leftist views have changed and the games adapted to them. Sure yeah there are alot of retarded parts in the new corebook, mostly it's just the Rudi and Carna page and another one where they talk about consent in games but other than that it's bery ignorable and not a huge deal as /pol/tards make it out to be. The first game kinda had a neutral stance to it and this game will most probably not but I'm still assuming it won't take up too much of the story and will be ignorable

not real world agendas

Imagine being so delusional thinking people merely 100 years ago were so much more different than you.

Hint: history repeats. I can't wait for 2023.

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The state of American "education," everyone

Sorry, misquoted

What is your fucking original argument?
Tell me your point, what are you trying to say user?
Was White Wolf not leftist in the past? I genuinely do not understand the fucking shock and surprise that everyone experienced.

Twilight has had zero impact on VtM. The hoodrat vampire thing has been going from the Lost Boys I think.

So does that mean communist revolutions will sweep Europe this year?

Then it doesn't fucking push agendas. It presents two points of view to generate entertaining story for the player.

We don't know anything of the sequel but I doubt it'll be anything but a crock of shit with these writers.

I'm not ancap nor I am an American.
I am anarcho tribalist and all of you are too weak to admit that you want a government to keep you safe and alive because you are not sure of your own skills.

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doesn't really matter does it?
as long as retards draw their own comparisons and put words into dev's mouths it honestly doesn't really matter whether the agendas are real or not

>will sweep
>this year
Oh boy you haven't been paying much attention lately, have you?

We're already living in Weimar times. Things can only get worse until they get better now.

feel bad for my VtM bros with the influx of newfags from /pol/
it'll be years before the threads go back to being comfy

It all makes sense now! Thank god we have such experts amongst us on 4channel. The change truly brought in the right kind of people.

>I genuinely do not understand the fucking shock and surprise that everyone experienced
You made your lack of simple reading skills more then clear by now, bud.

>noooooo I am not chocolate flavored retard, I'm a PROUD VANILLA FLAVORED RETARD!

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the point is that leftists of the past weren't insufferable fucking faggots
how can you not get this through your thick skull
think about every time you've whined about /pol/ shitting up the site. then remember that Yea Forums has always been for edgy faggots who dressed up as an afro wearing black man and formed human swastikas in a children's game. yes all that shit was done in jest back in the day, but people still said faggot, nigger and kike all the fucking time. the site coming to the point where it is now is a natural progression given the state of the world, yes we get that it's the exact same as lefties of the 90s being the sjws of today yes that's logical
but it fucking sucks
that's the fucking point. we're fucking sick of it all

>We don't know anything of the sequel
Main take away from that post

Man you'd think this sort of individualism would've been bred out during the last ice age as Grug the anarcho-tribalist struck out to hunt mammoths on his own because he refused to rely on handouts from the tribe elder.

>when a company ignores their core audience and starts pandering to this incredibly small audience of feminists and whateverist activists
The core audience of Vampire the Masquerade is(or was) fat goth girls. Where do you think those fat goth girls fall politically?

its going to be shit and im going to pirate it and then get angry

I'm not a retard at all, you are a retard.
Governments are slavery and a pendulum, whenever catastrophy will come humanity will return to it's natural state.
You are trying to create a safeheaven for yourself because you are weak. All forms complex civilizaitons are also jewish mutt inventions for weak genetics.

Please, let us have hope /pol/ will go away soon

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True Yea Forums fashion

yeah no
VtMB threads are still comfy shit
don't taint those threads with your fake "VtM:B2" shit

Finally someone I can agree with here.

Speak for yourself, I progressed quite differently from my edgy teen days.

Give me some examples of a game that ruined itself purely on inserting SJW shit.
A game can be bad with or without it, and claiming a game is bad entirely on that basis is retarded.
Andromeda, for example, was a terrible game because it was not finished, they fucked up their planning stages, realized half-way through, and didn't have enough time or resources to make the game the way they should have from the start.
The sjw shit was not even close to being the main problem, but 95% of the time when I hear people bitching about the game, its because of some culture war shit.
Battlefield is another good example, the game itself, is battlefield, its been the same game for decades now, they just keep building on the formula. But the moment they made a trailer with some amputee woman in it, everyone flipped their shit as if that even came close to changing the actual game-play, or anything important at all. The actual gameplay was still exactly what Battlefield always was.
People blow this shit out of proportion simply to score ideological points and its painfully obvious.

This. /pol/tards are the ones that got radicalized and become screeching chimps. And now they can't come to terms with the fact that the things they used to like now go against their dumb beiefs.

>the point is that leftists of the past weren't insufferable fucking faggots
Yeah they were. I guarantee that your demeanor has changed more in the past 10 years compared to them.

>the point is that leftists of the past weren't insufferable fucking faggots
They were, they are even more now.
We are not disagreeing about facts, we are disagreeing on how obvious it was.
>that's the fucking point. we're fucking sick of it all
Some things will always be made for other fucking people, you can just not play this fucking gay ass vampire game. If SJW shit is noticable as fuck, ignore it, if it will be as minor as bush jokes in VTMB 1 then play it because who gives a fuck.

>You are trying to create a safeheaven for yourself because you are weak.

Go take a single twig and snap it, it's pretty easy unless you've been doing nothing but drinking onions for last 10 years.

Now take a bunch of twigs and try to snap them, it's much harder when they're together.

What can you take away from this little analogy?
That individuals always will be weaker than a mighty faggot like you.

>Yet another game we will never be able to discuss again cause of /pol/

Anything Bioware touched in the last couple years.

Is alright, if is going to be SJW is going to be the style we love

Never gonna happen, unfortunately.

Is that the anararach claptrap they’re selling today? Hunger, and bestial desires is a thousand times more central than “being abused by traditional authoritiy”. There’s loads of what you describe, but it’s overwhelming shades of gray, and not villains. Are the fucking technocracy traditional authority? It’s mostly antagonists, and not villains. Vampire hunters. The garou

that's 1 year until the release, then you'll have post-release shitposting for months and when it finally dies down you'll still get a couple of /pol/ strays who haven't played the game going into threads yelling about politics

Goths are not known for their social conformism and political correctness.

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even the quotes from the director suggestthe game is going to be SJW, something about needing to respect people more in 2019

>Give me some examples of a game that ruined itself purely on inserting SJW shit.
Mass Effect 3.

No don't try to tell me "hurr the game was just bad!", the game was bad because more focus was given on stupid SJW garbage than actual quality of the game.

tribalism was never bred out because tribalism was succesful for ages in Europe until fucking mutt empires started to form, they formed only because individual mutts were not adopted to their environment enough to properly survive.
The main drawback of mutt empires is that they destroy everything around them like leeches, leaving more and more problems for future generations until eventually it will hit a critical mass of catastrophy like it always does.
The only sustainable way to live is to be part of nature AS YOU FUCKING EVOLVED TO BE!

SJW shit does matter, yeah. It's always cringe shit.

are trannies and pronouns part of the fundamental themes?

nah mate, leftists have been this obnoxious since 1968, sorry to bust your bubble.

Social justice werewolves

>people 100 years ago were not that different.
..... I really have nothing to say to someone who thinks that people were not that different from us 100 years ago.
If you want to ignore the staggering amount of cultural, technological, and ideological change that has happened over the last 100 years, then that is your right to do.
Just don't expect people who paid attention in history classes to go along with it as if it is true.

Tribe is a family based collective, governments are collectives based on lies and fear.
You are deaf if you do not understand me.

>considers Bloodlines the best RPG of all time
>watch trailer
>feel nothing, no charm whatsoever, none of the VTM vibe
dead on arrival

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>tribalism was never bred out because tribalism was succesful for ages in Europe until fucking mutt empires started to form
And most succesful form of tribalism was fascism.

This. I don't want to hear the word "pronoun" unless we're in grammar class. Instant pirate, Paradox Interactive is now on my shit-list with Bioware, Beamdog, Epic/Tencent, Obsidian, the French, etc.

So Nebulation (turning into mist), Mentalism (telekinesis) and Chipoteran (hovering/flight) sound like the starting Disciplines as a Thin Blood. Which one do you think sounds best? Nebulation seems a bit limited compared to the other two

It's all so tiresome

video games are political and so are video game threads. There is nothing wrong with social justice, /pol/tard

Actually they are literally sabat members. There’s a clan dedicated to molding flesh creatures.

I don't care if the game is sjw or not because im mature enough to not freak out about a game having different political values than me
It's called not being autistic

Hirstoy is called (his)tory for a reason. To rely on that only shows how biased your view is and not worthy of further dialogue.

>and Carna
I still don't really see that.
It fits perfectly with her backstory of being literally misstreated and abused by her sire.
Also when will people realize that she broke the Blood Bond with a book written by an ancient Malkavian

Good luck getting technological advances out of your uncivilised tribalism.

>If SJW shit is noticable as fuck, ignore it, if it will be as minor as bush jokes in VTMB 1 then play it because who gives a fuck.
Bruh, that's the thing, those minor jokes would be "noticeable as fuck" to modern Yea Forums because they are triggered by everything. One single line about Trump or Republicans and that's it, it's irredeemable SJW shit.

are they obsessed with their pronouns and cutting off their dicks?

Art of War is still relevent hundreds of years later because it deals with humans you stupid faggot. Humans don't change. My history grades were always straight As too you cocksucker. A soldier 1000 years ago is not different from a soldier today despite all the tech garbage you put on him.

Over 24 hours of non-stop /pol/ shitposting at this point

Isn't that a bit powerfull for a Thin Blood?
I also love telekinesis, no matter the game.

I wouldn't even call it a trailer. It wsa maybe a proof of concept with some rendered cutscenes that might or might not be in the final game. Showing pre-order bonuses, slc and season pass before one snipet of genuine gameplay tough means that it's time to hoist the colors again.

iow, a cuck

Go be part of nature somewhere else, we've got a civilisation going here

Have you seen v5?

the trailer had zero goth vibe

You're just making excuses. You can downplay it and emphasize other aspects, but it doesn't change the fact that the game's politics are firmly left.

Its going to be shit

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It's going to be shit, because you will have to buy hundreds of DLCs to play a finished game, as with all paradox games.

Vampires are the lamest shit ever. How do you even take that shit seriously? There's no quality of writing that will be enough to make blood-sucking all powerful Mary Sues interesting.

Pic related, a vampire-related videogame series that was MUCH more successful than Masquerade will ever be.

Attached: Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_-_Sacrifice.jpg (640x578, 58K)

>are they obsessed with their pronouns and cutting off their dicks?
no but you seem to be

>A soldier 1000 years ago is not different from a soldier today
Congratulations you win the award for the dumbest post of the day.

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I think you mean Dragon Age 3.

Never said I had a problem with her part, but that's the part people usually point out

>turning into mist
holy crap SOTN reference! wicked

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I think it's its own new Discipline school that just happens to have the same name

I'm obsessed with not seeing them, yes

What does /pol/ have to do with it? Agenda pushing and the whole SJW think is degenerate enough to not buy, period.

that's for their in house games, not so much for their published games.


go dilate, cranky tranny

ok, maybe the devs should put a trigger warning for people like you if you're that sensitive

Please tell me how a soldier 1000 years ago wasn't afraid of death, didn't care about his nation and family, didn't bantz with his war buddies at food time and fought to death with exact same dudes speaking a different language.

Go ahead.

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oh no, I don't need a trigger warning because I don't have those fake PTSD shit
however I will voice my opinion on said matter

anyone who's not a SJW = nazis in the minds of SJWs.

Yeah but the same retards also cropped parts of the Bahari loresheet completly missing what Bahari have always been

>A soldier 1000 years ago is not different from a soldier today despite all the tech garbage you put on him.
>pressing buttons to kill dozens of enemies is the same as having to fight them sword in hand
Loving every laugh.

that's only fair. they want to create a welcoming environment

>... he typed, letting away a sigh of relief as his sausage fingers pummeled the last words on his mold infested keyboard. The dragon dildos on his desk oscillated in response, as if in agreement of his point. He was a beacon of sensibility, and he knew it. As he watched his response in the thread, he felt a warm moisture of satisfaction sag his underpants: this would surely get him a woman that loves him, someday. He just had to believe a little harder.

Ay, I'll stick with the original like I do with Deus ex. I knew this going to be shit because

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I'm worried how you'll make the change from Thin Blood to a full Clan. They can't honestly expect to have us commit Diablerie as a plot point. Maybe the Primogen of that Clan takes a liking to you and shows you the Disciplines?

>having more advanced ways of killing people somehow makes people different
Okay nevermind I thought I was talking with a person who has 100 IQ or more.


Do you guys think this is going to revitalize the goth scene? I know is happening on Youtube but would love for goth to have a push into mainstream.

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Don't waste your time. They've missed your point and they're too far down the road to pick it up now.

>didn't care about his nation and family
uh not exactly
a lot of soldier throughout history were either forced to go to war and did it for pay

True, but everyone who is nota nazi = SWJs in the minds of nazis too.

Politics today are way too polarized. Politics does not work unless people of different viewpoints can discuss shit rationally.


>imagine being so young you didn't experience Vampire: The Masquerade as a P&P RPG in the early 2000s with your goth girlfriend
>imagine being so young you think Joss Whedon's most famous TV series is a Nintendo DS video game

>that wasn't even the main point
Good to know that you really have no idea what you're talking about. Go back to school and let your dream of having As in history class come true tough I doubt that you posses the needed intelect for that by now

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doubt it
people don't even know what goth means anymore

>I'm worried how you'll make the change from Thin Blood to a full Clan. They can't honestly expect to have us commit Diablerie as a plot point
Considering how that exact thing was described in the Camarilla book I completly do think that's going to happen

Attached: thinblood cam promotion.png (232x431, 24K)

It seemed interesting. I'm curious - but I wasn't thrilled by the trailer. Whether or not it's a confirmed first day buy for me will be dependent on a few things:
>third/first person view
>full character customization
>all clans represented
>decent atmosphere in trailers/gameplay footage

I was intrigued by the telekinesis, but I haven't read v5 yet and I'm uncertain if it's gonna be something you develop as a thinblood. Being able to have a couple of unique disciplines would be cool, since that's a major thinblood thing. I'd also be interested to see the option for diablerie for lowering your generation to exist.

Oh no sjws ruin muh big tiddie vampires
>Jeanette outfit

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>he can't read, let alone understand simple words
And here I thought I was talking with a person who maybe did manage to get pass high school...

Mercenaries and conscripts are exactly the same too. Humans do not change. Only times do.

>picking a pronoun different from your sex in character creation forces you into the Malkavian Clan when sired
Just be clever about implementing your politics and nobody will mind.
And let's be honest, no Xer/Xim was gonna play a Ventrue, only ever Malks.

nazis don't exist, this isn't the 1940s anymore.

Well shit, I had no idea.

Self-reloading firearms have changed the face of military engagements forever, and air missiles changed it again.

I'm honored that you posted an excerpt from your erotic fan fiction of me

>we're so different to people of the pas- from Pompeii.htm
that's where you're wrong kiddo
humans are humans. we really haven't changed much. I don't know why that's so hard for people to accept

Given how many grammar errors you've made in a single post you probably have the intellect of a particularily clever rock, retard.

>mfw I haven't fallen for the hype like a good consumerist goy

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haven't you seen those gay parades?

has there been any word on a drm free physical pc release

Samefagging won't save your ass from digging yourself into a hole you can't climb out of.

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>Beast the Primodial debacle
Elaborate please

>I was intrigued by the telekinesis, but I haven't read v5 yet and I'm uncertain if it's gonna be something you develop as a thinblood.
It's one of the most basic formulas for thinblood alchemy

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>Politics today are way too polarized.
I can't wait for everyone to just shoot it out already. Will be able to disagree with people without them throwing a fit.

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>turn into mist, avoiding all damage and going through tiny cracks
>not as powerful as hovering a couple of feet above the ground

But they haven't changed humans you fucking mouthbreather.

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Thank you, user. I'll look into purchasing the book before the game comes out.

I get way too mad at the straight lies about the system passed around in these threads.
Like that one user that keeps claiming that thinbloods are stronger than normal vampires or that generation powerlevels are inversed now

>Given how many grammar errors you've made in a single post you probably have the intellect of a particularily clever rock, retard.
The irony is palpable.

>mad mod deleted the new thread
delete them all while you're at it cause they're all going to be about politics
what's even the basis for deleting threads anyway lmao
Yea Forums mods are fucking trash

Mate, next time just read what you wrote before hitting "post".

I honestly really like Thin Bloods and everything surrounding them. I think it's a good idea to have the first chunk of the game with you playing one

You're misunderstanding my point. SJW shit is more than just writing. It's the entire approach. Do you remember the Ghostbusters reboot from few year back? Instead of taking criticism as it is they decided to paint the critics as sexists. It happens in video games as well. The Baldur's Gate expansion with shoehorned transsexual character got negative criticism because of the awful writing that went far as limiting your roleplaying options for developer woke points. And guess what happened to the critics? They got called bigots and dragged through mud for having something bad to say about this obvious bullshit writing. Just look at this screenshot, it's full of this shit. And it's not like the game is stranger to genderbending, you can literally change your gender with magic gender changing belt! But that never takes away the player's agenda and control for brownie woke points.

>People blow this shit out of proportion simply to score ideological points and its painfully obvious

Why is that a bad thing? I wouldn't want to fund someone's personal soapbox. If I'm expecting a realistic game (with video game logic, obviously) about WWII and the game is taking a fantasy approach instead because someone in charge of the game has a boner for activism, I'm not buying it.

Attached: baldur mizhena.jpg (914x497, 91K)

user, please.

I don't like thinbloods that much, I do appreciate how they were changed from v20 and before to v5 because now there's at least a reason to play a thinblood campaign with unique mechanics.

That just adds up to the list of criticism. They should at least get that goth thing going on.

What and ME 1+2 doing the same thing was fine?
Or is it that you started getting into the online culture war around the same time ME3 was released?
Or is it that you never played ME 1 or 2?

"Purchasing". Happy, now?

>"Purchasing". Happy, now?
user, please.

They have changed the type of humans required for warfare.
There is no need for grunts anymore.

Goths aren't really a huge social clique in 2019 compared to 2004 and when VtM first came around in general.

There is and always will be. No first world nations are at total war. When real war breaks out, you'll find the infantry still does the vast bulk of the fighting and war winning.

Great argument

>Vtm first came around in 2004

Heavy in vampire politics, and one commie chick. Our shared interest is that they stay in vampire politics as much as possible like the original game, and that we're not swamped in contemporary politics that ruin the immersion of our vampire game.