Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2 removed third person and forces first person on the player...

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2 removed third person and forces first person on the player, ruining combat and defeating the entire point of character customization. Here is how to fix it:

-Make the game third person instead of taking the easy lazy way out with first person
-Make the combat a mix of Sekiro with Lords of Shadow 2 vampire powers

-Large variety of weapons including various kinds of whips(electric whips, barbed whips, etc), katanas, rapiers, guns, daggers, and various martial arts

That would make this goty for sure.

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Other urls found in this thread: Gaiden/type/op/

milk truck has arrived


Ignore this thread and move on, OP posts this every hour because he has no life

Can you customize your appearance?

Yes, which is why it being first person makes no damn sense. It ruins combat and makes character customization pointless.

Keep crying about how sekiro is too hard for you, and you needing fps

that bitch looks so ugly

So like Cyberpunk ? What's the reason ?

its a paradox game, third person dlc comes later

>vampire Christina
I just ruined my pants

what the fuck are you talking about? VTMB is a first person game which forces you into third person for terrible melee combat. 90% of the game takes place in first person.

Don't bother, the autist will keep spamming these threads just like he did it back when it was revealed that cyberpunk 2077 would be in first person.

Only this time he's shilling to add Sekiro's combat instead of DMC so he's doing some progress I guess.

It's so obvious the game is going to have massive tits everywhere so they are Preemptively pretending to be woke so they don't get attacked.

I preordered based on teh jugs alone, good times.

it's a pozzed mess. what a way to kill the hype.

go be gay somewhere else

Breasts 2 large

OP is a fucking idiot but I don't see the reason for removing the ability to be in third person out of combat outside of laziness
Character growth (visually) is a large part of RPGs, it's cool seeing your character go from rags to riches
And having nice, pretty, reactive animations make it even better
Just disappointed that yet another RPG is going for pure FPS.

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Look at the size of them blood bags

Hope you are looking forward to ME:A tier writing.

Some bullshit about "immersion", despite the fact having shit combat and playing as a floating arm is unimmersive as fuck.

The melee combat was fine, and can be greatly improved. Forcing it to be a generic first person game ensures the combat will be horrible.

I think the tanks are empty

Did they 100% confirm the whole game will be in first person or just combat?
I just want to look at my crazy malk or beast gangrel desu

What's with this obsession for 3rd person?

But floating arms are what you are irl.

weebs trying to take western vidya down with them

You can see your whole body, idiot.

I preferred 1st person in the original bloodlines though. Also:
>Not actual gameplay

As if I need any more reasons to hate it.

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>removed third person and forces first person on the player
Is this confirmed? I doubt it since you can use outfits in your character. No point if you can't see it. My bet is there is third person camera.

Isn't 2077 the same tough? You can customize your outfit but no 3rd-person camera.

What's this obsession western game devs have with first person? Too lazy to do actual good melee combat?

My arm doesn't float irl. First person is nothing like real life. I also don't bob up and down awkwardly anytime I walk.

VTMB shouldn't have had 3rd person at all since there was no chcaracter customization anyway and the combat looked like ass outside of first person. But forcing 1st person in a more advanced game with a CC like they are planning now is just dumb.

I don't know, haven't been folowing 2077.
Look at the pre-order bonus. Why would they put outfits without a mechanic to enjoy them ? I'll bet on the 3rd person being there. It's either that or those dialogues where the camera shifts to you character like Mass Effect or Fallout 4. But why alienate us like that when all you need is replicate the original which is the most likely scenario.

>consoletards crying about FPP
it's Cyberpunk all over again

The only ones caring this much about third person are sony ponies who have been trained to believe it's the only way to make games.

Some of the best game have been first person (Thief, Deus Ex, Half-Life) or have the option to switch back and forth.

Plenty of third person games on pc also. And many third person games with far better melee combat than first person. Sekiro, DMC, Bayonetta, MGR, etc, etc. Fuck first person melee.

Sekiro is on pc also and better than the shit games you just named.

It's more baffling that people defend that a game with CC is 1st person only. Just remove the CC then and no one says anything

This fat slut has been the only good thing about Bloodlines 2 so far.

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But you get to see your character in cutscenes for a few seconds heh

>tfw no more money cheat

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Wait a second... I recognize this poster.
This is the same faggot from CP77 threads who was fellating Altered Carbon nonstop right?

Well if it has mod support, there's hope.
Although i don't think Unreal is very modfriendly?

Dude, they arent pretending.

It got subverted hard in the dev department.

Yeah, not touching it

Well done at displaying you have absolutely zero knowledge about the setting.
Great job fuckwit.

>Make the combat a mix of Sekiro with Lords of Shadow 2 vampire powers
Fucking stop this meme. Not every fucking game needs ball breaking roll combat. It works for what it was designed for.

Also they confirmed that this new game is going to "be adapted for modern politics", so hope ya'll ready to get preached at by a bunch of liberal faggots.

I'll play it for Christina, I'll pirate it because of the pronoun shit.

What pronoun shit?

>-Large variety of weapons including various kinds of whips(electric whips, barbed whips, etc), katanas, rapiers, guns, daggers, and various martial arts

The game should not be combat oriented user, the weapons that should be in the game are: bats, wrenches, chairs, tasers, pipes, chains, chainsaws, lamps, axes, knives, hammers, screwdrivers, medieval weapons, molotov cocktails, grenades, some hand guns, a shotgun, a couple of rifles and a flamethrower.

>and various martial arts

Why would a being with supernatural strength have the need to lear a martial art?

That is plain retarded user.

>purchase based on pre-rendered footage cobbled together by some trailer factory that does not represent actual gameplay

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There is no timeline in which Cara Ellison is not sucking dick for career advancement. Look at her resume:
>Ellison worked for Rockstar North as a QA tester on Grand Theft Auto IV until 2008.[3][15] In 2013, Ellison wrote the text-based interactive fiction game Sacrilege, which The New York Times described as a "raw exploration of female sexuality that also includes some astute observations about male desire".[16] Ellison also has collaborated with artist Howard Hardiman on Badger's Day Out, funded by a combination of a successful Kickstarter, with backing from the Arts Council England.
>She was contracted by Arkane Studios as an external narrative consultant for the 2016 title Dishonored 2.[17][18]
>In August 2015, she gave a keynote at Dare to Be Digital.[19]

That's it! And now she is writing for the sequel to one of the most beloved RPGs in gaming history. What are her qualifications?

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You don't recognize shit. Now get out of this thread.

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>Why would a being with supernatural strength have the need to lear a martial art?
Because he's probably with other beings with supernatural strength.
basically how the fuck else are you gonna translate the "brawl" skill.
Having various martial arts is stupid though

Literally the only reason there should be a 3rd person option is so I can watch my character do that faggy, hip swaying walk everywhere.

>she wrote Dis "RESPECT WAHMAN" honoured 2.

Oh boy.

>Why would a being with supernatural strength have the need to lear a martial art?
Because of other beings with supernatural strength. Vampires aren't the only supernatural beings in that world. In fact they are pretty much in the bottom tiers in the food chain.

To be fair, in the Pen&Paper there are various disciplines and spells that allow unarmed to deal agravated damage. Gangrel Claws are the most obvious example but i remember some Tremer and Assamite dsciplines doing something like that as well.

But it already had high octane action combat

All they need to do is improve that. Not remove it and turn it into some shitty ass fps.

>Western developers
>Good gameplay/combat

3rd person wouldn't fix anything.

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>Because he's probably with other beings with supernatural strength.

>basically how the fuck else are you gonna translate the "brawl" skill.

That is why you have disciplines that give you claws, you are not making sense.

Even though Bloodlines has cult status, VTMB2 is still developed by a b-tier studio and published by a b-tier publisher. It's not like this is a trillion dollar AAA super project so i don't see why and how they should be able to afford only premium staff..

Have a Japanese game dev work on the combat or oversee it. Problem solved.

Having claws won't help you if you flail around like a 12 year old.

Why do you think Blade and the other vampires in that series learned martial arts? Because relying on vampire strength and claws doesn't do shit when your enemies have the same shit. Use your head.

Rulewise, you would use the Brawl (or unarmed or whatever you want to call it) in a roll with Gangrel claws.

paradox devs/writers have stated that during character (human) creation and later when your character becomes a vampire you can choose your pronoun and that npc characters will reffer to you at your preffer pronoun.
so a tranny (aka mentally ill person) while having made a male character will be reffered to as female or one of those made up tumbler genders.

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all the more reason for third person, so you can stare at your tranny character's ass or bulge

Is it just me who finds it weird that SJWs are this excited about a game where you're a literal predator who penetrates people against their consent each night?

You would think they are turned off by the whole Vampire concept on principle alone.

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You can have business connections without sucking dick
If she was writing for rockstar or naughty dog you might have a point, but her career advancement seems like its on the level if you take general networking into account.

Is this what the fuss is about? Completely irrelevant and non consequential to anything.

It's a game for faggots

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Ladies; in the masquerade not all vampires have the same disciplines, the ones that can grow claws are going to use brawl, the others don't, they will use weapons or other disciplines, and you don't need to be a martial artist to scratch someone else.

Try to read some lore about the masquerade, play redemption and bloodlines and stop trying to import other games mechanics, they simply don't fit.

including the pronoun option is actually fine

as long as characters in-game actually respond to it and make fun of you.

if every character automatically uses the pronoun you chose at CC that's fucking retarded.

I guess they'll explain it by making everyone in the game universe capable of using the Auspex discipline to identify people's preferred pronouns. g g

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Fuck off.

>make fun of you
Yeah fat chance that's going to happen.

Hello pebbit!
Please make sure to mail this outstanding post to the dev team!

Have you played the first one?
Have you seen the IRL larps for this shit?

Most disciplines don't work well for combat or are at most support for physical actions.
And every vampire with high potence will use brawl/unarmed combat.

>consolefags in charge of "fixing" a game
Playing all these TPP games on your Bloodbornestation really rotted your mind.

I don't want to play as some pussy ass vampire that can't fight, fuck that. Let me use guns then or something. or a baseball bat.

Because v eats nasty ass foods with so much grease that it ruins clothes instantly

all the old white wolf writers got replaced by sjw's
you will be seeing shit like this all over the game

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Not surprising at all. It's a fantasy for them. They get to live out a scenario where the things they disagree with are actually okay and don't make the world a worse place.

You see similar things with left-wing Superhero writers. They get to live out the fantasy of solving social issues by punching criminals in the face and throwing them in prison, while in reality they know it leads to a cycle of more crime.

See also: conservative fans of Star Trek that enjoy the fantasy of a peaceful humanity that replaces their military with a navy of peaceful exploration and discovery.

Dumbass I want to fight and see my character actually do their attacks, not see some shitty ass arm flailing around. Fps games have such fucking awful melee combat animations, it looks unnatural and jarring and UNIMMERSIVE.

>implying P&P writers actually being in charge of writing or developing a videogame
The game is pozzed but you're making quite the leap to excuse spamming your picture 59 times per day.

How do other vampire know your pronounce? Is there a special but common Discipline that reveals proper current pronounce of every person which every sire teaches to his childe?

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it's not even being written by anyone employed at white wolf

>implying first person melee combat is good

How about you quit playing subpar shit like a melee build in deus ex or condemned and try REAL action combat in games like Sekiro or DMC?

>Fps games have such fucking awful melee combat animations
Xenoclash was fun, but I get your point.

you're overthinking it dude. you pick male or female and characters will refer to you as the one you pick.

paradox bought white wolf and fired all the old writers

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White Wolf's WoD was always a SJW heaven, user.

the reason bloodlines was good was that Troika had complete creative control and they barely corersponded with WhiteWolf and/or their publisher. Brian Mitsoda basically said that he could put anything he wanted in there and nobody would check.

It's why everything's overly edgy and exaggerated, but it manages to work because Mitsoda wrote well together with the other folks at Troika. Especially Boyarsky and Anderson.

I'm more worried about this studio being completely new and not understanding what made the previous entry work.

The Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay and the Condemned franchise would like to have a word with you.

Stand aside, this is how Bloodlines 2 combat should be:

Yes, and?
The game isn't being written by Paradox or White Wolf

But how do they learn my pronounce? Do I tell every vampire that I want to be referred as 'xir'? Do I petition Prince of the City to announce it before Kindred community in a special ceremony?

it's swedish lefties writing. they naturally believe that everyone knows what made up pronoun to use when talking to someone

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Both of this is wrong you fucking retards.
RPG books are written mostly by contracted freelancers.

That would entirely defeat the pruprose of gender pronouns.
They said you pick sex, body, and pronoun unrelated to each other.

You forget that they are mentally ill. They suffer severe cognitive dissonance.

Still pales to games like sekiro and dmc 5

why didnt they put any SJW stuff in the trailer?

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It's a video game.

It's a poor writing

Pick sex, whatever sequence of characters you deem apropriate and have fun.

Everyone is wearing stickers in this brave new world of darkness

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It's not writing. It's just cosmetics. Like everything else about character creation that doesn't impact anything mechanically.

Is that Tranny Hivemind akin to Malkavian madness network?

It's not like the trailer footage has anything to do with the actual game.

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Is there actual a reason to include the him/his when it's already stated to be he?

Her breasts are way too large

>conservatives accept violent reality and dream of a peaceful future
>liberals believe they live in a peaceful reality and dream of employing maximum violence to maintain it
They are not so different.

Probably because the trailer was more focused on visual allegory relating to thin blood, i.e. blood as water and the tide of blood coming to engulf the city.

It's just people who don't know how VtM works spazzing out. Brujah have always been autistic rebels fighting every underdog role imaginable solely because they're still butthurt about the fall of Carthage over 1000 years ago all the way down to their blood.

Ventrue and Tremere are practically fucking Nazis and the Sabbat are literally right about everything and, by extension, did nothing wrong.

I do think dmc gameplay would fit better, vampires are supposed to be cuhrazay fighters.


Why does everytime a RPG game is in first person we have an autistic zoomer screeching and listing beat them all game like a retard ?

You don't want to offend CIS-gendered binary manscum

Your T levels are way too low

>I'm more worried about this studio being completely new
>Zombie Studios shut down in January 2015 with its owners' retirement. Former staffers of the company subsequently founded a new studio, Builder Box Games (now Hardsuit Labs)
they are shovelware devs

Sounds like a really good way to violate the masquerade.

>i.e. blood as water and the tide of blood coming to engulf the city.
there was literally a tsunami in the trailer about to swallow the city

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Her tits are the only thing that keeps my attention to this trainwreck

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>they're still butthurt about the fall of Carthage over 1000 years ago
also that happened well over 2000 years ago my dude lol

Will they collectively kill themselves to feed the mind virus?

Everyone will ask. That's what these people think the future will be like. When you meet someone, after exchanging names you will also exchange pronouns. You'll ask how to refer to them.

Expect to do that when encountering any and every NPC.

Reasons not to fuck with a methuselah

Is that Christina Hendricks? Or does it just look like her?

>Make the combat a mix of sekiro-

STOP WITH THIS TARGET DODGE COMBAT SYSTEM. Jesus christ it's atrocious and has 0 depth to it.

>too large
There is no such thing

It's symbolic allegory you mongoloid.

>every big titty redhead is christina hendricks
user, come on. It doesn't look like her at all.

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>so a tranny (aka mentally ill person) while having made a male character will be reffered to as female or one of those made up tumbler genders.
That doesn't make any sense because trannies would just play as normal female characters.

It really does though nigger.

>Ventrue and Tremere are practically fucking Nazis
Lol the leader of Camarilla, Ventrue guy, has a quirk that he can only feed from men of military background, his clan weakness. That's what gay vampire looks like, getting his high from masculine men.

thats what i was implying


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The trailer was not gameplay you fucking retard.
It is in the god damn trailer at the very beginning.

Sorry I guess I misunderstood what you were getting at.
>Become vampire
>small amount of blood from faucet
>catch Nosferatu
>blood pours from the faucet, fills the hallway
>reach downtown Seattle, vampire high society
>tide of blood comes to engulf the city

I mean the Ventrue signature character can only feed from rape victims.

Dem hips

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>Make it into a vtm version of dark souls.
No thanks.

Good thing my love for big titty redheads overcomes my despair at not having one.

>shovelware devs with SJW writers
Oh boy

>t. boy molesting prancing lala homo man

>ruining combat
yeah, like the original's combat was anything to write home about

Not really, Dante fights the way he does, it doesn't expose demon shit to humans in general because it happens in the underground, in the dark seedy underbelly of the world. He isn't out going to the mall and suddenly surfing down an escalator killing monsters.

>boy molesting prancing lala homo man
jesus christ that boy has got huge cojones to molest an older man

what in the fuck am I watching?

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they are planning to change the whole malkavian madness network
because some whiners complained that the whole malkavians hearing voices part is akin to making fun of actual mentally unstable people

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Sekiro is about parrying, not roll spam like dark souls


>Eastern developers.
>Good combat / gameplay
Pick one.
Eastern devs suck ass at innovating.
DMC is a prime example.

First person is THE CORRECT WAY, just like in cyberpunk 2077

third person is for weeb shitters. KYS pleb.

way too big, looks gross

also she has a flat irish ass

Right, just like Zoe Quinn.

I'll never understand their mindset. How is it making fun? It's adding a layer of mystical depth to the voices. It's fantasy.

>tfw Idiocracy the movie is a documentary
Why is the world catering to the weak and mentally ill?

Do you have a single source for that or are you extrapolating from the "respecting disabled" lines that is far more likely to mean "no fishmalk" which is a good thing

It doesn't matter, if you talk to me about pronouns outside of a grammar lesson then fuck you kys.

There's a distinct lack of gingers with great big tits where I live.
And with the way the world is going with all this immigration and cross-breeding, they will only become more rare. It is a sad time we live in.

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>b-tier studio
c tier at best

Why make it worse then? Western devs are such trash, Japanese devs strive to improve gameplay in their games, western devs just go

>"eh, what do we do about the combat in this sequel? anyone got any ideas?"
>"I don't know, honestly the last game sold ok and the combat in that sucked, do we really need to improve it/"
>"good point, just slap that shit in and maybe add some new icons and call it a day, its good enough. just make some fake bs about it being for immersion or realism, idiots eat tbat shit up."

Western game development in a nut shell. "It's good enough."

Because nowadays this is considered offensive to the mentally ill. I miss the days when Christian Reactionaries were the most retarded people complaining about shit they had no business complaining about.

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Ba dum tiss

She handpick clothes that enhance her "attributes". Is she confirmed back for the sequel?

That's retarded, I hear voices sometimes and I'm not mentally ill. I'm just on a different wavelength than some people are.

>that pic of her looking at the camera in the lower left

Cyberpunk 2077 will be SHIT due to first person, so you can thank cdpr when that game comes out and falls off fast. The combat will be such boring generic trash. People will likely make mods to just cheat and skip past the boring ass combat.



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>thinking the biggest SJW studio in the industry will make GOTY
hoo lad

It must be really fucking embarrassing for LaCroix to be outsmarted by a guy like that

Why are they even adding combat at all? It's a fucking rpg, you don't need combat, just make it a VN, I dont feel like sitting through boring ass fights and moving my character around in them. RPGs are played for STORY.

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It's important to find humour in yourself, to laugh at yourself. A bit of light mockery is good for everyone.
If anything, Malks hearing voices of actual insight should make people who have actually visual/auditory hallucinations feel good about themselves. They can imagine a world where their voices are actually helpful. I would think it would be great escapism for them.

The Malk in VTMB may talk and look funny, but there was no mistaking he was an extraordinarily powerful creature and had a unique understanding of what was going on around him.

I wonder how people would react to low intelligence dialog, like in Arcanum, if it were done today.

Even Bioware before they fully fell managed to make good action rpg combat in dragon age inquisition

tor's combat was ok too, I loved hutball

>dragon age inquisition
Are you being serious right now?

She loves people checking out her bits.

>I wonder how people would react to low intelligence dialog, like in Arcanum, if it were done today.
to say nothing of a low INT run in Fallout 1 or 2

>good action rpg combat
>dragon age inquisition

Can’t fuck with the Seuss hat son

jesus christ... Will it have micro transactions and lootboxes as well?

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it had good combat, what?

that would be good for bloodlines 2 imo

Right. Should've used that as an example. There's only 5 people on Yea Forums that have even heard of Arcanum.

That is not good combat you millenial jew.

No, just mountains of paid DLC. It's Paradox's thing.

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too pale, I prefer tan skin

Fuck gnomes

Of course. Why wouldn't it. It's been proven that customers want lootboxes.

that's a lot of dlcs..

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Good. Less competition.

How? It was fun, smooth, fluid, responsive. Prolly the best action rpg combat I seen in years. Witche 3 had awful action combat and broken magic.

>it had good combat
none of the DA games have good or even passable combat
for all their narrative and writing flaws, the gameplay is even worse

>Here is how to fix it:
>-Make the game third person instead of taking the easy lazy way out with first person
>-Make the combat a mix of Sekiro with Lords of Shadow 2 vampire powers
I disagree, don't make the game combat focused unless you play a clan that focuses on combat.

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>surprised it has dlc
Oh, to be young and naive.

Don't break him. He's too young to be broken.

>start VTMB2
>get to place where you choose clan
>Brujah and Gangrel available
>all other clans greyed out
>each clan will be sold as separate DLC
Calling it.

>Make the game third person instead
What is it with you numale soys and hating first person? I don't get it.

>I wonder how people would react to low intelligence dialog, like in Arcanum, if it were done today.
If it's caveman speak, no one would give a shit. It'd only be seen as a problem if they made them speak in a low class or ethnic manner.

even better action rpg combat, Paradox can try this

Third person was around before soi was a thing, meanwhile more and more games are first person to cater to sois who wants to self insert themselves as real men because they failed at being men in life.

You fucking idiot you can play in both first and third person in this game. VTMB had this feature as well: normally first in shooting and by default and third in melee fighting. There was even a button for you to switch if you didn't want one mode or another.

And if you find pic related "fat", they you are also a colossal faggot.

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>Devs are famous for such great games as Frogger: Hyper Arcade, Porting mobile games, and Phantom Army
this is gonna be so shit it's not even funny

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>The melee combat was fine, and can be greatly improved. Forcing it to be a generic first person game ensures the combat will be horrible.
Quantifiably false. Bloodlines melee combat was shit precisely because it used a 3rd person perspective.

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I dont know maybe people gto sick of it after the endless first person shooters and shitty rpgs using that style with awful combat for the sake of fake immersion

cyberpunk 2077 gonna be shit btw

He's a trve roman. Purple is best color.

>people want some Witcher 3 shitfest and not glorious first person combat like this

Big yikes.

>to self insert themselves as real men because they failed at being men in life
Seems like you're projecting. The original VtM:B had both first and third person and it all worked adequately.

Yeah, you don't know, you sound like a massive fucking casual so it's not like anyone's actually gonna listen to you.
>cyberpunk 2077 gonna be shit btw
Haha, ok. Whatever you say.

That looks awful, just two arms doing shit with weird animations that look unnatural. Sorry but people dont want combat that looks like something an eldritch horror with no knowledge of how the human body moves created.

they're not actually famous for anything. All those games in their back catalogue were developed by a defunct studio that some managers left to found this current one.
They haven't developed a single game as of yet.

Why isn't there sun?

How do you balance RPG stats to that kind of combat, though? Combat with control like that means you can happily neglect combat skills on your character and just do it manually as the player.

No, Witcher 3 sucked too. People want GOOD third person combat, like this:

>massive fucking casual

I beat dmc games on DMD and I beat Sekiro. Now what?

>That looks awful, just two arms doing shit with weird animations that look unnatural.

>just two arms
>when that video clearly shows kicking and jumping attacks

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>he thinks cyberpunk 2077 is gonna be good

Enjoy your shitty fps gta clone with shit writing and godawful gunplay and melee cutscenes lol

How do you feel when you see your own arms?

>anonymous Yea Forums user boasts about playing video games in response to being called a casual

Don't worry. As a Thinblood, you'll be able to go out in daylight. It's just not included in their vids yet.

So what was up with Jeanette and Therese being the same person?
Is this just a malk thing?

Plenty of ways to do it. Have stats affect damage, how far/high you can jump, movement speed, etc. Also status effects you can inflict on enemies.

>ie. I put points into a sadism stat that allows me to cause heavier bleed damage
>add a pain stat where the more pain I inflict on enemies the stronger I get

>let's turn this game into another rolling simulator
yeah nah

malk with 2 personalities

>I beat dmc games on DMD and I beat Sekiro. Now what?
I beat your mom's ass and beat all DMC games on Dante Must Die. NOW WHAT? Get the fuck out, nobody cares. You sound like a casual anyway.

You're the one that even mentioned 2077 in the first place, I'm just laughing because you think your opinion matters in the least. Get it through your thick fucking skulls - you guys are complete losers who can't even present their point of view properly. There's nothing that you can say about Cyberpunk or any other game that's going to be original or unique.


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>How do you balance RPG stats to that kind of combat, though?
The game in that webm did it just fine. You got skill points for completing objectives, and you could use to unlock a variety of different options, be it unlocking new melee moves, increasing your max HP, learning new spells, firing arrows faster, reducing the noise you make while crouching and other stealth-related perks,etc.

oh boy, not legs too! holy shit so amazing...

I'm utterly convinced pc gamers suck at third person action games, hence why they bitch about sekiro so much as evidenced in threads here. They can't handle games that require actual skill and reflexes and more action than mashing clicks on their gamer mice.

Fuck you im reinstalling again

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this reminds me of the time cyberpunk 2077 trailer was released and for days or weeks Yea Forums was plagued by a few people who would do nothing but bitch and cry.

Do yourself a favor and make your own video game if you know how to produce one so well. By all means, none of us are stopping you.

Only thing 3rd person is good for is to check out your character’s looks, and considering theyre gonna add outfits it’s safe to say youll be able to do this. I honestly dont give a fuck about 3rd person combat

I doubt you even got past the intro to dmc 3 let alone beat any of those games, nigga please lol

huh makes sense.
I will say the game is fun.
Not as fun as Deus Ex but still fun

wow pc gaymers are very easily amused...

Sareth was already a trained fighter. He was supposed to be a combatant, and the only arguably non-combat skills you could raise were stealth.

I could be DSP-tier and I'd still probably have more to say about DMC3 than you'll about any other game that you've played, so who cares really.

Maybe I will. Maybe I will. I was planning on doing a cyberpunk game to show up cdpr. But maybe I can do a vampire themed game instead, and show Paradox how it's done. Then people can get a vampire goth themed game with some real combat, not pathetic first person garbage made for casuals.

You seem real defensive, quit getting your fee fees hurt lol

I never played bloodlines, time to change that i think. Should i get anything else other than the unofficial patch?

You do that and you can have my money.

Someone answers with something other than greentext or "lol" and you interpret it as being defensive? I was kinda trolling earlier but maybe you really are a retard.

capcom won't mind if I rip off vergil will they

No. Also have fun.
I'd recommend not picking Malkavian at your first playthrough.

I really liked that haunted hotel desu

not sure why people are bad mouthing inquisitions combat, its better than witcher 3's

>and the only arguably non-combat skills you could raise were stealth.
How does that help your argument? Dark Messiah has a much better stealth system than Bloodlines. There was also lockpicking and pickpocketing, although they were under-utilized.

you can swap it back retard

i want to watch my malk moving her hips

there's no black women in this setting are there? because im real sick of these western game devs forcing these ugly black women in their games. the new wolfenstein, mafia 3, beyond good and evil 2, mortal kombat 11 is especially bad, and uncharted 4.

Fps Rpg..

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Because VTMB had a lot of non-combat skills.
I'm saying it's hard to have a good combat system with PCs that might be geared up to be terrible at combat. You'd have to make a lot of different moves and animations. Higher combat skilled characters would use more precise animations while unskilled characters would have to make wild swings and keep getting into dodgy grapples and getting knocked down.

I would love for them to do that, but it will be costly and time-consuming. I don't think it's realistic.

god be with you.

I can't believe he's come to see us.

Do we drain him or do we say hello?

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>Higher combat skilled characters would use more precise animations while unskilled characters would have to make wild swings
Dark Messiah did this. For example. a character who hasn't invested in archery will have his aim waver, and he takes more time to reload and fire arrows.

I don´t know about the sekiro thing but forced first person is always a deal breaker for me. I just don´t feel comftable to move with that kind of camera. It´s barely tolerable in an online multiplayer game because the rounds are done quickly but i certainly won´t play a whole 30 hours RPG with that camera.
It kind of pisses me off because i miss on some games i would play otherwise... like Bioshock. I kind of love the aesthetic and concept of that game but the first person camera makes it impossible for me to play it. I plain simply suck at it. I can never calculate depth correctly and i hate turning around (It feels like parking. It takes me 3 movements to watch to a side or the back and feel unnatural to do so moving the whole body, and you know it´s the whole body because your hands are always up front...) Still, i´ve come to accept that these kind of games are just not for me so i´ll pass.
I won´t complain though, hope those that do enjoy these kind of games have a good time with it.

that sounds anti fun

this man gets it.

That's not a black woman, and thank god for that. Black women don't fit the vampire setting, its a gothic setting and goth is white and sometimes asians. Black women are too hood for that goth stuff.

>What's this obsession western game devs have with first person?
What obsession? Western devs make a variety of games, some first-person, some third-person, some isometric, etc.

Japanese devs on the hand almost exclusively make first-person games.

Gothic has you swing like a complete retard and hold a one handed sword with two hands, like a tard, before you find someone to train you in how to use it properly. Needless to say your swings are slow, can't be chained together, and are generally garbage.

Once you get training the speed, combo potential and even the animations change completely. More games should do that.

As if you'd ever lay hands on him to drain him.

i'd like.. um,, a private bath.. for two.

Attached: bhsssrtmlth01.jpg (1264x804, 101K)

>much hyped cyberpunk rpg announces it will be in first-person
>suddenly, 99% of the internet reveals it gets motion sickness from first-person games, despite first-person games like Call of Duty being some of the most popular and most played titles of all time

>much hyped vampire rpg announces it will be in first-person
>suddenly, 99% of the internet reveals it gets motion sickness from first-person games, despite first-person games like Call of Duty being some of the most popular and most played titles of all time, and despite it being a sequel to a game that was already mostly in first-person


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Everything you said is racist. It's like your only reference for black people come from some 90's LA gang movie cliche.

>99% of the internet
>Yea Forums

Good day Henry!

You're right. I'd give the old chap a massage so he can be relaxed and shit. God bless you Henry.

I hope they do build it up that way, and ideally in such a way that the player can't just compensate for the waiver and still be a combat god.

But remember: more time spent developing the combat system will likely mean less time developing other areas of the game. Time is finite, and Paradox are jews.

>we're getting Christina Hendricks SFM porn

Jap Devs.. First person ?

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That's a lie, the truth is cod gets away with it because its a shooter and shooters are supposed to have shit melee combat. rpgs allow for melee builds, meaning first person ruining melee combat is a bigger issue. also no one wants to see their character in CoD, since they're all ugly generic soldiers. rpg characters are different and people want to see them.

How is it racist? You ever see blacks in gothic clothing? It looks awful and retarded and doesn't suit them at all. White people and some asians are the only ones who can pull that style off. You need pale skin for that.

Woops, I meant to say third-person

>It takes me 3 movements to watch to a side or the back
Christ, adjust your mouse sensitivity already.

Vampires isn't only goth for christ sake. Just look at this absurd you said
>Black women don't fit the vampire setting
You mean we can't have a Ventrue that is black and a woman? How does that can even make any sense in your head? Just go easy with that racism, because it's boderline ridiculous at this point.

>we finally get a bloodlines successor
>Yea Forums wants it to be a generic third-person game like 99.9% of games on the market

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Says the bloke into fatties.

just because the devs are woke, doesn't mean I gotta accept the trash they force on us

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Sekiro is nothing like those shitty games though. I'm talking about Japanese games here, not garbage made by whites.

the nose, fucked up hairline, and dolphin forehead ruin it

There's nothing woke about it. It's a woman, who is black. What's the deal with it? You're the one that think this is something out of the ordinary.

Stop posting that tranny for fuck sake.

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wtf are you talking about? Haruka Ayase isn't a damn tranny.

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these women are mixed or arab, it isn't the same. I said BLACK women dont fit those styles. other races are fine, and mixed women it depends on how not black they look.

Okay, I know that VtMB is pretty old. Before I get it, I need to know if it works right away and if there are mods that improve the experience but do not completely change from the base game.

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You need the unofficial patch.
Just don't install the extra content.

Unofficial Patch by Wesp. Use the basic version.

will we have full voice main character in the game?
or a traditional silent protagonist?

unofficial patch is all you need

so literally the only black traits in that mutt

Putting explosives on a vehicle, propelled through the air by the explosions, destroying the ship above. Simple video game physics for a japanese dev, unallowed amounts of fun outside a QTE for a western dev.

They could make it like in Dark Souls, where players leave voice messages that play automatically when you pass near them.

We all know it'd be a fucking atrocious mess of racially loaded screamers with only one useful thing said once in a while, and that's exactly what the Madness Network is supposed to be.

You literally just described Just Cause, all of them.

Trannies BTFO

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>Putting explosives on a vehicle, propelled through the air by the explosions, destroying the ship above. Simple video game physics for a japanese dev, unallowed amounts of fun outside a QTE for a western dev.
Lolwut. plenty of generic western games have ragdoll phsyics that throw you around and manually placeable explosives

>it's 2019 and Yea Forums is still spreading the false narrative that western devs popularized movie games

>Shenmue pioneered and popularized quick-time events

>Ico pioneered and popularized escort missions

>WinBack & Kill Switch pioneered and popularized cover-based shooting

>Metal Gear Solid pioneered and popularized 'movie games' with a heavy emphasis on cinematic storytelling to the detriment of gameplay (just compare MGS to its stealth game contemporaries like Thief and it becomes painfully clear how primitive its 'stealth' mechanics and level design are by comparison)

>Resident Evil 4 pioneered and popularized the tight over the shoulder camera where your character takes up half the screen, necessitating a much slower movement speed and pace of gameplay, in contrast to older third-person games where the camera was zoomed out and both player and enemy moved very fast.

>Final Fantasy and other jrpgs removed classic rpg features like extensive character creation and customization and non-linearity in favor of a more guided, linear experience filled with cinematic spectacle.

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So basically the normal shit you can do in any ubishit/ubishit clone open world "anecdote simulator"?

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can't wait to play a gay vampire who needs to suck dick to restore health.

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If that's your thing...

>play ubishit game
>try to do something fun
>it fails
>try to complete the game
>it's not fun
>it fails

You could have picked a better example user. Better yet, you could try an actual nip game and see for yourself.

Only a handful game series that have nip-tier physics and amounts of fun, such as Halo or GTA. Farcry and friends aren't one of them.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 835K)

it will make an amazing gameplay concept

Name some other nip games with EDF tier physics gameplay
>such as Halo or GTA
>not fucking Just Cause

She's barely black. She could get away with it. Actual blacks couldn't.
Also, careful. There's at least one janny out there who deletes any thread with black girls in it.

Attached: inverted colours.webm (640x800, 693K)

yucky. black girls make my pp the soft pp.

Remember, this is the intended audience:

Don't vampires heal all mortal scars after their embrace? How would a tranny vamp remain tranny? Wouldn't they heal to normal?
And if they got their surgery after they became a vampire, they'll still regenerate completely to how they were when first embraced. You have to use fleshcrafting or magic burns to get long-lasting effect.

Same. I keep such .webms purely for research and demonstration purposes.

Metal Gear Solid, Monster Hunter, Dark/Demon's Souls, Smash Bros... are you sure you play vidya son?

Was genuinely curious since I primarily play on PC, and on that primarily fps. A genre japs generally don't cover.

>Just Cause 1-4
>Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2
>Half-Life 2 and it's episodes
>Saints Row 1-4 + Gat
>Far Cry 2-5
do you user?


How is nobody excited for this?! I don't give a FLYING FUCK about this game, but you best believe I can't wait for it. The very instant I saw Christitty Hendtits was in this I went to the store and bought bulk lotion.

I'd drawn in a vat of her shit just to glimpse her asshole. FIGHT ME.

CH has the mommy aesthetics, that's just some redhead thot with large tits and we have plenty of those in SFM porn.

>Don't vampires heal all mortal scars after their embrace? How would a tranny vamp remain tranny? Wouldn't they heal to normal?
No. The embrace looks their body in the state it was at the time it happens.

Tentatively excited but I wish they would have released it as VTM: (different subtitle) because making it VTMB2 is giving me too many expectations that they'll never be able to meet.

Sjw shit.

>third-person Altered Carbon-fag trying to ruin another game now he failed to convince CDPR to make 2077 a DMC-style melee brawler character action game with Netflix aesthetics
fuck off

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What are her pronouns though?

>you can make your character trans trap polimorfic shemale of the third dynesty

>but you cant look at your character in third person

Whats the fucking point

It will be epic store exclusive :DD

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>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2 removed third person and forces first person on the player
this is a good thing

Fuck this unlockable reward bullshit, how do I cheat on the referrals? Do I just need to create an account with another email or will I need a VPN or some shit?

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>he doesn't have friends
They don't want your kind, user. You're probably an anti-social incel who is going to shoot up a place someday.

nah I'll just have every single thing unlocked from the get go

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I thought you nazis disliked transfolk.

You need more than 700 points for the last reward so that's a lot of referrals, seems like it's only designed for "social influencers" that put up the referral links in their youtube video descriptions while the plebe have to hunt down dumb things around the site.

Do you guys think its gonna break even? I mean VtMB didn't exactly make a lot of cash.

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If it releases before 2077, yes.
There's not much competition against it.

>box appears at some point in the game
>click "he"
>keep playing

its gonna suck, bros
the original game has such phenomenal dialogue and atmosphere but so much could be improved
but they won't improve it, they'll add things that aren't necessary and neglect the things that made it great

also what happened with gehenna?

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>lead writer used to be a buzzfeed contributor
>lead writer said that she loves taking jobs from white males
>lead writer did a review on schlongs of skyrim and called it sexist
I'm so angry.

That would be lame tho. If the game can't acknowledge the differences between genders, including non-binary, trans, fluid and so forth, it will be a waste of effort by the development team and I'd dislike that very much, probably wouldn't even buy it.

>First game is called Vampire
>second one is not called Vampire 2 but rather Bloodlines 2

You won't buy this not matter what. In fact, you never bought the original.

every day we stray further from believing in feminism

It's a sequel to VTM:B and not to VTM: Redemption

As long as it's actually good and the budget isn't insanely high I think it should. It depends when it launches and what competition it has. I can't even think of any other upcoming RPG which would compete with this at all except Cyberpunk 2077. It would probably be best for this to launch a fair bit before or after Cyberpunk, so that people have enough time to play through both before the other hits. If it doesn't do that, I wouldn't be surprised for Cyberpunk to steal away a lot of attention.

No, keep the first person and the character creator but give the option to switch to third person. It'd be nice something with a Bioshock/Dishonored/Dying Light feeling for what concerns magic/stealth/melee and movement. The Parkour movement in third person is no problem as plenty of games have already done it.

>lead writer used to be a buzzfeed contributor
Wow, a woman with a journalist degree writing for a news network? Shocking!

>lead writer said that she loves taking jobs from white males
The industry is overwhelmingly male, there is no issue here.

>lead writer did a review on schlongs of skyrim and called it sexist
Wow! A porn game to make the dreams of incels true is sexiדt? Who would've thunk? Not me.

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>defending buzzfeed

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The marketing budget sure is insanely high.

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Here comes the discord trannies!

That's pretty hot.

I'm gray non-binary tho. Maybe you should like, go to university and learn something for once instead of living in your mother's basement? how about that?

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>it's another everyone is suddenly a bloodlines lore expert and having the ability to choose pronouns RUINS THE GAME SJWS REEEE

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kill yourself resetera tranny.

Good Night

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Isn't it more of a spiritual successor? It's not the same protag and it's 15 years later. It's not really carrying on anything from the original Bloodlines.

They should have called it something else. Vampire the Masquerade: Thinblood, or something. VTMT.

You're not a woman. You're a disgusting tranny freak that no one loves or ever will love. 41% yourself, abomination.

This is why none of you have ever got close to a woman/transwoman.


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Just Cause is one of the few to apply, because it has so many gadgets, though most shit you can do has a dedicated button press. Japanese games distinguish themselves by having little to no mechanics, just plain physics and plenty toys to play around with. In a nip game, if you want to surf a car, you don't press X, you jump on top of the car manually, and there's no grapple hook holding you there, but the behavior will be consistent. As a result, anything cool you want to do will involve skill, not button presses, and it will work according to your skill.

Meanwhile in Farcry, jumping on top of a car can result in falling off, dying, being sent into space, or and possibly failing the mission for no reason. Behavior is completely random.

You should try nip games user. I'm no big fan myself, but I have to recognize to them certain qualities.

It's not right to take a job away from someone for their race or gender, user.
Uphold your own values.

i'm actually a cis white male but please, continue to pretend like the evil far-left transpeople are coming after you on a italian dog-whistling image board

>y'all never gonna get close to a transwoman
And I hope I never will.

My uncle is one. The whole family still call him by his real name and refer to him as he/him, etc. He seems to have come to terms with it.

Whites and males have been dominating workplaces mainly among tech since the start of the industry, denying access to women, transfolk and PoC ever since. "Taking away" their jobs is the only way we can fight back. My own values are sound. You on the other hand sounds like a rightist making apologism to workplace segregation.

Not a spiritual sucessor. A sequel with returning characters. If they make references to the events, we'll only know after playing.


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I'd settle for Zeno Clash combat. So long as when I punch a nigga it has oomph.

Fuck off to resetera tranny freak. Actually, just get a rope and make a noose for yourself.

They created it and they're the ones most skilled and most interested in it.
If this is about some misguided vengeance then it is aimed at the wrong people. Taking a codemonkey's job just because he's white is very much fucked up.
Also, there was never anything stopping any women from creating their own company and competing. Create company that makes games for women, by women.

posted in another thread but

>“Unless you are a Nazi,” Carl continued, “or a neo-Nazi, or a member of any other hate group that uses these disgusting philosophies to advance your hateful agendas. If you are a member of one of those groups or support those agendas we don’t want you in our community. You aren’t welcome, and if we find you spreading your hate in our community you will be shown the door. We don’t want your money. You can keep it.”

so reminder, white wolf doesn't want your money. don't play bloodlines 2. don't larp. just fuck off

>game gives you superficial options for roleplaying
>this is bad

>Also, there was never anything stopping any women from creating their own company and competing. Create company that makes games for women, by women.

Late stage capitalism enforces male superiority in tech, tho. You should read more.

Can you imagine doing the snuff filme and prosthethic quests with nowadays graphics? It would be brutal in a whole different level.

Hey everyone, Henry's come to see us!

>can't think of anything else but t-tranny!

wow it's like extreme left is also fucking dumb, wow thanks for the (You)

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I'm not a nazi tho. Sorry you can't enjoy games, its our turn to do so.

fucking seething retard vtmb is way better in first person the third person combat and exploration is dreadfully clunky and has no place other than ooo look at my hot malkavian tits

People complaining aren't rpg players. They probably never even played any of these games.

hi tranny. die tranny.

seething tranny.

>wow it's like extreme left is also fucking dumb, wow thanks for the (You)

I am a anarcho-syndicaliדt. You on the other hand sounds like a liberal. Don't worry, you'll get the bullet too.

the post is saying that if you ARE a nazi to fuck off

To be honest what is so wrong with the article on the left? I don't agree with much of what she says but it seems to be a pretty genuine argument on her behalf and it's written better than half of the ""articles"" in games journalism.

stop replying to your own post, tranny.

There will never be any reasoning with you people. I'm not going waste my time, again.
They've already bent over backward to accomodate. But it still isn't enough. It'll never be enough. Nothing ever will be.

>Cant have a comfy bloodlines threads anymore because retards think every 2nd person in the game will preach to you about how white people are bad and will try to convert you to Islam

The DMC Thread was having fun yet you retards can't? Why?

Then do it. Transfolk, women, PoC and religious minorities will have a blast while you'll be stuck alone and still a sexless virgin. We'll be fine.

>he posted it again
CLASSIC, please give me another (You)

you sound like a retard

Such a sad little man. Go find a hugbox, kid, Adults are talking.

>implying these sjw hacks will let you fuck her
They've said they're gonna "subvert the male power fantasy". I'd bet actual money you get to watch someone else fuck her at best.

what in the fuck are you even trying to say with this post?

or are you assuming that everyone in this thread is a nazi except you?

>roles of women as characters in gaming
>women only play as damsels in distress
>"But she's right! Resetera Bay bay!!! xD" - Some tiny dicked, ugly, man faced tranny who will off themselves in a week on Yea Forums 2019

>cappie reactionary gets owned
>no arguments left
>cries about how reasonable people who are exploited, segregated and killed are

Go fuck yourself, apologist.

What's the one beneath Uncharted? I don't recognize it.

They're just teens complaining

ding ding ding. Trans, POC and women will make sure white males never exist again. Then finally we'll be free from capitalism, patriarchy, heteronormative ideas, racism, sexism, war, and fascism. The shit holding back the human race.

Did you just assume my gender tranny? how transphobic and cissexist

I am not sure what you're trying to say

not really, by weakening western countires they make it all the easier for muslims to come in and establish a kaliphate
then gays get thrown off rooftops

THIS THIS SO MUCH ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Black people can fit into the gothic/alternative setting just fine.

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>pol tries to bait by being an extreme lefty moron

>other pol morons baited this easily

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>Playing bloodlines
>get to the demon leader squid fight
>Figure I need to hack off her limbs

Attached: dispoint.jpg (550x422, 35K)

Kill the babies before they grow.

Japanese games vs. Western games, user. Japs are immune to this shit so people who play their games don't have to deal with it.

Yes exactly this. About time someone said it!

>extreme lefty
That's just the average leftist.

Maybe I'm just a fundamentally broken person but I enjoyed Dying Light's parkour. It felt really fun.

Do you have a flamethrower?

Buff that meele up with your blood and hack at it. Leave no fish standing.

hilarious, i bet ben shapiro would chuckle user. well done.

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This but unironically. I'm tired of /pol/tards and their constant fucking transphobia. Just get rid of white dudes already.

It has a lot of room for improvement but as a general climbing mechanic it's good. Makes the world feel free.

Appreantly this is the hardest boss in the game, you need the flamethrower, then maybe try to shoot all your guns on that shit while running, if you have a high melee stat then you should take it slowly and back up a few times when you hit her, good luck everyone fucking hates this boss.

Thank you, Yea Forums agrees with me.

I liked how the other thread user pointed out that Brujah, by their counter culture nature, would probably have a lot of right wing vampires in the modern day.

Shame we won't see it.

How are you having trouble with that, even my little sister breezed through that section

Flamethrower, or make sushi with a katana

This is the part where you needed the foresight to pack a flamethrower or even rudimentary firearms.

I worry some people actually believe that. If it does come to pass, then the future of humanity will be purely Asian. While everyone else devolves into pre-neolithic animals, Asians will isolate themselves and continue to develop.

They'll be safe. The islamic hordes will wipe out the jews.

t. playing on lowest difficulty

sorry i am Yea Forums and you're a bitch, kill yourself cuck

Yeah, really liberating. I wish first person parkour was done more often.

The first game is pretty political

Lmfao you lying nigger, that boss was insanely hard, even harder than "The sheriff" and he was suppose to be the hardest.

you could role-play it yourself

Yeah, and it was annoying there, too.

Africans have the highest birthrate by a long shot. The whole world in 100 years is going to be nothing but Asians with laser turret walls and penniless Africans.

I remember the first bloodlines very blatantly dissing Republicans and George W Bush specifically.

>Japanese games distinguish themselves by having little to no mechanics, just plain physics and plenty toys to play around with. In a nip game, if you want to surf a car, you don't press X, you jump on top of the car manually

This is complete nonsense. Arguably the majority of Japanese games don't even have jumping outside of contextual QTE's. Pre-BOTW Zelda, Vanquish, Dark Souls, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, the list goes on and on.

By contrast, the vast majority of western games let you freely jump

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where do you retards come from

>being this much of a snowflake triggered moron

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You're not Yea Forums, you're a resetera tranny.

First person RPGs are always better than weeb trash.

no user, you're a resertera tranny.

I came from reddit to own the poltards epic style.

>being preached at is good and you're a snowflake otherwise
Freely kill yourself. I play video games to get away from leftist moral grandstanding.

Yeah, it was preachy and annoying back then, too, and it was relatively small.

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I think you're confusing me with your resetera friends.

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It's sad, but at least there is some hope for humanity. If the asians fall, too, then we will stay barely sapient primitives until extinction by climate/natural disaster. Probably won't encounter aliens of any kind.

shut up resetera tranny.

That couldn't be, if it were I'd be calling anyone who disagrees with me a nazi.

>I play video games to get away from leftist moral grandstanding.
then white wolf is not for you, and wasn't written for you.

I did too, until i got the hook and the wingsuit which trivialize it
agreed, but i don't know how much of it can be applied to this setting. Harran had relatively short buildings 4-5 floors at best and most part of the game is outdoor. I have no idea If you can do that in Seattle. Also lore question, can WoD vampires cross rivers or do they have issues with it?

holy fuck you're actually a moron

go home tranny

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I destroyed her with bloodshield, blood strike spam and an aug doing a little running around the corners. Worked well. I don't know how the other clans dealt with her. Celerity with blood sword maybe? Because that shit is OP.

shut up resetera trannys.

v5 was scrapped you tranny freak.

It's only "preachy and annoying" when you disagree with it, so go make your own far-right shitfest of a game.

Are you retarded?
There's literally a full lineup of sourcebooks coming out

I dont care im still gonna buy it

No one likes trannies. Everyone knows they are abominations who deserve to be curbstomped.

>-Make the game third person instead of taking the easy lazy way out with first person
you tpp fags just hate videogames and want everything to be cinematic, huh?

>Stomp his ass in a straight sword fight
>Oh it was just the first phase. I guess the real fight starts no-
>bat form goes down with a measely few handgun shots
What a fucking letdown

see whoops tranny you're wrong

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shut up resetera tranny.

How tolerant of you. Not like they could let you disagree or express your own opinions in game. No, you get a commie lecture whether you like it or not.

Expressing a political opinion doesn't have to be inherently preachy. When it gets preachy is when you have to shut up and take it. Lonesome Road was preachy, too, for that same reason.

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>Asians with laser turret walls
Tower Defense is making a comeback.

It would be nice to argue with people that had literally any clue about the books.

So has anyone complained about this female character's design (boobs) being 'problematic'?

literally none of it was written with the idea of giving right-wingers a moral escape, in any edition. but feel free to move those goal-posts again once it won't fit your narrative

>preaching about politics being preachy
fuck off moron

what Clans do you think we'll see? on the website Clan section it seems like there's 6 spots
from what I know the Brujah left The Camarilla (joined the Anarchs), Followers of Set also joined the Anarchs, and the Assamites and Lasombra both joined The Camarilla
I think Islamic vampires could be cool but can't see them being in Seattle much, so I'd say we might get Lasombra over Brujah

the devs literally said they're borrowing from V5 and that it was written as the game was being developed, so they both borrow certain aspects from each other

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Are Africans real life krogans?


What a load.

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Is that the girl from the IT Crowd?

>no! retconning the SJW didn't happen! everyone who's not a nutjob SJW like me is a nazi!
pure mental illness.

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>can't see them being in Seattle much
There might be one or two chilling around, but there's a very slim chance we'll get to play as one or suck one dry.

I doubt they'd put in Lasombra at launch. The book in which they are joining the Camarilla has not been released only the unformatted texts to the Kickstarter backers.
So maybe Ventrue, Tremere, Toreador, Nosferatu, Malkavian + Assamite
But then I doubt they'd not include Brujah.

t. resertera trannys

tick tock tranny

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The left really can't meme.

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shut up resertera trannys

aren't Paradox writing the books now anyway? if they're writing the Lasombra I could see them making it in, as personally I find Brujah a little bland, especially compared to Lasombra

instead of having the clans everyone expects it'd be nice to have a brand new one
Followers of Set / The Ministry are really cool too, hell if they all get in as DLC that'd be great

shut up resetera tranny

why do people forget about condemned? that game had great first person melee combat

Or Zeno Clash, which was a fun brawling.

Or Breakdown.

Yeah Brujah are a bit bland but at the same they are basically the baseline physical vampires with both celerity and potence while also "politically" being the anti-ventrue

It's good to see the resetera tranny broken. He's definitely going to kill himself within a month.

it's almost as if people on Yea Forums are trying to bait posts about the most inane moronic "oh no the terrible transpeople agenda is gonna kill us all off!" bullshit in a game we haven't even seen gameplay for

I give it a week. Faggot probably cries about how he'll never have a body like this.

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t. resetera trannys

The 41% is calling you tranny.

>game doesnt come out for a year
>already shilling DLC
Oh paradox. I look forward to pirating the dlc complete version that actually has all features you would expect in 2024

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shut up resetera tranny


>drive-by posting
What does this mean? Low-key shitposting?

shut up resetera tranny

Is that SFW? The offensive parts of her breasts are covered up so it should be good.

Remembering the Ming Xiao and sheriff fight makes me want to play again

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Unironically every weeb and /pol/ack would do this board wonders.

I hope a normal, decent person transitions one day, to infilitrate the tranny plague and steer it either off the cliff or in a positive direction.
The level of sacrifice would be beyond any in the history of mankind, but the man who did it would be a true hero.

seething tranny on the verge of suicide.


Meant banning every*

The Sheriff fight was retarded, though.

shut up resetera tranny

you have to go back

67 genders


That's what I figured.

Those nipples are just drawn on there, clearly.

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Every end game fight was retarded

Yes, you're a resetera faggot, we get it. go back

Does that include cross-genders, hyrid-genders and demi-genders?

They're fun, the raid in the Kuei-Jin compund is fun. The what's his face hunter and kung-fu guy in the Giovanni's are fun. The only thing I don't really like is that arcade shootan in the graveyard.

is this Chicago by Night shit canon? upcoming addition to VtM 5th Edition, by the looks of it

tick tock tranny

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shut up resetera tranny

Why wouldn't it be?

you will never be a woman. just a sad ugly crossdresser.

Just take a fucking room already

shut up resetera trannys

I'm a massive fan of Bloodlines but there was barely any character customization in that game so I don't know why you have an issue with it now. You were always playing the same female Malkavian for example.

I just didn't want it to be because it looks like more SJW dogshit, I thought Paradox were reigning that shit in after the huge mess with White Wolf

seething resetera + discord tranny

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post more dark messiah webms

shut up resetera tranny

forty one percent