Are you ready to explore Ayleid AND Dwemer ruins in the Elder Scrolls VI: Hammerfell?

Are you ready to explore Ayleid AND Dwemer ruins in the Elder Scrolls VI: Hammerfell?

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How come Yea Forums complains about Skyrim’s repetitiveness but doesn’t make a peep about oblivion which is just as big of an offender?

Lmao when ? 2025 when this shit might come out?

Oblivion still had heaps of soul and TECHNOLOGY for the time

Nobody played Elder Scrolls before Skyrim.

Oblivion is a pile of shit sprinkled with gold flakes while Skyrim is a solid silver bar.

I think both are fine, but Skyrim is much more dumbed-down, and Oblivion has better quests/shit to do.

Main Quests are both eh, but the Companions and College are garbage, while all the guilds are at least good, with DB being stellar, alongside some great side quests like the painting mission, or Hackdirt.

Skyrim's best is probably Frostflow Lighthouse, and that isn't even an actual quest.

Yes i am ready to go on an ethnic cleansing spree. Fuck redguards.

Should I get Morrowind on Xbox?

Oblivion has a shred of effort into it that makes a lot of otherwise samey dungeons feel unique.
In Skyrim, some of the most memorable dungeons really don't feel that different, t.
Aside from major quest dungeons most of them are just draugr or Falmer caves.

A lot of dungeons in Oblivion have unique stuff in them that has no real explanation outside of the dungeon itself; it isn't tied to some shitty quest nor is it part of a main/guild quest or something. It's just there, and it's cool.
Most of the best Dungeons in Skyrim are either deliberately near the start for journalists to shill the game pre-launch, or they're part of a major questline.

Probably 2022. Starfield next year, and I'm sure decent progress has been made on ES.

The only oblivion quest that really stood out to me was the thieves guild

It's hard to play, if you think you can get past the sheer age of it, then yes.

The story and world are fantastic. If you're interested in Elder Scrolls for its lore and stories then you'll enjoy it easily.

You’re kidding right? Oblivion was dragon age 2 tier

>tfw you'll at least be dead before tes7

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How so? Like I said, a lot of the dungeons felt samey geographically but a lot of them felt unique regardless.
Goblin Tribes to Necromancer dens to Vampire nests, some bandit hideouts and then just some dungeons where other adventurers were there trying to get treasure while you were.
There's that one with the Giant Mud Crab in it, that one where two factions of Bandits are fighting throughout the cave.

There's also the entire Imperial City sewer system that acts as a Dungeon itself.
You've got
>Ayleid Ruins
I can't name a single non guild/main quest Dungeon in Skyrim that I can remember other than that Red Sword guy one and only because every preview of Skyrim had it.

skyrim is so bad its insulting

>the weakest plotline in the game

okay mr shit taste you'd probably enjoy skyrim

I remember a dungeon where two tribes of goblins were duking it out and when I reached the end there was a mountain of goblin corpses and I only had to kill one.

It was pretty cool actually, but it was one in a hundred of nothing

It was fun the first time through.
After that it gets a lot less fun.
It's the nature of open world games.
I enjoyed Witcher 3 but I sure as shit am not going to play it again for a long time.

I hate the Nu-Dwemer ruins. Bring back the weird designs of Morrowind.

I didn't even think about that, sounds fucking lit. Also i'm under the assumption that people are shitposting about the better elder scrolls game.


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i honestly enjoyed skyrim more than oblivion. the only interesting thing i remember from oblivion was dark brotherhood, meanwhile skyrim wasn't my dream game but at least i haven't felt like forcing myself to do it through most of the playthrough

Comparing shitrim to TW3 is a joke

Because it was easier to drop Oblivion and play something else similar. Skyrim came out at a time when the entire industry was creatively bankrupt, so it was the only game in town until Witcher 3.


Morrowind > Skyrim = Oblivion > Daggerfall > Arena

What is Oblivion/Skyrim like to play if you're tripping on a bit of acid or mushrooms?

I want to try and recapture the magic but they're so bland these days.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night user.

I just want good porn mods for the next one. And good performance.

I gave up on TES as a series, they're a masturbatory additory for me.
>mouthbreathers really think Skyrim was good in any degree, at all, or that it was better than Oblivion

Morrowind>>Oblivion>>>>>>>>Skyrim and that's a fact.

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Days the guy who’s worried about porn mods and posts pepe

Atleast I'm not having a stroke.

Oblivion was bogged down by many mistakes and bad choices, but it had soul and care put into it.



Yes, soul. If you can't feel the soul in the game then chances are you're playing a game made by chinks or H1B Pajeets and overworked EA employees. Any game made with love and care for it has a soul.

Want my prediction?

Skyrim>>>>>>>>>bucket of shit>>>>>>>new TES

This is general trend of quality of Beth games these days. Just straight downward line. Everything dumbed down to appeal to lowest common denominator, dudebro or a nigger. Go ahead and screenshot this so you can look at it with awe as I predicted VERY SEKRIT CORPORATE DECISIONS1!1! as Beth reveals next TES is an "action-RPG" aka. it's just a fucking hack and slash with leveling, like Skyrim, but even dumber.

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I want one thing "dumbed-down" drop the grindy Elder Scrolls leveling system and just add a general XP system, I want to get stronger by doing stuff, not by doing specific stuff and needing to do stuff I wouldn't do if I want to reach the top potential.

Morrowind was the black sheep in the series. The rest were all repetitive and had generic fantasy settings.
TES 6 is going to be a lump of shit in digital format.

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fuck you retard

oblivion wasnt casual enough for normies to pretend is good

both skyrim and fallout 4 were completely ruined by how overpowered the crafting systems were
there is no comparison progression path except to craft the best weapons or the most impregnable armor

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Yeah let's drop the only unique thing about the gameplay, that'll be good

It's a retarded system, deal with it. Want to be a mage? Enjoy getting to max level 40 or so playing normally.

Add a separate system, similar to perks that are progressed with general use, have general levels for stat increases and perks every few levels by doing shit in the game, would rather level-up for doing a quest instead of getting a handful of gold or potions I don't need.

Is Soul the new meaningless buzzword for retard with no argument?

Yeah, no game has ever had weapon proficiency or anything.

That's all it is, except in this system it acts as a gate for leveling demanding you either switch your playstyle, or go grind, if you want to get stronger and fight stronger enemies.

>Role playing games
>But I want to play all the roles at once

You're the reason Skyrim is a dumbed down dumpster fire.
If you want to play as Axe weilding ungabunga, don't expect to join the fucking mages' guild just because you grinded a bit.

You pick a role, stick with it and accept that there's things you won't be able to do.

This is exactly what I'm saying you mouthbreathing dolt.

I'm playing an RPG, I want to pick a style and stick with it. I shouldn't be locked out of leveling up for doing so.

Keep all your skills, give me perks for using those skills, but in order to increase my health, stamina or magicka introduce an XP system.

I shouldn't have to put away my axe to shoot a bow for a time in order to level up and get more health or spawn stronger enemies.

you don't have to. what the fuck are you talking about?

Can't you stick with magic with their system where you can delevel a skill once it reaches 100?

no one gives a shit about oblivion

Holy fuck.

I'm playing a mage. I use Destruction, Restoration, and Alteration, maybe Conjuration and Illusion. My D, R, and A are all level 100, my level is about 35 or so.

Now, I want more magicka, or health,I have to start using conjuration or illusion, maybe that isn't the character I wanted to play, I don't want to be a conjurer/necromancer or use illusion, but I now have to.

Say I do max those skills. I've hit maybe about 50 or so, now if I want to level up I need to pick up an axe or a bow and use it, or run around picking locks and pockets.

That was a new introduction, and is also acceptable, but then you have to make yourself weaker for a time if you want to get a health boost.

It's fine, but I still think a general XP meter is more ideal.

wait, are you talking about Skyrim? I'm not aware of how that gay shit works. In general I agree that leveling is fucky in TES games, though. Every time I play Morrowind, I use something like Galsiah's Character Development and some other mods that calculate health, magicka, and stamina on the fly.

Yes, I'm talking about Skyrim, the system was there in Oblivion as well.

Seems we were talking past eachother.


Because it isn't actually just as big an offender?
May as well complain about Morrowind as well.

We did, you insufferable zoomer of a newfag.

that's weird that they'd make you use different magic skills just to increase your magicka. well, the one time i played skyrim, it was fucking shit, and especially concerning magic, so its no surprise.

People are still excited for open world games?

If it does take place in Hammerfell, I hope they add Stros Mkai