Another one bites the dust

another one bites the dust
these sjws are more lethal than cyanide

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Other urls found in this thread:

Found the /pol/tard incel, dont forget to call me a tranny

the first game had leftist politics and none of you faggots complained

>releasing on CONSOLE
>ACTION “rpg”
>no gameplay
>no release date (likely stuck in development hell)
When the fuck has a sequel this long after the original game ever been good?

This will be Witcher 3 all over again

I'll pirate it if it's fun, but I sure won't give money to those SJW cunts.

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>another incel reveals himself

Say the meme line you zoomer cuck

>i don't like bush
Yeah okay, nobody does.

Nope. I'm out.

>REEEE game is dead because devs don't share my views
Holy shit you are pathetic.

meaningless buzzword

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The difference was more generic politics that fit the theme. This is insane bullshit.

>This will be Witcher 3 all over again
Do you mean one of the most successful games? Yeah, I hope you're right.

Its releasing in march next year


Exactly. What is so difficult about this to understand


Faggots falling for this bait and using "incel" as an insult. What the fuck happened to Yea Forums.

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>its okay when its older
what’s it like having low IQ?


Not being an ancap doesn't make you a sjw

I have nothing better to do.

>half the games are before gamergate
incredibly zoomer meme, back to your shithole

have sex

i hope a nigger with aids rapes you

>releasing on CONSOLE
Who cares.
>ACTION “rpg”
Just like old one.
>no gameplay
Journalist already played demo. Wait for e3.
>no release date (likely stuck in development hell)
q1 2020
>When the fuck has a sequel this long after the original game ever been good?
dmc 5.
>This will be Witcher 3 all over again

>This will be Witcher 3 all over again
lol you'd be lucky if it was Witcher 3 all over again, retard

Pay up goyim. You don't want those poor devs to end up on street now, right?

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have sex

How is it ancap? It's like saying that cyberpunk is supporting unrestricted capitalism.

>t. zoomer who only knows neo-fun

gonna pirate

Leftist politics in the original VTM basically amounted to a throw-away joke about the Bush administration. What the sequel promises is pronouns and in-your-face queer politics at damn near every level.

I can see it now
>stronk trans woman
>quadriplegic lesbian woman of colour
>landwhale with dyed hair
>vs the dastardly villain "Whiteman von Drumpfenstein"

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>>i don't like bush
>Yeah okay, nobody does.

>i don't like trump

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>Brian Mitsoda is lead writer alongside Avellone and Cara Ellison (who in particular wrote a chunk of the side quests)
>Rik Schaffer the original composer is back (confirmed via e-mail)
>No quest markers, natural exploration just like the original
>Set in Seattle with seamless hub worlds
>Direct sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
>Takes place 15 years after Bloodlines
>Game starts off with a Mass Embrace where the player is among the new vampires born from the event, you're captured and brought to a court of prominent vampires like the first game to recount the events of the mass embrace before being sentenced to death, court is firebombed and you escape, thrust into Seattle to find out who's responsible
>Player is a thin-blood at first, choose a Clan later on
>If your humanity is low enough it will have implications with your dialogue choices
>First-person with contextual third-person actions
>Fan-favourite characters from Bloodlines returning
>You can use telekenesis, turn into mist to go through vents and glide
>You can scale buildings, there's an emphasis on verticality
>Level design is reminiscent of the original Deus Ex, you're offered many different pathways to approach a particular scenario
>Way more dialogue than Bloodlines
>Huge emphasis on character creation. You can choose your background, gender pronoun, employment history, body type and fashion
>Lots of secrets and hidden pathways to find
>Seattle as a hub world is described as "very active", crowds gather outside clubs and muggers prey on victims in side allies
>Deb of Night type feature will make an appearance as confirmed by Mitsoda

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reading comprehension

That's very gay of you to fantasize about that.

>t. never played but others say it's good

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I can buy the premium edition for 22$ in Steam. That's fucking nothing.

>NPCs can react to you depending on what background you chose for your character in character creation, for example you can be a cop, a coroner, or a barista for a more neutral and blank slate background
>Main side-questline involves hunting down and finding all the other thin-blood created from the Mass Embrace, each will have their own story about entering into their new life
>Blood resonance from VtM 5th edition will appear in this game. Using your enhanced vampire senses, you can see when NPCs are experiencing an intense emotion like fear, desire, pain, joy and anger. Drinking a person with a strong resonance will give you an immediate bonus to things like melee power or seduction. If you drink a particular resonance constantly, you will acquire a taste for it and this will give you permanent buffs called "merits".
>If you continuously suck on people's blood in full view of the public, they'll be less wary of going to those areas and you'll see less citizens wandering the streets
>Game has modding support, available Day 1
>Emphasis on fluid combat, using vampiric speed to slide in and out of melee range and slash people and execute them with melee weapons. You can get special cinematic finishers in combat when you execute people a la Deus Ex: Human Revolution
>It’s still called the Masquerade, so if you eat someone in public or turn into a bat in front of a bar you’ll get in trouble not only with the police, but also some beefier supernatural watchdogs
>The humanity system returns, so killing innocents brings you closer to the inner beast

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>strawmans are the only "defense" against reality
You're not helping your cause.

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you can also play as a girl with a penis but apparently 2019 Yea Forums sees this as a downside

I finished it and the first DLC and it was alright for the most part. Still not as good as the first game.

>/pol/ is going to shitpost until 2020
Cry harder bitch

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>games made by /pol/ or anti SJWs
Reminder that while notch was still working on minecraft he was such a big SJW he made the player character and every other creature in the game genderless. He even tweeted something like "take that homophobes!" when he implemented it.

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there wasn't trannies everywhere, there was gender pronoun bs anywhere, there wasnt anti-white/straight/male shit on it

thats the left of today

BASED devs having their priorities straight educating the dumb masses who don't know the difference between left and right.

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would you rather witcher 3 was another witcher 2?
I don't get your point.

Minecraft is the most zoomer game on there, outside maybe Apex Legends

NO, no facts. Only hurt feefees are alowed in here.

you've concocted an image of a video game in your head that doesn't actually exist.
No footage of the game has been shown at all yet, maybe calm the fuck down until you actually see something you don't like.

Because they're all LARPers who didn't even play the original game. Notice all of the
>I've never played this game before but
>Should I play Bloodlines?
>Bloodlines was actually shit
threads suddenly popping up? It's dumb normalfags and zoomer who didn't play it before but heard of the announcement, pretending to fit in

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Sweet I can't wait to be told what to think in an RPG

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>magacucks chimping out when somebody says they don't like daddy

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>When the fuck has a sequel this long after the original game ever been good?
Fallout 3
Starcraft 2
Diablo 3

>Dude bush is bad and the president is a vampire == Islamic LGBT vampire nigger
I can tell the person that made this has a hole in their head. No doubt pic related is another example of the commie propaganda embedded in the writing.
Go play the fucking game for once instead of riping quotes out of context you dumb fucking niggerfaggot.

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>Fallout 3
>Starcraft 2
>Diablo 3
Nice bait.

Faggots mad that Paradox will breathe new life into World of Darkness.

Can't wait for all the new LARPs


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My dude the entire Anarch faction was literally made up of Che worshippers.

>dialogue options and characters you can call retards to their faces for their believes
>like an actual RPG
>i-it's the same!
That's gonna be a yikes from me, sonny

I'll take old leftist politics over this new gay tranny pronoun mental illness bullshit

If you replaced any of this with Trump I guarantee there would be thousands of threads on here crying and whining about it, lol

>>Deb of Night type feature will make an appearance as confirmed by Mitsoda
Give me more info, anything at all, Deb of Night is one of the best pieces of atmosphere building in any vidya ever.

kill all trannies

You don't know what a strawman is, right?

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No it wasn't. it was made up of a centuries-old pirate, a dejected vietnam veteran, a dude who grew up during the great depression, and one dumbfuck che worshipper

There's a gender pronouns option?! Oh no! This absolutely ruins this game, because the uh... um...

...Can someone remind me why this is an actual problem, again?

Then why are there never any dialogue options that explicitly criticize Democrats? Why is there nothing on the radio that criticizes Democrats? They didn't even take the GTA/South Park approach of "lol just criticize both parties".

This is the new contrarian narrative, huh? Literal joke answers, a character the others call "college girl" for being such a fake Communist, and Nines - who you can call out on all his hypocrisy. I'm really questioning who hasn't actually played the game, here.

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>dated jokes and anarchist and a commie mean the whole game was about politics

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if they pretend to be outraged now no one will suspect them of playing as a trap when the game finally comes out.

Dilate harder tranny

gay shit and vampire literally go hand in hand, it's only insane because you're bitchboi and can't handle opinions you don't agree with

You can literally tell Nines straight to his face that what he believes is bullshit. What more do you need? He's a Great Depression Progressive, for fuck's sake.

Shhh...don't upset the newfags from resetera who only played the game after seeing memes about it

this feels like a phonepost, specifically iphone

>gay shit and vampire literally go hand in hand
There was a time before twillight, tranny.

The source material has always been left as fuck.

But this shit is so far off the reservation that they'res talk of fucking with the Malkavians in the name of the mentally ill.

Can you not do that in 2?

>joke answers
Yeah but if they mentioned Trump you'd be crying about muh drumpf now wouldn't you
>muh college girl
There is no way to actually harm or kill her or any of the other Anarchs, while you are required to kill LaCroix in basically every ending except the one where you die with him. The Anarchs regularly and consistently help you throughout the game, Nines saves you over and over again, and you interact with them far more than any other faction aside maybe LaCroix, the wealthy elite portrayed as objectively evil. The only other guy is Strauss, who you barely interact with outside of cleaning up his own fuckup with the gargoyle.

its retarded

>The source material has always been left as fuck.
They've outdone themselves tough with the last edition.

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Right, all of you you, stop shitposting for a second you fucking chimps.

The games release is a year away, do ANY of you have any actual clips of gameplay yet or is this all just a meme arguing over unknowns.

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I agree, but not to this degree. It was less pride parade and more "sex is sex no matter how you look at it"

I am buying this game and no Nazi cant stop me

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What the fuck are you even trying to say?

point to the pride parade in vtmb2

It's literally t_dniggers seething because the dev mentioned politics when asked. Embarrassing desu.

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I bought it mostly because I have this obnoxious feeling it will go like metro and become an epic "Exclusive" before it actually releases and if I don't preorder now I would have to get it on epic which I refuse to do. I can just refund it later if it seems to be shit.

Holy fuck this! I saw this same topic on r/gaming and people were posting links to this place so all of us that hate leftist politics in games could join up and spam the fuck out of the internet.
We will win this fight!

You can't do shit to him or any of the other Anarchs though. And the game obviously tries to portray Nines as a good guy because he saves you before you get executed, he saves you AGAIN in Downtown when you get ambushed by Sabbat and he fends off one of the werewolves by himself. The only thing you can do to the Anarchs is a handful of comments and flipping them off at the end during the Independent ending, when you help them anyways by killing LaCroix

Go ahead, I can't wait to play it

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>game allows you to play as either a leftist or rightist vampire
>sequel pushes the leftist viewpoint hard to the point that the devs tell you that whatever is right from far left is not welcome here
>contrarians on Yea Forums think this is an improvement because they waited so long for a sequel they deluded themselves that this is fine

No one ever thought it wouldn't be shit.

No it didn't. This is revisionist history.

>can tell lefties to fuck off?

almost certainly, if you have any choices in dialog whatsoever.

>There's a gender pronouns option?! Oh no! This absolutely ruins this game, because the uh... um...

Because (a)the word "gender" does not actually apply to people; (b)anyone who believes that it does has brain cancer of the highest order and is literally incapable of crafting a decent story, which is sort of a problem with a game where the story is the ONLY selling point.

sorry zoomer, even the original dracula acted gay as fuck
first off we havent seen anything yet, and 2nd if it's a contemporary game then theres no issue with that, since nowadays you dont have to hide it as much so it makes sense the characters would be more open about it

its resetera trannies trying to start a flamewar so they can btfo le nazis

Yes it did

Which isn't a Che worshipper, and Jack's closer to a Libertarian than anything else, a very "you do you" kinda guy. Whats more is you didn't have to side with them at all, you could go Camarilla like a sensible person. Modern SJW games tend to lock you into siding with whomever they think is more moral/lefty. Given the fact they're pushing pronouns in the fucking character screen doesn't bode well for the rest of the game.

You mean the time where Dracula was a symbol of female sexuality which was why he was amble to attract females so easily.

You mean the Buffy times when they flipped the Van Helsing myth and made the character a woman putting even more focus on the fact that vampires are a symbol of female sexuality?

Attached: Buffy_vs._Dracula_04.jpg (421x600, 39K)

Oh a few jokes about Bush equals leftist politics. Who the hell even likes that neocon kike?

>the devs tell you that whatever is right from far left is not welcome here

>another strawman
You really like that one, huh? I guess you just learned about it in debate class but haven't understood why using it just shows that you had no argument in the first place I guess.

So, guys, we know that there will be 6 base clans in the game. What are they ?

>1 : Ventrue ?
>2 : Toreador ?
>3 : Brujah : ?
>4 : ???
>5 : Tremere ?
>6 : ???

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It's trailer has around 600k views, it's going to do pretty well, quality will be minimal in all the players that are important unfortunately.

the irony in this post is palpable

>t. zoomers pretend to know shit when they clearly don't
Loving every laugh

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Not sure if trolling or clinically insane.

Will buy the game and if it has leftist politics I will buy one for all my friends

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>trannies are so fucking prevalent it's no longer publicly okay to speak out and call it a mental illness when you cut your own dick off
fuck me

that said, I'm excited for 2

All the current Camarilla clans: Brujah, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, and Ventrue.
Gangrel had left Camarilla a while back.

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Check the interviews and the newest source material

If it’s a true sequel to the game I love I can overlook a few lines about the big bad orange man oppressing genderqueers

The DLC and season pass wankery before showing even one second of gameplay is enough to set the sails for it. This shit is just icing on the cake.

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>reseterafags pretending they've played the first game
ebin, can't wait for another pedo scandal.

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>You're not allowed to reference how retarded the devs are because Yea Forums will get triggered over the fact that they can't discuss their shitty game in peace


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Post proof or get the fuck out.

thats nothing lmao

>Which isn't a Che worshipper, and Jack's closer to a Libertarian than anything else, a very "you do you" kinda guy.
They're all part of the same faction, though

>Whats more is you didn't have to side with them at all, you could go Camarilla like a sensible person
You barely even interact with Strauss at all during the game and he fucks up by letting his enslaved gargoyle go loose
>Modern SJW games tend to lock you into siding with whomever they think is more moral/lefty.
The game was clearly biased towards the Anarchs over the Camarilla by repeatedly showing them in a positive light.
>Nines saves you from getting executed
>Jack tries giving you advice when no one else would
>Nines saves you from getting ambushed by the Sabbat in Downtown
>Nine takes on one of the werewolves by himself
>Jack helps you when LaCroix calls a bloodhunt on you
There is no Camarilla equivalent to any of these, we never see Strauss or anyone from the Camarilla protect you or try to defend you, we don't see any of them try to help you during the Blood Hunt, etc.

The only thing you can do to the Anarchs is a handful of insults. Tung will tell you that the Camarilla is necessary but the game itself never shows that or shows the Anarchs fucking up or making any huge mistakes, while Strauss fucks up, Ming backstabs you and LaCroix goes mad over the Sarcophagus

Who even listens to these? They're just in the background, not in your face. And I have no love for Republicans, they are just the same as the Democrats

Vampires are all about sexuality. Just because they don't say it outright doesn't mean they aren't

Literally babbys first interpretation

You know, Animal Farm was about politics as well.

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Do your research on your own, cunt. Do you think I am your leftist minority slave that serves whitey?

Have sex.

So, will we see the Banu Haqim ? Aren't they with the Camarilla now ?

It fucking should be. Or another W1
>same focus on story and writing
>same combat
>no needlessly giant tacked-on open world
>world that actually has shit to explore, not just "lol here's a question mark which is just another bandit camp"
>that fucking act 2 split
Do you remember what it was like to get rid of Kayran nests in the Flotsam forest? It sure as fuck wasn't just walking to a point on the map, killing 3 of them, and then hitting a prompt

>implying I dont like the political side of Bloodlines

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>Vampires are all about sexuality
One could almost, ALMOST, think that you never even tried to play WoD.

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Yes actually. Get to work, house nigger.

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Fallout New Vegas and Deus Ex (the game that practically names the jew) are SJW?

have sex


>Who even listens to these?
Fuck you, the radio station is fantastic immersion.

Why would you kill the Anarchs? Like LaCroix said they're mostly just talk and are annoying to deal with as they will always back the little guy while hating the authority figure in any scenario. Attempting to deal with or dismantle them would cause far more problems than just letting them screech in their dirty bar.

My work is ruining the shilling of paradoxfags like you.


TW2 is actually the best Witcher game. TW1 is not far behind, though.

Everything is SJW the moment uis hads even the slightest left undertone no matter what the rest of the game is about. The constant claim that VtMB was "leftist as fuck" is more then ample proof of it.

Absolutely seething, it really do be that easy
*dabs on*

>There is no way to actually harm or kill her or any of the other Anarchs, while you are required to kill LaCroix in basically every ending except the one where you die with him.
Nice try. I'm still not convinced you played the game. Lacroix doesn't represent any faction, which is why he dies in almost every ending. It's easy to tell the Anarchs to fuck off and go with the Camarilla.

>The Anarchs regularly and consistently help you throughout the game, Nines saves you over and over again, and you interact with them far more than any other faction aside maybe LaCroix.
It's implied time and again by multiple parties (including Lacroix, whose various criticisms about the Anarchs are shown to be entirely true), that they're nice to you because they want a powerful pawn to help them kick the Camarilla out. As for interacting with them far more than any other faction, Los Angles is the capital of the Anarch Free State. I don't know what else you were expecting. But, a majority of the Barons (Tourette, Isaac) are nominally anarchs and are loyal only to themselves and their domains. The greatest number of quests are given by Lacroix, with Anarch faction NPCs being related only to side quests in the Downtown hub - of which the main one is shared with Strauss. Moreso, you only get one single other side quest from the Anarch faction without actually joining them - same as the one other side quest you get from Strauss. All the request come from independent Anarchs with no tie to the faction.

>Fallout New Vegas
people have been calling Sawyer a SJW for a while, he gets into shouting matches with people over diversity, etc.
>Deus Ex
Warren Spector is very pro-feminist and didn't think Lollipop Chainsaw should have been made

>Provides proof that there's more political shit than a few Bush jokes
>W-Who even listens to these!?

Holy fuck.

Can’t wait to play with a trans, wolfgendered, non-binary, pan sexual, non gender conforming vampire. While at the same time fighting for equality between the the vampires and the werewolves and smashing the patriarchy. If you’re a vampire and non a feminist. You’re literally a nazi

Attached: tiresome.png (1022x731, 643K)

>hurr durr heres a group named the ANARCHS saying stuff that a ANARCH would say
>also heres a literal joke vampire commie that says communism doesnt work on humans but might on vampires
>/pol/ btfo

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well you're going to get most if not all of that in Bloodlines 2, so consider yourself lucky.

Witcher 1 is best Witcher.

Doubt it.

>NPC: Fuck Camarilla and fuck Elders
>Yeah fuck them
>At least they get shit done
>Fuck off hippie

>NPC:Fuck Camarilla and fuck Trump
>Kill whitey! End white privilege!
>May I suck your feminine penis?

The combat in W1 is fucking dog shit

Oh I'm not complaining about VTMB2 at all, I just fucking HATE it when people praise the modern AAA open world bullshit
I'll reserve my judgement for the SJWness until the game actually comes out

>is another "I dont like what you like episode"

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Yeah. It's crazy how mad people get when you interrupt videogame discussion to talk about unprompted non-vidya things on a videogame image board.
They really need to lighten up.

lmao this

Bingo. That's what the pol fucks and the leftypol fucks, don't quite grasp. Of course dipshits like the dude who's simultaneously posting hitler and complaining about pol, clearly are here for the shitflinging.

v5 vampire the masquerade ALREADY has super far leftists diablerizing other super far leftists over insane political shit. How much of this spills over into the video game version has yet to be seen.

When you ask "how bad could it get?" I'm inclined to think about the Beast the Primodial debacle.

There's already been plenty of source material snippets posted, and there will be more of that shit in the future threads.

At least someone fucking understands. Open world was a mistake.

>make radio ads funny
>noone gives a shit
Wow it's almost like its a genuine parody or some shit

I was talking about 2 but I can see how I worded that confusingly by mentioning 1 just beforehand
Also, W1 combat is fine.

so when is Yea Forums gonna outgrow it's "we wanna be like /pol/ too" phase.

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NV had the saving grace of avellone being on baord and still having a say in the game. dude's himself a lefty but at least his writing is for the most part free of it which you can see in NV. Only later on he got more and more cut out of the writing process and you ended up with pillars of equality where, funnily enough, the only memorable character was written by Avellone.

I hope they are heavy on (leftist) politics

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Nice to see somebody will be carrying Bioware's torch when EA sends them to the shadow realm

You can't harm Strauss, either. I don't see what your point is. You're told by multiple people that you're being manipulated. Yeah, Nine saves your ass multiple times - and then proceeds to flaunt it as if you owe him something. His whole 'I help the little guy' schtick falls away pretty quickly when he starts flaunting the fact that he's saved your ass multiple times, and even the slightest bit of disagreement with his philosophy causes him to become a bitch. I think you're just projecting, at this point.

Meh the concept of open world is fine, it just sucks that every modern game has to have it because normies expect to go hunting for pointless collectibles in an empty world for 100 hours now
Do yourself a favor and play any of the best Piranha Bytes games (Gothic 2, Risen, ELEX) to see how great an open world with effort put into it can be

Idk man. It's almost like an rpg should have stuff other than npc dialogue and music to get you immersed in the world.

You have to be completely and utterly delusional if you think the game portrays all of the factions equally

The Anarchs are shown doing all this shit >Nines saves you from getting executed
>Jack tries giving you advice when no one else would
>Nines saves you from getting ambushed by the Sabbat in Downtown
>Nine takes on one of the werewolves by himself
>Jack helps you when LaCroix calls a bloodhunt on you

While the Camarilla and Strauss do LITERALLY NOTHING, unless you're a Tremere in which case he gives you a room. They don't do shit during the Blood Hunt, you never SEE them actually help you or do anything that you could even perceive as heroic or positive. All you get is some comments by people like Tung who insist that we need the Camarilla, you are TOLD that they are necessary by a handful of NPCs but the game never actually SHOWS them in a positive light in the same way it portrays the Anarchs.

>Women are only good for sex

What's the difference between ol dubbya and trump, like, actually?
I ditched in 2011 for based Estonia, what'd I miss? I avoid news sources because everyone seems to have gone insane, reddit's just full of bullshit
and I don't really feel like reading up on a war and peace length book about this shit
Bush was an idiot who did stupid things, that's why he was disliked, right? "Muh WMD's" and the stupid color coded scale of estimated terrorism
Obama had that NSA bullshit and I think lied about shutting down that MGS prison camp, gwantanimo or some shit
I know PR got fucked due to some local gov't shenanigans as well as a fishy as fuck contract awarded by the fed to fix it because I've got a friend who lives there, and he never built some wall or something???
like what makes people defend trump, or ANY of the last couple of presidents? They all seem to have done jack shit of use, been flagrant retards, etc, but Trump's the only one I've seen get defended like this. The fuck am I missing? It's fuckin' weird to see my mongolian basketweaving forum defend a president of all things; they're like the base standard for "stupid moron we put at the top"

To correct myself, "the open world". In TW3 specifically. It didn't need it, but they really wanted that Skyrim audience and ended up spreading too thin.

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The left from 15 years ago is an entirely different beast than the left today.

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There's nothing wrong about a game including some political commentary - and depending on how skilled a writer is they can do a lot of good stuff with politics. Most of the complaints about Bloodlines 2 stems from fears insofar as the interviews are concerned which seem to display a desire for more political commentary, and that they make polarizing decisions regarding things like pronouns and so on displays that they are being relatively biased on one end of the political spectrum; i.e. the left. There's nothing inherently wrong with this per se - a lot of leftists make great art, and you can always separate a great artist from their politics (both on the left and right) - but there is, again, the fear. The fear that things will be abundantly biased in one direction, and that the political writing - as it is with most recent video games that try their hand at it - will feel forced and lacking in nuance. This fear is reinforced by the absolutely retarded way White Wolf has been acting in the last year especially (good /tg/ thread on it here:

No one wants this game to turn out bad, especially those amongst us that have been thirsty for another Bloodlines for so long. I still have hope. That being said, it's colored with fear and an expectation of failure; I can very much see this game going into the cringeworthy direction of Bioware titles where characters will be their pronouns or sexual orientation first, and actual characters last. All writing needs nuance. The original had it in spaces, and I can only hope the sequel will as well. Boiling everything down to "REEEE SJWS ARE RUINING OUR GAMES" or "REEE POLTARDS ARE CRYING ABOUT EVERYTHING" just degrades the conversation.

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Even if /pol/ were fucking deleted, leftypol would seek out the most retarded pol shit to fling around here. I think it will last until ww3.

Avelone at least tries to give the player agency, rather than making a fucking chick tract. I'm less confident in the third writer, the sidequest lead.

I see. I 100% agree with that. The problem is that companies always want more and more profits and this open world shit works to suck in all the casuals, so they'll never ever go back on it.
Cyberpunk will be the same.
As for VTMB2, I fucking hate their DLC policy and they utterly ruin every grand strategy game with MUH MANA but I have at least some faith in Paradox to let the devs do their thing

>What's the difference between ol dubbya and trump, like, actually?
well, the most overt difference is that one is a war mongerer and the other isn't.

>Bioware titles where characters will be their pronouns or sexual orientation first
name these titles

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Ken Levine, the guy who directed has been called a SJW by Yea Forums, yes

DA:2, DA:I, and Andromeda. This one is probably the most egregious example. They literally exist to tell you that they're trans and that's all they're there for.

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Alright Yea Forums I'm gonna pick up my playthrough again. First time playing the game, I pretty much stopped playing because there's too many other games I wanted to play
Brujah focusing completely on combat, any tips besides the common ones like "don't open it"? I'm gonna open whatever "it" is the second I can, you do realize that's what happens when you constantly say to not open it?
Will I be able to finish the entire game just by popping Celerity and spamming left click? I beat that blood demon from the painting like that but it was close. I would love to be more tactical with the combat but I never got the block to work properly

It's almost like the anarchs want you to get on their good side because they know they are useless hippies who only complain about Cammies and sit in their bar all day.
Prove me wrong cunt.

seriously, dont open it

I'd swap 1 and 2.

6 might be Lasombra? 4 might be Nosferatu?

Gunplay sucks. Stick to melee

>“It was very of its time,” Ellison said of the first game. “It approached certain topics differently. How we look at stuff has matured since then.”
>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
>“We talk about these issues constantly,” Ellison added. “Because we care about including people, we want them to feel powerful and sexy, and we don’t want them to feel like it’s not for them.”
lol nice game

I'm a Brujah of course I'll stick to melee. Just wondering if there is anything more effective than left click until thing is dead

Why should weak and ugly people feel included with the powerful and sexy

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Why would weak and ugly people buy your game if you exclude them?

As said here, and in the post you responded to, it's pointed out that the Anarchs are not just benevolent in their attempt to help you. They want to use you. Just like the Camarilla, just like the Kuei-Jin. Which is why the Independent ending goes the way it does.

Jack is independent. He just hates the Camarilla. If you ask him if he's an Anarch, he literally denies it, you mong.

Why is it the Camarilla who are the only ones that mobilize any attempt to stop the Sabbat's obvious attempts to infiltrate Los Angles? It sure as fuck isn't the Anarchs who told you to blow up their warehouse, or to go kill Alexei. You're a member of the Camarilla literally the whole game, and then the Camarilla gives you the opportunity to get revenge on Lacroix at the end, in order to encourage a 'change in management'.

The only one pushing a narrative here, is you. Stop your cherrypicking and fuck off back to /pol/.


Holy fuck stop thinking it's about politics. The companies want as much money as humanly possible, that's why they target every demographic and not just one type. Fucking christ how is this so difficult to grasp. It is just about money.

They're probably gonna look at shit like the guy with the prosthetics clinic and go "REEEEEEEEEEEEE wanting to chop off your own body parts is a legitimate mental illness we have to help him"

Because if they don't they hate women and minorities

When is the protagonist ever weak or ugly? What a fucking terrible argument. People want to play as the strong and handsome, never the opposite.

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>it's just capitalism totally not subverting and eroding your culture over here goy!

The games not even out yet?
>inb4 doesn't matter it'll suck
It'll come out, get decent to great review scores both from users and critics, will flood Yea Forums for anywhere from a week to a month, and you'll shitpost about it.

Then you'll post some dumb out of context shit in every single thread, instead of playing video games, and pretend to have pirated it (not buy or even play, but pirated) to try to falseflag your way through an argument with either a shill who hasn't played the game either but just blindly buys into ITS A GOOD GAME or the 1/100 person who has, in fact played the game, until the next thing comes out and you start immediately shouting TORTANIC

In this time you will likely have played about an hours worth of a game, and it won't be one even remotely related to VtM in the slightest.

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Come to think of it, the prosthetics shop would never exist under the new developers because it is triggering real people who need prosthetics.
In conclusion, the sequel will be lukewarm shit.

I'm weak and ugly. I buy games if they're fun. I don't care about being included because I'm not obsessed with myself.

I play roleplaying games to (get this) roleplay as another person because my life is fucking boring.

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>It fucking should be. Or another W1
W1 fucking sucked and people who pretend otherwise are just retarded contrarians.

Also niles tells you after choosing the independent ending " we could use someone like you". If any one here implies the anarchs are good to you because they are kind are fucking wrong.

>calling it bad before it releases is stupid
>calling it good before it releases is wise
Fuck off shill

user, remind me who the first people who played video games were? Were they strong and handsome people, user?
Were they?
It's almost like Video Games are a...fantasy, a form of escapism...
Gosh, it's almost like all media thrives on having handsome strong cool people portray an incredible majority of characters

W1 was fucking great and people who pretend otherwise are just underageb&s whose first RPG was Skyrim

i love this victim complex

Nines will give you free Brawl and Melee training after first arriving in Downtown and right after the mission on the ship respectively, if either of the skills have less then 2 points and if you get in Nines' good graces.
Melee is a superior combat skill to Brawl, because you get weapons that deal more damage than your fists, but having high Brawl will allow you to feed on humans mid combat.
Endgame squid boss will be a pain in you're pure melee. IMO it's doable, but ranged weapon skills would help a lot.

It's bad on every metric.
Even Skyrim is a better game than W1

>People want to play as the strong and handsome, never the opposite.
i can name 5 games with ugly protags.

>speak in facts
>resetranny gets triggered at said facts

I am going full melee, I didn't really see the point of using fists unless you're gangrel
Maybe I'll have some free points to throw into firearms at some point, I'll try to keep that in mind


i'm just worried. i want a game that's fun for everyone. political bias degrades everything.i wouldnt want a game that's fellating the alt-right either

your life is not a videogame LOL

But why the fuck would I, as a weak and ugly person, play a game where the game insults people like me?

That's like going on a date with a girl, you pay for all of it, and she proceeds to insult you throughout the whole night. Then coming back for more.

this is a good thing, all of this is a good thing, I am happy that not only have they made a new bloodlines game, they are making a new bloodlines game that will upset all the right wing whiny gamergate bitches.

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>>speak in facts

It's great on every metric.
Skyrim is a far worse game than W1

>That's like going on a date with a girl, you pay for all of it, and she proceeds to insult you throughout the whole night. Then coming back for more.

Haha yeah lol who would want that... do you know anyone who provides a service like this? Asking for a friend.

>But why the fuck would I, as a weak and ugly person, play a game where the game insults people like me?
So you mean like being a straight white man and playing ANY videogame released after 2016?

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You are free to prove me wrong lol


And? I'm not talking about the Anarchs intent, I'm talking about how the game portrays the factions. The game never sets up the Camarilla the same as the Anarchs. You never interact with the Camarilla as much as you do the Anarchs. The Camarilla never bother trying to help you, the Camarilla never do anything that the player actually sees that would be positive.

The game is clearly biased towards the Anarchs from the very beginning because they constantly save you while the Camarilla and Strauss do literally nothing to help you. I don't know how the fuck you can possibly think that they are both being treated equally when you almost never interact with Strauss to begin with.

>hurr you are the Camarilla
is a completely retarded argument. You are working for LaCroix, who is objectively evil by the end of the game and calls a Blood Hunt on you. Where the fuck was the Camarilla then? It's only Jack who comes to your aid, Strauss never pops up, nor does anyone from the Camarilla pop up. It's never Strauss or another Camarilla agent who tells you to blow up the warehouse or kill Alexei.

It's bad user.
It does nothing good and is just a shitty game in general.

It's great user.
It does everything well and is just an amazing game in general.

>play a game where the game insults people like me?
presumably because you're not a little bitch? I'm fat. It's my fault I'm fat. Fat people are mocked because fat is something that no one desires in a person unless you're a woman. It's funny to make fun of fat people. I make fun of myself all the time. It's cathartic.

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Firstly, I said it'll get good scores with critics and users. Not once did I say it would BE a good game, user. Maybe work on that reading comprehension.

like oh my god it doesn't even matter what Yea Forums thinks about a game, because I'm absolutely convinced none of you dumb niggers buy or even play games, you just shitpost about them using 5 to 10 sentences you saw in screenshots in the board and just base everything off of that

Yea Forums was right like once or twice, and now just rolls with "I saw some words on a twitter" and just screams HAHAH GAME'S TRASH before a fucking TRAILER has hit, it's absolutely obnoxious

>So you mean like being a straight white man and playing ANY videogame released after 2016?
Why are you retards like this?
Why the fuck do you retards still pretend that this is even remotely true?

But it's not my fault i'm ugly. You don't just suddenly become ugly.


>You don't just suddenly become ugly.

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>like oh my god it doesn't even matter what Yea Forums thinks about a game
You don't have to be here long to realize this. You browse Yea Forums to get rid of boredom and to get an occassional good opinion out of some rando user that doesn't jump on the bandwagon.

Everyone else who doesn't think like us is just a retard who probably browses reddit. That's how it's always been.

user just ignore them, and avoid these threads.

We've got at least 6 more months of people being retarded and shitposting over nothing, and then when the game comes out they'll do it some more.

Drop off the site and play a game, or find a different thread. Ain't nothing else for it.

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There are games that Yea Forums called shit before release and indeed were shit after release, like Andromeda and MGSurvive. Your point kind of falls apart.
Take Yea Forums away from this discussion: the red flags are there and it doesn't look good for VTMB2.




Communists are my enemy

exactly because of threads like this one.

What if this game sucks dick?
VtmB 1 has dedicated fans and they will expect the same kind of details that 1 had. What if this fails?

Clearly outside of the scope of what he meant and you know it

So what about me who was ugly from birth.

Andromeda was fine, better than ME3 even. The hate bandwaggon here is so over exaggerated it's not even funny. Andromeda hate is a good reason never to listen to Yea Forums.

You fucking serious dude? They'll sell 50x as much marketing to a new demographic as they'd ever sell to the old fans. They won't give a shit



You know what? I'll give you that, full stop. I don't even know anything about it, all I know is a friend of mine likes it and when I ask him about it he just says "Oh, no, dude. It's retarded, you don't wanna know."

I guess I just feel ashamed that I've been here so long and yet I keep trying and hoping anyways that I'll find sensical opinions more often than usual.

It feels like the actual opinions have remained the same in number, but the shitposting and falseflagging have multiplied by fucking ten.

Fuck, I think I'm just gonna go to sleep and then handle some abnormalities with Angela or fuck around in blender or something

>I can't remember anything from a year ago

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ME3 story was better though I freely admit a lot of goodwill comes from using characters I've grown to know and like over 2 games
Andromeda has retarded open worlds where you tick collectibles off a box just like DA:I
And MEA gameplay doesn't even come CLOSE to how goddamn fun every single class in ME3 was


getting married. faggot

The game is a year away and the only game outselling it currently is Sekiro. It's going to do fine.

The original sold less than 80k when it was released so already the second game is ahead.

Stop treating Yea Forums like a serious thing, that's like rule number 1. It's a fucking online web forum.

The problem is that for most of these underageb&s, the internet IS serious business and they take that attitude to Yea Forums
>oh shit someone said a bad word on twitter!
>oh shit someone insulted me on Yea Forums!


>Firstly, I said it'll get good scores with critics and users. Not once did I say it would BE a good game, user. Maybe work on that reading comprehension.

Andromeda is at a 72 in critic reviews, with a 4.9 in user reviews. It's not even a case of "Yea Forums WAS RIGHT", everybody shat on that game.

Yea Forums calls EVERY GAME SHIT before release, they don't get a fucking prize when "holy shit turns out this blatant cashgrab was in fact a blatant cashgrab!"

Yea Forums's a fucking machinegun firing downrange, hitting 1000 games with shitposts and then upon seeing the got a massive 5 actually bad games they throw a party to pretend they're not absolute fucking muppets

>some literal who made a retarded tweet for the millionth time that didn't even affect anything
Yeah you're a bunch of retards.

>that one autistic dude who writes out paragraphs of shit on Yea Forums
fucking lmao

when will this retarded "culture war" end?

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I have no idea why people still complain about muh big bad Mr Yea Forums when everybody knows baitmasters, shitposters, and falseflaggers are everywhere and different people with different opinions are posting at different times, do you have any idea how many faggots come to this shithole?

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You do realize tht this is part of what the game wants to accomplish right? They want to portray this polarized modern culture. Your gut reaction is okay. Anyway I don't see how vampire culture in America would not be affected. If their foods goes nuts so do they. It's like cow disease.

I have no idea why some people still haven't figured out that SJW defence enforces are mostly ledditors and Resetera immigrants who don't know not everything is 100% true and genuine all the time in this place.

Are you the NSA for knowing this like that or you just doxx people?

Oh shut up. We all know there's /pol/ posters who are just as retardedly convinced by their propaganda as SJWs are

been here before Project Chanology you red capped faggot.


> I'm not talking about the Anarchs intent, I'm talking about how the game portrays the factions
That bit of context is vital to understanding their depiction in the game. Don't be a sophist.

>I don't know how the fuck you can possibly think that they are both being treated equally when you almost never interact with Strauss to begin with.
Because I'm not viewing the material with an agenda to sell like you are, you absolute faggot. I'm understanding the material within the context of its own narrative, not trying to Post-Modern the shit out of it like a Freshman Film Studies student.

>is a completely retarded argument. You are working for LaCroix, who is objectively evil by the end of the game and calls a Blood Hunt on you
I don't know, sweetie. They give you carte blanche to assassinate the Prince of a whole city they want to take back from a rival faction, after giving you almost everything you have in Vampire society throughout the whole game. I'm going to point out something to you and I want you to think real hard about it: did you ever notice how Jack, and Nines or anyone else from the Last Round is never seen together in a cutscene? Did you ever notice how they didn't seem aware that he was the one who stole the Anhkaran sarcophagus, murdered everyone on the Elizabeth Dane, or put the bomb inside it to assassinate Lacroix? That might be because Jack has his own agenda, and doesn't give a fuck about the other Anarchs in the city. You're missing a key point of VtM narrative in general that was applied in Bloodlines: everyone is manipulating you. Everyone wants you to their dirty work. Everyone has an opinion. Jack tells you numerous times to say fuck it to them all and do your own thing - that is his agenda. There is a reason his tutorial quest is called 'An Introduction to Jyhad'.

But, context is hard to deal with when you all have to argue is an invented narrative, right?