Chester Bennington is the main protagonist
Play Manhunt 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Leo's the protag. Chester's a stupid cuck. lmao.
>And the shadow of the day
>Will embrace the world in grey
>And the sun
>Will set for you
>That concert in which they timed Shadow of the day to the sunset
Watched that whole concert on YT the day he died without remembering that part. It fucking killed me.
>Not thinking he should've died prior to the trash they released following Meteora.
Seek immediate conversion therapy, alright? Nobody likes a tasteless faggot.
Manhunt 2 can be played uncensored on PC. You could purchase and download the Adults Only version a few years back.
Wasn't available on Steam, though.
I believe the Russian version's uncensored straight out the case.
Shit can also be played uncensored on a PS2 that's been modded. Do your research 'cause I don't know the details.
The PlayStation Portable port's solid as fuck. Wii release has motion control executions.
They did a decent job with the censorship. Looks great' cause the visuals get fucked like you're a legit schizo. I might prefer that since both games have terrible graphics now.
manhunt 1 on pc too or nah?
>Linkin Park after Meteora
If you want soft rock, listen to anything else on the radio, you 14 year old
I kinda wish rock star would make another one
Yeah. Sure. Do your research, though. You might need to download a patch to make it work on your Operating System.
The series has a cult following, though. Shouldn't be a problem.
I was gonna direct you to a dope ass community where Manhunt fanatics have congregated since the original dropped.
It's fucking gone, though.
Hope to Hell someone saved the cool shit they had. Information on the original prior to release — when James had a different look. Weapons that got removed prior to release.
Even had a list of every reference to Manhunt in the Grand Theft Auto games.
like tears in rain
Damn I want to play this
Only edgelords stuck in their middle school phase hate post meteora LP. Their best albums are the ultimate pleb filters since they both alienate tryhard nu-metal faggots and pseudointellectual "mature" nerds.
I moved on to real metal long before Minutes to Midnight came out. What is the point of that fucking album? Why do you need to listen to that shit? Could just as well listen to any of the Coldplay albums you obviously have, faggot
Using legitimate musical analysis, tell me how Thousand Suns isn't the tightest shit.
>I moved on to real metal
Nevermind. That might be too hard for you.
I don't play cringe games wit nothing to offer but edgy violence
Using legitimate musical analysis, prove to me how it's better than Meteora.
>the tightest shit
nevermind. That might be too hard for you.
Burden of proof is on you mate. We all know thousand suns sucks. You have to convince us otherwise. That's how you argue against the general opinion btw.
Linkin Park is absolute shit.
I will never understand how that gay band is great to everyone, and yet Slipknot is called shit because of a god awful fanbase, yet every time Linkin Park comes u in discussion its always, ALWAYS about some dumb ass "ugh my parents r devorced ugh I cut myself and drink a lot WHY ME NO ONE LOVES ME"
A Thousand Suns breaks away from Meteora, which is a fine album, and its harsh, edgy sound to pursue more melodic and rich compositions. There's a lot of complexity, despite the reduced energy, behind tracks like "When They Come for Me" and "Burning in the Skies". There's a clear build of loudness towards the energetic peak of the album, with tracks like "Blackout" and "Wretches and Kings", which are pretty hard in different ways. They sacrifice heavy guitar and hard drumming for strong, thick layering and pounding electronic percussion. I think it's great at producing songs with low, subdued energies like "Iridescent" and "Waiting for the End", which provide that really nice contrast compared to the earlier records which were, for the most part, a big bar of unchanging energy. ATS has nuance and the album being thematically based around Nuclear war, is a bit on the nose, but they write around it pretty tastefully. It's funny, most people who hate this album hate it because it's not loud enough and the others hate it alongside the rest of their discography because they think it's edgy, but the lyrics never reach the angst that the first two records hit and it matches their energy on their more heavy tracks. ATS is an album that would probably be more accepted if it WEREN'T Linkin Park, since it wouldn't be dismissed by people who hate the band at first glance and it wouldn't be dismissed by "diehard fans" since it doesn't have enough guitar shredding or whining lyrics, but it's a really complex and, for once, mature endeavor for the band.
why are you here? what is the point of you even saying this? cringe game? that can be applied to fucking every game, every game that has violence has it for the sake of violence because you know what? violence is fun, whacking people in fucking wwe is fun, shooting people on gta is fun. stop using that stupid buzzword and learn to enjoy shit stupid mongoloid
>why are you here?
To let everyone know how much i think Manhunt is trash
>cringe game? that can be applied to fucking every game, every game
No, this game is quite clearly different in how it uses it's violence and you have to be a complete faggot to pretend otherwise
>learn to enjoy shit stupid mongoloid
I enjoy stupid shit and violence in vidoegames plenty. I just don't enjoy edgy cringe shit with no merits whatsoever besides marketable shock value.
Manhunt is kinda lame
Like killing a guy with a plastic bag by putting it over his head then punching him repeatedly in the face and breaking his neck?
>post DOA.jpg
okay user you got me with the bait
R.G. Catalyst made a repack for both games
They run flawlessly
I mean who needs arguments when you can just conveniently dismiss people based on unrelated arbitrary criteria, am i right?
not that guy but ur arguments are trash and ur a huge weeb faggot LOL cya loser
lol ok
imagine if rockstar tried to make a manhunt game today, oof.
yeah i can tell ur mad lil bitch
how it is not bait user? you went to spew how manhunt is only shock value but post fucking doa? the JOKE of fighting games? a game that fucking sells cuz waifus? how im I or anyone supposed to take you seriously?
Some very subjective claims there that you disguised as objective truths, like "low energy songs contrasting with loud songs is inherently better than only having loud songs", "lyrics matter at all", "we're not allowed to hate this Linkin Park album because it's the same shit as a million other soft rock albums", and "singing quieter is more mature and therefore better"
If this were by another band maybe it would indeed be liked more, it's almost as if people like a genre and generally hate it when bands just switch.genres. Other bands exist if you wanna listen to Coldplay shit
I am not surprised a Manhunt ming is some retarded faggot with a big mouth and a small brain. You literally have no fucking clue of what you are talking about.
Well, no shit any point I make looks bad if you oversimply them. But thanks for giving up and looking like a retard. I did my part and you did yours.
>I mean who needs arguments when you can just conveniently dismiss people based on unrelated arbitrary criteria, am i right?
Calling it now, its gonna be their next battle royale
Talking to a fucking retard is neither unrelated nor arbitrary, it's a legit reason for dismissal.
You made a post detailing why you think this album is good. I pointed out some of the underlying subjective assumptions that yoru arguments are based on. This isn't oversimplfying, it's teling you outright "a ncie contrast between energies" is not an objective positive argument. Good to see that you have absolutely no way of basing your argument on anything that doesn't ultimately boil down to "I like this kind of sound more"
ok lets argue, why (assuming you have played the games) is manhunt shit?
>tfw aussie
>both manhunt games were banned
did I miss out?
>after that post
>let's argue
lol let's not
>more melodic and rich compositions
Melodic is subjective, complexity doesn't equal quality.
>clear build of loudness
I don't care i wanted to listen to linkin park not neutral milk hotel.
>sacrifice guitar for electrogarbo
That has nothing to do with quality and is a detriment in my eyes.
>moments of nothingness is better than all out energy
Why? Again i'm listening to linkin park.
You don't have to be ashamed for liking crap. I like load and reload by metallica. But i know they're shit in comparison to kea, rtl, mop and ajfa (even black album)
Fuck you all niggers. Heres some good music so that you can mute your shitty games
You mean the same way all you can do is revert to the same non argument? You can't say shit like it's objective yourself, ask for analysis and then complain that the analysis on a piece of media isn't objective. That's not how music works.
You missed out on wasting money
Needing justification to enjoy violence is the gayest shit imaginable. There's nothing moral about wanting to see blood. You're just too afraid of public opinion to do what you want and be unashamed of it.
why are you scared? or you have not played the games and are talking out of your ass?
link to the concert vid?
>The use of dynamics is limited to Reddit Milk Hotel
Opinion discarded.
Fucking robot MLK
Not really. Not anymore.
regardless of how my musical taste changes over time, linkin park will always be so wonderfully nostalgic for me
You're a massive faggot
I just pirated them, then I told all the other kids how great the games were so they should play them too
Censorship is a joke
Thank you for realizing that review you wrote up there is completely useless because it's all subjective
The majority of people think it's shit, therefore you are wrong
Faint is top tier you sub-saharan bonobo.
Also some actual metal breaks the monotony of LP after a while.
>The majority of people think
>The majority of people think
>Source: Me and my retard friends
>electric wizard
>rust in peace
>ride the lightning
my african american brethren
try equilibrium, omnium gatherum and 1000mods
Lol retard
Manhunt 1 abd 2 were so good.
Shame the gunplay was trash.
Linkin Park is garbage.
cringe and bluepilled
>A thousand shits god tier
will do, thanks for the reccs
>Hasn't listened to it
You should. It's good. Great, even.
Yeah, that's me alright, afraid of "public" opinion guy. I am not looking for justification, i am looking for merit and enjoyment. I don't like Manhunt the same way i don't like Saw movies, an incredibly popular and mainstream movie series by the way, i don't like it because it's just tripe (pun intended). It's not rule of cool, it's not complementing the shit gameplay and it's not there for laughs. You could make the argument that it's there for the same reasons that it appear in horror games but i disagree because it's presented in a way to instill different feelings. It's just feels like cheap shock value and i find no enjoyment in that. You are the one trying to find justifications to why i would have such an opinion besides what i literally stated.
Manhunt is among the games i give the least fucks about, for me it was nothing but a fart in the wind that came and went. I am not interested in talking about it beyond literally the only thing it's ever known for, especially with an ignorant fuckhead like you.
this one of those ninja gaidens?
>manhunt 2
>you get conditioned by seeing words then images
>get personality of some murderer injected into you
Has this ever happened in real life? any more information on this subjet?
asking for a friend!
it be one of dem ninja gaidens, yis sur
You live it, dum-dum.
>Manhunt is among the games i give the least fucks about
why again WHY are you here then? other than posting your fav waifu from not dmc? derailing faggot
How can one man be so wrong, who wants to listen to LP for pussy feminine soft shit? Little emo boys like you so you can cry to it.
>I am not interested in talking about it
I do not like this thing, let me enter a thread about it and bless it with my holy opinion and then post this nugget here.
Come on, user. You're better than this.
Would the Manhunt series been made in Current Year times or would the professionally offended try to stop it from releasing?
>More buzzwords that don't mean anything
>Buzzwords from 2012, no less
rockstar is too big and would probably would prefer to keep themselves from controversy
but if they did, yeah, probably we would have Hillary trying to take it down and sites giving a lot of coverage just to say me don't like it
My post was literally just drive by shitpost, though i did it in earnest and not for bait. I was not gonna make a big deal out of it until you got so ass obliterated from it that you decided to put your mail order psychoanalyst skills in practice. You literally cared more about my post than i did and now you're crying about having to engage with me.
I mean it's an image board, i can post what i want unless its not safe for work. I do take every opportunity to post some waifus, because cute vidya girls just make the world a better place but this time it's actually legitimately relevant your posts.
I don't think you ever kill anybody who isn't white or male
So nobody would care
nobody gives a fuck about your blog, buddy.
Eat shit and die.
god, I really hope someone rapes u man, literally worthless
nice you got me, are you happy? can you go now? or you know... discuss the fucking game is the thread?
You are right user. All i wanted to do was to make a quick hot opinions shitpost drive by, i did not even think about it and never expected to get a (You) besides someone calling me a faggot or saying that my favorite game is shit and that would be it. I know bowing out and taking the toys home with me is a shitty thing to do but i am just legitimately not interested in talking about why i think Manhunt is bad, partially because i would not even have anything particularly interesting to say since i don't see any merits in it whatsoever. it's just generic besides the violence. That guy getting triggered by DOA and not even knowing what game he's looking at was just the cherry on top of the cake.
TLDR: I talk too much for someone who doesn't want talk, sorry about that too.
I never realized that people seriously listened to this shitty band until now.
Fuck now this thread is actually making me laugh
Was the Pickman Bridge a success or a failure, Yea Forums?
im not american so i dont get kidnapped by CIA niggers
That's a great idea. Imagine a big prison and as game progresses they start locking down sectors and you need to move to the center. Manhunt would be perfect for this, it would also allow for a different more stealthy approach to a battle royale. Instead of sniping you would hide in the shadows with a meat cleaver.
I still enjoy LP after all these years. They were my first "metal" band but they offer something that other bands in this "nu-metal" genre never managed to do. Mike is actually very talented individual and it's a shame the group will be always associated with all the edgy and cringy stuff instead of the good music they made.