So shoudln't the PC version be out by now? I think GTA5 PC got released in March after the initial release.
So shoudln't the PC version be out by now? I think GTA5 PC got released in March after the initial release
i expect a pc announcement around e3, probably coinciding with new console announcements and a port to nextbone and ps5, as that was more or less what happened with GTA V
I hope I’m playing it on my ps4 and want mouse aiming for that euphoria rag doll kino
GTAV PC came out years after the launch
>I think GTA5 PC got released in March after the initial release.
You're off by 2 years
plus a month, it actually came out april 5 2015
The PC version of GTA5 came out like a year and a half after the console release. Calm your horses.
hmmm gta5 was in summer and gta5 pc was like few months later in januari but then delayed to march or something
>hmmm gta5 was in summer
Of 2013, you dumb faggot.
We are obviously talking about PS4 and XBoX1 retards. Obviously that 720p beta version isn't gonna count.
So 14 november, 14 april. Thats 4 months.
I think RDR2 has been out for 4 months already
>PS4 and XBoX1
>initial release
Yeah obviously :^)
red dead redemption 2 was never released on xbox 360 or ps3 retard
Why do you retards keep asking when everyone tells you the same answer every time? It'll come out with the next gen versions
I really hope you're playing the retard with an extra chromosome for (You)s otherwise this is just pathetic.
I really want mod support so I can drop in a car from GTAV and do sick donuts.
>PS5 and Xbox720 have been announced
yeah no
never ever 2
And when did the PC version of RDR got released?
but that was before GTA5
>imagine living in 2019 and not having played or even finished RDR2
I haven't played any games released in 2018 or 2019.
What are you doing on Yea Forums then?
Being where I belong.
Shitposting about said games of course.
>imagine playing games in 2019
"4channel" was a mistake
ok so you add nothing, thanks for that
Huh, what have I missed?
he posted the "I only post satire" glowfag thing
So what? They released other GTA games on PC before RDR.
not an argument
How so? Apparently, PC releases of GTA games have nothing to do with PC releases of RDR games.
im waiting for the pc version
it was this
it will come to PC, only on the epic game store.
What a fucking idiot. He posts things withouts even trying to look them up.
obviously when talking about gta5 people mean the real version and not the fucking beta version without heists or even HD lmao
When did the (non PS Now) PS4 version of RDR release? Surely that means that it won't get RDR2 either then, right?
Lol the PC version on GTA V needed one year and eight months. Even if it comes, it’ll take some time.
Fuck off with your xbox360/ps3 720p no heist beta version
The Real GTA5 version was 14 november on PS4 and X1, then 14th of april we got the PC version which had the same shit.
Which is about the same time it is now. So RDR2 takes longer
>OP claims games initial release came out months after launch
>"No I meant to re-launch, lmao"
fuck off you retard
thats like saying the first lines of code are the release date
>no heist beta version
this, FPS mode and graphical changes were literally all it changed.
what the fuck does that even mean lmao?
I honestly can't understand people who claim that GTA5 ps3/xbox360 has been the release while it was clearly an experiment. It had none of the shit that actually makes the game good and fun.
So yeah, we had gta5 a year in beta, then 14 november came the PS4 and X1 and then 14 of april came the PC version
how the fuck is a full game release "a few lines of code"?
fuck this you're either completely retarded or trolling
Maybe it doesn’t release on PC, who knows? Revealing it at E3 or so would be far better but we already have leaked PC footage.
>but we already have leaked PC footage.
>actually falling for that obvious shoop
>It had none of the shit that actually makes the game good and fun.
lol like what? What was it lacking other than FPS mode and a game mode for the shitty online component?
Heists, a good multiplayer
also fucking maybe HD?
So other than the things I already mentioned in the post you're literally responding to, fucking nothing lmao? You're fucking pathetic
>a good multiplayer
holy shit youre not claiming GTA Online is good are you??
Why would you want to play such a shitty game anyway?
Heists are definately what make the game good
How so? That's a false pattern you got there.
Heists were fun.
>I honestly can't understand people who claim that GTA5 ps3/xbox360 has been the release while it was clearly an experiment.
who the fuck is this retarded and in denial about reality?
i mean for gods sake RDR2 is more of a tech demo than GTA5 was, and you havent said "RDR2 isnt out yet"
where is the consistency?
Won't be until november.