Why aren't there more games set in Africa?

Why aren't there more games set in Africa?

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Lots of games are set in Egypt

Because there aren't many game developers in Africa and so they don't have any knowledge on its landscape, history and culture.

That's why when you do see an African character it's often a stereotype. Or simply not an African.

> Chad the country looks almost exactly like the virgin vs Chad memes

Meme magic is real. I can’t stop laughing everytime I see a map of this part of Africa.

If we're generous, populous might be set in Africa as the cradle of tribal life.
The lack of games based there is likely due to the lack of RL content.

Chads face in the meme was modeled after the country's border.

Niger kinda looks like KFC drumsticks.

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We tried to put a game in a Nigger location. Everyone claimed it was racist.

>that one twitter feed of someone trying to call some nigerian racist for talking about the niger river

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Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the chicken wing

>Chad never taking his eyes off the Niger
Who would have thought this would help me out during a college test?

What kind of people live in Niger?

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Theres no history or culture there to put in games

There was one game.

Far Cry 2.

It is one of the most boring games ever made and I regret spending the £2 I spent on it to be quite honest with you lads.


>Theres no history or culture there to put in games
For western audiences maybe. But Africa is filled with history and culture

Far Cry 2 is fucking radical. Eat a dick.

They're called Nigerois, or niggers as I like to call them.

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>country name Niger is shaped like a chicken wing
And so is Kentucky. You can't make this shit up, a cosmic irony.

fuck off

>dumb AI
>plot is literally about aids

because that would be Racist™

There is, but it’s so different and foreign to our western sensibilities


The fuck are you going to make the game about? There's nothing there.

Sounds like the perfect location for a BOTW sequel then.

A game being set in a real life location is instant trash anyway.

Why aren't there more african game developers?

Farcry 2?

I dunno, maybe because the continent as a whole just isn't that interesting. Geographically it's mostly desert, jungle and grassland. Not much in the way of civilised history either. That's not me being racist or prejudice, it's just a fact. Same reason there's no* games set in Australia. It's just a very boring place in terms of human civilisation and history.



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name 27 games

I don't mean to burst your little bubble of delusion user, but if you go back far enough in your family tree your distant relatives are black Africans.

I was kings? Shiet.