Takes half of your money when you die

>Takes half of your money when you die
>Takes half of your exp when you die
>No way to recover lost resources
>Dying progresses NPC illness until they die and disappear forever, taking their side quests with them
>Genichiro boss fight is realistically challenging, until he becomes a god for some unknown reason and you have to fight his second form immediately after the first
>Doesn't keep the fight at stage 2 when you come back to try again

Yeah, this game suuure is fuuun... Seriously, though. What the fuck was Miyazaki thinking? This shit isn't hard; I have no problems parrying bitches for days. But it's a broken fucking mess. It looks fine and is usually at 60fps, has good mobility for the most part, and the combat is fine and even engaging when you're fighting anything that doesn't have more than one health bar, but once you do come across a boss or mini-boss, the game just completely shits itself. Add to the fact that they severely punish you for dying, in a game that is designed for comebacks, with permanent loss, and it's practically unplayable. It's fucking stupid.

But enough from this fag, what do you guys think? Is it everything you hoped for? Or do you think From shat the bed on this one?

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Other urls found in this thread:


git gud

git gud

git gud

>retards that prob haven't even played the game


git gud

git gud

git gud




most reddit thread on Yea Forums?

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git gud

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>genichiro 2nd form
But why? He gives you free hits with the lightning gimmick. Other than that its pretty much the same.

Nah, this is pretty much what Yea Forums has become, in a nutshell. Nothing but fucking zoomers.

I should have elaborated. I didn't mean to imply that his second form is hard. It's his first form that can be rough because if you fuck up a single exchange, he'll drain your gourds or outright kill your ass, leaving you with nothing for his second form, where the same rules apply. Taking hits even with his second form is expected, so not having any healing or resurrections makes it stupid that you have to fight both forms back-to-back.

Ok, so it's challenging. What do you want us to do?

git gud



I actually think every actual boss I've fought in this game besides horse boy has pulled this bait and switch so I have come to expect it. They all have one more health bar than shown for whatever reason.

Regardless I just never thought genichro was that bad since by that point I had learned that makiri counter is stupid good since you can mash dodge to make it come out. Genichiro also happens to use thrust more often than sweep and doesn't grab until the 2nd form. Also do you have 5 gourds? That plus the med skill (the one in the tree that is) would help you a lot to conserve resources if you don't already have them.

game just looks too edgy for me

mad cuz bad



Attached: Nigger alert.jpg (773x147, 25K)

git gud

Gud yourself

>tfw you expose Yea Forums for the casual nest it is

Attached: Your God is not here.jpg (480x570, 30K)

git gud

This game sounds cool but I don't think I'll ever play it. I won't be good enough to avoid this dragonrot thing people keep bringing up, so I'll play something else instead.

I haven't played this game but what if it's actually bad? Given that it's a FromSoft title, that's highly likely and "git gud" is not a defense. You can't just claim something is automatically good because it makes your penis feel bigger than 4" when you win, I could make a game where the hitboxes extend 45 feet from the boss's actual sword in all directions and that doesn't make it a good game.

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>side quests
there are side quests?

How can one chinaman be so based?

uninstalled after 5 mins. feel bad for people that paid for this 2bh

The only thing on that list that I actually have any problem with is that dying progresses the dragonrot.

People will spam "git gud", but that's exactly what the dragonrot spreading kind of limits. Half the fun of hard games is bashing your head into a wall until you're better at them. I love fighting bosses over and over again, just practicing certain aspects of the fight until I can no-hit it.

But the game feels like it's actively disincentivizing from trying to kill this purple ninja fuck past a bamboo wall in this memory by telling me that every time I die, the NPCs get more and more sick and I should stop fucking around in this memory and go find a cure for it.

And because this is a Souls-esque game, I'm sure the dragonrot isn't just for Unseen Aid, it will actually kill those NPCs.

I kind of hate that shit. Likethe game other than that though.

>most reddit thread on Yea Forums?
reddit and Yea Forums are one in the same.
Check a gaming subreddit and you'll see hundreds of posts complaining about women and non white people in games and people spouting buzzwords and Yea Forums memes constantly.

This thread is the perfect example of why it's impossible to discuss on that fuckin board

Is that a shadow or has she pissed herself?

>"It's hard so it's good" logic
Dragon's Lair would like to talk with you

The other thread seems to be fine. Consider this thread the honeypot for attain skill posting,

Yeah, it's the dragonrot bullshit like this that really makes me not want to continue playing. I would refund but I've already played too long for that to be possible.

So if you choose to die and not resurrect, does that not advance the dragon rot? I've just been letting myself die if I die when I found out it affects others. Or does respawing also count as "resurrection"?

I actually stopped at that Ninja you're talking about for the day. I think Dark Souls 2 does death best. It affects you if you keep dying, but only in one aspect and it's pretty easy to instantly fix, you just need an item which you find everywhere and can buy anywhere. It doesn't fucking kill everyone around you and keep you from trying new things or just messing around and playing the game for fun. It's pretty annoying.

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I've had dragon rot happen when I chose to Die and not resurrect. If sidequests are actually blocked from having too much dragon rot thats some real bullshit

If that's how it worked I might be okay with it, but no

Dragonrot is severely misunderstood by people.
1) it doesn't progress on npcs that already have it
2) it only spreads to new npcs after some 50 deaths
3) it has no gameplay repercussions
4) it can be cured as many times as you want

What happens if you don't die ever?

isn't this one of those games where you play it a lot and die alot but its also pretty replayable because you learn a lot? kinda like an rpg game where you reroll new characters because you learned a lot on your first character but you came to understand the game more then you have more fun?

Dragonrot happens after a true death, so there is no downside to resurrecting.

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Yo Yea Forums, how do I pirate the game?

>the guy defending the mist raven near bamboo slopes
that mother fucker kicked my shit in so many times and he isn't even a named guy

Thank you, early adopter. Everyone knows that From games have to be bought when the DLCs are included in the complete version to be comfy. This also saves you from being submerged by shitty memes. You don't even have to git gud if you don't want to, because everything is documented.

In other words...... git gud.

I really want to punt this dog off a cliff

>it only spreads to new npcs after some 50 deaths
The first guy got it after I died 5 times.
>it has no gameplay repercussions
Blocking an NPC questline is not a repercussion?
>it can be cured as many times as you want
Aren't the cure items limited?

The first guy is scripted to get it earlier so they teach you about the mechanic at the start.
It doesn't block quest lines. They literally just cough.
No they aren't.

If you die too much it kills them forever, thus also blocking their questline.

This is true at first but then the merchants start handing them out like candy. After the first few areas the game opens up in like six different directions.

by "them" I mean Dragon's Blood droplets

git gud

Any proof? So far I can only find a plebbit thread were someone makes a statement without evidence like you and a few people retardedly ATTACKING and killing the NPCs on google.
If Dragonrot actually killed NPCs I'm sure there would be some gaming site covering that already.

Yeah except rerolling a new character is pointless because there's no builds or anything like that.

What I do is quit the game through start menu when I’ve already resurrected once and i’m out of healing items. If you then continue, the game will tp you back to boss’s area entrance where you can rest at a shrine. Rince and repeat.

Good to know. I alt-F4'd when I died to Butterfly, but when I resumed next day I was still in the death animation when it loaded.

I died like 20 times to butterfly until figuring out if you spam evade+attack (b or circle + rt or r1) while hugging her close, her animation never recovers. You can literally stunlock her, and it’s not even cheesing, because the game tells you to do just that. Works for second phase too, just wait for her to dispel the summons.

I literally got dragon rot on my 4th or 5th death. I was just practicing on the first mini boss, trying to understand combat.

Quit the game a few minutes after and got a steam refund. Fucking worthless trash actively punishing players for trying to learn a new system.