Underrated MMOs?

Underrated MMOs?

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This is the only MMO I ever liked, but its because I'm a massive lotr autist. I don't like the MMO playstyle at all but they honestly did a great job with the setting and lore.

still the best class system in any mmo

Any good mobile
MMOs besides osrs ?

yeah I recently just started playing, not even a huge lotr fan but the game is beautiful

>woman fighter
how does it feel to shit on lotr this much?

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honestly just grabbed a pic off google /:

Dungeons and dragons online, (Ebberon not neverwinter)
Star trek online (or at least it was)

dying a slow death > playing mobile mmo

even as a mega lotr autist who nitpicks anything with lotr on the title for inaccuracies I can say lotro does a pretty good job. Obviously not perfect but it does better than any other lotr vidya I could think of. The shadow of war games in comparison made me throw up and turn off almost immediately.

It's fun.

Don't give me the crap that played at launch for like an hour in 2016. The game is completely different now and lot of things have been fixed and improved.

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warden was the best designed and most entertaining class to play in any mmo ever

my pc and many others were not ready for this game on release

I played the beta and it was ass.


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Literally just a WoW clone with a better coat of paint.

i love runescape but idk if i would say it's underrated

Is LotRO still being supported? God I may just dunno 15 bucks and sub for a month, it can't be any worse then a XIV sub. I remember it being really enjoyable with solid hotbar combat.

I thought the pve was boring as sin, enjoyed the pvp a lot except everyone acted like a faggot. Why cant people just be calm and relaxed?

>Not Lore-Master Race Man

its underrated in that peoples nostalgia-vision blinds them to the fact that the same old game is still there just with a few licks of paint over the past 15+ years
to the point where much like WoW a nostalgia version had to be made to combat private servers

well yeah but current wow is nowhere old wow with a few licks of paint, it got worse since classic but since cataclysm it's utterly unplayable with MoP being it's only decent moment before fucking it up completely with time traveling

I had a VIP account that apparently got removed or something when the game changed hands.
I reclaimed the account but it came with restrictions.
Wanted to get back into it but not anymore.

fair enough but im not really talking about wow im talking about runegame
runegame good
runegame underrated

You literally just posted what I said.

Is a game not allowed to improve?
Did the game hurt your feelings this much that you have to go on a hate tirade on the internet every time you see someone mention it?

Not him but yes, it's 63 hours of my life I'll never get back.

Don't take games so personally, kiddo.

I'll take everything personally.

It was kinda fun

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The studio formerly known as Turbine trys to keep their two mmos going with what little content patches they scrape together every few months. I don't know how much longer they plan to keep it going.

I really like Rift.

Will be sad to see DDO go, MMO's are not for me but it was an interesting game.

I find it's hardly an MMO but more like diablo with an extremely elaborate lobby system.
I wouldn't be surprised if DDO ends up being repackaged as such when the finally do kill the servers.

You are quite right, I mostly played it solo anyway. I would hope they do that. There is a lot of content on it and for less known setting like Ebberon.


pretty good but also like pretty confusing.

i know im retarded but still... decently hard to play well.

I love this game.

I played that til it died. God it makes me really wish it could get a relaunch in steam f2p shenanigans.

Can I ignore quests completely now?


I won't say it's "good" because
>mobile MMO
BUT. Having said that, Toram Online is about as good as it gets.

I left lotro after mordor gates. I was expecting a big update for classes and old mechanics but all we got was the high elf. Plus all my gold essences became worthless, so no thanks.
Pelennor raid was pretty fun tho.

Now im playing ESO just because i can play as Werewolf.


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Actually came here to post this, underrated game.

DDO is the better one

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>Tell Cellimas to keep her knickers on!
What did Jeets mean by this?

DDO and lotr are pretty similar right?

I've got good memories of playing dark age of camelot at release

In what way exactly?

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Fuck if I know, halflings are weirdos and degenerates.

their installers look the same lol

i remember seeing copies of that when i was a kid, always wanted to play it but was never allowed. are their servers still up?

all MMOs are overrated, because people falsely praise the game for the interaction they have with other people.

true, but some mmos make the interactions 10x better so they deserve praise for that

I'm looking forward to the new LotR MMO coming out from the owners of Warframe.

Yeah, they're still maintaining the game.

...That's because both games come from the same company?

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The Secret World Legends.

Best MMO story and setting I've ever played.

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used to scam kids for their member accounts on this game *sigh* good times...

no such thing

>try to log in after some years
>can't log in, server loads forever
>mange to do it once
>items missing
>player character doesn't load in
Times have changed.

anyone remember a korean mmo from the early 2000s where you could wield hammers and these huge blue things that stood on two legs were in the starting zone? i've been trying to find the name of it. i played the shit out of it when it was in beta.

Too bad that gameplay itself is hot garbage even after the reworks

Was i doing something wrong or was the combat kinda shit though? The scenario was great

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Nope, the combat is just shit.

The UI is as intuitive as a space shuttle though
And the first mmo to go free to play, by having irl in game advert billboards

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uma delicia

That art looks like it belongs to 2d /weg/ game.

>Eowyn was a movie original character
people actually believe this

>spawn in orc jail cell
>don't know jack shit what to do
>niggers running around everywhere killing people
>completely open world
>can rule realms
>highest gold to IRL ratio game in the world so third world niggers can literally live off playing this game (Brazillians)
>requires 0 graphics card, no downloads (although steam supported)
>incredibly grindy, such small community everyone thinks new players are spies to guilds so lvl 250+ end game niggers completely shit on noobs
>secret item nobody has ever crafted yet still existing
10/10 I spent 5k hours on this game not even joking

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the worldbuilding in this game is just fantastic
a shame the combat is fucking awful. I came back and tried gunsling after they "revamped" the combat, but instead of just being shitty it was convoluted and shitty.

Why are we still here

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Priston Tale

Yeah, I hate Funcom so much for making the combat shitty in Secret World. They had a revolutionary and ground-breaking MMO story quests-chains and set up (with puzzle mechanics that you'd need to be mensa level to solve) but they dropped the ball on one of most important factors of the mmo experience. Most of the team got moved to Age of Conan but I'm forever bitter at how the Secret World is the best game that no-one has ever played.

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Fuck it, loading it back in.

Angels Online but remove the in game bot system and cash shop

It was unironically pretty good
You could play around with your skills, allowing you to create a warrior but with heals, a priest/wizard hybrid

There's also DDO. The other DDO.
Western release never.

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This fucking game man, I need to replay it for nostalgia

Remember to play on Khyber, it's the only server with big population nowdays

>adventure quest worlds
>not just adventure quest
pleb tier garbage

which one is better?

Eh, apples and oranges. If you want better combat and more modern graphics then Dragon's Dogma Online. If you want in-depth questing and advanced character builds then Dungeons and Dragons Online.

Every night, I can feel my Powers… and my Enhancements… even my Day Job. The account I’ve lost… the characters I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?

Im not even sure how the game is still alive, Turbines monitization options are absolutely abysmal. Do people still play it? Like how is this still up but something like Wildstar isnt.

The DD style combat is pretty unique and you can't find it anywhere else than DD and DDO, and being a sucker for it I like it the most.
But as that other user said. Depends what you like in MMOs.

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What does Yea Forums recommend to scratch the old MMORPG itch? Is Lord of the rings worth a re-install?


too bad they never got to add skaven.

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Unironically WoW classic this summer.

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Always seemed great but I could never manage the gameplay

Ultima Online, unironically the forgotten king of the MMORPG genre, nothing comes even close to it.

I stopped playing long before it closed, but didn't they add skaven as a shitty power up transformation thing?

Lotro was garbage when I quit 2-3 years ago and I’m sure it’s still just as shit now.

How has nobody mentioned Silkroad Online?

>glorious trade triangle
>pvp at Samarkand South
>scamming turks with free Ong taxis and getting trashed in the global chat
>always getting scammed
>10h wait to log in due to bots

Loved that game

Those classes look boring

i was planning on waiting for that too, but the itch was too strong so i started lotro on a legendary server. pretty happy so far, feels like older wow

it had potential but it got ruined by Chinese bots and the devs did nothing about it

>log into lotro
>/smoke in chat
>take some drags of your peace pipe
>get high
>drop the ring
Game Over

*hits pipe

i never got past europe

honestly the game got worse after the revamp, I loved stacking skills to do stupid shit which was all removed when they changed it to just like 5 passives

This and ddo were the best mmorpgs I played. This game blew all the others away with quest and world design and it had comfy features like music instruments. Ddo had the best dungeon design I ever saw with secret doors and traps and shit.

Fuck I love MMOs but the retarded amount of time you usually need to put in always puts me off.

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Who Ikariam here?

Came here to post that. RS3 is really underrated. The game has changed a lot, but it's still an exploration oriented sandbox, and EoC is far more than it was on release. The game honestly has a high skillcap now. RIP PvP though.

That was kind of the point. They're the best class in the game.

Are Beornings fun?

It was XIV of Yea Forums until the moment devs decided to go f2p, it was forgotten in week after that

As much as I enjoy Warframe I'm not sure they can do it. LoTRO works because it's a super comfy Tolkien open world RPG first and foremost, and I've seen no indication that the devs can do that shit well.

If I can't play music in a tavern, catch a fish and hang it on my wall or grow pipeweed then shit game/10

My dad's middle-aged cousin still plays this religiously.

Lmao. There is not a single class on that game that was remotely difficult to play. Warden was just the ultimate pleb filter because people couldn't into gambit system.

The graphics were oddly comfy. Felt like playing an open world king's quest.

I would say Jonquest. Jonquest is what we call Everquest in Europe for legal reasons.

There's an entire system dedicated to growing pipeweed, user.

What pipeweed you grow determines the smoke rings.

LOTRO is ultra comfy. It's the only MMO that has me actively talking to NPCs and reading quest texts etc., instead of skipping everything.

DDO would be the second one requiring that to an extend. Otherwise you'll be bashing metaphorical walls with your face instead of using hints provided in lore text

Good point fag

Runes of Magic. Shameless WoW clone. I spent 2 years playing this game. because i was a poorfag from a third world country

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is there any MMO that replicates the same feeling from vanilla maplestory and runescape 2? OSRS doesn't count

Wish there was something that played like .hack GU too that wasn't ass, procedural locales and comfy combat would be nice

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It always looked and played like WoW if it had budget of ramen noodles.

Still kinda ambitious though considering how small the company responsible for it was when it started.

>is there any MMO that replicates the same feeling from vanilla maplestory and runescape 2?

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It was also totally overpowered. I remember playing through the Goblin King dungeon with two friends from my WoW RP guild, and both of them died at the boss. They were complaining about having to start again in the chat for a bit, but then started being my cheerleaders while I soloed the boss, and then the two bosses that appeared after them, all while being two levels below the other people in the group.

lol that will never happen again user just let it go

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