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Be completely honest, is Nioh or Sekiro better so far?

reminder the game is too good for Yea Forums

I'm enjoying Sekiro more.

>get the spear
>never fight the man in shoddy armor
where is he?
Different games. Nioh is like a better Dark Souls, all Nioh and Sekiro share is a locale.

We need to find the Fourth Ending. 3 have been found but I don't know of anyone who has gotten the fourth.


So the game is good? Worth a download if I never cared for any other From game?

Pirate first maybe? I'm enjoying the hell out of it.

how the fuck do I beat Juzou the drunkard? what is his weakness? because he practically one-shots me and I can't backstab him

it's too good and too hard for Yea Forums

doesn't specify HOW it makes enemies stronger.
do they deal more damage? do they have more health? I literally cannot tell the difference

I assume everyone enjoying the game is staying off Yea Forums while they play it, the same thing happened with BB.


either come back when you have a lot more damage or try to actually be good at the game

Sekiro is too hard

They're two different kinds of action game, but I enjoyed Nioh more overall.

Sekiro by far. I was really disappointed with Nioh. Bland level design and enemy design. Barely any enemy variety. Bosses were decent but nothing amazing. Diablo-style loot didn't fit the game at all. PVP was a let-down. The only thing about Nioh that stands out is its combat system. I really hope they can make something great for Nioh 2.

When Genichiro goes into his second form

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Sekiro, Nioh is way too repetitive.

Who the fuck is the Timid Maid that I need to collect a blood sample from?

Nioh is about becoming a super god of death and destruction. Seriko is more balanced and not meant for you to autisticaly micro-manage yourself into killing bosses in 15 seconds or less.

i try to parry him but it's scary as fuck, give me some tips, faggot
>inb4 git gud

why the fuck is the ghost lady so fucking hard, my posture gets demolished in three hits then I die and out of confettis

Lady who gives you the bell

I figured it was her but I went to her and it won't let me collect it. She just tells me to protect the lord while dying coughing and nothing else.

i literally mashed r1 behind him until he died. it's not that difficult.

What's with all the candies?

>game tells me to block lightning in the air
>come back down and get shocked
so wtf do I do? I'm using the eel cum, but the status items in this game don't last long.

Try talking to her son. I got it from him

Just don't get greedy with your hits, you don't have to parry his overhead attack just move out of the way

What the fuck with the shouting guy

Then it means you have to get all the way to the budda temple, die enough times so that the praying old lady there gets rot, and collect it from her.
yes it's complete bullshit you can't just collect the blood from their bodies and this really sets you back on side quests

>ive rung the demon bell
Its over for me isnt it

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What is the story like? Is it usual dark souls stuff or is it actually there this time?

What's the point of giving the sculptor drinks?

Here's some good news - no way Vaati will be able to milk this game's lore for very long.



You get the ability to dive into the water later in the game. You'll need that to find the majority of the Carps

kill all the mobs, deaggro juzo, then either backstab him or get the other samurai to help you with him
remember, getting hits in on enemies makes their posture decay slower — when the bar changes a different color. you’ll need that for the coming fights

It has a lot of lore actually. And there's still stuff I don't get like the theme of losing the left arm.
You, the Sculptor, the purple ninjas and the Divine Dragon are all missing their left arm.. Also I still don't know what the Nobles are and how they ascended to that form.


Nioh had better combat and world design.

Sekiro has better everything else.

Nioh suffers pretty bad from the boring level design

How useful is the shurkien upgrade from the thief. I think it used to belong to lady butterfly? Based on the description I assume it's just shurikens that are also snapseeds? Doesn't fell super worth 3k, though I don't have anything else to buy right now

Counterpoint: Nioh's girls

actual story that you character has a stake in and talks about, might not toot your flute if you think the whole honor thing japan has is stupid

So i found this samurai guy near the start of the game. Should i send him to the Abandoned Dungeons?

Okay spoil me, what are the endings and the conditions for them?

>too hard
>here user grind this armor for the 300th trillionth time or enjoy getting one shot by everything after way of the strong

it’s an upgrade down the line, lets you throw lady butterfly shurikens

Anyone know what Precious Bait does?

Or what the bell from the monkeys is for?

Also, I killed Hanbei and he dropped something that the game won't put a prompt on soni can't pick it up, is it anything unique?

Sekiro. Nioh is too micromanagy.

The game doesn't get any more difficult.
Enemies doing morr damage doesn't matter, because you would have been oneshotted anyways.
Enemies will instantly die with enough posture damage, so enemy health scaling isn't an issue

I've been using the Demon Seed since i picked it up. I cleared 4 bosses with it so far and am just going to keep it. I dont notice anything different loot or exp eise.

Merchants have it later in the game.

But i need it now

Your boy has the power of immortality in his blood so some dude with AIDS runs up on your clan to kidnap him and extend his life. Everyone in your clan gets murdered to death, even you but since you're tight with the Divine kid, he gives you immortality to bring justice about. Basically everything beyond that is flavor text.

For what?

Instead of getting Old One aids ala Bloodborne; you get DRAGON AIDS

>enemies infested with gigantic centipedes

>die too much and shit gets fucked
>homeward bone takes ten years to use
>bosses are stupid aggressive

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the Mob niggas?

Just made lady butterfly my bitch. Used that flippy combat art and fucked her good.

Sekiro. Nioh is too much of a looter game. Sekiro is straight up action with way superior level design and art style.

>cant play as a girl
>cant customize weapons/armor


>never ran into the samurai that aids you
>he comes rushing out like he's about to lay a smackdown only after you've killed the boss

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I posted it in the other threads, but:
1) Join the Owl, except you go blood-drunk after having to kill Emma and old-man Isshin, become a demon and kill everyone. No one should get this ending, you lose out on so much. Decline the Owl's offer.
2) The plot keeps progressing and eventually you reach the Palace where the Nobles reside, a race of weird dragon hybrids of people who are ascending. You kill them all, gouge out a tear of the divine dragon, return to Ashina, which is in the middle of war as the Central Forces have invaded. They are awesome dual wielding swordsmen. You escape and fight Genichiro, who came back for Kuro with a second Fushigiri. You kill him easily, he commits sudoku by cutting his neck and Sword Saint Isshin Ashina crawls out of the wound. You kill him (he's the final boss, awesome fight) but Kuro is mortally wounded. He dies and you take the place of the sculptor, ready to help another shinobi in the future.
3) This ending is the same as the previous one except you need a special item. You manage to save Kuro, but you restore his mortality and yours. You promptly "condemn the last immortal" and kill yourself with Fushigiri. Emma and Kuro mourn your death and Kuro goes on to live a normal life
No idea what the fourth ending is
Oh and the Sculptor loses himself to the bloodlust and becomes a Laurence-like Demon of Hatred and wrecks the Central Forces, but it seems like it's still too late for Ashina.

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>world design
Fuck no

One of the endings is Sekiro killing the divine heir

Reread the tutorial

Headless and Purple Shaman

I got both serpent hearts, now what the fuck do I do with these?

Info broker and the guy who shows up at the shrine. You get an item from a boss when you get to an area that says merchants will treat you well or some shit, that is how you will know.

you only hurt your NPCs if you resurrect; if you let yourself die nothing happens

Nioh is better because theres not a pagoda every 5 ft

>finally figured out how to get to Headless
>absolutely rapes me and i cant even move

haha ok then

People are saying about a purple ninja in the burning level but i beat lady butterfly so finished it and can't remember ever meeting him, where is he

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>Nioh world design
What the fuck. There's literally missions instead of a cohesive world and they are shitty levels that are merely serviceable and they get reused out the ass. You must be shitposting.

Its deaths, not resurrections.
To avoid DR you want to rez and bone out


Also these

Jump off the bridge before you get to Owl, there's a cave.

No one told me this was a horror game

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explore near waterfalls and you’ll find an area to wall jump to him

Damn, apparently the story gets saucy later. Currently stuck dying to butterfly and bull but now I'm excited to see how this goes

Under bridge where ogre was before Owl. Theres a path in the water.

>not getting mist raven

better go back nigga

Holy fuck is this true? Because I'm trying not to resurrect after getting a notification that I killed 2 NPCs and everytime I get wrecked I just die

In what terms, Gameplay wise or Kino wise?

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What do I do with the fat monk who wants me to "spirit him away?" Do I have to kill him? My only option is to refuse.

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Yeah, there's no real getting away from the molasses mist. Just use an anti fear item, a confetti, then leap at him from the cave entrance and just kinfe-edge death match him. Re-up buffs after the first death blow. All he gives is an item that gives an attack buff in exchange for your gadget ammo. Its probably worth it I guess but I've never used a candy yet, just not my style

How does Mist Raven even work?

I beat Juzou on my second try by killing all the enemies, and dodging his attacks like he's a normal Souls boss. Honestly he's the easiest boss I've fought in this game so far. Ogre and the boss past him gave me way more trouble.

Daily reminder that if you:

Health heal after execute
Posture heal after execute

You're a casual shitter

Do you really only get the one sword? I swear I've seen promo art of him with a nodachi on his back.

>except you need a special item
What's the item and how do I get it?

Witch Time but without the slow

its lets you eat damage and teleport away. and with upgrades you get a free attack off of it. its extremely useful to me.

do you like the game guys

True. Respawning gives DR. Whether it's forced or chosen. It works like reverse Dark Souls. Instead of running from the checkpoint to your death spot, you stand up from death and run back to the checkpoint.

I'm honestly considering restarting my save because I'm just now getting the combat down and I want to absolve myself from the retarded deaths I had at the start

"the spear shreds poor armor"
>The next area has a giant with a pot strapped to his chest
>spear his chest constantly
>0 damage, 0 poise
Whats the point of the spear

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The one thing I can say about this game is that it's ramping up hard. Defeated Genichiro, and I feel like i'm in the second half of the game. Some of these lategame areas are absolutely nuts and fun as hell, I fucking love some other elements like the puzzle solving with the Puppeteering ninjutsu and other stuff.
The one thing I can tell people is to stick with this game. It pulls a Bloodborne to a less extreme extent and is much more fun afterwards.
Also, the attack you get with the Mortal Blade looks incredible.

Just to clarify
Respawning does.
Ressurection doesnt.

When you die and fade to black and get a load screen, THAT causes DR.

Is there any covenant equivalent or good waifus?

I gave the ogre the white spinner and he asks for me to make him vanish, assuming he meant kill. Is there anything else to that side quest or is that it? What did the lure option do?

I literally unironically don't give a single fuck about dragonrot, they might all fucking die for what i care as long as i can upgrade my totally not estus to that lady that doesn't seem to be affected at all then i am good

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Yeah. I think it's important to note there's some shit I would absolutely change given the chance. It's not some GOTD revelation but it's $60 worth of engagement for me.

Just do deathless on NG+ run
Enemies dont get stronger and you get a mask which effectively lets you gain AP infinitely

You only use the other sword when you kill immorta boss people, get a teardrop from a faggot dragon and the trainer chilling at the start

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just make sure sculptor gets cured and you're good.

Immense spoilers ahead, if you want. TL;DR yes, but it's contextual in usage,
The midgame to end plot is that Kuro wants to sever his magic bloodline because it keeps turning people who misuse it into horrible monsters- an understandable endeavour. He then tells you that you need a legendary weapon called "Fushigiri" (Immortal Slayer, called the Mortal Blade in the english translation) to do so. Getting it allows you to kill immortal enemies and bosses, as well as certain NPC's.

I'm getting my ass kicked but is having lots of fun regardless.

I do. Wish skills could be gained by finding texts alone though. Killing xp is damn low and while it forces you to get the combat down, if you're gonna scrap rpg shit do away with it completely. My 2 cents.

>demon seed
what this do

You can also get a special sword art that does a cross slash with Fushigiri which leaves trails of red and black smoke.

I can't find the tutorial but iirc it says to attack it in the air. Sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't, I don't get it.

It impregnates people with demon

Just beat the flaming bull, which next area is the logical one to go to?

Make enemies have more health and do more damage in exchange for more gold, exp and better items

The snake section is so fucking retarded
>hey lets just chill and dont move in this action game that surely will be fun



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when's the point of no return for endings? and what item do I need to prevent the kid from dying?

You need to get hit with it in the air. Don't block it. Then once you're hit mash R1 until you land and you'll redirect the strike.

Are you sure? Cause I've eaten like 8 death screens and have resurrected just 3 times and none of my npcs have rot yet.

>do more damage
How can the possible do more damage than one shotting?

So does dying or resurrecting cause dragon rot, or both?

Alright, be honest - who is still on level 1?

Just spent about 40 minutes with the game. Very tricky dickie but I'm slowly learning.

Full dying causes it. Even if you die and then choose not to resurrect, it is caused.

Sounds like resurrecting doesn't, but dying that second time does

Please respond.

I gave up on trying to avoid it on my first playthrough
Game is kicking my shit in every encounter if I'm gonna bother to run away to the Buddha every time I res I'm never going to beat this thing.

Maybe you can heal them later in the game anyway

Everblossom Flower, you get it from a memory of Emma.

No one knows 100% and you're not going to get a straight answer. Lore-wise it would be for both.

It takes quite a bit of deaths to proc DR


Dying. 1 billion percent. If you resurrect and escape you will never ever get rot. Though I think dying with the status from resurrection increases the rate of rot accumulation so some people might want to die to avoid that but they're retarded just use your carving thing and teleport home

>hey let's just constantly get dopamine from action scenes surely that will never get old
there's a reason why miyazaki became president of fromsoft and you didn't. actually there are many, but a key one would have to be that he understands pacing and juxtaposition while you seem woefully ignorant of them

>go into new area
>npc i havent met yet immediately gets rot




Already tested this...

Get the rice from this bitch, now give the rice to the fucking bitch jerking off about some fruit and get a kite to fly over to get the fucking fruit because fuck you

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>not savescumming to avoid DR
You are all casuals

So I found Headless, ran past him and found some covenant that makes enemies harder. How do you get past the door in the room where Voldo comes out to fight?

Does the PC version also have a built in input delay? The PS4 version is pretty much unplayable

its breddy gud so far

R u retarded? He said too hard not harder unga bunga. Never felt like grinding was as bad in Nioh as it is in Sekiro. Bosses give piss poor xp and you lose like half an xp bar at death with 4+ skill trees

>Kill big black bull
>start running across the rooftops exploring this new area


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I don't have experience playing the PS4 version but controls just fine for me

Is Abandoned Dungeon gonna be as awful as it looks? I walked in the first room and noped the fuck out of there. It looks like >that level of the game.

Later in the game

Today I spent hours trying to kill the spear guy in the reservoir. It legit took me maybe 40 tries but I finally did it. Yes I'm fucking well aware I can just stealth cheese him but I refuse to do that.

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Works fine on my machine™

Spearfags eat mikiri counters all day everyday

>i refuse to use the tools at my disposal


Where do you get the rope that pulls you towards enemies?

>Pic related was as much foreshadowing as Yamamura

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I already got the "fruit". the dried one too. just not sure what the hell I'm meant to do with them.

Flamethrower is best prosthetic tool.

Okay can someone fucking explain to me how in god's name you're supposed to beat the spooky ghost warrior?

Yeah but he has several spear attacks with different timings for the counter. He also will do low sweeps. Basically have to memorize all of his movements. As mad as it made me I think it made me a better player.
Can't figure out how to kill the fuck in the dungeon though.

>get the Mortal Blade
>can't use it
>find the rat hunter man again
>ultimate technique book
>one of the skills allows you to DRAW the BLADE

when mr tengu tells me to "cut down every last one" does that mean I have to kill every purple knight in the game? I've only found two.

Yes, I want to know



So I heard dying in this game is quite consequential. As I suffer from anxiety, should I stop now?

Divine Confetti pops his shield
You can deflect his kamehameha

What do you mean? Running away to lose aggro then coming back to get an easy kill is just being a pussy and makes the game really boring. I can see why they give people the option but that's no fun for me.

dude go practice the counter at the undying guy. the window is fucking massive. nigga just dash at him.

>wasted all of those trying to beat Headless

After playing every From main game from DeS i am still 100% sure their combat just doesn't work for gank encounters (also why i hated DaS 2), this shit works great in 1v1, maybe 1v2, but fuck does it end completly fucking batshit retarded when more enemies start showing up.

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it's literally like a 5 minute segment user, are you on fucking adderal or something?

It is, but you can't really fuck up your playthrough or anything, as the consequences can be fixed

You motherfuckers better not be lying to me.

did anyone actually upgrade the flamethrower? a knockdown seems useful

>as the consequences can be fixed

Can they? I think for the good ending there is a point of no return

How I did it was take out his mob one by one until it was just me and fatboy. Then I got the samurai NPC to help. At this point it’s a 50/50 shot if he helps enough for you to kill him. But I did it with default gear and stats so it can’t be impossible you know

I also am wondering this. Those dudes on the bridge foreshadowed a boss you would need it against and I haven't found him and I'm past Genchiro

He's correct. You only have the rot progress when you die for good i.e. you respawn somewhere else. Reviving mid-fight does not progress it.

Parry works 360 degrees around you.
Just mash l1 anytime someone thinks about swinging.

Group fights are ez

You can dash through the shit he shoots at you? He's never not shooting shit.

huh? there's more than three esoteric texts?

heaven forbid you might have to play a game more than once

Any tips on the Seven Spears guy in the Reservoir?

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merchant guy wants to know about information about what samurai wants, where the fuck do I go?

So how wild do the bosses/minibosses in this game get? I just reached that point in the game where one particular boss uses lightning and so far almost everyone I've faced are just humans or some form of humanoid.

what's the Sabimaru blade

How do I beat the poison fat fuck? I've been stuck on this cunt for 3 hours now.
I'm starting to think that I should just fuck off from the dream and go kill the zangief ogre instead.

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>people being worried about dragonrot on their first playtrough
jesus fucking christ people just play the fucking game


so why shouldn't I resurrect when given the chance?

You can get a stealth hit if you need, go around back through the hole like in the tutorial segment.

That's not how stealth works in this game. You can get a stealth opening to remove the need to deathblow them twice, but if you run away they'll just regain their posture.

I beat him by killing his back up first, then I spoke to the NPC in the area and used him as a distraction, I even managed to keep him alive.

there's at least 5 skill trees

but Yea Forums told me this game has no replayability

i love this game so much bros.

it s more tench 2.0 than souls

Someone said dying again after resurrecting while it's on cooldown advance the rot more.

>it's another "have to lose to an enemy 20 times and memorize their move set before you can kill them" game
yikes, no thanks
glad I pirated

Where is all the Sekiro porn?

How do you fucking deal with spear fuckers?

mist raven into the free attack is very useful there

also good on the other guy in that area

Should I go ahead and take out Genichiro? I made it to him but I decided to turn back and go to other areas.

the back of Ashina castle, there's a special looking Samurai guy talking to a dude on a bridge above the lake. I couldn't tell the peddler anything about it, though.

when's the best time to clear dragonrot? I've got the first one that emma gives you and found another for sale and bought it... not sure when the best time to use it is, or how many total there are

kill the ogre, you'll get the 4 bead power up then go back

i figured as much given the space at the top of the acquire skills menu. to start i want an explanation of who the 'rat hunter man' mentioned in is and where i can find him.

Mikiri you fucking autist.

NG+ has a hardmode option at the start, if you choose it, you need to perfectly deflect every attack to not take damage. Even from normal mobs.

Beat the bull and then listen to dudes talk at salt

this i wanna see Emma being mating pressed

anyone farm skill points yet? what's a good place to do it?

Is it worth keeping the bell demon on your ass?

At the temple area now, the dungeon went by really fast. Is there anything I missed in there, I saw the creepy surgeon guy but I don't know how to fulfill his request at all.

Is there gunpowder I can find before facing the horsemen boss? The guard you eavesdrop on mentions his horse dying because of it, it's obviously a hint but I haven't found any.

Do the fucking monkeys count as a boss? That shit fucking sucked and should've been cut.

Same guy that posted about him earlier.
After you mikiri counter hell do one of 2 things.
>dash back
>follow up with a strike you can parry
If you parry it hell fall on his knees for a second and you can get some hits in.
Also this is kinda tricky to time but when he swings his spear over his head you can jump and attack him as he sweeps the ground. You won't get a Chinese symbol thing for that one and that's why it's tricky. He also has one of those for low sweep that's easy to predict as well.
Shuriken him when he leaps in the air.

Fuck, I don't know if its shitters complaining or shitposters who haven't played the game, but all the negative criticism for this game just doesn't have much weight. I'm playing the game and it feels amazing. I think my only problem with the game is that it's geared much more towards 1v1 fights, so ganks can be a little tedious, and the grapple mechanic shouldn't have been predetermined, restrictive points. The OST could've had some extra effort put into it too. So far my favorite track and fight has been genichiro ashina's. Every boss/miniboss encounter has been nothing short but challenging and fun. This is probably From's most consistent game in terms of boss design. Only on the 6th boss, hope it stays that way.

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Dodging is fucking useless. You can dodge an attack and it will just continue to follow you. So fucking stupid.

>I saw the creepy surgeon guy but I don't know how to fulfill his request at all
I'd also like to know this

I actually didn't know that wtf

Get firecrackers from crow merchant. That's what he's talking about.

Before the chained ogre was a tent with crows hanging out on top of a pillar or rock. That tent is a merchant who sells the firecrackers ninja tool.

I started dropping prosthetic upgrade materials like crazy and the enemies don't seem to deal much more damage than usual. I can't tell if their health got buffed too, though.

Git gud fucking shityer. Game has been out literally one day you whiny ass bitch

>zangief ogre

There's no iframes. This isn't bloodborne so don't try to play it like it is.

>Look up a vid cause lady butterfly keeps kicking my ass
>One of them says boss 7

What the fuck? Ive only killed the horse guy.

I stealthed and then spammed oil+flame blast. Took about 3 tries with that method. Fight like a wenis.

Holy fuck at the snake eyes boss in the Gun fort near the snowy mountain.
Tons of adds to clear and the boss itself is a bitch

find a male npc whose quest line you don't care about and send him to his death to get a few upgrade materials.

It's not about iframes. It's that enemy attack animations will literally follow and turn a complete 90 degrees.

enemy's have a certain amount of tracking and can't exceed a certain rotation as far as i can tell. rather than dodging to the side of enemies with large rotations, dodging or jumping backwards works better.

>wanting your NPCs to die
>wanting to bear the shame that they suffered for your no skill
>wanting to miss questlines
No, fuck you.

>The people who dislike this game are madcuzbad or lying
This is a pretty weak argument. If you literally can't imagine any possible reason someone might dislike a game just because you personally are having fun with it, it's possible you have the real, non-Yea Forums-insult kind of autism.

yes but i don't feel it's anywhere near on the same level as any other Souls game. DEFINITELY nowhere near Bloodborne or DS1.

This game is very good but I don’t understand people calling it their GOTG or something revolutionary on par with Demon’s Souls

This game is literally Bloodborne (even more so when you unlock a certain skill) except even more aggressive

We're you able to bear the demon on there
Cause I can't

It's more challenging than souls, man. Take it easy on me.

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>dsp died for almost 2 hours on butterfly

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you can just run past the adds but yeah fuck that boss, gave me the most trouble of the minibosses so far

How about I just kill the fucker who gave me the note

How the fuck do I make my ps4 controller work with this game?
Never had any issues with other games, used Input Mapper.


>purple cloaked nigger on top of the pagoda in Hirata Estates
Why did they put an unkillable enemy so early in the game?

Right. So counter, parry, or jump depending on what attack it is.

So after the butterfly boss you get a key item that says you get an extra resurrection but i still only have 2. What's the deal?

How the fuck do you kill the Shichimen Warrior? I can't get the anti-air deathblow to work

there's plenty of iframes, just not as much as a souls game. it's perfectly viable to dodge everything, but you won't damage the enemy's posture so it's usually a bad idea.

Okay I take back what I said about stealth. Once you get enough upgrades and skills, going stealth for most shit besides bosses is actually pretty fucking fun.

You can do butterfly really late

when do I use the poison dagger? who is even weak to it

dodge still has invisibility frames so is very good for when you need to dodge some attacks and still be near.

he's found at the gate to Ashina, when you kill MY NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME and also serpent shrine

Im fighting the ogre nigger. I jump and his attacks follow I dodge and his attacks follow and you can't counter them.

Run past and hide near the mountain works?

read the description. it clearly states you need to give it to someone with dragon blood

Hes referring to the firecracker mod

Don't you love nonlinearity?

it literally takes like 2 minutes, it's by far the easiest attack damage buff you will get in the game. literally easier than Gyoubu

So you come back later and whip his ass in one go

They're both on par with eachother, its really just if you prefer loot and level based system or not.

>blazing bull



bros which are best skills I got the health regen on db only 3 trees unlocked


I atolw thw prosthetic ans ran. He'll get his one day.

Honestly the ape might be one of my favorite bosses

Tbh I died about 30 times to butterfly. Then I spammed that whirlwind combat art and somehow won

I took him over an hour to reach the second phase and he was screaming how From software were out of their minds, lmao

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Fights I've really enjoyed so far
>One armed no ja that guards the mist raven
>Lady butterfly 1st form
That's it. Just killed bull. Horse back guy was pretty okay but not in the same tier as the other two. Are there many more fights where it's just Kung Fu movie style back and forth tense as shit ninja fights?

>mfw when i was just chasing him and dash attacking it
just learned you could parry it, whichi doesnt make sense in my opinion

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I cleared the whole flashback area including the guy guarding the mist raven just looking for the fire arm for the ogre since hes weak to it apparently
had to reread the hint note to realize I walked right past it super early on, and had already just fought the ogre normally without much issue asides from getting tossed off a cliff once

Once you take out his goons your best off just fighting him clean. I suggest ichimongo or whatever the first skill is that you get from Ashina style. Maybe grind out some levels so you can get the faster posture breakdown skill. Drunkard is basically your entry exam to the full game since he uses everything you've learned thus far.

I cant find old man Isshin at all. The smoke leads to an empty room.

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based and redpilled

Can his charge and headbutts be parried?

>stuck at blazing bull for over an hour
>realize I wasn’t using firecrackers

Likewise. But it's always fun to see DSP die for hours and pull every souls excuse

How do you do the first art that spin? It doesn't work when I do it.

Who do you fight butterfly lady?
I've beaten horse guy and gotten up to the druken fat fuck but haven't seen this butterfly lady yet.

butterfly is incredibly vulnerable to being aggressive, her posture is shit. thats probably why everyone has so much trouble, they dont want to go in.

Find "him" first up the stairs in the horse boss yard

*stole the prosthetic
Damn I should go to bed

Literally the next boss after the bull, you are in for a wild ride

Can someone explain something to me about Dragonrot.

I bought a Dragon Droplet from the merchant after that Horse General boss. Then I got the blood from the old lady and then gave it to Emma. She then made another Dragon Droplet. Which means I have 2.

When I used the Dragon Droplet to cure all those infected with Dragonrot, I couldn't find the second Dragon Droplet now. Does that mean it was also consumed when it wasn't supposed to?

Equip it first and press block and attack at the same time

Wait, who's the horse guy?
Everyone mentions him but I've never seen him. What did I miss?

Sekiro looks straight out inspired by Nioh. It's like Miyazaki played it and though "what if I could balance my games like ass and fill it with enemies one or two-shotting the player at every step?" Then bam. Sekiro.


where/when/how do I get that dope as fuck skill they showed in the previews where you create a red mist of blood when you stealth kill a nigga?

Parried but I still took fire damage. Tbh just run in circles and dash attack. Use firecrackers every now and then

She's at the very end of the flashback area

Where do I go after beating Genichiro at the top of the castle?

I cleared all minibosses except for purple Shadow fucker in the memory without getting the death penalty, mostly because I tp'd the fuck out of there after each first death. I assume this is not an option during boss fights and they'll train on my ass the whole time? Can I use the ashes (?) to blind them so I can get away?

Isn't it already equpped when I unlock it?

>I bought a Dragon Droplet from the merchant after that Horse General boss
What, where, who

Probably in storage, did you rest?

How in the fuck do you get to the NPC playing the flute in the illusion forest?

Game opens up after that
You can either go to the Abandoned Dungeons, the Temple or Sunken Valley

No, you can only have one combat art at a time and it must be equipped. Fucking check your pause menu.

where's good place to go first user?

Y'know I killed the ogre with just the sword cause I kept getting lost in Hirata. I thought Juzo gave you the flame vent. Where is it?

Butterfly is the single most fair boss fight that From has ever made. Prove me wrong.

You can cheese him by staying away until he drinks then get a few free shots (charge + 1 or 2 slashes). You don't have to worry about posture regenerating, his health does not so eventually you get the finisher.

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Boss (and mini boss) fights I’ve enjoyed so far
General Fat Retard
Horseback Bro

That’s it. Fuck drunkard and fuck the bull lol. I know I’m about to get raped in the abandoned mine though, I just figured I’d tackle it tomorrow

Fair or not, it's boring.

The fun thing is, DSP then went and died for an hour to the Ogre.
>I just don't care anymore
>I just wanted a fun game
>I didn't sign up for the ultimate challenge
>fuck you from soft

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Go to the sunken valley, its behind the castle and there are monkeys

I put off going to the bull, even while getting BTFO by butterfly repeatedly, because of comments I've read here and elsewhere.. and I beat the bull in a minute, I used the firecrackers twice when in a pinch and otherwise you can just deflect the shit out of his attacks if you are right near him.

How the fuck do I climb that tower in the reservoir past 7 spear. theres an item up there.

Honestly the giant ghost monk and the 3 monkeys were both lame, the monkeys far moreso.

pls help

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I'm super close to buying this but I don't know if I can justify $90 AUD for this, the lack of replayability is killing it for me.



Is this the most tedious boss in existence or did I just not get something?

He can't hit you at all, but you can't bring down his posture since he literally has only 2 melee attacks, so whittling down his HP very slowly seems like the only way

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Sekiro. I wanted to like Nioh so bad, but it got stale about halfway through NG.

I died so much because I didn’t realize I had to use firecrackers. Tunnel vision lol, but I’ve never really been a fan of creature bosses in From Games

I went with the Abandoned Dungeon but that part is huge. I would go with the Valley or Temple because apparently a boss is locked before you finish Valley in the area after the Dungeons

I just beat the armored moron in senpou temple btw

YOU'LL thank me later

i've seen many streamers one-and-done this game. it demands you to pay attention and learn far more than dark souls. and you cant just breeze through with co-op.


Where is this mist raven guy? I thought I was pretty thorough.

Did you not buy the red gourd from the barrel merchant? Reduces burn buildup, but doesn't cure burn status. I actually haven't cause I want the scroll he has, by the name it's that combo attack Genuchiro does when you first fight him.

>use divine confetti
>use decaying herb or whatever the name is with the terror resistance
>do hit and runs
>boss dead in 2-3 minutes

Keep going up

>wonder if Butterfly is really that hard
>reach her second phase first try only to die because I forgot about snap seed
>die again but somehow it seems reasonable
>beat her by just playing aggressive, using snap, and timing my shuriken tosses well

Why was she the casual filter again?

You get a ninja tool from the Gun Fort down in the Sunken Valley.
Talk to him again, agree, then use it on him.
Go to where you fought the Folding Screen Monkeys and immediately look to your left. Talk to him again.

so after beating Genichiro for the first time on the roof, it's asking me if I want to Help Kuro or Obey the Iron Code and Protect Him, what's the difference, what happens?

I'm starting to realize that running around nonstop > blocking, dodging and deflecting

This was the games first real pleb filter. All the others could be cheesed or dealt with with certain tools but he forces you to get good at knowing when to dodge, counter and jump.

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Mist raven is the item. He's talking about the purple dude.

If you don't resurrect yourself in battle, does that curb on having Dragonrot?

its in a bonfire at that little village area full of bandits

>hurr it's not fair! It's not fair! My soft and tender asshole!
Do people enjoy this?

that's not genichiro. or the ape. or corrupted monk.
i think most if not all fights in the game are fair. what does fair even mean here? with sword saint, there's only one attack i would say is 'unfair' because he can't be hitstunned out of it like many other attacks he does. so your brain just has to make the mental note that pressing r1 when sword saint is doing one thing in particular is an instant eat shit button.

Obvious humblebragging is not very becoming.

If you like tons of customization, a very good combat system that relies too heavily on soulsborne dodges and a REALLY linear experience with shitty worldbuilding; Nioh.

Sekiro is everything Nioh isn’t, but it’s extemely unforgiving. If you can’t adapt you’re fucked pretty much. I found myself wanting to go back to Nioh because I was a God in that game because of overpowered gear and armor. But that’s what I also like about sekiro is that the only thing that gets better is you

What the fuck do you do with the snek hearts? I've got both but no idea.
Where's the black mortal blade?
I don't know what's going on and I've got the final boss unlocked.

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Why would you use all that if he can't even hit you? Just don't run into the projectiles and you're fine, dashing past everything else works just fine

I did kill him, had to use up the 3 red sugar candies and even then it was tedious as fuck
I feel like I've missed something that makes him more bearable

Use the Puppeteer Ninjutsu on on the lil nigga near the crank.

Just burn his ass with the flamethrower prosthetic. It works on almost everything. Fucking incredible tool.

Just starting but:
Firecrackers > Flamevent = Shuriken > Spear > Mist shit

Help Kuro

The snap seed is optional as well. When she does the projectile flurry you can just run and dodge all of them after farming the illusions. She's served as the deflect exam, which is probably why people foind her difficult.

If you follow the Owl you get a bad ending and the game ends way sooner than it should.

i think you have no choice. kuro will convince you to go on his quest to sever immortality either way. there's a choice later on in the game that affects which ending you get more significantly, but you can't refuse kuro's desire to end the dragon heritage at the particular point you're at.

If you're not trying to break their posture, no shit

confetti breaks him so fast
you can literally take out 60% of his health each hit an run

Dragonrot progresses from respawning at bonfires. Ressurecting does nothing

Headless purple dude?

Need Kazuma sucking up panties the way Wolf does coins.

Divine confetti nigga

sucks to suck

24h to finally have a decent thread about the game


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You'll learn to love the utility of the shuriken.

Real talk, why does this game made Yea Forums so butthurt?

I remember I used confetti and it didn't do anything
Isn't it just to hit ghosts?

>o'rin of the water

is this the most tedious fight in the game?

>get skill to parry attacks with the symbol
>dodge when the enemy do the symbol attack
>sometime the skill works

Am I missing something?


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You have got to be shitting me.

she's honestly pretty easy.

So it turns out that the spear guy in the reservoir can't fall off the stairs while he's doing an attack animation. So you can just shimmy forwards and back while getting some bites in on his heels until he's softened up.
I don't feel good about that one.

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I made it to the caverns underneath the gun fort, beat the boss, but I only found a prayer bead and a path that loops back to the idol, along with the closed door behind the miniboss. Help?

Why did they make our lord such a cute shota Yea Forums?

No, if you go up the river near the spear miniboss in the flashback area you fight a purple ninja guarding a shinobi attachment.

Just works on thrust attacks iirc

Dash into them. You can train at the hub.

Because it forces people to adapt to a specific playstyle. Love the game btw


That one DMC false flagger stirred up a bunch of ass hurt prelaunch. Its divisive for FromFags who are a very loud lot. People who enjoy it are playing it.

Mist Raven is pretty useful against big crowds. Also it's just fun as hell to teleport behind ppl and nothing personnel them

but for bosses you need to wear down their health first before going for posture. Seems like the best strategy for the first 80% of each boss is to run around like a madman sneaking in pokes.

I'm at the final boss and never got it. Where?

Wait, I thought the abandoned dungeon led to the temple. Where do I go to get to the temple?

mist is the best power when you get the chaser attack with it. its literally just free damage and ignoring attacks.

It's the same symbols for sweet, thrust and grab attacks, skill is only for thrust of you mean the one you sidestep the attack and put your foot on it like a chad

Learn to mikiri, fag

Get to the top of the castle to get the key to the door

It does lead to the temple.

>Tfw noticed that the first headless dude leads to the demon bell because From figured "Well if some hardcore bastard beat this guy he deserves to go harder"

The fight with the armored dude at the bridge.

Most bosses become stunned after deflecting certain strikes.

Oh, he never yelled for me.
He was quite a nice guy though, shame about the fall.

It does but there's another route leading even further down like the Hollow in Dark souls 1

What the fuck is this timeline

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>Sekiro threads are full to bursting with people claiming "finally, a From game that can't be cheesed. The only way forward is to git gud" and then in the same post, telling people to sprint in circles around a boss, dip in for a single attack, then go back to running.
Sounds pretty cheesy.

I've only fought lightning man, horse man and butterfly lady and they were all really good boss fights. Especially lightning man. Big Ape is a shitty boss. As for minibosses, I've liked pretty much all the humanoid ones. Bull wasn't great and that centipede retard wasn't very fun either. Overall I'm pleased by how much I'm enjoying this game, it feels great so far.

>later dude lmao

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How do you get to the right side of the spirit real palace place? Where you ring the bell and feed the "master"

they're very different games
combat-wise I prefer sekiro because it's the first good action game that I've ever played that reflects the dynamic of sword duels
it requires nerve, reading your opponent, adaptation, and finesse

nioh suffers from being a low budget game where the content is stretched too thin; there's a whole bunch of reused assets and very little variety in terms of enemy and level design, the loot system was godawful as well
still, the core gameplay is great and if they create a game that's more focused and high budget they can easily make a game that outclasses DS2-3 and rivals BB

Can dragonrot kill NPCs if you leave it long enough?

you literally cannot beat the Proper Final Boss of the game by cheesing i don't think. everyone who makes it to the end will find an impossible wall until they learn to deflect like a pro.

I'll grind it out like a proper tough boy soon enough, can't let user call me bad at videogames after all. And boy what a FUN videogame this is, I'm glad Miyazaki just decided to throw balance to the wind to embrace the difficulty memes.

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Neat. I was avoiding going to the dungeon because I thought I was going to have to fight the ghost man by the entrance from where you start the game.

Elon Musk is a soulsborne fan. Based as fuck.

There are some bosses where that is the actual only strategy

My friend told me about Fujioka, but when I go to his location, he's not there? Did I proceed too far and now he's gone? I beat Genichiro

Easy bait and I don't care about talking about the game since I'm playing it.

I hope we get a compilation of streamers dropping this game



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it's just a stick on a ledge, wtf

Guys I like the combat a lot

go through the Abandoned Mines until you find an elevator. explore ahead

Oh Wtf, he's back at the Dilapidated Temple even tho I never talked to him, well jk I guess

Then those bosses are horribly designed.

Just stop dying lmao

There seems to be a lack of information about that. Some people say that they can, others say that they wont die. Some people say that the timid lady and her son die no matter what.

So basically any kind of death really. There's no point in actually holding onto resurrecting.

i only have the first upgrade so far. it is pretty badass.

i charge it after taking a deathmark of bosses down to get 1/3 of their second life bar down


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Play them first and then talk to me about it. Ghost Monk was the worst though.

How do i deal with the shield niggas? They have no openings and the only time they swing proper is when you whack at them for a while and the parry timing is really weird.

>Get Sabimaru
>Mid-bosses eat shit now
This is a pretty ridiculous power spike. No skill or tool has felt as impactful as this.

I don't fuckin know


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Is this game actually short, how does it compare to the other from games in length?

>see someone fighting the drunkard
>they run in, kill some his ads, run away then sneak attack one of his healthbars
>try it
>any miniboss that I alert becomes impossible to sneak attack later because they just instantly turn around the second I approach behind them

just do what i've been doing and if i die in an not in a boss fight run away and sit at a shrine to reset the revive

Where are you? Get the axe in the dream. It's in the Buddha temple.


Get the axe arm.

Its bloodborne length

>boss posture that regenerates super fast
i HATE this shit

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I've yet to see that claim anywhere but unsubstantiated Yea Forums posts, and this retarded board doesn't even seem to know what causes Dragonrot in the first place. HINT: It's dying for real. Resurrecting doesn't spread rot. It only spreads when you die and are returned to an idol.

I've heard you can buy stuff to reverse the dragonrot effect from merchants once you give Emma the old lady's blood sample

After stealth hitting them once you can never do it again

Not that user and I already have the axe arm, but are there really no way to deal with them if you don't have axe?

So basically always resurrect?

is it to the side somewhere or is it after the flaming structures with the fat drunkard miniboss?

I'm autistic about getting the good ending in games, and this is causing an issue for me because I'm not terribly great at these games and I expect to die a lot.

Am I going to have to Alt+f4 every time I die? Or is the system fairly forgiving?

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do you have the sneak passive? it might make the difference there

You really just gonna spoil a guy's torment like that

I personally preferred nioh, but sekiro has it's charms.
It feels more in line with a $40 title than a $60 one so far. It's missing some polish.

indeed. also wonderful

What exactly does spiriting away the big boy do?


in the area where you first see the shield boys, there will be a conversation that you can listen too next to it

Way earlier. When you pass the narrow passage with the dying dude, turn left instead of right.

Yup. Plus you know most anons who won't stop making posts about it, don't even own it, nor plan to own it.

You can also throw sand at them.

Doesn't look like it does, from what I've gathered so far

>Infects only the NPCs you've met
>does not change their stock/prices if merchant
>does not move them
>NPCs do not react to being healed (though Sekiro reacts to them being infected first time)
>if an NPCs was infected and then cured, they cannot get infected again
>death counter for infection seems to have a threshold or can "pile up" (i died a bunch before the castle, then found a lot of new NPCs, died once, and all of them got infected)

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found it, thanks. Didn't realize there was a whole series of conversations before getting it

You have to get their health down to at least half unless you're parrying literally everything and striking like a mofo.

>get hit by lightning while in the air
>attack before hitting the ground

You only take damage if you hit the ground when you got lightning aids, just press attack before landing. Don't block.

Healed NPCs can definitely get dragonrot again. My sculptor got it like two times.

And for people saying dragonrot doesn't kill, I'm pretty sure someone posted a screenshot of the mother and son NPCs you find early on both dead.

Attack their shield to bait them into bashing you and deflect it.

Central kills those two eventually.

The marsh that you walk through has two paths, one to the right, being the one that leads to the samurai ally, and one to the left, which leads to a hallway. Take the left path, aggro the mob, kill all of them, then go get the samurai and take turns wailing on the fat bastard. Also, have fun with the next baddie. Kicked my ass so many times.

I cant even stealth hit him the first time because its impossible to get behind him so as soon as he sees me stab one of his ads he's permanently immune

>Lady Maria phase 2 ninjutsu

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> $90 AUD

It’s $64 at Jb hifi, probably similar price at Target/Big W, don’t ever buy from EB games.

>Infects only the NPCs you've met
Does it? I had a guy infected who wasn't the sculptor and the only guys i know are the sculptor and the guy you fight(but he isn't sick)

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>the mother and son NPCs you find early on both dead.
People are saying these are the only npcs that can die. The only npcs I've seen dissapear are the random gray old ladies that sit around and say cryptic shit.

Can I play this on a keyboard?

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I got mats but can't upgrade my prostethic. The first ones are greyed out (the one before fire cannon) Do i need another or something? Got umbrella, axe, fire, naruto teleport and shuriken

The mother and son die as part of plot progression. There is no way to have them live.


I don't see why you'd want to.

Are some upgrades tied to plot progression. There is a ton of Prosthetic stuff I cant upgrade even though I have the money and materials.

By grayed out, you mean locked. It means you're missing that prosthetic. The upgrades aren't linear. You can go from a firecracker upgrade into a fan upgrade.

Oh thank fuck. So it isn't dragonrot? Because that post scared the living shit out of me.

Unless it requires ten times more deaths than the first time or something, my sculptor only got infected once, and even the first mod guy only got infected once

I guess I should have clarified, it's more progression based, ones that you "should have" met
You might have missed the merchant on a hill (I know I did my first time)

you could skate by in dark souls with a keyboard but i really doubt you could here. its just way more intensive and demanding.

Yea Forums is mostly casual shitters even if they want to tell you otherwise. Then there's a slightly difficult game with no easy mode and bam

nioh has better combat but sekiro is better in every other category

ideally combining the two somehow would make for the perfect game but there's no way that's ever going to happen

Whats even gold for in this game. i used all my gold to buy sacks so i don't lose it when you die but except for that i can't find shit to buy for it

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You absolutely can. The default controls are also surprisingly decent, so at least some thought was put into it

I love the feeling of wandering around and getting lost in a new from world.

I ended up in the spooky zombie village but accident so I decided to listen to the heir and go to where I was actually supposed to go (sunken valley) and then I get fucking shot down by snipers. i love it

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Sekiro because it's an actual action game and not a diablo looter gooker.

The one that leads to the Flame Vent upgrade path is the Firecracker tool from the first merchant in the first real area, Ashina Outskirts. He's before the Ogre, so he should be easy to find, look for high up places.

>large sweeping three-hit attacks that cut through your posture like butter

Youll be wishing you had more gold soon. As soon as you unlock Prosthetics upgrades and find atleast 5 merchants there is tons of expensive shit.

Prosthetic upgrade materials, items, sometimes information hints, etc. Shit gets expensive real quick.

Big purple boy?

nioh is for people who like souls better than ninja gaiden and tenchu and vice versa

sounds fucking cool, but for 7 spirit emblems? that's a bit expensive

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Go full Ainsley Harriot. Grease him up and burn his ass.

Yeah the ghost monk. Fuck it maybe I'll just try fighting O'rin instead she seems like a fun time. God knows I need an actual qt in the game.

It's actually difficult so it's shattering the egos of most souls fans.
I unironically recommend checking out the sekiro subreddit to laugh at all the people that already quit the game.

how i beat this guy

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Pretty much all the Ninjutsu are expensive, they aren't normal skills.

Can someone tell me what that locked on is on the pic? When do I get to unlock it?

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Nioh has more content and better waifus. But do get both since they are both solid games and Nioh is cheap now

ninjutsu techniques. I forget when you unlock it but it's right after a boss.

>when this became true and shitters can't summon to beat the game and then claim it's easy on the internet

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Whats peoples problem with Nioh loot? I actually liked that there were tons of items, made equipping your character exciting because you could always find and try new shit

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After the second Genichiro fight.

*blocks your path*

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you need to go to the castle and defeat the boss in the tower, do the history and you unlock

Are the symbols that pop up Japanese for what move the enemy is doing? At work so cant check

you are hugging any suspicious walls to find secret rooms with prayer beads and not just hugging the walls with the obvious person white painting, right?

Defeat Genichiro at the top of Ashina Castle

The headless... What the fuck. Why?

Nah, the symbol just means danger. You'll have to read the enemy's tells to figure out whether they will do an unblockable, a sweep or a grab.

The merchant also dies once central attacks, maybe if you don't give him a helper in time.

Red danger kanji for ABUNAI

So what the fuck does dying > reviving > reviving > actually dying do?

What's the point of this shitty reviving mechanic?
Why not simply give more healing gourd.

>lol this dude's weak to fire
>can't find the fire prosthetic until like 7 hours later because I forgot about buying the info from jap-patches

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Here's your Bloodborne bro

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When you aggro the boss for the first time by being at the edge of his aggro range he won’t trigger the fight immediately, he will get up and check where you were at first. This is when the yellow alert icon appears. When he can’t find you he will reset but instead of sitting down he will place himself in the middle of the mob group, facing the pond. I think you know what to do from that point on.

>The Gun Fort

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Everything was going fine, I killed the ogre. The general after the ogre kicked my ass too hard, I started branching to different places and now at the end of the routes there are just five minibosses awaiting to kick my ass (I tried them all couple of times), halting any progress. I'm still noob at the combat, mixing the inputs and have no idea if the unstoppable attack requires a jump or the anti-thrust skill.

Should I just practice with the zombie buddy? Will the minibosses become more fun after I git gud? The exploration is fun, but if at the end of each route is just another miniboss awaiting to kick my ass I might just give up.

You can find the fire prosthetic before you even get to the ogre.

Fuck this game, i'm out please send help

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>Made it to Ashina castle entrance
>Routes branch off into like 5 different directions
>Get information overload and turn off the game

Uggu I hate having options, now I have constant fomo and have to autistically nitpick every single route

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I still dont understand how people are having issue with this guy. Like just back step the grab nigga

Yea I went back and beat her first. I can give tips for both if you want.

You gotta spam deflects basically with the lady. The monk is actually a full memory boss, which I was really surprised about, because he's boring as fuck. The fight is super long because you basically have to avoid his attacks and jump in when he's turned because he blocks basically everything. You can't spam for a posture break at all and from everything I tested he has no real break/stun openings.

Zombie buddy is good for practicing move you have never used before but doesn't actually provide much challenge.

Here's a tip you can pretty much always delete one full bar of the miniboss health by stealth kicking his ass

>Should I just practice with the zombie buddy?
>Will the minibosses become more fun after I git gud?

dying with spread the disease to npcs to die and the more you die eventually you get a game over

Deflect the when he raises his sword

Honestly DaS3 would have benefited greatly from a Company of Champions like covenant 2 had. Make it an option available only at the start of the game, that if you beat the game with out summoning help along with harder bosses you get unique awards and achievements

Honestly the step in difficulty in Sekiro reminds me of going to bloodborne from dark souls it was hard at first then I got used to it.

So basically the great ones are dragons and people ascend there's even an ending orphan of kos like in presentation

Im picking up a ton of rare booze and I can give it to everyone. WHO DO I PICK.

you can reset the enemy AI ans backstab them if they’re far enough. you can comeback if you face something unexpected. it’s a lore thing as well.

>hurr durr why no give potions instead

When he does his lightning bullshit, deliberately get hit while in mid-air and press R1 before you hit the ground to send that shit right back at him and fuck him up.

>Sabimaru the shit out of the mid-boss, poison instantly breaks her posture
>Run across the bridge with my umbrella out blocking all the incoming fire
>Stealth around avoiding the landmines stealth killing every cunt sniper
Most fun section of the game so far. Once you actually unlock some skills/tools/damage/health upgrades the game becomes way more enjoyable. Options were too limited at the start.

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>One is back to the tutorial area with an annoying miniboss
>Another is a dead end with a merchant
>Another leads to a miniboss and locked door
>Top of the castle is the boss
Go to the last one



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Zombie sparring will only help you so much since enemies all have different animations for the moves. The midbosses at your current progress are acting as mechanic tutorials, so even if you were to get past them it's likely you'll have issue with what comes after. Dont be afraid to run your current save into the ground and restart once you get better.

Who do you want to learn more about? There's your answer. Emma, she has more shit going on than she normally lets on.

>the more you die eventually you get a game over
What? Really?

Spoilers, brother. Not everyone has completed the game like you.

Ok, time to approach this like a fighting game, then.

He's not challenging, but atleast I might learn how to react to different attacks and unstoppable attacks without having to go back and forth through a level.

Yeah, I've been doing that. I'm still too shit to beat anyone though.

I'll keep treating them as practice, then.

Has no one figured out what the two snake hearts are for?

There's a ninja in the place where Wolf was first seen and is looking for you. You can talk to him. Do I kill him or not?

how do you get to valley?

Talk to him again. He makes that choice for you.