22 Mar, 2019

>22 Mar, 2019
the day when Yea Forums was exposed

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>the day Yea Forums was right

How exposed?
Can I see Yea Forums's dick or just a buttshot?

It's one of the few times the shitposters were actually right in the game being bad before it was actually released.

How is it bad?

There's only one difficulty setting: very hard. It's the ultimate git gud game, where if you can't play above a certain floor, the game basically tells you to fuck off.

That, and dragon rot.

This game is fucking great, the fact that so many people are crying about it proves the soulsfags of Yea Forums fucking suck at video games.

They learned souls and now their frail ego is hurt that a new game is challenging them. Game has actually been easier than souls for me because im not a chimpanzee who tries to mash the roll button to avoid all situations like in souls.

Anyone complaining about "artificial difficulty" should be ignored and dismissed.

That sound like a good thing, is that what they are complaining about?

It's not dark souls and I can't roll and r1 spam everything

>this is bad

Fucking casual

I would have no problem with it if FROM would actually be honest what they're trying to accomplish here. I just want my money back. If tryhard edgy bullshit games is what you want, I have no problem with it. I just don't want to be cheated into buying them.

The game isn't hard, it's just super fucking reliant on using the exact right ability (assuming you've unlocked it) or the exact right prosthetic (again assuming you've found it) to make fights trivial.

Once you've figured out that you're "playing the game wrong" and start playing it exactly as it's intended, it isn't hard at all.

Posture is a misleading mechanic. Some enemies need to be damaged first before posture becomes relevant. Deflecting every attack that can be deflected doesn't result in a win since the enemy can deal more posture damage even when you're the one that deflected them. Some bosses don't even use the mechanic while some bosses actively "run" when their posture is about to be broken. It's hard to chase since they have pretty cheap attacks with barely any startup that usually deal 30-40% of your health. That and the usual vacuum and mid attack tracking moves.

>the game isn't hard, it's just full of gimmicky bullshit
I don't know which is worse, honestly

Very hard is only available if you carry the demon stone.

I don't care that it's hard it's just not fun. It's a middleground between souls and say an action game like dmc or ninja Gaiden. It's clunky as hell

This. You HAVE to use the tools the game tells you to use.
Good luck beating shield fags without loaded axe.
Good luck beating bull without firecracker

How do I beat the archer guy on top of castle? What cheese can work on him with what tool

>Posture is a misleading mechanic. Some enemies need to be damaged first before posture becomes relevant.
Stopped reading right here
This literally gets explained in the training you do with the npc you fucking retard

The gimmicky bullshit for sure, too much of the game has been designed around one off uses of prosthetics/abilities where outside of those unique cases those abilities are either literally useless, or kinda pointless.

Abilities and prosthetic needed more overall utility and should have enabled the player a larger variety of play styles, instead they do the exact opposite.

Did I hurt your little feelings?

>I suck at the game
>whaaa the game is bad
Neck yourself you casual shitstain

Uh no you don’t retard. The entire game has already been completed with the base tool. You’re just bad, tools are only there to make it easier

i have the ultimate tip that i didn't learn until late into the game
if you hold guard while standing still your posture recovers at a rate such that it will be empty in about ~2 seconds. extremely useful against the later bosses who give you little breathing room.

This game is not "hard" at all. The entire gameplay is all about sticking your face to enemies and parry and counter attack until your enemy dies. There is no artificial difficulty. The only thing is how long it takes for you to learn their attack patterns and after that there‘s nothing else to stop you.

>only achievement I can be proud of in this life is being good at FROM software games

He’s right, deflecting every attack like a cool guy isn’t always best. The enemy posture will recover quickly while yours won’t. You need to chip some, then the enemy posture will go down much slower.

Game is hard because you can't just go in guns blazing. Instead, you have to take your time and memorize how enemies have been programmed, get their 3 or 4 animations down and respond accordingly. Not exactly as fun, but they wanted to try something new. Of course this formula didn't come first. The original formula worked good for a reason. In trying to be different, it's not what most people end up actually wanting.

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They’re tools, look up the actual definition for a tool. They’re meant to be used for one purpose. That’s why you have loads of them you fucking moron.
You want a versatile tool that does it all? Just use the fucking kusamibaru, you can beat the game with that by itself.

Tools are there to serve a purpose, dumbass. Each tool had a set purpose that the devs intended for you to use.
Fuck off with your "its optional" shit, you sound like SL1 players saying the devs planned for you to not level.

No shit? How is that misleading when it's literally explained ingame?

I need to know the enemies fucking life story and credit score in this game. It’s much less reactionary, which would be fine if I could die 100 times learning. But I’m severely punished for that, so dying is just extremely stressful.

Fistful of ashes is a decent substitute. Takes a couple tosses but it gets the job done.

I dont get why these games are so popular? The AI all have a certain set of patterns.

Because they are bad.

>Wasn't here for GFWL Souls

The day fromsoft was exposed.

it sure did

This board has always been full of shitters with awful taste. Its just that back then there were way more good games compared to the cancerous bad ones we see now so it didn't seem that way.

>Feeling accomplishment for completing a tough game


>surprised that shitposters shitpost
How new are you?

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Uhh dunno I'm only like 5 hours in lol

he asked for something that was bad, user

>the fact that so many people are crying about it proves the soulsfags of Yea Forums fucking suck at video games
That was already proven 7+ years ago

do you mean the cannon guy? He's like a normal dude. Just go hit him.

Except the opposite is true. Go in hard and fast. Whack them for a bit then deflect. The kanji deflects are really obviously telegraphed and make the fights trivial.

For example, I was having difficulty with the drunk. So I cleared out the temple area first (he is fairly slow), got a sneak attack on him, then proceeded to spam attack and deflect. I didn't get a single perfect deflect. But when he does the sweep, you double jump off him and his posture goes way down. Avoid the grab (it's rarer than the sweep). Hit him with oil and burn him up for some free hits.

If you just take your time trying to get perfect deflects, you'll lose all your own posture before that happens.

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So what's different from playthrough to playthrough if there aren't any builds? What's the replay value?