Do you agree with this Yea Forums?
Do you agree with this Yea Forums?
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Throw Nier Automata in there and take out MGS4 for literally anything else and yes I agree.
>all this console faggotry
2019 Yea Forums
Boring and tired theme for a thread
Kill yourself
DDS is shit and total war rome takes a big dump over it but DeSu is based, 8/10 its ok
There fixed it for you, kill yourself OP
> nintenbabbies
you need to grow the fuck up
>Persona on there 3 times
>Trails of anything on there multiple times
now this is quality bait
> the last of us
guess you need to kill yourself first
Titanfall 2 came out in 2016
why does the fact there was only three years between majoras mask and wind maker weird me out
what's the one in 2018?
No I do not agree. That is what the next 500 replies will be. Just delete the thread now.
2013 & 2014 were the worst periods in gaming history, not a single good game besides TLOU came out that year.
>MGR is bad
>Papers please was bad
>3d world was bad
>Black Flag was bad
>Underhell was bad
I mean I dont disagree about 13/14 being shit but come on dude
Yes all of those games were shit, ACIV is the only one with potential to be good but it was ruined due to being a AC game
Fuck you furry > gameplay retard
Fuck you even more story > gameplay retard
Literally even Heavy Rain would have been the GOTY if it released in 2013 or 2014. It was that fucking horrible
It was good until 2013
Step aside, plebs. Here's a real list.
> Meme Hand
Already invalidated
where in tha fook is halo 3?
Only a mentally ill weeb faggot would agree. So yes Yea Forums would agree
>He's not Alexander
Like I said, pleb. Step aside.
Still missing Halo 3
> Pleb
Just a buzzword for not liking a niche meme game
Most people who don't like God Hand have never played it.
Anybody who doesn't like God Hand that has played it, has never beaten it.
If it was good then most people would have played or heard of it like Okami, Twilight Princess or Mother 3
Not at all.
I honestly don't think I've played a single game that was released in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, or 2018.
This is the most accurate one so far, but contrarians will complain about it anyway
Wrong, Undertale should be 2015
No, you're a fucking weeb and I'm glad you'll never reproduce.
I love Undertale but it's simply not as good as Bloodborne or TiTS
Meaningless buzzword that ESL's use for not liking piece of shit western games
it was released in sept 2002, retard
Out of curiosity, for these GOTY things, do you just count games you played that year, or can you play a game years later and count it as GOTY for the year it came out?
source for 2018?
I know you idiot, but to say it is game of the year is questionable
nah, its only competition is Vice City
Starcraft: Brood War is GOTYAY.
no, not even close you stupid retarded faggot. Also stop posting these threads cunt
We doing this thread every day now?
no, also you're a furry and its not subtle
this list is terrible
Cope more contrarian
tlou is a movie
celeste is pretty good but nothing revolutionary
inside is walking sim shit
> A literally flawless platformer in terms of atmosphere, sound design, storytelling & pacing is a “Walking simulator”
Kill yourself & actually play the game
how do I play the game if I'm dead after suicide you dipshit
>infamous over Bayo 1
C'mon son, I love infamous as much as anyone but you can't seriously believe this.
La Mulana 2 was the best game of 2018 so this is wrong.
>A literally flawless platformer in terms of atmosphere, sound design, storytelling & pacing
So it has shit gameplay but you like the story, gotcha
only correct answer
pls be my Dronya mommy gf
I do actually believe this. Bayo 1 might be a close 3rd though, objectively speaking it's 2nd, since RE5 is near and dear to my heart but I'll admit that it isn't better than Bayo., but whenever I think about it, I'm reminded of that Motorcycle sequence, which alone docks it enough for me.
>imagfne not including portal
>imagine not inclusidng counter strike
>imagine not including half life
>imagine not including any fallout
>imagine not including any hitman
weebs and casual console fags are what killed the industry
have sex
Might as well stick Ace Combat 7 for 2019 already because this year has been nothing but shite so far.
>False flagging as an Acebro to shit on other franchises
Fuck you, you faggot B*lkan. DMC5 and RE2 were great.
plz no bully
No they werent.
AC7's my game of the year and those two are close behind. Stop pretending like you've played either of them Or like you've played AC7.
Fuck yourself you strawmanning Osean subhuman.
Eat my ass, you Belkan puke
a taste so good that i can imagine it burning weebs eyes