That's a nice niche game you have there... it'd be a shame if something were to happen to it

That's a nice niche game you have there... it'd be a shame if something were to happen to it.

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My boy Skeleton really needs to mail Sseth that cum

>try to play
>start as assistant
>try clicking on things
>lose interest and leave
you boomers lied to me

Its much more fun now though

ive been playing this game for years just to do inane shit as an assistant
I want to relearn the controls

Once all of the underage ssethfags leave/get banned most stations will just have a nice bump in population. I just wish sseth was a bit more informative in his video so all of the new players at least knew how to not be shitters. Or at least mention Mandalore's video which is pretty informative and helpful.

Every servers admins are being pussies and refuse to ban them because "w-well they'll be great new players once they stop roundstart murdering and griefing!"

What shitty servers do you play on? /vg/'s banned like 10 so far, but a few of them have appealed and promised not to be shitters.

I don't want to deal with /vg/ now that nuke is trying to weasel his way into getting power yet again.

sounds like a muzzie problem

>caring about shitty admeme drama


Take your ritalin and go play dark souls.

Fuck yeah I love dark souls

Have fun.

Nuke is an extremely good boy

Remember that time nuke pretended to kill himself for attention and then once it was found out to be bullshit he shit on the people that actively tried to make sure he was okay?

>every server is ballbustingly strict on what you can do, to the point of even banning clowns when they clown on everyone
>every player gets massively butthurt if they can't perfectly enact their role the entire round
>mundane job simulator
no wonder only boomers enjoy this shit.


Sorry I called out the autism sandbox for what it was. No wonder you faggots are so high strung, you're all like The entire /vg/ thread REEEEEing minutes, minutes, after the video went up.

And now that Sseth has thrown a spotlight on it, people are acting as if they didn't throw the same fucking fit when mandalore dropped his vid.

Go hunker in the bunker with the rest of the retards and trannies.


>I-im gonna do it!

Okay Margaret.

>Want to get into SS13
>Every great story my friends tell me of and I see on threads end with "and then the server banned me"
>Still don't get the appeal if that's how it always ends

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Doing fun memorable things isn't the point of the game, user. It's repeating whatever set of tasks your role entails while metacomming to schmooze up to the admin, his circle of cocksleeves and his >girlfriend

I've always wanted to get into it myself but it seems like one of those games where the only way to learn is to play, it usually isn't a problem for me but the fact that it's online makes me nervous, especially since most of the players have probably been there for years

/vg/ has a test server. Don't worry, if you play as an assistant no one expects anything of you and the worst thing that'll happen is that someone makes fun of you for being a newfag.

I've been playing SS13 for the past few years and I still don't understand everything and I'm still horribly unrobust. Then again I'm not exactly a regular player that gets on frequently.


SS13 was NEVER good

>played this shit again like last year or something
>whole server does nothing but fuck around even if they arent antag
>admins dont give a fuck either

Shit was pure chaos and really fucking stupid. Kind of wish i played more back in 2014 or some shit when people took it a bit more serious.

The game was flooded with Sseth shitters, but the ones who don't actually care about the game will be gone soon and the ones that do care will increase the playerbase and lifespan.

You can get away with alot as long as you remember the golden rule: other people are playing the fucking game too. Which means you shouldn't plasmaflood the hall for no reason, but things like le ebin cargonia or knockout gassing the whole station because of the wizard are okay.

Yeah basically this
Number one rule is don't be a dick
If you're purposefully trying to ruin the fun of others you deserve to get your ass banned

This is something zoomers will never understand, they live for instant self satisfaction

How is CM server going? I was told it's even more mindless crowding now with literal bullet time cause of lag.

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EH im just gonna wait for Barotrauma

Nuke isn't getting admin, but Veers almost adminned SJ_Benster. SJ FREAKIN BEANSTER

Need to bring back the old classics
Get Probe, Elim, Praecordia back in the mix

>try playing the game
>clicking is too slow
>literally takes me 10 seconds to type "Hello" because of the button layout
>everyones running around at full speed
>chat is moving beyond my reading speed
>I was playing an Engineer and I did literally nothing the entire game until some guy killed me

I dont understand.

Don't know which I'd rather have. In the past, /vg/'s admins were absolute fucking trash but the community was alright. Now, the community is pretty awful but the admins recently have been okay, atleast in comparison to the awful ones it had.
It takes a lot of getting used to, and a lot of the chat is shit that is inconsequential to you. If you're playing a simple engineer, try to filter out garbage and only pay attention to people calling for some kind of repair, or only pay attention to your department chat, which should be a different color than general station comms.

>clicking is too slow
Bad ping. It's either you or the recent player influx.
>literally takes me 10 seconds to type "Hello" because of the button layout
Learn about hotkeys, really helpful.
>chat is moving beyond my reading speed
It's also probably because of the influx but the game really urges to develop reading skill.
>I was playing an Engineer and I did literally nothing the entire game until some guy killed me
It's OK, it could've been worse.

The lag is bad because the game runs on BYOND and literally only got more than 10 players because the creator got his flashdrive stolen. It has a steep learning curve, I suggest you watch some tutorial videos.

>not gaming on Aurora Dusk

To the experienced players here, what do you recommend I do/try as assistant? Im always afraid im going to break something so I just hang around.

Do you know how to pick things up and the basics of the control? If yes, go to the wiki, look up how to do a basic role like station engineer, then stopping being a greyshirt. If no, then do some basic exploring, find a flashlight in maintenance, hack a door or something, then you have mastered the basics.

Basically try to learn something, follow a guy around and ask him stuff without being super suspicious looking, mess with learning how to craft things with junk you can find, learn basics of hacking maybe. If you have a good idea of how the interface works maybe pick cargo tech or janitor.

What is this game?

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Just test yourself, trying to light a cigarette quickly is a pretty good test.

Depends, if you are a atmos tech or scientist, it is a holocaust simulator. If you are sec or a head of staff it is a BDSM ERP game where you needlessly abuse unarmed men. If you are a janitor or clown it is watching a QWOP lets play. If you are a cargo tech or engineer it is a revolutionary war simulation. All this and more

The problem is most people play on that shitty goonstation server, and goons have been unfunny and asshurt for like 5 years now.

Is this the ultimate example on how vital private servers are for any multiplayer game?

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How the fuck would private servers help? All the servers are already retarded circlejerks.


What I meant is that this game would never ever had gone anywhere if the creator only hosted in on their own server. 80% of multiplayer games these days are like that and die within a year. Allowing user experimentation and modification are crucial in making a unique experience. This can even remedy a half-incompetent technical execution if the premise of your game is sound.

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I used to play on a high RP server and we used to go private on weekends because the average pubbie is a brainless retard and we'd get flooded on friday nights.

SCP:SL. it's unplayable in pubs

The ability to modify SS13's and BYOND's shitty engine is part of the success. The other part is simply having that community that was able to participate at a level where everyone was having fun. No reason to have that fancy ass server if all your players are too busy trying to plasmaflood, metagame, and instantly end the round right? Then again, if that works for the server, I guess it falls within the idea I was thinking of.

>zoomers are now confused by the term 'private server'


That 3d project is dead right? Good thing barotrauma is doing well

I havent played in awhile, what would i be dealing with if i logged on right now

I want SS13 to get more popular. I want servers to struggle even harder so that we get a openMW for SS13 already. Some fags need to set up a patreon and remake SS13 on a new engine. Im fucking sick of byond and all it does is hold SS13 back.

thank god for Lifeweb

>openMW for SS13 already
I'd pay for this.

Attached: Nice.gif (320x260, 962K)

>some dude asks you to make some shit for him
>stare at the job guide and fumble your tools around for 20 minutes
>crumble under the pressure and embarrassment
Every time.

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Miss this game. I played in 2012 back when the goon servers had poo and the vibe was relaxed. The game is too different now, and bloated with stupid OP shit. Also back then metagamers were the exception not the rule