He has a point.
He has a point
I disagree
who's the fucker?
why would we care?
so this is what your average soulsfag looks like
He isn't exactly wrong. A lot of souls players summoned or just spent time grinding until they could use numbers to beat any boss.
This is a game in the very same vein but that isn't an option. You just have to figure out how to fight them and then apply what you have. You can't grind out stat points unless you want to spend six hours getting yourself 4 more attack points and crippling your skill growth.
Anyone who just got through the souls series by summoning or grinding to win is going to get filtered by the game.
none of the games are fun
literally people pretend to like it because git gud meme
Half-hourly reminder.
funny how you never post this image in giant bomb threads
oh no
>lumping in max and big papi chad warden with the rest of this garbage
Yea Forums has shit taste as usual
You're becoming the second lee.
unironically this
backing away in circles and taking pot shots for 1/17 boss hp is fun for people
the entire challenge of darksouls is just surviving against bosses for 10 minutes after you memorize each attack
>Can't summon in help
>Game is bad
How are these gaming personalities who dedicate their entire lives to playing games so fucking bad at them? Can you imagine professional sports being full of mediocre faggots and the best players are just normies around the world playing the sport for fun? Gaming might be the only hobby where the most recognizable and discussed people involved in the hobby are actually worse at it than all the various nobodys who just play games in their free time for fun.
literally git good lolmao
Is he upset he can't summon help for every boss?
He's the greatest cancer in this board.
hypocrites are a blight on Yea Forums
I don't get this meme
>brb fap
t.cant make it past the second boss
you're worse desu
I caught the end of DSPs stream he was bitching like hell I wish I saw some gameplay
>the we hate e-celebs meme
>always posted by the same faggots who simultaneously enjoy movies, music, books, video games, or any combination thereof, all created by celebrities of one form or another
And here's your reminder that asshats like you are retarded, contrarian hypocrites.
Stop projecting. The only people who say this are the people who actually would play a le hard game to boast about their e-peen online. This series wouldn't have a fanbase if it wasn't actually fun.
They call him DSP.
nuh uh you're worse and you smell bad so there!
Is this G-Man?
This.However you quickly learn how to fight them through sheer repetition
>Chad Warden
See you trying to sneak that in there xbot
Can someone explain taxes to me!
where are superbestfrie- oh right...
If you don't like this game you're a snoyboy. Think about it logically.
I always got the impression G-Man was modeled after Christopher Walken, yeah.
nobody cares in case you haven't noticed
DSP is literally Yea Forums culture
I love these other games that I had to cheese, spam, overlevel, and have Twitch chat hold my hand through
Nice post, Phil, don't forget to turn the heat off in your house overnight to save those precious shekels.
Riddle me this: Sony will get an exclusive AND the multiplat, yet sonyfags are so mentally broken that they can't claim victory off having more games, they also need the mutiplat to be bad. You'll see it with Sekiro and that other samurai game just like you saw it with Infamous and Prototype. Why are sonybros so retarded? t. Have no interest in any souls games or prototype or infamous
Explain his taxes, please.
What do I do with the 'fresh fruit' and 'dried fruit' of the god? I have both but don't know what to do with them.
Why is this board so obsessed with DSP? You don't even watch his streams or support his content. If half the shilling you did here on Yea Forums for free was spent in actually helping the guy he wouldn't always be begging for ad-money or donations.
>If half the shilling you did here on Yea Forums for free was spent in actually helping the guy he wouldn't always be begging for ad-money or donations.
He literally owes thousands in taxes because he forgot. There's no way to cure him with any amount of money.
Yeah "forgot".
elpresador should be up top
He loved Dark Souls? News to me.
>He literally owes thousands in taxes because he forgot
you actually believe him? why?
>does retarded thing in game