We all agree this is THE hardest From Software game right?
We all agree this is THE hardest From Software game right?
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Hardest game of the 2010's IMHO
Yes also their second best, the first? Demon's Souls
doesn't make it good
Yeah it is but it's bullshit hard
That's not KI:Uprising on 9.0 difficulty.
It's not hard, it's just bullshit and unfun.
More vacuum grabbing bosses, bullshit HURRRRR you have to use this EXACT counter, you can't dodge out of the way or you'll still magically get hit and then brain dead, easy as fuck mobs throughout.
So I have to beat the spearfucker before the first fogdoor before I can enter? Im tired of spending several minutes fighting killing the other enemies with stealth only to get two-shotted once I start 1v1ing him
>bullshit HURRRRR you have to use this EXACT counter, you can't dodge out of the way or you'll still magically get hit
Literally mad he has to actually parry and can't just roll R1. lmao.
Yeah,there's no stats for you to increase with different gear and gems like in bloodborne and demon/dark souls,you have to be good or fuck off
Yes user, it's good for other reasons. Congratulations on having half a brain, I don't think even your parents expected that
There's two skills you can acquire which makes him easy as fuck, the game is poorly designed and you're better off not trying to out skill the game and just use the abilities/prosthetics they literally put in to counter exact enemy types.
>brainlet streamers taking long at the monkey puzzle
Parrying is great, i'm talking about the other bullshit attacks you sperg that you can't parry, can't dodge etc but that you literally have to use the ability counters to cinematically avoid and if you try to parry or dodge them normally they still magically hit you.
No, not even close.
Hard because babies can't summon people to kill bosses for them. It's really just Bloodborne tier difficulty without summons.
Hardest part is getting it to work on PC
Bloodborne was made trivial by dodging
>It's really just Bloodborne tier difficulty without summons.
Yeah, maybe Old Hunters-tier difficulty. The only thing in the base game of BB that compares to some of the shit in Sekiro is flamedog.
no lies
dark souls is bullshit hard, this one actually makes you use your reflexes instead of iframes
>my 5 year old windows installation and 50 driver updates broke something
every fucking time.
If you're talking about the flame cleric beast then he is also old hunters. If not then the flamedog must have been piss easy cause I don't remember him.
bloodborne you could easily just spam dodge and hit whatever
Flamedog was in the chalice dungeons. You would remember him if you fought him.
Did you ring the bell? Didn't think so.
Im really wondering if I will like Sekiro. I've never beaten a souls game, furthest I cared to get was DS1, but I have played almost everyone of them a little. I love parrying in devil may cry and MGS Revengence, so an action game where I am just worrying about getting good and not how I am fucking my stat sheet up sounds like a god send.
>didn't even kill the ogre
>7 people I never met already got dragonrot
what the fuck from.
>MGS Revengence
that's what it is but harder(somewhat) plus dodges
I remember now. I didn't think he was very hard. The only thing in the chalice dungeons that fucked my shit up was the cursed lightning skeleton boss. Gayest shit I ever played.
No one implied that dumbass, learn to read.
Nioh has stats, but I think you'd legitimately like it more than Sekiro in that respect.
Nioh has a much higher, and a much more satisfying skill ceiling as well. The problem with Sekiro is once you've beaten a boss (which btw are the only enemies in the game that pose any threat at all) what you've learned/mastered really isn't applicable to anything else, whereas in Nioh your mastery continues to be applicable throughout the entire game as you face tougher variants etc
Sekiro is good, but it's really not about mastery in the same way.
>no stats so you can’t overlevel
>no summons
>no magic
>no bullshit like poise among other things
A slap in the face to all the souls tough gaymers and a reminder to git gud
if you're just worried to git gud and no stats then Sekiro will work for you
did u die
Ninja enemies are straight up bullshit
Hardest I've played, I've only played the Soulsborne games though.
It's starting to grow on me, though.
>in Nioh your mastery continues to be applicable throughout the entire game
I would argue with that, Nioh got same structure "only bosses matter", it's just got more easier bosses you rush through and some nails tough bosses where same as sekiro applies
for me there isn't much difference, I pretty much played Nioh single katana all the way, feels very similar to me. at least I don't need to kipulse everything.
It's the ultimate git gud game. People who have nothing else going for themselves in their lives get a shallow feeling of accomplishment and get to brag about it on Chinese knitting forums.
>Niohfag strikes again
Everyone knows Nioh is fucking piss-easy by now you can stop pretending
>high skill ceiling
I'm not against a game ring hard but why does everything have to do retard tier damage, might as well not give players a healthbar and just a single hit point
I had zero dragonrot until i got my ass handed to me by the purple wizard 100x
I eventually gave up since Im out of divine ceremony and I dont know where its at
Maybe because you have two fucking lives?
>Nioh has a much higher, and a much more satisfying skill ceiling as well.
2nd life is to run away and bone out in shame to avoid DR
Finished SL1 runs of Dark Souls 1 and 3,and I find Sekiro not as hard as said SL1 runs.
Fucking gnar.
I 100%d MGSR
and I though i'm doing pretty well, for my defense I played all souls games through only once
shinobi hunter is easy as fuck
first of all you can stealth deathblow all minibosses to just bring them to their last healthbar
plus that mikiri something counter makes him a joke
Nioh was awesome, but I never cared enough to beat it for two reasons.
1. It had like 5 total enemies in the entire game
2. That loot and armor system was shit, and fuck confusing, especially after returning to it after a couple weeks.
its only hard for shield shitters and I-frame shitters.
parry bros are having a blast.
>Use two lives
>Game fucks you over and starts killing everyone
You're not supposed to use the two lives. 90% of enemies doing 70% of your HP with attacks with .5 second tells is pretty annoying. You get used to it, but each enemy type just introduces a learning curve, and fighting in packs is absolutely horrible.
SL1 of DaS3 is fucking easy as hell. You have access to so many fucking weapons in that game at SL1. SL1 O&S and Manus were fucking hell though.
>shinobi hunter is easy as fuck
3rd try for me after getting makiri counter. go to undead dude in the temple to practice it, shinobi hunter is a joke when you learn to use counter
ogre still fucking me up though, didn't play today yet, someone said you gotta jump from grabs?
I don't think they thought this mechanic through. It's obviously intended to give you a second whack at whatever boss you're fighting but you come back with so little health that you might as well puss out and keep skill points.
>Just spam RB
It's nothing like parrying in soulsborne. If you fucked up the timing in those games you would be punished. You can just press RB pretty much whenever you want in this game.
>puss out and keep skill points
what?! that's how it works?
I’m confused about the areas I just started the game and beat the ogre. So apparently I could’ve gotten some fire attack before this fight in another area I apparently missed. Pleasant surprise this isn’t too linear.
>You can just press RB pretty much whenever you want in this game.
What I found with minibosses is you just have to sneak up on them to get the first death blow. If you want to kill the ogre easy, just make sure you're spec'd into quiet, and sneak up next to him and give him the killing blow, then just spam fire and hit him until he dies.
>If you fucked up the timing
timing is shit in those games, here it happens on contact not on magical precognition event
Too much trial and error.
Giant Blacksmith's Hammer made short work of both o&s and manus
Ds2 is still the hardest to sl1.
BB ToH is close second only because of Laurence and Kos
yep it's artificially hard
No, I'm not wrong. I easily beat Lady Butterfly like 20 minutes ago simply by spamming RB the whole fight. Felt nothing like Parry/Riposte. Felt more like spamming RB and her vitality drained to nothing. Parrying Gwyn is much more satisfying.
The game is hardest of the FROM games that's for sure, and I beat DS1-3 on M+KB which probably doesn't mean much now in retrospect. Why is it so difficult for game developers to put PS4 prompts in the PC version? I fucking hate it when it's not included and it's NEVER included. The work is already there since there's a PS4 version of the game, why can't they just add a few lines of code they already have and put it in the PC version?
>Giant Blacksmith's Hammer made short work of both o&s and manus
Ah, I went with the standard Lighting Club and got my ass fucking handed to me for hours. Was too stubborn to switch weapons.
buy oil and get the fire spewing prosthetic attachment from the fashback
like I said stealth deathblow him to his final healthbar
he is weak to fire
every glowing meme eyed dude in game is, that's what I read in the loading screen
I didn't beat him yet but I fought him last night and I don't think he will be a problem
>SL1 of DaS3 is fucking easy as hell
Base game - probably. But with DLC I actually had to drop the game for few weeks.
>abandoned dungeon
is this the catacombs, i've got a bad feeling about this terror mechanic
Reminds me of ninja gaiden where you had to actually git gud to beat it and not souls/bloodborne where you could just level up or use a cheese build
Hardest FromSoft game, maybe. Nioh is much more difficult.
the hell do you need prompts for? game got 4 buttons to press, controls are simple
at least they made menus with mouse this time, makes it way faster
money too.
>mfw it's just a worse Nioh
how do I sneak near ogre? he always spots me? can you even deathblow him from stealth?
>use mist raven
>get skill that does free follow-up damage
there you've made your life much easier
I first tried the DLC bosses, but I came prepared.
Blood Bandits Knife for demon princes
Profaned GS for Church
DSA for Midir
Torch + Irrythl SS for Gael
>Blighttown with guns
>*activision meme used again and again*
This board is so fucking funny.
Every port to PC does this for some reason. I think its because the xbox controller is the official windows gamepad.
mist raven is a bit OP isn't it? it negates everything and timing is WIDE
Name of that skill?
Its easy for those that understand the game.
Its hard for soulsborne players who are use to R1 spam
This coming out so close to DMC 5 really has highlighted the difference in the games challenges. I really feel like DMC is more fair with how you can handle everything in that game.
This game is still really good. But I find myself more often here shaking my fist wondering how many rotations the enemy is expected to track you through, or how getting too greedy and watching an enemy straight poise through your attacks or having very specific mechanics to ignore your guard/dodge.
I literally killed him in a fit of rage, but Mikiri Counter works well, just look at his animation and punish accordingly (don't dodge too much because his hitbox is fucked up)
Yes. I don’t know if it was just the way I was doing it, but it helped if I tried to sneak past him and focus on the pole arm dude next to him, I usually snuck past him, killed the pole arm dude, and was able to sneak up to him to get a death blow
that's weird, I think exactly opposite.
Do the environments get more interesting? I just got to Ashina castle and if the rest of the game is just pagodas and shit im gonna be disappointed
I'm just not finding it very enjoyable to play honestly, I've only died a few times but the edgy katana execution on every kill is already boring and there doesn't seem to be any variation to fights, non-boss enemies are only remotely a threat if they swarm you, stealth/detection seems incredibly inconsistent and I'm finding myself either bored or mildly irritated most of the time I've been playing. The grappling/climbing also doesn't feel nice, it feels really clunky. Not really enjoying it, it's not very fun.
>Base game - probably. But with DLC I actually had to drop the game for few weeks.
Oh yeah should have made it clear I only did a basegame run. I could see how Demon Princes would be a fucking nightmare.
did you get sneaking skill? thanks will try that, I'm fine killing his first bar, second bat I always fuck up with grabs
Or the fact that you NEED certain things to progress. First time I came against the shield enemies in the estate I didnt have the axe, and any attack or deflection I did was just followed by a 1ms startup animation that did 20% of my health.
Use the item that makes you slightly less visible and then crouch past him, kill the spear guy on the hill and then jump on top of the building.
It's a prosthetic in the flashback guarded by a fuck.
grapling feels nice though, I feel like you all playing it on console sub 40 fps, game is smooth as hell at 60
So would you like to explain what enemies in DMC have weird parry timings, or which enemy in the game has blatant and malicious tracking on their attacks or are you just trying to contradict me to defend "your" game?
This for me as well atm, Im thinking its going to get a lot better once I master everything and get some cooler skills
Yeah, I had the sneaking skill and the other quiet skill that muffles the sound your normal steps make
Also, I think there's an item that silences your footsteps completely, maybe try that.
If you're in his line of sight though I think he'll spot you regardless.
You get blighttown with guns, but for the most part its boring asd pagodas.
Game's setting really hurt it.
Japan is so boring
do i do it brehs
honestly, I wouldn't.
Manus is a fucking joke to dodge after some practice, and goes down pretty quickly with rtsr.
DaS3 late game and DLC bosses are way harder.
Do it for the memes breh
Nah you're just mad cause bad. Nothing in this game has made me frustrated yet. DMC5 is only challenging when doing autistic shit like going for all S-ranks on DMD. Revives made just finishing DMD a fucking cakewalk. Most of the enemies in DMC can barely deal with you because they don't have counters for when youre in the air. Most of the time I get hit in DMC is when I get bored of wailing away on the same enemy for so long and I try to get in more hits than I should to get the fight over with faster. The only enemies that are actually challenging is shit like Furies which no one fucking enjoys fighting.
Patrician: This game isn't fun.
I'm playing on PC at 60 fps, it's alright at best. It seems like the most effective way to clear out enemies is stealth kill, run away, stealth kill, run away and that's fucking boring.
Me too, I'm hoping it gets better but I'm honestly not really feeling it so far, the parry mechanic is cool at first and it's satisfying but at this point it's already boring to me and I've only been playing a few hours.
I just don't like DMC combat structure, it's the usual arcade game imitation with dial up combat japan been doing for decades
because xbox x looks like playstation cross and it confuses the shit out of me.
Do it
You get an item that makes the game harder, but you can remove it at any time to get rid of its effect.
its like the first or second prosthetic skill, its not hard to get
>Nioh is much more difficult.
So i have some "boss souls" dont know how this shit is called from lady butterfly or the guy with the horse, can i do something else with them than to spend them on upgrading my attack power?
BB > DS3 = SEKIRO > DS1 >DS2
DMC is an easy game made for babies. That's enough said.
ceramic shards son
if this game cheats
so must i
that's a shitty way to kill enemies. learn to position yourself better in combat, I can clear even juzo gang alone now
this game got the combat I love that's how real thing would feel if you got people around you
no. and why would you even want to.
I would agree DaS3 bosses are harder, but I would call Manus easy. His wambo combo is one of the most BS moves in the entire series
well, i'm pressing E, so I don't care what prompt says
Not by a long shot. Enemies do less damage and you get three (3) revives. Your defensive options actually work, too. Maybe once you count NG++.
i cant fucking beat enshiro FUCK FUCKING FC
stealth kill one of the guys at the bottom of the stairs, kill the other, run up stairs and zerg the 3rd goon, run and jump away until the music stops, and then stealth back and backstab the ogre
From is known for making you waste shit when you could use it for better shit
so falling off the level doesnt count as a death?
>it's not hard, it's just [reasons that make the game hard that don't count for some reason]
o i am laffin
I'm getting pretty annoyed with how many mooks there are around minibosses.
>Nah you're just mad cause bad.
>Proceeds to brag openly about being terrible at DMC.
The most bullshit thing in DMC is on DMD some enemies just don't stagger. At all. This game has more than its fair share of issues with tanky enemies with unreasonable levels of tracking.
>permanently upgrading your damage
literally nothing better than that
>muh conshole exshclushive is best
Typical sonnigger
I can fight them like that too and it's still boring, but I end up getting hit once and running back to the shrine because I have autism and don't want to be hit.
BB > Sekiro > DaS > DeS > DaS2 > NiOh > > Ashen > DaS3 > Lords of The Fallen > The Surge
why the fuck does B/circle do a leap forward. most of my boss deaths so far have been me leaping back then using dpad with my left thumb while still sometimes pressing dodge and the fucking nigger leaps forward right back into the fray and gets killed
then kill them first retard
From what I've seen so far, it takes half your max life. If you have too little life, you just die with no chance to respawn.
Good that they fucked over the iframes goofballs. Deflecting is the real competitor here. But half the time it sucks that deflecting an attack on all enemies does fuck all. Only on the beginning enemies. I still love the timing in which I need to deflect an attack. The timings are each random in themselves but challenging.
But, come on From Software. Yet another game where the AI just stands around and aren't attack anything besides YOU when YOU come around. I wanna see these enemies doing random stuff, including fighting or sparring amongst themselves. This is no different from the Batman games and Spiderman game where the enemy "patrols" and does fuck all else. What a waste.
here's one way to make a game harder: roll dice every second to see if your player character dies.
as someone who enjoyes hard video games, I'm sure you would love playing such a video game
so it's you problem, I quite enjoy the rush I get from fighting more than 4 enemies.
There are so many diverging paths. I get constant anxiety wondering if I went down the right path or not.
>dial up combat
It doesn't have "dial up" combat at all though.
>no Necropolis
>no Hellpoint
>no Immortal Unchained
confirmed plebeian
First time hearing about an axe, but i found that tapping r1 once against the shield guys in the estate then parrying their bash is the way to go. At most they bash twice before theyre open for a reposte
It was cool at first but it's boring and repetitive now, for me at least. Glad you like it though I'm just not really.
I'm always worried if I miss something useful.
And I did miss fire hand in the fire.
DSPs first real death was being knocked off a ledge by one of those chickens in the first area. shit was hilarious
>worse than dogshit
damn can anyone attest to this? is it really that bad?
How difficult a game is, is completely independent of how much you enjoy it you dumb faggot. What's so hard to understand? "Sekiro is the hardest From software game" is an objective fact no matter how much command grabs make you seethe.
>he considers what I said bragging
Yikes. I'm simply saying the game isn't hard unless you do autistic shit like go for S-ranks on DMD. Sekiro is hard right off the bat and just the act of simply finishing the game is difficult.
>tanky enemies with unreasonable levels of tracking.
At least Sekiros tanky enemies actually fight back. Proto Angelos might be the worst fucking enemy type I've ever seen in a game. A literal fucking punching bag.
>muh tracking
Yeah you're just bad
evesdrop more, NPC talk about loot sometimes
you could through ash at them, break the guard
well if a game is too difficult, there's really not much left to enjoy, is there? so who's really the dumb one here
based retard
this dragonrot shit makes me not even want to play
am i really gonna fuck myself over by dying a bunch? im already at 13% hidden guidance or whatever
get on my level, i'm at 0
you can heal them later
it's a meme
It can be cured
They're already dead. user. Might as well just restart at this point.
When you die, just resurrect and fuck off back to a statue to heal
hey can anyone fill me in on ceramic shards?
when they drew the aggro of four guys that at once when i only hit one a fluke?
How long is the game?
You dont even know how thorough I am man, im eavesdropping enemies that cant even be listened in to. I'll have to look around some more for that axe upgrade
Also yeah, that ash thing would work wouldnt it
About 75 seconds. 60 seconds are cutscenes, 10 seconds are loading screens and 5 seconds are pure artificial difficulty. Don’t bother.
50+ hours
Very early in it, does it get better than rock paper scissors damage sponges?
i find the combat enjoyable but bosses (including minibosses) doing stupid as fuck amounts of damage while you have shit all for healing for ages really hampers my enjoyment of it, getting 2 shot after multiple vitality upgrades isn't fun for me
axe is in little shrine half way through estate where two dudes stand and complain about not robbing it
for some reason the first time i fell off a cliff i died, but the rest of the times i haven't
Fastest any% glitchless run is 30:15
Not that long.
Yoooooo i listened to them talk about that but I didnt loot the shrine because that guy talked about bad juju or some shit. Hahaha now i know the first thing im gonna do next time i get on
>finally kill the general that cut your arm
>this isnt even my final form!!!
Reading these threads makes me realize that the people that come ro Yea Forums are a pack of shitters. Used to be if you complained about a games difficulty people would mock the shit out of, now it's just a circle jerk of hurt feelings.
tomoe was a very talented mentor.
Just beat the flaming bull, which area should I go to? There's like three areas that opened up. I'm dreading going into notBlighttown because fuck that aesthetic
Are any of the prosthetics actually good? I've only really used Fireworks and Rope. Axe has limited utility, and the others seem too gimmicky to be useful.
that literally never happened and you've been here since 2015 at the earliest.
I use axe all the time, its great for breaking their posture
the combat has a lot of trial and error
this game is harder than those games
Except now you're just lying. But ok. If you are actually using orbs for continues, then you have no right to judge the game's difficulty.
Sekiro isn't "hard right off the bat" and saying any of the basic mobs in this game do anything but beg you to parry them is disingenuous.
Moreover, the enemies in DMC definitely do fight back. Namely Proto Angelo, who on Devil Hunter difficulty uses basic moves from Nelo Angelo's pool that you can parry with relative ease outside of being flanked by Scudos.
You're not even trying to defend the tracking issue, because any of the remotely "hard" enemies in this game depend on having huge poise to counter hit you during your attack, and their attacks having the most blatant tracking that will home in on you nearly 360 degrees.
It's mot a matter of "getting good" you fucking mentally stunted coward. It really isn't hard to figure these games out. It's just a matter of how transparent these design hangups are.
I'm sorry your parents will fucking die if you don't shill this game or something.
This game is a fucking salt mine
Miazaki still got it
Any tips for purple kicking guy?
It doesn't seem as effective as Fireworks + Vertical Slash.
You might be right I don't have fireworks yet
>the good end
Nah fuck off
>First death was to Genichiro
>Kill him right after
I'm legitimately thinking of restarting, even when I know a ton of shit can just one shot me later on.
The boss fights in this game are wonderful
Dmc 5 hell or hell
Okay, be honest with me. There was a webm in the DMC threads of this scripted branch jump to sneak attack. It looked Ubisoft as hell. Is that a good representation of this game, because I like From Software, if it's good I want to check it out, but from what I've seen, I'm not a fan of it.
>Moreover, the enemies in DMC definitely do fight back. Namely Proto Angelo
Listen I get that you have to shill for DMC5 like your life depends on it but when you day shit like this it makes it seem like you're not even trying
I restarted just now. I was just at the second sub boss after the 3 dogs at the beginning. After meeting the buddha making guy after infecting him with dragon rot
the thing is that souls fanbase is full of people who love patting themselves in the back saying yup I love playing hard video games. then when they are presented with genuine challenge they call it tedious and artificial difficulty. what a riot. I have to commend from software for exposing these losers.
That shit pissed me right the fuck off.
>wiki says you get the moonlight great sword and yhorms giant foreskin after beating genishiro on the padoga
>Didn't get either of those items
>Simultaneously claiming that S-ranking DMD is "autistic shit" and that DMC enemies don't fight back.
Which is it? If enemies don't fight back, you wouldn't need to be autistic to breeze through DMD.
>Your hardest boss so far
Ogre was the closest I have ever come to breaking a controller
They have one helmsplitter attack, and Nelo's basic two hit combo as well as a formation attack with Scudo Angelos on the I'm assuming at this point one difficulty you played. You are actually lying about the enemies.
It's not really hard at all. Just be a fucking ninja
sword saint isshin
It's pretty good so far!
Game isn't for you. Go play Mario World or some other Switch game.
The game is challenging, but satisfying. You know what From delivers. Why complain like a bitch when you taste it?
He is easy as fuck with the flame vent
Im in it for the visuals
but im not satisfied yet
Brushing off any and all criticisms because the game is hard and therefore anyone who doesn't like it is bad is not how grown-ups express their opinions, user.
This. I'm not enjoying it one bit.
You fool, dragonrot is no problem. Keep dying more and you'll get a chance for a cure
>press attack button
>during the 5-year-long swing animation, your enemy starts an attack of their own
>can't cancel your attack to dodge or guard
>superarmors through your attack so you trade hits
>enemy loses about 2 millimeters of health
>you have gone from full health to dead
This game can't decide if it wants to be a slow, plodding, deliberate combat system like souls or something fast and agile like ninja gaiden. This is not a very good action game.
The flame dog is hard because he exists in a half health chalice and with max health half his kit will one shot you if you get hit. So unless you are a fucking master of never getting hit, hes fucking ridiculous.
you're not supposed to do damage, moron. you're supposed to use the myriad of systems available to you to fuck their posture gauge and do deathblows. if you do it right you kill most enemies in just a couple of actual interactions. doing damage to their life bar as your goal means you're playing horribly
I'm liking it so far but why the fuck did they nerf the dodge so much? Just remove it at this point
Any advice for gyoubu oniwa?
Games got awful dated graphics and even water effects are shit and not convincing.
merchant wants information about what samurais want where do I go? I've not seen any new convos
Snake Eyes was hella annoying. I really felt like that fight was deliberately designed to just be as annoying as possible
Like they just sat and thought, "Hey, why don't we make a miniboss ranged miniboss with:
>A ton of health
>Ton of damage so she can kill you in two
>Super armor while they're firing
>A 360 grab with a wonky hit box
>Big ass reach so she can swing through walls
And the fight can take place in a poison pit that has other gunners positioned around it. Wouldn't that be funny?"
Gonna sneak attack the fuck out of her on my next playthrough.
I understand that your self esteem is all wrapped up in being VERY good at video games and everyone is very proud of you, but there's no need for namecalling.
I felt that he was way easier than Shinobi Hunter, Ogre and the general before him.
Stay at a safe distance so you can parry, grapple-slash him when the prompt appears, also this might've been my imagination but firecrackers seem to do a lot of damage.
Game looks like a FROM game and runs well on older PC hardware. I have a 970 GTX and a i5 and the game runs flawlessly
Tbh, flame dog in a CRF layer 5 chalice dungeon was the only difficulty I really experienced in Bloodborne.
I even first try one shot orphan of kos,but flame dog of a CRF layer 5 chalice dungeon I died a bunch of times.
Wait until you encounter her fucking CLONE. Worst mini-boss ever.
This fight reminded me of Gank Squad from DaS2 for some reason
criticisms are criticisms but when they're rooted in ignorance and then 'justified' with condescending gibberish it's difficult not to call it out - your shitty and incorrect statements about the game bely an ego far greater than what you accuse me of. retard
So after the butterfly boss you get a key items that says you get a extra resurrection but i still only got 2. What gives?
Are you gonna be alright?
Wait until the hype dies down because people keep saying that about every new Souls release.
So what to do with this guy? This seems like one of those "go back and talk to the gnome under the bridge wearing the hat and digging for random shit for the secret potion. OH. U KILLED HIM?then no secret potion 4 u" sorts of enemies. Does this hat gnome hold secrets or nah?
That's a regular enemy later. I don't know what the fuck he's doing there.
Terror is a retarded mechanic. The item to remove it/reduce build up also takes forever to use. And the two enemies I've run into so far that can apply it also requires confetti (which I haven't found a vendor for yet) and are utter bullshit to fight.
One is a literal touhou boss with projectile spam that you can't block/parry without getting Terror'd and instantly killed. The other has miasma around him so you can't sidestep and parrying his hits builds up terror so you die in 2-3 parries, also has a lmao teleports behind you nothing personel kid grab move.
Bugged/broken shit just like how the thrust counter skill doesn't work against some spears because fuck you.
where do I get the dope as fuck skill I saw in the previews that creates a cloud of blood when you stealth kill?
it does work on thrust/pierce perilous attacks specifically
It's a key item you can't use until you rescue the divine heir.
Hardest game i ever played. 13 hours in still on the ogre fight. Fun when you're good at it though.
Agreed I don't under2the people saying bloodborne was harder I beat the cleric Beast first try. I'm still struggling to beat some of the goddamn mini-bosses in sekiro.
I know it works on thrust attacks, but take the Shinbi Hunter guy in the memory for example, it doesn't work against him no matter how much I tried which pissed the hell out of me.
>Hardest game i ever played.
Kids these days, man. This is probably the hardest major title released in the past decade though, so I can't really fault people for it.
Everything else that's "hard" has been optional fucking difficulty levels.
*understand, how the fuck did my autocorrect get that shit?
There's a Tenchu reference when you're at the Temple. You find a white petal on a mountaintop. There is a Tenchu level where this exact thing happens.
Ashina Castle has to be one of the largest areas in FROM history I was seriously impressed with the design of that area
Same I tried to counter him so many damn times, didn't work once I tried it on a standard enemy and it worked immediately.
No. Dodging is easier than parrying and it's encouraged to spam r1, if you try to do that in sekiro you will never get past the tutorial.
>The game is challenging, but satisfying.
It's not satisfying if it feels retarded, no.
another FROM game to add to the filter list!
>my games harder user
>uggggh no user my game
Is the hardest
Bunch of faggots
I am overwhelmed by the level design in this game. I feel like I constantly have to make choices where to go next and it gives me Fear of Missing Out.
How do I beat the horse spear guy
back to your cringy threads seething dmcuck lmao
Yeesh 13 hours yet youre still at the ogre? I know hes one of the major roadblocks but wow
Also the shittiest.
>tfw has missed out like 50% of my current progression if it weren't because of anons
too much path jesus christ
Use the grapple when the icon appears.
The "real" path forward seems pretty obvious since it's almost always straight ahead. I'm really enjoying the optional paths available. Memory area seemed completely optional, Abandoned Dungeon and what lies beyond it seems optional etc.
Speaking of which, how the fuck do I progress after reaching the Main Hall in Senpou temple? The monk there talked about getting to the inner sanctum but other than the small bonus area for an esoteric scroll on the left side I haven't found any path forward.
is it supposed to do anything? it grapples me to him but then he just kicks my shit in
Good thanks. I been paused for this long for a reply.
wtf? is this later or something? everything so far has been linear as FUCK. The most decision was when I got the bell and it was either back to the past samurai jack for a while or just keep going through past ogre and snek
Don’t play that shit either, Babby
Dude just parry lmao
The only people that think this game is difficult are retards who try to play it like a souls game.
>>Speaking of which, how the fuck do I progress after reaching the Main Hall in Senpou temple?
That's for later. All the other stuff you described is for later too, aside from the memory.
You should be heading up to the top of the castle to rescue your fucking master, retard. Then Senpou opens up as well as another couple of areas.
I think God Hand is fairly challenging but compared to this it's a cakewalk.
>easier than dark souls
>You should be heading up to the top of the castle to rescue your fucking master, retard. Then Senpou opens up as well as another couple of areas.
I hate games that let you sidetrack massively only to cockblock you by "lmao continue main story first fajit". Nice waste of time.
You just need to [fpoiler]get better mother fucker[qpoiler]. You seem like a young spoiled asshole. Or a young spoiled westerner who expects enemies to die from one hit in these games. Then you collect orbs or whatever from its corpse for an extra life. This is game is what a struggle for victory feels like. Deal with it mothafuckaaa
It's a linear game, what did you expect? You get some bonuses for your time, if you go to the temple first you can talk to the head monk and get a text.
I did the same thing. It does feel pretty good when they are like go there, and I am like don't worry bro I already beat that shit. They got to save something for the end game
Can anyone tell me what the fuck IGN was smoking saying this was easier than Souls and BB?
You do get extra stuff that you would not see otherwise going there. There is even a boss you can skip if you go to the village early
the blasted butthole choir over this game was already enough for me to want to try. Then I saw phase 2 of the guardian ape... It was the freakiest goddamn thing I have ever seen in modern media. Game is a must buy.
Once you get it, its easier. That doesn't mean that there aren't crazy spikes in difficulty. In some ways this feel like Demons Souls to me where you looked to cheese and exploit the AI instead of just fighting. But overall you can go super long stretches of time without dying and then maybe die like 5 times to the boss. I think the bosses just have far less HP than Dark Souls bosses who could take forever to kill.
They got an easier version of the game. I'm certain that's the case.
Not really, because I'm progressing through this game faster than I was any other souls game. It's like dark souls 2, it's actually easier than alot of games, but the experience is just inherently miserable because of how sloppy and frustrating every fight feels, even when you breeze right through enemies.
>Fight two bosses at once
When will From learn that their combat goes to complete shit when you aren't fighting 1 on 1. It literally turns into mash block and throw out tools randomly hoping for a stun
>Take 7/10 generic western bamham clone complete with grappling hooks, blind and def enemies, cinematic takedown "combat" and literal prompts on when you have to counter
>Make it look like souls with ugly as shit animations, not-bonfires and nonsensical story
>Turn the difficulty up to 11 to stroke the hardcur gaymer git gud xd crowd
Any tips on the Ape boss? I got rekt for 2 hours straight until finally giving up.
>complete with grappling hooks, blind and def enemies, cinematic takedown "combat"
Play Tenchu you underaged shit. That's where those elements come from.
seethe more
I would be if I actually wasted money on this just because I enjoyed dark souls lmaoo
Wasn't everyone bitching how hard BB was when it came out and then people figured out how to git gud? Why is Sekiro any different.
the opinions of a shitter who finds the game hard doesn't really matter though
because sekiro is shit too kek
BB was never hard.
isn't that the whole point of the system? it even gives you a warning so you can react and read the tell before you need to mikiri, dodge or jump
I love seeing souls fanboys cry because they're playing a game that's legitimately difficult for once.
Yeah, I was winded after hitting the "play" button.
souls is shit though
at least sekiro requires some thought in the combat
the opinions of a complete drone incapable of critical thought don't really matter either
>critical thought
kek, where was your "critical thoughts" on the game? This sure looks like a double digit IQ post , from a sperg who found the game hard
Dormammu i´ve come to bargain
What issues have people had? It's been a smooth ride for me.
kek imagine being so retarded you can't extrapolate information from text unless given a laundry list
cause you can't cheese in Sekiro
typical Yea Forumseddit rebuttal
Yeah I'm sure everyone went to fight the drunkard head on instead of picking the mooks one by one and resetting the boss.
That's how it's intended, retard.
That is not cheese.
P-POWER WORD: REDDIT phew that was a close one
>You're MEANT to abuse the MMO tier leash mechanics on this boss
I'm sure.
I just used the NPC to distract the drunkard while I killed all the mooks then the fatso. No need tro reset anything, even managed to have the guy survive the whole thing but he disappears anyway after.
>Get through Ashina Outskirts
>Kill Horseman
>Finally go home and see what the Bell does
>New area
>Fire attack meant for red eyed enemies
>Remember that piece of shit Ogre
They really wanted me to just drop everything I was doing and go do the Flashback right when I got the bell huh? I didn't have a reason to go back home so I just sort of kept progressing...
I'm stuck at the first mini boss (shogun dude right at the beginning) jesus I suck ass.
>Resetting the boss
Is that a thing?
All I did was I just let that NPC fight him while I rushed in and killed some of the random enemies during the chaos, I didn't think I had any choice but fight him head on, but you have help there, so it works out.
>Stuck on Drunkard for nearly two hours
>umbrella is actually fantastic offensively against parry-heavy enemies
Yeah the pacing is weird. You're meant to go through Ashina but game suggests you go grab fire (and axe since you need it later but the game doesn't tell you) so you drop everything to go into the flashback, but then lady butterfly is such a gigantic difficulty spike it's like you're supposed to go back to ashina until way later.
I'm struggling more than I can remember with any other major (non-arcade, non-indieshit) game. Ninja Gaiden Black is the closest thing that comes to mind. And NGB gave you more options to work with, this game is pure timing and reflex.
I'm bad at the souls games but this feels like it's manageable for me. I honestly thought people were gonna complain it's too easy.
You can also stealth deathblow him to cut his health in half so really you can turn a 6 v 2 into a 0.5 v 2 in your favor by resetting the encounter and sneaking again. Literally no reason not to do it.
It's not "weird pacing", the game is built like a metroidvania where you need to proceed in one area to have the tools to handle the others and later on it opens up incredibly well.
You can defeat the drunkard and butterfly with base health though it's not recommended since she drops an upgrade you won't be able to utilize until you rescue Kuro.
It made more sense in my mind to do Butterfly after Horseman atleast difficulty wise it feels like a continuation after horseman, but narratively speaking it is very weird yeah, the rest of Outskirts would be kind of a joke if you manage to kill Lady Butterfly before then.
nvm, he's dead now.
I don't know if its the hardest but I am definitely bad at it.
His second phase is much harder than the first so solo his first health bar if you can before getting the NPC to help out.
Also oil bombs + the fire arm stagger him for a decent amount of time so fit that in as much as you can.
I can already hear a horde of fujoshi letting a collective scream about all the doujins this guy will spawn.
And that is a good thing, here's why.
I'm getting fucked on every path I find. Ogre's wrecking my shit, spear shinobi hunter is wrecking my shit, can't find anywhere else to go.
Buy the meme thrust deflect.
Get the thrust counter skill if you don't have it yet. Makes spear boy a cakewalk.
Thrust counter doesn't work against Shinobi Hunter.
Yeah it does lmao.
>the scream they are doing on their way down
I did, doesn't seem to do anything special. Can't tell the difference between his 3 different perilous thust attacks well enough to know when to parry.
>Tengu is Isshin
This old fart is supposed to be dying?
It's a 3 million years window and does giant posture damage against thrust attacks, what do you mean it doesn't do anything special.
Start the fight with a deathblow on him, step on his spear 3 times and you win.
Ninja Gaiden II was way harder man. Play that game on master ninja and you won't ever find another harder 3D game.
Scared the absolute shit outta me first time that happened.
Thrust Counter is done with well timed sidestep, not parry.
I spent an hour trying it and it was driving me insane because I got it specifically in hopes it would make him piss easy and not a single move he did let me do it. Meanwhile literally every fucking random sword, spear or what have you mob before and after him with a thrust attack lets you do it immediately.
I've never seen a step on the spear animation, just a regular sword counter. And I'm not very consistent with the parry timing.
>double apes
You do it with the dodge button, not the deflect button.
I wish you could equip more than 3 prosthetics at once.
Nani the fuck? It doesn't say that in the description.
Harder than anything in Dark Souls or Bloodborne, period.
I got the country specifically for him and it worked easily. It's used on his perilous thrust.
try sucking less
I kinda expected this dude to come back but he... didn't? At least not right now, maybe he will at the end of the game.
Press Y on the description for the controls. Also I'm pretty sure there's a popup that tells you how to do it as soon as you buy it.
>It doesn't say that in the description.
Yes it does.
how to get to the REALLY GOOD flute playing mansion in the mist valley?
>Press Y on the description for the controls.
Well fuck me.
Juzou is giving me a really rough time boys, it not his attacks or the mob, it's that he has a whole lot of health to chip at before I can start getting his posture down, any advice on how I should try to get his health down that isn't sword spamming?
Also, I swear to god I can't figure out how to stealth attack him, I was moving so slow in crouch with a gacchins sugar behind him, and he still immediately noticed me when I got too close
Damn, got it. From the 3 samurai monkey+1 drunkard miniboss tarzan away the cliffs after it, then hop onto the tree with 2 hanging corpse onto the flute mansion roof. The entrance is through a hole in the 2nd floor
Fight him 2 on 1 with the samurai NPC and just mash r1 whenever he turns to attack him.
>I can't figure out how to stealth attack him
idk I just crouch walked behind him and stabbed him
Get the two stealth passive off the shinobi tree ASAP, that shit is a GOAT
>Fear of Missing Out
fuck off, faggot
kind of related to sekiro bros, in one of the previous threads, some fag said that there are rumours about a demons souls remake, anyone have source on this shit? any leaks about d
Ifeel like its the easiest once you learn how to deflect properly
I'm just not consistent enough to fight with parry/dodge/jump when every boss and miniboss kills you in 1 2, max 3 hits. I get the feeling I'm going to be stuck for a long time on these opening acts.
I can't even get through the fucking bull jesus fucking christ I want to die
>bro that's easy just git gud
Get firecrackers
Stun him when he's charging you, get 2 or 3 stab then back away, repeat
just sprint around him and whack at his asshole
>Why can't I R1???
>tfw i killed the "one who opposes buddha" in flute mansion
>mist valley with happy ghosts turns D E A D
Where am i supposed to go now, shit
>Im tired of spending several minutes fighting killing the other enemies with stealth only to get two-shotted once I start 1v1ing him
stop playing now, this is like 90% of the bosses
Good thing you can rebind shit, I hated up on the Dpad to use items so I switched that to X and switched grab ledge/loot vacum to Y and put change prosthetic to up.
i cant beat the butterfly granny. first phase is easy but second phase has too much oneshot bullshit
gg never playing this game again see you when in 1-2 days when i start playing again anyway
>SL1 O&S and Manus were fucking hell though.
The only thing that makes them potentially difficult is your low HP, any fully-upgraded weapon tears through them unless you're playing remastered and are also going for weapon level 5.
Well i am still only 3-4 hours only in the game but i am the only one that i find it way easier than dark souls . The only soul game that i played was the first dark soul and i dropped it after same amount of time.I was playing it wrong or something maybe ? Here a list of things "easier" in sekiro
>if you fuck up against common enemies you can revive and continue
>if you drop from a cliff you just lose a part of your health instead of dying
>you can fast travel between the safe points
>thanks to the hook you can return quickly where you died and even avoid a lot of battles
>if you stealth right you can guarantee around two kills for every 5 enemies encountered
>there is even a fucking npc to train you in combat for every mechanic
didn't help on my autism I still can't do it even with the firecrackers
that's what I'm trying to do, I'm probably handicapped
Navigating levels IS easier because stealth is so broken and enemies are so dumb, but bosses and mini bosses are far, far harder.
I don't find it that hard so far. Once you actually learn how the game is supposed to be played it feels about as difficult as other souls games.
You guys just suck at the game and blame it on the game instead of your lacking skill.
Been using this guide to beat the tutorial boss. I'm getting there. youtu.be
It's been 2 hours and I only managed to kill his first stage once. Yeah the game is hard.
You can use the same tactic in phase 2 as phase 1. Just go ham on her and parry when you get deflected (or jump if she does the sweep with the warning). Make sure to attack her the moment she lands in phase 2 so she doesn't do the illusion shit.
You can also shoot her down with shurikens when she's in the air.
dunno what to tell you dude, I just whacked him twice then dodged towards his ass until he got mad and killed himself
The game actually really opens up after the first real boss in Ashina and you have a ton of different ways to go.
>using a xbox controller
>game controls like shit
no shit
The margin of tolerance for anything less than perfection from the player is smaller than the fucking framerate on plebsoles even allows. If you make one little mistake, your whole (tiny) health bar is fucking gone. It's ridiculous. From have always made challenging games, but there's always been a small but apparent tolerance to fuckups from the player, Sekiro has nothing, you either do shit perfectly or you fucking die, and with how long you have to maintain that perfection at a time (strictly talking about bosses here) it's just infuriating, and I personally get no satisfaction at all out of finally beating something in it, I just feel like I was lucky enough that time not to have the fucking camera spaz out and un-target the enemy yet-a-fucking-gain. I don't know, I just feel like the frustration I'm experiencing is the product of a poor decision to give the player NO leeway whatsoever. I mean look at attack damage vs healing potential, fucking hell I can refill my bar a whopping one and a half times with the not-estus I have, which is about how much damage TWO fucking hits does.
>the general miniboss after chained ogre
Only fucking honest miniboss in the game. they should all be like him, kino fight
Not like there's any competition
git gud xd
But yes it's a very frustrating game.
Yeah that was a fun fight
>that room with the fire tossing monsters and wolverine miniboss
The guy in the memory place? He's hard, you may want to come back for him.
The input windows for parries/counters are very lenient tho as long as you aren't already in the middle of something.
The only annoying thing I find is that some enemies love to deflect into a low sweep that only way to avoid eating it is to jump and it NEVER feels sane to press jump rather than dodge or parry for them.
if only there was an item to use that would help you
>Please pollute my boipussy with your heretic cock!
I found nothing here but a petal. What does it do?
fighting game bullshit doesn't count nigga
Dragonrot is a complete meme.
You can cure it very easily and even if you can't because you're outta consumables then it doesn't really do anything besides halting quest lines until you cure it.
DMC5 Hell or Hell beats the shit out of it and it's not close. Hell, fucking Extreme Behemoth from casual MHW is more challenging than anything in Sekiro.
Sekrio is a mainstream Activision title, and every Twitch streamer and zoomer will beat it. Let's not pretend it's some hardcore game.
DMC5 is literally impossible to fail at default difficulty level. The game is easier than CoD. I didn't die once in DMC5 since you could always revive with gold orbs.
Mist Raven is god-tier.
probably the first "souls" game I won't finish
Why won't he fix those fucking teeth. Like, seriously - is getting dental service really expensive in the US, or what?
The dragonrot system is fucking stupid because if I'm on a tough boss fight it's literally more efficient for me to just alt-f4 when I'm close to death.
Thats a lie
>I didn't die once in DMC5
>since you could always revive with gold orbs.
you must be baiting
He's broke as shit.
How is this bait? The default difficulty setting in DMC5 is already piss easy. And if that wasn't enough, the game gives you near infinite revives making any actual death near impossible. You only lose if you choose not to revive.
What do you do with the woman who wants rice? I bought some rice from a nearby merchant but there's no new dialogue option and bitch doesn't react when I pour it on the ground near her.
Using items of any kind in DMC is just a crutch for absolute noobs, if you ever had to use a yellow orb then that's the exact same shit as losing.
Fuck Shield guys. HOLY FUCK.
use the fucking axe.
and DMD / Hell and Hell are infinitely harder than Sekiro
>at default difficulty level
retard detected, the game has more than one difficulty
get the axe, it's right before those guys.
>Nioh has a much higher, and a much more satisfying skill ceiling as well.
Gonna stop you right there. As someone who got platinum, beat Way of the Nioh and enough of the Abyss where shit just stagnates, all Nioh boils down to is broken builds that just power through everything with 0 effort. Human enemies? Backwave and Tempest
Projectiles? Build a tatenashi set and roll for firearms reduction. Get 100% and literally only melee attacks can hurt you.
Everything else? Weaken, Living Weapon. And that’s not even touching Ninjutsu. Nioh is not a hard game.
>b-but that doesn't count
DMC5 is objectively easier on default difficulty than Sekiro no matter how you twist and turn it. And this is not even mentioning all those free revives you get.
use the axe dumbass
>inb4 I don't have it
HHow the FUCK do I deal with the shichichi warrior or whatever the fuck he's called?
I die to his terror balls before getting even one hit in.
Yeah and those difficulty levels are reserved for top 1% of all players. The game was made to be beaten with ease by zoomers and female players. Don't deny it. DMC5 is piss easy.
Sekiro is ten times harder than DMD.
>but that doesn't count
It literally doesn't, you noob.
>Yeah and those difficulty levels are reserved for top 1% of all players.
Correct, DMC caters to hardcore players, unlike Sekiro which is more casual.
axe you fucking nigger
just avoid the balls until his pattern changes
then hammer him while having that divine whatever item active that makes your sword go purple
there is no way a Sekiro casual could get through Mission 14 on HaH or DMD with an S rank. It's just not happening.
It doesn't count because reviving will destroy your ranking and give you like a D.
The challenge in DMC is S ranking levels, which usually means beating them by taking next to no damage and racking up tons of style points.
You aren't special for being able to beat the game on the default difficulty. Hell, I made it literally to the end of level 15 before I even died.
The first two runs are practice for DMD mode. Urizen DMD and Vergil S rank DMD are both harder than anything in Sekiro, and I'm playing both right now
Tell that to all the casuals that beat the game using revives. They don't care. Neither does Capcom. The game was made to be finished by everyone.
DMC caters to hardcore and casuals alike. Sekiro is pretty much only for hardcore if you want to finish it.
>because reviving will destroy your ranking and give you like a D.
And why would any casual give a shit about this?
Also even when revived, I got A score in several missions.
Spear guy? Get the thrust counter skill.
>Blazing bull
>unlock from target
>keep running behind it and attacking its legs
wtf Yea Forums said this game wasn't like dark souls
>Sekiro is pretty much only for hardcore
Every twitch streamer and zoomer is getting through it just fine. It's not very difficult, just like every other Souls game. If you want difficult I suggest you go play a shmup or God Hand or top difficulty action games.
how the FUCK am i supposed to beat this butterfly cunt
>using crutch weapons
Fucking soulbabies.
Okay maybe but it's harder to kill some of these bosses than it is to practice for S ranks ie don't get hit in DMC aka punching bag simulator.
You know you can pretty much just skip him right?
Jump down in the river, and swim upwards.
no, Sekiro is just simply much easier. There's no denying it caters to a much wider audience. This is an Activision game after all. I'm watching a girl on Twitch right now get through it just fine, even the e-sluts find this game doable.
Still harder than a game where failing is impossible and default difficulty is easier than Ass Creed.
Pretty based, user. I disagree but you've got gumption and I like that
>attack, parry, dodge-counter strike
>attack, parry, dodge-counter strike
She kicked my ass 50 times over and then I managed to fuck her shit in without even losing my first life.
When she goes in the air shuriken the bitch - just run around when she shoots all the illusions at you
you clearly haven't played enough games user
Was that on Easy, or Very Easy?
Sekiro isn't a difficult game. It's made by Activision and everyone on Twitch plays it. It's not as hard as shmups, fighting games, or action games at the highest difficulties / rankings.
Are you admitting that you're a casual?
Sekiro is literally just pattern recognition. Parrying is functionally the same as rolling, only with a slightly harder timing. There's no real layer of execution or strategy required, since enemies can "cheat" by tracking or homing into you, which makes even positioning yourself properly worthless. TBF I haven't beaten the game but I'm 13 hours in and have cleared out most of the areas besides the main questline. I'm lost in Senpuku shrine or whatever its called, so maybe the game does get harder. The game is easy, every boss has taken less than an hour to beat. S ranking Urizen's final phase and Vergil are both way harder on DMD than anything I've seen so far.
The whole point of Nioh difficulty is beating it without the OP shit that carries bad people. You were playing it wrong.
>fight corrupted monk
>He has two attacks you can't block
>But the game doesn't give you the unblockable sign when he does them
This fight is actually unfair desu.
I died to this bitch more than anything else in the game
Defaulty difficulty setting.
maybe, but that doesn't mean much. FROM games have terrible combat and aren't very difficult. They reach a wide audience and millions of people beat them.
Funny how hard you're dodging the fact that DMC on default difficulty is the easiest game ever made.
>game literally gives you cheat items to beat the game with
>b-but only casuals used them
>also only hardcore players can finish the game
DMCfags aren't making sense anymore. DMC5 was piss easy. DMC3 atleast was hard.
so easy, then.
Congratulations, you are the exact kind of casual that Sekiro appeals to.
Why would you assume that's relevant when he was talking about DMD, and you haven't even played it?
It's demon's souls, kings field or shadow tower for me with this one coming dangerously close.
Great game desu , I think I'll try to platinum it
plenty of games would be easy if you just stayed on easy mode. There's no denying that DMD / HaH are worlds more difficult than Activision's new game.
same here, s ranking revengeance mode was one of my best gaming experience
>DMC can be played from start to finish without dying even once
>somehow it's harder than Sekiro
Absolute state of DMCfags
I remember when DMC had balls and actual difficulty. What happened?
How do I get more confetti?
>only NG3+ counts guys!
This is like when Activision shills say CoD is hard because there is Veteran mode.
>DMC5 was piss easy.
Show me your rankings (you won't), or show me your Hell and Hell completion (you can't since you can't beat it).
The default difficulty of DMC5 is easy. That's what players are more or less forced to play as until they finish the game.
>I'm watching a girl on Twitch right now get through it just fine,
No you aren't. And thanks for admitting you haven't even played it.
Sekiro has what you could call superficial difficulty. Even a 40 year old housewife could beat it because it's just learning enemy strings and then timing your parries properly. Basically you will inevitably die to some enemies because you don't know their pattern yet, but the moment you learn how to exploit that pattern its a guaranteed win.
You literally played DMC with the training wheels on and got mad when you didn't fall over. I'm almost guessing you actually had to use revives on devil hunter, which is even sadder.
DMC5 is the most difficult game in the series. HaH mode is even worse than 3 DMD, and trying to S rank certain missons on DMD / HaH such as 10, 14, or 18 is the hardest thing in the series.
If you disagree, post your mission rankings.
>CoD was piss easy
Show me you finishing the game on Veteran using only melee attacks, casual!
Don't deflect, answer the question.
Oh shit, this reminds me. DMC5 fucking gives you an auto mode feature aswell. On top of infinite revives. On top of default difficulty being easy. Holy shit.
>That's what players are more or less forced to play as
Wrong. You unlock higher difficulties automatically if you beat the tutorial boss. Whoops, you accidentally revealed you didn't.
Been playing this and dmc5. Honestly I like the simplicity of soulsborne games. You just have to get gud in a very narrow range and apply that for the whole game. Whereas in DMC they still keep throwing new shit at you the whole time, switching characters and expecting you to keep all that in your head. I don't enjoy having to constantly switch up the gameplay style completely.
To beat the game, you literally can finish DMC5 without even thinking. Just mash away wildly and you'll make it. DMC3 required you to learn the game or you weren't seeing the ending.
don't want to, game sucks
I have to agree with this user
Sekiro is easy, but please, stop kidding yourselves, DMC5 is easy too even on DMD
We can all agree that neither game is harder than CoD since Veteran mode is something else.
The higher difficulties aren't NG+ because you can unlock them right from the beginning if you beat the tutorial boss. Oh well, I guess you didn't so you never found out.
(you are the casual that Activision was hoping to appeal to with Sekiro and HARDCORE marketing)
>arbitrary bullshit now
Go back to your baby game thread.
And what happens if you don't? The game goes on. It never tries to stop you for being shit. Unlike Sekiro which cockblocks you around every corner.
At least reply to the right person if you're going to be an argumentative little shit you utter retard.
DMD isn't even the highest difficulty this time. Even then, getting an S rank on DMD mission 10, 14, 18 is infinitely more difficult than anything in Sekiro. My sister is playing Sekiro and doing just fine, whereas she won't touch DMC5 because "the controls are too complicated".
and we're done
grow up, id
>completing the game's toughest challenges is "arbitrary"
The game rewards you for S ranks, it's the goal and the toughest challenge.
So just set auto mode for her. A brain-dead monkey can finish DMC5 just fine. It only gets harder on NG+.
dmc4 on dmd is a much harder game than dmc5, because the enemy packs are way more cancer
How many areas are there? How are NPCs? Any bullshit cryptic sidequests? Secret areas a la Painted World?
>And what happens if you don't?
You stay on easy mode like you did, casual. And then you don't even go to the higher difficulties, you move on to casual Sekiro.
After clearing out his little minions, sure. Love those general fights
it's not NG+ unless you suck at games
Love this elitist hack and slash shitters
Devil may cry difficulty is fucking overrated, go play ninja gaiden if you want a real H&S you shithead
So the game defaults to easy mode whereas Sekiro is hard no matter how you play.
shmups and fighting games are more difficult than all H&S. Even then, DMC or NGB are infinitely more difficult than Activision's Sekiro (which has one attack button)
>Sekiro is hard
No, not when people like this (zoomer twitch streamer with aspergers) are beating it no sweat. Too bad there's not higher difficulties or a ranking system to give an actual challenge.
>Hell, fucking Extreme Behemoth from casual MHW is more challenging than anything in Sekiro
Imagine being this fucking retarded, Capcom elitist who think they're """hardcore""" with their piss easy games need to grow some balls.
Go play ninja gaiden if you want a real hack and slash or soul sacrifice
I even said MHW is casual. Even then, Extreme Behemoth is more difficult than anything in Sekiro, especially solo. How embarrassing for Sekiro.
millions of people will beat Sekiro. the amount of people who soloed Extreme Behemoth is less than 100 worldwide
There's two hard modes. The second one in NG+ is insane enough that it makes all attacks do like half damage through your guard unless you get perfect deflects.
>you need to be rich to use this
Not a big deal when you can still avoid most attacks. It really hasn't changed much from other Souls games.
>when its super easy to farm
easy way unfortunately kill all the other guys , hide get a stealth kill on the spear guy hes down to 1 hp bar now use firecracker and punish i beat EVERY ENEMY ans boss like that always getting first 1 stelth kill then cheesing with firecracker this make the game easier than the souls and i just beaten the spider lady well see if i can keep using the same strategy later
After a point you will have more money than you know what to do with, and if you die you lose half so might as well use it before you lose it
Also, blasting faggots in the face with coinshot is badass, you are literally so rich you can afford to shoot money at things.
I thought so at first, but then it got easy over time
Only took 3 tries for butterfly
yup i use that strategy too, fucking hilarious how easily this game is broken. fucking activision, shit is so casual now.
>Extreme Behemoth
charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang, charybdis, flash bang
Truly an amazing boss, well designed.
Trying to shove mmo mechanics in a game that it's not is always a bad idea
Can you kill Genchiro when he first encounters you?
>gun fort
>niggers with shotguns
>snake eyes
Shield prosthetic is literally overpowered, it's like a greatshield with a built-in ranged aoe attack.
Later on it even blocks status effects.
It is.
Extreme Behemoth becomes immune to flash bang, retard. Thanks for proving you've never beaten it.
>making my way up the monk temple
>last not-bonfire was like 20 minutes ago
>see 3 of those super fast spin2win double voulge motherfuckers right next to each other
Honestly fuck this game. They really went too hard on the LE PREPARE TO DIE memes.
>dropped furi because it was too hard
>dropped nioh because it was too hard
why did I think this would be different
DMC has an easy mode and combo assist mode, that already makes it overall easier game than Sekiro.
>The game rewards you for S ranks,
no it doesn't, the game ends after roughly 10 hours then people drop it.
spegs keep going, for no reason
so for somebody who thinks that the combat of dark souls, demons souls and bloodborn is boring and repetitive is this games combat actually fun and more like a true action game like zelda, god of war or ninja gaidan?
you didn't know what to do and now you pretend that everyone else is the retard.
plenty of games have easy modes, that's meaningless. at the highest difficulties DMC is far beyond Sekiro (an Activision game and popular with Twitch streamers).
playing sekiro is optional, that makes it easier than my morning shit
Sekiro is literally a NIoh without damage numbers and diablo loot in terms of combat.
>and if you die you lose half
Wish I knew this sooner, I wasted a lot.
DMC 5*
No, not really. It's arkham asylum mixed with simon says.
>no it doesn't
It does, you can't 100% the game without S ranks.
>spegs keep going
Casuals like you can't understand why people would want to play challenging games or improve their score
You are a blazing fast ninja you moron.
>Sekiro is literally a NIoh without damage numbers and diablo loot in terms of combat.
Imagine thinking this.
Never give up user! Find your indellible human spirit! Come on!!!
Game difficulty should be ranked by the most basic level you can complete them on. Plenty of games have bullshit difficulty modes like Nier Automata and such, it doesn't instantly make them hard games because most people play them on Normal or Easy.
>Going hyperbole
Beaten it long ago, and the more you cry won't change that fact, so deal with it and go back to your general.
I hope you're not one of those who killed that thing having one dude mounted on it's back holding as long as he can for a good cheese like the capcom sucker you are
and you get nothing for 1005 retard
>Game difficulty should be ranked by the most basic level you can complete them on.
No one cares about easy mode but you, casual.
>Beaten it long ago
Nice lies. No one uses flash bangs against Extreme Behemoth since he's immune, you exposed yourself. You probably got him confused with regular casual Behemoth.
Sounds like somebody who didn't play it. So many absolute morons on Yea Forums yeesh
Why do DmC kiddies always shitpost in Sekiro threads? Is it sour grapes?
It IS some hardcore game, though. With DMC 5 you can easily get through the game without touching harder modes, Sekiro is already more challenging than DMD, it's just getting through it with a good ranking is more difficult than simply clearing it. It's like claiming the hardest difficulty on Halo 3 is more challenging than something like Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts.
Where do all this difficult shitheads come from?
You should play a game because you like it, not because you want to brag about it you fucking autistics
>Game difficulty should be ranked by the most basic level you can complete them on.
That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard, by that logic than shumps (the most difficult videogames) are easy since they have an easy mode.
I like this game very much but everything destroys me, and I mean literally everything
@ grandma right now
>It IS some hardcore game, though.
No, Sekiro is not a hardcore game. Millions of zoomers and Twitch streamers are playing it and will complete it no problem. These people could never 1CC a shump on normal difficulty, or even do something simpler like get through DMC5 Hell and Hell.
Not that far into the game but parrying and counter attack is lot more intuitive than in dark souls for me and i'm a huge casual.
For that reason i find it a lot easier than previous From games.
He's saying dumb shit because he's arguing with retards.
Sekiro >>>>>>>> Nier >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DMC5
in difficulty
Sidestep and counter attack her. Don't constantly parry her. Use shurikens on her when she jumps up. Just be aggressive. Also get snapseed.
This post is embarrassing.
lmfao you can go to Twitch right now and see tons of titty streamers playing it.
>Once you actually learn how the game is supposed to be played
And how is it supposed to be played?
Holy kek batman
It's not that they can't, it's that they won't. Because nobody wants to play DmC.
Play the game you dirty nigger.
You can play it on Very Hard the moment you start the game.
But NPCs die from it?
Because they are too scared to post in ninja gaiden or god hand threads