This is your fucking Jedi Grandmaster for this evening you fucks. Discuss Star Wars that isn't shit (Disney Buyout -) I'm replaying KOTOR 1 RIGHT NOW and it's p-good 8/10
Star Wars
I really loved Republic Commando. I got at the beginning of the year along with a lot of other Star Wars games I never played before. Should keep me busy for a very long time.
RC is fucking awesome
why was the Falcon such shit in this otherwise perfect game?
Yeah, it was pretty much "the slow ship" if I remember correctly, which doesn't make much sense.
Falcon has
>strong shields
>extra tracking lasers
> decent sub weapon
>is the falcon
>got held together by Leia using the force
Best ship.
is that movie battles 2 thing still active? this gif looked pretty cool, saved it from another thread
Replayed this like a month ago. Still 10/10 RC is top tier Kino
The only problems I have with this game are the length and how the main blaster feels like a peashooter.
Everything else is fucking great.
thats a nice looking screenshot. is that modded in anyway? agreed on the weak main assault gun. the wookie bowcaster was probably my favorite
Nope. I did some texture tweaking in the unreal engine tool the game includes because bumpmaps were all fucky.
This is what it looked like before
KOTOR is a great classic. KOTOR manages to capture a fantastic musical symphony alongside a really good story. The Jedi Enclave music on Dantooine was always so calming and peaceful.
I keep thinking about this Star Wars dueling game. Used to play it on the xbox but I don't remember it's actual name. It was a ton of fun, but the name escapes me. You could play Mace Windu to Anakin to Obi wan Kenobi and it was a pvp/versus game but with lightsabers.
Episode III?
dont play movie battles 2 it was found out moat clanners use cheats to win by having the abilty to have elevated acess on there servers thru console and things that give them advantages ie more or almost unlimted bp points to straight up godmod which they abuse.
Explain this like I'm drunk (which I'm most certainly not)
Daily reminder that we will never ever get Imperial commando
>Star Wars
Under the current leadership that's fine
Yes! Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith, I've been looking around for this since forever. That is it, thanks, user, you are a godsend
gib Zeltron gf
if you look at the shitshow that is lucasarts history then I wonder if it was ever fine
>you will never be squeeze under a hut girl
why live
basically clanfags are admin abusing nerd ragers
what a fucking niggers that's bullshit
Just to suffer
>Blocks your path
goddammit I want to dick down Leia so bad, more in her Princess robes
CIS did nothing wrong
>godly Jedi Outcast series disappears
>KOTOR series appears simultaneously with its god-awful RPG gameplay and lackluster styling direction because no one knew how to design stuff that's set millennia before the movies
a small niche game with a overally autistic community