How can I play pic related on pc 2019 1920x1080 60hz? What mods, plugins, guides or tutorials would anons reccomend?
Inb4 hurdurr wait till its released in steam
How can I play pic related on pc 2019 1920x1080 60hz? What mods, plugins, guides or tutorials would anons reccomend?
Inb4 hurdurr wait till its released in steam
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wait till its released in steam
CE is animation locked to 30FPS on the PC port despite still running at 60FPS, it looks about as strange as it sounds
I'm aware of that, are there any fixes for it or is it gay
y-you too
Not memeing wait for Steam release. It runs like shit on modern PCs.
it runs just fine but
Nigga just install it and then install open sauce and you're done, there's nothing else to it
I would say to ask the general on /vg/, I forgot where I ended up getting my version from and its a bit of a headache to get the campagin in, I can give you a link to a prepatched version of Halo 2 though
It runs just fine on mine
Have we received an estimated date? I know theyre releasing reach first. Can xbox fags tell me if i should play reach before 1 or should i wait? Never played the series because was a poorfag child and would like to know if I'd appreciate reach more if I played the others before
Will do, ta
Chimera basically fixes it. The game crashes from time to time though since Chimera is meant for Custom Edition and not Combat Evolved, but it works.
so just run it in custom edition? there's almost no reason to play stock H:CE at all really.
If you have never played the series before DO NOT play Reach first. Just wait for CE. Imo Reach will ruin the rest of the games for you but thats just me
Just download spv3
Reach is a prequel so story wise playing it first won't hurt. It's shit though.
dont actually do this
Thanks, i thought this might be the case but thought it'd be worthwhile asking anons who've actually played it, appreciate the input, pard'ner
just downloaded Custom Edition (the link from /vg/) but theres no singleplayer, wheres the best place to find a version with the singleplayer?
I dont know if the links still work but I found this
it doesn't come with one user, learn how to read instead of blindly downloading links.
you need to add the map files in, though I can't remember if you can just drag and drop from H:CE or if you need modified ones. probably has them either way.
So I need to add it manually? Thanks