Fucking seriously

What do

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No clue. I made it to the Drunkard and had to delete my save because of dragonrot (I'm trying to not use the item to get rid of it) and restart the game for the 4th or 5th time. It's so fucking infuriating.


How can you not beat this guy on the first try? He's the easiest boss in the game and you don't even need the fire crackers.

There's a cure for Dragonrot you fucking idiot, you don't need to restart the game. My god, you people are actual fucking retards

>(I'm trying to not use the item to get rid of it)

>(I'm trying to not use the item to get rid of it)
What did you think this meant? I'm just wondering how bad your reading comprehension is.

So what? There's an in game cure that you can purchase repeatedly. Why is there such an issue here where you think you have to retard the damn game? Hell, the dragonrot doesn't spread until you get a lot of game over screens anyway. Maybe you're just shit at the game.

Why are you being autistic, just use the item

Literally the easiest boss so far. Just fucking block and wait for him to stop, and when he swings, block/parry, then punish.
The fucking first mini-boss is harder than this guy

Get good at parrying and use the firecracker to stun him and create an opening.

It feels 100x better to beat the game without dying all the time breaking up the combat and repeating sections of mobs.
Also Wasnt me.

Yeah it really is fucking tedious fighting this guy

>100x better
Your right, so how about you beat the game then go through it again. All your going to do is restart every fucking milestone and waste time

He's actually pretty easy. Had more difficulty with the mini bosses

Good point. I'll probably give up and say fuck it eventually but that day isn't today.

you're gonna get yourself burnt out really soon if you're keep being autistic like that. Just go through the whole game once first dude

After a flurry of swings, if he finishes with a downward swing that's prime time to get hits. Also when he attaches his weapon to a string and starts swinging, grapple over and spam R1. Every time you're done hitting him just dodge away as quickly as possible and if you think his weapon's gonna ever hit you just spam L1.
The Firecracker attachment for your arm (buy from the guy surrounded by crows) will also make his horse rear up and you can get even more hits in.

So which boss is the Ornstein and Smough of this game?

Any double-boss fights?

lmao you're the kind of faggo to unplug your ethernet when you get invaded, or play mgs5 offline so you don't lose resources.

Why you tryin to get spoiled, son

Thanks man. Following that pretty closely but the occasional hit gets in and really wrecks it. Feels sometimes like the deflect doesn't register or something

Actually i was an avid pvper in dark up until the 3rd. Why they fuck did they think replacing powerstancing was a good idea. Never played MGS.

Just got the Flaming Bull and have kill Butterfly, how far in am I?

I have two Rot Essence and I still can't kill the Shinobi Hunter. I did kill Chain Ogre though

How fucked am I

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bro, just do the thrust counter

>tfw input lag
DS4 was a mistake

This dude was harder than the ogre and the bull, only thing stopping me from first trying the ogre was the one dude further up where the ogre is who fucks everything up, and I first tried the bull without needing to revive.
OP just wail on the dude don’t bother deflecting just block his attacks, the posture damage is what’ll get you through the fight.