How do you combat video game addiction Yea Forums?
How do you combat video game addiction Yea Forums?
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I don't.
You just learn to live with it
by coming to Yea Forums
I balance it out with my masturbation addiction
You move onto porn addiction
I have the opposite problem. I want to go back to being addicted to video games.
you get addicted to opiates instead
Its an activity that demands 100% of my attention and lets me forget.
If i didn't play videogames i'd probably be a lot poorer alcoholic.
By being depressed and losing interest in gaming.
This. Fight fire with fire.
I substitute video game addiction for alcohol addiction. It's not perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than being drunk all the time.
I wish I could get addicted to games. I'm usually done after a few hours.
You realize modern games are shit
I haven't sucked cock to buy a game so I'm pretty sure I'm not addicted
I wish I could go back to video game addiction desu. Porn addiction is so much worse. I find my self watching porn sometimes without even fapping. The first thing I do when I wake up is check sites for new releases.
As a kid I'd just ignore it. Now I force myself to do chores and clean the house before I play vidya. I feel like less of a useless shit when everything is done and I can game in peace.
Playing an average modern game effectively cures gaming addiction. Trannies, fags, non-whites, and communist propaganda abounds in nearly any new title, so it makes it unenjoyable to play.
How do you combat the 4channel addiction? I think this site has gone to shit and yet I come here everyday.
for me its fishing or just sitting at the dock listening to the waves for hours on end
In my experience the addictions are only symptomatic and related to each other.
If i don't turn my attention to vidya im just mindlessly browsing youtube, if im not doing that im browsing porn, if im not doing that i'm just in bed way longer than 8 hours a day
its just switching one thing out for another
Considering I only play games on my 2 days off (if that) I'd say I'm good.
Retool their favorite game to attract causal players.
You get a real job that consumes most of your time and energy then you get sad at all the games you bought, now in your backlog.
You just described my life when I'm not at work. This sucks man.
the industry is combating it for me
This, videogames have been shit for so long that I've started to give up hope and focus more on tabletop games instead
>tabletop games
jesus christ, i can smell your ass from here. take a bath, nerd
>lie about homework to play videogames
>lie to parents to play videogames
>skip school to play videogames
>call in sick for work to play videogames
>after done playing videogames, watch videos of other people playing videogames
Literally drugs.
>tfw my normalfag brother has been getting into D&D with his normalfag friends
We've come full circle
I've never once sat down for a tabletop session but i wouldnt be surprised if some day it would be held in higher esteem than video games
because at least tabletopfags, you know, interact with other people in real fucking life
>, you know,
You type like a homo.
how would you know
Its okay user, I'm glad fags like you are too retarded to read a book anyway. No one wants you at their table
Because adding extra words that contribute nothing to the sentence is something a homo would do.
>some day it would be held in higher esteem than video games
It already is.
People think of D&D nerds as oldschool smart nerds, they think of videogame dorks as sweaty autistic manchildren that scream whenever something challenges their fragile ego
No one cracks jokes about how D&D players are losing their shit because someone drew a black person, thats just vidya
I hate video games anyways. I would stop playing if i had anything better to do.
Lebowski was a homo and a stoner.
You embrace it.
I get up at like 4am, get two hours of gaming in, then an hour work out, then work, then I spend my commute gaming, lunch time gaming, gaming on the commute home, get home, work out, then another 4-5 hours. 8 hours a day isn't much, but it's all I can manage working full time, then weekends are full binge mode 16+ hours a day/
You could always get 10 hours a day if you cut out some useless shit from your schedule.
Same. My masturbation addiction has gotten to the point where playing video games feels productive.
How do I combat my Yea Forums addiction?
Not really, I pay for a cleaner/meals prep, there's literally nothing I spend my time on that I absolutely don't have to.
Working out
I'd get burned out after a few days
>there's literally nothing I spend my time on that I absolutely don't have to.
Shitposting on Yea Forums about being addicted to video games
take a shower and quit looking at porn
Genuinely get some other hobbies, jerking off is the worst way to waste your life away
by shit posting on Yea Forums
Then I suspect you're not truly addicted.
I'm at work, I can't play games, so I shit post about games instead.
go to the gym and force myself to keep signing up for classes. Keeping my hygiene up can be a real battle though, I've gotten much better but still hard.
Time plus any other hobby.
you cut off that which controls you.
if that simple act isn't enough after several weeks, you need to seek inspiration/help elsewhere other than media/internet, this i'm 100% not kidding about.
>Also check sites first thing for new releases
>Whenever I get frustrated doing uni work I feel like jacking off
Like others have said though, if I'm not jacking off, I'm playing vidya. If not vidya, then wasting time on youtube/Yea Forums. If not youtube/Yea Forums, it's jacking off.
Fuck that, how do I combat Yea Forums addiction!? It's ruining my life
Why contain it?
>living off employment insurance while looking for jobs in new town
>only a couple interviews after 3 months but no offer
>think of playing through my backlog while i have the free time
>cant shake the feeling of being a failure and useless piece of shit
Even when i did have my job i fucking hated it and drank myself crazy every day so idk what the fuck the deal is at this point but if i had vidya addiction at least id get through mt backlog
>cant shake the feeling of being a failure and useless piece of shit
This is what kills me the most. Even on those rare productive days, I can never escape the overwhelming guilt of all the days and years I've wasted past. So I indulge in video games/masturbating/wasting time on the internet to feel better, and the problem just compounds itself. Even falling asleep is a chore because I just lie in bed thinking of how another day has been squandered, and it takes a while for that shame to subside.
Video games.
Fuck video game addiction. How do I overcome shitposting on Yea Forums? I wish I would actually play video games.
I nofap
but I waste so much time on youtube/Yea Forums that i figure getting back into videogames would be more fun
I play the game I am "craving" for an extraordinarily long time until I'm sick of it. Now I look forward to tidying up the house and doing dishes.
I feel more like I'm addicted to Yea Forums, though I mostly just lurk.