U jelly poorfag?

U jelly poorfag?

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no because I have hair

>getting your mom to take your picture with your gayms

>this is the average console gamer in 2019

look harder

at least being poor prevents me from giving into temptations and making poor investments like this guy did



theres 120 boxes. the dimensions on each ps4 game box is 170 x 135 x 14mm.

66.14173 / 12 = 5.5118108333 feet

I doubt he's had sex without paying or gave up and got with a fat girl

Some autist in here use the average thickness of a PS4 case to measure his height.

imagine being a grown man and wearing a shirt with Disney characters on it

Imagine not even reaching 1.70 lmao

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>all the catty responses ITT

>proudly displaying your toys for children
this is pathetic

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>grown man

I'm over 6' so no.

>trying to compensate his manletism

>naruto funkopop
This is worse than anything playstation related in that pic desu


are manlets even human?

>wasting all this money on console bullshit and SE bullshit instead of just getting a nice PC with far more games and several other hobbies besides videogames and 'geek culture' shit
Fucking manchildren.

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My dad's 168 cm and my mom's 157 cm. I lucked out at 179 cm.

Jealous of 5'3 foot of games? No thanks

All jokes aside I'm 185cm and I feel like I'm still fucking short

God there's so many shit games in there, I pity this manlet fuck that has to overcompensate his disgusting looks and low height with money and geek culture bullshit.


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>Snoy shit up the ass
no thanks

>All that western AAA shit
>Naruto Funko
>CE statues
If you're gonna be a buyfag, at least do it right.

Because you are.
I'm 6'2 and if I don't get taller I will be doing LL surgery to get to 6'6 not taller than that cuz by then the difference with normal girls would be too much.

And probably not a single game I would play.

The best thing about the Vita is that everything before OLZ was left untouched. That Snoy shit doesn't matter here.

OP here. Your math is flawed I got measured at 6'4 by a doctor a couple weels ago.


>Not being 8'8'' with a 16'' cock
Fucking manlets


You're fucking retarded son. If you're 6' 2" and still feel inadequate enough that you would have surgery that could potentially cause lifelong complications then you have some deep seeded mental issues that you should work out instead of plastic surgery. Just a guess but I have a feeling you're probably a string bean with narrow shoulders and you think that a little extra height will make you more of a man. It won't. If you want broader shoulders then you need to work out.

>deep seeded

>imagine being under 9'8''

Whatever dude I'm drunk as hell. I even thought about googling it before I posted it but then remembered how drunk I am.

>getting drunk alone
You make me feel sadder than the manlet from OP's.

Nah I'm good bud. Been married for 9 years and I'm perfectly happy.

Omega Labyrinth Z probably, where Snoy began to shit on its products with its new policies

>whatever man
It's just for future reference.

I feel bad for the game at the very bottom
It most likely cracked the case

That’s a very sad picture

>Not using the superior metric system
C'mon, user.

No. Why would I need 11 Dualshock 4?

Triggered manlet. Anyone under 6'4 that is not of old age is not a man but a manlet ( 6'3 for old people since you shrink when you get old). At 6'2 a pathetic 5'10 subhuman is tall enough to block your vision with the top of their heads that's how short 6'2 is. 6'5 to 6'8 are the perfect heights anything below that is subhuman territory that gets mogged to hell and back. Height and face > everything else such as broad shoulders which everyone can get.

If you had that much money to spend on games, why would you buy multiplats on PS4 and not get like an HTPC to play them on your TV in much higher quality? Out of loyalty to Sony? Come on. I actually like a lot of their exclusives but the PC version is always superior if you can get it

I do live in a country where the metric system is standard, and I do know it's far superior to the retarded imperial system, I'm just using the conversion to go easy on the burgers.

poor gravity rush...
never gets any respect

What if you're a disgusting fat fuck who never takes a shower but you're 6'7''?

>All games are panty quest VII weeb bullshit

You're even more cringe than the OP.

That's because you are manlet king.

Post your hand and maybe I'll believe you little fellah.

Are people really playing this many games nowadays? I probably bought less than 10 games this gen and really only played 3 or 4 for any real length.

How many has he not beaten? How many has he never played?

some people do, like that arabic guy with the 2000 platinum trophies
but most people just buy shit and play it for 2 hours before moving on to the next one

being a grown man that constantly plays vidya is becoming the norm on social media.
in 5-10 years you'll be seeing places like reddit get flooded with 40+ year old men bragging about their latest vidya purchase.

You still get laid, but with trashy girls.

The guy is obviously an idiot. He has funko pops, the vr headsets, multiple special edition boxes around, 10+ controllers. Still dresses like a high schooler too. Christ, he probably has a cute girlfriend too with a kid on the way or already with one.

>Christ, he probably has a cute girlfriend too with a kid on the way or already with one.
I can bet whatever I have on my wallet that he doesn't, he's not only gross looking and a manlet, but he probably has a fucking childish personality too.

Because you want to spend $3000 on an inferior gaming experience? Actually I have no fucking idea. I guess this is just what a hardcore fan looks like.

>Batman v Superman collectors
Pathetic snoytard

Basically this, he fucking disgusts me, piece of shit fanboy.
He could be a Nintendo or an Xbox (kek) fanboy and I would still find him pathetic and annoying, but there's something about being a Sony fanboy that really pisses me off more than any other kind of fanboy.

I've thought about this a great deal and I've come to the conclusion that I just haven't really considered the new generations coming up.

Pretty much every AAA game that has come out in the past decade looks boring as fuck to me because I've already seen this shit time and time again but to the new gamers coming up this is all brand new. So that's why devs keep getting away with making these lazy ass cookie cutter games and getting way with it. There's always a new audience to gobble up this garbage.

The Amazing Atheist?

You’d be surprised, my friend. I’ve seen it many times. Its quite depressing. Although you are right, there is a chance his mother was the one that took that picture. So I’d say there is a 50/50 chance both scenarios are possible.

not jealous. ive actually had sex before 18

Only thing more pathetic than that are grown men who still have console wars in current year

absolutely worthless

Believe me or not that's irrelevant.

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How old were you when your uncle raped you

>Pretending to be the fag in OP's picture
That photo has been floating around longer than you've been here.

Assuming he bought each game at full price that's >$7,200, with sales tax depending on where he's from.

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That photo can't be that old, it has the collector's edition box of Re2make

thank you

It is from last month.