Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Ligth

I'm at the final level on the NES version, but I don't have the Falchion, Miracle, Gradius, Devil Sword or Devil Axe. Am I absolutely fucked?

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No Tiki?

If so yeah I think you're fucked user

Just warp Marth over to Medeus and kick his ass

Yeah, no Tiki. Didn't have the character to recruit her(?). I want to fucking cry, this game was so hard.

Sounds like you're screwed.
Are you joking? This game is pathetically easy, the only "hard" part is suffering through the clunky interface. The enemies are so weak you can win effortlessly with your starting stats and you can warp through most of the game.

No, I'm not joking. I have reset several times due to, for example, weak characters being killed, enemy reinforcements coming out of nowhere and fucking up my units and so on. I'll admit I suck at these kinds of games, having no experience in them.
I'm going for a new run, and I will get the Falchion this time and have a character with warp ready. Any pointers? Which characters should I focus on?

Both remakes are better but if you want to keep playing FE1 that's your call. Maybe you were playing some sort of hard mode patch without realizing it? When I played I found the characters I trained barely took damage from enemies and killed them easily. A unit with a 1-2 range weapon like a javelin could wipe out everything on the enemy's turn.
You can use basically anyone you want, there's no need to focus on particular characters.

I'm playing the original version as far as I know. I'll give it another go. Now at least I'll know what to watch out for.

I'm also playing this game for the first time, I'm only at mission 8 right now though.

You actually are. You better off just restarting the whole game since you have no way of touching Medeus

Tiki doesnt do effective damage in 1, that's only in 3 and the remakes

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Godspeed user.


>Both remakes are better
>Actually suggesting someone play the ass ugly DS remake.
Why though.

Which Fire Emblem titles are the best? Which ones can be avoided?

Post FUN map design.

>Which Fire Emblem titles are the best?
It's really hard to say that subjectively. FE is kind of like Pokemon in which each game has its own strengths and weaknesses and nobody can really agree on which games are actually the best.
Just start with either 7 or Awakening and move on from there.
Genealogy is a personal favorite of mine but it's not a great place to start.

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Not him, but that's what I'm playing right now. Just figured it'd be the nicer experience. I've played a couple maps of the FC version, and it was okay with turbo, but eh. First Fire Emblem game. So far the DS version is only okay too, but it's a remake of a near 30 year old game, so I'm not judging it too harshly. Also, it doesn't really look that ugly to me. Not pretty, but not ugly.

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I have no idea how people can tolerate those hideous and stiff pre-rendered 3d models, especially coming off the heels of the expressive as fuck sprites of the GBA era.

In the ds remake you can press a button to see all the enemy attack ranges, press on individual enemies to see their attack range, sort and trade items easily, check stats on the second screen, etc. That improves the experience. Additionally, the new mechanics like forging and reclassing and other changes like ballistae make it a different experience. I think the ds visuals are more pleasant than famicom visuals, too.

Ugliness aside, it's still the best version of FE1. The original is outdated and FE3 Book 1 cuts out a lot of content + has the worst Marth in the series being almost just as bad and useless dead weight as Roy.

Well since this is my first Fire Emblem, I don't have much to judge it by. They're not great, but eh. I'll get to the others eventually unless I end up hating the games. I had planned to play Shadows of Velencia next and then the DS remake of Mystery of the Emblem and then just continue from there.

It's hard to be outdated when your remake doesn't actually improve upon anything substantial.
>useless dead weight as Roy
Honestly playing through 6 for the first time I'm a little disappointed that Roy isn't as shit as everyone says he is. I'm sure I'll eat those words when his late promotion comes around to bite me in the ass, but for the moment he seems to function about on par with, say, Lyn in 7.

No one plays with battle animations on

Good places to start are FE7, FE3, and FE11. Best games in the series are FE14c, FE6, and FE5.
Awakening is a terrible game in every respect so I don't recommend that one. Also skip fe1, 2, 14b, 14r, and 15.

Lyn isn't exactly winning any awards in the useful department either though.

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I'd probably wait on that. I get what you're doing, but SoV and its original are very odd games compared to the rest of the series. Definitely suffers from "Weird Second Game" syndrome that plagued various NES series (American Super Mario Bros 2, Zelda 2, Castlevania 2, etc.)

FE3b1 marth is a totally fine unit, a little weak but given the pathetic enemy stats he can easily contribute to combat. Better than Lyn or Eliwood, on par with Runan. FE11 marth on the other hand is the absolute weakest lord in the series.

Surprised to see you in a thread like this conquest autist, usually you slink off to threads where you can bitch about games that aren't conquest or 6 in peace.

How is FE11 Marth worse than 3's? He has 10 extra levels to work with in 11 so he doesn't fall behind the rest of your units as much. Plus 11 has forging to further keep him up to speed..

No surprise there. Like you say, sequels back then were always very experimental. What's up with FE2?

lmao no skill is why.

Gotta agree with that, those graphics are a serious downgrade compared to the sprites.

What’s the best way to play Fire emblem 1?
>famicom original?
>book 1 in fe 3
>or the ds remake?

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Just forge a weapon with more Hit lmao

Yes and you also should have played FE3 on the Super Famicom instead.

>no Falchion
>no Tiki

Book 1 if you want to easily get right into book 2 and can put up with some clunkyness

Shadow dragon if you want all of the chapters and QoL improvements and can put up with a shitty artstyle.

>Dungeoncrawling lite sections with random encounters.
>Archers have stupid long range.
>Magic drains hp on use.
>World map with more random encounters.
>Need to visit special locations within dungeons to promote.
>Multiple promotion tiers.
To name a few things.
Hope you like enemy mages teleporting behind your army and nuthin personel'ing your squishy units.

Best: Conquest, Path of Radiance, Thracia 776
Almost Best: Mystery of the Emblem, Binding Blade
Great, but different: Genealogy of the Holy War
Good: Blazing Sword, Radiant Dawn.

Don't bother: Anything else

Yeah, that certainly sounds like classic NES second game syndrome. Guess I'll see what I think of it when I get to it and skip it if need be. It's rare that I skip games or don't start from the begnning, even with JRPG series. I think the only one I've done that with in the last several years is starting with Trails in the Sky for the Legend of Heroes franchise.

fe3b1 marth is a unit with 7 movement in an environment where many units have to dismount. Enemy stats are also rather low. Swords are great weapons since they're light, and javelins can't double. In FE11 marth is one of the few units that doesn't get access to reclassing and his terrible stats really hurt him.

Cool to see I picked up a nickname after not posting in FE threads for a few months. Did I miss anything noteworthy recently?

To add to this, FE3(SNES) both book 1 and 2, and FE6(GBA) are the two best places to start, then move onto any of Conquest (3DS), Path of Radiance (GC), Genealogy of the Holy War (SNES), and Thracia 776 after those. Play Blazing Sword and Radiant Dawn if you still need more Fire Emblem after all of those.

>not posting in FE threads for a few months.
It's not nice to lie.

I'd say play FE7 first over FE6 just to get the tutorial Lyn chapters out of the way so they don't have to be played after someone knows how to actually play FE.

Gaiden is fun in its own little way. It's just interesting to see all the weird things and mechanics they put into it. The remake was alright but I feel like they made the dungeon crawling in it really drawn out and needless fluff. And it also ruined the final dungeon which I liked a lot better in the NES version.

Also the archer classes in this game always give me a chuckle.

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I find it fucking stupid that they didn't fix the goddamn biggest problem with Gaiden which was the shitty maps, even fucking Kaga said the maps were shit and he wanted to fix them. You know something's broke when fucking Kaga says it needs to be fixed.

>tfw the DLC maps are all really well designed and just rub salt into the wound because they show how the game could have been

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>get fucking Hidari to do art for FE
>It's for the fucking Gaiden remake instead of the big mainline game
>Get some shitty fujoshit artist that can't draw for shit instead

Speaking of FE artists the FE5 artist died a few months ago. She also did art for some of Kaga's other games.

Late promotion really kills Roy's usefulness. Early to mid game got Roy to 20. He still got kills but other units eventually surpassed him. No use in letting him fight if he gets no xp.

Gaiden is a lot more fun that Echoes because of the kagajank. I'm still sad that some of the more goofy OP stuff was removed in both the FE1 and 3 remakes too. My biggest fear of an FE4 remake is Holy Blood and Holy weapons being nerfed.

>even with Echoes barebones gameplay mecahincs, simply introducing objectives and limiting deployment makes the gameplay massively better
Fuck, the whole game should have been like the DLC. But then again, at that point it's no longer a Gaiden remake and an actual Fire Emblem game.

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Is there any reason to even play FE1 when FE3 Book 1 and FE11 exist?

I haf to go fasts and Forseti is too slow

FE3 Book 1 is sort of condensed and replaces best boy with a vulnerary. FE11 is definite the better experience, awful aesthetics aside.

Lewyn!Arthur is better than Lewyn!Ced

Better Growths
Better Class
More Versatile
And you get him with Forseti ready to use two chapter sooner


True patricians pair
>Claude x Fury
>Lex x Tiltyu
>Azel x Lachesis
>Midir x Aideen
>Noishe x Aira
>Sylvia x Nobody
>Briggid x Who Cares (Holyn works I guess)