so, are you guys gonna buy my console or not?
So, are you guys gonna buy my console or not?
Other urls found in this thread:
>some random e-celeb
Fuck off
Moot works in the google map division in Japan with his waifu Asuka.
living the dream
Does he still post here as anonymous like he said he would ?
The world might never know.
No, you betrayed us to a Nip Jew and became one yourself, fuck off
If he did, it wouldn't be on fucking Yea Forums he hated this board.
why didn't we listen?
I only buy Todd's games because he's eternally young and not some balding faggot
I did. I hate all of you.
he makes these threads
Fuck him and fuck you.
a literal who
Literally who?
>Faggots make a man's life endlessly frustrating by ruining the thing he created and used to love
>Faggots hate man for abandoning them and changing his mind on their value
You're such a gay
I just looked it and some random white e-celeb isnt the owner of Yea Forums its pic related Hiroyuki Nishimura
Incredible bait
moot’s so fucking iconic this site isn’t the same without him
so we'll hate him...
Why the fuck won't any of you cowards reply?
He made /pol/, let it get out of control, and then bounced to Google. Thanks a lot moot.
idk if he really meant this negatively since s4s was one of the last boards you could find him on
Haro Mouto san
The current state of this shithole is solely the fault of everyone who sided with Moot over Snacks.
i literally wish i was friend with moot
He hated Yea Forums the most so if he did post it would be on Yea Forums
you abandoned me.
Moot learned very early on that there is nothing to control here. It's an absurd thing to attempt. We destroyed ourselves, he wasn't our mommy.
Why did he hate Yea Forums?
Its unironically the worst board on 4channel
shitposting galore.
That's fair, it's just disappointing to see just how bad things are now compared to 6 or 7 years ago. I feel like Hiroyuki does almost nothing aside from trying to get more income to pay for the site.
Really I just wish /pol/ could be quarantined like /mlp/ was. At least they weren't actively ruining half the threads on all the popular boards.
this is funny
its a board centered around a hobby for children while people constantly whine and war about their favorite megacorps
>reeee pol reeee
Yea Forums 2.0 despite having a topic and the posting quality was below the basement.
because moot has biases like every other human.
T. Polbabby that started posting in 2016
Hiro is the real king of the jews. Makes you wonder how he's friends with ZUN.
t. ResetERAbabby that started posting in 2019
I don't even know what that means, I'm not autistic.
he definitely does
you don't just create something this retardedly addictive and then not visit from time to time
I dunno user, does he?
>nobody fell for it
I underestimated Yea Forums
>not knowing who this is
hello, newfag!
>that hairline
>newfag being new
>Yea Forums was always /pol/ newfag
is this some gay pornstar google hired?
You spoke too soon
>doesn't even know how to use greentext
who are you quoting?
This entire site was hard line communist until like 2010
which is how i know you retards showed up after the election
No, a bunch of edgelords shouting obscenities at each other was not the same as the ridiculous shit posted constantly now.
Actually it was more apolitcal than anything. Really it was a mix of everything, shit just got divisionist later.
>this entire site was hard line communist until like 2010
Where the fuck do newfags get this idea of old Yea Forums being some kind of political hotspot? Until 2010? Do you not remember /new/ or old Yea Forums at all? This place was created to be a western chan based forum - that's literally it. Everything else you say about old Yea Forums being this or that is a load.
Thats Mark Zuckerberg you retarded faggot
>Newfag worshipping luggage lad
>This entire site was hard line communist until like 2010
No, it wasn't. There was a lot of political diversity back in the day. You had people on both left and right, but most blended into a general libertarian viewpoint. Yea Forums was VERY anti-authoritarian, very pro individual freedoms. A lot of centrists.
People say "well Anonymous was involved in Occupy Wallstreet!" and think it means there was general support for that movement. By that point "Anonymous" was no longer synonymous with us. However, a lot of people did initially support the movement, because again, Yea Forums wasn't full of a bunch of bootlicking shills back then and was very anti-authoritarian.
fuck you moot. you made this fucking black hole of a website and refused to kill it despite knowing its future. now we're all damned here until hiroshima or the cia niggers pull the plug. fuck
Holy shit, it all makes sense.
fucking faggot
This was a good comic until the end with the Cringe Coyboy finger
I liked moot. He felt like just another ordinary guy. Hiro is so different. His presence feels like your supervisor at work speaking to you, whereas moot felt more like your co-worker
Don't forget cultural wars
I miss the board events that used to happen. We never get that shit anymore.
Yea Forums was always anarchist
>Actually it was more apolitcal than anything.
While I'm a massive newfag myself, I remember Yea Forums being apolitical as well. I remember back around early 2012, everyone was calling Yea Forums "Yea Forums 2.0", and the board was flooded with silly threads like "plus tip", "BOOM BOOM CRASH", ">Mom said it's my turn to play", etc.
Wasn't this comic drawn at the time when everyone was panicking about SOPA?
He's the creator of 9gag.
>Mom said it's my turn to play
Now I've not been on Yea Forums as long as some others, but I've always thought that those threads about childhood frustrations were some of Yea Forums's better ones.
But they literally were.
>literal creator of reddit
>"some random e-celeb"
While I don't remember how the threads themselves were, I do remember ">Mom said it's my turn to play" being one of 2012 Yea Forums's main thread templates. I think I remember ">mfw Americans clap" being a big thing back then as well.
Who do you think posts all those andy stix threads on Yea Forums? The australians?
No, Yea Forums was against fundamentalist church, soccer mom and Fox because they were the people at that time who had the bigger voice concerning censorship, no fun allowed and being retarded moralfag not because Yea Forums was communist.
There was indeed some affinity with liberal because they were the people who supported that people should be allowed to do and create what they want.
Thing started to change when Tumblr and Twitter became a thing and liberal were took over by people who took 1 class in intersectionnality and believed they were expert on the subject. Then those retard decided their worldview was the absolute truth so they started to support censorship, what people are allowed to do/create and ironicaly becoming no fun allowed and being retarded moralfag.
It backfired though. It concentrated all the shit into one spot and some of the people that frequent the board brought their terrible logic and philosophies to discussion on the other boards. It's not as cut and dry as just banning people obviously posting quarantined pony pictures.
At least the slower boards like /vr/ and /toy/ seemed to make it out alright.
that was just regional banter
I only became a communist recently but I'm still going to tell you you're wrong.
>I feel like Hiroyuki does almost nothing aside from trying to get more income to pay for the site.
You mean to line his wallet. Moot said the site was financially stable when he handed it over. All Hiro's talk of the site struggling to pay costs are lies. He was notorious on 2chan (or futaba or whatever the gook site he ran was actually called) for constantly telling everyone the site had fallen on hard times and needed more money, when in actual fact he just wanted to trick people into giving him more.
>thinks ironic (you) is someone falling for it
Hello, newfriend!
Thats just what happens when your supervisor barely speaks english.
>I remember back around early 2012, everyone was calling Yea Forums "Yea Forums 2.0"
People have been calling Yea Forums that for far longer than 2012. Yea Forums had a serious problem with off-topic threads in 2011 though, in 2012 the number of off-topic threads dropped but the number of low quality posts skyrocketed.
Yeah. I prefer the older, shorter Yea Forums mspaint version with the old guy simply telling his grandkids that it was a shithole, but it was our shithole.
I feel like I was on Yea Forums during 2011, though I remember 2012 Yea Forums way more vividly.
>not recognizing 9gag guy
he pretty much shaped the internets as we know them today, wtf is wrong with you
Who is this vampire?