I hate this shit lol

i hate this shit lol

Attached: sekiro-standard-edition-preorder.jpg (1000x547, 81K)

>run past all enemies to boss
>get one shotted by boss with milosecond startup animations
>repeat 40 times
>finally kill the boss by cheesing it or finding a stupid way that makes the fight irrelevant
>doesnt even feel satisfying when u defeat the boss
>literally 5 seconds later a miniboss
>altars FUCKING everywhere.
>absolutely terrible money and skill system

Is there a boss besides the monkeys on Kongo mountain?

can you grind like in souls?

I'm scared to continue playing.

I don't want to keep dying and have everyone in the world suffer from my failures

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You can grind money and skill xp for a skill tree but not like souls.

what is money for? armor?

>I don't want to keep dying and have everyone in the world suffer from my failures

buying consumables and for arm upgrades

The more you die, the more NPCs get dragon rot and die from it

Dying causes NPCs to suffer from cancer basically

This game is awesome

Yes, but it is completely pointless, parry timings and literally luck is required to beat the game as certain specific parry types dont always work

OP here, I haven't even been able to beat the first two minibosses I've encountered. I'm having fun, don't get me wrong, but this is a bad sign for the rest of the game

Is.. is this your first FROM game?

Ha na I've beaten Bloodborne, DaS 3 and DaS Remastered. I guess it hasn't clicked yet... heh... heh...

Why are you typing like a FROM NPC

nah just a bad sign for your ability to adapt to new mechanics

I'm just trying not to accept that I'm a complete failure... heh...

>falling for the From Software meme again

until they fix their framerates i ain't buying this shit

Sekiro looks like a fun game.

My problem is that I'm not in highschool like I was when I got autistically absorbed into DS1. I have a career and a fiancee. I don't have the time or energy to git gud anymore. Enjoy the game, zoomers. Soon it'll be you.

the only millisecond startup animation is Genshou or whatever he's called, Jump triple/quad bow attack. that is bullshit. other than that its all pretty reactable.

I'm in the same boat and unless you're working 60+ hrs a week and/or have kids you definitely have the time

Must work to give money to the BULL pound LE WIFEY

>FPS capped at 60

im crying you a river faggot

cope, fag

It is not fun. I get it, I understand the posture system, I know you're not supposed to play it like a Souls game, I've had no trouble progressing through the game, but it's fucking dull. The stealth is shit, the platforming/grappling hook verticality is shit, the posture-based combat is great but only when you're fighting mini-bosses and human bosses because normal enemies die to R1 spam like any other From game and all the non-human bosses like Ogre, Bull, Headless, etc. throw the fucking posture mechanics out the window and are just stupid Souls bosses that you circle around and R1 to death, except now you die in two hits guaranteed. The level design is trash, the enemy AI is trash, the way you can only grapple to ledges from specific angles is trash, the exp/skill system is trash. There's potentially a good game in there somewhere but god damn they really phoned it in after coming up with the fantastic combat.

cope with what? the fact you can't enjoy life? sure
the sky's the limit

>tfw still have plenty of time

god it feels good to not totally fuck my late 20's. best of luck to you lad. game's fucking great too.

Is it even possible to beat that drunkard boss in the Ashina Estate memory early on? He's surrounded by like a dozen adds all with their backs to the walls, and I currently don't have any way to fight multiple enemies at once besides kiting them and using the thrust attack against the first person to take a swing. When I died against him it kicked me out of the memory to give me the Dragonrot tutorial, so it gave me the impression that I was supposed to come back later.


I did it with no upgrades on anything. After you get to the pond stealth kill two guys in the building on your left, sneak through the building and stealth kill either the boss or the shield guy. After that R1 spam the archers and have the other swordmen follow you. Kill them one by one in the pond. After that talk to the guy who helps you out and double team the boss hard, he goes down right away even without deflecting or much dodging.

>Talk to the guy who helps you out

What? I'm going in completely blind here. Is there some sort of co-op mechanic I haven't found yet?

No, it is an NPC. There is a guy in blue at the edge of the north side of the pond on the upper right next to a rock. He is right on the banks so just circumnavigate the pond if you can't find him.

It's the vsync that's more annoying imo. I built a PC so I would not get input lag yet here we are.

Huh. I'll give that a try in the morning, then. Thanks for the input.


>no direct x input
>spend forever trying to get my controller working through steams fucking interface
>by the time it's working I'm already tired of the game
the devs should be fucking shot

I love this game. i love how I feel like a ninja. I've always thought a stealth system would be cool in a souls game and now it finally happened. Who else is having a great time?

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>to not totally fuck my late 20's

>buying a japanese game for the PC
There is a good reason why I bought it for the PS4.

>30 fps locked

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This is their first game that doesn't have it and only the second japanese game I've ever played that didn't

Has anyone talked about how terrible From's blood textures look? It didn't bother me so much in Bloodborne but come on they've had so much time to fix it

Does the game let you know when you're about to fight the final boss/does beating the final boss automatically end the game? Found something suspect but don't want to accidentally end my run.

Does that happen if you die once and then resurrect, or only if you die twice and get a game over?

is there any reason to have him survive? i waited to get him until i was on the boss' second health bar and he lived through the fight but just kinda thanked me and that was it.

Is anyone else struggling like crazy? I just beat longsword one arm guy and the knight dude. I've died probably 150 times total in 12 hrs

>you can't just grind your way to an easy win, you need skill.
sounds like a good thing.

Go faster

Spend time with the immortal dude at the shrine. Visit him whoever you get new abilities/prosthetics

it's a great thing. It's a souls game with no bullshit. Just git good and you can breeze through the game, and it's satisfying.
Pic unrelated.

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I know this exact feeling. I went out and bought a xbox controller I was so tired of fucking with the ps4 bullshit. Much better feeling

xbox one controller is top tier

Yeah, I am. The trick is too know how to deflect and not play it like bloodborne. My problem is I play it like bloodborne.

>I'm just here to tell you that I can't play cause I'm an adult now
Fuck off.

Get to troll, get one hit killed by grapple
Get to drunk, get one hit killed by grapple
Get to fat man on a bridge, get one hit by his sweeping attack

Boy, this is 'fun'

I've still a good few years left.
Fuck I hate getting older

Lol impatience is all I see here.
I couldn't disagree more. You're most likely not using the games mechanics to your advantage

I'm playing it like Nioh and it's kinda working. Deflections are really satisfying since they're instant and it makes nailing a 4-5 hit deflect with weird timing feel amazing. It's going to be weird going back to Nioh after this though- it had much deeper mechanics and way more options but the mission structure is completely inferior to this open world exploration with grapple platforming. I desperately hope Nioh 2 takes on a full explorable structure.

I'm not having too much trouble with the flow of the game. Right now I'm struggling with the camera and general controller layout, since I keep getting the buttons confused for something (Hitman maybe). Whenever the camera bumps into the scenery (which happens too fucking often) I panic too much and forget that I can jump.

Hey just like every single dark souls game

Nioh 2 just needs more enemy variety and some interconnected levels and it'd be great. I liked learning how to break the game so I am kinda hoping they aren't balancing it some more.

Running Max setting 1440p 60 fps lock on a 1070. It's pretty well optimized

>blah blah blah blah no like blah blah blah blah gay sex
Only valid complaints is the grappling, but it works within the frame of the game. Thrash mobs may have shit ai, but that's the reason they're thrash mobs. We don't even know if they'll improve in NG+. Would be great if they hunted you better as a team and stayed alert when you break off, prepare for you, get reinforcements, but for that to work the stealth would have to be more like tenchu and you'd need more starting options to handle multiple enemies.
tl:dr it's good, fuck off

Yeah same. I love how Sekiro is balanced perfectly around a single weapon with a specific moveset/damage output but Nioh's loot and armor system was awesome too. I hope they keep it all. Like you said some interconnected levels would be great even if it's not the full world. Maybe they could have a big map for each act with the different story missions/sidequests flowing into it.

People are weirdly defensive of this game. It's just not very interesting. Compare the first few hours of a souls game where you find weapons, get your base stats set up, lock in your playstyle, see how much armor you need, deciding if you want a shield or if you want dual daggers or something, building a meme pure STR Shrek char, deciding if you want magic and miracles or if you want to do combat only, maybe setting up some evil invading 1 shot pvp build... To only using L1 and R1 buttons with no additional thought processes, no grinding for anything, just fight these tedious mini bosses...

the sound of blades clashing is fucking kino

the simplicity and removal of features goes into the japanese philosophy, and the combat system.

god damn fucking kino yeah BB and DS are great, and I thought its over, but nah. sekiro more like sekino am I right

JC how rotted are your NPCs?

I hate xbox controllers if they would switch the position of the sticks to ps layout I would get one but until then I refuse

its literally 2deep4u

its a primal duel of reflexes: the game

I bet you casuals didn't ring the demon bell

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What do I do with the fresh fruit and dried fruit of the god the old woman sends you for? I have both but don't know what to do with them. She doesn' thave any new dialog in either of her spots.

On the other hand, if you don't compare it to Dark Souls, and accept it how From intended it, you'll see it clearly for what it is, instead of bitching about it not being Dark Souls.

All of them I guess. Including jail mob

How do you get the fruit in the poison swamo?

In Souls you just use roll and r1 too though except everything's slower, floatier, uglier and easier. And they are all the fucking same too by the time you finish 1 you should know exactly which builds and weapons you like so that little bit of menial decision making goes out the window too. No grind and no stats are good

>people who hate it hate it because it isn't dark souls
>people who are having a hard time with it because they are plying it like it is dark souls
There is a trend here. If From soft didn't make it it wouldn't be as popular but most would agree it is a good game. Fucking soulsfans and people who refuse to learn new mechanics are retarded.

>no tools
Gimping yourself. Use the shuriken prosthetic and ceramic shards to kite bandits to you. I managed to take out all but one torchbearer before aggroing Juzo then I ganked him with the NPC samurai. Be alert, the idiot was focusing on an archer behind us because I didn't take on the throng of bandits on the way to the boss and one managed to stumble upon us. Fistfuls of ash can get you a few free hits but don't get greedy. I'm playing vanilla tho, I've heard of ash not affecting Juzo.

Follow the poison swamp all the way, along the right hand side of the canyon you'll find a cave entrance. Go inside. It's really dark and there is a big white snake in here. Don't hit it, avoid it, or it'll shake and bump you (which hurts). The place is filled with poison geckos and these wall ambusher guys who jump out of the wall and stab at you. Combat won't wake the snake don't worry.
Follow the cave all they way down and you'll see a wooden shack. Approach it and the snake will appear, back off and take cover behind the pillar. Don't go forward or the snake will fuck you up bad.
Instead, jump off the cliff to the left of the pillar to a small ledge. It's hard to see. Follow the ledge along the left side of the cavern to another larger ledge with a monkey on it. The monkey won't be facing you, backstab the monkey and use PUPPETEERING shinobi ability when you do. The monkey will jump up on a cliff and dance around, distracting the snake. Once it does, grapple up to where the snake was and run in the house, and the dried fruit will be on a shrine inside.

There, now tell me what to fucking do with the fresh and dried fruits.


Actually, you can just use the ceramic shards. It helps to save the weapon points or whatever theyre called

I beat him before any other boss. I had one gourd and no upgrades to anything, only prosthetics were found in the memory. He was tough but completely doable, keep at it. I actually beat the boss after him with that setup too before returning to the main route and realising I had multiple upgrades right there.

>I'm playing vanilla tho, I've heard of ash not affecting Juzo.
They still do. It gets you at least a couple of hits and if the NPC samurai is still alive he gets a charged thrust in as well. Spamming ash makes the fight pretty easy as long as the aggro is on the NPC and he isn't poisoned.

How the fuck do you kill the shinobi hunter the Mikiri counter never works

Saying people don't like it because it isn't Dark Souls is not an argument as to why they should like it. I don't like it because it is boring and tedious with little customization and gameplay that gets stale in the first hour. It just so happens that those negative properties are not in Dark Souls.

I'm 7 hours in the only real boss I've killed is Gyoubo. I got to Lady Butterfly but exploring Ashina is more fun at the moment.

It does. Spam the shit out of it whenever possible. Its just really fucking hard.

Good luck, I will never get married. Life partner? sure. Marriage? Fuck that shit.

Clear the adds, get a jumping kill, should be easy after that.

this game is fucking stupid and not even from a difficulty standpoint, its the fact that enemies lock onto you all the fucking time and can move around on a dime to hit you with these shitboxes

when you die, ressurection don't do shit.

>gameplay that gets stale in the first hour.
>it is a from soft game so I spam R1 and dodge rather than learn a single thing about the actual mechanics
Also the first hour doesn't introduce you to most of the mechanics. It is a slow start, I give you that.

Holy shit thanks user, I'm gonna call it day and try tomorrow morning
Aren't you supposed to get eaten by the snek, then poison it from the inside with the fruits? /spoiler]
Also, have you managed to find the piece of armor the merchant is asking for?

Don't bother with that. Just hug him, sidestep his attacks and attack back, he gets real easy if you do that


The first area is filled with enemies that counter R1 spam, but can instantly be killed with a couple parries. DId you even play the game?

But the gameplay loop is essentially the same thing as in Dark Souls but faster and a bit more dynamic

Haven't heard anything about being eaten by the snake. If thats the case then I honestly have no clue how to make that happen. Also I don't know whta armor you're talking about

It sounds like you're trying to dodge through everything. You shouldn't be having issues with hitboxes, learn to deflect. You're playing Sekiro, not Bloodborne.

none of those attacks are one hit kills

>get mikiri down easy every time training
>never works on the shinobi hunter
>get him down to literally a sliver of health and he kills me with a sweeping attack when i jumped and was in mid grapple animation


Thing is Wolf throws like a diabetic staving girl and it's difficult to kite effectively with just shards, at least for me. Deathblows get you spirit emblems often anyway.

after a few months this will be a cult like bloodborne

But it does you fucking cripple? Practice the timing with Hanebi. Why the fuck do people neglect him when he's there to teach you all about how combat works?

The merchant in Ashina outskirts, he first asks you for info about what the Ashina samurai want
Once you eavedrops on one of the samurai in Ashina Castle and go back to the merchant, he'll start selling new stuff and then ask you for a big piece of armor.

Its fucking different than with Hanebi I can counter him every time

Charged attacks wreck enemy vitality. My attack power is shit right now but I've made short work of axe mobs with them like that. Cause poise. Assholes.

Don't fucking move, just press B, you need to stay still.


Cause you need to learn to recognize the tells. If he's gonna sweep he'll lower the spear so it points to the ground. If he's gonna thrust he holds it parallel to it, and a light shines down the spear like when you do a charged attack, you have about a second to press O when you see the glow after the kanji. Need to differentiate his body positions.

>Okay, just stay still, you've trained for this, keep calm
>my face the moment he comes at me with that spear

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>altars FUCKING everywhere.
Not later on

Anyone know what Precious Bait does?

Or what the bell from the monkeys is for?

Also, I killed Hanbei and he dropped something that the game won't put a prompt on soni can't pick it up, is it anything unique?


What the fuck is confetti? Are you talking about pocket sand

Snake Eyes is kicking my shit so hard, I can barely damage her

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The shit that lets you hit ghosts.

From what I've heard there's no merchant for it. You have to grind them from shrine maidens.

I don't care about it not being like Souls games at all it's just boring and not very enjoyable to play in my opinion.

Works fine for me with a ds4

You have heard wrong, progress.

So the only way to beat the bull is to dodge and chip at his health and use fireworks? Is there no way to make this less tedious?

>read through the thread
>mfw I didn't buy this shit

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they are if you keep skipping minibosses and dont get prayer beads lol.

You're using the firework spin tool? How does it affect the boss?

>spend 5 minutes clearing out enemies around a mini-boss
>die in 2 hits

fuck this game

I can tell you that if you wait for him to charge you then do a quick turn if you hit him in the head he gets staggered momentarily.

Hit him when he turns his head sideways and plants the big log on the ground.

Finally beat horse guy. Took more tries than killing Frieda SL1.

Fireworks fucks his shit up good. It takes like a minute or two to beat him if you spam fireworks. I usually got 4-5 hits in per use.

That purple motherfucker in the Hirata memory is remodeling my shithole.

I've been playing all day and still haven't killed one miniboss

I have no idea what I even did. I parried his horns some times, threw some fireworks, and he was dead before I knew it. I found not using the targeting camera was helpful too so I could aim for his legs manually.

>Have to unlearn dodging everything and learn parrying everything

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>abandoned dungeon

where to go first?

Press L1 early and often.

Literally all the blame is yours.

>People on Yea Forums absolutely seething at from making impossible for enemies to fall off cliffs
the anal hurt has been delicious

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>tfw made a character named parry dummy in DS3
>killed every boss and got her health to 99 so she can survive most the game throw at her
>just go through ever stage parrying everything that can be parried, from the thrash in undead settlement to the absolute assholery that are greatshield ringed knights
>tfw ninja garden, DMC3 and Kirby got me ready for this day
>tfw nothing personneling everything in this game

That's one solution to terrible pathfinding AI

Use the raven tool, makes the fight a joke.

runs perfectly smooth on my 3 year old rig, stop playing on fucking consoles

The first general I faced fell off a cliff after I killed him. Felt sublime.

How to kill generals?

I beat him in like 2 minutes on my second try.

People need to stop whining about the game being tedious when they're actually just sucking.

to kill any miniboss, first stealth deathblow them from above or behind. then kill their adds. then fight the miniboss as usual.

the merchant wants information about what samurais want.. where the fuck do I get it? I was looking all over and don't see any new conversations

These souls games are such fucking meme.

The only selling point srems to be you die by some unfair boss in a unimaginative boribg combat and nerds fucking praise how hardcore it is . Cringe

will this stuff help with the warlock dude under the starting area? i instantly die of terror when I try to fight him and cant seem to land a falling deathblow either to start the fight

There has to be a way to nope it out with cheat engine.

woow you sound like a real expert huh

I don't think you can even hit him without it.

fuck i forgot about fireworks, would have helped a lot. i was just running in circles and jumping most the time
tried using the raven but still got hit, guess I timed it wrong

I really really hate this concept of fake lifebars they got from Dark Souls 3.

Nothing is more revolting than thinking to kill a boss only for him to spawn ANOTHER lifebar.
Just go fuck yourself.

Not this guy, but point proven. It must suck having spent your yearly gaming budget on a shit game. From fags

>tfw was in highschool for ds1
>am not now with sekiro but still absorbed
>tfw no fiancee and just helpdesk job

I'm applying for uni now though for (((2more years)))

>have to fight TWO apes
fuck off Hackazaki

I swear all you retards are trying to play this like dark souls.

You can literally spam attack the boss and spam deflect. At worse you'll just block. At best you'll get a perfect deflect and his poise goes down. Wait for those kanji attacks and then counter them. Bam, all bosses are easy.

Yea Forums is bad at games. I'm 36 years old and this is fun.

So after the butterfly boss you get a key item that says you get an extra resurrection but i still only got 2. What gives?


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So is there any drawback to just spamming l1 over and over because i'm not seeing any

Anyone has this in action?

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I thought it was garbage until I got to Lady Butterfly

I just killed him, it really shows how stupid that neon kanji gimmick is. When it pops up, I always assume he's gonna do a forward kick and I instantly pulls a Mikiri but nope, break dancing. I start the fight by locking him on and try to land the overhead strike custom skill when he jumps down. Firecracker seems really good on him if you spam it with overhead swing. Axe could work too if you can aim it.

Why does nothing feel satisfying to beat in this game? With the Souls games I felt accomplished after beating a hard enemy/boss, but with Sekiro after my 50th death I'm just upset it took that long.

do you get anything for beating him?

Boss design.

Why are the status effects in Japanese? I don’t know what’s happening to me

A shitty mat for upgrading weapon.

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I'm enjoying it but kinda shit at it.
I just took around 15 tries to kill the spear mini-boss in the starting area you go back to. Just getting to him again was annoying.
But then I fought the ninja looking dude in the cave and beat him first time. I had a really fun just deflecting and dodging. I wanna git gud asap.

>think game is garbage
>get to horseman gate guarding
>beat him in about 20 tries
>absolutely brutalize him in my finisher
>most satisfying feeling ever

I love it

I personally love the game, it actually rewards skill and playing well. It's great to find out that rumours abput Activision's involvement making everything more casual was pretty much unfounded.

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That woman you posted iis absolutely digusting.

I didn’t even bother counter parrying that guy, just defend with a parry or two, dodge and hit and then when the kanji appears if you’re far away rope to him and land a few more hits

I agree but please stop posting that thot

So whats the deal with the bull?
The best thing that worked for me is jumping over him and beating his ass like in dark souls
Except when it doesnt work and he hits me while jumping
The bosses are retarded

I had enemies that walked off cliffs for me.


>Get my shit kicked in fighting the miniboss Generals constantly
>Kill Horse fucker on 2nd try without much work
>Lady Butterfly took me an hour

I am having a blast with the game, though I am struggling to adapt to the parry stuff because while it *is* instant, the fact it usually doesn't stop fuck all outside of the prologue enemies gets kind of annoying.

My DS1/3 Muscle Memory is tripping me up, I never played Bloodborne so adapting to Sekiro is taking me awhile, I'll get there though.

Lady Butterfly was surprisingly fun to fight after awhile.

Im confused by the parrying. It doesn't work on minibosses unless they're already low health, right? Or am I just blocking too early?

if it makes you feel better attacking the proper boss one is all that matters. you kill the proper boss one and the other one disappears.
just play it patient.

I thought the Horse guy boss was a blast to play. Easily the best boss I've encountered

I dodged his charge and used that skill you get from the Tengu. It did a ton of damage and stunned him, letting me do a second big attack if I was quick.

I don't think I figured out the trick with him, I just backed off until grapple prompts popped up and then R1 spammed him and backed away.

It didn't take too long but it also didn't feel like the way to do that fight.

don't worry, your fiancee's boyfriend will take care of her sexual needs. play some vidya

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>run a third party driver software like ds4windows
>get mad when it doesn't work because of shitty drivers that are designed to intercept and fuck with controllers

brainlet image goes here

hey dipshit it shows you how many lifebars they have above it, the red circles...

why are you faggots so obsessed with cuckolding?

I'm married and work full time and I've almost beat it. Stop making excuses and git gud

I just reached the Blazing Bull. This seems super ultra mega gay.

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Except when it doesn't... and the boss just happens to have an extra hidden one.

>completely missed the Ashine Style and the merchant across the first boss arena

Time for arm samurais until I got some new techs.

Dark Souls clone no. 5 released and op bought it. Now op is surprised that he doesn't like the game produced by Dark Souls from Dark Souls Maker Studios.
>what did op mean by this?

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THIS, this guy here is fucking dead reflex-wise and it's literally degrading more by the day and he figured out the game before you guys. The fights are dances where you are going head to head with the bosses instead of being a pussy and dodging, YOU are the boss, not them.

Literally deflect and hit him
I don't think he even has any unblockable attacks

You can also use firecrackers in case he's still giving you trouble

What those red circles in the corner mean? They slowly fill as I kill mobs

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i don't dislike it, i'm just getting neutered by it

they mean you can resurrect if you die

>got to Ashina Castle without know what the Resurrection mechanic is

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I've died like 10 times to him already because I tried to evade his attacks but they hit me anyway

the bullshit is the only thing that made souls good for people. souls combat has always been pretty shitty & lacking in depth. This game is just a worse copy of Nioh with slower & more poorly made attack animations.

well my friend that is a retro game staple and it's f u n. keeps the player on their toes and revealing a "TRUE FINAL FORM" is cool. why should the player be given every bit of information from the beginning? it teaches you to never let your guard down and get sloppy and take damage just because you think you're about to win.

here is your trainer bros

When what's the difference between the leaf and the flower?

I know I did that too
Was even staying close to the walls and such to jump over him, but turns out you can just deflect/block lol

>pretty shitty & lacking in depth
Skyrim is the Western baseline for sword combat

How the fuck is this game supposed to fix my depression

>why is this game not exactly like dark souls I wanted dark souls REEEEEEEEEE

Jesus the demon bell boost is no joke I'm stocking so much shit

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You can just run past him and open the temple.
The door opening animation has total i-frames.
Fuck that guy

good distraction

>tells someone else to cope with your framerate problem

well it still sucks... also that can't be true. the most popular action game in the West is probably God of War or some shit.

well i mean it makes sense in a game like this 2bh. when you start unlocking framerates in frame sensitive games (parries, etc.) things start getting fucky.

>deflecting a 10 tonne rampaging bull with your wakizashi
Are you shitting me? Maybe if this game had the same kind of over-the-top presentation and mood as MGR I'd consider this. Guess I'll try this then.

but user, even 30 fps would be enough

Attached: 30fps is enough.gif (445x250, 3.44M)

Is it just me or does the game give you no reason to fight hard enemies?
Big dudes I've just been stealth killing when I can't beat them, but whatever cos the outcome is the same. Feels kinda unsatisfying

i found the best way is to stick to the wall on the right(the place he appears from), then when he charges at you, you dodge right or left then spam whirlwind slash...while doing circle around him.

when he run away just go back to the corner of the wall, then wait for him to charge and repeat till hes dead

>deflecting a 10 tonne rampaging bull with your wakizashi

a game with yokais in it sure cares about realism bro

Convenient how shitposters avoid mentioning ''grabs'' which exist solely to counter parry's

How much is the difference in having the Ashina Carps or not? If I'm against a wall and can't beat a boss should I try them?
Also how do I deflect lightning?

one is free from resting, the other is soft humanity

shit fucking owns. brainlets itt saying it's too hard or the level design is bad are too stupid to even understand it's a stealth game. level design is perfect once you realize there's a shit ton of places to hide and how the stealth mechanic works. it's like DS + metal gear solid. loving it so far. just got to the SNEK and stabbed its eye, then fell off a cliff

>Entire game is like this
>One miniboss that REQUIRES you to make them fall off

You just fucking started the game if you're at the snake. Play a bit more before shitposting and you'll see why people are complaining about difficulty.

Nothing at all. Nothing is worth buying. Same goes for exp. Almost nothing in the skill tree is actually useful.

Lol, I already beat this game and platinum'ed it, and returned it to Gamestop for a FULL refund.

mfw im using a comfy switch pro controller through steam and have had no problems

haha whoaa sweet lie

Rofl, epic win dude.

Git gud.
Thx dude.

Any tips for the lightning fucker?

that's more like 10 tho

it's more like you get punished for not being careful and have to fight them.

Why is this game third person, why isn't it first person? Is there a mod to fix this shit? Why the fuck is a goddamn pc game fucking third person like some casual console shit? This kills the immersion, I can't enjoy the setting at all because of this garbage.

Holy fuck I had a fiancee once literally all of my free time that I can spend on playing videogames I spent with her. Never again

I don't think there's a reason to fight mooks whatsoever. They dont give you anything, at worst they might aggro you but you can just go sit in a bush for ten seconds and they forget you ever existed. Only when they're guarding a miniboss is there any reason to kill them

Why don't you just quit that game?

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it's 2019, you can watch a youtube gamer doing let's play of it instead.

This game is fantastic so far


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one does not simply quit a souls game

Need relaxing potion for that. Relaxing potion removes all terror buildup and lowers its buildup while it lasts.

Also need divine confetti to properly wreck headless and shinimen warriors. And the lady with the guitar or whatever it is.

You get 3 divine confettis at the end of Hirata estate, or you can farm them from blue samurai guys in the castle.

>dude use the sneed seed with this butterfly bitch
>does absolutely nothing
based and epicmemepilled

Oh yeah my bad.

it destroys the illusions it doesn't do anything to her
you can beat her without it

if you're a masochist

Works just fine, they just regenerate their poise after a very short delay if you don't get their health down.

main character ninja arm stronk. you can deflect any attack in the game except for ones that flash a red kanji (sweep and grab). you CAN deflect thrust which shows a red kanji but its better to mikiri counter it.

oh and the shinimen warriors big laser beam shit is unblockable and unparryable and undodgeable and instant kills you. you MUST have divine confetti buff, if you do, then you can deflect and take 0 damage or block and take some small damage.

drops down to the low 50's on an i3 6100 and 960, it's really not a demanding game

It's more of a Tenchu game than souls garbage.

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I just got the bell and went to the estate level. Proceed or finish up the first level?

The madman did it. Every crutch mechanic is gone. Based Miyazaki.

>Every mechanic

his prosthetic arm looks like a piece of shit that'll fall apart at any minute. but at least you can switch between them which is better than the breakers in DMC5.

I quit the first souls game as soon as I saw the shitty attack animations and how clunky it felt.

Is this game hard. Asking for a friend

short answer: yes
ESPECIALLY if you pick the evil ending or give up the charm in newgame+

Pretty disappointed with the game. Wouldn't outright call it buyer's remorse, but I also wouldn't say I'm really enjoying my time with it. And no, it has nothing to do with the difficulty of it.

I just don't think it's quite for me. It lacks the atmosphere of Souls, the char creation, weapons and armor sets you find and so on, it has zero online (rip invasions) and the level design and stealth aspect are rather shoddily made and implemented imo.

Dunno. Feels like this was made by the C team.

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God forbid an ACTION game doesn't have shitty RPG mechanics

Every single thing is reactable though, like more reactable than Devil May Cry

I do.


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Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Sekiro isn't allowed to do what it does, just saying that I personally ended up not enjoying it as much as I enjoyed previous From games.

I'm sure there are other people out there who like Sekiro much more than any Soulsborne and that's fine too.

>it's not a game it never claimed to or tried to be so it's bad

did you play Parasite Eve and get upset it wasn't Final Fantasy

NPC's don't die from it.
I got Dragonrot pretty early and played for like 8-9 hours before using the cure item and NPC's didn't die and I died like 1 billion times on my way to Genichiro and fighting him as well.

>Rot Essence: Lost Child

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it can be but the action mechanics need to actually be good.
hard bosses aren't enough to make a game good.

welcome to the a-team experience

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>not enjoying it as much as I enjoyed previous From games.
You meant to say as the Soulsborne games

From has made quite a few other games apart from Souls

That much is implied, yes.

just couldn't git gud could ya

This game is to character action games what IWTBTG is to platformers. I'm digging it so far but my patience might wear out if I don't start improving fast.

How to beat Great Carp

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Sekiro may not be realistic but it does have verisimilitude. A game where a moderately powerful thrust or slash is unblockable does not imply that you can block a massive rampaging bull with a log on its head.

I hope the next Souls game is more like Souls or BB again and not like Sekiro.

You literally haven't played the game.

Because you're playing a game that's actually difficult.
Souls games aren't really anything special in terms of difficulty, but they have been memed to that status so everyone feels like a special snowflake for playing them.

Use the jump button

Souls games' combat is actually fun. It's slower, you have less movement options (can't just go fly off to some roof with your grapple) and everything is a bit more deliberate.

Now the player spawns an extra lifebar.

real talk souls being hard is a meme. it's a casuals idea of hard. most of the faggot journos jerking off about how they beat souls.
couldn't even beat ninja gaiden on normal.

It would be good if it was PS4 exclusive.

I cheesed that dude up against the fence between the bridge and the big stone tower.

That sounds like bullshit, Resurrection comes with a cost as Emma says.

Wanker, trying to make people who play games feel like assholes! I’ve got a job, a wife and 3 kids and I still get time to play vidya Games, if your so under control by your fiancée where you can’t even have a few hours a night to play a game then your a pussy whipped cunt!

>fight this guy
>having fun
>kill him, feel like a champ after anime execution
>tfw 10 seconds later

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This. Not really liking it so far

The thing that makes Souls combat successful is that the timings of attacks and inability to cancel make it play like a pseudo-turn-based game, with light attacks and rolls effectively being 1 "turn" while heavy attacks and healing require 2 "turns." It's slow paced and deliberate game that rewards tactics over twitch reflex.

Sekiro is a more traditional action game. Once engaged in combat, it's all about reflexes.

Yes, maybe. Whatever the explanation the result is that I enjoy Sekiro less than any other Soulsborne.
It's not JUST the combat though. It's also the setting, the lack of weapons and armor sets to find and such.

his second phase is unironically easier. just deflect all his attacks, and itll make him stand up straight for a thrust down attack, deflect that and hes knocked down for a few seconds.
later you get to fight him again with another ape to help him

I don't. I hope they keep making specialized games like this because the gameplay is a lot better. It's not perfect but it's fantastic and more games like this would be great.


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Is Wolf a manlet?

I think the gameplay is worse and more games like it would be a bad thing.

The combat is still pretty Souls like combat wise, I don't understand how you guys think otherwise. It's still all about resource management it's just been rethought in order to introduce more challenge compared to the tired Souls formula that some were getting sick of.

hes about 5'6 or 5'7 but then all japs are

There is something about the audiovisual design of Dark Souls games that contributed so much to its atmosphere that Sekiro just doesn't have and I realize how big of a difference it makes to not have that.

I know, I died the first time but I got him the next.

>later you get to fight him again with another ape to help him
wtf that seems impossible, is it a white samurai or another big one?

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Honesty, it’s too hard. It’s a great game for someone who likes action games. Never been a fan of fast action games. It’s why I liked souls. I can take my time with it. This is too much. Going to beat it once and probably never touch it again.

It's just expanded on. Why do you think it's worse?

Loving the game apart from when I need to fight a mini boss or boss, im like a fucking ninja against normal NPCs but as soon as I encounter a boss it’s either spam roll button and parry button and hope for the best, to me it seems broken, I don’t give a fuck about git gud BS as being shit at a game which I won’t be playing in a months time doesn’t have that much of an impact, just wish I could play the game and not get fucked by anything with a name!

you fight white big ape and partway through the fight he summons a slightly smaller (but still huge like him) brown ape to help. its implied to be his mate. shes much easier to defeat than white ape is, and has the same moveset that white ape had before you cut his head off.

I don't think so. It's not expanded on, it's just different. And refer to

Why are there two buttons to climb up ledges? Why do I have to press X to pick up items but I have to hold X to pick up other items?

Hold x is to gather coins that have dropped press x is for consumables, it’s just so you don’t need to go to every corpse and collect the coins

It's really not that different from Souls though you just have to get used to blocking and parrying. I don't think Sekiro's combat is perfect but it's pretty much Souls but expanded on. Main thing I dislike is the finisher thing, it'd be cooler if enemies just dropped.

>Going to beat it once
Where are you in the game?

There are samurai monkeys in the valley nearby.

Legitimate issues with the game

These are annoyingly intrusive, every fucking item you pick up, boss you defeat and gift you receive, hell even simply just playing the game opens a pop-up.

After seeing the entire game, i feel like they didnt make fully use of the content of spooky and interesting supernatural material that the setting had to offer. The human stuff is great, but the monsters/ghosts leave to be desired.

The story is just really meh, just like your typical vidya story goes. Wolf is not a compelling characters and some dialogue stuff is just silly (talk to kuro to then walk 10 feet to talk to emma to go back to kuro, still 10 feet away).

Everything else im still reflecting on it or is more of a nitpick of lacking rather than a problem within the game.

I've picked up every item I've seen but they are all totally worthless. Who the fuck actually uses the balloons? No one. They suck.

I just got done with butterfly. The horse guy is also dead so that’s two main bosses down

People are weirdly critical of it too.

Jesus christ, not even DMC was this bad.

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Yeah, this.

I prefer Souls games that let me use giant big ass swords or maces.

The whole of Yea Forums was DMC5 when it came out.

The loot vacum looks soo arcadey and out of place in this game's setting.

I use candies for defense sometimes. It doesn't really help against bosses that will fuck you ass with a single grab or whatever, but at least it gives me enough time for a second revive.

Traditional action games don't have resource management mechanics like this. Instead of stamina which encourages slow paced gameplay, From came up with posture which requires more concentration to manage. The speed of the game isn't that much faster than Souls though, you just have to keep up the pressure on bosses.

It gets way harder. If you aren't having fun just drop it.

Tfw expose nu-Yea Forums to be a bunch of Casualshitters

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But it does, the upgrades you unlock are basically levels, only there's less verity and the new abilities only marginally change the way you play.

>run past all the enemies
just like any souls game.

>5 threads day of release

DMC is piss easy though

>From releases yet another masterpiece
>all of the (you) addicted contrarians rush to Yea Forums desperately trying to shit on it

it's just pathetic really

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That's only page 1 and a little bit of 2 though, did you know that Yea Forums boards support up to 10 pages?

I follow instructions.

I don’t want to drop it just yet. Still wary days. I hated ds1 when I first played it, dropped it for two weeks and then went back to it. Couple hours in and something clicked. Hoping the same thing happens here

What's pathetic is the amount of drones scrambling to deflect any and all criticism under the guise that the game is hard and therefore if you have any complaints you're just bad.


How deep is the lore.

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I fell off the ledge after killing the Snake/Serpent, what is over there? There does not seem to be a way back.

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>its just another souls game in which you need to wait 10 hours for your turn to attack

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reddit niggers using the internet for validation

99% of the time thats what it is - you're just bad.
i have unrepairable nerve damage and shit reflexes and i beat NG today. every boss has an exploitable weakness to take advantage of, whether its baiting the grab then running under him to smack his ass on the giant ape, or firecrackering the horse dude as he charges you to smack his horse in the face.

the only exception to this is the centipede giraffe, who is LITERALLY a 'can you deflect' test, but his combo is always the same so you can just learn the pattern.

Yes user, that's how they're called.

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Because that's all anyone is complaining about, how hard they're getting fucked

stop pretending to be a retard, you're not funny

who was your final boss?

>Game runs like trash on the PC
>Multiple reports of it not even running at all
I'll pass on this dogshit.

>how they're called
that's what* they're called you ESL shitstain

So no arguments?

You shouldn't project your retardation on others. Didn't mother teach you manners.

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Did I miss a prosthetic tool somewhere?

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is there any point in curing the rot early when only the sculptor and the bell lady have it?

runs fine on a fucking toaster, it's just not a good game

I don't care about your argument, just use the language correctly


You’ll get the last one soon enough, can’t miss it

So no argument?

nioh is more of a souls game than sekiro

See, shit like this. Nobody said anything, no points were made, there was no argument going on, then fromdrone wakes up from his obesity induced slumber and starts frothing at the mouth that someone MIGHT have some criticism.
"GIT GUD U JUST SUCK LOL CASUL" he starts repeating until mom brings him tendies to calm him down.

I feel like that was kinda the point. These guys don't want to just make the same game for the next 20 years.

>>Game runs like trash on the PC
Unplug your second monitor, it gives you FPS drop. Runs pretty good for me, 1440p 60fps.

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that's because nioh was ripping off souls and sekiro isn't a souls game

How does that even work?

When you take the soul out of Souls you're left with Sekiro, a glib facsimile.

My one sentence review. What do you think?

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Runs well enough for me at 4k with two monitors, so that bug probably doesn't happen with every setup.

Based Armond.

i think you didn't play the game
git gud

Not an argument against this game being mediocre. Why is it so short too?

>no 2nd monitor
>game just drops to 2fps for 3-5 seconds sometimes
>solid frame-rate besides those moments of shit that can come when nothing is happening

Is this consumable?

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>project manager job that pays 100k a year
>work 4 days a week
>gf who loves vidya
>been binging sekiro with her since yesterday
cant imagine not having a good life

>If you don't love Sekiro you're probably just bad at it

Easiest way to dismiss all criticism. Based.

Yes, infinite use, costs emblems.

It's an actual bug I read about in the forums.

That sounds like your hard drive shitting itself. It could be unhealthy or full or just powering down for some reason.

>you're probably
Fair and based.

What are you even critiquing if not the difficulty? For me I don't like the assassination SFX, they're loud as fuck. And I don't like the finisher crap.

Have you tried reading the thread? Lots of points made about the level design, gameplay, lack of any and all online, no weapons and armor sets etc.

Why are there so many tooltips and shit? Souls series worked fine without it.

>people complain about amount of bosses
>minibosses are harder and there are shitloads of them

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Activision westernized the design of the game to some degree

Ironic given the setting of it

That's been a big problem on Yea Forums for a few months now. I tell the trolls their game is shit, they call me bad for not joining the circlejerk, I show them my achievements, tell them I pirated, and pull out my mug to collect the tears. You just gotta ignore them, man. Shitposters gonna shitpost and shills gonna shill.

Fuck are you on about?

Yea Forums has suffered from similar things for a long time.

For example, criticizing MHW at all was impossible because of absolutely rabid Sony fans just dismissing all of it with "It's perfect and if you disagree you're just a Nintendie"

My advice is to just stop thinking you'll ever get intelligent discussion on this site.

tends to happen when the userbase of your site is underage

ignore and report blogposters

No I haven't but since your generalizing I realize you're just shitposting...

>level design
It's amazing though....

guys what the name of the skill that make the enemies spill blood like smoke and how to get it?

By continuing to play, it's impossible to not obtain.

>just beat ogre, take a couple of attempts at the general right after
>immediately run into headless


Not true buckaroo, if you don't cure bell woman eventually she dies and her son is laying next to her corpse depressed

Does anyone know where the black hat badger merchant goes after you meet him in the temple? He says something about Ashina castle but I can't find him there

>Get my ass beat several times by drunk guy
>Anally devastate the horse boss

>hard drive shitting itself
would that still be happening if the game itself is on my ssd?

I'm just guess man I dunno.

>This game is just a worse copy of Nioh
You again?

Someone post webms that would convince me to buy the game

Don't bother just play a superior Souls game

How about you upgrade your toaster?

Did you like Bloodbonre?
Then you will love this game

Did you exclusively fat roll and did you tank everything with your great shield in Dark Souls?
You won't like this game

I dunno what to do, even if I kill all of the NPC alone and after that active the blue guy, this guy still kills me in a single shot with some kind of aoe attack, parry is wortless and spinning around him seems to not work since he just does a 180 turn in place and hits me

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That's absolute BS.

I fucking adore Bloodborne and think Sekiro is mediocre.

how about you get some reading comprehension, maybe finally wrap up that GED

Casuals tend to think like that

cheese version
>kill everyone
>run away
>sneak attack him
>run to the samurai fast as fuck and talk to him
>spam attack anytime he faces the NPC
easy win


My problem is that when I defeat a boss/miniboss by not cheesing them, I don't feel like I got any better or learned anything new. It just feels like I got lucky that time and dodged a few extra attacks

Back to China with you

What does the bell demon do?

Not him, but
>that feel when talked to the samurai guy without knowing what would happen
>we took out all the mooks but he died just before the boss did
Do you get anything for keeping him alive?

not that I've noticed

Im playing it like its supposed to be played, parrying everything, using hand tools for my advantage, im not playing it like souls, the main problem is that the game encourages you to learn parry timings on bosses, but punish insta kills you if you miss, meaning you die too soon to effectively learn the patterns. If the bosses didnt oneshot you constantly this game would be shit tier easy

I did not tried that but I can give it a shot, didnt know that you could sneak kill him

>Do you get anything for keeping him alive?

Well wiki says that it doent matter if he lives or not, there is no outcome but the game just came out so who knows, could be wrong

Didnt even call it like souls, wish it was tho, would be an objectively better game

>ive literally played 20h hurr durr
Fuck off sperg

Will someone redpill me on this game

I've played all the souls games but apparently this is nothing like it?

So uhh I spirited away the fat guy (Kotaro I think) in the Temple, and he straight up disappeared
What the fuck was that and does anyone know if there's any reward for doing it?

That's the reason as to why I dropped the game. I never feel like I properly learned what I was doing, and I got quite far into it.
I heavily dislike the posture mechanic as a whole, specially how it nullifies chip damage and some of your tools.
Also getting one shot all the time by two attacks that look exactly the same but one has a delay to it doesn't help.

Probably not and i don't think he has an impact on the story because SPOILER

There's an alternate memory for the events at the Hirata estate, but when you arrive where you fight Juzou, your samurai friend is already dead.

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Never played a souls game before. How bad is Sekiro going to punish my butthole?

To oversimplify things: Its souls in every way but posture mechanic/combat. Your tools are just spells. All the franchise problems like the camera and attacks clipping through walls persist, except this time they do even more damage and you less. The game is brutally hard.
Bonfire/souls/lock-on/Estus is all the same.

Ever played Ninja Gaiden? Otherwise really fucking bad.

Well there is no magic, no summoning, no cheesing so I would say badly. In DS you could just summon a friend to help you out, this does not allow that

I don't recommend even trying unless you want to stay stuck for hours on a single mini-boss.

thank fuck I pirated this, they really feel the need to throw in 2 shields, an archer and 3 other guys also the posture shit is worse than nioh's
>juzou on his 1st bar
>put juzou down to 3 hits before hes lost 1st bar
>posture has been building up whole fight
>want to get rid of first bar then deathblow to kill him
>end up deathblowing a fucking non-existent health bar then hes still got a whole other one
fuck this its been good so far but the bosses/minibosses are garbage

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owo where's this

Objectively the worst way to approach enemies
You want attack once, twice > parry enemy's counter ad infinitum without delays because posture

He basically two-shots the npc before you can even hurt him and then it's back to one-shotting you

I have no idea how to fight this guy. I tried researching posture if there's any combos you do that will let you overpower him but doesn't seem like it

you can easily chew through one health bar before he tears through the NPC, just don't expect him to tank two bars, and a dozen other niggers for you
literally just spam attack as long as he's not facing you and you win, it's that simple

>literally just spam attack as long as he's not facing you and you win, it's that simple
well user it didn't work

Fuck this game.
I'm being casual filtered by the Troll and the Shinobi Hunter.
How do I get good ?
The grapple attack catches me even when I'm on his side and the counter skill doesn't seem to work with every thrust attack.
Bloodborne is a better game

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Well I just beat him after like +3hours of trying

>kill all NPC alone and run away
>sneak behind him
>IK his first bar
>run to the guy npc and activate him
>kill him together

This is what I did

How do I prevent him from restoring his health? I do the first sneak deathblow and when I engage him with the npc he's back to full

don't run away, just go talk to the fucking npc after stabbing him in the dick it's like 15 fucking yards he won't de-aggro

First: don't put spaces before question marks.
Secondly: it's all parries and mikiri counters. Good luck. You're only casual if you give up.
I agree completely.

Bloodborne is a different game.
Focus on strategy. Use the Mikiri counter as much as you can for shinobi (O on ps4) and keep strafe to the right and jumping away. Jump and then jump on top of him to knock him back for a moment. Filling their posture bar is the most important thing. For the troll, fire does the trick, and then quick movements and attacks

Are you running away or something? mini-bosses have 2 HP BARS, when you do a sneak kill, you kill one of his BARS and after that he is at full HP again with the LAST BAR

>fighting spear shinobi in the memory
>pixel of health left
>pull off my first mikiri counter and kill him

loving it

Thanks user, I beat him now, even kept the old man alive.
Yes that was the whole point, I sneak attack then run off to activate the NPC, but I leashed him too far and reset his health bar apparently. I thought health damage was permanent.

well, good on you you didn't have to try and cheese a miniboss with two sneak attacks before

combat feels good but the prosthetic arm weapons are underwhelming, as expected. not sure if i'm going to even play NG+
that being said, it's better value for a full price launch title than most games these days

feels good man. that guy took me hours

to be fair I took one of his lifebars with a stealth attack after doing the same to the archer and the first enemy that patrols the bridge entrance

Sekiro feels exactly like the Nioh alpha for me where its so brutal that the player actually wants to use every mechanic available to them intelligently

I tried to kill the old lady by sword and she was protected by an invisible force field. Game sucks. I doubt dragonrot can kill though.

Thanks for the tips, I'll keep trying.
As for the question mark, that's how we write it.

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Sup Dennis.

I know. You're speaking English.


>r1 Spam: the game has better combat than sekiro
You absolute retard

Kill the headless

It doesn't work like that, you HAVE to deathblow through the first bar. If you get the first bar down to 0 you still deathblow to get onto the next one.

They're the same in that regard, dumbass.

So Dark Souls confirmed

how much a shitter you have to be to spent more than 100hrs on sekiro
how much of a wagecuck you have to be to not have these 100hrs in a month

Same. I dont even resurrect anymore unless im sure 200% im about to get the kill

>Bought the game yesterday.
>I fucking hate it due to all the bugs my copy has.
>I only died once, im not interested in LOL hard its just boring to play.
>Game keeps crashing, or keeps freezing during combat getting me killed.
>Gamestop offering me $20 for it.
I feel fucking nothing but buyers remorse.

>all the bugs my copy has
Uninstall it, quick, it's giving the computer viruses.

Its on the PS4, go figure.


why would you make something like this up? what can you gain from it?

Don't give me excuses, young man, my house my rules

>Anytime there is a post about a game I like thats negative its clearly made up.

fuckoff, games fucking up for me and I have no way of selling it unless I find some fucking sap to buy it off me at a reduced rate.

Does the world get inflicted with dragonrot when you die, or when your ressurect and then die?

Agro him once to make him move to the middle so that you can stealth death blow him, clear the adds and enter stealth again, deathblow first bar from stealth activate the samurai dude kill him...there is a solution to this...lady butterfly second phase on the other hand...


sucks dude, i went digital because i live in current year

Why can't you just return it and say it didn't work? Or at least demand a replacement copy. Does the laws of your land not allow this?

FROM-drones will defend that as a feature of the game.

When you die for good and are sent to the shrine.

The reviving and dragonrot mechanic is really discouraging me from getting this.
Why does the game punish you for trying to git gud?
That's what you're supposed to do in these games, go to the boss and fail until you can read it correctly.

you can heal them later

So when you die twice? Not only once and press die.

Because the Devs designed this game purely with the "Hard" meme in mind. Nothing in this game exists an interesting plot point or world building, it has been purely fashioned to push the idea that From make le ebin hard games for pro gamers.

Don't bother, the game is a genuinely uphill slog to play, and that's not even mentioning the difficulty.

asians are sadistic for some reason


>Soon it'll be you.
>implying I'll fall for the woman meme


Attached: aq1YWgAWm_480w_v1.jpg (480x367, 29K)

>Don't bother
Yeah I think I won't.


>the "Hard" meme
>so spoiled by easy games that when a harder game comes along you cope by calling it a "meme"

What did you even expect? It's from the creators of notoriously difficult games. Did you think they'd make their new game casual for some reason? If you wanted an easy time why did you even go into this game?

Boss battles are the only reason I play these games lol.

is this the new copypasta for this game?