Which one?
Which one?
Other urls found in this thread:
>same dps but one is more reliable than the other
Left obviously.
left because I'm not retarded
Depends on the attack speed.
>same average dps with no RNG
anyone who says red is retarded
left for procs, chance-on-hit effects and leech.
>no speed
>no crit chance
Insufficient data
left without question
Only retards who fall for the gambler's fallacy choose red
Left for singleplayer. But multiplayer?
For me, it's right. Imagine how mad people would get when you had a lucky streak. I'm smiling just thinking about the occasional salt.
Right because I'm on NG+
mix them together and use the purple one
150 damage
150 accuracy
get fuk'd
Retarded and not enough info.
Better Scenario: You're going to be in Duel, you can choose either sword and you will strike first. You each have 100hp. Which sword do you choose
And obviously the sword you dont choose goes to the your opponent.
Sorry if that wasn't clear
A new challenger approaches.
Assuming 100 health, attack speed and everything else is equal
>50% chance for right hit first try and kills
>25% chance they kill with same number of hits
>25% chance right misses twice and left kills
It's all about damage thresholds if this is a pvp game.
Accuracy. Nothing like missing 3 times in a row, doing 0 damage.
Blue - I am content to merely exist and be mediocre no matter what
Red - I am willing to risk failure to have a shot at achieving greatness
Red is based and redpilled. Blue is for pussies.
Depends on the criteria. Most anons here implicitly impose a criterion of minimizing variance which yields the "left" answer.
Fuck math I pick blue
>enemy has high dodge chance
>only 50% accuracy
miss miss miss miss miss miss miss
Right, of course.
Still blue
Earth, assuming the bolt/Ice blade doesnt go through blocking
Blade of bolt, one hit and you essentially win. Just finish off the poor bastard.
cute blade is op
If 0-50 health then blue is objectively better
50-100 red is better
100-150 blue
150-200 red
etc. but red is the choice for chads
blade of cute, guaranteed cunny harem
Exactly, you can rape all the targets
Red on the right. It forces me to get close and personnel.
Reliability is for lucklets
Ice and Stone have the same basic effect. Any would be a safe choice.
But the Cute blade with a bit of strategy could outfight them all.
Depends on the system of stats.
If the game has armor of some kind, then this DRASTICALLY will alter which is better. Specifically, if you have an armor system where the DR is purely % based its the same DPS, BUT if the armor is a system where DR is static or based on the size of the damage (See Fallout series and Path of exile for example), then the one on the right is DRASTICALLY better since the DR is less effective for it and makes the red one better.
Red, because the uncertain nature of my hits will keep me interested in the game longer.
100 damage for 50% acc doesn't even fucking worth it
Blade of Cute, else Blade of Stone.
It depends on what you're attacking, you idiots. If the monster you're hitting heals 50 damage per hit and has 100 HP, you're going to kill it pretty quickly with the right sword, but with the left sword it won't ever die.
Based and cunnypilled
Depends on hp with this one. It takes 7 hits to pass the dps of the other two, and in getting those 7 hits you are likely to miss 1.4 attacks
It would depend on how damage mitigation works in the game and how high the defensive stats are for the enemies I'm fighting. Left would generally be better, but if enemies have any flat reduction in damage taken and it doesn't boil down to some percentage reduction, then red might be better despite being unreliable.
For instance if you're hitting something which reduces damage taken by a flat 25, then the blue sword is dealing 25dmg, 100% of the time. Red would deal 75dmg, 50% of the time, which should overall average to higher damage per hit. Of course, other shit like health pool matters as well, if enemies are so weak that they die in 1 hit from blue anyway, then the higher average damage of red wouldn't matter.
Blue in most cases, red there is a defense/armor stat that reduces damage taken by a flat amount.
Underrated post.
green sense it has it only needs 4 hits to pass blue
and will eventually surpass red so it will only be weak for a short time and has potential to reach 1000+ while the others are locked
so obviously green
>pick green
>go attack snails for like an hour
>come back and ur damage will be probably atleast 400 sense it probably doesnt take much time to attack and the accuracy is high enough with a simple accuracy buff that it will probably be 100 or very close so yah green
If blue is 100% accurate, could I throw it at an enemy and always hit?
This, with health regen and stagger factored in as well. Blue is better if enemies regen health because you can more consitently whack them to cancel their regen timer. Blue is also better if there is a stagger mechanic, as it will stagger more consistently (and therefore more often).
>no cap
I fucking hate missing so left
thats just retarded game design, not a flaw on part of the sword
The one without the retarded cross-guard.
Dual wield the blade of cute and blade of funny.
right for pvp. consistent damage is easy to predict. burst damage gets you kills.
daily reminder that rng actually make's games more boring
Right because it outright states that armor exists in this world.
Unless armor is literally shit and useless.
What is speed? Hits per second? Frames per attack?
Any dmg or crit upgrades on blue has 100% efficiency but only 50% efficiency on red. Blue is future-proof for advancing in the game.
Time to kill this lucklet.
This. It's one of the things FEH did better than mainline Fire Emblem.
Right sometimes allows you to oneshot enemies with 51-100 hp before they get a hit on you, with left those will always damage you.
The choice actually depends on your attack speed vs average enemy attack speed.
left to slay unarmored peasants with maximum efficiency like a proper knight
hits per second
>99% is literally 1% in that game
left please
Green is clearly the best, especially if it is a longer fight.
fire dildo: does 30dps
ice dildo: does 20dps with 5% crit chance
black dildo: 10dps with 2% instakill
Red if enemies have damage reduction. Actually red all the time because I hate keeping a backup weapon for situational bullshit.
Left because on-hit effects and +weapon damage gear
>make girl character
>pick left
Left sword OP. Pls don't nerf.
What the fuck is the difference between poison and burn?
does poison slowly increase damage over time?
does burn lower their attack?
well, Yea Forums?
Blade of water, just like Captain Aizen!
Blade of Cute without the age down effect
Once sufficiently levelled, your base accuracy will cover all.
Damage becomes the only relevent factor
Flame and Earth are effectively identical.
Ice, Bolt and Stone are effectively identical.
The true answer is to go Blade of Cute, followed up by kicking your weakened foe to death.
Shit, my spork game isnt great, gotta go with the USD.
what percentage of enemies have fire restiance?
poison resitance?
In a pvp setting, is it easier to dispel a poison dot or a flame dot?
What color is the rest of your gear?
blade of cute + raep.
rape train has no breaks.
Which one?
Cute of course.
Putting the meme option aside I'd probably go with bolt. Ice if I'm going for a themed character and can rattle off ice puns.
Blue for trash mobs. Green for bosses. Red when I have 1 hp left and need RNGesus.
Left, obviously
I'd take the cute sword for the speed alone.
Cute girls everywhere is a bonus
why would you pick anything but cute
Morrowind vs Oblivion
whats the difference again?
Electrostim fetish
Blade of Cute if for griefing.
Normally I would go Blade of Bolt/Ice.
Well, I don't want to be a faggot.
Good effort.
Assuming user has 100HP
50% Chance of Red Sword winning on first turn, of the remaining 50%, 50% of that will result in a draw from the Blue and Red Swords knocking each other out and the other 50% will result in Blue Winning.
50% chance of Red winning on Turn 1
25% chance of a Tie on Turn 2
25% chance of Blue winning on Turn 2
There is information like whether the characters are attacking at the same time, the actual total amount of HP the characters have and additional effects that aren't specified.
This isn't Gambler's Fallacy, Gambler's Fallacy is that if you lose n number of Times you're somehow guaranteed to win the nth+1 time
Fire bitches
>hurrr durrr dependssss depends!!
>i will only be right in my answer if we include additional information that will fit my criteria more
bunch of retards i swear, answer the goddamn question and stop being so autistic about it
doesnt make a difference, you have a 50% to win regardless of what you choose in this scenario
Which one?
There both the same user.
Red because my luck is above average.
The right answer is blue without pulling hypothetical "scenarios" out of your asses.
Burn is basic Secondary Damage
Paralysis is potential miss turn effect
Confusion is potential reverse Damage
Freeze is guaranteed miss turn effect
Poison is basic Secondary Damage
Ensnare is guaranteed miss turn effect
Turn is unpredictable due to the enemy type
Don't use Turn, Burn and Poison are the same unless Poison stacks in which case Poison is better. If Paralysis, Freeze & Ensnare are all permanent then Freeze or Ensnare is better, likely Ensnare since Freeze won't work on Fire enemies. Confusion might seem good but unless it's able to stack with other statuses it's not worth bothering with when Burn and Poison exist.
The best options are Poison and Ensnare and it really comes down to whether you prefer Secondary Damage or to Incapacitate. However if Paralysis is the only one that's permanent between the skip moves effects then it depends on the probability of paralysis kicking in vs. the probability of Ensnare wearing off.
Name literally one game
>Silent protagonist
>No personality
Already this list is shit.
>retard didn't get the pun
>Electric and Ice are best elements
>have best effects
Always kino
>Non-Sword Melee Weapon
Doesn't get any comfier
Silent protag, tomboy sidekick, cuh-razy world.
>It was just a pun, I swear! I'm not retarded!
>Sileint Protag
What RPG is this?
Silent, Pet (Min Pin Dog btw), Sword and Modern Day.
Pve left PvP right
Talkative protag, bimbo, sword, modern day.
>oh my god, can you really believe he chose blue?
Dragon Quest
The correct choices are:
Still blue.
Bolt. Ice is close second.
Fire dildo
Yea Forums. Reddit is for images, Yea Forums is for uncensored discussion, or discussion without people baiting for upvotes.
The Silent Protagonist
The Sword
The Tomboy
The Modern Day
Yes but i was thinking of 8
That's why I omitted a number entirely.
>Yea Forums
>discussion without people baiting
>not attack speed
Why would I play a game based on luck
Left if you’re not brain dead
>Blue makes you gay not because of a passive
>but because it's so OP compared to the other options
>You are straight with the red one because you need to put more effort in the fight making you a better warrior.
There’s another one with 5 more characters, but it does some dumb shit where stats break the 20 point limit.
>have to play with worthless nigger
There’s a reason it breaks the limit, although it definitely could be a lot less OP
qt knight girl, always
Unironically shield knight, I have a hard-on for shields.
Customizable; mace and shield; none; fantasy.
Depends on the game, if its more focused on combat I'd probably go with the balanced all-rounder or Knight Tank, if it's more exploration based I'd go with the Rogue. Dominatrix is worthless with those stats, Mage would be alright in a magic focused game but given the other characters I doubt that's the case, Shield Knight would be fine although probably a bit dull all things considered and Demon would probably have a pretty big negative effect given those stats.
Wizard a cute but Dildo Princess and Speed Demon are more my speed.
Right because I am a safescummer.
remember, 50% does not mean you're guarenteed 1 hit out of 2. I'll take 100% accuracy no matter what since it means I actually have control over what I'm doing.
>remember, 50% does not mean you're guarenteed 1 hit out of 2.
Then it isn't 50% now is it
nice goalpost moving you cocksucking vegetable
Left, right would only be preferable if crit mechanics were in play and it had a higher multiplier. Otherwise it's always left because unless you have a very large sample size you will likely not hit the 50% average and can go well bellow it, and missing at a crucial time could kill you.
Yes it is, brainlet.
No, it is still 50%, 50% means that your first hit has an equal chance of hitting and not hitting, your second hit also has an equal chance of hitting as not hitting. Hence 50%.
If you take both hits let's go through this;
Hit 1 (50%) + Hit 2 (50%) = 2-Hit (25%)
Hit 1 (50%) + Miss 2 (50%) = Hit (25%)
Miss 1 (50%) + Hit 2 (50%) = Hit (25%)
Miss 1 (50%) + Miss 2 (50%) = Miss (25%)
You therefore have;
25% chance of Missing twice in a row
50% chance of Hitting once
25% chance of Hitting twice
therefore with two-hits (the amount it takes for the Blue Sword to deal equal damage) you have a 75% chance of dealing that out and a 25% chance of not dealing out at least 100 Damage.
This is why Red is the better option over Blue because in the two hits it takes Blue, you are more likely to get the one hit from red that's necessary. If however the amount of hits required is different (say the target has 150HP) then the percentages change.
If you hit less than one times out of two that is zero times, which for your smooth brain means it was 0% and not 50%
That doesn't change the stats of the weapon you cum guzzler.
If the stats have no bearing on the outcome then they are meaningless.
This looks like it might be right but I failed stats 3 times so fuck that
Powerful effects like paralyze and freeze usually doesn't work on bosses for whatever bullshit reasons, so I'll go with stone.
Got my wording a bit wrong there, if Scenario 1 or 2 occur, Red Wins, Scenario 3 is a Tie and Scenario 4 has Blue Win. Given each scenario has an equal chance of occurring, Red will win more often than Blue.
btw if it's 150HP target here are the calcs for 3 Hits from Red Sword;
H1 + H2 + H3 = 12.5% - Win
H1 + H2 + M3 = 12.5% - Win
H1 + M2 + H3 = 12.5% - Tie
H1 + M2 + M3 = 12.5% - Lose
M1 + H2 + H3 = 12.5% - Tie
M1 + H2 + M3 = 12.5% - Lose
M1 + M2 + H3 = 12.5% - Lose
M1 + M2 + M3 = 12.5% - Lose
There are 8 Scenarios, 2 result in Wins for Red, 2 result in Ties and 4 result in Wins for Blue. As such a 150HP target would more likely be resulting in the Blue Sword winning.
Have you ever been literally burned?
Have you ever felt ill/had a rash due to toxins or food or had any allergies?
That's the difference my man
>This is why Red is the better option over Blue
Your own math proves otherwise, idiot. The only situation where Red is the better choice is when every single enemy only ever has 100 health.
The moment enemies have more than that, blue is the better option.
Going onwards every even iteration (i.e. 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, etc.) will have Red win whereas every odd iteration (i.e. 150, 250, 350, 450, etc.) will have Blue win
It's literally possible for you to miss ten times in a row with the right.
It sounds annoying to use.
Wrong since if you check 200 HP you'll find 8 of the 16 Scenarios have Red win, 3 result in a Tie and 5 where Blue Wins. It's cyclic, HP that ends in 50 will have Blue Win overall, HP that ends in 00 will have Red Win overall.
The probability of that happening is less than 1/10th of a percent
Every shot with the blue will hit. If yiu wanna be statistical, theyre the same thing, but in practice that rng is gonna bite you in the ass when you miss two shots in a row and the blue sword is holding strong.
Not really, it depends on how much the game design wants to fuck with the players since things like "accuracy 50%" usually means 15%.
Missing in general is annoying.
The left weapon is simply funner.
>adding rules to the picture
Yeah well what if the enemy has +50% to dodge hurrr durr
It's a negligible percentage, 50% missing in general though doesn't sound particularly fun, anything below 75% is pretty dicey imo, 85% upwards I'd say is comfortable.
But if you flip a coin 50times and always pick tails. While each individual coin flip is 50%, the probability that it will roll heads consecutively more and more times in a row gets smaller. Gamblers are just normally stuck with a less than 50% chance on something with more variables. So while they are bound to win if they play enough times, it's usually a much higher number than they will ever hit before they win.
Sword has a 50% chance to hit, Enemy has 50% chance to dodge
Hit (50%) + No Dodge (50%) = Hit (25%)
Hit (50%) + Dodge (50%) = Miss (25%)
Miss (50%) + No Dodge (50%) = Miss (25%)
Miss (50%) + Dodge (50%) = Miss (25%)
The probability of the sword hitting on the first turn is reduced to 25%, the probability of killing a 100HP enemy that's attacking back at 50HP per turn (assuming the player is also 100HP) would be 9 Loss Scenarios, 4 Win Scenarios and 3 Tie Scenarios, meaning the probability of killing the enemy is 43.75% (although only 25% chance of surviving).
However adding a Dodge on the enemy also affects the Blue Sword since now there is a 1/2 chance that its attacks will miss. This means that in the 4 scenarios for the Blue Sword it can Tie in Scenario 1 which is two hits, and will lose in the other three Scenarios. If you want to calculate what a head-to-head between the two swordsman would be with that 50% Dodge chance be my guest but it'll take a bit longer to figure out.
>So while they are bound to win if they play enough times
That's wrong though
Might as well post the other 5
Some game’s physical resistance gives a flat damage reduction per hit and the right sword would be better
>tackle vs dynamic punch
yeah ill take my guranteed confusion
Gee, Bill, two demons?
Oh so these are party members not main characters, should've specified that from the get go;
To clarify from earlier;
- No = Dominatrix & Mage
- Maybe = Mage, Shield Knight, Demon
- Yes = All-Rounder, Dark Knight & Rogue
Now with the added information;
> Dark Knight = Paid with a Soul
As long as it's not my soul and can just be some random from across the street sounds good.
> All-Rounder = Heroic Destiny
Still All-Rounder so alright by me
> Dominatrix & Mage, literally worse by their quirks
lol fuck them both
> Paid DLC Character
Would ruin the game if included
> Shield Knight = Can Block for Others
As an assisting character she works much better
> Demon = Flying Unit
Since there's no apparent downside this is now viable for Combat orientated Gameplay
> Rogue = Wanted Criminal
Actively works against the exploration based gameplay so rip her
> Slime = Unlock Ultimate Power
Only worth it in a monster keeper game, so unlikely to mix well with the other characters given none of them have upgrades.
> Holy War Cleric = Hates Evil
pretty good, works as a good replacement for the Rogue in an Exploration based gameplay
> Explorer = Has info about Enemies
literally the best assisting character for an Exploration based Gameplay
> Golem = Needs Magical Upkeep
Upkeep, yeah no, not worth it sadly
> Baleful Polymorph = Transforms
Interchangeable with the Demon tbqh either or
> Goblin Grenadier = Friendly Fire
Negative for both Combat and Exploration gameplay.
I'd say Top three for Combat are;
1) Min-Max Demon
2) Soul Dark Knight
3) All-Rounder
Top three for Exploration Gameplay;
1) Encyclopedic Explorer
2) Min-Max Demon (due to Flight)
3) Shield Knight
This one is fucking retarded
>one that hates evil for some reason has very high skill (24)
>the rest have skill cap of 20
The extra 5 are literally all complete garbage, considering their additional abilities and their completely lack of consideration towards skill points shows that whoever made those 5 is actually fucking retarded
>Right sometimes allows you to oneshot enemies with 51-100 hp before they get a hit on you
unless you miss, dipshit
if I can build tanky then green
What if you hit yourself with the blade of cute?
>tfw miss 4 times in a row
Anyone who picks right doesn’t understand statistics/probability, you can’t blame them for being low INT IRL
xcom taught me that guaranteed hits are a necessity, so left
>50% accuracy
>actual gameplay:
Dynamic Punch has an additional effect. Tackle has 40 power. .
I fucking wish
grenades are guaranteed to hit in all three games
Sounds more like a samurai to me, Takeshi.
average of 50 health or below, left. 51 or above, right.
Used to have 50 Power, I feel like Tackle, Pound & Scratch should work as complimentary starter moves to one another, something like;
Tackle = 50Pow./85%Acc.
Scratch = 40Pow./90%Acc.
Pound = 30Pow./100%Acc.
plot twist : all enemies have exactly 100hp
That’s fair, but I assumed it was talking about weapons firing and not something stupid like grenades
>takes 4 hits to become the better sword
80 is an extremely high hit in reality
Did you even play rpg game?
Usually fire damage goes up every time you get hit by fire and down gradually, you get debuff 0->15 then 15->14->13..->0.
Poison damage is constant and it's end when debuff timer. Some games make timer refresh when getting hit without/and damage value going up.
shield to cuck swordfags
>has as much range as someone made of armor has defense
>Right sometimes allows you to oneshot enemies with 51-100 hp before they get a hit on you, with left those will always damage you.
Stupid reasoning. Why not go all the way though.
Left kills 1-50 hp foes every time while right lets them hit you half the time.
>1-50 hp foes
Those are weaker in the far majority of cases though.
Burn can spread to other enemies