Skyrim - Fallout 4 Engine

Thoughts on Creation Engine?
What do you think about Bethesda’s zombified Gamebryo.

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gamebryo still even cant do ladders

I don't expect a new engine for TES VI.
And that's a good thing, Bethesda modding community is used to Gamebryo/Creation Engine same as STALKER community is used to work on X-Ray both engines works like shit but do they work fairly well.

>caring about the modding community
thats just another fucking excuse if shitesda cared about the community they wouldn't have made that creation club shit

>gamebryo still even cant do ladders

>muh creation club b-bad
Are you mentally retarded?
A lot of actual modders from Nexus where payed by Bethesda.
Bethesda didn't sell community mods they buy mods from modders.
Chesko, Elianora, FadingSignal where some of many "hired" modders.


Reminder: you don't know anything about engines so you don't get to have an opinion.

The engine isn't the issue. The problem is Todd. and his retarded design philosophy.
TES VI will be so dumbed down and shit that it won't be able to be seriously called an RPG.

I'm sticking with the theory that todd is the only thing keeping elder scrolls from going 100% casual like EA does and the only reason it's spiralling now is due to shareholder demands.

Starfield and ES VI are going to be absolute embarrassments when they release, even if the mechanics and writing are 10/10 which we know will never happen. They will look and feel like $10 indie games, but with the price tags and microtransactions of full price AAA games. Fallout 76 was only the first taste of what will become a very funny decade of Bethesda releases

They clearly need to drop it if they're going to try and do radically different stuff like 76 tried to. Just learn a new engine instead of grafting totally unrelated and old shit like the Quake 3 netcode

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You're a fucking idiot. Todd IS the reason behind the decline of TES and Fallout.
My theory is he sacrificed both franchises so that he could do Starfield, which makes him a fucking asshole.
> Fallout 76 was only the first taste of what will become a very funny decade of Bethesda releases
>implying that Bethesda will even be around a decade from now.

If we are allowed to have modding. I don't think Skyrim 2 will force mulitplayer but I can see it happening with Starfield. I haven't looked in a while but the 76 scene appeared to be pretty badly crippled due to how 76 is set up.

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Did you know that sometimes trannies suffer from terotoma? Meaning not only does their "vagina" sometimes get filled with puss, sometimes it can grow teeth as well.

Fortunately I think Suzie still has a benis. Hard to know since she completely wrote lewds out of her life. It's not like I'll ever get to have sex with her anyways.

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Fallout 76 pissed everyone off. The PvP mechanics that required the guy you're shooting at to accept a dual ruined it for the multiplayer people. And the removal of interactive NPC's ruined it for solo players.

I know it's trash, I just can see them still pushing some kind of MP now that it's in the engine. Just a normal game with added co-op would make a hell of a lot more sense than all the shit mixed together in 76. They'll want any money they can get from stuff like Creation Club and the store in 76. Having normal mods heavily devalues that junk and having online is an easy way to say they can't allow them.

Hopefully 76 flopped hard enough to scare them back to their wheelhouse. This whole mess looks a lot worse in the context of them pushing for great single player games a couple years ago.

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Who cares man, at least she talks about video games. You're making a bigger deal about her gender than she does.

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They've poured way too much money into it to just abandon it at this point.

Besides, Gamebyro/Creation Engine isn't a bad engine, Bethesda just fucking sucks at utilizing it.

>Calling somebody a she despite them still having a dick
>Being this thirsty
The absolute state of Yea Forums


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anybody who thinks the engine is at fault and not the programmers is an absolute brainlet at programming topics and should have their opinion discarded immediately. good enough is the mantra of the bethesda programmer.

shut up trainlet, making some mods doesn't make you a programmer

neither does it make todd's programming staff programmers. i see that reading comprehension is no longer a prerequisite of Yea Forums

It works as much as it needs to. The modular way its built allows for hundreds of mods to work in tandem without a lot of issues. It's also really fucking easy to make something with it using the engine tools, and Bethesda releases those tools to their customers to let them make mods far easier.

you sure it couldn't be the billionare jews that own zenimax and don't even know what video games are?

*bethesda can't
there are gamebyro games with ladders.

>implying that Bethesda will even be around a decade from now.
>implying they won't
bethesda's bootlicking fanbase has already forgiven them for 76 and are crawling back

>The engine isn't the issue. The problem is Todd.
Upgrading an engine takes time and money, Kojima's Fox Engine was 60 million

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>makes the engine his bitch and adds things bethesda couldn't get working
>isn't qualified to talk about it

Robert Trump (Brother of the President) is a billionare jew? The Commonwealth of Massechusets is a billion Jew?
Holy shit look up who owns Zenimax before you open your ignorant fucking incel mouth