Fuck Miyazaki
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why does he feel the need to include this type of level in every game, literally nobody likes them
that's clearly valley of defilement you fucking plebeian
Just reached this place tonight. Takinga break now though. Are you supposed to kill the purple ninja before the entrance? He spoke to me for a bit then decided he wanted a battle. That cannon guy is a pain in the dick.
I love Emma!
>my people are coughing up blood
>haven't even killed the first boss yet
How do I fix them?
more like Hackahacky
Just stop dying.
I finally got my copy today and I'm actually having a much easier time than anticipated. You guys made it seem like this game would push my shit in.
How long is FromSoft going to make the same game over and over again?
I am trying. But I just can't.
You have to restart. I'm not even joking,
Idiots, it's one section of a /long/ area and this particular section takes all of 30 seconds to cross apart from the mini-boss.
hey, if it worked for Bungie
people would complain if he didn't
you guys are the vocal minority
This is their first original game since DeS.
Yea Forums is full of casuals I bet half the regular Souls posters on this board summoned their way through the franchise
Honestly i would suggest you restart the game until you can beat the tutorial boss. That is what i did. Game is still a pain in the ass though.
You're killing everyone! Stop. Dying.
I cant fucking beat Snake Eyes Shirahagi
Parrying depletes my posture instantly, and her posture just resets nearly instantly. I can't get hits in quick enough.
Who is the tutorial boss?
Chained Ogre
I killed that thing easily. I can't kill the horse spear man or lady butterfly
I've mostly been enjoying it, but the boss design of the Lady Butterfly fight is a little mindboggling. The first phase is a big parry test, it's a lot easier (or at least a lot more time efficient) to take her out by depleting her posture gauge. Fair enough. But then the second phase decides to introduce a lot of asshole projectiles and goons that swarm around you, completely muddying that focus. Why? I realize that the seeds make that a lot easier, but the guy at the boss entrance only gives you fucking one, and you don't have a single idea of what her illusions are until she uses them (sometimes early in the phase, sometimes later if you manage to keep pressure on her) and you similarly have no idea how the seed even works until you use it.
It's as far as I've gotten into the game (which I imagine isn't very), but it's fucking annoying.
This should obvious considering a lot of posters on Yea Forums consider souls games to be hardcore in the first place
The General dude who steals the kid. If you can beat at least one of his health bars i'd say you are ready to go
Ogre is easy once you have the fire barrel though. It doesnt really teach you any mechanics if you just keep fighting him.
>I bet half the regular Souls posters on this board summoned their way through the franchise
That's why it's good there's no summons in this. You can tell the betas from the souls alpha males.
I was looking at this picture and noticed underneath the right building, there's some person photoshopped out on the bottom.
Why are you posting censored shit?
Are you a Sony fag?
If you just run away form the mooks they'll despawn and turn into a bunch of projectiles you can dodge easily by sprinting. Killing them gives you some shuriken ammo though, which is great at keeping her out of the air. Try throwing some stab attacks (hold RB) to lower her health so she recovers poise slower.
>Enemy passively walks around
>Push button
This is happening way to often and its pissing me off, id rather have the BB enemies that where on my dick in an instant.
Does this game have a waifu?
I busted loads to fire keeper.
its an edit you fucking colossal newfag
also you sound like a retard
How the fuck do i make it across
Blighttown was unironically kino because of the vertical level design. The rest were bad.
Use the power of anime
anyone far into the game who can tell me what to do with the two snakes hearts?
No matter what it turns out to be, The Mark of the Conqueror in Nio- I mean Sekiro is significant.
Before I say why I need to divide the Souls community into two general groups - Conquerors and Conquered - and quickly define both.
Both have basically been around since Demon's Souls, but the very nature of the Conquered demands that the Conquerors come first. Why? Because Conquers beat the path and light the way. Afterward, like mold or a rot, the Conquered seep into the community, ever at the heels of the Conquerors.
How is that? Either by a lack of information upon release or due to a self-imposed restriction, the Conqueror goes in blind. Conquerors embrace the challenge From Software has extended with each release in their Souls/Bloodborne Series while the Conquered abhor it. While Conquerors scratched and clawed their way through levels and boss fights, the Conquered poured over FAQs, Strategy Guides, Wiki Articles, Google Search Results, Let's Plays and How to Videos.
Therefore the Conquered subsist by virtue of the illumination spread over From's games by the Conquerors, entirely dependent on it. Overtime they've let themselves forget this, fancying themselves old hands as they bring their borrowed knowledge and tactics to bear on each successive release.
And then here comes fucking Nio- Sekiro, reminding the Conquered who they really are. And with little to no documentation in sight they hide behind shitposts so they can cling to that "gud" status they worked so hard to attain. Eventually they'll be back. Once the Conquerors have shown the way, that is.
And that's why The Mark of the Conqueror is significant. No matter how superficial, uselessly cosmetic or quickly outclassed it is, it stills says I'm not this No, I'm a conqueror.
>akshually the consensus opinions of literally everyone who's ever played the games, and the stated intentions of the designers, is wrong
I can beat the first phase without even really taking damage but the second phase wrecks my shit every time. I'll give it another go.
It's not a Souls game.
0/10 no skelly no buy
i know it's not a souls game but fuck where's my skeltin
The lack of a skeleton boss fight in Sekiro is objectively bad game design. Miyazaki should be ashamed.
sorry to break it to you zoomer but the fact that you recognize this twitter meme from 2017 means you're the newfag
Just started this. Where do I get "fire" to kill the ogre with according to the samurai dudes?
He's clearly just pandering to the chinese. What an absolute cock.
>if you were here in 2017 you're a newfag, but if you weren't you're an oldfag
At least there isn’t a lava area r-right?
I'd like to know too. I already beat the chained ogre and I'm at the horse guy but I don't remember seeing any fire weapon to add to the prosthetic
Get the bell from the old lady and then go back to the sculptor
If you've met the green merchant you'll know what to do
>Don't enjoy the Guardian Ape boss fight because it's a giant annoying flailing shit flinging retard that's at best annoying to fight
>"Well at least it only has one deathblow!"
>Respawns as annoying flailing bastard phase 2 with bonus terror
I shouldn't be annoyed because it's the same thing as a boss with 2 deathblows (which I should expect as the minimum) but every time a boss comes back after depleting all its deathblows I get unreasonably angry. Not helping that the area around it is a poison swamp, which is objectively terrible.
I never met an old lady at all. I did meet the green merchant though
I climbed my way to the main hall in senpou temple and there's a locked door here and the only way forward seems to loop around to the pagoda and then back?
what am I missing here, this isn't as far as I can go is it
Where the hell is that priest boss from all the demos? Is he even in the Temple area?
Just made it to the part where the wolf's "father" dies and i died to the fucking fire. Now all of my NPCS have dragonrot. WTF do i do? I'm not playing through the tutorial for the 6th fucking time to get back to this point. Where is an item i can use to cure them?
I like them. I want a game with only swamp and sewer levels.
She's near the area with that big hammer dude and loadsa enemies, before the cannon guy
I'm liking the game but I really wish the whole dragonrot mechanic wasn't a thing. I thought dying and learning the enemy moves were the hallmark of Miyazaki games but this one seems to actively punish you for it.
You know you can reverse the effect, right?
Why is this game so fucking ugly
i could tell it was an edit because it has fucking obvious crop lines in the background
if you knew it was a twitter meme then your the zoomer here, kiddo.
>The game is ugl-
No I didn't. But that's at least good to know
I'm waiting for an Evergrace remake using the souls engine yet keeping the same vibrant color pallet and art style. I don't want everything to be all dark. Also needs to have the same composer.
We need a King's Field remake first.
>series finally has an undersea part
>pic of stream
nu Yea Forums at it's finest
how the FUCK do I kill this ape retard? It's so fucking tedious and then he comes back for the headless phase and it's even more tedious.
Your screenshot is literally the entire area. Retard.
What the hell is this? Also how do I save the black samurai I told to go to the underground lair now that KKK Scientist has him?
I have died like 8 times and haven't gotten any dragonrot yet. Thing is, I've only resurrected 3 times, other times I ate the death screen. Maybe dying is okay as long as you don't resurrect thus avoiding "overflow?"
Finished the game here, it's 5 pts for 1 atk
>makes a souls game
What did Miyazaki mean by this?
What is the exchange rate?
I must have died like 30 times already and I haven't even killed the fat drunkard
How are you supposed to kill the magic retard right at the beginning of the abandoned dungeon?
You're forgetting a step in your chain. At the very pinnacle, above the likes of you, and far above the likes of those who summon.
The invaders.