Can I sue for emotional damages?
Can I sue for emotional damages?
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awww little baby is mad he can't erp with shota bun buns? worried that the cat sluts are gonna be soaking wet for big chad lion cock?
Healbros... How did it come to this... Yoshi-P has betrayed us yet again... I'm actually shaking right now...
Pssss I'm baiting
No, and victim blaming isn't a fucking this. You did this to yourself.
what the fuck happened
haven't played since 3.0
The new locations are slightly prettier rehashes of what we've already got, being so lazy as to put a Lala in a helmet and the santa beard from a few Christmases ago and calling it a beast tribe is ridiculous. There's just no effort involved, only rehashing what we've already got.
The Dancer reveal is an insult to healers and all of us that wanted Dancer because ranged DPS is by far the most boring kind of DPS in the game.
Creating an imbalance between the races was just the cumfilled icing on the cake of f***ery that was that keynote
>no new healer until 2021
>AST released in 2015
>no new healer until 2021
>AST released in 2015
>no new healer until 2021
>AST released in 2015
square enix dabbed on trannies
>tfw everyone is going apeshit over shotafags, barafags and trannies
>I'm just listening to the trailer on repeat because the trailer music blew my balls off
seriously, this music is fuckin good
I can't wait for the final boss theme to make cum dribble from my ears.
>furfags btfo
>healsluts btfo
Is this mmo announcement kino
Well this was the push I needed to quit, after Diadem, BLU, Ivalice being jammed in, I don't think I'll stick around to see this game become a furry hellhole.
Gonna go focus on my art I guess.
Will any healers be playing this expansion?
I'll be playing SMN, if people ask nicely, I might play SCH for them
I foresee a lack of healers for a while, mostly because we have no new ones to play with, which is a shame
SE struggled the most balancing three healers, why the fuck would they add a fourth when they can barely handle three?
the healers would be balanced if they could get a fucking clue with WHM, they have just ignored it all this time and won't fucking buff it, despite the fact that it needs something, anything, to stand with its peers
>furfags btfo
You realize that the only people happy about the baralions are actual furry faggots, right?
>furfags btfo
we are talking about FFXIV right? furfags are fucking delighted with Hrothgar
>cat sluts are gonna be soaking wet for bid chad lion cock
delusional, all the females in this game lust after futa dick.
>people care more about gender-lock vs classes and/or roles
Really makes you think.
All WHM needs is a cast time reduction like AST had
I can't wait to solo everything in Shadowbringers with Trust NPCs because there will literally be zero healers playing the game.
what it has is being the easiest to play
Hardly related but why is Yoshida Akihiko's art always so wonderful to look at?
Well that fanfest was disappointing in every regard, and made sure queue times will be absolutely terrible. Why would they release no new healer? Fuck the DNC meme Alchemist, Geomancer, anything would have been fine.
doesn't mean WHM should be decidedly inferior to the degree that it is
WAR is the easiest tank, yet that is the most powerful one
>queue time meme
You can just queue with the Trust system. FFXIV is a single-player game now.
>last time the game shat itsself on expansion release due to one duty battle
>impying it can handle the stress of solo dungeons
>even one of their mascots switched from heal to dps
What is Yoshi trying to tell us?
>SE struggled the most balancing two ranged, why the fuck would they add a third
Balance problems behind healers have nothing to do with their number stop recycling this lazy shit
Reminder if lion men were released some 10 years ago no one would be sperging about furry and would just find it cool or don't care
10 years ago Yea Forums the thread would have been flooded with 40k images the moment hrothgar were shown off
>implying the cat sluts don't have big chad cock
>no new healer
I'm still in shock from the livestream, this can't be real
Not true, I'm just glad I don't have to continue playing Midlander for another expansion and actually have something interesting to change to.
>the only races that count as interesting are furry ones
Like he said, furry faggots.
good, to hell with healers I hope they get deleted
>big humans
>lanky humans
>small humans
>humans with cat accessories
>humans with skin cancer
When given the available options, yes,
Healer role is going to be removed entirely. Every class will have multiple self-heals. Tanks and DPS only from now on.
Speaks wonders about the game's depth doesnt it? ShB will pretty much just be Heavensward 3.0 at this point. Im pretty sure you can slap the SB patch calendar and pretty much get the ShB one right away. Just remove something and add more "Eureka"
lalafells get their own villages, everyone else has to peep in the windows at the comfy little apartments
they are the real winners in this game
So what you're saying is, a race isn't interesting unless it's furshit. IE, you're a furry faggot.
which is bullshit since I would fit in these apartments as a femra
always pandering to pedojaps first
Don't forget they hinted they are going to make WHM even easier to play
I hope nobody unironically thinks this. They're basically animals. I was hoping for something like a Roe but with Highlander muscles and posture. Instead we get Charr from GW2 which nobody but furries played.
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
How is it possible to make it even easier? Fuck these fanfest announcements deflated any excitement I had for the game. We are stuck with 2.5 jobs, one if a retarded looking ranged DPS, 2 races that do nothing to aleviate the shitty gameplay and the promise of them doubling down on Eureka.
This shapes up to be equally as bad as SB.
The way Yoshi talked about Hrothgar it's obvious it was thrown in last minute because they needed a male-only race when they decided Viera would be female-only, so they probably just half-assed some furfag pandering to shut up that particular vocal minority of wowfugees and/or furfags that complain about the game having no "interesting" (read: furry) races
as you wish, farewell shotafag
Can't wait to play dancer. Fuck heal cucks. Chad DPS rule.
ShB looks like it will have a much more interesting story than SB at least, but I wouldn't expect much more desu, they keep dumbing down the jobs to make them easier for dummies, which barely works anyway
Sort of devistated to see there's no foreseeable hint of dropping in a new healer unless the hammer chick isn't a red herring
>How is it possible to make it even easier?
No, I usually prefer things like Orcs and Trolls, but Yoshi and his team of Gooky Monkeys can't even do that, so furshit has to do.
>I usually prefer things like Orcs and Trolls
Closet furfags usually do.
so Roe with snaggleteeth
Isn't the whole point of the story to undo shit? Like other than the trailer dudes everyone will die and we will go batman and fix everything again?
You might get lucky and see the stars align and see a hammer healer like GEO show up in a patch like NIN did, but don't expect anything crazy tomorrow.
But the game doesn't have any interesting races, they can't even do humanoid races right. They're literally all variations of humans, with Lala's being the most obscure. I mean for christs sake, Roe's are literally just green humans. Granted, the racial lore is boring as tits for a reason. Hell, half the retards that play this game only play a certain race because it makes their dick twitch.
How does that even make sense? Are you going to try and argue that Mi'qote and Viera players aren't also furries with that same logic?
God, I wish. They're not even primitive, just green humans.
They already ruined every single class in SB. No one has any hopes for class design left.
did they reveal any new primal?
innocence, some angel
>But the game doesn't have any interesting races
All of the races are pretty interesting, but you'd have to delve into things that aren't superficial to understand that, which is obviously very hard for you furfags.
Miqote and Viera aren't furry, they're kemonomimi
>They're not even primitive
Honestly healers need a huge reworking in general. Adding another one would just make it even more muddled.
They talked about angels n' shit being the new villains, including one named "Innocence", but a new Primal in general, no. Unless you count the raid theme, Eden.
>They're basically animals
oh god that's what makes it so hot
>But the game doesn't have any interesting races
It did have plenty of interesting races if you're not a furfag, like I said. You're right though, it had no "interesting" (read: furry) races.
>story about the end of the world
>but here have some cute bunnies and pixies and dwarf homes xD
One of the two Yoshi. Make a Whimsical adventure a la IX or make something more sombre. You can't have both, Yoshi.
>make a quarantine zone for the subhumans
>tell them it's special
>they willingly remove themselves from the population
Lala players are retards
motherfucker i saw that ronso there and for a second i was actually interested in playing
and then i saw they're going to be male only for some reason, what the fuck
They're male-only because the dev team wanted Viera to be female only, but didn't want to leave gay players out in the cold, so they had to come up with a male race. They came up with some furshit to shut up the furfag/closet furfag wowfugees
Honestly would have been better if the only new race was female viera and nothing else because these wrothgar feel incredibly forced. You could definitely see that they only made this race to balance out fa female only race How are they going to explain away the sudden influx of baracats running around in the old areas? Is there even a hint of them ingame that they exist?
>the sudden influx of baracats
You mean 3 more baracats than there were before?
>could have made female ronso and male viera
What fags, they could have easily doubled their subs just from furrybux
Both are just dumb fan service. I honestly wish they would have forgone the fucking races and stopped catering to retarded fantasia addicts.
that is deeply frustrating, what a fucking waste
Viera were perfect and they literally couldn't have included a better race. Fuck off wowfag/roastie
>fanta addict tranny detected
You need more buzzwords
Yes. You can. Even the most sombre of stories can have levity and wonder at times.
Just look at FF4 and FF5.
Shoo shoo, homunculus.
>b-but muh trolls >:(
Seethe harder, wowfags.
>literally import viera from older FF game
>literally import lions from older FF game
nice strawman retart rofl
so did they actually show the other veria clan at all?
>nothing about class balance
>nothing about gameplay improvements
>all some zones you will go once and never see again
>still able to placate this retarded community with races
This is so mind boggeling dumb. How can they get away with this shit?
community is in meltdown over the races due to genderlocks dude, and no new healer too to a lesser degree.
What's wrong with healers?
t. newfag to XIV and enjoying SCH
Nothing. SE just has no idea how to change the formula for them and the trannies in these threads just spew the retarded "DPS/TANK Chad, Heal slut" memes.
Not much. WHM is slightly less optimal than AST and a bit clunky to play so it needs some slight tweaks. However to whiny WHMs being slightly less than optimal apparently means completely and utterly useless even though many groups prefer a WHM to AST for ultimate content
>New race is female only Viera
People are upset. Cash-cow is satisfied (Female character players)
>New race is male/female Viera
People are satisfied. Yoshi and team(?) are not.
>New race is hrothgars male and female
Cash-cow is unsatisfied. Yoshi and team may be satisfied, not clear.
>New race is female viera, male hrothgars
Cash cow is satisfied, people are upset, yoshi and team are satisfied.
If there's no new race there had better be more customization options as I found stormblood to be shitty in that regard. The amount of content SB had compared to SHBR seems miniscule.
SB had 2 classes and 7 dungeons on release, no new races. Housing took forever to arrive. you could swim (yaay).
SHBR has 2 classes, 9 dungeons (they said it during the fanfest vid), 2 new races, endgame content for disciples of hand (land too?), immediate reconstruction of Ishgard, New game +, plenty of other shit I am forgetting.
I dunno. Class info changes/combat changes is in May. They got plenty of time to drum until release.
>Cash-cow is unsatisfied.
as well as the other 99% of the fanbase
Only discord channel not salty that i am in is predominately trannies. Really surprised me
Trannies are just happy with female Viera. It's the gays who can't handle the whole race thing.
>rabbit male might be kind of weird
Stormblood was devoid of content because a chunk of the XIV department was spirited away to work on salvaging the dumpster fire that was FFXV during its development. All the big hubbub they made about having a bigger budget for Stormblood was just a way for SE to help cook the books since they could write off a lot of the expenses from XV as going into SB's budget too.
A horny erper can't understand why a male viera would be weird
Plus they didnt receive viera's creator blessing
>just woke up
>ronso confirmed
>DNC confirmed but dps
oh boy.
Glad I didn't particularly care about either. We kinda have enough dps right now, but I suppose another ranged dps won't hurt much.
What's special about this game? Why do you play it?
SE pays me to play
It has black mage!
>40th dps and 12th tank gets announced
>YoshiP Jr. tells says he knows that the three healer jobs need some love
>Geomancer passive added to white mage that gives them 20% more damage
I'm a fucking shut-in and I need to make my brain think I accomplished something, so this skinner box is good for tricking my brain so I can get the good shit from it.
What does everyone think of my new Hrothgar Monk glam?
>geomancer going to WHM
>not AST
pretty lit
So who are all the potential Trust members and their roles?
have sex
Too cheap to buy a whore and too ugly to get a woman normally.
Neither Viera or Hrothgar are good race choices. Hrothgar have an exceptionally small desirebase as well as covering two grounds already established (cat people and muscleheads) and Viera are samey, too safe, and boring.
Something original instead of MORE "inspiration" from older FF games like Au Ra would have been ideal, or a good chunk of existing races getting new customization through faces or other details. Instead we are left with 2 half-finished races that people will endlessly bitch about for years to come.
3 confirmed are
Uriangier - AST
Thancred - GUN
Y'shtola/Matoya -BLM
let just say the jobs of the other Scions/NPC don't change from SB1 to SB2
Lyse - MNK
Yugiri whom I'm going to marry - NIN
Gotetsu and Hien - SAM
Kryle - healer
The twins SMN and RDM
Kan-E-Senna CNJ
Pippen - GLD
Raubahn - BLU
Horry -MRD
Yes you can but do you have several million dollars and a decade of free time to spend on a lawsuit that will fail in court?
>Yugiri whom I'm going to marry
Not if I marry her first!
Viera are for Miqote players who want longer legs
They aren't even tall or amazonian like people want, they seem to be a bit taller than midlanders at best. They will be beaten by highlanders, elezen, and roegadyn females.
>no heels like fran to perk up height a few ilms
>ears do not count for height, as you look at someone's face and not their hair/ears
Pippen is a DRK now, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're referencing 11 with
>Raubahn - BLU
>I suppose another ranged dps won't hurt much.
So you play healer then?
>Kann e senna
>not raya o
Raubahn does all monster attacks in the instance you fight against him.
What should I sell on the market board to get the big cash?
Hoary could be WAR now that the Maruader's guild also learns Warrior techniques after the 3.0 job quests.
Estinien will probably be our DRG trust too.
Dungeon runs of your boipucci.
I'm pretty sure most if not all of those attacks have unique names to him, but either way its not blue magic since he has no way of knowing blue magic.
How are there people that think the three healers not being balanced well is an argument to not release a fourth when bard and machinist have the biggest balance disparity between all the roles?
Honestly I wouldn't give a shit if a new healer filled the same niche as an existing one so long as It works differently. What's wrong with variety?
GUN looks fun at least, its gonna be fucking everywhere though
Is there any actual GUN gameplay around?
Why do people bitch about new classes or new races? You're just gonna try them out then go back to your old easy to play classes.
Also if you don't play as a hyur midlander, you're probably a degenerate.
>Raubahn: BLU
Okay what in the hot fuck? I resubbed three days ago, JUST finished "little sun" in MSQ, and got BLU to 50 but haven't done the level 50 job quest yet. Seriously, what in the piss
I like highlander better because of the larger tits. Now if midlanders got a boob size increase, I’d use em.
>DNC is a ranged dps
>they can wear Amon set
All is forgiven.
See Also even if I can't go more than a month without getting banned for some stupid comment in /xivg/ overall I find most of the people there and in these threads tend to be pretty fun to hang out with. It's just an overall very nice and immersive game.
Obviously you can't be a degeenrate as a midlander because you wouldn't get any action as one anyway
the trailer music sucked, but vamo alla flamenco was good
The trailer music was the best trailer music since Answers
2013 - 2 tanks, 2 healers, 5 dps
2014 - 2 tanks, 2 healers, 6 dps
2015 - 3 tanks, 3 healers, 7 dps
2017 - 3 tanks, 3 healers, 9 dps
2019 - 4 tanks, 3 healers, 10 dps
2020 - 4 tanks, 3 healers, 11 dps
2021 - 4 tanks, 3 healers, 13 dps
2023 - 4 tanks, 4 healers, 14 dps
Seems likely.
Next healer will be chemist!
I just want 1.0 back.
No you don't.
>he thinks we're ever getting a new healer
whm removed in 2021
>character 'accidentally' designed with a mace
Bruh, please give sauce
Well there's two ranged dps and three healers. They made a wise choice with that.
Chemists would use guns. Chemist was originally the HW healer before they scrapped it so MCH could use guns and they already have an alchemist class so they didn't want it to be confusing.
I beat ARR without subscribing back in the day and then came back four years later to get away from gachashit and actually played all the way through in like 25 days
Role discrepancy is more important than DPS style discrepancy
Having no new healer means queues will literally be worse than they were in 2.4
Have you played other MMO's? You realize humanoid animals are a thing in all of fantasy. I dont understand 1 fucking animal race and everyone thinks it's furry hell.
i don't need people, i got my ai friends and we're gonna have a fun party in the dungeon
>5 ranged DPS
>4 melee DPS
Need to balance things out with another melee
>chemist would use guns
>but they scrapped it
>no way they could possibly redesign it
I'm not actually expecting anything
No you fucking idiot. All you assholes that wanted Ronso got Ronso now shut the fuck up.
Fucking Christ this was the same when people wanted Pandaren. Then complained about Pandaren in WoW. Fucking idiots
Melee are the ones that have too many.
>3 magical ranged
>3 physical ranged
>4 melee
>All you assholes that wanted Ronso got Ronso now shut the fuck up.
You didn't contradict what he said with this though.
The tanks are already 4 more melee DPS.
>3 int users
>3 mind users
>3 strength users
>3 dex users
>3 vit users respect the content you piece of shit
The game is completely balanced right now
Yeah I do. The game was a lot better back then,
You guys asked for Male bunny suits, not male viera. You chose with the monkey paw.
Oh fucking more healers everyone. Ever...
i will never respect the content
Charr were the best fucking race in guild wars 2 the rest were complete dog shit.
>walks ten minutes to get to the grind spot
yeah I sure do miss
>dies, loses last hour's worth of exp
how fun this game
>walks back to grind spot
used to be
>realizes equipment needs to be repaired
If you liked 1.0 so much then go fucking live in Eureka.
Name some things in the lore which makes even less sense in xiv than having playable Male viera.
Confirmed to have never played FFX.
Shit taste
1.23 was perfection
but I dps all the time
You morons wanted a fucking Ronso race though so there you fucking are.
you're right because the game was about to fucking end forever lool
Furfags wanted a ronso race
>hammer the broil button like an ape
damb i'm so good at this game
Ah yes, walking simulators are far better than real videogames.
>People will have started high school, graduated, gone to college, and gotten their associate's degree by the time they get a new healer
Less sense? Hrothgars in general as there's no mention of them at all whatsoever in the game (french localization team fucking up a npc dialogue returning race options doesn't count).
That said, male miqo'te are in the lore also meant to be rare, just not on par with vieras by description.
No playable male viera amuses me purely for the salt it's creating right now.
i fucking hate futa players
why is it so hard to find other women to erp with? men have no fucking taste at all
Show your averages and not the one "lol I will solo heal this shit so just stay in cleric and broil your life away for fflogs xddd" run
>no male Viera
Guess i'm fantaing to Elezen female
Don't want to play a race that's exclusively for trannies
Show combined healer parse shitter. No one has ever taken single healer parse seriously.
>just half-assed some furfag pandering
this shit doesn't pander to me at all
t. furfag
Because foreplay isn't sexually stimulating enough for a full scene for 99% of men
>story is just a consequence free sidequest
>devs already cutting corners by making a beast tribe out of an existing race and making two half assed races
>no new healer job
>story ramping up in ridiculousness by having literal dimension hopping and giving the protagonist edgy darkness powers
>hub is a straight up port of a 1.0 map
>raids just being outsourced to other creators
at least the music is good
i just wish this game had more animal dicks desu
Tranny scum go away come again another day
the music is so fucking good desu
Its fucking opening keynote idiot they're not going to blow their load in one day.
Yeah it is, furfaggot. You dumb niggers complained about no furshit, you got your furshit, so you can no longer complain
>b-but I wanted it to have 15 tentacled horsecocks
no fuck off, faggot. being tolerated at all is more than you furshits deserve.
Story is literally 3.4 shit but without "lol guess Minfilia's dead for good this time"
yeah thats why i want to find women
ok incel
shut the fuck up, tranny
Retard all I wanted was actual girl furshit
Instead I got nothing
Go eat shit some more instead of trying to tell me what my tastes are you absolute brainlet
>yeah thats why i want to find women
don't tell me you're playing a male character lmao
why the fuck would i play a male character?
The community are a bunch of bitches. It's like if they said "Oh, we going Korean now and class locking to specific race and genders". No you fucking morons you got a bunny race and a fucking Ronso race that can play all jobs. A range dps which had the least amount of jobs in its role. Dumbfucks.
It means miqo'te will destroy the world.
Why even tease time travel if it's just going to be dimension hopping?
nice 2 hours later reply retart lamo
Yikes! I've seen your FB account.
Then what you're saying isn't making any sense. If you're looking for yuri garbage then you won't find any because nobody is going to put the effort into writing an entire scene for just foreplay.
kys yourself, dyke
We didn't get a new ranged DPS though, we got a new set of AF gear for a job that won't be played instead of bard.
>because men have no taste
you first incel
So you just want...more of the same. Thank goodness you're not on the dev team.
>every mage is a ranged dps
>somehow there are only 2 ranged dps
how am I an incel? do you even know what it means?
4 actually they stated Minfillia is one also.
It's not just men, literally nobody is going to want that shit. Women are going to want a dick in them unless they're hard gay, men are going to want to put a dick in someone unless they're hard gay and want a dick in their ass. When it comes to ERP though the former is going to be far, far less common because futa is effectively the same thing, but actually sexually stimulating unlike lesbian sex, which is literally just foreplay and not stimulating.
because you're celebate against your will. involuntarily, if you will.
you're a virgin lmao
>Male roe already least playable race
>Adds Roe with changeable heads and tail
Male Miqo’te is popular for a reason, people like cute.
i'm not though
No because nobody plays BLU LOOOOOOLLL!!!!!LOLOLOLOLOL
>i-it's not just men! n-no one has taste i swear!
yea you are you retarded gremlin
>Didn't talk to the cute Alisaie.
>Didn't win anything.
who would she be
Because either time travel is a thing and the First Shard is just a possible future of the Source, or each shard echoes the Source to the extent that they have similar histories, locations, people etc. and are more in the "alternate universe" category than seperate planets within the same universe.
Why the fuck do you think you're having so much trouble finding partners you uppity bitch? If you want sex with other women, most lesbians are going to want a scene that's more stimulating than glorified foreplay like scissoring; and a strap-on scene is the same shit as futa.
>Disgustingly yellow toothed Omega F was a winner
At least the cutie sprout archer got recognized.
Are you a transsexuals?
>hurr story is just filler sidequest
They made a point of saying that the story is literally all about the overarching plot of the entire fucking game i.e. the hydaelyn-zodiark conflict.
I only want more animal dicks
Dumb lesbian baka
>'Shtola's thighs got nothing
>all the anal angst over the classes and races
>tfw will continue being a highlander BLM like I have been since I started playing
blah blah blah just a bunch of blather
you have shit taste and so does everyone like you
kys then
no you kys
It'd be weird if you weren't around Highlander blm in pajamas dude.
Are you LGBT?
Ah I wouldn't go that far Sokens music in that cinematic was all over the place and looped like crazy in the middle.
Enjoy your cunt cobwebs, bitch.
no you
what does that mean, i dont speak incel
I mean the song itself, not the mixing. I also don't think the trailer is complete yet.
camera man was my nigga when she came out, he knew exactly where to focus
Tbh Dancer would’ve looked stupid in healer gear.
So what's going to be revealed tomorrow during the Live Letter?
Camera man gave you one last shot of them by moving the camera slightly to the right.
Are you gay?
Stop with this meme they said the same shit in SB and queues are fine.
you must be talking to because they're the one that puts animals inside them
The video on YouTube literally says full trailer
20 minute powerpoint of the 3 quests in 4.56
40 minutes of excruciatingly detailed description of world visit again
30 minutes of shilling merchandise
Leave it to an obsessive dyke to not even know the difference between a web and a cobweb.
Dancer might as well be a gender locked Class cause it looks like shit on a male
>queues are fine
t. didn't play on launch
>dun get it
No it wasnt
I have a feeling you are not mentally stable if you can't answer a simple question.
That expression seems really genuine.
damn thats good, fucking cute
Why even tease Garlemald when we're going nowhere near the place apparently?
So were Aura but they expanded their lore in SB.
what's the difference then mr dusty house
i have a feeling you smell bad so i guess we're both pretty perceptive
>>walks ten minutes to get to the grind spot
What's wrong with that?
>>dies, loses last hour's worth of exp
There was no xp loss on death in 1.0
>>walks back to grind spot
It's pretty bad if your group had actually wiped, but again, what's so bad about that?
>>realizes equipment needs to be repaired
And? Back we could repair our gear back then just like now, and we could even have other players repair our gear too - so you could flag yourself for repairs and actually set a reward for players to do so. It was a fucking fantastic system that is sadly gone following 2.0's launch.
First shard:
>Il Mheg
>desert bullshit
>Raktika Greatwood
It's gonna be SB all over again
>dude what
Cobweb usually denotes a web that's been abandoned due to disuse, bitch.
>what's aoe?
Is there a pirate stream of this Live Letter?
What the fuck is wrong with that Lyse? Looks like an oily-faced dude. Looks like that thing is wearing a creepy mask made in the 40s. It looks like an alien that decided to do cosplay to experience human culture. Looks like a serial killer that is about to snap at any moment. I don't like it.
Didn't they show all the zones by final fanfest for HW and ShB?
It seems they're holding back a lot of stuff for ShB. Either for surprise, or because it's not finished yet.
>really excited for dps healer
>looking forward to being a furry shitter
Healer tears are delicious rnow
it should be on twitch
raktika and the desert are probably the first version of gridania and uldah
the desert even has the train running through it
kinda like your dumb shit brain, sir
Dude, the streams have all been on Twitch this year. The only thing you miss out on is the concerts.
They're probably not finished, they said the lake area wasn't even fully complete, just done enough for them to show some of it off.
There are in roles 2 melee ranged DPS
How many zones/areas do WoW usually have in new expansions? Because speaking as a XIV player only having 6 bland new zones in Stormblood was fucking boring
Apparently I'm smarter than you if you can't even figure out things that any bi person would easily tell you, bitch.
Around the same.
>will have to fight another tranny for accs
No not everyone is a faggot. I play Duskwight and rather have Roe in battle than fag cats eating grapes.
Nope. Unless they already did and we didn't even realize it because that's how similar they are.
jesus christ i knew i wasn't the only one
she looks like a ghost that only shows up in the back of a photo when there was nobody there
Where's that blessposter? I want to know if he cried when he was denied his lionmommy race a second time.
How would you say the WoW zones compare in sheer amount of things in them to FFXIV? Like NPCs, quests, mobs, trees, rocks etc.
Not sure but she was literally under the trust banner and mentioned by Yoshi-P
oh sorry i forgot
They're taking range slot so nothing changes really.
BFA has about 3 zones each for the two factions to use, and then they can invade the other faction's zones, or something. Wrath had about 10-ish zones, but I think one was absolutely worthless for leveling (since there was nothing), one was just a massive PvP zone, and by the two you reach one or two of others, you were already at max level.
they're going to have different playerbases tho, you probably aren't going to see catbois switching over to ronso
the more interesting question is how many roes and elezen since they're not that popular to begin with, and they're the closest to the new races
>there can be only one ranged
Um, sweetie...
5 in Legion, 6 in BfA. But it has to be said FF XIV zone design is really sub-par compared to WoW. WoW zones generally have a bunch of visually distinct subzones within them, with changed environment, lighting and sometimes skyboxes.
>DNC uses Slashing or Blunt
Please kill DRG/BRD just once Yoshi.
There is no time travel. We are practically in a other shard (dimension) that the light is consuming. Think of this as like the multiverse in comics. Hydaelen broke apart into 14 shards we are the source aka in marvel comic terms universe 616.
The big mystery is the appearance of the crystal tower though in shard 1.
did you just assume my gender?
DNC uses slashing to work with SAM/NIN
BRD uses piercing to work with DRG
MCH is changed ot blunt to work with MNK
Perfectly balanced as all things should be
sorry massa
>he doesn't remember heavensward
She looks like the Feejee mermaid's cousin.
Parts of the music were great though just the mix kind of threw me off.
So Eulmore is the new Kugane and Crystarium the new Rhalgr’s Reach or is it the opposite?
That shit didn't happen until the arms race between MCH and BRD reached critical retarded point in Creator.
ancient power-mad empires just love building towers, they're really cool
I don't get it:
>Roe is proven to be the least played race worldwide
>Make a cat version of them instead of making male Viera; the most request race
>No new healers but a new DPS class, even though Stormblood got 2 DPS classes last expansion
What were they thinking?
>new meta is drg, nin, dnc, brd
poor mch, smn
>drg, monk, dnc, smn
poor me..
Eulmore just looks like a regular zone that's set in a town. I don't think it's a sanctuary.
Where did people even get the idea that DNC would be a healer? Was it FFXIfags again?
Didn't Hydaelyn send Minfilia to fix the First Shard
I'm guessing they just never want to release an expansion without a DPS job since they know the majority of players are DPS-only plebs. What I'm surprised by is that they made Dancer the DPS job, and not Gunbreaker.
crystal tower is kugane, i'm not sure they showed off rhalgr's as of yet
i actually don't remember if they showed off idyllshire back in hw, they might just keep it a secret
XIfags were the one saying DNC wouldn't be healer.
until people realized MCH was good you mean.
No one thought they would be dumb enough to go two expansions without a new healer, and dancer seemed like as good a candidate as any.
no? xi is the only game dancer is a healer
Raubahns wall does not count for fucking cluttered roulettes. They fucked up by having small servers for duties.
1.23b was such a cool game guys. The current game is really shit trust me on this I know better than you do.
Why are people acting like old healers aren't gonna get anything new? Like what, all WHMs, SCHs and ASTs were gonna switch to dancer and now that it's not a healer they're gonna unsub? Come on son.
Notice they didn't confirm Ishgard housing either. I think they deliberately kept it ambiguous because it's actually not coming until 6.0, and the Ishgard restoration questline is just to set up the introduction of housing in the next expansion.
it's nice to have new things
like i'm probably not going to switch off of drk unless they really fuck it up, but i like having the option of going over to gunbreaker. healers aren't getting that and haven't for two expansions now
Victim complex. Remember when tanks promised to literally kill themselves when SAM turned out to be DPS? Yeah, me neither. They were upset but not infuriated
Theres more than that in SB counting Eureka and Doman Enclave and shit
This is a great day indeed. Dancers are DPS and Viera female only. Fuck you literal mentally sick faggots. Finally justice was served.
Shouldn't we have preliminary patch notes for 4.56 by now?
Tomorrow, duh.
Preliminary notes only happen for major patches.
I can understand that, but surely people would understand that they got two new classes last expansion and that DNC is far more fitting for a healing role, no?
I don't understand why Gunbreaker is a tank either, but maybe that's because tanks are the least played roles by the sound of it.
Considering Dancer uses Chakrams which would be slicing damage (if anything) then it either means it doesn't need a DRG to function or the damage type-specific buffs are going away entirely
Nobody fucking wanted Male Viera. The thought of a Male one only came across faggots that wondered about it within FFXIV. Players wanted Fran more than anything
Damn we've reached a new low point of denial if people are unironically praising 1.0
This fanfest might actually broken people.
No shit, they aren't going to add another physical range dps that's tied to DRG.
>awww little baby is mad he can't erp with shota bun buns?
Unironically yes.
>DNC is far more fitting for a healing role
>old healers aren't gonna get anything new?
Because in stormblood healers got barely anything. WHM got one significant new ability and a bunch of pointless shit. SCH got their legs chopped off and then spent the entire expansion recovering. AST is still just WHM with a card gimmick that stops being interesting after a week of playing.
There's always some idiot that talks about how 1.23 was the greatest game ever because most of us can't go back and see for ourselves how fucking untrue that is.
Finally the DRG/Ranged DPS meme is dead. What a glorious day. It was about time.
I'm thinking it's pretty likely they'll just get rid of the damage type debuffs in ShB. There are 11 Physical DPS jobs now, and 7 of them use slashing, 3 use piercing and only 1 uses blunt. Seems pointless to even have the distinction at this point.
>How are they going to explain away the sudden influx of baracats running around in the old areas?
How are they going to explain the fucking HORDES of Bunny girls running around? You know, the race that almost never leaves their woods to the point where seeing even ONE is worth shitting your pants over?
SCH was fine by the second/third patch, after they gave Miasma 2 back was shit
he's memeing
there's currently a 400 page thread on the official forums about viera genderlock and every reddit thread that mentions Hrothgar/Viera has topvoted comments complaining about no male viera.
I absolutely fucking guarantee you that if there was a mandatory vote that all active FFXIV players had to participate in that asked do you want male viera or bara cat then male viera would demolish cat.
>new main story quests available
>new allied beast tribe quests available
>weekly restrictions have been removed
>contents of lost canals have been adjusted
>new items have been added
here's your prelims, bro
I think Dancer works fine as a ranged DPS. The concept of using boomerang-like throwing weapons is cool. But it was a mistake to not add a healer. It didn't have to be Dancer, but I think they really wanted to do Dancer because it's so highly requested. Then again, so were male Viera.
Gender lock bad.
>Game was better back then
>Has only explored empty servers with a test character on a local emulator
shut the fuck up
Gunbreaker as a tank makes sense since in FF8. They were practically in the frontlines and shit. Also, tanks are the least played.
that's right, it's bad
you mean gender lock homophobic
>Showing off healer parses when you're anything but orange across the board
>Nobody fucking wanted Male Viera. The thought of a Male one only came across faggots that wondered about it within FFXIV. Players wanted Fran more than anything
I can definitely assure you that most players would pick a male Viera over a bara cat.
That's fucking retarded when people asked for Ronso also.
The only way to justify no healer is if they completely rework all three of the healers to make them more unique and fun to play instead of applying a dot and spamming their single target spell until it's the designated healing time. Remove lillies and make it into something else completely, let scholar dual wield fairies with more direct control options, make card cooldowns shorter with more power and shorter duration so it's something they are constantly juggling and focusing entirely on cards is enough of a dps gain that they barely need to use their damage using instead of pushing a button every 30 seconds. Give all of them a proper single target rotation instead of dot+nuke.
>123 was the greatest game ever because most of us can't go back
None of us can go back because Yoshi-p took it away from us because it cost SE too much money to run even 1 single server for it :(
Nobody did though
There was one thread that died before it even reached a page and most of it was "couldn't see it happening"
>The only way to justify no healer is if they completely rework all three of the healers to make them more unique and fun to play
They gave the same excuse for 4.0 and here we are.
how? im going to be a gay bunny just fine??
fuck off korean
Did they say anything about when the Datacenter Split will happen ?
Viera been about for over a decade, what’s greater than finally revealing a male version?
What's his story?
I eat, WoL.
It's what I do.
people on twitter and OF are starting to say the devs are sexist homophobes now,of course the people saying this are faggy looking male cats,midlanders and femroes
sometime between now and before shad launches
they'll probably finalize the date in the liveletter later today
Yes, weeks ago. Go to the Lodestone.
>"MMOs as a genre are in a horrible spot right now because of garbage like genderlocking"
The shit you can find on the OF lmao
first off, viera are infinitely more popular than ronso. second, Ronso had both males and females in their source game (whereas Viera don't) so why the FUCK aren't female ronso a thing?
It's all around a fucking retarded idea by SE. Now they'll have people complaining about male viera AND female hrothgar.
>that femroe saying misandry isnt real
dumb retarded man hating dyke
Square just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about Hrothgar, is not going to want to purchase Shadowbringers for either system, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.
Square, publicly apologize and add male Viera or you can kiss your business goodbye.
tia you fat cat
why are you so big and fat
It was posted on the lodestone ages ago, EU happens on April 2nd and NA two or three weeks later.
>The way Yoshi talked about Hrothgar it's obvious it was thrown in last minute
user, we've known about them via the leaks for about as long as Viera.
this is the ideal miqo'te male male body. you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Where did you steal this pasta from?
>implying he wouldn't be a Nunh
That's bullshit there have been a tin of request for Ronso and Viera.
Tias mandatorily disregard bitches, it should not be a surprise that they acquire wealth.
post it
it isnt
About a decade ago since the original was about XIII being released on the 360 iirc.
From what I saw on the streams and chats Japanese reaction was actually way more positive than I thought it would be.
It was mostly the comments in English that were flipping their shit.
Japanese were far more concerned with no new healer being announced.
Wow talk about a flaming shit talking faggot. Because all of Square's games are Final Fantasy XIV.
And yet it still works. Proof positive that even shitposting was better a decade ago.
i don't play a roe though and wouldn't
but i don't hate them so i might still fit in your pigeonhole
Why did anyone even think dancer would be a healer? That makes as much sense as bard being a healer. Logically they would dance to raise morale and make you fight harder, not somehow mend your wounds.
>Logically they would dance to raise morale and make you fight harder
That's literally what Scholar does.
Scholars literally heal by improving morale and making tactical plans
>people rather complain about the new races and the lack of a new healer than the lack of playable content
you are all part of the problem
now if only that game hadn't sucked fat donkey conk
i want a good game and i want characters that i can wank to. both, not one or the other, and certainly not neither
Right ? Like so far we know absolutly nothing new beside crafters endgame and that has nothing to do with fighting.
Eureka was a disaster. Are they just giving up on trying new things and just go the same old route for the whole expac ? That would be the true disaster
Should have included this too.
>Have to deal with all the race shitflinging for another month and a half since we're not getting job info until May.
>not raiding
the fact that shit sucks is a given but it's not like they're ever gonna fix it
no content is the name of the game
>mch getting a chainsaw
because having to stand in melee as ranged dps is exactly what will save MCH. Having to stay near the boss for flamethrowers pitiful damage was already a joke
There better be a full rework coming if there's any hope of seeing the job at all in the sea of dancers
>Eureka was a disaster
Yeah a disaster that spiked active players up on each release.
2 more years of tome capping on my viera dancer!
BASED yoshi amrite?
>people unironically saying that they wanted dancer to be melee healer
Do they even play the game?
Healer changes
Stone V - Single Target 255 potency
Aero IV - Single Target 60 potency initial hit and 60 potency dot
Thinner Air - Reduces MP Consumption by 110% for 6 seconds 180 second cooldown
Cure Free - Guarantees Freecure proc on next cure 240 second cooldown
Spire replaced by Joker - Drawing Joker silences you for 10 seconds
Heart of the Cards - Choose the next card you draw 360 second cooldown
Balance of Power - Passive: Reduces the likelihood of drawing Joker by 50%. Increases the likelihood of drawing Balance by 50%.
Quick Draw - Passive: Reduces cooldown of Draw by 5 seconds
All mp costs increased by 300% and will be lowered in 3 months
very cute, did she win anything?
Cause this playerbase is fucking retarded and set on completely destroying this game. The LGBTQ+ community has been steadily destroying every aspect of the game for normal functioning humans that enjoy MMOs.
I like how 1 out of the 4 Eureka zones being too grindy constituted as a whole disaster for Eureka.
Pagos is not all of Eureka faggot. The rest of Eureka was pretty well made. As much as Baldesion Arsenal is easy as fuck at least that felt like a true raid unlike Omega platform shit.
We already know "Eureka-like" content is in the works. Not exactly the same but similar premise of zone+timesink. It's the same amount of battle content as the previous expansions. Technically more since we've got more dungeons this time around. They just don't want to announce it so far in advance then have people bitching about how it was delayed like what happened with Eureka.
Wait werent there supposed to be 1 new Server for each Datacenter ? Or did this got delayed till launch of Shadowbringers ?
don't forget the WHM can now have 4 lilies instead of 3
>We already know "Eureka-like" content is in the works
? No we dont.
Say what you will about Eureka (and I don't like it myself) but it's the most MMO-like piece of content anywhere in this game you retard.
Scholars canonically have physick and faerie heals as actual wound-curing abilities. Again, dancer healer makes as much sense as a bard healer. Neither have anything that could rationally cure wounds.
Only for the EU datacenters. Probably won't be added at the same time as the split either.
Those were always supposed to come with the expansion.
It wasn't delayed, they were talking about new servers during the launch of ShB.
Pretty sure they won't be coming until ShB launches.
>Hrothgar announced
>It's just an animal head on top of a roe body with extremely low res fur
What's wrong with pagos? I just unlocked it.
understandable t b h, male viera are supposed to be lone hunters, not cute
im very, very gay
highly gay
It doesn't matter anymore, it's been nerfed into ground.
When did they tease time travel (that wasn't just people misinterpreting the dimensional travel tease)?
"If history must be unwritten, let it be unwritten"
How does this not sound like time traveling?
I need to breed this bun
They should have just taken hrotghar and called them male viera. The butthurt would have been beautiful.
>this is what hets jerk off to
let the erp faggots destroy themselves more
made for breeding
What about this bun?
I’m kinda salty that female Viera look like the developers actually care to make them look pretty. They have no flaws. Meanwhile even Miqote, Midlanders and Aura all have flaws to some degree, especially with how they all have sharp chins
There's enough of my dick to go around.
Yoshi's forum post on BA said they would be "doing something new" in Shadowbringers. In the Q&A at Paris Fanfest they mentioned working on "exploration content" similar to Eureka for ShB, and that they were developing a level-sync feature for it.
>those plump lips
I thought the Japanese cosplay contest was supposed to be superior. Why are they all so ugly?
So I am right in thinking the trailer confirms both Hien and the Emperor dying? I'm pretty sure that was his burning battleship they focused on.
Different artists I think. Apparently Viera are fully in Namae's domain.
Seeing how they struggle to be on schedule with everything they do, you just basicaly told us the only thing to expect from shadowbringer i would assume then.
You're a whiny faggot
>those plump ears
Their costumes are superior. Good-looking people do not need to stoop to degenerate hobbies anywhere in the world, idiot.
Why would Hien die?
i want to show this bun how very gay i am
That 5th panel fucks up the whole thing.
I couldnn't be happier. Good faces, good animations, no tail clipping business.
My only remaining hesitance for using my fantasia would be minimum height and how they'll end up handling head gear.
for fuck's sake yoshi
is this one still using the same face as the fanfest ones?
'ate the light
'ate poor people
'ate dwarfs
love me blitzball
love me wife
simple as
>long hair
>skimpy armor
hopefully this means dancer's AF won't clip with long hair.
>Their costumes are superior.
The really aren't. The Omega is the only one that's arguably better than the NA/EU costumes. The rest are just on par.
>They add gender locked races to funnel every complaint about the game over the next two years and don't get pestered over anything else.
200iq play desu
>DNC AF is basically modified Thavnairian slutwears
My peepee likes.
>everybody is so salty that nobody pays attention to the fact Yoshi-P said each race has two tribes.
>Watch everybody make a 180 turn when the two sub race are :
>Kimahri looking Hrotghar
>Slightly taller lalafell female cute bunnies opposed to the sexy we've seen currently so far
Screencap this.
You might be lucky.
That was his chipped and bloodied katana stuck in the ground ya dingus.
>leave the forest
>end up having to strip/prostitute on the streets for a living
This is why viera should just stay in the forest.
Yes please.
The only problem is that all the tanks still use Slashing, so DNC/NIN would be the unquestionably best combo.
Was it? I never paid attention to Hien's katana.
Are you talking about the finalists, or everyone? Because if you're going to argue that westerners don't go up in shitty "I repurposed this in a weekend from Halloween with duct tape" costumes, I don't know what to say other than you haven't looked.
Dancer will 100% be a Thavnair-based job in terms of lore/aesthetics. Job quest trainer will probably be Thavnairian.
Stay strong fren and try to ignore them.
Watch as we get in game explanations of how HONORABLE and DEFINITELY NOT SLUTTY dancer as a class is.
>implying it won't be f'lhaminn
I'm just expecting color palette swaps with some minor tribal visual options similar to how au ra and miqo'te works.
The lore which stated no male viera also said both clans are identical. Don’t get hyped.
It will calm down a bit on Tuesday with the patch, and again in April with the XV event and then in May the job changes shitflinging will start up instead.
There is no greater honor than to please my dick, yes.
So when is the full song from the trailer gonna drop? I need it yesterday.
My personal hope is that it's the throwaway Miqo'te NPC with the sidequest that gives /stepdance.
Because the leaks said Gunblade would be a tank, so everyone assumed that Dancer would have to be a healer. Because they wouldn't have one expansion with 2 DPS, then have another expansion with 1 tank and 1 DPS instead of a Healer. That would be stupid!
I'm not so sure.
>playing minimum height viera
kill yourself
more likely it'll be "ok it's slutty but it's also honorable" and then focus on that
this game has never shied away from mentions of sex work
I can't wait to be a dancer and not wear slutglams
BLUfever's original leak said Gunblade tank, Blue Mage DPS, and Dancer healer.
The leaks never mentioned the roles of the new jobs actually, except that BLU was melee DPS which ended up being wrong. People definitely assumed Dancer would be healer anyway, I don't think the possibility of it being anything else crossed anyone's minds.
These trannies say they heard of me, I ain't heard of you
Get the fuck up out my fucking face, before I murder you
Bitch trannies always want to heal, but I know they fu
Whole squad full of fucking dancers, they are ranged too
Obviously cause the dances are magic user. Even bard has a music skill that uses mana (foe requiem) and that's before tp is removed.
>Official forums STILL blowing up
this is great, best fanfest for quite some time now
I'm talking about the top 15 or 20 or however many they put on stage. The westerners had a great showing this year. Did they even show all the random shitters from any of the fanfests on stream?
This. Expect the DNC job quests to be a hamfisted analogue to the 'stripping empowers women!' argument.
It literally didn't. He said BLU was DPS, and everyone assumed Gunbreaker would be tank and Dancer would be healer based on that. Once Gunbreaker was revealed as tank it seemed like a certainty that Dancer would be healer, simply because anything else didn't make sense.
You forgot to add a colored wig to the NPC.
>he thinks viera will have more than that face
He definitely never said Dancer healer, but everyone assumed it would be one.
>tfw you wont get to play as a fat miqo'te named garmfield
With the live letter tomorrow and the patch on tuseday it will be manageable for a little longer. And next month we have the XV event which will distract people briefly.
There won't be anything quite like the gap from the last fanfest to this one since we're going to be getting stuff at a fairly regular cadence instead of them going radio silent for the next 2 months.
Also the benchmark at some point and that's always fun.
>all those fags seething over no pedo bunnies or twink bunnies
>trannies overdosing on estrogen for no new healer
We've literally already seen more than one Viera face
Will there be a butt slider?
I can't wait to be a Hrothgar dancer
>Viera are entirely designed by cute christmas cake Namae
>Namae even have multiple male Viera concept art laying around and have talked about variations of "young Viera"
>Ends up getting pussyblocked by Yoshi-P who says "Shotto matte kudasai, we wirr have no mare Viera Namae-San"
You forgot
>new Hildebrand quests
>new minions with an example image that doesn't specify where it comes from but it's fucking obvius it's from the new Hildy trial
we actually haven't
so far every one we've seen is using the exact same face
Not nerfed into the ground enough. Light is still awful.
it never was a thing
glad the loli bunny pedos got btfo as well
I prefer this one.
You obviously havent seen that shitty texturized hair Viera have
Isn’t it SAM’s AF weapon?
The blunt meta will soon be upon us!
What's it like being a face-blind retard?
I feel sorry for her...
>All her concept art has sexy females so she's not afraid of showing off the female beauty
>All her concept art has sexy males so she's not afraid of showing off males either
>All of this coming from a 40+ year old Japanese mom
Gender lock good.
this,no fucking good would come out of it if tera was anything to go by
it's a shame we'll have to hear about this constantly for the next 2 years
>big hammer goth gf with DSL
Nomura knows what's up after all these years
This fire will keep me warm for many days.
The official forums are still blowing up. Reddit is blowing up. Twitter is blowing up. The funny thing is that even the fucking KOREANS are hating on SE for not showing bunny boys/men.
Why is it that Nomura only makes good designs for games that aren't his?
That's like saying DRK should be able to cast heals, because it uses mana.
Omega F is so great. I hope she can be a Trust.
It's important to remember that FFXIV classes its damage dealers separately as Melee, Ranged and Casters rather than just DPS. For autoqueue content it obviously lumps them but in terms of challenging content they all bring different role benefits. When you look at it that way, ranged players have only two jobs.
The real question is why they added a tank, but that's likely due to low numbers playing the role.
>all those libtards seething over the genderlocked races
just identify yourself as a male viera rofl
I don't get it. Why won't they give us a prettyboy race when there's already Omega-M in the game?
but catboys are already in the game
>good design
looks like a goth version of FFXI's Lion
This doesn't look like Hien's katana at all my dude. You can tell from how symmetrical the hilt is.
Catboys are insanely ugly compared to Omega-M or even the concept art sexy male Viera
Actually duty finder tries to pair up melees whit ranged.
>Still playing this trash.
I truly pity those that didn't enjoy MMORPGs in their prime.
Yes we do. They mentioned it at the last fanfest. They literally said that they were working on Eureka-like content for 5.0
Honestly this.
People have been portraying their OC au ra as tall and muscular for the past few years despite how they actually are in game. I don't see why those people can't just play a minimum height, minimum bust viera and call it a male.
Compared to anything from KH it's a damn masterpiece
you tell me lad
What would they have added besides a tank or healer? The breakdown of melee/ranged/casters is pretty balanced now with the addition of Dancer.
Hrotghar shouldn't be a race
No they don't, most people want sexy bunny boys
And you end up with Hrotghar that looks like shit with fur that doesn't even look like fur
Reminder that beast races can't use the Echo so good luck explaining that lore loophole
Oh, well there you go then. But yeah, as someone who was expecting healer I'm actually pretty glad they're ranged.
It's the easiest way in the world to trigger someone to /tell these people and ask why they wrote in their search info that they're 6'/male/muscular/scarred when their character is clearly a little girl.
it'll be four faces like every fucking race, stop being stupid.
and they'll still be too few.
Jesus, that skirt
>Reminder that beast races can't use the Echo
That one Sahagin that summoned Leviathan
>Reminder that beast races can't use the Echo so good luck explaining that lore loophole
Says who? There's an entire page in the second lore book about how there's no meaningful distinction between beastmen and "normal races", and that the classification of "beastman" is mostly only used to discriminate against them.
>love PLD's aesthetic
>WAR is just better
I want that Tank rework now!
not disagreeing with you but
>Reminder that beast races can't use the Echo so good luck explaining that lore loophole
they can and that was literally a plot point during the levi quests
I kind of want to create hrotghar dancer just to make all the people around me seething.
All races have "four faces" but not all of them truly do. Female Elezen have a duplicate face that differs in only textures, for example. Some of the races have different faces for the two clans, some don't. Etc.
>Ideal world
>Dancer DPS
>Gunbreaker tank
>Chemist/Cleric (Hammer) healer
>Male AND Female Hrotghar and Viera
>2 dungeons every patch
>More than just 6 zones
>Ishgard housing
>No new healer for 6 years
>Genderlocked races
>Barely any dungeons
>Only 6 new zones again
>No confirmation on Ishgard housing
>No news about Blitzball
do it you fucking no balls
i've seen people say shit like "haha i'm glamour white ravens to trigger 1.0 players" and they never do
go big or go home
They'll put the Butt Slider unlock on the Mog Station whenever they get desperate.
2 dungeons per patch is usual stuff, dunno why you think it won't happen.
You're fucking joking, right? That's the worse thing he's put out in decades.
>Sephiroth costume
To be honest no one actually looks at earrings people are wearing.
Going to make my Hrothgar wear Viera, maybe they'll have a Bunny ear head customization...
>>Barely any dungeons
They've said there's going to be 9 at launch, which is more than HW had
I have a healer like you, who refuses to cast a gcd heal and ends up wiping the entire group and elongating prog / reclears because they can't get it through their thick skull that sometimes people just need that little bit extra.
>Yoshi adds body sliders to the game
>They're Mogstation exclusives
KH exists, so that can't be true
Man, Yoshi P managed to piss off so many different people in different communities and in different countries. He really shitter-shattered the internet.
Speaking of which, how are Hrothgar NOT going to be discriminated against? It makes zero sense that a city-state would kick Amalj'aa out, but not Hrothgar.
Also the White Ravens honestly look like shit.
They already proved that players don't care about that with Au Ra and now they won't pay even the tiniest bit of lipservice to it.
>ARR was a success, doing many things right
>HW was also a success, improving on the formula
>SB was a success but many people have been angry/sad with the change in direction
SHB seems to continue the downwards spiral of Yoshi-P running this game into the ground
>HW was also a success
It solidified the pattern of rehash, lol. Don't rewrite history because you started in HW.
This post would've had some merit.
Alas, you posted an anime girl in it, what a shame.
Clearly you don't remember daily bitching during HW
Au Ra stop being a lore issue is basically solved once you get up to Heavensward. Beast Tribes not being allowed in cities is an ongoing issue, that is unlikely to change even in 5.0.
Take the Barapill.
The thing people didn't like about Stormblood was the exact opposite of a "change in direction". They were mad because it did nothing new.
The only people that do this are retarded female Xaelas.
>love Viera
>don't want to play as a female
Well his change of direction was Eureka, can't blame him because playerbase has attention span of a goldfish.
The male concept art was rad.
New thread
Drk is for a very different niche. You're comparing an edgy dark magic tank healing, to a support/utility class healing.
Still, my point is more that I don't see how dances can't just be a form a spellcasting.
That makes healing perfectly possible- dancer doesn't need to be themed on "buffing via morale." My example more meant to say bard songs are obviously capable of being magic and having uses beyond buffing.
You can absolutely theme bards as healers. I recall that Aion did. Problem is that they're archers before musicians in this game.