>you will never get to play Breath of the Wild for the first time ever again
You will never get to play Breath of the Wild for the first time ever again
What if I get amnesia, checkmate
Actually I've never played it, so I can still play it for the first time... for the first time.
Thank God.
and thank god for that. I'd never been so disappointed and let down in my life
that looks like absolute shit
Gotta wait for the next game.
I would like to experience the first few hours again for the first time but not anything after that.
>you will never find the giant horse for the first time again
>you will never get to play Breath of the Wild for the first time ever again
Good, because that 204 hours of playtime would be FUCKING TEDIOUS to do again, building up inventory slots via korok seeds all over again for the sake of making the game "easier" albeit unbalanced.
I swear, the people who claim that BOTW is the "hardest Zelda ever" can eat a dick.
ITT: Edgy Contrarians.
The game is okay you faggots, not great. Just being anti-whateverispopular doesn't mean your opinion is better than others.
Oh boy, this thread again! The game is painfully overrated, adecent start that quickly gets mediocre afterwards. Get over it and stop making these fucking threads.
>be in dorm room
>/hbg/ at /vg/ posts the leak
>download it
>play it
>genuinely Happy for the first time in months
Fuck, it was marvellous
>remakes of old games
what are some other things that are impossible to talk about rationally on this site?
VtmB 2
What are you talking about? Game was goddamn amazing.
The game is okay. The first couple of hours are phenomenal until you catch on on how repetitive everything is. Repetitive combat, repetitive enemies, repetitive sidequests, repetitive shrines, repetitive 'dungeons' and bosses. The overworld was cool but ultimately empty and the towns weren't memorable.
I just don't like how haters refuse to acknowledge anything the game did well. The physics and shit was fantastic.
I'm sure you would think that if it was your first open world game.
Is this bait? I've said twice now that the game was 'okay' and you specifically said "What are you talking about?"
Don't do this, man.
What was even unique about the physics? It was just an incredibly generic physics engine that gave you /some/ tools to play with that weren't even that engaging.
I liked the art style, I liked a lot of the environments/weather, and I liked the lonely atmosphere, but honestly, that's it.
name a better open world game you can't
BOTW is unironically a 5/10 game.
the physics made the environment engaging
>combat, enemies
All games have repetitive combat and enemies user. In fact you're probably playing a bad game if the combat ISN'T consistent. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant low enemy variety, in which case I agree.
>shrines, dungeons
They're repetitive in appearance only. There's a significant amount of shrines that take place in the overworld to break up the monotomy.
Dungeon ones yes. Overworld ones? Definitely not.
>overworld was cool but ultimately empty
You're contradicting yourself here. What did you find cool about it if it was empty?
>towns weren't memorable
And how weren't the towns memorable? Gerudo Town alone is more memorable than half the ones in New Vegas.
That's surprising considering it's not.
>Gerudo Town alone is more memorable than half the ones in New Vegas.
Bait, not a single character comes close to NV’s cast.
Yep, Guardians can be dealt with in the exact same way as Hinoxes.
Not every game needs Dark Souls combat. Want to see what happens when devs try to force having epic, complez and deep combat mechanics? You get Witcher 3.
user please stop typing out your retarded rant now.
I accidentally pressed post
Okay, I was trying to be civil but you're a fucking faggot and here's why
>Repetitive combat/enemies.
1) Yeah, the lack of enemy variety is shit and you also agree with.
2) All the enemies can be dealt with in the exact same way. Making it repetitive. The combat is so basic and simplified that it requires no thought. Especially once you hit mid game, combat is just walk up smash with you weapon, flurry rush, repeat. It takes no skill or thought making it repetitive. There are other ways to tackle enemies but they're inefficient. It makes no sense for me to go out of my way to do something inefficiently when it's supposedly more fun because in the back of my head I know it would just be faster to whack them with my sword.
>Shrines dungeons
Them looking the exact same is still a massive problem and you're kind of a retard for just bushing it off as a minor one
Their puzzles are incredibly simple and none of them expand on anything other than their initial challenge. They're boring and if you found them hard you're genuinely brain dead.
I don't understand why they went with this color pallette. It just looks so flat and ugly.
Does BOTW have the greatest map of any game ever?
Amazing or not, I found it better than any other 3D Zelda game.
I didn't find Fallout 3 or Skyrim to be as appealing.
>fallout 3
it's objectively better than both
BOTW is like half a game world. The layout is probably the best open world ever conceived but they didn't bother placing down unique assets or content.
Dungeon ones? Yes. You agree which is a massive fucking problem as well.
Overworld ones? Also yes and I don't understand how you think that the dungeon bosses are repetitive but overworld ones aren't. You've got Hinoxes which are all fought the same and the Rock monsters which are all fought the same. The way of beating them are incredibly boring and obvious and again, if you thought they were challenging, you're brain dead.
The Sandworms and the Lynels are the only good overworld bosses (if you count the Lynels as one). Sandworm because it was unexpected and Lynels because they actually present a challenge until you realize you can just exploit them and then all fun is lost.
>Overworld is cool but ultimately empty
If you thought this was a contradiction, it just proves you're retarded. The overworld had cool scenic locations, but there was nothing to do in those locations other than to climb around them.
>Towns weren't memorable
You clearly haven't played any other Zelda game or probably any other game. All of the NPCs do literally nothing. None of them or memorable and you quite literally have no reason to return to any of them.
Fuck off.
That's fine, the next game is going to follow the Termina/Lorule troope and feature the same engine/feeling
Played Skyrim, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Far Cry 4, and am currently playing through Witcher 3.
Breath of the Wild is better than all of those except maybe New Vegas. Witcher 3 especially is what made me realize why BOTW was rated so high: People are fucking tired chasing arounds icons on a map.
MM’s unique feeling was through side quests, sparse but complex dungeons, and interesting side characters. Plus Koizumi. BotW lacked all of that.
It's 2nd. Xenoblade X is #1.
games not okay though. i actually got bored of it.
... he didn't say it had it
So much water you’d think this was Hoenn region.
>All games have repetitive combat and enemies user.
no they don't retard. a good game doesn't feel repetitive. god is this how much botw fags cope? by literally trying to claim that the games flaws are actually normal things that even great games do?
I agree, and also
Stop being mad about videogames kekeke
>me want dark souls
>hyperbole and overstating
>argument without evidence
>ad hominem
>hyperbole and overstating
>blatantly false information
>ad hominem
>ad hominem
>ad hominem
>blatantly false statement
>blatantly false statement
>"Fuck off"
Ah, yep, BotW detractors truly are intelligent and tactful.
Would technically still be your second time
>except maybe New Vegas.
NV is the peak of its series, BotW is Nintendo chasing trends instead of setting them.
how was it chasing trend?
>name a better open world game
I can't.
>it's a Yea Forums cries over botw episode
At this rate there will be more tears shed for BOTW than for Skyrim.
MM's gameplay wasn't as good imo. It had a bunch of mini-game garbage riddled throughout. BotW largely focused on combat and exploration and anything that wasn't was optional.
>Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, etc. have been making open world games for a decade or even longer
>genre is stagnating
>Nintendo shows up
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.
This will never not be hilarious.
Which is weird because Japan fucking loves the game and Yea Forums usually loves everything Japan loves
>MM's gameplay wasn't as good imo.
It’s the same literally the same gameplay as OoT, retard.
I was comparing it to BotW.
If you actually played open worlds you'd know that's wrong. Breath of the Wild completely shits over the Open World design philosophy the west ran into the ground for the past 10 years.
>>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.
Rockstar already did that back in 2001 mate, and they actually revolutionize the genre.
i tried it and it bored me
This, RDR2 was hyped as fuck but BotW literally stole all of its thunder before it even had a chance to release. Nintendo showed everybody what an open world game had the potential to be, and Western devs were exposed as being utterly unable to match that, even with much better hardware to work with.
Let me guess, faggot. Shit Waker is your favorite? Neck yourself
>Breath of the Wild completely shits over the Open World design philosophy the west ran into the ground for the past 10 years.
>cuts the meat of the series
>implements the same crafting system as every other open worlder since the early 2010s
>here’s a big box of sand, play in it
Sad state of Zelda really.
Still better than anything the West ever shat out within the open-world genre
>The first couple of hours are phenomenal
The first part was so good because it was carefully balanced around your specific abilities and available resources at the time. Once you get off the Plateau, the abilities you can have at any given time (hearts, stamina, items, meals, champion powers etc) are all so variable, but the world still needed to be built assuming you had only the bare minimum, so a lot of the experience evaporates quite quickly.
For example I've heard a lot of people say that the trek up to Zora's Domain the first time with Sidon is fucking brilliant, but I wouldn't know because I came from the opposite direction and had Ravioli's Gale to just jump over everything while it rained, not realising that I was accidentally depriving myself of properly experiencing one of the game's better set pieces. The whole game is like that.
I still enjoyed it but a bit more structure in the next one would go a very long way.
>better than anything the West ever shat out
Lel, fucking weeb cuck wishes BotW was on the level of eternal classics like GTA SA.
Dark souls 1
>b-but... muh "gangsta" nigger game...
The absolute state of western cucks
>Amazing or not, I found it better than any other 3D Zelda game.
And this is why your opinions can be thrown in the trash
>his only defense against old GTA doing open world better is "niggers"
>no background in AAA 3D open world development
>what is Monolith Soft
My TV recently broke. Is it okay in handheld mode? Or should I just wait till I get a new TV?
Literally better than cell shaded pseudo-Ghibli shit. SA has the better cast, soundtrack memorable moments, missions, environment while BotW open the floodgates to trannies and birdfags.
It didn't do open world better, seethe harder that nobody cares about your boomer ape game
Same :( It still stings a little.
GTA is probably the best game to compare BoTW with honestly. Only other game I think of that gives you a similar amount of freedom and invests a lot into making the setting feel real and making it highly interactive.
>seethe harder that nobody cares about your boomer ape game
>literally the best selling game on the best selling console of all time
>GTA is probably the best game to compare BoTW with honestly. Only other game I think of that gives you a similar amount of freedom and invests a lot into making the setting feel real and making it highly interactive.
Not really. It doesn't even come close to BotW.
>BotWcucks spamming because someone said something bad about their game
This will never not be hilarious.
>bait Yea Forums by posting false things about a garbage game
>Yea Forums falls for it everytime
imagine being such an unironic botw cuck that you mistake shitposts about your game as facts
>Not really. It doesn't even come close to BotW.
>GTA: San Andreas is the best-selling PlayStation 2 game of all time, with a massive 17.33 million copies sold.
Damn, I guess no one cared. :(
Which 3D Zelda do you think is better?
>he says as he posts the worst version of Zelda
Shame that the best Princess Zelda is stuck in a DS game while triple A gives us literal tripe.
Witcher 3. Next.
Awful taste.
Also Witcher 2.
Seething low-test faggot.
I know you're just baiting but honestly this is pretty interesting I never really thought about it before but I think the comparison really works. Skyrim/Fallout/Witcher shit is not comparable they don't even try to do the same thing.
BoTW is wilderness GTA with less crime/violence
It feels so good to have better taste then fags who rely on fanart to make up for BotW Zelda’s mediocrity. :)
She literally looks like an orc, you need a reality check.
>posts toon shit
Comparing San Andreas to BotW completely misses the point of what BotW brought to the table. San Andreas merely expanded upon the GTA formula by offering more things to do within the same basic mechanical framework. It was simply iterative. BotW completely turned the genre on its head and revolutionized it by changing the way the open world formula had been approached by Western developers like Rockstar for so long. You don't understand good game design at all.
On phone, on the computer, your taste is shit. :DD
Forgettable as fuck desu, Zelda is once again the worst girl in her game. Thank fuck Aonuma included Riju and Urbosa.
>Go to one of millions of '?'s on the map
>Bandit camp, clear it and get shit look
>Next one
>Monster Nest, Clear it and blow it up
>Next one
>Bandit camp, clear it and get shit loot
>Next one
>"Oh a treasure hunt, that's interesting"
>Nevermind this isn't interesting
>Find it, Next one
>Oh an actual sidequest, this is interesting
>You know what fuck this I'm just going to do the main quest
This isn't even taking into account quest markers which politely leave a mindless dotted line for you to follow. The NPCs don't even give you dialogue to play the game without the markers ("It's up over that hill", they say every fucking time), the world design is too shit to point you in the right direction naturally, because that requires actually being good at world design.
The writing, voice acting, and absurd amount of content there is are the only three things Witcher 3 has over Breath of the Wild, and the last one ends up being a horrible slog.
Oh, there's also Gwent. That's pretty fun, though I found it horribly overrated considering fans of it were telling me it was the second coming of christ before I started up Witcher 3.
Nah, I don't like toon shit.
They're closer to each other than any other open world games is what I'm saying bud.
You can stop posting anytime, you've already asserted your homosexuality enough.
>Haven't played it yet.
>Don't intend to.
Feels good being an adult.
he said "better open world game" not "best game of the 2010s"
Except they're not. BotW is in a league of its own. They shouldn't even be compared because they set out to achieve completely different things.
ok bud
Does it also feel good being a fucking homo
Dark Souls is overrated trash with a community comprised mostly of memeing redditors.
>h-homo! D:
Lel you knows it true faggot. BRAP memes and shitty fanart are the only things making Zelda memorable.
Right? It's popular because it's good. You only claim to dislike it because you think it makes you look cool.
Don’t matter, your taste is trash :P
I still have never played it, to be honest.
>BotW is wilderness GTA with less crime/violence
Which GTA game would you recommend if I enjoyed BotW?
SA, Los Angeles/Santos is a concert jungle.
and zelda isn't?
You like BotW Zelda so clearly it is mate.
all the GTA games are pretty similar, any of them really.
Bring proof.
Yeah exactly, Zora seems to be the first intended dungeon but I went with the Rito dungeon since I was already over there and a friend said the skill was really useful. Just wish there were more dungeons like Hyrule Castle, I'm sad we don't have a quick follow up sequel like Majora's Mask back in the day.
I mean you're wrong but ok
Yah. Worst main character in the cast, surprising considering how awful Mipha and Paya were. Her dub was hilarious too.
I’mma go out on a limb and say there’s a bigger fandom in reddit for Zelda due to it being around longer and because redditors are massive nostalgicucks
What a pathetic life you must have. A video game is the worst thing to happen to you? Go outside, make friends, get a job, maybe find a boyfriend?. Why are you even here anymore?
It's the only game in a long while that made me feel I was actually going on an adventure. Every other open world game feels like a god damn checklist in comparison, not a grand epic exploration. Breath of the Wild only became a checklist like 70 hours in when I had to track down the last 15 or so shrines.
A game hasn't made me feel that way since Vanilla WoW, and that was mostly due to me still being young and having no idea what I was doing.
>can’t even refute
>It's the only game in a long while that made me feel I was actually going on an adventure.
Reddit as fuck, it’s a goddamn video game not a hike near the Grand Canyon.
Well, I'm playing it in Japanese for the time time, so that's something.
>TFW not a contrarian and can enjoy a games no matter how popular they are
Feels pretty nice, man.
Remember playing this then makes me feel good about games in general, but I have no interest in replaying it for the foreseeable future.
The first time i played it i stopped after 1 hour. That shit is boring as fuck.
>I never played BotW for the 1st time
Redditors are in all likelihood probably pissed at Zelda for not being inclusive and making Link a girl in BotW. Also nostalgiafags hate BotW for deviating from the formula so much.
I've wanted to see a female Link for around 15 years, but that's just because I could fap to her. As it is, I ended up fapping to BOTW Link, so I guess it doesn't matter anymore.
Not a great game 2bh. Weapon durability is bullshit. The fact that you can even use fucking rare weapons more than 20 fucking times before they break is gay. An entire fucking cast of creatures built up over the years, and the only things you fight most of the time are slime spawns, bokoblins and stalfos bokoblin spawns. Moblins have a retarded design as to wizzrobes. NO fucking darknuts? Tektites? Leevers? ANYthing? Octoroks are just retarded turrets. Hinox and the retarded boulder golems can be easily cheesed, same with divine beast bosses. Only worthwhile enemy in the entire game are the fucking lynel. SAD!!!
Check the reddit numbers, I’m sure I’m right tho.
i completely agree. only a small amount of us realize it
I know they went with humanoid enemies because they had to resupply weapons but they still could've added Armos and Darknuts or even those wolf things with boomerangs from the first game
I really, really enjoyed BOTW and I'm enjoying my second playthrough too, but yeah, I agree on the weapon durability and lack of enemy variety. The only good thing to come out of weapon durability is it forced me to use everything, but I still don't like it, and I don't like that nothing lasts that long, and that even the goddamn Master Sword needs to take naps now and then. Really don't know what happened with the enemy variety. Hopefully the next one improves in those areas.
>muh weapon durability
How to spot a brainlet that completely misses the point, likely watches Jim "literal semen-eating cuck" Sterling
>the point
It's a shit mechanic. Fuck yourself.
It's not, and you're a retard for not being able to grasp why that is.
>implying I didn't wait 2 years to go back to it
It's basically new to me, I can't remember the world layout. I'm doing the same with Red Dead Redemption 2, except maybe a little shorter
Playing this game for the first time was honestly amazing, but once I fully learned how the game worked it got pretty stale for me. Fumbling around the map just exploring and accidentally finding the Gerudo Town and doing that Divine Beast were the best hours I've had in a Zelda game.
Not that guy but Witcher 3 is probably a better open world game overall. And I love Zelda. BOTW lacks character moments, which Witcher has plenty off. Not gonna bother greentexting your beloved open world zelda.
Biggest letdown in this game are the side-quests and "rewards" which usually amount to stupidly low rupee sums.
Really? Getting all those cucoos in kakariko gives me 50 rupees? thats ONE HALF gourmet meat.
Same exact thing with me. I meant to do it a year ago, but I ended up getting distracted. Having a good time.
Witcher 3 has the better quests and overall writing, though I enjoy the actual world of BOTW more for the mechanics, little touches, actually being able to climb, and the visual variety. As much as I liked the Witcher 3, so many areas looked the same.
I think the problem here is that you don't want to actually play a game where the developers have high expectations about your ability to have fun and go on an adventure without being hand-held the entire time through. This is why you prefer shit games that constantly bombard you with help and directions like Witcher 3.
I will, actually. Being a poorfag I haven't been able to buy a Switch
that doesn't make any sense and you are missing the point entirely. It's not about witcher sense AT ALL. And it doesn't matter where you go in botw, since the entire game is plastered with samey camps and physic shrines. Only meaningful exception being the master sword.
It was a good sleeping aid after work. I was glad it was over desu when I found it never changed. I was even sad that the dungeons were all the same, saying to myself "maybe the next one will be a real dungeon". Aw well.
Imagine being this much of a Nintendo shill
BOTW autism is pretty concentrated. General Switch related autism is a few dedicated Nintendo weirdos in general.
If you're going to shill for a game dev it might as well be for one like Nintendo that actually makes games worth playing instead of AAA cinematic trash
Tried playing through it on both systems but I dropped it at around the same point both times.
I wish they'd hire somebody who develops video games.
What was the point of Zelda's failed arc anyway? She just magically gains the plot armor powers at the end anyway, instead of using her strengths (that apparently being the ability to shadow Hyrule's R&D and pretend she's the head honcho).
Fuck those memories. What a waste of time.
So are you saying that a video game can't make you feel that way, or that it's bad if a game makes you feel that way?
>you will never have to play breath of the wasteland ever again
thank jesus
>bought it
>played 2 hours
>never went back to it again
I can't be mad that low iq scum love this, modern slaves.
Where are all of the enemies?
Actually I AM playing it for the first time right now. I just met that loli researcher. Pic related.
Good, I never want to see another shrine, korok, or bokoblin encampment as long as I live. Make a majora's mask esque sequel with an actually interesting story and setting and then I'll lament only being able to play it for the first time once.
My Hylian
i tried getting into it at least 7 or 8 different times with no success
He said it was the most disappointing thing, not the worst thing
Would I enjoy this game if I absolutely hate puzzles?
Why make a world so big and fill it with the most boringest traversal methods?
I'm confusion.
Why come Nintendo can't into AAA action combat? Who are they competing against with this unengaging crap? Focus Home Interactive?
Hire some new blood, my fucking God.
>Would I enjoy this game if I absolutely hate puzzles
I dunno, you can play the game however you want and you're not forced to do anything. Most of the puzzles are optional and the cool thing is that they have multiple solutions based on your resources and wits.
Yeah Nintendo must look at all the rave reviews and awards and wonder where they fucked up.
First chunk of the game is amazing
Everything that comes after is boring and samey
Didn't even have the drive to finish the last Divine Beast
I love this pasta. Because its true.
just keep in mind that this piece of shit game managed to get goty
These games always get rave reviews, rather inexplicably I might add.
What's your point?
The combats the worst in the market and the world is needlessly big while not utilizing its attempted scale as well as what it obviously was trying to ape (Xenoblade, Skyrim).
For fucks sake Aonuma even directly quoted the latter in reference to the city designs, and they ended up making such lackluster villages/domains that they made Todd's team look like they chiseled David.
It's the skyrim effect, it was amazing when it first came out but now it is too much of a good thing because we put too many hours into it. We all got burnt out and now skyrim is garbage.
Same with BOTW, I have put a good 200+ hours into it, and now it is a chore to play because I have done it all.
>you will never get to play Breath of the Wild for the first time ever again
I know. But I still have the memories.
The hyperbol is tiresome.
>The combats the worst in the market
Yawn. No. The combat is fine. Its bot the focus of the game but its still deep enough to offer a satisfying amount of options for the player without it ever overshadowing what the core of the game is about. Please stop talking shit.
>the world is needlessly big while not utilizing its attempted scale as well as what it obviously was trying to ape (Xenoblade, Skyrim).
lol wut? There is NO other video game which can compete with BotW's overworld exploration and sense of agency.
Stop being upset because Nintendo made a good game. You're sure as fuck not going to convince me.
>The combats the worst in the market
It's literally the best combat in an open-world game barring pseudo-open-world (MGSV, Nier: Autotomato, etc.)
Because the Switch contains less processing power than some fridges.
Sitting out on my back porch during the warm summer of '17, playing BotW and watching the sunset with an ice-cold beer is one of my most cherished gaming experiences.
>The combat is fine
This is your 9.7/10, a core mechanic is just fine.
Nice to see your standards are lower than fucking dinosaur bones, right next to your intelligence quotient.
>There is NO other video game which can compete with BotW's overworld exploration and sense of agency.
of course there are, in the same fucking series in fact. There's nothing here that's any better than ALTTP, just now with 300% more pissing about because of what? The needless breadth of the "wild", an awkwardly tame wild at that.
>I'll narrow the field by implying the design of the overworld has an arbitrary impact on why the combat is fuckig shit
It's an Action-Adventure game you cock, and it's got even worse combat than The Witcher 3. See the aforementioned, adding in shitloads of space between A and B so you can call yourself an increasingly vague "Open World" game doesn't magically fucking change the core design. BotW isn't some genre-hopping iteration in the franchise, it's just another lazy project that moved sideways with its establised formula to show that it's different and experimental, by incidentally doing what everybody's mother's boyfriend is doing, while failing to keep up with the core design elements that make the series what it is, I.E. COMBAT or PUZZLES
i don't have the time or willpower to invest in playing yet anouther soulless open world RPG. Glad at least somebody wants to play them though.
modded skyrims combat is much better.
Combat isn't what the game is about. Like crying about the gunplay in Metroid Prime.
Also, I've noticed that it tends to be braindead button-mashing morons who complain about BotW's combat.
>There's nothing here that's any better than ALTTP
Comparing 2D to 3D. This is how I know you're a fucking retard.
It makes Cuckstarfags seethe every time, without fail
Combat is "fine" in Dark Souls and that's still an amazing game. Fuck off.
Dark Souls really isn't that great. Possibly the most overrated series of the decade.
>It's an Action-Adventure game you cock
Yes, and it's also open world. More 'complex' combat often just results in glitchy and janky scenarios because that kind of combat isn't suited for wildly varying terrain, AI that can traverse said terrain, AI that can be pulled any distance, interactions with physics/chemistry, etc. Ignore all that and you get something like Witcher 3, which definetly does NOT have better combat than BotW and I don't know why you'd choose that hill to die on of all things. And you berate the game for not 'keeping up with the core design elements combat and puzzles' when BotW has both of those in spades relative to the rest of the series.
Oh, and open world also has the problem of difficulty. Not only in that the player can go to most areas regardless of their current 'level' but also in that you can't really control what order they might encounter enemies in. If you're going to argue that having an open-world map doesn't affect the combat you're being intentionally ignorant.
Can anything top BotW this gen?
Standards everybody
he was saying you should go back to posting on reddit you stupid faggot
I was so excited for this game that I got a switch for it. Found out it was assassin's creed: hyrule edition...never touched it again, still have it tho.
>Found out it was assassin's creed: hyrule edition
Why you talkin' shit tho bro?
Yeah, it's a shame they didn't recycle the engine.
A proper dungeon-focused Zelda game with the physics and combat systems of BotW would be really enjoyable.
I'm not sure why Nintendo hasn't made a direct sequel other than Splat2n recently. MM, SMG2, and MP2 were all fantastic games that didn't feel too repetitive.
We've somehow gotten to a point where companies are more willing to shit out remasters than rehashes. It's awful.