Imagine having such a boring lack luster life you spend your last days playing fucking vidya of all things

imagine having such a boring lack luster life you spend your last days playing fucking vidya of all things

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You could die tomorrow, then you would have spent your last days making shitty threads on Yea Forums.

better than playing a dead end game like animal crossing

>implying going to BINGO, playing the slots, or scrapbooking would be better

At least she had fun.

so user what do you want to do as a hobby when you are retired from paid work as a 60 year old for a 20 year old shitskin

or you could waste your youth playing games?

Easy to say when you're not 87 we don't know what it feels like falling apart like that playing games is probably good for the brain at that age

Most of those old fucks spend their time on even worse things.

Unless you have a constructive hobby, you're just taking up space and waiting to die. May as well spend your final days on videogames.

not this

you fucking retard, at that age your brain is falling apart, your friends and most of your loved ones you met in your life are dead. Its insane and depressive. Go fuck yourself.

what a basedboy

Gardening, cooking, DIY projects, music.

the only point of life is to transcend suffering until you die anyway

I'm on my way to make the next few days your last ones you boring lack luster shitstain, do NOT disrespect nana

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Remind that games as a service are meant to screw you over. In reality they are service as a game.

My wife's grandmother watches TV 24/7, my grandmother used to do the same.

I guarantee you’re not going to have the strength or energy to do any of those things when you’re 87 years old.

If you hte videogames so much why are you here?
Let the old lady have fun for fucks sake.
Also this, playing vidya at old age keeps them mentally active and helps them with memory problems and stuff.

What do old people do anyway? they're too old to travel around the world,do sports or anything that requires you to have a somewhat healthy body.
I mean playing vidya isn't that different than sitting around watching tv and talking about the good old days.

hoy about your own son and grandchilds? i mean i guess that if you have kids then you aren't that alone when you're old.

Hah are you underage?
Life gets boring by 27.

what a dumb bitch fucking lmao

What annoys me is this dude is exploiting his grandmother for views and money, I guarantee she did not receive a cent of the ad revenue. He’s also using a scummy click baity title.

I just tought about something.
When we are all old, will our generation be the autistic one who watches animu and plays vidya at 80?
i could see some 80 year old weeb watching the latest anime.
I'm on my way to my 30's and i don't really feel tired of games,comics and stuff that i liked as a teen, i do find other things enjoyable but i still like them.

Unless you already do all that now you're not gonna do any of that when you retire lol

>old woman who can probably barely move around anymore finding joy in video games rather than just sitting around waiting to die like most everyone she knows already has
>somehow a bad thing

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I remember when this guy would regularly stream old horror ovas with some Yea Forums and /x/ bros. Good times spent on that stream channel.

I know several 85+ year olds who do.
Granted they're slow as fuck, but the ones who do nothing, quickly mentally and physically slough then die.
Anyway hopefully they'll have cured all this aging shit but the time we're old. What a terrible way to live.

Doing all that now.

I genuinely hate you OP

OP is retarded.

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What do think you'll be doing at 87? Kill yourself faggot. You'll probably die from loneliness 30 years younger.

>Yea Forums hates people who play videogames
Of course

>lying about having hobbies on an anonymous imageboard

God you're a pathetic fucking faggot. Why are you even on this board?
You're worse than Fortnite kiddies because you think you're any better. Fuck you

Imagine being such a cunt that you rag on an 87 year old woman for playing video games. The woman has a full progeny of children and grandchildren and is looked after by her family.

At the trajectory of your attitude, you will die alone.

We're all taking up space and waiting to die my friend. You're woodworking interest makes you no better.

this thread was an experiment to find out how many redditfags are on Yea Forums and all i can say is you moralfags sure do come out the woodwork

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I honestly don't want to live past 60. Every year your physical and mental faculties degrade until you kick the bucket. That shit seems fucking awful.

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My grandma sleeps until 2, then watches whatever is on the low-number channels until going to bed at 10.


How is that any better?

really? phew, I'm thankful for the 5 years I have left, never expected this much tee bee eight

When I go old I'm going to fuck some 18 year old bitches and impregnate them accidentally with my old and worn out seed.

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OP is certainly a faggot regardless of your gay falseflaggotry

>animal crossing
god i fucking hate women

>le internet hate machine xDD
Yeah nah fuck off cunt. Take your 2005 Yea Forums nostalgia and fuck off.

call you grandma RIGHT NOW and tell her you love her.

That seems like a boring life,sadly.
Why don't you do it right now? when you're old you wont be able to get it up, also what 18 year old would fuck an old fat neckbeard who still faps to japanese doujins?

>redditfags seething I exposed them

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You can still be very healthy and active past 60 if you take care of yourself. Yes it definitely gets harder but regular exercise will stimulate your mind and body and keep you feeling good into your later years until you eventually become useless around 80.

The issue right now is that the elderly are too old to learn how to use computers, so they're stuck with TV and the newspaper.
I'm certain many old men would love to just read comic books all day, but they can't find any.
But we'll already know how to use the internet. I think we'll likely be less miserable into old age than those around now. Vidya until death can only be better than TV.


why limit it to 18, as a dirty old man (at age 70+) you should be seeking to pass onto even younger


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>Do it now

>When I live with my fucking parents
>Have a shit job
>Ugly as fuck
>And care too much about fucking up everything that I'm a loser who doesn't make a move.

I know what it’s like to have your body fall apart on you, it fucking sucks. Even simple tasks become difficult and makes you less likely to want to do them. While yes regular exercise can help prevent/delay it that’s not always an option. People saying “lol just do gardening” to someone who probably can’t even get on their knees or bend over without falling is retarded.

If you diet and exercise you might make it to the singularity


Then what makes you think that you can do it when you're old, if anything you have more chances to get laid right now.

I bet all anime when I'm 80 will be CG.

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So this is the power of..... America....


>Have hemmeroids at age 19

>They keep fcuking coming back because I lift weights alot

> Doctor told me they're lifelong


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You ever see an old person and think about just fucking punching them in the side of the head? I feel like they'd deform like a rotten gourd. Something about how frail they look is annoying.
Another thing that really fucking annoys me about old people is how some of their heads seem to wobble uncontrollably. What is up with that, anyway?

Gunpla duh

I’m seething because I’ve been on this shithole for 15 years, probably when you were three years old, being a bumbling idiot and assuming Yea Forums is/was as edgy as Yea Forums, and also failing to realize were fully grown adults now and not degenerates in their teens fixing to shit on old people for their hobbies.

I’m seething because you’re a literal newfag.

30 y/o boomer, here. The only time I regret is all the time I spent fapping. The time I spent on vidya doesn't really weigh on me.

I'm not him, but I'd call advanced cooking a hobby. There's regular ol' cooking for your everyday meals, and then there's the art of cooking.

No young girls are going to want to fuck your old saggy ass unless you have ridiculous grandpa game and are still reasonably attractive.

Side note, my professor is in his early 70's and was fucking a 23 year old for awhile recently but he was one of those rare cases where he's still in good shape, has sharp mental faculties and is a good talker. If you don't have all three of those things now you almost definitely won't when you're 70.

nice redditspacing dumbfuck keep dancing for me i want to hear more fake stories about how you were here for so long

He didn't say anything about what the girls want.

no nigga its 12:30 am grandmas are asleep

Eat fiber

Probably, but by the time you're 80 i'm sure that CG would look so good that you can't tell if its 2d or 3d, think about how fighterz looks 2d at times, but now improve it by a lot, then yu would have anime that never gets shitty animation frames and consistent quality.

whatever man, with that mentality you wont ever get laid nor be happy, hell, you might kill yourself since you're the definition of INCEL.

No you're just a psychopath you probably want to punch kittens and babies too

>Reddit spacing
Nice myth, fag

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No, doctor, just old people.

Had a pedestrian accident at age 25, and now it is 5 surgeries and almost 7 years later and I feel like I've overcome most forms of pain. I live in chronic agony daily, and yet I'm finally starting to turn my life around and be happy again. My maturity has been placed on an accelerated track, so I wonder what it will be like to have everything figured out in my late 40s.

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Pffft. She's got more dedication than any of you ever had.

Props to granny.

you're just an autist

I don't believe the singularity will happen this century but I would love to be wrong.

Imagine surviving enough to be an old man just to get killed by some autistic kid.

That fag was right though. The feeling of inferiority only grows as you age unless you work really hard at it, and judging by your "I'll do it when I'm older and suddenly not a fuckup mentality.", it isn't gonna turn around for you.

epic reddit screencaps


I'd probably become a serial killer for the challenge
see how many I can kill and how long I can keep it going.
Gonna have to decide on a gimmick that won't require me to kill frequently though so I can go cold if the the heat is high

Sounds boring

caught u

Fuck will that work?

I like to imagine the frustration of global elites knowing that they die on the cusp of the singularity.

This guy knows what's up

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God you sound like my emo friend who does all that shit. No wonder he turned gay.

>Literally bakes me cookies when we hang out

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Just maneuver them behind your sphincter. That's what I did.

And what exactly is wrong with that?

When a guy friend bakes you cookies, like many other signs, it means he wants to suck your cock.

Still haven't answered the question.

Fuck off schizo

It's just fucking stupid man. I mean dude buy some fucking chips or some pizza not tell me you're going to have some delicious cake ready in an hour and then tell me that you need to pick up raisins and cherries for another recipe you're going to make.

>Not eating your twink bffs lovingly made, delicious cum cookies

>I want to eat shitty processed foods instead of quality home made cooking
You're a fucking idiot either way, homosexuality be damned.

it's not a schizo thing if you're only doing it because you're retired and bored

retired and bored and looking for a challenge*

My dad is 62 and he's fine. His parents were fine until about 85, then they seemed noticeably older/slower. 60 is nothing. But I agree with your sentiment, and I certainly don't want to be in and out of hospitals all the time because of a broken hip, and having to take all sorts of medication. I'll kill myself at the first sign of that happening.


I'm not gay man. I just don't give a fuck about baking and shit. Only time I love it is when he makes some hamburgers or BBQ.

People want immortality but I just want a reset.

Have a scientist just reboot me into a new body with no memories of my past self.

Kinda of like reincarnation except you can control it.

I drink Metamucil Daily.

Don't buy the digusting orange flavored metmucil.

Get Metamucil Original Coarse Fiber

Do your hemmeroids come back though? If not I'll try that!

I know this whole thread is bait, but I really hate you people.

Based. Fuck living a "meaningful" life. We're all gonna be dust and in 3,000 years or so there will be no one to remember anyone. Do what you enjoy.

imagine having such a boring lack luster life you spend your last days shitposting on Yea Forums

I think the funniest thing about this thread is that everybody here thinks they are even gonna live past 40.
>implying you will all live due to your unhealthy living habits
>implying some of you won't just off yourselves

Just curious but why fantasize and desire that?
Hasn't it occured to you that maybe you wouldn't
like solely because some boomer wanted to use you for some pretentious sense of sport?

Playing video games at ANY age is a fucking waste of time. Everything people do is a fucking waste of time. If you smoke weed, drink, have a girlfriend solely for sex/companionship, masturbate, surf the internet for non educated purposes, and playing video games then you already lost the game of life.

You have a really nice friend desu, I wish somebody other than my mother cared enough about me to do that.

Subjective;y objectively in a subjective objective way,
there's really no standard to what is a waste of time except to the eye of the beholder.
Do you have an argument to fight back against my brilliant subjective objectism?

You don't know what it's like to be old
If anything it's best to play vidya when you're old rather than young
When you're young you have a great body that can do literally anything but when you're old things like vidya are about all you can do comfortably
Someone who is 87 right now didn't even have vidya for most of their life and they were probably doing way more stuff when they were young making proper use of their more able body
I don't see how you can laugh at them for doing things in a way that makes sense while you're the one doing the opposite wasting your spry young body playing vidya when it's capable of so much more

If that's her at 87 in the pic then she looks pretty good for her age

Please suck his cock for me OP
He sounds like a very sweet boy
He just wants to make you happy ;)

Imagine being a retarded underage poster on here who should fuck off back to reddıt

I don't, because nothing matters and will never matter. I mean I am shitposting at 1:31 AM on a Cantonese shadow puppet forum after all.

>he says
>on the videogames board
You fucking irony tourists need to die.

Have you told him this? He probably wants you to fuck him really hard in the ass so he will probably listen to what you have to say. That or help him get a boyfriend so he can stop hitting on you with his faggot cum cookies.

Yeah you're just taking a break to be a dumb faggot on Yea Forums lmao
who do you think you're fooling you sad fuck

We're just good friends user. He knows I have a girlfriend. If we weren't I wouldn't go over to his apartment and play Vidya and talk about random shit. He's just a really nice person.

You've jacked off to too much porn that it has distorted your perception of reality.

imagine going after an sweet ol' grandma

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my grandma got diagnosed with lung cancer right after she got out of surgery for a stroke (had a full recovery)
she never had any problems before, but isn't even a smoker so i'm in such grief

she's the only person in my family i never hated and one of the generous people i know

what can i even do Yea Forums